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Объявления о конференциях

Call for Papers **** Intention to Submit Deadline Approaching ****

Constraints Journal
Special Issue on Abstraction and Automation in Constraint Modelling

Guest Editors

+ Alan M Frisch, University of York, UK.
+ Ian Miguel, University of St Andrews, UK.


Constraint Programming (CP) is a powerful technology that has been
successfully used for tackling a wide range of real-life, complex
applications. To solve a problem with CP it first needs to be modelled
by a set of constraints that must be satisfied by any solution.
Because formulating such a model, and especially formulating one that
is solvable in practice, is often difficult, CP technology is
currently accessible to only a small number of experts. For CP to be
more widely used by non-experts, more research effort is needed in
order to ease the use of CP technology.

One way of improving usability is by extending CP technology to enable
models to be formulated at a higher level of abstraction. For
instance, support for set variables (variables whose domain values are
sets) in many constraint languages and solvers has abstracted away
from the low-level details of how the set variable is represented; the
user no longer needs to know these details. However, variables that
take certain other types of values, such as functions and relations,
are not yet supported directly by constraint solvers. In this case,
the abstract variable can be refined into a representation that
comprises a set of more primitive variables and a collection of
constraints among them. In order to avoid forcing the user to perform
this step manually, automated refinement is a key goal.

Automation can also aid the modelling process by transforming a
constraint model into one that can be solved more effectively.  Such
transformations include adding implied constraints, adding
symmetry-breaking constraints, adding constraints to exploit
dominances in optimisation problems, removing propagation-redundant
constraints and creating relaxed versions of the initial problem.

This special issue is devoted to the development and use of
abstraction and automation facilities in constraint modelling.
We invite submissions from interested authors in this
challenging and important area.

Topics of Interest include, but are not limited to:

+ The use of abstraction facilities in formulating models.
+ Abstraction in constraint languages.
+ Abstract variable domains.
+ Abstraction in search control.
+ Automated refinement.
+ Automated generation of implied constraints.
+ Automated generation of symmetry-breaking constraints.
+ Automated generation of constraints to exploit dominances.
+ Automated generation of relaxations.

Paper Submission

Researchers are invited to submit original papers that make a
significant contribution to the field to ianm at cs dot st-and dot ac dot uk. (Note
that the usual on-line submission procedure for the Constraints
journal will not be followed initially for the Special Issue). All
submissions should be in .pdf format and follow Constraints Journal
guidelines. Papers of at most 30 journal pages are preferred.

When submitting, please use the subject "Constraints Special Issue
Paper Submission" and clearly specify the e-mail address and phone
number of the corresponding author. Receipt of papers will be
acknowledged. Submissions will be reviewed by at least two
reviewers. All accepted papers will meet the usual high-quality
standards of the Constraints Journal.

Authors intending to submit should send an expression of interest
(including a provisional title, list of authors and a few sentences
outlining the topic of the paper) to ianm at cs dot st-and dot ac dot uk by May 1st, 2007.

Important Dates

Expression of interest: May 1st, 2007
Submission of papers: July 1st, 2007
Notification of acceptance: October 1st, 2007
Final versions of accepted papers: Dec 1st, 2007.
Expected publication of the special Issue: 2nd issue of 2008 (Apr 1st).

Important Links

*  Special issue home page: http://www.cs.st-andrews.ac.uk/~ianm/ModellingSpecialIssue.html
*  Constraints journal home page:
*  Guidelines for authors:

International Conference on Rings and Things

Dedicated to Carl Faith on his 80th birthday and Barbara Osofsky on her 70th birthday

June 15-17, 2007

Ohio University, Zanesville Campus

Supported by:

National Security Agency, Center of Ring Theory and Applications at Ohio University, and Ohio University regional campuses at Chillicothe, Lancaster, and Zanesville

Invited Speakers include:

        Victor P. Camillo (University of Iowa, USA)
        Alberto Facchini (University of Padova, Italy)
        Kent R. Fuller (University of Iowa, USA)
        Jose Luis Gomez Pardo (University de Santiago de Compostela, Spain)
        Charudatta Hajarnavis (University of Warwick, UK)
        Birge Huisgen-Zimmermann (University of California Santa Barbara, USA)
        T.Y. Lam (University of California Berkeley, USA)
        Patrick F. Smith (University of Glasgow, UK)
        Agata Smoktunowicz (The University of Edinburgh, UK)
        Jan Trlifaj (Charles University, Czech Republic)
        Robert Wisbauer (University of Dusseldorf, Germany)

The conference will also have contributed talks. The main topics covered at the conference include Structure Theory of Rings and Modules, Representation Theory, and Group Rings, among others.

American Mathematical Society has given provisional approval to publish the proceedings of the conference in the Contemporary Mathematics Series. The deadline for submitting the articles for the proceedings is December 15, 2007.

For registration, submission of an abstract, and other information, please go to


Deadline for submitting abstract: April 30, 2007

Organizing Committee:

Nguyen Viet Dung, Ohio University, Zanesville Campus
Franco Guerriero, Ohio University, Lancaster Campus
Lakhdar Hammoudi, Ohio University, Chillicothe Campus
Pramod Kanwar (Coordinator), Ohio University, Zanesville Campus

We invite you to participate in the

                 British Combinatorial Conference

              8-13 July, 2007, University of Reading


Deadline for registration and submission of abstracts for contributed talks is 8 June 2007.

Béla Bollobás (University of Cambridge and University of Memphis)
Richard A. Brualdi (University of Wisconsin)
Darryn Bryant (University of Queensland)
Maria Chudnovsky (Princeton University)
Mike Grannell and Terry Griggs (Open University)
Johan Håstad (Royal Institute of Technology Stockholm)
James Hirschfeld (University of Sussex)
Keith Martin (Royal Holloway, University of London)
Stéphan Thomassé (LIRMM, Université Montpellier II)


We invite submission of abstracts of talks to be presented at the workshop.
Deadline for submission of abstracts: 8 June 2005.
Papers based on contributed talks may be submitted to a special issue of Discrete Mathematics.

See http://www.personal.rdg.ac.uk/~smx05mj/bcc2007/ for all submission details.

I am organizing a short course for graduates called 'Asymptotic methods in
infinite group theory'
, to be held in Oxford, 9-14 September 2007.  There will
be three mini-lecture-courses:

Analytic pro-p groups, by Ben Klopsch (RHUL),
Strong approximation methods, by Nikolay Nikolov (Imperial),
Zeta functions, by Marcus du Sautoy (Oxford),

as well as examples classes.

Graduate students registered at a UK university get free board and lodging.
Others are welcome but will have to find their own source of funding.

For more details see


For an application form go to


Applications should be received by 13 July.

Dan Segal

Dear pubbers

This is to let you know about a special session on

  "Group Theory, Actions and Computation"

at the First Joint Meeting of the American and New Zealand Mathematical
Societies, to be held at Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand,
12-15 December 2007.

See the website http://www.mcs.vuw.ac.nz/~mathmeet/amsnzms2007/
for further details.

If you would like to take part and give a talk in this session, please
let either me or Russell Blyth know - or better still, let both of us know! 

We can issue a formal invitation if you need one.

Unfortunately, no financial support is being offered by the sponsoring
organisations for invited speakers for the special sessions.

Registration for this meeting is due by 31st October.  Also lecture
titles and abstracts need to be submitted by 31st October at

Finally, in case you are interested, there's another conference being
held a few days beforehand in Dunedin (in New Zealand's picturesque
South Island), on "Combinatorial Mathematics & Combinatorial Computing",
the week Monday 3rd December to Friday 7th December.
See http://www.cs.otago.ac.nz/staffpriv/mike/ACCMCC32/32ACCMCC.html
for details. The few days in between would be perfect for seeing some
of the great sights of the South Island ... where much of the "Lord of
the Rings" trilogy was filmed.

Best wishes
Marston Conder

С уважением,

Коновалов А.Б.


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