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Система компьютерной алгебры GAP - new conference announcements

Новые объявления о конференциях

Dear Colleagues,
this is the second announcement of the conference

              Advances in Group Theory and Applications 2007

which will take place in Otranto (Lecce) from June 4th to June 8th, 2007.

The list of Invited speakers includes:
Adolfo Ballester-Bolinches (València – Spain)
Carlo Casolo (Firenze - Italy)
Martyn R. Dixon (Alabama – U.S.A.)
Hermann Heineken (Würzburg  - Germany)
David Riley (Western Ontario – Canada)
Aner Shalev (Jerusalem – Israel)
Sudarshan K. Sehgal (Alberta – Canada)
Yaroslav P. Sysak ( Kiev - Ukraine)
Thomas Weigel (Milano - Italy)

The program will include also a limited number of short research
presentations. At this purpose, if you want to give a contribution, please
send by e-mail a TEX-file and a PDF-file of the abstract of your talk within April 28-th.

For more detailed information you can visit the web site of the conference

Please forward this announcement in your group and to people you think interested.

Thank you for cooperation,
Best wishes,

The organizers

   %        European Commission Framework 6 Programme       %
   %         Integrated Infrastructures Initiatives         %
   %                                                        %
   %         Symbolic Computation in Europe (SCIEnce)       %
   %                                                        %
   %                                                        %
   %                                                        %
   %                  June 24 - July 6, 2007                %
   %            RISC, Castle of Hagenberg, Austria          %                                    
   %                                                        %
   % http://www.risc.uni-linz.ac.at/projects/science/school %
   %                                                        %

The Research Institute for Symbolic Computation, Johannes Kepler University of Linz, organizes the the Second Training School in Symbolic Computation in June 24 - July 6, 2007 in the Castle of Hagenberg, Austria.

The school will focus on, but will not be restricted to, applications of symbolic computation in biology. It will provide training in selected symbolic computation software and techniques for students and researchers who would like to use symbolic computation in their work.

Besides the courses and tutorials offered by the school, the participants can attend the tutorials and plenary sessions of the Algebraic Biology 2007 conference.  


  •     Anna Bigatti (University of Genoa, Italy): CoCoA Tutorial.
  •     Ralf Hemmecke (RISC, Austria): Maple Tutorial.
  •     Tudor Jebelean (RISC, Austria): Automated Reasoning.
  •     Bud Mishra (New York University, USA): Title to be announced.
  •     Carolyn L. Talcott (SRI International, USA): Applications of Rewriting Logic in Biology.
  •     Wolfgang Windsteiger (RISC, Austria):  Mathematica Tutorial.
  •     Franz Winkler (RISC, Austria):  Introduction to Gröbner bases and other methods in elimination theory.
  •     Tutorials of the Algebraic Biology 2007 conference:  http://www.risc.uni-linz.ac.at/about/conferences/ab2007/speakers.html


  • April 16, 2007: Deadline for applications.
  • May 7, 2007: Notification.
  • May 14, 2007: Deadline for registration.
  • June 24 - July 6, 2007: Training School. (July 1 - 4: Algebraic Biology 2007)


The following documents should be submitted:

  1. A short curriculum vitae.
  2. An extended abstract of at most 3 pages describing applicant's research where symbolic computation can be (potentially) used.
  3. For students, a document that confirms their student status (a copy of the student card, or a letter from the university) and a recommendation letter from the adviser.

For the details see: http://www.risc.uni-linz.ac.at/projects/science/school/second/application.html

The SCIEnce project offers a limited number of grants to attend the School. Please indicate in your application whether you are applying for the grant.

The SCIEnce grant covers the cost of an economy class travel to the school site and back, accommodations during the school, daily allowance, free registration, and school materials. Besides, the grant for the second training school includes registration for the Algebraic Biology 2007 conference and conference materials.

Participants will be selected by the members of the selection committee from the SCIEnce project.

SCHOOL COORDINATOR:    Temur Kutsia, RISC, Johannes Kepler University, Austria 

Approaching Mathematics Through Algebra
Pontevedra, June 25-29, 2007

It intends to be an interdisciplinary meeting of researchers from different areas
of mathematics who use algebraic tools in their work. There will be three
courses and several conferences. The courses will be of elemental nature being
addressed to predoctoral level students.

Courses given by:
- J. M. Aroca (U. Valladolid)
- R. Moussu (U. Bourgogne, Dijon)
- E. Paul (U. Paul Sabatier, Toulouse)

Invited speakers:
- M. Alberich Carramiñana (U. Politécnica de Cataluña)
- E. García Río (U. Santiago de Compostela)
- J. L. Gómez Pardo (U. Santiago de Compostela)
- D. Marín Pérez (U. Autónoma de Barcelona)

Scientific committee:
- Felipe Cano (U. Valladolid)
- Manuel Ladra (U. Santiago de Compostela)
- Marcel Nicolau (U. Autónoma de Barcelona)

Organising committee:
- Joée Manuel Casas (U. Vigo)
- Nuria Corral (U. Vigo)

Registration: More information will be soon available in the web page: http://webs.uvigo.es/malg2007.
You can also contact the organizers via email.

Please, spread this announcement to your colleagues who possibly could participate in this scientific event.

Dear group pub forum,

There will be a "Com2MaC Conference on Applications of Group Theory to Combinatorics"
 from 9 to 12 July, 2007 at the Combinatorial and Computational Mathematics Center, Pohang University, Korea.

This conference aims to stimulate research and to foster the interaction of researchers in the interface
between Group theory and Combinatorics. The main theme will focus on, but not exclusively,
the applications of Group Theory to Combinatorics.

For more details, please visit:


Best wishes,
Mingyao Xu
(Peking University) 


of the

Conference on
dedicated to the 75th birthday of Béla Csákány

Szeged, Hungary, July 16-20, 2007.

Organized jointly by the Bolyai Institute of the University of Szeged and
 the Szeged Committee of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences

        WWW: http://www.math.u-szeged.hu/confer/algebra/

The conference will start on July 16, Monday morning,
and will conclude on July 20, Friday early afternoon.
The program of the conference will consist of 5 one hour invited
lectures by

    Victor Dalmau (Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Spain)
    Marcin Kozik (Jagiellonian University, Poland
            and Eduard Cech Center, Czech Republic)
    Ralph McKenzie (Vanderbilt University, USA)
    Jaroslav Nesetril (Charles University, Czech Republic)
    Vera Vertesi (Lorand Eotvos University, Hungary)

and numerous 20-minute contributed talks. The lectures will take
place in the building of the Szeged Committee of the
Hungarian Academy of Sciences, located in the center of Szeged.

A booklet with abstracts of the talks presented at the conference will
be prepared and distributed to the participants. Please enter your
abstract on the online registration form, which you can update and
modify later.

All registered participants and accompanying persons are
invited to the banquet of the conference on July 16, Monday
evening, as well as, to a dinner on July 18, Wednesday afternoon.

All participants of the conference are kindly asked to fill out
and submit the online registration form and transfer the registration
fee before June 12, 2007. The registration fee is to be paid by credit
card or bank transfer.

Registration fee:     90 Euros if paid before June 12,
                     120 Euros if paid after June 12.

Registration fee for accompanying person:
                      50 Euros if paid before June 12,
                      60 Euros if paid after June 12.

No registration fee for children 6 years of age or younger.

The fee covers organizational costs (lecture room rental, handouts,
abstracts, etc.), the costs of refreshments and snacks during the breaks,
the banquet and the dinner.

To fill out the online registration form and to pay the registration fee
go to the main page of the conference, click on the registration link,
and follow the instructions. The conference registration fee is
collected by the company C&T Hungary.

We have agreements with four hotels which guarantee conference
participants selected rates on reservations made before June 12, 2007.
For detailed information on accommodation and booking your room, please
visit the main page of the conference and click on the accommodation
link. You can pay both the registration fee and accommodation costs with a
single transaction if you reserve your hotel via the company C&T Hungary.

We can cover the registration fee or accommodation costs for a very limited number of young researchers who
  - have received their Ph.D. degree no more than 5 years ago, and
  - come from a former Eastern European country excluding EU members.
Please inquire about the possibilities by writing by email by May 12, 2007.

Travel information including options of transportation between Budapest and Szeged, is given on the main page of the conference under the travel link.

Please check in time if you need a visa to travel to Hungary.
The list of countries which have an agreement with Hungary on
visa free travel can be found on the home page of the
Hungarian Ministry of Foreign Affairs at

Best regards,

Agnes Szendrei and Miklos Maroti (Organizers)

Parallel Symbolic Computation 2007 (PASCO 2007)

                   July 27-28, 2007 -- London Canada


                         Second Announcement and

                      C A L L   f o r   P A P E R S

  Extended Submission Deadline
  Invited Speakers
  ACM Proceedings


  The pervasive ubiquity of parallel architectures, from SMPs to multi-core
  laptops, has led to a new quest for mathematical algorithms and software
  capable of exploiting these computing resources. Symbolic computation
  offers exciting, but highly complex, challenges to scientists aiming to
  contribute to this quest.

  The goal of the present workshop is to stimulate the development of
  parallel algorithms and software for achieving high performance in symbolic
  computation from grids to home computers. Earlier meetings in this series  
  include PASCO '94 in Linz, Austria and PASCO '97 in Maui, U.S.A.

  PASCO 2007 is affiliated with the 2007 International Symposium on Symbolic
  and Algebraic Computation (ISSAC 2007). Co-located with this workshop will
  be SNC 2007, the 2007 International Workshop on Symbolic-Numeric Computation.
  SNC and PASCO will be held immediately prior to the ISSAC 2007 meeting, both
  at the University of Western Ontario, Canada. ISSAC 2007 will be held nearby
  in Waterloo, Canada.

Invited Speakers:

  The conference is pleased to announce the following invited speakers.

    * Michael A. Bauer, Univ. of Western Ontario
    * Matteo Frigo, Cilk Arts
    * Thierry Gautier, INRIA
    * Anthony D. Kennedy, Edinburg Univ. (Jointly with SNC)
    * Katherine Yelick, Univ. of California at Berkeley

Call for Papers:

  The program of PASCO 2007 will include invited presentations, contributed
  research papers and posters. Specific topics include, but are not limited to:

   * Parallel computer algebra
   * Design of high performance software tools and interfaces
     for exact and approximate procedures
   * Design and analysis of parallel algorithms for algebraic
   * Parallel computing for number theory, geometry, automatic
     theorem proving, combinatorial and discrete methods
   * Distributed data-structures for matrices and polynomials
   * Implementations of solvers on multi-cores, SMPs, clusters,
     supercomputers and grids
   * Interactive parallel symbolic computation
   * Volunteer computing for symbolic problems
   * Applications of parallel symbolic computation

  The conference invites submission of papers presenting original research,
  either in the form of extended abstracts (2 pages) or full papers
  (up to 10 pages) in ACM format.  A LaTeX class file is available at
  http://www.orcca.on.ca/conferences/pasco2007/site/submission/submission.html .
  To submit a paper, visit http://www.easychair.org/PASCO2007.

  Conference proceedings will be published by ACM and also be in the
  ACM Digital Library.  (To do this we have had to revise the due date for
  the camera ready version of accepted articles.)

Important Dates:

  Submission deadline:       April 16, 2007   *** Extended ***
  Notification:              May  13, 2007    *** Revised  ***
  Camera ready version due:  May  27, 2007    *** Revised  ***
  Workshop:                  July 27-28, 2007

Conference Organization:

  Chair:                Marc Moreno Maza
  Local Arrangements:   Eric Schost   
  Proceedings Editor:   Stephen Watt    
  Publicity:            Francois Lemaire
  Administration:       Meg Borthwick

Program Committee:

  Gene Cooperman, Northeastern University, USA
  Jean-Guillaume Dumas, Universite Joseph Fourier, France
  Jean-Charles Faugere, CNRS, France
  Mark Giesbrecht, University of Waterloo, Canada
  Erich Kaltofen, North Carolina State University, USA
  Anton Leykin, University of Minnesota, USA
  Marc Moreno Maza, University of Western Ontario, Canada
  Jean-Louis Roch, Universite Joseph Fourier, France
  David Saunders, University of Delaware, USA
  William Stein, University of Washington, USA
  Carlo Traverso, Universita di Pisa, Italy
  Gilles Villard, CNRS, France


  Support from the following organizations is gratefully acknowledged:

  The Fields Institute for Research in Mathematical Sciences
  The MITACS Network of Centers of Excellence
  The Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada
  The University of Western Ontario
  The Ontario Research Centre for Computer Algebra
  The Shared Hierarchical Academic Research Computing Network


  PASCO 2007  http://www.orcca.on.ca/conferences/pasco2007
  SNC 2007    http://www.orcca.on.ca/conferences/snc2007
  ISSAC 2007  http://www.cs.uwaterloo.ca/conferences/issac2007

  Submission  http://www.easychair.org/PASCO2007

Dear Colleague.

We would like to inform You that the Diffiety Institute (Moscow, Russia,
http://diffiety.ac.ru/), in cooperation with:

--Istituto Italiano per gli Studi Filosofici, Italy, http://www.iisf.it/,
--Dipartimento di Matematica e Informatica, Fisciano (SA), Italy,
--Municipality of Santo Stefano del Sole (AV), Italy,
--Comunità Montana Serinese-Solofrana, Italy,
--Ente Morale S. Vito Martire, Italy,

is organizing the 10th International Summer "DIFFIETY SCHOOL".

The aim of the School is to introduce undergraduate and Ph. D. students in
Mathematics and Physics as well as post-doctoral researchers in a recently
emerged area of Mathematics and  Theoretical Physics called


Secondary Calculus is a natural generalization of the standard Calculus on
smooth manifolds to diffieties, new geometrical objects duly formalizing
the concept of the space of solutions of a system of nonlinear PDEs.  It
has numerous applications in various branches of Pure Mathematics,
Mechanics and Control Theory, Mechanics of Continua Media, Mathematical
and Theoretical Physics.
Importance and complexity of problems  related with nonlinear PDEs
requires a new organization of research in this area based on research
teams like in experimental physics. Diffiety School is a continuos
learning-resarch system aiming to put forward large scale programs in both
theoretical studies of nonlinear PDEs and some their applications.

The School will take place in Santo Stefano del Sole (AV), Italy, from the
18th of July to the 3rd of August, 2007.
This Edition of the School offers courses introducing to advanced topics in

--Differential Calculus over Commutative Algebras,
--Geometry of Nonlinear PDEs.

More detailed information about courses, prerequisites, daily schedule,
accommodation and registration fee can be found on


A color poster of the School can be downloaded (in two different sizes) from


The School is directed by Prof. A. M. Vinogradov and M. Bächtold, C.
Di Pietro, V. Fiore, V. Kalnitsky, M. Langastro, G. Moreno, R. Piscopo, M.
Y. Zvagelsky, V. Vingo, M. M. Vinogradov and L. Vitagliano take part of
the Organizing Committee.
Requests for further information can be mailed directly to organizers.

Hoping that the activities of the Diffiety School might be of some
interest for members and students of Your Department, we would be very
grateful to You for diffusing this information in your departement and
exposing school posters in due places.

Thanking You very much in advance and with best regards

The Organizing Committee of the 10th Diffiety School.

Symbolic-Numeric Computation'07

International Workshop
25 - 27 July 2007
University of Western Ontario


Combinatorics of Arc-Transitive Graphs and Partial Orders

University of Leeds

2-3 August 2007.

There will be a 2-day meeting at the University of Leeds on August 2nd and 3rd 2007, entitled Combinatorics of Arc-Transitive Graphs and Partial Orders. This is supported by the London Mathematical Society. There may be limited grants available to support attendance by UK-based research students. There is a registration fee of £24, for those who register by June 30th, and after that date the registration fee will be £30. Accommodation will be available in Lyddon Hall, on the university campus. Bed and breakfast costs £26 a night, and £36 for ensuite rooms. Cheques should be made payable to the University of Leeds. Please contact J K Truss if you are interested in attending. The following have agreed to speak, and there will also be some shorter invited talks given by research students.

  Robert Gray (University of Leeds)

  Manfred Droste (University of Leipzig) On homogeneous Chu spaces and graphs.

  Simon Smith (Oxford University) The structure of locally finite highly arc-transitive digraphs.

  Daniela Amato ( The Queen's College, Oxford) Infinite primitive highly arc-transitive digraphs.

  Cheryl Praeger (University of Western Australia, Perth)

  Norbert Seifter (Leoben) Reachability relations in transitive digraphs.

  Rögnvaldur G. Möller (University of Iceland) Dynamics of graph automorphisms and metric ends.

Abstract: The behavior of an automorphism of a graph can be described in terms of its action on the end boundary. The definition of an end of a graph can be extended in various ways, for instance there are the concepts of metric ends and also the concept of b-fibers. Various questions and properties of automorphisms will be discussed in relation to these concepts.

This is joint work with Bernhard Kron, The University of Hamburg.

  Nik Ruskuc (University of St Andrews) Endomorphism monoids of graphs and partial orders.

Dear All,  

(Apologies to those receiving multiple copies of this message.)

We are pleased to announce that registration is now open for
the conference in honour of Peter Cameron's 60th birthday, "From
Higman-Sims to Urysohn: a random walk through groups, graphs, designs, and
, to take place August 23rd-26th 2007, in Ambleside, Lake District, UK.

For further details, and to register, please visit the conference webpage:

Best wishes,

Robert Bailey
Dugald Macpherson
Sarah Rees
Leonard Soicher

Call for PapersI-SPAN 2007

The 9th International Symposium on Parallel Architectures, Algorithms and Networks
October 11-13, 2007, Sydney, Australia

Organized by:
School of Information Technologies,
The University of Sydney
URL: http://www.it.usyd.edu.au/~ispan07

Scope of Symposium

The International Symposium on Parallel Architectures, Algorithms,
and Networks (I-SPAN) is a forum for scientists, engineers, and
practitioners throughout the world to exchange ideas and research
results related to the design, use, analysis, and application of
parallel architectures, algorithms, networks, and internet
technology. The first eight symposia were held:

   - I-SPAN '94: in Kanazawa, Japan, on December 14-16, 1994
   - I-SPAN '96: in Beijing, China, on June 12-14, 1996
   - I-SPAN '97: in Taipei, Taiwan, on December 18-20, 1997
   - I-SPAN '99: in Perth/Freemantle, Australia, on June 23-25, 1999
   - I-SPAN 2000: in Dallas/Richardson, Texas, USA, on December 7-9,
   - I-SPAN 2002: in Manila, the Philippines, on May 23-25, 2002
   - I-SPAN 2004: in Hong Kong, China, on May 10-12, 2004
   - I-SPAN 2005: in Las Vegas, USA, on December 7-9, 2005

The ninth I-SPAN symposium will be held in Sydney, Australia, on
October 11-13. I-SPAN 2007 will include keynote addresses, invited/
contributed papers,
workshops, and special sessions on on-going projects on
high-performance computing and/or
communications. The symposium will have five tracks:

Internet Technology and Informatics
Networks and Communications

Relevant topics include (but are not limited to) the following:
Applications of Parallel Processing (including web applications, peer
to peer computing, grid computing and scientific applications)
Bioinformatics and Computational Biology
Compilers and Optimizations for Parallel Processing
Database and Data Mining
Fault Tolerance Issues and Systems
Intelligent Networks
Interconnection Networks
Internet and WWW Measurement, Mapping and Modelling
Internet Technology and Applications
Multicasting and Broadcasting Issues
Multimedia Networking
Network Routing and Communication Algorithms (wired, wireless, ad- hoc, etc.)
Network Security Applications
Parallel and Network Computing and Algorithms
Parallel Architecture and Processing Systems
Scientific and High Performance Computing
Telecommunication Network Design and Optimisation
VLSI Network Design
Wireless Networks and Mobile Computing

Submission Guidelines

Please submit your complete paper(s) to the Program Committee Vice-
Chair (VC) whose track is most relevant to your paper's subject. If
you are not sure or your paper has a cross-track nature, send the
paper to the Program Committee Chair. The paper should not exceed 20
double-spaced pages of text using 12 point size type on 8.5 x 11 inch
pages. Electronic submissions are encouraged and should be sent to
the email address of the VC.

Workshop papers should  be submitted to the individual workshop
organisers. The workshops to be held will be separately advertised
and also listed on the conference web site shortly after March 30.

Electronic submissions must be in the form of a readable PDF or
PostScript file containing the following header information in ASCII
form: title, author name(s), abstract, postal address, e-mail
address, and telephone and fax numbers. The header (in ASCII) should
be followed by the PDF or PostScript version of the complete
manuscript (including title, author's name, affiliation, and
abstract). Authors should make sure that the PDF or PostScript file
will print on a PostScript printer that uses 8.5 x 11 inch letter
size paper.

The results presented in the paper must be unpublished and not
submitted for publication elsewhere, including the proceedings of
other conferences or workshops. One author of each accepted paper will
be expected to present the paper at the conference.

Proceedings will be published by the IEEE Computer Society Press.

Workshop proposals should be submitted to the workshop co-chairs.

Important Dates

Workshop proposal submissions                         March 30, 2007
Deadline for Submission of Papers:             March 30, 2007
Submission of workshop papers                        April 30, 2007
Notification of Acceptance:                         June 5, 2007
Camera Ready Manuscript Due:                         July 5, 2007
Advanced Registration for Authors:             September 14, 2007

Organized by:

    School of Information Technologie
    The University of Sydney

С уважением,

ведущий рассылки Коновалов А.Б.

В избранное