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Система компьютерной алгебры GAP - Symposium: Fundamentals of Computation Theory


 FCT 2007
 16th International Symposium on Fundamentals of  Computation Theory
 Budapest, Hungary
 August 27-30, 2007

 Computer and Automation Research Institute, Hungarian Academy of Sciences
 Department of  Computer Science, University of Szeged

 The Symposium on Fundamentals of Computation Theory was established in
 1977  for researchers interested in all aspects of theoretical computer
 science, in particular in algorithms, complexity, formal and logical
 methods. It is a biennial series of conferences previously held in Poznan
 (1977), Wendisch-Rietz (1979), Szeged (1981), Borgholm (1983), Cottbus
 (1985), Kazan (1987), Szeged (1989), Gosen-Berlin (1991), Szeged (1993),
 Dresden (1995), Kraków (1997), Iasi (1999), Riga (2001), Malmö (2003), and
 Lübeck (2005).

 Authors are invited to submit papers presenting original unpublished
 research in all areas of theoretical computer science.
 Topics of interest include (but not limited to):
  •  automata and formal languages
  • design and analysis of algorithms
  • computational and structural complexity
  • semantics
  • logic, algebra and categories in computer science
  • circuits and networks
  • learning theory
  • specification and verification
  • parallel and distributed systems
  • concurrency theory
  • cryptography and cryptographic protocols
  • approximation and randomized algorithms
  • computational geometry
  • quantum computation and information
  • bio-inspired computation
    Ahmed Bouajjani (Paris, France)
    Oscar H. Ibarra (Santa Barbara, CA, USA)
    László Lovász (Budapest, Hungary)
    Philip Scott (Ottawa, Canada)
    Bogdan Chlebus (Warsaw/Denver, Poland/USA)
    Zoltán Ésik  (Szeged, Hungary)
    Marek Karpinski (Bonn, Germany) - chair
    Andrzej Lingas (Lund, Sweden)
    Miklos Santha (Paris, France)
    Eli Upfal (Providence, RI, USA)
    Ingo Wegener (Dortmund, Germany)
    Jiri Adamek (Braunschweig, Germany)
    Giorgio Ausiello (Rome, Italy)
    Jean Berstel (Marne-la-Vallée, France)
    Flavio Corradini (Camerino, Italy)
    Erzsébet Csuhaj-Varjú (Budapest, Hungary) - co-chair
    Zoltán Ésik  (Szeged, Hungary) - co-chair
    Jozef Gruska (Brno, Czech Republic)
    Masahito Hasegawa (Kyoto, Japan)
    Juraj Hromkovic (Zurich, Switzerland)
    Anna Ingolfsdottir (Reykjavik, Iceland)
    Masami Ito (Kyoto, Japan)
    Frederic Magniez (Paris, France)
    Catuscia Palamidessi (Palaiseau, France)
    Gheorghe Paun (Bucharest/Seville, Romania/Spain)
    Jean-Eric Pin (Paris, France)
    R. Ramanujam (Chennai, India)
    Alexander  Rabinovich (Tel-Aviv, Israel)
    Grzegorz Rozenberg (Leiden, The Netherlands)
    Wojciech Rytter (Warsaw, Poland)
    Arto Salomaa (Turku, Finland)
    David A. Schmidt (Manhattan, KS, USA)
    Alex Simpson (Edinburgh, UK)
    Michael Sipser (Cambridge, MA, USA)
    Colin Stirling (Edinburgh, UK)
    Howard Straubing (Boston, MA, USA)
    György Turán (Chicago, IL, USA)
    Thomas Wilke (Kiel, Germany)
 Authors are invited to submit a draft of a full paper  with at most 12
 pages in LNCS style.
 The paper should provide sufficient detail to allow the Programme Committee
 to evaluate its validity, quality, and relevance. If appropriate, then
 detailed proofs can be attached as an appendix. Simultaneous submission to
 other conferences with published proceedings is not allowed.
 Only electronic submissions are accepted,  PLEASE FOLLOW the INSTRUCTIONS
 on the CONFERENCE WEB SITE: http://www.conferences.hu/fct2007
 Deadline for submissions:       March 5, 2007
 Notification to the authors:      April 20, 2007
 Final version :                        May 20, 2007
 Symposium:                          August 27-30, 2007
 We anticipate that the proceedings will be published in  the Lecture Notes
 in Computer Science series of Springer Verlag, and that
 a special issue of Theoretical Computer Science will be devoted to
 selected papers presented at the conference.

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