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Система компьютерной алгебры GAP - New conferences

Объявления о новых конференциях

Wokshop Announcement

Strasbourg, 10-11 November 2006

Institut de Recherche Mathématique Avancée

Two days on the interaction between operads,
differential geometry, computer sciences, and other topics.

Organizer : Jean-Louis Loday

Wolfgang BERTRAM (U. Nancy)
Pierre-Louis CURIEN (CNRS, U. Paris 7)
Alice FIALOWSKI (Eotvos Lorand U., Budapest)
Michael KINYON (U. of Denver)
Olga KRAVCHENKO (U. Lyon 1)
Muriel LIVERNET (U. Paris XIII)
Claude ROGER (U. Lyon 1)
Michel Van den BERGH (U. Hasselt, Diepenbeek)
Bruno VALLETTE (U. Nice-Sophia-Antipolis)

On the Web site
you will find the titles, the abstracts, a registration
form (including hotel reservation) and all the information
to participate to this Workshop.

Semester program in the

Representation Theory of Finite Groups and Related Topics

at the

Mathematical Sciences Research Institute, Berkeley

January - May,   2008

Organizers: Jonathan Alperin, Michel Broue, Jon Carlson (chair),
Alexander Kleshchev, Jeremy Rickard and Bhama Srinivasan

During the spring semester of 2008, there will be a program on the
Representation Theory of Finite Groups at MSRI in Berkeley. The program
will focus on many areas of representation theory as well as connections
to other subjects such as algebraic topology and the representations of
algebraic groups. It will run concurrently with a program on Combinatorial
Representation Theory. Workshops will focus on major problems in
representation theory as well as applications to other areas of

For more details, see the MSRI web site:


The MSRI web site is now accepting application for membership in the
program. The applications materials can be found on the web site:


The deadlines for applications for Members with Early Consideration is
October 6, 2006. The deadlines for Members and Postdoctoral Fellows is
December 15, 2006.

Second South Pacific Conference on Mathematics (SPCM07),

co-organized by the University of New Caledonia,

the University of the South Pacific (Fiji Islands)
and the University of the French Polynesia (Tahiti)
will take place in Nadi (Fiji) from  29 January to 2 February 2007.

The conference web site is http://www.riemann.usp.ac.fj/~spcm07/

Topics of SPCM07 include
Algebra & Number Theory, Analysis, Combinatorics,           
Control Theory and Dynamical Systems, Numerical Analysis,     
Operations Research, Optimization, Statistics and Topology.
A special session will be devoted to problems of mathematics
education in the South Pacific.

Proceedings of the conference will be published
in the special issue of the
"South Pacific Journal of Natural Sciences".

The deadline for registration is October 15, 2006 and
for abstract submission is October 31, 2006.

You can find further information at
the SPCM07 web site.

Antalya Algebra Days IX
May 22–27, 2007, Antalya (Turkey)

This meeting is organized in memory of Brian Hartley.

Scientific committee: E. Akyıldız, A. Borovik, R. Bryant, J. Hall, O.
Kegel, C. Koç, M. Kuzucuoglu, F. Leinen, V. Mazurov, UF.
Meierfrankenfeld, A. Nesin, D. Passman, P. Rowley, S. Sertöz, P.
Shumyatsky, P. Smith, R. Stohr, S. Thomas, A. Topuzoğlu, A. Zalesskii

Organizing committee: Ayşe Berkman, Otto H. Kegel, M. Kuzucuoglu,
Victor D. Mazurov, David Pierce, Alexandre Zalesskii

All of the following have agreed to speak. More names will be added
later.: A. Borovik, K. Brown, R. Bryant, M. Dixon, R. Grigorchuk, J.
Hall, O. Kegel, M. Kuzucuoğlu, S. Lashkhi, F. Leinen, V. Mazurov, UF.
Meierfrankenfeld, A. Olshanskii, D. Passman, P. Pragacz, P. Rowley, A.
Shalev, P. Shumyatsky, P. Smith, S. Thomas, A. Zalesskii

ERLOGOL-2007: Intermediate problems of Model theory and Universal algebra

June 25 - 30, 2007, Novosibirsk-Altai-Novosibirsk, Russia
Deadline: 1 of March 2007

Contact: Konstantin Ponomarev
Algebra and Logic dep. NSTU,
pr. K.Marx-20
Russia 630092
Phone/Fax: 007-383-3461166/007-383-3460109
[Conference page is under construction]

Topic: The conference take place any odd year from 1995 in the camping
center in Altai mountains. It is devoted to problems of Model theory
and universal algebra. But we shall be glad to meet mathematicians
from any field of algebra and model theory.

Organized by: Novosibirsk State Technical University and Math
Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences

Programme Committee: Co-chairman: prof. Konstantin Ponomarev, prof.
A.G.Pinus, prof. V.D.Mazurov; Secretaries: doc. S.V.Sudoplatov, doc.

Topics in Geometric Group Theory

Conference, 24 - 30 June 2007, Bedlewo (near Poznan), Poland
S. R. Gal, D. Osajda (Wrocław)

Информация на сайте математического центра им. Стефана Банаха:

Groups and their Actions

Conference, 1 - 7 July 2007, Bedlewo (near Poznan), Poland
C. Bagiński (Białystok), W. Hołubowski (Gliwice), O. Macedońska
(Gliwice), A. Yu. Olshanskii (Nashville), J. S. Wilson (Oxford)

Информация на сайте математического центра им. Стефана Банаха:

С уважением,

Коновалов А.Б.

В избранное