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Англия далекая и близкая

  Все выпуски  

На земле Туманного Альбиона. (Окончание) 

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Anglia Dalekaya i Blizkaya



Выпуск № 48/ Август


  1. В школе английского языка: На земле Туманного Альбиона. (Окончание)

 2. Виза невесты: отклики на письмо Ирины и ее новое письмо. (Гостевая книга)

 3. Вопросы-ответы: снова о студенческой и гостевой визе, лицензирование иностранных врачей и дантистов в Великобритании. (См. также Полезные Ссылки)

Hello, my dear friends!

Сегодня, по причине необыкновенной жары в Англии и невозможности нормальной работы, выпуск рассылки будет немного короче, чем обычно. И будет посвящен ответам на многочисленные вопросы читателей, а также мы с вами попрощаемся со школой английского языка в городе Милтон-Кинз, о которой так интересно рассказала нам Катерина Макаренко. 

Языковые курсы в Великобритании 

На земле Туманного Альбиона

(Окончание. Часть 5)


         В начале курса нам был предложен большой тест для определения уровня языка. А в конце курса каждый должен был выступить перед аудиторией, в которой присутствовали все те, кто так или иначе приложил усилия, чтобы сделать этот месяц незабываемым для нас. 

Это называлось “presentation”. Кто-то рассказывал о своих впечатлениях без подготовки, набросав несколько мыслей на листочке, кому-то пришлось писать и пересказывать свою презентацию всю ночь. Но в речи каждого звучала благодарность к этим людям за всё то, что они сделали для нас и нашего английского. 

Одна девочка назвала Ирину «our Russian Mum». Когда выступления закончились, нам были вручены сертификаты с проставленным в них уровнем владения языком. 

Уровень учитывал тесты, понимание экскурсий, работу на уроках, отзывы хозяев и преподавателей. Система оценки девятибалльная, причём в 9 баллов оценивался уровень тех, кто прожил в Англии всю жизнь. 

Некоторые были разочарованы, многие радовались торжественности обстановки, но, как мне кажется, уровень знаний вырос и упрочился у всех. Мы получили бесценный опыт общения, научились пользоваться английским языком в различных ситуациях (лично мне стало много легче выражать свои мысли на языке) и просто получили массу положительных эмоций.

Я закончила свою презентацию словами: «К сожалению, я не в состоянии уложить всю массу своих впечатлений в отведённые мне 7 минут, скажу просто, что я была счастлива здесь в этот месяц, я не хочу уезжать и очень надеюсь вернуться сюда на следующий год…».

Комментарий автора

Больше в такую школу мне попасть не довелось, но у этой истории есть продолжение. Я уже говорила, что помимо Оксфорда и Кэмбриджа мы побывали в местечке под названием Стоу (Stowe). Именно там я и познакомилась с моим другом-англичанином!…

Хочу еще добавить, что с людьми, которые принимают группу в Англии, я поддерживаю самые дружеские отношения. Понимаю, что сейчас таких школ ОЧЕНЬ много, и каждый день, наверное, появляются новые, но если кому-то захочется поехать именно в Милтон-Кинз и познакомиться с Ириной, Джоном, Ивонн и другими интересными людьми, тому я готова предоставить всю нужную информацию. Пишите!

PS: у меня на 4 недели обучения ушло $2600 (долл.), сюда вошло ВСЁ: и билеты в оба конца, и проживание, и обучение, и карманные расходы. Правда, если не ходить по театрам, обойдется дешевле. Но лучше всё же ходить!

Да, в группу возьмут людей любого возраста (однажды приезжала женщина 60 лет!), но основу всегда составляют подростки 14-17 лет. Если Вы уже вышли из подросткового возраста, может даже это и лучше — будете больше общаться с хозяевами и другими англичанами! 

Кстати. Семьи подбирают по интересам, и, по большому секрету, если чадо не владеет толком английским, то его могут определить в семью, где "папа" или "мама" знает хоть два слова по-русски. Но об этом нужно позаботиться заранее…

Екатерина Макаренко, Москва

!!! Если вы хотите поделиться своей историей, мой адрес для писем стоит в конце выпуска.


Гостевая книга

Отклик на письмо Ирины:


Здравствуйте Виктория,

Прочитала письмо Ирины в последней рассылке. Хочу ее успокоить. Я думаю, что никаких проблем у нее не должно быть. Меньше месяца назад я получила визу невесты в Консульстве Санкт-Петербурга за … 4 часа!!! Мы знакомы с моим женихом 7 месяцев, встречались дважды: в отпуске в другой стране и он приезжал сюда с документами.

На собеседовании я была одна. Никаких писем от меня никто не требовал. Только анкеты , ксерокопии (без перевода)! свидетельств о рождении и разводе и пакет документов от него. 

Причем его письмо было очень кратким, он просил только дать визу его невесте и указал предположительную дату свадьбы. Никакой истории нашего знакомства там не было. Разговор с Вице-консулом длился ровно 7 минут!!

Вопросы в очень вежливой форме и очень обычные:

- Сколько времени мы знакомы

- Где и сколько раз встречались

- Где он работает, кем, чем занимается компания

- Есть ли дети

- Где вы собираетесь жить

- Что вас связывает (какие интересы и т.д.)

И все! Верят на слово, документы только просматривают, не изучают дотошно. В 12.00 я сдала документы, в 17.00 я была на собеседовании. Тут же дали визу. Если честно, я не ожидала такой скорости.

В Посольстве в Москве я тоже 5 лет назад проходила собеседование как турист перед поездкой в Лондон. Хочу сказать, что там тоже никаких проблем не было, хотя я была не замужем и без детей. Задали несколько вопросов, например, что я хочу увидеть в Великобритании как турист. Но это было давно. Возможно, сейчас все изменилось.

Я удивлена, что Ирина ухитрилась съездить к нему по его приглашению. Знаю из разговоров, что Посольство очень не любит выдавать такие визы, а советуют сразу оформлять визу невесты. 

Ирина, ничего не бойтесь, не волнуйтесь, вы давно знакомы и, если у вас серьезные намерения, проблем не будет. Отвечайте честно и держитесь с достоинством. Кстати, если бы мы пошли в Консульство вместе, то получили бы визу сразу же, т.е. без собеседования.

С уважением, Марина


Новое письмо от Ирины:

Здравствуйте Виктория :-)
Получила рассылку со своим письмом и хочу сообщить, что вы правы! Мы получили визу в этот же день. Правда, мы ждали очень долго. Практически с 8 утра до 12.30 и потом вернулись после 14.00. Но зато мне задали два смешных вопроса, чиновник посмотрел на меня квадратными глазами когда я попросила поставить более позднюю дату начала действия визы и мы пошли праздновать сие радостное событие:-) 

На следующий день у нас на руках был мой паспорт с визой и сейчас я стараюсь закончить свои дела, чтобы определить дату приезда в Россию моего будущего мужа, который хочет приехать, чтобы забрать меня с моими чемоданами. :-)

Спасибо за все, что вы делаете - очень интересная и полезная рассылка.




Меня заинтересовала более подробная информация по получению визы для сезонной работы в Великобритании и студенческой визы . Если не сложно, расскажите процедуру оформления всех документов, а также какие условия надо соблюдать при их оформлении,  и ориентировочную стоимость поездки и оформления....

Зараннее благодарен,
Владислав, 23 года.


Студенческая виза

The requirements to be met by a person seeking leave to enter the United Kingdom as a student are that he:

  • has been accepted for a course of study at:

  • a publicly funded institution of further or higher education; or

  • a bona fide private education institution which maintains satisfactory records of enrolment and attendance; or

  • an independent fee paying school outside the maintained sector; and

  • is able and intends to follow either:

  • a recognised full time degree course at a publicly funded institution of further or higher education; or

  • a weekday full time course involving attendance at a single institution for a minimum of 15 hours organised daytime study per week of a single subject, or directly related subjects; or

  • a full time course of study at an independent fee paying school; and

  • if under the age of 16 years is enrolled at an independent fee paying school on a full time course of studies which meets the requirements of the Education Act 1944; and

  • intends to leave the United Kingdom at the end of his studies; and

  • does not intend to engage in business or to take employment, except part time or vacation work undertaken with the consent of the Secretary of State for Employment; and

  • is able to meet the costs of his course and accommodation and the maintenance of himself and any dependants without taking employment or engaging in business or having recourse to public funds.

Leave to enter as a student

A person seeking leave to enter the United Kingdom as a student may be admitted for an appropriate period depending on the length of his course of study and his means, and with a condition restricting his freedom to take employment, provided the Immigration Officer is satisfied that each of the requirements of paragraph is met.

(* А также посмотрите наш архив за последние 12 месяцев, где мы неоднократно обсуждали вопросы получения студенческой визы.)



Здравствуйте, Виктория! 

Вышла на ваш сайт, и обрадовалась что кто-то отвечает на подобные вопросы! Я из Казахстана, Зовут Дана. Хочу попробовать программу au pair, в Англию. Со студенческой визой пока не получается из-за будущего расписания в семье, можно было бы попробовать визу prospective student, но я сомневаюсь, что получиться.

Я сейчас собираю документы на получение гостевой визы на 6 месяцев. И хотела бы у вас спросить какие конкретно нужны документы, доказательства, кроме тех, что пишется в начале.

И то что меня беспокоит, это такой вопрос: как должно писаться пригласительное письмо и письмо о sponsorship от семьи? Можно ли там указывать, что кроме содержания, питания, семья будет платить за вечерние курсы? Как быть убедительной? Спасибо

С уважением, Дана


Гостевая виза

Requirements for leave to enter as a visitor:

  • is genuinely seeking entry as a visitor for a limited period as stated by him, not exceeding 6 months; and

  • intends to leave the United Kingdom at the end of the period of the visit as stated by him; and

  • does not intend to take employment in the United Kingdom; and

  • does not intend to produce goods or provide services within the United Kingdom, including the selling of goods or services direct to members of the public; and

  • does not intend to study at a maintained school; and

  • will maintain and accommodate himself and any dependants adequately out of resources available to him without recourse to public funds or taking employment; or will, with any dependants, be maintained and accommodated adequately by relatives or friends; and

  • can meet the cost of the return or onward journey.

How do I qualify to travel to the UK as a visitor?

You must be able to show that you:

  • want to visit the UK for no more than six months

  • plan to leave the UK at the end of your visit

  • have enough money to support and accommodate yourself adequately without working or help from public funds

More information is available on this website (www.ukvisas.gov.uk). The following information leaflets explain the procedure in more detail: INF2 - Guidance - Visitors; INF3 - Guidance - Sponsors.

How do I apply for a visa?

You will need to complete a visa application form (IM2A). You should check with your nearest British mission whether they can deal with your application. If they cannot they will tell you where to apply. Applications may be made to the visa section of a British mission in person or, in some places, by post. (*Please contact your nearest British mission to enquire about postal applications.)

What do I need to make my application?

The supporting documentation required will vary depending on the type of application but in all cases it would be helpful if you could provide:

  • evidence of funds, for example bank statements or payslips, to show that you can pay for the trip and have enough money to support and accommodate yourself and any dependants adequately without working or help from public funds

If you are visiting family or friends:

  • a letter from your sponsor explaining your relationship and the purpose of the visit

If your sponsor will be supporting you during your visit and/or paying for the cost of the visit:

  • evidence of funds from your sponsor, for example payslips or bank statements to show that her or she has enough money to provide for you

In limited circumstances you may also enter the UK as a visitor if you are:

  • delivering goods from abroad

  • a representative of a foreign company coming to service, repair or install their products

  • an adviser, consultant, trainer or trouble shooter who is employed abroad either directly or under contract by the same company or group of companies

  • a guest speaker at a conference or seminar, an expert speaker or to run a conference or seminar for no more than five days

  • a sportsperson or entertainer for trials or auditions, or personal appearances which do not involve performances

If you have been invited by a UK company you should provide a letter from the company explaining what you will be doing and the purpose of the trip. If your company or the UK company is meeting the cost of the trip this should also be confirmed in a letter.
All visitors, whether they are in the UK for business or social reasons, can only stay for a maximum of six months. Frequent visitors and business visitors can apply for a visa that is valid for one, two or five years. All visit visas are valid for multiple entries within their period of validity.
 Can I study in the UK?

You can study in the UK as a visitor but you will only be allowed to stay in the UK for a maximum of six months. If the purpose of your visit is to study, either full-time or for more than six months then you should apply for a student visa. 


The requirements to be met by a person seeking leave to enter the United Kingdom as a prospective student are that he:

  • can demonstrate a genuine and realistic intention of undertaking, within 6 months of his date of entry, a course of study which would meet the requirements for an extension of stay as a student; and

  • intends to leave the United Kingdom on completion of his studies or on the expiry of his leave to enter if he is not able to meet the requirements for an extension of stay as a student; and

  • is able without working or recourse to public funds to meet the costs of his intended course and accommodation and the maintenance of himself and any dependants while making arrangements to study and during the course of his studies.


Further Advice and Information:
General enquiries:  (+44) (0)20 7008 8438
Application forms:  (+44) (0)20 7008 8308
E-mail: Visas.ForUK@fco.gov.uk

You can get further advice and guidance about extending your stay once in the United Kingdom from
Immigration and Nationality Directorate

Croydon Public Caller Unit
Lunar House
40 Wellesley Road
General enquiries: (+44) (0)870 606 7766
Application forms: (+44) (0)870 241 0645
E-mail: public.enquiries@homeoffice.gsi.gov.uk

Immigration Advisory Service 

The IAS is an independent charity that gives free and confidential advice, assistance and representation to persons who are applying for an entry clearance for the United Kingdom. Their address is:
County House
190 Great Dover Street
Telephone: (+44) (0)20 7357 6917
Duty Office (24 hrs): (+44) (0)20 8814 1559
Fax: (+44) (0)20 7378 0665
E-mail: advice@iasuk.org

!!! Я также хочу попросить всех читателей, кто может помочь советом, написать мне. Мой адрес стоит в конце выпуска.



Мой племянник хотел бы поехать учиться в Великобританию или Ирландию.
Я сделала поиск в Интернете, но цены все какие-то запредельные.
Не могли бы Вы подсказать мне самые дешевые возможности поехать
учиться в Великобританию или Ирландию с любыми условиями проживания. 
Вопрос его отъезда на учебу очень серьезен для семьи. Мы живем в Туркменистане.
Всего доброго, Анна

В Ирландии и северной Англии более дешевое будет проживание, но самые дешевые предложения по языковым курсам будут в Лондоне и крупных городах, если вас интересуют именно курсы по изучению английского языка. Уважаемая Анна, напишите мне, пожалуйста, какое конкретно обучение вас интересует. 

!!! Я хочу попросить всех читателей, кто может помочь советом, написать мне. Мой адрес стоит в конце выпуска.

Уважаемая Виктория,
 недавно на Российском радио услышал такую новость: министрерством здравоохранения Великобритании в парламент передан проект закона о изменении условий лицензирования для врачей, пребывающих из стран восточной Европы, с целью восполнить нехватку квалифицированных врачей. 

Подскажите, пожалуйста, где можно проверить эту информацию (если знаете). Заранее благодарю, Владимир

Как правило, все новые изменения в иммиграционном законодательстве (в случае, если данный закон будет принят) публикуются на официальных сайтах правительства Великобритании и Британских Миссий. А также подобного рода информацию вы можете найти на сайте British Council - overseas_docs. На данный момент существуют следующие правила:


Registration requirements for overseas doctors

Any EEA or overseas-qualified doctor wishing to work or train in a professional medical capacity in the United Kingdom (UK) must first obtain registration from the General Medical Council (GMC). The GMC is a statutory body responsible for the regulation of the medical profession in the UK. No work or training involving direct contact with patients should take place until the doctor has applied for and obtained the appropriate registration certificate.

Before they can be granted registration, many overseas-qualified doctors must also pass the Professional and Linguistic Assessments Board (PLAB) test which assesses medical competence, or provide alternative objective evidence of capability for practice. All overseas qualified doctors are now required to seek a satisfactory score in the academic modules of the International English Language Testing System (IELTS) before they can be granted registration, with the following exceptions:

  • Doctors who are nationals of an EEA Member State, other than the UK (unless they have exercised an EC right),
  • Non-EEA nationals who are married to EEA Nationals who have exercised an EC right,
  • Doctors applying for temporary full registratoin..

Further information on the IELTS examination is available from NACPME and on the web sites: ielts.org and britishcouncil.org 

Further information on all aspects of registration is available from your local British Council office, or from the National Advice Centre for Postgraduate Medical Information (NACPME).


Limited registration

All overseas-qualified doctors [who hold qualifications from universities outside the European Economic Area (EEA)] should contact the GMC's Registration Directorate on +44 (0)20 7915 3481.

Doctors eligible for limited registration must fulfil all the conditions for limited registration including passing the Professional and Linguistic Assessment Board (PLAB) test or providing alternative objective evidence of capability for practice. Doctors in these categories should contact the GMC's Registration Directorate.

Persons who are not EEA nationals but who have obtained their primary medical qualification in an EEA country will be eligible for limited registration. They may be required to fulfil all the conditions for obtaining limited registration including passing the PLAB test. Under EC law, EEA* nationals (*other than UK Nationals, unless they have exercised an EC right), and others with enforceable EC rights are not required to take IELTS. Enquiries should be made to the GMC's Registration Directorate.

Doctors are advised to make enquiries about registration at least three months before they intend to take up employment or a training post. After establishing eligibility for registration the GMC will indicate which documents must be supplied. Please note that original documents are required for registration. If any document is not in English, a translation certified in English as correct by a Government authority or official translator will be required.

The majority of overseas-qualified doctors coming to the UK for training will have qualifications which are accepted for the purpose of limited registration only. In reply to the initial enquiry about registration mentioned above, the GMC will inform the doctor which kind of registration - limited or full - they are eligible to apply for. Limited registration is granted for a maximum aggregate period of five years and may, according to the doctor's circumstances, be restricted to employment in particular posts or confined to a particular grade or speciality. It permits a period of general or specialised training in the UK, usually in approved hospital posts. Doctors are normally granted limited registration for an initial period of twelve months, to enable the GMC to monitor their performance, as necessary. Thereafter, further periods of limited registration may be applied for until the maximum total period of five years has been reached. Applicants for limited registration should normally completed a year's internship acceptable to the GMC and must either have passed the PLAB test or provide alternative objective evidence of capability for practice.

With the exception of EEA* nationals (*other than UK nationals), unless they have exercised an EC right), and those with enforceable rights, all doctors seeking limited registration must achieve a satisfactory score in the IELTS test. Doctors taking PLAB need to get an overall IELTS score of at least 7.0 but must not score less than 6 in the listening, academic reading, academic writing sections of the test and 7.0 in the SPEAKING section. However, Doctors seeking exemption from PLAB must score not less than 7 in any section of the test.

An IELTS Test Report Form is valid for up to two years from the date of the test to which it relates.  A doctor who has not obtained registration within this time, or in the case of PLAB test candidates, has not passed Part 1 of the PLAB test within this time, will be required to re-take the IELTS test.

It should be noted that registration or eligibility to apply for registration does not in itself permit entry to the UK and separate enquiries should be made at British Embassies, High Commissions and Consulates overseas regarding entry into the UK.

Click on the links below to view the flow charts, which should help you to decide the best route to follow in order to obtain registration with the GMC.

Registration Decision Pathway

Limited registration (suggested schedule)


Limited registration (suggested schedule)
Sitting PLAB examination parts 1 & 2

Contact your local British Council office to enquire if part 1 is available in your country (*see note below).

  • If yes, apply for test dates and information on preparation for examination

  • Then, sit the test in your country and if successful make arrangements for taking part 2 and travel to the UK (see below)

  • If no, make arrangements to travel to the UK (see below)

  • nine months before going to UK contact GMC for PLAB information and test dates

  • six months before going to UK apply to be registered for PLAB test

  • three months before going to UK contact the nearest British Embassy, High Commission or Consulate about immigration requirements and procedures

  • enter UK to take PLAB preparation courses if needed and take PLAB test

  • when PLAB passed apply for posts

  • when post obtained take or send offer letter to GMC to apply for limited registration.

Documentary evidence required for registration

When applying for registration it is important to remember that failure to send the required written documentary proof and in the form required (originals, including original translations as appropriate) will only result in delay in processing the application. Applications should reach the GMC well in advance of the period for which registration is required and should include the appropriate fee (in the appropriate form of payment).

Registration for visiting EEA doctors

In certain circumstances EEA doctors eligible for full registration (but who have not actually officially obtained registration) intending to provide specialist medical services during a temporary visit to the UK may apply to the GMC for a certificate of registration as a visiting EEA practitioner. The application should be made before the services are carried out, although in urgent cases it may be made immediately after (but not more than fifteen days after). This type of registration is only granted on a temporary basis and should not be regarded as an alternative option to full registration.  For information on registration for visiting EEA doctors, please contact the GMC's Registration Directorate.


Pre-registration house officer posts are listed in the job vacancies section of medical journals, in particular the British Medical Journal and The Lancet.

Professional and Linguistic Assessments Board (PLAB) test

EEA nationals, and others with EC rights, who have qualified in an EEA member state are not required to take the PLAB test in order to obtain full registration with the GMC.

However, prospective employers in the UK may require them to prove that their knowledge of English is satisfactory as a condition of being offered a post. This may be done in various ways: they may accept a recognised English language qualification held by the doctor; or require him or her to sit the International English Language Test (IELTS); or another English language exam; or they may assess the standard of English at an interview.

In the case of limited registration a doctor must either have passed the PLAB test or have provided the acceptable objective evidence of capability for practice.

General information about the PLAB test can be obtained from your local British Council office or NACPME, but more detailed information as well as application forms must be obtained from the GMC. It is best to request this when enquiring about registration as mentioned above.

Applications to sit the test should be sent to the GMC well in advance because demand for test places is high. As well as an acceptable primary medical qualification the doctor will normally be expected to have satisfactorily completed outside the UK a minimum of twelve months postgraduate clinical experience. This experience should be acquired in teaching hospitals or hospitals which have been approved for internship training by the medical registration authorities in the countries concerned. A doctor who has not completed such experience may be allowed by the GMC to enter the PLAB test. However, since the test is set at the level of SHO, doctors without at least one year's experience of clinical practice are likely to be at a disadvantage. From January 1997, the International English Language Testing System (IELTS) is a pre-requisite for admission to the PLAB test.

There is a fee payable to take the test (Ј145 for part 1 and Ј430 for part 2) and there are conditions about re-sitting after failure.

There are several categories of objective evidence of capability for practice which the GMC will accept other than a pass in the PLAB test. Please refer to the GMC sheet on 'Objective Evidence of Capability to Practise for the Grant of Limited Registration' on the GMC's web site (www.gmc-uk.org

Doctors who have already failed the PLAB test are not normally regarded by the GMC as suitable candidates for exemption.

Please note that passing the PLAB test will not guarantee the offer of a job in the United Kingdom. There is no link between PLAB test places and job opportuntities. Finding a job remains the responsibility of the doctor who should ensure that he/she is well informed about opportunities for work before embarking on the PLAB test.

There are fewer vacancies in some specialties than in others. Additionally it should be noted that in the event of being offered a post there is almost always a delay, which could be some months, between passing the test and starting a job.

Changes to the PLAB test

From January 1997, the International English Language Testing System (IELTS) became a pre-requisite for admission to the PLAB test. The IELTS replaces the examination of comprehension of spoken English and the written English examination. The PLAB oral examination will continue to assess communication skills for the purpose of medical practice in the UK. Doctors must achieve a minimum overall IELTS band score of 7.0 with not less than 6.0 in each of the listening, academic reading, academic writing sections and 7.0 in the SPEAKING section, to be eligible to sit the PLAB Test.  (Please refer to section 4 - page 5 for further information about the IELTS test.)

For further information on the PLAB test, see the British Council information sheet on the subject. Alternatively, contact the GMC PLAB test section at least nine months before coming to the UK to ask about Registration and to request an application form for the PLAB test (Form LR1).

Part 1 of the test may now be taken at one of the overseas centres. Further details in respect of the test centres and dates will be made available by the GMC.

.Work permits

EEA doctors do not have to obtain work permits in order to take up employment in the UK. Other overseas doctors should refer to the information sheet 'Notes for overseas medical graduates intending to train in the United Kingdom'.

Certificates of Completion of Specialist Training (CCSTs)

The European Specialist Medical Qualifications Order 1995 came into force on 12 January 1996. The order implements the UK's European obligations relating to the training of hospital specialists and to the mutual recognition of their qualifications. The Order establishes a new competent authority - the Specialist Training Authority of the Medical Royal Colleges (STA) - for the purpose of the specialist training functions in the European Medical Directive. The GMC is required to keep and publish the specialist register.

The STA awards a 'Certificate of Completion of Specialist Training' (CCSTs) to doctors who have successfully completed in the UK a programme of higher specialist training to a standard compatible with independent practice and eligibility for appointment to a consultant post. Eligibility for a CSST is determined solely in relation to a doctor's specialist training: the fact that he or she may not be a national of a Member State of the EEA or hold a primary medical qualification granted in the EEA has no relevance.

CCSTs serve a dual purpose in that they not only mark completion of a UK specialist training programme - thus replacing the former system of college accreditation - but also, when held by an eligible person, fulfil the UK's obligations under the European Medical Directive.

Doctors who wish to be advised of the training requirements for the award of a CCST should contact the relevant medical Royal College in the first instance. The Specialist Training Authority (STA) will also provide confirmation of limited periods of specialist training in the UK where this is required by another EEA country. This is for doctors who do not complete a full UK programme of specialist training for the award of a CCST, but who may seek a period of UK training to count towards specialist training in another EEA country.

Inclusion in the specialist register

Doctors who are awarded a CCST are eligible to have their names included in the specialist register.

The Order provides that, except in the case of a doctor who held a post as a consultant (other than a locum consultant appointment) in oral and maxillo-facial surgery in the National Health Service (NHS) immediately before 1 January 1997, only those doctors whose names are included in the specialist register are eligible to take up a substantive, fixed-term or honorary consultant post in the NHS after that date. The specialist register does not extend to general practice.

EEA nationals, or others with enforceable EC rights who hold both an EEA primary medical qualification and a designated specialist qualification awarded by another EEA Member State are also be eligible for the inclusion of their names in the specialist register and can apply directly to the GMC. Overseas-qualified specialists may also be eligible if they satisfy the STA that they have overseas specialist qualifications which are equivalent to a CCST in the appropriate speciality - applications should be made to the relevant medical Royal College in the first instance.

Overseas Doctors Training Scheme (ODTS)

EEA* doctors are not eligible to take part in the Overseas Doctors Training Scheme (ODTS) run by some of the Royal Colleges.


*European Economic Area (EEA) and non-European Economic Area (non-EEA)


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Информация для врачей и дантистов по NACPME:

Полезные адреса

  • Education Information Service
    The British Council, 10 Spring Gardens, London SW1A 2BN
    telephone: 020 7389 4383, fax: 020 7839 6347

    General Medical Council
    Registration Directorate, 178 Great Portland Street, London W1W 5JE
    telephone: 020 7915 3630;  email: registrationhelp@gmc-uk.org  Web sites: www.gmc-uk.org

    National Advice Centre for Postgraduate Medical Education (NACPME)
    The British Council, Bridgewater House, 58 Whitworth Street, Manchester M1 6BB
    telephone: (0)161 957 7218, fax: (0)161 957 7029
    E-mail: nacpme@britishcouncil.org  Web sites health/nacpme 

    Freepost, Egerton Court, Parkgate Estate, Knutsford, Cheshire WA16 7BR
    telephone: freephone 0800 980 9814; 01565 752000, fax: 01565 650264  Web site: www.pastest.co.uk  

    Specialist Training Authority of the medical Royal Colleges
    1 Wimpole Street, London W1M 8AE
    telephone: 020 7935 8586, fax: 020 7935 9031  Web site: sta-mrc




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