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Чит коды от Cheat Zone

Чит коды от Cheat Zone

12.12.2002 (Выпуск #30)



       Если Вы еще не скачали с сайта программу Gamers Desktop Book - рекомендую сделать это. Тем самым, Вы сэкономите время в сети. Вам не нужно будет искать на сайте нужную информацию, в программе есть все то, что есть на сайте Cheat Zone.. Примерно раз в две недели я выкладываю на сайт модули с обновлениями базы. Если Вы будете скачивать все модули - у Вас будет точная копия этого сайта. Более подробно о программе GDB Вы можете прочитать здесь...


Jedi Knight (Demo)
Write " on", press "T" , & the cheat:

jediwannabe on - God Mode
eriamjh on - Fly Mode
red5 on - All Weapons
wamprat on - All Stuff
deeznuts on - Next level
bactame on - + Energy
whiteflag on - Turn OFF AI ( Arteficial Intelligence )
slowmo on - ????????
thereisnotry on - Next Level
imayoda on - Master of Light
sithlord on - Master of Dark
5858lvr on - All Map
yodajammies on - All Mana

Jedi Knight 2: Jedi Outcast
This game is also titled Star Wars Jedi Knight 2 - Jedi Outcast

To enable cheats, while playing a game, bring down the console with [~] and type: "devmapall". You can then enter any of the following codes in the console:

noclip - No Clipping Mode
notarget - Enemies Ignore You
kill - Kill Yourself
give all - All Weapons and Health/Armor at Max
give health - Health at 100%
give armor - Armor at 100%
give ammo - Ammo at 100%
give X # - Give Item X (# ravno amount)

Jetboat Superchamps
You can cheat if you wish. Whilst on the track selection screen, type AQCHAMP on the keyboard - all tracks should be open.

Jetfighter 2
To save your stats when you've been shot down hit ESC and choose Exit to DOS before you crash and the disastrous mission results won't be saved. To make sure you hit ground targets every time with the freefall MK82 and MK84 bombs fly low over the target say at about 1,000 feet. When you're about a mile away cut the throttle to 30% and switch to the outside view looking from behind your plane. The target appears between your plane and the bottom of the screen and when it's in the middle of the gap drop the bombs. You should score nearly 100% accuracy which means you can load for multi-role duty every time you fly.

Jetfighter 3: Platinum Edition
Press [Esc] to access multiple cheat options from the top bar.

Copyright by Ice

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