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Чит коды от Cheat Zone

Чит коды от Cheat Zone

11.12.2002 (Выпуск #29)



       Если Вы еще не скачали с сайта программу Gamers Desktop Book - рекомендую сделать это. Тем самым, Вы сэкономите время в сети. Вам не нужно будет искать на сайте нужную информацию, в программе есть все то, что есть на сайте Cheat Zone.. Примерно раз в две недели я выкладываю на сайт модули с обновлениями базы. Если Вы будете скачивать все модули - у Вас будет точная копия этого сайта. Более подробно о программе GDB Вы можете прочитать здесь...


Janes F-15
Invulnerability and Unlimited Ammo:
Go to the Main Menu and enter the options screen. After that, go to gameplay and select settings. Now look at the bottom of the screen, it will say:
"Cheatsravno Invulnerability and Unlimited Ammo" with boxes to check if you want them on.

Fly any plane:
I'm not sure whether these are cheats or just some programing errors, but I consider them cheats.
This is one of the discoveries I found in Janes F-15:

When you are in the mission builder YOU can fly any plane in the list.

Make a new mission, edit a campiagn mission, etc. Choose the human plane (your plane) and choose a plane other than F-15 (eg. SU-27, Mig-29, etc.) when you fly the mission campaign or whatever, the cockpit will look like the F-15's, but press F8 (exterior view) and see the difference!!!

Janes WWII Fighters
Enter the museum and test fly the Spitfire. Drop both of the 500 lb.
Bombs and expend all ammunition except for approximately nine rounds. Then, press [Ctrl] + A + E to turn off the engine.
The Spitfire will transform into a large bird that is carrying a bomb.

Janitor Joe
Hidden level:
Go as far to the right as possible on level 1. Move approximately three character widths from the right side wall and jump a few times.

Jazz Jackrabbit 2: The Secret Files
During gameplay, type in these codes (single player game only):

jjgod - God mode
jjinv - God mode
jjguns - All weapons
jjammo - All ammo
jjrush - Sugar rush
jjfly - Helicopter ears, Type again for hoverboard
jjk - Self destruct
jjshield - Power shield
jjnext - Level skip
jjlight - Fully light level
jjbird - Bird assistance
jjcoins - Get coins
jjgems - Get gems
jjending - Return to main menu
jjq - Quit to desktop
jjmorph - Change into Spaz, type again to become Bird, type again to become Frog, type a fourth time to change back to Jazz
jjnxt - Jump to the next level

Others in the game, but didn't seem to do anything: jjt, jjcolor, jjfire, jjnowall, jjcpu, jjd, jjpower

Jazz Jackrabbit: Christmas Edition
To enter the cheat mode; hold "P" + BACKSPACE and type one of the following codes:
gunhed - All weapons, full ammunition
bouf - Invincibility
sable - Toggle high speed and jumping
cstrike - Toggle airboard
doom - Difficult enemies
ken - Quit to DOS
hooker - Bonus level
mark - Kills Jazz
bad - Toggle escort bird
lamer - Level skip
hocus - Teleport
check - System information
arjani - Earthquake and points awarded
greetz - Display text message
tim - Displays "AWESOME"

Copyright by Ice

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