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Чит коды от Cheat Zone

Чит коды от Cheat Zone

25.09.2002 (Выпуск #21)



       Если Вы еще не скачали мою программу Gamers Desktop Book - рекомендую сделать это. Тем самым, Вы сэкономите время в сети. Вам не нужно будет искать на сайте нужную информацию, в программе есть все то, что Вы найдете на сайте. Примерно раз в две недели я выкладываю на сайт модули с обновлениями базы. Если Вы будете скачивать все модули - у Вас будет точная копия этого сайта. Более подробно о программе GDB Вы можете прочитать здесь...


Advantage Tennis
This is the most fluid tennis game around and I find it the most enjoyable to play. The computer players are tough and a little workout in the Byte Editer Gym will give you that razor (no pun intended) edge to your reflexes.

I haven't had the urge to program for a long time, so excuse the down and dirty nature of this method of editing your players attributes. I have only spent the time to locate the six main attributes in the player file, so if you're looking to change more you'll have to do it with your racket.

Your player is saved in a file ending with the extension .ply. This file has alot of data in it...it saves the records of all 99 of your oponents and revises their status as well as your own after every game. The location of your records within the file appears to change as you move up in rank, so a simple debug script will not work very well to edit the the desired bytes. Therefore, I will describe a method to locate and edit them using a hex editor, such as Norton's Disk Editor.

There are six attributes you can edit with these instructions. To insure you are editing the correct bytes, you should write down the current attributes of the player file you are going to edit and convert them to hex. To list them, choose PREFERENCES on the main menu and load the saved player. Choose the RACKET ICON and then the BICEP ICON. The listed attributes are:
Forehand Volley
Backhand Volley
The maximum value for these attributes is 120 (78h). You can edit them to a value higher than 78h, but I can't say what will happen in the game. The BONUS attribute does not have to be edited since the game will not increase anything beyond 120.

1. First, load up your editor and the .PLY file you wish to change. Do I have to say you should do this on a copy of the file and not the original?

2. Do a search for the player name you gave yourself. If your editor doesn't have a search function, look for your name at an offset of about 3372h. Somewhere around offset 1CF0h you should start to see the different player's names comming up.

3. The attributes start at an offset of 42 (2Ah) from the first letter of the player's name. This should match the value you wrote down. The attributes are in the same order they are listed in the game and separated by a 00h byte. Just change all six to 78h and leave the 00's alone.

As an example, say the player's attributes are 69 (45h), 68 (44h), 58 (3Ah), 55 (37h), 52 (34h) and 56 (38h). You should see a byte string like this in your editor:

.... 45 00 44 00 3A 00 37 00 34 00 38 00 ....

After changing all the attributes to the max of 78h, the string will look like this:

.... 78 00 78 00 78 00 78 00 78 00 78 00 ....

Your racket is now strung with the best catgut there is, so give alot of love with it.

For the curious, there are a couple other bytes I know of. The BONUS byte falls into place as the seventh attribute...it follows the 00 after the sixth attribute. The byte proceeding the first letter of the player's name is, I believe, your standing. I haven't had cause to verify these, so handle with care.

Aladdin: Nasira's Revenge
Cheat ------- Code
infinite lives - f1
infinite energy - f2
infinite continues - f3
add 1 life - f4
add 10 coins - f5
add 1 gem - f6
add 1 genie token - f7

At the Pyramids stage, you can go directly to level 4 by completing level 2 twice, since level 2 is much easier than level 3 especially when you have to surf the water. After completing level 2 a second time, just quit and go to the load game area and you will see that the level 4 square is activated and u can play it.

Alien Apocalypse 2
Press 'ctrl, shift, a, 2' to activate the weapons cheat which gives your ship every weapon, including the special cheat weapons.

Alien Crossfire
Secret Firaxian faction:
Start the Faction Editor. Select "Open" and type sid. Select "Save" and save it as sid. Then, click "Add Faction". This may also be done using brian as a name.

Press ~ after starting the game, at the screen where the items are described. Proceed for two more screens and press [Backspace] at the screen with the magic lamp to enable cheat mode. To Complete any level just press + .

Cheats #2
Press ~ after starting the game, at the screen where the items are described. Proceed for two more screens and press [Backspace] at the screen with the magic lamp to enable cheat mode. Then, press one of the following keys during game play.

Result ---------- Key
Level select - 1A through 1M
Five apples - A
Five gems - G
Toggle invincibility - H
Toggle free movement - M
Toggle objects in some levels - U

Skip level:
Pause the game and then type ABBAABBA during gameplay. This will skip the current level.

Skip Level 2:
At the first title screen, type 'lamp' you will hear Aladdin say 'yeah!' like he does when you get a life. You know it has worked. Start the game as usual. Press '1' to move onto the next level.

Copyright by Ice

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