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Addiction Pinball
Hidden Table View:
1: Load one of the two tables in Addiction Pinball (Rally Fever or Worms)
2: Play a pinball game until you lose, and get the opportunity to type your initials into the high score hall of fame.
3: Use the flippers to type in the initials "T17" (that's t-one-seven) If you typed the initials correctly, you will have unlocked a new, secret "challenge" view for the 2 tables in the game, which is accessed by pressing "6". As you know, keys 1-5 are used to select table views in-game, and 6 is the new view. Mind you, this 6th "challenge" view is rediculously hard to play on, especially in "Rally Fever", where you're now looking at the table from the REAR!!
4: Enjoy
Advanced Valuable Geo 2
See Entire Map:
Press [F9] while playing a mission. You will be shown the entire map for 2 minutes. The enemy can also see you during this time.
Freeze Health:
Press [F11] to freeze the health of all players (including the enemy).
Adventure Island
Island skip:
Get to level 4 of the first island. After one of the spider enemies, walk and fire your weapon. When you hear a beep, walk forward and jump until an egg appears. Collect the egg and walk to the side of the screen with "Warp" to advance to the next
Affairs Of The Court
Options in the Game:
The most useful option in the game is "QUICK PLAY". This option takes away the need to click on the deck to draw the next card. Use this option as soon as you are familiar with how cards are drawn and you will save yourself lots of time.
QUICK PLAY can be found under the OPTIONS menu item.
After Dark
Swimming toaster:
Note: This trick requires After Dark v4.0. Select the fish screen saver. Press [Caps Lock] after the screen saver activates. A flying toaster will eventually swim across the screen after the fish swim away.
Scared fish:
Note: This trick requires After Dark v4.0. Select the fish screen saver. Press [Tab] after the screen saver activates to scare away the fish.
Alternate colors and backgrounds:
Note: This trick requires After Dark v4.0. Press [Caps Lock] after one of the following screen savers activates: "Super Guy", "Hula Twins", "Out 'n About", "Bad Dog", "Swirling Magic", "Mandlebrot", "Satori", "Nirvana", or "Tunnel".
Rock Scissors Paper battle:
Note: This trick requires After Dark v4.0. Select the "Rock, Paper, Scissors" screen saver. Press [Caps Lock] to display an option that allows you to select the rock, paper, or scissors in a game against the CPU.
Santa Claus:
Note: This trick requires Totally Twisted After Dark. Set the system date to December 25. Select the "Voyeur" screen saver. Santa Claus will eventually fly by in the background