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Информационный бюллетень Центра изучения православия 423



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22 мая 2012 г.

****************************** Информационное сообщение №2

Первый конгресс российских исследователей религии


состоится 15-17 ноября 2012 года

в рамках традиционных Дней петербургской философии

Место проведения:

Санкт-Петербургский государственный университет


Государственный музей истории религии


На конгрессе предполагается обсудить следующий круг тем:

  • роль религии в условиях роста науки и технологий и их усиливающегося влияния на жизнь человека и общества;

  • десекуляризация versus развитие информационных технологий, когнитивных и естественных наук;

  • религия, наука и массовая культура;

  • глобализация науки и «национализация» религий

Заявки просим направлять по электронному адресу

confrelig-spb2011@yandex.ru до 15 сентября 2012 г.

В заявке следует указать: фамилию, имя, отчество, ученое звание, научную степень, место работы, должность, город, страну, контактный телефон и электронный адрес.

Заявленную тему доклада просим сопроводить аннотацией (до 500 знаков).

Оргкомитет оставляет за собой право отбора докладов с учетом их соответствия тематике конференции.

Продолжительность докладов – до 15 минут. Предполагается обсуждение докладов и публикация материалов конгресса.

Проживание и транспортные расходы – за счет командирующей стороны.


Call for papers

International conference

"Images of the Other in Central and Eastern Europe.

Continuity and change in mutual perceptions between 1968 and 1989"

Venue and time: German Historical Institute Warsaw, 15th-17th November 2012

Hosting institutions:

* German Historical Institute Warsaw (GHI Warsaw)

* European Network Remembrance and Solidarity (ENRS)

* Institute for Political Studies of the Polish Academy of Sciences (ISP PAN)

in cooperation with the Chair for Central and Eastern European Studies of Chemnitz University of Technology

Concept and organization:

* Prof. Dr. hab. Wanda Jarząbek (ISP PAN)

* Dr. Jens Boysen (GHI Warsaw)

* Dr. Burkhard Olschowsky & Dr. Dominik Pick (ENRS)

The two decades between the crushing of the Prague Spring in 1968 and the downfall of the Communist regimes in Central and Eastern Europe in 1989 were characterised not only by changing trends in 'real politics' but as well by a variety of ideas and images that existed in those societies regarding the political, societal, cultural, religious and other framework systems. Increasing cross-border impressions and experiences contributed to a gradual widening of people's "horizons" and to more differentiated patterns of thinking and behaviour, as well as, accordingly, a more complex perception of other persons' points of view.

The planned conference aims to reconstruct these changes in "Images of the Other" on a national and international scale. The term of the "Other" is meant here to describe any social strata, groups or individuals perceived by a given observer as being of relevance for his/her own societal-political orientation. This could apply as well to members of their own society as to those of other nations - be it within their own alliance or across the Iron Curtain.

The processes of perception of "Others" are based on experiences and memories and it is the created images that go on to change our further phases of perception. These processes were influenced by various internal and external factors: certainly the détente policy of the 1970s, but as well changing global trends of this time, such as cultural liberalisation, the change of generation and change in values, or the establishment of the "consumers' society".

In this context, the conference is intended to address, among others, the following issues:

- What impact did the modernisation phenomena (e.g., change in values, urbanisation, spreading of education, differentiated etc.) have on the worldview of individuals and societies?

- How do people compare their own life conditions to those of other individuals or groups within their own society?

- What relation could be observed between peoples' own experiences with other countries' citizens and those specified in the state-issued guidelines regulating the officially desired "Images of Others"?

- How significant were positive, negative or neutral stereotypes - including those from before 1945 - in perception of "Others", especially coming from other nations?

- What impact did personal experiences abroad have on people's life back home and on their relationships with other society groups?

- To what extent was the perception of a common European 'destiny' during the Cold War of relevance to individual and collective identities?

- Did the common experience of life under a dictatorship create some kind of special empathy among the societies in the Soviet sphere of influence?

- In which way did the realities of dictatorships in the countries of Central and Eastern Europe influence the way their citizens were perceived in the West?

The conference is expected to show the multi-level character of the societal communication processes that shaped these images, as well as to highlight the diverse contacts established by state and non-state actors in the fields of culture, media, politics, economy, education and sports. Keywords here are self-images and alien images, auto- and heterostereotypes.

A focus will be placed on examples of cultural transfers across the borders of nations and alliances. Especially, a bottom-up approach shall be used to illustrate the social contacts and encounters that create long-lasting images and cultural patterns. Using historical remembrance terminology, that means contributions on the relationship between individual, collective and cultural memories, principally in the societies of "real socialism" but also in democratic societies.

We invite you to submit paper proposals in particular for comparative studies that cover several countries and/or long-term processes that reach beyond the 'landmark' set in 1980-81 by "Solidarity".

The paper proposals should concentrate on Central and Eastern Europe, principally the then Communist states: GDR, Poland, Czechoslovakia and Hungary, but as well the "old" Federal Republic of Germany and Austria. Additionally, we invite you to submit further proposals concerning relations in this region as well as with other countries in Western Europe, the Soviet Union, USA, and Canada.

Proposals should be sent by June 15th 2012, to the following address:

German Historical Institute Warsaw, c/o Dr Jens Boysen, Aleje Ujazdowskie 39, PL-00-540 Warszawa

E-mail: neighbours@dhi.waw.pl <mailto:neighbours@dhi.waw.pl>

Abstracts should include a summary of the topic and the planned methodology, as well as a brief biography (in total max. 1,5 pages). Please include information regarding your active and passive knowledge of foreign languages.

The organisers intend to produce a post-conference publication.


Call for Papers:

Faith, Gender, and the Senses in Early Modern Art

RSA, San Diego, 4-6 April 2013

Organizers: Erin E. Benay, Case Western Reserve University & Lisa Rafanelli, Manhattanville College

In recent years, numerous conference sessions and symposia have addressed the role of the senses in the genesis and reception of Renaissance art. Much of the important work to have emerged from these conversations concerns the revaluing of the visual reception of art in the period and has suggested the importance of touch, hearing, and even smell and taste in the multi-sensory experience of early modern art. Building on this rich dialogue, this session aims to explore the way the senses were evoked in devotional contexts, where questions of the validity of sensory experience were particularly contentious. We invite papers that focus especially on the ways in which the senses operated with regard to issues of narrative structure, the intersection of the senses and epistemology in sacred art, or how sensory perception and its representation was delimited by gender and viewership.

Please email (as MS Word attachments) an abstract of no more than 150 words, a one-page CV, and contact information to both organizers by June 1. erin.benay@oswego.edu Lisa.Rafanelli@mville.edu


CFP: Faith, Gender, and the Senses in Early Modern Art (RSA, San Diego, 4-6 Apr 13). In: H-ArtHist, 19.05.2012. Letzter Zugriff 21.05.2012. <http://arthist.net/archive/3307>.


Science and Religion Forum

2012 Annual Conference

Thursday 6 to Saturday 8 September 2012

The soul – can the concept of the soul still have meaning?’

This year’s Conference will take place at the Regent’s Park College,

Oxford from Thursday 6 to Saturday 8 September 2012.The Conference is open

to members and non-members of the Science and Religion Forum.

The Forum’s conference will address the concept of the soul and the main

speakers will include:

Professor Chris Frith - Emeritus Professor in Neuropsychology at UCL and

Fellow of All Souls College, Oxford

Professor Peter Harrison, Director, Centre for the History of European

Discourses, University of Queensland

Fr Peter Hunter OP, Blackfriars Hall, University of Oxford

Professor Alister McGrath, Department of Education and Professional

Studies, King’s College London

Professor Nancey Murphy, Professor of Christian Philosophy, Fuller

Theological Seminary, Pasadena, California

Professor Mona Siddiqui, Professor of Islamic and Interreligious Studies,

and Assistant Principal for Religion and Society, University of Edinburgh

Bookings and Registration

The Conference fees are as follows:

SRF members and spouses£230



The fee covers registration, accommodation, meals and coffee/tea breaks,

and conference documents.

For those wishing to attend as non-residents the fee (with dinner) is £135

for members and £165 for non-members

Please complete a conference registration form and e-mail or post it to

the Membership Secretary

Mrs Hilary Martin


Brockenhurst Road




or e-mail:hilarymartin@lineone.net

The closing date for conference applications is 31 July 2012.

Payment must be included with the Conference registration form or payment

may be made by credit card through PayPal (please see the Forum’s website

for details of how to make a payment through PayPal).

A small number of bursaries are available to assist with the cost of

Conference attendance (see below for details).

Registration will begin at 3.30 p.m. on Thursday 6 September, and the

Conference will begin at 4.30 p.m. with a short introductory session

followed by the Gowland Lecture to be given by Professor Peter Harrison,

one of the Forum’s Vice-Presidents. There will be a service of worship on

the Friday morning, to which all participants are welcomed. The Conference

dinner will be held on the Friday evening. The Conference will end with

lunch on Saturday 8 September.

Regent’s Park College has no car parking facilities and car parking in the

centre of Oxford is very difficult.Delegates travelling by car may wish to

use one of Oxford’s ‘park-and-ride’ car parks (details will be sent to all

registered participants).

Call for Short papers

Each person attending the conference is invited to offer a paper for

presentation in a Short Paper session.Short papers must be related to the

main conference theme.

Each speaker will have a maximum of 15 minutes presentation time, to be

followed by 10 minutes discussion. Proposals, in the form of a title and a

200 word summary, should be sent by Friday 22 June 2012 to Dr Andrew

Robinson at a.j.robinson@exeter.ac.uk.

Submissions will be acknowledged within two weeks of receipt. If you do

not receive an acknowledgment please re-submit your proposal. Acceptance

of short papers will be according to criteria of quality, originality,

relevance to the conference theme, and plausibility of presentation within

15 minutes. Submissions from students are particularly encouraged. Those

whose proposals are accepted will be informed by Friday 27 July 2012.


The Forum is offering a limited number of bursaries, each worth £60, to

members of at least six month’s standing who have no financial assistance

from employers or sponsors. Students in full-time education may also apply

for a bursary even if they are not yet members of the Forum.

Bursary applications, preferably by e-mail, should be sent to the

Membership Secretary, Mrs Hilary Martin (address above).

The closing date for Bursary applications is 30 June 2012.

Peacocke Student Essay Prize

In memory of its founding President and former Chairman, the Revd Dr

Arthur Peacocke, the Science and Religion Forum offers a prize for an

essay directly relevant to the theme of its annual conference.

The prize is open to all undergraduate and post-graduate students in full

or part-time education. The prize will consist of a cash award of £100,

free membership of the Forum for one year, and the UK travel and

accommodation costs (or equivalent of) of the winner’s participation in

the Forum’s 2012 conference. Subject to the decision of the panel, the

winning essay will be published in the Forum’s journal (Reviews in Science

and Religion) and the winner will have the opportunity to present the

paper at the annual conference.

The essay should not exceed 5000 words in length, including footnotes but

excluding references.It should be preceded by an abstract of no more than

250 words, and should be submitted as an email attachment in Microsoft

Word format, no later than 31 July 2012 to Dr Louise Hickman:

l.hickman@newman.ac.uk. Dr Hickman will answer any questions about the

prize. All submissions will be acknowledged within 1 week of receipt.

The essay should be the original work of the applicant – unacknowledged

quotation from the work of others will automatically disqualify the

entry.Copyright in the essay will remain with the author. Each submission

should be accompanied by a statement from the author’s Supervisor or Head

of Department, confirming the author’s student status and indicating

awareness that the essay has been submitted. The adjudicators reserve the

right not to award the Prize if no entry of sufficient standard is

received.Their decision will be final, and no correspondence about it will

be entered into.

For further information about the Science and Religion Forum please see


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