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13 мая 2012 г.



Call for Papers

Theme: Religion, Value, and a Secular Culture

Type: International Conference

Institution: Council for Research in Values and Philosophy (CRVP)

University of Kwazulu-Natal

Location: Durban (South Africa)

Date: 5.–6.11.2012

By the term "secular culture" is meant one which problematizes the

foundations for the various religious beliefs that make up the

traditions of that society, though the public order may not be

founded on any particular expression in those traditions, of the

ethical framing of life together. The shift from a premodern culture

is characterized by two central changes: (i) the greater degree of

individual freedom. This is recognized as a key value in changing

societies and is given expression in the democratic institution of

universal suffrage; and (ii) the emergence and prestige of the

sciences and of scientific method as the default paradigm of human


As the major religious traditions acquired their canonical expression

in premodern culture, they do not to any great extent deal with a

thought-out response to the major factors or key values which

characterize contemporary culture. Thus the first factor challenges

the traditions to re-think attitudes to women, to moral rules and

values, and to hierarchy; the second factor calls upon religious

thinkers and leaders to be involved in dialogue with the sciences and

knowledge acquired thereby.

One response to these changed conditions of society has been to

remove religion and religious beliefs altogether from public debate.

This is then framed solely in terms of individual human rights and

the values of equality and tolerance. However, in the absence of any

foundation for these rights and values, this framework might itself

seem arbitrary and imposed, in particular in a global situation of

the interaction of more developed with still developing cultures and

economies. A purely procedural democracy and ethical framework might

disallow real dialogue on substantive values or with persons.

Not amenable to scientific inquiry strictly speaking. Religious

fundamentalism, for its part, sees no possibility of such dialogue,

and can be seen, as does Karen Armstrong, rather as a reaction


Papers are invited from any discipline whether philosophical,

theological-religious, sociological, psychological, legal, political,

and on any issue arising out of these intellectual challenges:

- Developments within religious traditions in response to secularity

- Conflicts and divisions within religious traditions in meeting

the new conditions for religious beliefs

- Differing political frameworks for regulating interaction between

state and religion

- Legal matters arising from separation of church and state

- Religious traditions as challenging dominant models of secular

ethics, in particular a possible bias towards individualism

- The problems of building human community and countering

fragmentation in conditions of a secular culture

- Fundamentalism as response and resistance to secularity; recourse

to violence

- Secularisation in relation to neo-colonialism

- Responses of particular countries in the face of secularism –

South Africa, Turkey, United States, and others

- Secularism depicted and problematized in fiction – Pamuk's Snow,

Dastgir's A Small Fortune, for example

- Secularism and particular religious traditions – Islam,

Christianity, Hinduism, for example

- Romantic love as a theme in religious responses to secular

changes – Pamuk, Dastgir, Shutte's Conversion, for example

- Transcendence in a framework of immanence in the religious


- African traditional thought and response to secularism

- Debates between science and religion – open and closed versions

of neo-Darwinism

- Studies of a contemporary writer on these theological themes:

Karen Armstrong; Keith Ward; Mustafa Akyol; Mark Johnston; for

example; or on the ethical themes: Alisdair MacIntyre, Herbert

McCabe, Marilynn Robinson, for example

- Philosophical frameworks for fruitful dialogue between secular

culture and religious traditions: B. Lonergan; Charles Taylor; and



Professor John Patrick Giddy

University of Kwazulu-Natal


South Africa

Email: Giddyj@ukzn.ac.za

Web: http://www.crvp.org/conf/2012/durban.htm


Call for Papers

Theme: Traditional Values and Virtues in Social Life Today

Type: International Conference

Institution: Council for Research in Values and Philosophy (CRVP)

Center for the Study of Ethics, Renmin University

Location: Beijing (China)

Date: 2.–3.6.2012

Deadline: 30.4.2012


The transition from traditional to modern society which has lasted

some four centuries draws different regions of human society into an

almost synchronous process of globalization. Compared to traditional

society, however, modernization is also a utilitarian pursuit of

material interests and desires, which inevitably has led to a loss of

traditional morality.

Alasdair MacIntyre has even described our times as coming 'after

virtue'. Thus the process of globalization inevitably raises such

questions as

- the relation of values and virtues,

- the relation of both to culture and religion,

- whether in contemporary society traditional moral virtues have lost

their vitality, and if so

- how to renew these by values as foundations for a contemporary

moral life.

With him, since the 1980s many ethicists in the West have gone back

to Aristotle to advocate a 'virtue ethics,' which has now become an

important contemporary school. For China this raises the question of

the position of traditional values and virtues in contemporary social

life; do they respond to the moral issues of modern society; and to

what extent do changing values provide the additional resources

needed for a global ethics.

All this calls for research in ethics that looks not only back to the

tradition in response to issues of modernization and globalization,

but must examine the human predicament in contemporary society and

rediscover the significance of human values and virtues for life



The conference will be organized by the Center for the Study of

Ethics, Renmin University, Beijing, China, where it will be held, and

the Council for Research in Values and Philosophy (RVP). Scholars of

different cultural traditions, East and West, are invited to come

together to discuss the status and fate of traditional values and

virtues in contemporary society, and how to evolve them for our

global times.

The selection of conference papers will be conducted on the basis of

one page English abstract which should be submitted as soon as

possible via email to Professor Gong Qun, <gongqun@ruc.edu.cn> or

<gongqun2001@yahoo.com>, with copy to <cua-rvp@cua.edu>. Responses

will be sent to the applicants soon after the reception of your

abstract and at least by the end of April, 2012. Full paper should be

sent by May 15, 2012.

There is no application fee. Travel will be covered by the

participants or their home institutions.

Conference website:



Dear colleagues,

The Konitsa Summer School organising committee is pleased to announce

that applications are now being accepted for the 7th "International

Summer School in Anthropology, Ethnography and Comparative Folklore of

the Balkans".

The deadline for the submission of applications is May 15, 2012.

Key lectures will be delivered by Prof. Keith Hart and Prof. Ulf

1. ///Albanian Culture and Society in Ethnographic and

Anthropological Analysis: A Critical Perspective/

2. ///Rituals, Symbols and Identities in Rural and Urban Contexts:

Approaches from Folklore and Anthropology/

3. ///Doing Fieldwork: Theory, Method and the Production of

Anthropological Knowledg/

4. /Ethnographic Research in Border Areas /(fieldwork exercise in

Albania and Greece)

6. ///Soundscapes of the Balkans: Flocks and Local Feasts, Rock-Bands

and Radio Waves/

7. ///The Anthropology of Dance/

For more, have a look at the following link:




The Journal SOCIETATE ȘI POLITICĂ is searching for articles and book

reviews for its Autumn 2012 issue. This issue will focus on:

God and the Order of Nature in Early Modern Thought: Topics in

Metaphysics, Epistemology, and Natural Science

Invited editors:

Laura Georgescu (University of Bucharest)

Grigore Vida (New Europe College, Bucharest)

In the contemporary world, we are used to consider science and religion as

entirely separate domains. However, in the early modern period the aim of

scientific inquiry was often considered to be the deciphering of God’s

plan and will, as manifested in nature. It was not only theology and

metaphysics that dealt with God; natural philosophy and even mathematics

were also deeply tied to conceptions about God’s involvement in nature as

a creator and sustainer of its order. Conceptions about God and his

relation to the created world directly determined the scientific practice

in terms of methodological, epistemological or metaphysical principles; at

the same time, the effort to make nature intelligible ended up in

revealing God’s intentions or even his “nature”. This special issue of

Societate și politică aims to explore the ways in which God and the order

of nature were treated in a single natural-philosophical enterprise,

mutually influencing each other. Societate și politică welcomes research

coming from different fields (history of philosophy, history and

philosophy of science, history and philosophy of mathematics, etc.) and

strongly encourages cross-disciplinary approaches.

SOCIETATE ȘI POLITICĂ is a peer-reviewed scholarly journal published by

Western University “Vasile Goldiș”, Arad, Romania. See

http://uvvg.ro/socpol/. It welcomes original, high-quality research coming

from the disciplines of philosophy, history of political thought,

intellectual history, history and philosophy of science, favouring

interdisciplinary and cross- disciplinary approaches. Papers no longer

than 8.000 words, or book reviews no longer than 800 words, should be

submitted by email to Grigore Vida, grigore.vida@gmail.com and Laura

Georgescu, mailgeorgescu.laura@gmail.com.


For the authors guidelines see:


All papers will go through a process of blind-reviewing.

Deadline 15th of June 2012

Dr Stephen Clucas,

Editor, Intellectual History Review

Reader in Early Modern Intellectual History,

English and Humanities,

Birkbeck, University of London,

Malet Street,

London, WC1E 7HX


Dear colleagues,

The Konitsa Summer School organising committee is pleased to announce

that applications are now being accepted for the 7th "International

Summer School in Anthropology, Ethnography and Comparative Folklore of

the Balkans".

The deadline for the submission of applications is May 15, 2012.

Key lectures will be delivered by Prof. Keith Hart and Prof. Ulf

1. ///Albanian Culture and Society in Ethnographic and

Anthropological Analysis: A Critical Perspective/

2. ///Rituals, Symbols and Identities in Rural and Urban Contexts:

Approaches from Folklore and Anthropology/

3. ///Doing Fieldwork: Theory, Method and the Production of

Anthropological Knowledg/

4. /Ethnographic Research in Border Areas /(fieldwork exercise in

Albania and Greece)

6. ///Soundscapes of the Balkans: Flocks and Local Feasts, Rock-Bands

and Radio Waves/

7. ///The Anthropology of Dance/

For more, have a look at the following link:



With kind regards


New Title -- Orthodox Russia in Crisis: Church and Nation in the Time of Troubles


ORTHODOX RUSSIA IN CRISIS: CHURCH AND NATION IN THE TIME OF TROUBLES Northern Illinois University Press, 2012 Distributed by University of Chicago Press, 300 pages | 10 halftones | 6 x 9

A pivotal period in Russian history, the Time of Troubles in the early seventeenth century has taken on new resonance in the country's post-Soviet search for new national narratives. The historical role of the Orthodox Church has emerged as a key theme in contemporary remembrances of this time-but what precisely was that role?

The first comprehensive study of the Church during the Troubles, Orthodox Russia in Crisis reconstructs this tumultuous time, offering new interpretations of familiar episodes while delving deep into the archives to uncover a much fuller picture of the era. Analyzing these sources, Isaiah Gruber argues that the business activity of monasteries played a significant role in the origins and course of the Troubles and that frequent changes in power forced Church ideologues to innovate politically, for example inventing new justifications for power to be granted to the people and to royal women. These new ideas, Gruber contends, ultimately helped bring about a new age in Russian spiritual life and a crystallization of the national mentality.


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