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При перепечатке ссылка на рассылку Центра изучения православия и древнерусской культуры обязательна

Редактор бюллетеня Т.В. Чумакова

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18 ноября 2008 г.



Call for Papers

"Values in an Age of Multiculturalism"
36th Conference on Value Inquiry
American Society for Value Inquiry
Centre for Practical Ethics, York University
Toronto, ON (Canada)
17-20 April 2009

The 36th Conference on Value Inquiry “Values in an Age of
Multiculturalism” will be held at York University in
Toronto, Canada, 17-20 April, 2009, hosted by the Centre for
Practical Ethics. This conference will bring together
academics, judges, politicians and public servants from
Canada and the world. An annual conference of the American
Society for Value Inquiry, Values in an Age of
Multiculturalism, will explore how values are impacted and
shaped by both the social fact of multiculturalism and
multiculturalism as a political ideal. Among the themes that
the conference will explore are: immigration law policy and
practice; religious freedom; education; work; precarious
status; health care; inclusion exclusion and
marginalization; language issues; the duties of citizenship;
and issues in law for a diverse population.

Papers, and proposals for papers, that address concerns of
social value, individual value, or relations among values of
both types are welcome. Early Submission is strongly
encouraged and advised. Papers should be between 20-25
minutes reading time. Papers may be practically or
theoretically oriented. Topics may be disciplinary and range
over issues within a single field of value inquiry such as
normative ethics, applied ethics, aesthetics, political
theory, or economics. Topics may be interdisciplinary and
range over issues between two or more fields of value
inquiry. Topics may even be meta-disciplinary and range over
purely conceptual issues important for fuller understanding
of matters of values in an age of multiculturalism.

Invited speakers include:

Professor Tariq Modood
Sociology, University Research Centre for the Study of
Ethnicity and Citizenship, Bristol University

Professor Monique Deveaux
Political Science, Williams College

Deadline for proposals: 15 January 2009.


Professor Susan Dimock, Conference Coordinator
36th Conference on Value Inquiry
Centre for Practical Ethics
York University
119 McLaughlin College
4700 Keele Street
Toronto, Ontario, M3J 1P3
dimock@yorku.ca or ycpe@yorku.ca


Отдел восточного славянства Института славяноведения РАН

Центр украинистики и белорусистики МГУ 


«Confessiones et nationes»  

      18 ноября 2008 г., в 12.00, комн. 814: 

      Доклад Г. Энгельгардта (Инслав РАН): 

      Место православия и Сербской Православной церкви в постсоциалистических дискурсах национальной идентичности в Сербии. 

      25 ноября 2008 г., в 12.00, комн. 814: 

Доклад А.М. Шпирта (Инслав РАН): 

Опыт изучения дискурсов протонациональной идентичности «Венской школой исторической этнографии» 

Приглашаются все заинтересованные. 

Семинар проходит в Институте славяноведения РАН (Ленинский проспект, 32а, 8-й этаж, 814 комната). 

Для заказа пропуска обращайтесь к Андрею Шпирту (futesas@gmail.com или 8-903-536-08-29). 



Institute of Philosophy & Institute of Musical Research

16-17 June, 2009

Supported by the British Society of Aesthetics


Confirmed keynote speakers include: George Benjamin, John Deathridge,
Deirdre Gribbin, Jerrold Levinson, Susan McClary, Roger Scruton

Convenor: Guy Dammann, Institute of Musical Research

Music has commonly been considered the most elusive of artforms and yet
throughout history there have been frequent assertions of its strong links
with our moral sensibilities. While this situation may suggest shifting
views and expectations of art and music, it may also point to some deeper
questions about the nature of music and morality.

In the context of increased academic and practical interest in the
question of music’s moral value and potential, we are seeking
contributions from academic and practical musicians, philosophers,
psychologists and historians of ideas, offering critical reflections on
questions or cases that touch on the theme of music and morality.

Interested contributors should send, in a first instance, a 300 word
abstract for a proposed paper of not more than 20 minutes reading time to
Valerie James, Institute of Musical Research,  
music@sas.ac.uk by the
deadline of 31 January 2009. Notice of acceptances of submissions will be
announced within one month of this deadline.

General questions of interest include but are not limited to the following:

Can music yield moral knowledge or understanding?

Must good music have a moral value?

Is there such a thing as immoral music?

Is the idea of morality in music compatible with aesthetic formalism?

Full call for papers available here:


Poster here





     УВАжаемые коллеги!

Кафедра религиоведения и теологии факультета политических наук Алтайского государственного университета формирует сборник научных статей «Мировоззрение народов Южной Сибири и Центральной Азии в исторической ретроспективе» (Вып. 3). 

Основная тематика сборника

  • Теоретические аспекты изучения мировоззрения древних и традиционных обществ

  • Источники по изучению духовной культуры народов Южной Сибири и Центральной Азии

  • Верования, обряды  древних  и средневековых народов Центральной Азии

  • Влияние мировых религий на формирование синкретичных  мировоззренческих систем

  • Первобытное искусство: образы, сюжеты, семантика

  • Традиционное мировоззрение народов Южной Сибири

  • Религиозная политика в государствах Центральной Азии

  • Современные этноконфессиональные процессы в регионе


   Авторы, желающие опубликовать свои статьи, могут рассмотреть и другие вопросы, но в рамках обозначенной тематики сборника.

     Для публикации статьи в сборнике необходимо до 20 июня 2009 г. прислать ее  текст (в печатном и электронном варианте), а также сведения об авторе (фамилия, имя, отчество, место работы, должность, ученая степень, ученое звание, почтовый адрес, телефон, e-mail).  Статья может включать текст и иллюстрации до 12 страниц (14 кегль, одинарный интервал, в формате Word: поля: верхнее – 2 см, нижнее – 2 см, левое – 2,5 см, правое – 2,5 см). К статье обязательно прикладывается полный список использованных работ.

     Образец оформления статьи и списка литературы

Г.Г. Король

Институт археологии РАН, г. Москва



    Ссылки в тексте: (Токарев С.А.,  1990, с. 132) 

    Библиографический список

     Кузьмина Е.Е. Конь в религии и искусстве саков и скифов // Скифы и сарматы. М., 1977а. С. 96–119.

     Кузьмина Е.Е. Распространение коневодства и культа коня у ирано-язычных племен Средней Азии и других народов Старого Света // Средняя Азия в древности и средневековье. М., 1977б. С.28–52.

    Леви-Стросс К. Структурная антропология. М., 1983. 432 с.

Статьи следует высылать по адресу:

656049, г. Барнаул, ул. Димитрова-66, Алтайский государственный университет, деканат факультета политических наук, Дашковскому Петру Константиновичу.

Электронная почта: dashkovskiy@fpn.asu.ru (c пометкой сборник «Мировоззрение…»).

Контактный телефон: (3852) 366331 (деканат)


14.11.08, 05:19, "Secretariat@isast.org" <secretariat@isast.org>: 
You are kindly invited to participate in the Qualitative and Quantitative Methods in Libraries International Conference (QQML2009), Chania, Crete, Greece, 26-29 of May, 2009.
The conference expands the main theme and presentations given 10 years earlier in the successful IATUL 1999 conference, organizer Dr Anthi Katsirikou then director of the library of Technical University of Crete.
The theme of  the 20th IATUL 1999 conference in Chania was the "The Future of Libraries in Human Communication". The forthcoming QQML 2009 Conference will focus in an expanded theme covering Qualitative and Quantitative Methods in Libraries. 
QQML2009 is organized under the umbrella of ASMDA International Society organizing conferences on data analysis from 1981
Qualitative and Quantitative Methods (QQM) are proved more and more popular tools for Librarians, because of their usefulness to the everyday professional life. QQM aim to the assessment and improvement of the services, to the measurement of the functional effectiveness and efficiency. QQM are the mean to make decisions on fund allocation and financial alternatives. Librarians use also QQM in order to determine why and when their users appreciate their services. This is the start point of the innovation involvement and the ongoing procedure of the excellent performance. Systematic development of quality management in libraries requires a detailed framework, including the quality management standards, the measurement indicators, the self-appraisal schedules and the operational rules. These standards are practice-oriented tools and a benchmarking result. Their basic function is to express responsibly the customer (library user) -supplier (library services) relationship and provide a systematic approach to the continuous change onto excellence. The indoor and outdoor relationships of libraries are dependent of their communication and marketing capabilities, challenges, opportunities and implementation programmes. 

The Conference will attend library professionals: professors, administrators, technologists, museum scientists, archivists, decision makers and managers.
As the conference papers will be included in a Book titled: 
Advances in Qualitative and Quantitative Methods in Libraries
please follow precisely the given Template following the format and instructions from World Scientific Publishing Co.
If you propose a Special Session including 4-5 papers, the papers will be included into the book as a Specific Chapter under the title of the special session.
Special Session proposals should have the session title, the name and affiliation of the organizer and a brief description (5-10 lines).
You may upload  the Abstract/Paper Template and formulate your paper according to the instructions: 
Please submit your paper in MS Word format as an email attachment to 
secretariat@isast.org <mailto:secretariat@isast.org
You can also submit your Abstract electronically by using the facilities of the conference website.
For more information and submission details visit the Conference Website at: 
www.isast.org <http://www.isast.org/>  
Kind regards
Prof. Christos H. Skiadas, Conference Chair
Director, Data Analysis nad Forecasting Laboratory
Technical University of Crete
skiadas@isast.org ; skiadas@asmda.net 
www.isast.org <http://www.isast.org/

Dr. Anthi Katsirikou, Conference Secretary
University of Piraeus
Secretary of the Greek Association of Librarians and Information Professionals

International Conferences on Qualitative and Quantitative Methods that we have organized in Chania:
6th ASMDA Conference 3-6 May 1993
20th IATUL Conference 16-22 May 1999
12th ASMDA Conferece 29 May-1 June, 2007




We would like to once more invite all professional philosophers of
religion to consider submitting papers and book review to the newly
established European Journal for Philosophy of Religion (EJPR) (see:
EJPR is an official journal of the Central European Society for
Philosophy of Religion. The extensive Advisory Board consists
predominantly of the leading philosophers of religion from Europe and
North America. The refereeing process of the journal is being overseen
by the chair of the Advisory Board, Prof. Richard Swinburne of Oxford
EJPR's special mission is to enable a fruitful exchange between
representatives of various traditions of the contemporary philosophy of
religion dominant in Europe and elsewhere. Although the journal is
committed to no position and invites papers without restriction of
philosophical method or orientation, it encourages publication of papers
in which a clear philosophical questions about God and other issues of
philosophy of religion are being asked, a clear thesis is defended, and
clear arguments are given.
EJPR will be published biannually. The first issue is scheduled for
December 2008.

If you would like to submit a paper, please read the Author Guidelines
on the journal's website first.
We would like also to encourage the libraries, institutions and
individual philosophers to consider subscribing to the journal.
If you would like to contact the Editor, please, e-mail:

Richard Swinburne (Chair of the Advisory Board)
Howard Robinson (President of the Society)
Janusz Salamon (Editor-in-Chief)


From: Priscilla Hunt [mailto:phunt@slavic.umass.edu]
Sent: 14 November 2008 00:22
To: Early Slavic Studies
Subject: Russian History issue on Medieval Rus'

From the editor: please note that Part 1 of FESTSCHRIFT FOR RICHARD HELLIE,
which was published earlier, is also dedicated to the medieval period. Its
TOC can be found here:



Part 3

Guest Editors:



Identity as Commodity: Tournaments of Value in the Tatar Ransom


          Brian J. Boeck

Handwriting on the Wall: Traces of Novgorod in the Golden Hall

          Michael Flier

The Foolishness in the Life of the Archpriest Avvakum and the
     Problem of

          Priscilla Hunt

Private Service and Patronage in Sixteenth-Century
Russia                       309
           Mikhail Krom

Identifying Diseases in Pre-Modern
Russia                                                 321
          Eve Levin

Scriptual Pieces: A Muscovite Publishing History of Books of the


          Gary Marker

Ritual and Religion in the Foreign Marriages of Three Muscovite


          Russell Martin

Rituals of Violence: Retaliatory Acts by Russian and Hungarian


          Georg Michels

Melchior Sternfels von Fuchshaim in
Muscovy                                            395
          Donald Ostrowski

The Sexual Life of Muscovites: Evidence from the Foreign
Accounts         409
          Marshall Poe

The Title “Great Sovereign” and the Case of Patriarch
Nikon                   429
          Olga Strakhov

Muscovite Women and the Politics of the Holy: Gender and


          Isolde Thyrêt


Ambiguities of the Frontier: Two Case Studies from Medieval
Silesia        463
          Piotr Górecki

Index to Volume 35/Index du volume
35                                                     479

Priscilla Hunt, PhD
Associate of the Five Colleges at the University of Massachusetts
24 Teaberry Lane
Amherst, MA  01002
413-256-0732 (home)
413-478-0527 (cell)
www.phslavic.com (website)

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