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Информационный бюллетень Центра изучения православия # 279



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При перепечатке ссылка на рассылку Центра изучения православия и древнерусской культуры обязательна

Редактор бюллетеня Т.В. Чумакова

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8 ноября 2008 г.



Опубликована программа одного из направлений XVII Рождественских чтений «Пути Промысла Божия и святоотеческое наследие»

По благословению Святейшего Патриарха Московского и всея Руси Алексия с 25 по 30 января 2009 года в Москве состоятся XVII Рождественские образовательные чтения на тему «Наука, образование, культура: духовно-нравственные основы и пути развития».

На портале Патриархия.ru опубликована программа IV направления Чтений — «Пути Промысла Божия и святоотеческое наследие».

В рамках направления планируется рассмотреть важнейшие вопросы изучения Священного Писания и святоотеческого наследия, актуальные проблемы православной антропологии, проследить роль Византии в становлении российской государственности, обсудить необходимость бережного сохранения и почитания церковных древностей.

Пленарное заседание направления на тему «Наследие святых отцов — духовная основа развития науки, образования и культуры» состоится 28 января с 10.00 до 12.30 в Зале церковных соборов Храма Христа Спасителя.

В рамках IV направления пройдет работа следующих конференций и секций:

  • Конференция: «Прославление и почитание святых» (к 80-летию мученической кончины и 10-летию церковного прославления сщмч. Илариона (Троицкого))

  • Конференция: «Священное Писание и святоотеческое наследие в жизни современного христианина» (к 100-летию преставления св. прав. Иоанна Кронштадтского)

  • Конференция: «Святоотеческое наследие и воспитание детей и юношества»

  • Конференция: «Агиология и образование» (к 300-летию преставления свт. Димитрия Ростовского)

  • Конференция: «Церковные древности. Московский Кремль в XVI веке».

  • Круглый стол: «Церковь и византийская государственно-политическая доктрина христианской империи»

  • Конференция: «Москва — Третий Рим: роль и значение патриаршества в российской истории» (к 20-летию прославления свт. Тихона, Патриарха Московского, исповедника).

  • Конференция: «Православное краеведение и образование»

  • Конференция: «Роль епархиальных и государственных музеев в деле духовно-нравственного просвещения и образования».

  • Секция: Православное паломничество и духовно-нравственное просвещение.

  • Круглый стол: «Россия и Святая Земля».

  • Конференция: «Святоотеческое наследие в научно-образовательном процессе в вузах России» (к 1550-летию преставления прп. Симеона Нового Богослова)

  • Конференция: «Святоотеческое наследие и православная антропология»(к 115-летию со дня преставления свт. Феофана , Затворника Вышенского)

  • Конференция: «Святоотеческая психология и воспитание человека»

  • Конференция: «Старый обряд в жизни Русской Православной Церкви: прошлое и настоящее»

  • Конференция: «Святоотеческое наследие в общественной жизни, семье, государстве» (к 650-летию преставления свт. Григория Паламы)

  • IV Свято-Петровские чтения (к 700-летию поставления свт. Петра в митрополита Киевского и всея Руси)

  • Конференция: «Изучение опыта использования святоотеческого наследия в науке, образовании, культуре и перспектива его применения».

Для участия в работе той или иной конференции необходимо направить заявку в оргкомитет направления с указанием точной темы и тезисов доклада, фамилии, имени, отчества докладчика, его ученой степени, должности и места работы, а также координаты для связи.

Почтовый адрес: 127051, Москва, ул. Петровка, 28/2, Высоко-Петровский монастырь. Отдел религиозного образования и катехизации РПЦ. Оргкомитет Рождественских чтений.

Заявки также можно подать по телефону (495) 650-64-41.

Срок подачи заявок — до 1 декабря 2008 года.

С прочими вопросами по Рождественским чтениям обращаться в Оргкомитет Чтений по тел. (495) 628-78-74.


В Екатеринбурге пройдет богословская конференция, посвященная проблемам теологии

Кафедра теологии Российского государственного профессионально-педагогического университета готовится к проведению VI международной научно-практической богословской конференции «Проблемы теологии». Конференция состоится в мае 2009 года и будет посвящена 30-летию вуза.

В ходе теологического форума планируется осветить широкий спектр вопросов — по истории Церкви, по православной педагогике, литургике, богословию, святоотеческому наследию.

Все желающие принять участие в предстоящей конференции могут уже сейчас присылать заявки, материалы, тезисы докладов.

Заявки в письменном виде принимаются до 1 апреля 2009 года. Адрес: Екатеринбург, ул. Машиностроителей, 11. Телефон для справок: (343) 335-7823.






Факультет политических наук Алтайского государственного университета формирует сборник научных статей «Теология и религиоведение. Вып.3», посвященный памяти доктора философских наук, профессора Александра Федоровича Управителева

Основная тематика сборника

Ø      Теоретические и прикладные аспекты изучения религии

Ø      История религиоведения как науки

Ø      Психология и философия религии

Ø      История религий народов мира

Ø      Религиозный фактор в социально-политической истории

Ø      Научная и религиозная картины мира

Ø      Религия и право

Ø      Религиоведческое и религиозное образование

Ø      Этноконфессиональные исследования в Сибири и Центральной Азии

Ø      Жизнь и творчество А.Ф. Управителева

Ø      Воспоминания коллег, учеников и  друзей об А.Ф. Управителеве


Для публикации статьи в сборнике необходимо до 1 февраля 2009 г. прислать ее  текст (в печатном и электронном варианте), а также сведения об авторе (фамилия, имя, отчество, место работы, должность, ученая степень, ученое звание, почтовый адрес, телефон, e-mail). Статья может включать текст и иллюстрации до 10 страниц (14 кегль, одинарный интервал, в формате Word: поля: верхнее – 2 см, нижнее – 2 см, левое – 2,5 см, правое – 2,5 см). К статье обязательно прикладывается полный список использованных работ.


Образец оформления статьи:

В.А. Васильев

Алтайский государственный университет, Барнаул



Ссылки в тексте: (Васильев В.А., 1991, с. 32)

Библиографический список:

Васильев В.С. Религиозная культура России. М., 1991. 250 с.

Павлова Н.В., Орлов П.В. Этноконфессиональная ситуация в Бурятии на рубеже XX-XXI вв. // Актуальные вопросы истории религии. – Омск, 2007. – С. 262–265.


Редколлегия оставляет за собой право отклонять материалы, не соответствующие указанной тематике или предъявляемым требованиям к оформлению.

Адрес редколлегии:

656049, г. Барнаул, ул. Димитрова-66, Алтайский государственный университет, кафедра религиоведения и теологии, Дашковскому Петру Константиновичу,

Электронная почта: dashkovskiy@fpn.asu.ru;

Контактный телефон: (3852)366331 (деканат); (3852)261581 (кафедра религиоведения и теологии)



Call for Papers

Metanexus Conference
July 18 – 21, 2009
Phoenix, Arizona

DEADLINE for abstracts: January 15, 2009

No one knows for sure, but it is estimated that
there are something like 1024 stars in the
universe. When talking about numbers so
unimaginably large, our world seems cosmically
insignificant. But as far as we know, we're the
only ones who count¬in two senses of the word: We
alone can count the stars, and it seems to count
for something that we do. As Aristotle begins his
Metaphysics, "All men by nature desire to know."
There is something within us¬manifested as it is
in the entire spectrum of human endeavor, from
the sciences, to philosophy, to religion, to the
arts, to ethics¬that demands we pursue the whole
story of the whole cosmos if we are to be whole
persons, in order to know who we are, where we
are from, where we are going, and how we should live.

According to a recent piece in Scientific
American, it seems that in about 100 billion
years, scientists (if there are any) will no
longer be able to detect the Big Bang. As the
article poetically put it, "the runaway expansion
of the cosmos by then will have blown away all
evidence of the big bang like dandelion fluff
into the wind." The universe will look to our
counterparts in the future as if it were static.
There will be no ability to detect expansion, and
no way to find the cosmic microwave background
radiation. Astrophysicist Lawrence Krauss notes
that we only discovered dark energy because we
live in a 'special' time during which its
mysterious influence is neither too weak nor too
strong to observe. "This is about the only time
in the history of the universe when you could
detect it, and that's really weird," Krauss
says¬a weirdness that results in our time really
being an "extraordinary moment." When the big
bang finally and permanently recedes, "with it
will go cosmology, the study of the origin and
evolution of the universe." And without
understanding our origins, the "whole story" will be gone forever.

So maybe we need to gather our "cosmic"
rosebuds¬as well as our biological, ecological,
philosophical, theological, mathematical, and
whatever other rosebuds¬while we may. As Carl
Sagan wrote, "the Cosmos is all that is or ever
was or ever will be. Our feeblest contemplations
of the Cosmos stir us¬ there is a tingling in the
spine, a catch in the voice, a faint sensation,
as if a distant memory, of falling from a height.
We know we are approaching the greatest of
mysteries." If we are truly to understand the
cosmos and our place in it, as well as our
relation to each other and to the divine, we must
adopt rich transdisciplinary approaches that
deeply respect yet cut across the various fields
of knowledge, institutional boundaries, cultural
borders, and religious traditions that frame our
intellectual and spiritual pursuits.

If we wish to pursue something like the whole
story of the whole cosmos for the whole person,
we need to explore such questions as:

What is the state of our knowledge about our
origins? What has the latest cutting edge
research in cosmology, quantum physics,
evolutionary biology, and neuroscience to teach
us about where we are in our story and where we
are going? And what do we know about the end of
ourselves and of everything? What do we know
about the birth of the stars and the moment of our death?

Recent years have witnessed a resurgence of
interest in metaphysics, in particular the
metaphysics of science. Can metaphysics give us a
"whole story"? Can it at least contribute to the
"story" of who we are and what we know? What role
does metaphysics play in helping us get our story
right? Is it essential? Could it be instead, as
its critics maintain, an obstacle to knowing?
What is the nature of "ultimate reality"? Are
there fundamentally different levels of reality?
Does science give us the final truth of reality?
What is "scientific realism"? What is the
metaphysical status of "universals," "substance,"
"causes," "ontological categories," "numbers,"
"properties," "time," and the other terms in which science speaks to us?

To paraphrase novelist Walker Percy, "Why it is
that of all the billions and billions of strange
objects in the Cosmos¬novas, quasars, pulsars,
black holes¬we are beyond doubt the strangest?"
There is something inescapably "first person"
about consciousness. What accounts for this? Can
third-person, objective science give a complete
analysis of first-person, subjective experience?
And can it tell us how to live our lives, how to
seek virtue, or how to live together? The human
brain manifests a massive complexity, comprising
about 100 billion neurons and 100 trillion (1014)
synapses. But are we our brains? What can the
latest developments in neuroscience, which has
taken on fields from psychology to religion to
economics in recent years, tell us about our
deepest questions and our future prospects?

D. H. Lawrence wrote, in his Apocalypse, "We and
the cosmos are one. The cosmos is a vast living
body, of which we are still parts. The sun is a
great heart whose tremors run through our
smallest veins. The moon is a great gleaming
nerve-centre from which we quiver forever. Who
knows the power Saturn has over us, or Venus? But
it is a vital power, rippling exquisitely through
us all the time." To what degree are we
relational beings? Is there an essential relation
between "I" and "Other"? And do animals count as
"other." Does "nature" as a whole count as
"other"? Are human beings "natural," or are we,
as some suggest, a "threat" to nature? And what
about God? Is God the "whole" which we seek , or
does God somehow belong to the "whole"? Is God,
instead, beyond the whole, making the whole possible?

How might we go about a search for meaning, for
what is "real and important" to ourselves? Is
this a spiritual quest? A philosophical practice?
An empirical exercise? A potential scientific
discovery? How do we best approach this search,
or are these questions somehow flawed? Is there
such a thing as "natural law," and can it help us
to know who we are and how to live? Is there a
relation between, in Kant’s words, "the starry
heavens above me and the moral law within me"?

Join us for the 10th international Metanexus
Conference when philosophers, biologists,
physicists, cosmologists, neuroscientists,
cognitive scientists, theologians, scholars in
religious studies, and other researchers and
educators will discuss these and other profound
questions of cosmos, nature, and culture in a
rapidly evolving and complex world.

Among the attendees will be representatives of
the Metanexus Global Network of multidisciplinary
Local Societies from more than 40 countries.

Additional Themes

Papers are invited that address the broad themes
listed above, but the conference is open to
critically rigorous, scientifically-,
theologically-, and philosophically-informed
papers on any topics that touch on profound
questions of a transdisciplinary nature concerning the person and the cosmos.

All accepted papers and presentations are to be
submitted in advance in final form and will be
posted and publicly accessible on the Metanexus
Conference Web site. Abstracts will also be
printed in the conference reader. All authors of
accepted papers and presentations will be
required to sign a release allowing Metanexus to
record their contributions (audio, video,
powerpoint, etc.) to the conference for later use by Metanexus.

The goal in this conference is not simply to
present papers, but to meet and network with
creative persons from around the world. The hope
is to learn from each other, to try out new ideas
on a welcoming yet critically astute audience, to
provide inspiration towards further research and
exploration, and to generate a synergy that will
have effects long after the conference is over.
As this is a transdisciplinary conference,
attendees will represent various academic fields
and specialties. Papers should be crafted with
this multidisciplinary scholarly audience in mind.

To be considered for a paper presentation at the
conference, please submit ALL of the following in
* FILE # 1: A COVER SHEET that lists the
author(s) full name(s), name of institution(s),
complete postal address, telephone number(s), and
email address, along with the PAPER TITLE.
* FILE # 2: A 200 word BIOGRAPHY for each
author of the paper, written in third-person form
(“She is professor…” rather than “I am
professor…”). Please include your current job title or academic position.
* FILE # 3: An ABSTRACT of between 1000 and
1200 words. Please adhere to the following guidelines:
SELF-REFERENCES, in order to facilitate blind review.
* All submission elements MUST BE SENT
VIA EMAIL AS ATTACHMENTS. All files must be in
.DOC or .RTF format only. No other file
extensions (.pdf, .odf, .tex, .pages, etc.) will be accepted.

NOTE: We cannot accept any cover sheets, bios, or
abstracts in the body of email messages.


DEADLINE for submitting abstract and biography is January 15, 2009.

Authors submitting abstracts will be notified of
acceptance decision by March 15, 2009.

DEADLINE for completed versions of SELECTED papers is June 15, 2009.

Further instructions will be sent to presenters upon selection.

(approximately 20 single-spaced 8.5” X 11” typed
pages in 12 pt. Arial or Times New Roman font).

READING TIME: approximately 25 minutes, followed
by up to 5 minutes of question and answer.

Please submit files containing cover sheets,
abstracts, bios, and (if selected) completed
papers as attachments via email to
conferencepapers@metanexus.net . Please use
subject line: “CONFERENCE 2009 PAPERS”.


Call for Papers: Special Issue of Utopian Studies on Law and Utopia

Guest Editor: Peter Sands, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee

Utopias are prescriptive, normative alternatives to already existing

societies. Thomas More, himself a lawyer, envisioned a society free from

lawyers and with few positive laws, and that trope has since made frequent

appearance in utopias and dystopias. But, like all societies, utopias depend

on rules and rule-making—they are societies of laws.

Law itself, too, is a utopian expression, an attempt to shape a

particular vision of society. Such visions enact conflicts between and among

competing views of rights, duties, punishment, redemption, distribution, and

nearly every other aspect of human life. Zoning laws describe someone’s

desired organization of space and industry. Constitutions write into being a

normative alternative to the society that exists before the constitution

takes effect. Positive law presents a normatively different belief system

from natural law, carrying implications for societal organization.

In fiction and film, utopian and dystopian expression addresses

fundamental jurisprudential issues of good and evil, of right and wrong, of

rights proper, of economics, criminality, state power and more. A Handmaid’s

Tale dramatizes, for example, conflicts over reproductive rights; The

Dispossessed juxtaposes anarchist, capitalist, and socialist societies.

Soylent Green and Zardoz imagine wholly alternate legal structures and their


For this special issue of Utopian Studies we invite papers on any

aspect of law and utopia.

Deadline: complete drafts by 31 May 2009.

Guidelines: http://www.utoronto.ca/utopia/journal/guidelines.html.

All submissions should be sent to:

Utopian Studies

Department of English

University of Alaska Anchorage

3211 Providence Drive

Anchorage, AK 99508

e-mail: utopia@uaa.alaska.edu

Inquiries about the special issue to: Peter Sands <sands@uwm.edu>


Расшифровка Лекция А.А. Зализняка
"О профессиональной и любительской лингвистике"
на фестивале науки в МГУ 11 октября 2008 http://lingvofreaks.narod.ru/zaliznyak.htm

В избранное