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Информационный бюллетень Центра изучения православия # 204






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 Архив рассылки http://subscribe.ru/archive/religion.2004bulleten/

 Редактор бюллетеня Татьяна Чумакова


  12 мая 2007 г.




are honoured to invite you to take part in International


Moscow, 16-18 August 2007

In mid XIXth century A. S. Khomyakov expressed the ideal of
sobornost in the Church defining it as the people of the Church
abiding in their divine calling, fellowship, love, and freedom of
the Holy Spirit. Understood this way the ideal was naturally
contrasted with all the extremes of both strict authoritarian and
collectivist concepts as well as extreme liberalism and
individualism, once again opening Christianity for his
contemporaries as a way of life different form this world's and
therefore called 'inochestvo' in Russian (the word literally
means 'being different'). At the same time this ideal directly
related not only to the Church's search for a renewal of life in
the new historic conditions, a premonition of which people
already had at the time, but also with the hopes and aspirations
of society, which too was beginning to realise the inevitability
of changes and therefore the need of both internal and external
reform and restructuring on the basis of what we would now call
'solidarity' (the old terminology being a bit confusing).

Since then both the Church and society have gone a long way in
their search for the true meaning of both sobornost
(conсiliarity) and solidarity. On this way there were a lot of
real spiritual discoveries, theoretical and practical
achievements, but perhaps even more tragic breakdowns,
frustration, and backtracking. As a result both the Church and
society today have arrived at a point when both negative
tendencies in this area - namely, the hard-line hierarchical
authoritarian rule and the individualistic liberalism - have
reached unprecedented scope and intensity. Besides, the
correlation between the two tendencies today is such that they
are constantly and inevitably provoking each other's growth. In
this situation 'a third way', a way of discovering the Church's
conсiliarity and social solidarity, appears as almost a utopic,
fruitless and maybe even dangerous dream.

What can be done in this situation? How can the ideal of
sobornost in the Church and solidarity in society be revived,
conceived and embodied in our time? What efforts can be made in
this respect - both 'from the top' and 'from the bottom'? What
needs to be done first and what comes second? How do we retain
continuity with the best movements of the past, both in the
Church and in society, while at the same time avoiding the
various dangers of turning the whole thing into an ideology or
falling for lifeless imitation? What are the respective roles of
the Church and society? Is co-operation possible? Can they
exercise a mutual influence and responsibility without conflict,
violence or confusion? Where is the common ground of their
interaction and where, on the contrary, they need to establish
the boundaries of their internal life which are not to be

Can the notion of sobornost in the Church regain its specific
character which it seems to have lost? How can sobornost be lived
out today in our church - at the level of local church, diocese,
parish, community, brotherhood, church family? Within and among
these realities of church life? Can sobornost express itself in
interdenominational and interreligious fellowship (say, within
the Abrahamic tradition)?

Where is the place today for social solidarity? What spiritual,
cultural, social and economic basis can it be built on? What
could be the adequate forms of its expression?

Please send your application, the theme and abstract of your
presentation to the Organising Committee before 15 June 2007. In
the application please state your full name, place of work or
ministry, position, as well as e-mail address and telephone

Apart from the presentations the conference will involve dialogue
and free discussion of the issues raised above. We are counting
on your interest and participation.

Dmitry Gasak, Chair, Organising Committee SFI Vice-Rector

Contact information for the Organising Committee:

29-38, Pokrovka st., Moscow 105062, Russia Tel/fax: +7 (495)
624-92-50; 623-03-80 E-mail:


22 мая в РГГУ состоится семинар "Восточное христианство и
европейская интеграция: взгляд из России"

Центр изучения религии РГГУ и Institute of Eastern Christian
Studies, Radboud University (Неймеген, Нидерланды), проводят
семинар "Восточное христианство и европейская интеграция: взгляд
из России" ("Eastern Christianity and European Integration: The
Russian Perspectives").

Предполагается обсудить следующие вопросы:

- Каковы реальные контуры и смысл понятия "Православная
Цивилизация" в общеевропейском контексте?

- Что есть "Европа" и "европейские ценности" с точки зрения
христианского Востока и христианского Запада?

- В какой мере русская православная традиция принадлежит Европе?

- Каково отношение Русской Православной Церкви к европейским
понятиям "права человека" и "плюрализм"?

- Как российские мусульмане относятся к "европейской
идентичности" России?

Время и место проведения семинара:

22 мая 2007 года

10:00 - 18:00

РГГУ, Главный корпус, аудитория 206

Контактный тел.: 250-6340


"Historiography and the Question of Non-Western Pasts"
International Conference La Trobe University Melbourne, VIC
(Australia) 21-22 June 2007

For some time now rationalist historiography, a product of modern
Western culture, has been the dominant mode of representing all
pasts- including the pasts of those who did not, until recently,
think of representing and relating to their past through
historiography. However the works of Levi-Strauss, Michel
Foucault, Michel de Certeau, Hayden White, Paul Veyne and others
have demonstrated that historiography is itself an elaborate
construction, not simply an attention to 'evidence' and 'fact'
rather than 'superstition' and 'fancy'. If this is so, is there
any reason to accord this mode of thinking epistemic privilege-
treating it as superior to so-called myth, epic, legend and the
dreaming? What is the epistemic status of these and other modes
of thinking and representing the past? These are questions which
have been confronted by historians of India and by historians
(and anthropologists) of indigenous Australia, who (for example)
have had to decide whether to treat gods, spirits and ancestors
as historical actors, or whether to treat them merely as
'evidence' of their subjects' 'beliefs'. This conference seeks to
bring together those who, in writing about India or about
indigenous Australia, have reflected upon how to treat these
alternative ways of thinking the past, and who have reflected
upon the status of the knowledge they produce when they write

Confirmed speakers: Bain Attwood Greg Dening Barry Hindess Henry
Reynolds Chris Healy Jorn Rusen Debjani Ganguly Sanjay Seth
Deborah Rose Stephen Muecke Dipesh Chakrabarty Tony Birch

Conference website:

Registration form: Form can be downloaded from the conference
website. For catering purposes we prefer participants to
pre-register. However, it is also possible to register on the

Subsidy for postgraduate students: The organisers have funds to
assist four (4) postgraduates from outside Victoria with the
costs of three-night accommodation. Please visit the conference
website for details and application form.


Tracy Lee, Project Officer School of Social Sciences La Trobe
University Melbourne, VIC 3086 Australia Email:
t.lee@latrobe.edu.au Web: http://sueztosuva.org.au/e2005/


A Figure of Speech: Conference on Metaphor

Invited speakers include:

Anne Bezuidenhout (South Carolina)

Elizabeth Camp (University of Pennsylvania)

Michael Glanzberg (UC Davis)

Sam Guttenplan (Birkbeck College)

David Hills (Stanford)

Michael Leezenberg (Amsterdam)

Ernie Lepore (Rutgers)

Douglas Patterson (Kansas State)

Esther Romero (Granada)

Marga Reimer (Arizona)

Belen Soria (Granada)

The symposium will take place on 17-18 December 2007 at the
University of Latvia in Riga and is co-hosted by the Center for
Cognitive Sciences and Semantics of the University of Latvia:


and the Department of Philosophy at Kansas State University:


Call for Papers

A limited number of papers will be selected for presentation at
the symposium and considered for inclusion in the proceedings in
the Baltic International Yearbook of Cognition, Logic and


Time allowed for presentations is 40 minutes including
discussion. Submitted papers should have a maximum of 3000 words
and should be accompanied by a 200 word abstract.

Possible topics include (but are not limited to):

Metaphor in the general theory of meaning

Interpretation of metaphorical utterances

Metaphor identification

The status - semantic, epistemological, pragmatic - of metaphors

The cognitive significance of metaphor

Metaphor and aesthetic effects

Natural language processing theories and metaphor

Cognitive linguistics and metaphor

Metaphor and rhetorical categories

All submissions should be prepared for blind review, and should
be sent electronically to:


Deadline for submission is August 15 2007. Authors will be
notified in September 2007.

Sandra Lapointe

Assistant Professor

Department of Philosophy

Kansas State University

201 Dickens Hall

Manhattan, KS, 66506

tel: 785 532 0356

fax: 785 532 3522


http://www.blagovest-info.ru/index.php?ss=2&s=9&id=13408 В
Культурном Центре "Покровские ворота" (ул. Покровка 27, стр.1) 17
мая (четверг) в 15.00-20.00 состоится конференция: "Маэста" Дуччо
ди Буонинсенья и итальянская культура XIII-XIV вв.


Культурные связи юга и севера Италии в XIII в. О.С. Воскобойников
(кандидат ист. наук, преподаватель МГУ, преподаватель МАРСИ)

Византийское искусство второй половины XIII в. О.С. Попова
(доктор искусствоведения, проф. МГУ, зав. отделением
византийского искусства Института искусствознания)

Данте. Мудрость надежды. О.А. Седакова (поэт, ведущий научный
сотрудник Института мировой культуры МГУ)

Сиена и Флоренция. М.И. Свидерская (доктор искусствоведения, зав.
отделением классического искусства Запада Института

"Маэста" Дуччо ди Буонинсенья в традиции итальянской алтарной
живописи. О.А. Назарова (кандидат искусствоведения, преподаватель

Итальянская живопись XIV в. и российское собирательство. В.Э.
Маркова (доктор искусствоведения, в.н.с. ГМИИ им. А.С. Пушкина)

Вход свободный.

Справки по телефону 223-58-10

Сайт в интернет



Studies in East European Thought

Volume 58, Number 4 / December, 2006

Special Issue on Orthodox Christianity

Introduction Author Evert van der Zweerde

Modernity and its critique in 20th century Russian orthodox
thought Author Kristina Stöckl

Russian Philosophers on Continuous Creation as the Basis for
Social Change Author Katharina Breckner

Re-appraising the Subject and the Social in Western Philosophy
and in Contemporary Orthodox thought Author Ilias

Book Review Author Kristina Stöckl

Book Review Author Evert van der Zweerde

Book Review Authors Pauline Schrooyen, Manon van der Courten and
Evert van der Zweerde



Сайт, посвященный Александру Невскому. Интересная библиотека, все
файлы заархивированные


Петрухин В.Я.

Начало этнокультурной истории Руси 9-11 веков.

Книга посвящена началу русской истории и культуры - проблемам
появления Руси в славянском мире и мире раннесредневековой

Соболев А.Н.

Загробный мир по древнерусским представлениям.

Литературно-исторический опыт исследования древнерусского
народного миросозерцания .

Янин В. Л.

Берестяные грамоты об обороне новгородских рубежей в 13 веке.

Князь Александр Невский и его эпоха. СПб., 1995г.

Янин В. Л.

Древнейшая славянская книга.

Рассказ о последней, поистине сенсационной находке, сделанной
летом 2000 года в наиболее древней части города, расположенной к
югу от Новгородского кремля.

Зеленин Д.К.

Древнерусский языческий культ ' заложных ' покойников.

Зеленин Д.К. Избранные труды М., 1999г.

Фаминцын А.

Скоморохи на Руси.

История скоморошества (репринтное издание). М., 1992г.

Приселков М.Д.

История русского летописания XI-XV вв.

Приводится по изданию: М.Д. Приселков. История русского
летописания XI-XV вв. СПб.: Дмитрий Буланин.

Зеленин Д.К.

Древнерусская братчина как обрядовый праздник сбора урожая.

Зеленин Д.К. Избранные труды М., 1999г.

Зеленин Д.К.

'Спасова борода', восточнославянский земледельческий обряд сбора

Зеленин Д.К. Избранные труды М., 1999г.

Янин В. Л.

У истоков новгородской государственности.

Наиболее существенные особенности



Call for Papers (Slavic Review): Nature, Culture, and Power in
Eastern Europe, Russia and Eurasia

For a special issue of Slavic Review on environmental studies
Guest Editor: Zsuzsa Gille (Sociology, University of Illinois at

The relationship between environmental studies and east European,
Russian, and Eurasian area studies over the last half century is
best characterized as one of mutual ignorance. Recently, however,
there has been a renewed interest in nature, the science of
ecology, and environmentalism among scholars of eastern Europe,
Russia, and Eurasia. The scholarship is now ripe for mapping out
existing research agendas and exploring new directions, for
evaluating the relevance of various social theories and
methodologies, and for analyzing the academic politics of doing
research and publishing in this field.

Slavic Review is calling for papers that contribute to the
advancement of environmental studies concerning eastern Europe,
Russia, and Eurasia. Empirical and analytical pieces are both
welcome. We encourage contributions from all disciplines and
especially interdisciplinary approaches and papers that discuss
issues of methodology and theory. If you have questions, please
contact the editor of Slavic Review, Mark Steinberg at
slavrev@uiuc.edu or Zsuzsa Gille at gille@uiuc.edu.

Please submit abstracts of one to two pages by June 1, 2007 to:
Slavic Review University of Illinois 57 East Armory St.
Champaign, IL 61820 (or as an email attachment to

The editors will decide by June 30, 2007 which proposals to
accept for full submissions of papers. Manuscripts of not more
than 8000 words excluding endnotes will be due December 1, 2007.
Submitted papers must conform to Slavic Review standards (see
www.slavicreview.uiuc.edu/info/manuscripts.html) and will be
peer-reviewed. The special issue is planned for the Winter 2008

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