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Редактор бюллетеня Татьяна Чумакова
17 января 2006 г.
Информационное письмо
На протяжении семи лет в Риге действует SEMINARIUM HORTUS HUMANITATIS, которым бессменно руководит Сергей Мазур (http://shh.neolain.lv/ ). За это время состоялось 19 Чтений семинара, которые были посвящены самым разным актуальным темам современного гуманитарного знания. В мае планируется провести 20-е Чтения SEMINARIUM HORTUS HUMANITATIS, по теме:
«Актуальные религиозные проблемы XXI века».
По традиции Чтения семинара проходят в Риге, на протяжении 2 дней. Первый день – выступления приглашенных докладчиков (2-3 человека с заранее объявленными темами выступлений), дискуссия и неформальное общение. Второй день – свободное обсуждение темы семинара на пресс-конференции, которая проводится для журналистов.
В настоящее время Совет SEMINARIUM HORTUS HUMANITATIS проводит предварительный отбор докладчиков для выступлений на 20-х Чтениях. Предлагается заинтересованным лицам до 15.03.06 представить в Совет SEMINARIUM HORTUS HUMANITATIS свои предложения по темам выступления.
На основании представленных кратких тезисов будет произведен отбор основных докладчиков на 20-е Чтения. Совет SEMINARIUM HORTUS HUMANITATIS организует приглашение и проживание докладчиков за свой счет. Предполагается издание специального Альманаха SEMINARIUM HORTUS HUMANITATIS по теме «Русский Мир и Латвии: актуальные религиозные проблемы XXI века». Предварительная информация о 20-х Чтениях и тезисы докладчиков будут представлена на сайте Семинара.
Контактный адрес:
15. 01. 2006
Научное общество молодых историков «Новист» объявляет о проведении Восьмой научной конференции студентов, аспирантов и молодых ученых «Мир в новое время». На конференции будет рассматриваться широкий спектр вопросов истории и культуры стран мира в XVI-XXI вв. В частности, будут затронуты следующие проблемы:
- политическая история стран мира в XVI-XXI вв.;
- международные отношения в новое время;
- войны и военное искусство XVI-XXI вв.;
- выдающиеся исторические личности нового времени;
- социальная и экономическая история XVI-XXI вв.;
- религия и повседневная жизнь в новое время;
- наука, культура и искусство в новое время;
- источники и историография по проблемам новой истории;
- проблемы изучения и преподавания новой истории.
В конференции могут принимать участие студенты, аспиранты и молодые (младше 30 лет) ученые. Мероприятие состоится в Санкт-Петербурге в апреле 2006 года. Материалы докладов будут опубликованы. О точной дате и месте проведения конференции будет сообщено отдельно.
Для участия в конференции необходимо в срок до 20 марта 2006 года представить заявку. В ней требуется указать:
- полные фамилию, имя и отчество автора;
- организацию, которую представляет автор доклада;
- точную тему выступления;
- контактную информацию (электронный адрес, номер телефона).
Для включения доклада в сборник материалов конференции необходимо представить в срок до 1 мая 2006 года текст объемом не более 10000 знаков с пробелами, снабженный оформленными согласно существующим стандартам концевыми сносками. Оргкомитет конференции оставляет за собой право редактирования, а также отказа в публикации материала с предварительным уведомлением об этом решении автора текста.
Заявку и текст просьба направлять по электронному адресу ovb1@yandex.ru для председателя НОМИ «Новист» Николая Власова.
Вся информация о конференции доступна на сайте Общества «Новист» nomi-novist.narod.ru.
Министерство культуры Омской области
Омский Государственный университет им. Ф.М. Достоевского
Кокшетауский Государственный университет им. Ш.Уалиханова (Респубика Казахстан)
Российский институт культурологии МК РФ (г. Москва)
Сибирский филиал Российского института культурологии МК РФ
Омский областной музей изобразительных искусств им. М.А. Врубеля
Омский филиал объединенного института истории, филологии, философии СО РАН
Архивное управление Омской области
Омское отделение межрегионального Российского общества интеллектуальной истории
3 - 5 октября 2006 г.
в г. Омске состоится
VI Всероссийская научно-практическая конференция с международным участием,
Для обсуждения предлагаются следующие проблемы:
- Современные мировые процессы глобализации и регионализации, их локальная специфика и движущие факторы
- Социокультурный и этноконфессиональный потенциал регионов России и Казахстана в XX - начале XXI вв.: динамика изменений в инфраструктуре, кадрах, ресурсах
- Мир личности и корпоративных сообществ в национально-государственном, региональном и локальном культурном пространстве. Диалог культур и специфика “сетей общения”
- Художник и творчество: образы и символы меняющихся регионов в местном культурном ландшафте
- Интеллигенция, интеллектуалы, управленческая элита: проблемы диалога, сотрудничества и оценки своей миссии в сопредельных странах и регионах
В рамках VI Всероссийской научно-практической конференции предполагается провести “круглый стол” на тему: “Современные региональные социокультурные проблемы: научные подходы и управленческая практика, пути взаимодействия”.
Для включения доклада в программу конференции необходимо прислать в печатном и электронном варианте (на дискете) заявку и тезисы доклада, указав фамилию, имя и отчество (полностью), название доклада, место работы (без сокращений), должность, ученое звание, ученую степень, адрес, телефон, факс, e-mail.
При оформлении тезисов просим придерживаться следующих требований:
И.О. Фамилия
Город, учреждение
Название доклада строчными буквами
Объем тезисов для публикации до 3 страниц через 1,5 интервала, кегль 12, текстовый редактор WORD, формат RTF; ссылки в конце текста (не более 5). Оргкомитет оставляет за собой право отклонять тезисы, не соответствующие тематике конференции или оформленные не в соответствии с предъявляемыми требованиями.
Заявки принимаются до 10 февраля 2006 г., тезисы не позже 25 апреля 2006 г.
Адрес оргкомитета: 644077, г. Омск, ул. Андрианова 28.
Сибирский филиал Российского института культурологии МК РФ,
Тел./факс: (3812) 269072 Гайлит Оксана Александровна
(3812) 285602 Петренко Ольга Владимировна
E-mail: soii@univer.omsk.su
The Commission on Folk Law and Legal Pluralism
Announcement of the XVth International Congress and the
VIIth International Course on Legal Pluralism
The Commission on Folk Law and Legal Pluralism will hold its XVth International Congress in Depok, West Java, Indonesia, June, 29 - July, 2, 2006, with the theme "Law, Power and Culture: Transnational, National and Local Processes in the Context of Legal Pluralism". The Commission will also organise its VIIth International Course on the same theme, in Ciawi/Bogor, West Java, June 24 - June 27, 2006. Both the Congress and the Course will be hosted jointly by the Faculty of Law and the Centre for Women and Gender's Studies, University of Indonesia, HuMa (Association for Community- and Ecologically Based Law Reform), and the Center for Irrigation, Land and Water Resources and Development Studies (PSI-SDALP UNAND), Andalas University, Padang, West Sumatra.
The Commission on Folk Law and Legal Pluralism
The Commission on Folk Law and Legal Pluralism was established in 1978 by the International Union of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences (IUAES). A network of approximately 400 lawyers, anthropologists and other social scientists as well as NGO activists and policy makers representing all regions of the world and concerned with state law, folk law and international law in both theory and practice has participated in the activities of the Commission. The Commission's primary purpose is to further knowledge and understanding of folk law and legal pluralism, with a focus on theoretical and practical problems resulting from the interaction of many levels of law. The Commission's current activities are: the issue of a newsletter; the organization of international symposia, and the initiation and encouragement of regional working groups in different parts of the world. The Commission is particularly concerned to further mutual learning and cooperation between scholars and practitioners of northern and southern states. So far, the Commission has organized 14 international conferences, all of which have led to book publications or special issues of international journals.
The Commission has also organized six international courses on issues such as governance, resource rights, human rights, and social, economic and political development from a legal pluralism perspective to contribute to the capacity building of younger academics and practitioners who are confronted with problems of folk law and legal pluralism in their academic or practical work. The Commission members (and its executive board) work on a voluntary basis; the Commission as such is unable to finance major activities but has always attempted to raise funds for participants from less developed regions for whom the cost of attending international meetings is often prohibitive. External funding is essential to undertake these activities.
Call for Papers and Paper Organizers
The Congress will address a number of related themes and issues pertaining to power and cultural aspects of law, especially in the context of the relations between transnational, national and local processes which affect the everyday life of people as they pursue their various activities.
While the congress symposia are comparative in nature and ask for papers from all over the world, a major focus will be on issues particularly relevant to South and Southeast Asia. In the historical development and contemporary situation in these regions, the legal landscapes are undergoing rapid change. Local populations, non-governmental and governmental agencies alike are faced with immense challenges posed by the plurality of laws and institutions. Besides local forms of traditional and neo-traditional law and the diverse regulations of governments at different levels of administration, religious laws (Islamic, Buddhist and Hindu law in particular) also play an important role in the organization and legitimation of governance, of social, political and economic relationships, and the administration of justice. In the context of globalisation, international and transnational legal rules and conventions as well as international actors, governmental and non-governmental organisations increasingly add to the earlier forms of legal complexity, not only influencing law making at the national level but also having impacts on small-scale local communities.
The Congress will attract participants from all over the world including people from various academic backgrounds, such as law, anthropology, sociology, development studies and gender studies as well as practitioners (social workers, NGO members, dispute mediators, legal advocates, planners, state officials, political activists) who in their work are confronted with issues of legal pluralism.
The Congress will address a number of issues that will form the core themes of the symposia and panels. The following outline is in the preparatory stages. The symposia and panels will be more closely focused in cooperation with panel organizers and the local organizing committee. Moreover, interested colleagues are invited to suggest additional proposals for panels, and proposals by participants from less developed countries as well as joint panels organized by northern and southern scholars are very welcome.
People who are interested in organising panels, either the ones listed below or new ones, are invited to notify the local organising committee latest by 30th September, 2005. The panel organisers will be expected to submit the description (themes, issues, questions) of their panels for general information.
Abstracts of papers are to be submitted to panel organisers, with a copy to the local organising committee by 31st January, 2006. Completed papers are to be submitted to the panel organisers by 15th May, 2006.
Proposed symposia and panels for the congress
Symposium I: Theoretical and Methodological Issues
Panel 1: The Problems of Case-Method Approaches in Legal Anthropology
Panel 2: Disputing Process and Legal Anthropology
Panel 3: Inter- and Intra Societal Comparison
Panel 4: Normative and Analytical Study of Law
Panel 5: Space, Time and Law (Or Spatial and Temporal Dimensions of Law)
Symposium II: Law, Governance and Market in a Transnational World
Panel 1: State Structures and Practices in Relation to Legally Plural Populations
Panel 2: Devolution of Power and Legal Change
Panel 3: Globalization, Market and Law
Panel 4: International Agencies, Multinational Corporations and the State
Symposium III: Rights, Culture and Plural Laws
Panel 1: The State, Multiculturalism and Rights
Panel 2: Indigenous Groups and Legal Pluralism
Panel 3: Religion and Legal Pluralism
Panel 4: Human Rights, Conflicts and Law
Symposium IV: Gendered Perspectives on Law
Panel 1: Gendered Violence and Discrimination
Panel 2: The International Trafficking of People
Panel 3: Access to Property and Resources: A Gendered Perspective
Panel 4: Reproductive Health and Rights
Panel 5: Gender and Development: Where Do We Go from Here?
Symposium V: Natural Resources, Property Theories and Legal Pluralism: Southeast Asia in Comparison
Panel 1: Property Theories and Legal Pluralism
Panel 2: Intellectual Property and Genetic Resources
Panel 3: Rights, Equity, and Justice in Natural Resources and the Environment
Panel 4: Recent Developments in Local/Indigenous Natural Resource Management Regimes
Panel 5: Conflict and Dispute Resolution in Natural Resource Management
Panel 6: Gender and Natural Resources Tenure after Crisis: Lessons from Southeast Asia and other Regions
Symposium VI: Social Security and Social Insecurity, Disasters, Aid and Rights
Panel 1: Social Security and Insecurity in Everyday Life
Panel 2: Disasters, Conflicts, Aid and Rights
The International Course
In addition to the congress, a four-day International Course on the subject "Law, Power and Culture: Transnational, National and Local Processes in the Context of Legal Pluralism" will be organized for academics, researchers and practitioners whose work might benefit from an in-depth study of the implications of legal pluralism.
The course aims at capacity building on the complex issues of legal pluralism by drawing on the expertise of international scholars in the field who will attend the conference. It will provide a combination of practical and theoretical insights into some of the central questions and problems of legal pluralism, especially concerning the development and safeguarding of local populations' rights in the context of transnational, national and local processes and laws. The course will assist participants to develop the legal and anthropological skills necessary to understand and move towards the practical solutions of problems in contexts of legal pluralism. The purpose of the course is to familiarize the participants with the current international debates and insights in legal pluralism and to offer them a comparative perspective that allows them to rethink their own research and practical work. At the centre of the discussion will be issues of human rights, recognition of local populations' folk laws and governance in the context of globalising economic, political and legal developments. Special attention will be given to rights to natural resources and sustainable development.
As in past courses (held in Wellington, Accra (Ghana), Moscow, Africa (Chile), Chiang Mai and Fredericton) the teaching teams will consist of senior academics drawn from the Commission and of colleagues from the region, in this case from Indonesia, India and the Philippines. Co-teaching among international and local scholars has proven to be very conducive for challenging discussions among the staff and the participants. Here, as during the conference, both practitioners and academics of various backgrounds will be brought together.
The Course Participants
Participation is limited to 30 persons, to allow for maximum discussion. The majority of the participants (maximally 25 of the 30) will come mainly from South and Southeast Asia, but it has been an established practice to have some wider international participation. Therefore five places in the course will be reserved for participants from other regions. Participation to the course is open only to persons who will attend both the course and the congress.
The participants should be academics and practitioners who are dealing with folk law and legal pluralism in their academic or practical work. Academics are those who are teaching legal anthropology, sociology of law, adat law (indigenous/folk law) science and other socio-legal field of studies and/or doing research using legal pluralism perspectives. Practitioners are those who have to address issues of legal pluralism in their activities or work; they include NGO activists, planners and government officials.
Proposed topics for the course:
Theories and methodologies in legal anthropology (two sessions)
Transnational, national and local processes and laws (one session)
Gendered perspectives on law (one session)
Natural resources and legal pluralism (one session)
Rights, culture and legal pluralism (one session)
Disasters and conflict research (one session)
Field trip: (half-day)
The conference and the course will be hosted jointly by the Law Faculty and the Centre for Women and Gender's Studies, University of Indonesia, Association for Community-and Ecologically Based Law Reform (HuMa), Center for Irrigation, Land and Water Resources and Development Studies (PSI-SDALP UNAND), Andalas University, West Sumatra. The local organising committee, co-chaired by Hikmahanto Juwana and Sulistyowati Irianto of the Law Faculty, University of Indonesia, and including as members, Asep Yunan and Sandra Moniaga of HuMa and Yonariza of PSI-SDALP UNAND, will organize the logistics of the congress and the course in cooperation with the Commission on Folk Law and Legal Pluralism.
The programme committee will develop and coordinate the symposia and panel structure for the conference and the teaching and discussion programme of the course. The programme committee will consist of members of the local organisation committee and some members of the Commission on Folk Law and Legal Pluralism. The programme committee will review and evaluate the applications for full or partial funding of non-Indonesian applicants for the course and congress. It will also coordinate with the Course Organisers. Members of the programme committee are Sulistyowati Irianto (convenor) Anne Griffiths, Melanie Wiber, Franz von Benda-Beckmann, Keebet von Benda-Beckmann, Valerine Kriekhof, T. Omas Ihromi and Yonariza.
The course organisers will help develop and coordinate the teaching and discussion programme of the course, in consultation with the programme committee. The course organisers are Sandra Moniaga and Asep Yunan F. (co-convenor), Gordon Woodman, Anne Griffiths, Melanie Wiber, Rival G. Achmad and Rajendra Pradhan.
The secretariat for the congress and course will be located in the Center for Women and Gender's Studies, University of Indonesia, with Lim Sing Mei as the Executive Secretary. A supporting secretariat, mainly for the course, will be located in HuMa.
The Congress and the Course fees will be 100 US $ each. Registered members of the Commission will have to pay only US $ 75 each. Accommodation for the congress will be most probably in Makara Hotel located in the campus of University of Indonesia in Depok and a training center/hotel in Ciawi/Bogor, West Java for the course. The definitive choice of the hotels and their prices are still under negotiation. The probable costs will be around 45 US $ for a single room, and 56 US $ for a double room (US$ 28 per person), including accommodation and all meals. Local transport to the course's venue is between US$ 10 (shuttle bus + mini bus) and US$ 30 (taxi). Further information will be provided in subsequent communication.
Travel and Participation Grants
There is a probability that the organising committee will find funding for a limited number of persons, especially from South and Southeast Asia, to attend both the congress and course. We expect that these funds will cover participants? travel costs, conference and course fees and living costs during their stay in Indonesia. Those who wish to attend the course and the congress are strongly advised to seek funding from their own sources, due to the limited funding available.
In addition to the grants for both congress and course, there will hopefully be some funds for persons interested in presenting papers at the congress. These funds will be used to (co-)finance travel and accommodation costs of scholars and participants from less developed countries.
Applications for Grants
Applications for grants to cover travel and other expenses should be sent to Dr. Sulistyowati Irianto, with a cc to the secretariat by February 28th, 2006. Applications should include a one page letter indicating what the applicant's work has been so far in the field of folk law and legal pluralism, the reasons for attending the course and conference, and a CV.
Important Deadlines
Panel organizers to notify the local organizing committee (Dr. Sulistyowati Irianto) of their intention to organise a panel (if possible with panel description - key themes, issues and questions) - September 30th, 2005.
Panel description - Submission by panel organizers of panel description to the local organising committee - October 15th, 2005.
Information regarding panels (organizers and description of panels) to be posted on the website and sent via email - November 7, 2005.
Submission of paper abstracts to panel organizers, with a copy to the local organizing committee - January 31st, 2006.
Acceptance of abstracts (to be communicated by the panel organizers to their panel members and the local organizing committee) - February 15th, 2006.
Application for funding for the course and congress - Feb 28th, 2006.
Information about funding - 31st March, 2006.
Visa letters to be sent out first week of April by regular post.
Submission of papers - 15th May, 2006.
Contact persons
Co-Chair, Local Organising Committee
Dr. Sulistyowati Irianto
Faculty of Law,
University of Indonesia
Rectorat Building 4th floor
Salemba Raya no. 4
Jakarta 10430, Indonesia
Tel: 62-21-3924392
E-mail: sulis@pacific.net.id
Commission website: www.unb.ca/cflp
Lim Sing Meij, M. Hum
The Center for Women and Gender's Studies
University of Indonesia
Rectorat Building 4th floor
Salemba Raya no. 4
Jakarta 10430, Indonesia
Tel: 62-21-3924392 / 62-21-7247180
0818 1600 81
Email: mei5susilo@yahoo.com
Christ in Contemporary Cultures: A Cultural Studies Conference at Gordon College, Wenham, Massachusetts, September 28-30, 2006
Hosted by Gordon College, Center for Christian Studies and partially funded by the Lilly Foundation Endowment, Inc.
Conference Organizers:
Brian Johnson, Ph.D. and Gregor Thuswaldner, Ph.D.
Keynote Speaker: Dr. CORNEL WEST, Princeton University
The organizers invite papers and panels that will explore, analyze, critique, investigate, theorize and/or contend with representations of Christ in a wide variety of contexts-including, but not limited to, the political sphere, visual arts, architecture, film, television, literature, history, print media, music, mental/physical health treatment, mega-church discourse, urban environments/ethnic communities and wider academic discourse. This conference is designed to promote generous intellectual exchange among scholars with a variety of perspectives.
Possible Topics/Panels may include but are not limited to:
* Christ and Culture (Political, Urban, Ethnic, Class etc.)
* The Therapeutic Christ
* Christ and the Rhetoric of War
* Christ and Gender
* The Commercialized Christ
* Christ and Race
* The Fundamentalist Christ
* Christ and Prosperity
* The American Christ and Global Christ
* Christ and the Media
* Christ and the Academy
* The Apocalyptic Christ
* The Cinematic Christ
* The Literary Christ
* Christ and Science
Submit 250 word abstracts electronically or via regular mail to
Christ in Contemporary Cultures Conference
Center for Christian Studies
Gordon College
255 Grapevine Road
Wenham, MA 01984
Deadline for consideration is MARCH 31, 2006
Faith, Belief and Community (2/28/06; online journal issue) eSharp is the online journal for social sciences, arts and humanities postgraduates based at the University of Glasgow. It is a peer-reviewed journal that aims to provide a critical but supportive entry into the world of academic
The first six issues are currently online at www.sharp.arts.gla.ac.uk and we are now looking for submissions for the seventh edition to be launched in May 2006. We welcome papers from postgraduates working in all areas.
The theme of the seventh edition is:
Faith, Belief and Community
Topics may include but are not limited to:
ГЏ Agnosticism/ Atheism/ Secularism
ГЏ Mysticism
ГЏ Conversion
ГЏ Heresy
ГЏ Ritual landscapes
ГЏ Crusades / Holy wars
ГЏ Death rites / Mortuary ritual
ГЏ Faith and semiotics
ГЏ Pilgrimages
ГЏ Multiculturalism
ГЏ Sectarianism
ГЏ Belonging and nomadism
ГЏ Diaspora and belief
ГЏ Globalisation
ГЏ Fundamentalism
ГЏ Territorial politics
Articles of a maximum of 4,500-5,000 words must be submitted by 28 February 2006. Please ensure that you accompany your submission with an abstract of 200-250 words and a list of 3-5 keywords for meta-tagging. For a full list of guidelines and our style sheet please see www.sharp.arts.gla.ac.uk.
Please submit your article (both abstract and full paper) to sharp@arts.gla.ac.uk.
Julie Barr
Editor eSharp
16 University Gardens
G12 8QL
А.Ф.Литвина, Ф.Б. Успенский. Выбор имени у русских князей в X — XVI вв.: Династическая история сквозь призму антропонимики. М.,
«Индрик», 2006 — 904 с. (Труды по филологии и истории.).
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