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WorldDX 170
WorldDX 170 07/06/2008 -- WorldDX выходит с декабря 2004 года. Редактор: Иван Лебедевский, Пушкин, Россия. Время везде UTC; Mосковское время = UTC +4 часа - летом, а зимой - +3 часа. Частоты указаны в кГц для ДВ, СВ, КВ и в МГц для ФМ и ТВ Редактор оставляет за собой право не включать в бюллетень информацию, не отвечающую его тематике. -- Архивы старых номеров бюллетеня можно найти: http://worlddx.narod.ru/, http://worlddx.by.ru/ http://subscribe.ru/catalog/radio.worlddx/ -- Прочее: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/worlddx/ - WorldDX http://groups.yahoo.com/group/fmdx_Russia/ - FMDX in Russia http://liveinternet.ru/users/worlddx/ - my blog http://privet.ru/user/worlddx/ - my blog -- Выходит: нерегулярно. Адрес для писем: worlddx@yandex.ru -- Короткие Волны (Shortwaves) Австралия Another superb program from R. Australia, Rear Vision, Thu April 3 at 1330 on 9580, 9590, 9560, 9475, recounted the history of Chinese claims to Tibet. Very enlightening. Transcript and audio: http://www.abc.net.au/rn/rearvision/stories/2008/2200921.htm This is axually a Radio National program, but at 1354 outro, host said `Rear Vision on Radio Australia`, so they repackage it? (Glenn Hauser, OK, USA - dxldyg 03/04/2008) Албания R. Tirana, 13600 to NAm, at 2000 April 2, opening with correct new schedule in English, now quite readable, S9+20 peaks with fades (Glenn Hauser, OK, USA - dxldyg 03/04/2008) April 2, 2008 1430-1458 UTC 13640 kHz. Overall fair to good. Peak S9. Good audio. Programming of News Bulletin, "Albanian Daily Press Review" and a look at the Bucharest NATO summit. From around 1445 UTC hearing slight QRM from station on 13645 kHz in Arabic (I believe Arabic). April 2, 2008 1845-1856 UTC 13640 kHz. Overall fair to good. Peak S9 +20 dB. 7430 kHz not heard. Good audio. News Bulletin and report on the NATO summit. April 2, 2008 2000-2028 UTC 13600 kHz. Overall fair to barely heard. Initially fair signal peak S9. Unfortunately became poor and then useless by 2015 UTC. QRM from All India Radio (positive ID) on 13605 kHz with programming in French. April 3, 2008 0030-0042 UTC 9390 kHz Overall poor to fair. Initially poor with signal getting better as broadcast continued. Low audio making understanding difficult. News Bulletin and NATO summit. April 3, 2008 0145-0156 UTC 9390 kHz. Barely heard/useless. I plan to check 0230 UTC and 0330 UTC soon. I will post results. (KG4LAC - dxldyg 03/04/2008) R. Tirana, English to NAm, April 3 at 1442 check, much weaker than Darwin 13635. A few minutes later, Tirana had improved to more or less equal strength but still adjacent QRM from CVC. Also at 1450, CODAR was audible as high as 13670. Looks like Tirana should shift up; not to 13645 where there is Lampertheim, but 13650 or 13655 where I hear nothing during this semihour, nor is anything scheduled. 13660 may be occupied by Sines, but not heard here. So 13655 should be best. The 1845 English broadcast on 13640 was better with no QRM (Glenn Hauser, OK, USA - dxldyg 03/04/2008) Dave Frantz has not replied to our inquiry whether he would start closing WWRB 9385 at 2300* as per the FCC schedule, but he has kept running it almost an hour later, severely QRMing R. Tirana, Albanian to North America on 9390, which chose that frequency in good faith on the assumption that WWRB would be off by then. April 4, Brother Scare was cut off abruptly at 2349* (Glenn Hauser, OK, USA - dxldyg 05/04/2008) Ангилла 11775 University Network; 1709, 30-Mar; Dead Dr. Gene //13845 SIO=454 (H. Frodge, MI, USA - CumbreDX 01/4/2008) 6090 off the air when tuning by April 3 at 0620, uncovering noise and low het, presumably Nigeria and Brasil; I never get anything worthwhile when DGS croaks; hmm, I shouldn`t put it that way. BTW, I do not call the Costa Rican transmitters carrying identical programming ``Caribbean Beacon``, since that is the name of the Anguilla station, in fact from before DGS bought it. However, Mike Barraclough points out that the CR listings on page 417 of the WRTH 2008 do show that as Caribbean Beacon, along with University Network. I still don`t think the Cahuita transmitters should be called ``CB``, but if PMS really declares that is their name, I suppose that is her prerogative. But has she? However, the same programming heard on WWCR 13845/5935 is certainly not The Caribbean Beacon. It all comes from Los Angeles, after all, mostly old tapes of Defunct Gene Scott. This is all pretty theoretical, as to my knowledge, neither Anguilla nor CR have EVER broadcast a local ID by any name! Let alone the registered callsign in CR, TIRWR (Glenn Hauser, OK, USA - dxldyg 03/04/2008) 5952.45, Radio Pio XII, 0130-0215 Noted a group of individuals talking in possible Spanish/Vernacular language. At 0136 woman singing possibly live until 0142. Live comments in Spanish Language mixed with Vernacular. This sounds very much like a live show. Local music at 0146 which sounds good. Influenced by the local music, I can see in my "mind's eye", the singing women dancing around the campfire as the men set in a circle with a glass of wine, counting the sliver they brought up out of the sliver mine today. "Tomorrow we eat." they shout. The signal is really good this evening. I'd be willing to suggest that those living further north than I, should be able to hear Pio XII easily this evening. Unfortunately, a carrier comes on the air at 0159 from Radio Japan on 5960 KHz via Sackville, almost blocking Pio XII. However, switching to LSB from USB, Radio Pio XII can still be heard. At 0208, live ID by male as, "...Pio 12.." Signal is at a fair level now with splatter and QRM. (Chuck Bolland, Clewiston, FL, USA, 06/04/2008) 6025 Red Patria Nueva, La Paz, 1050-1054, April 05, Aymara, talk by male & female in aymara, 23432 (Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - dxldyg 06/04/2008) 5952.45, R Pio XII (presumed), 0224-0234*, 04/06/08, Spanish. Female vocals, then chatty commentary by several announcers and sound effects/music clips to apparent signoff at 0234. Relatively decent signal strength, but very tough copy under strong QRM from 5950. Thanks to Chuck Bolland tip. Fair/poor. (Mark Schiefelbein, MO, USA - dxldyg 06/04/2008) Бразилия 4905.1 ZYG683 Radio Relogio (t); 0134-0217+, 31-Mar; M in PP reading extensive station list w/name & freq, including Radio Relogio, w/several mentions of Radio Nacional & Macapa. @0146 list ended & went into rlgs pgm; ancr broke in @0157 w/TC; no break @0200; lengthy promo 0202-06 didn't sound like either Relogio or Anhanguera; into pop music except for another brief rlgs segment. Never hrd anything sounding like Anhanguera. SIO=3+42+, USB takes out swiper. Relogio listed in Passport as irregular on 4905v. (H. Frodge, MI, USA - CumbreDX 01/4/2008) 4985 ZYF690 Radio Brasil Central; 2312-2320+, 1-Apr M in PP w/SS pop tunes includng a cubano; SID after each tune; ancr mentioned musica en espanol. SIO=322 till suddenly much better @2318, swiper QRM. (Frodge-MI) 11780 ZYE365 Radio Nacional da Amazonia; 2140-2150+, 2-Apr; M in PP w/folk music to extensive ID promo @2144-46 & into news. SIO=3+33+, need USB to kill Dead Dr. Gene via Anguilla on 11775. (Frodge-MI) (Harold Frodge, MI, USA - cumbreDX 04/04/2008) 11855 BRASIL: R. Aparecida, Aparecida-SP, PP, 29/03 2042. Canção religiosa, locutor: ‘Sessão sucesso, a sua parada sertaneja’, time checking, 45544 (Rudolf Grimm, Brasil = radioescutas 06/04/2008) 9694,99 Radio Rio Mar, Manaus, AM, 1033-1040, April 05, Portuguese, talk by male, news about Acre & Amazonas states; TC as: "6 horas y 39 minutos en Manaus"; short local news; ann. & ID as: "...sua Radio Rio Mar....", 43433 (Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina) 6180 Radio Nacional Amazonia, Manaus, 1055-1100, april 05, Portuguese, report & local news by female, 23432 with QRM from Radio Nacional de Venezuela?, (Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - dxldyg 06/04/2008) Ватикан 15570 Vatican Radio; 1745-1757*, 31-Mar; EE feature on Catholic teachers in Kenya; said they would hire non-Catholics, but they could not be anti-Catholic. Off w/Africa Svc of VR. SIO=454 (H. Frodge, MI, USA - CumbreDX 01/4/2008) Веикобритания As I tuned by 9670, April 2 at 1345, heard a time-signal about 2 seconds late compared to WWV. Standard remark. Who would broadcast a TS at such an odd hour, Nepal? No, BBCWS Burmese service as scheduled to open at this time via Singapore. BBCWS with Discovery, about Antarctica, VG on 11750, Wednesday April 2 at 1354; to be continued next week at 1332. This is Thailand at 25 degrees, so also favoring us when FE conditions are good, at 12-14 only (Glenn Hauser, OK, USA - dxldyg 02/04/2008) Surprised to find adequate signal from BBCWS in English on 13865, April 5 at 1813 with documentary about China, human rights. A time I am not often bandscanning; not // 17830. Per BBC Whatson schedule of BBC streaming/Euro it`s: ``John Simpson Returns to China 1 of 2. As the world's eyes focus on China before the Olympics, BBC journalist John Simpson recalls the 1989 Tiananmen Square massacre.`` At closing 1829 they plugged Over To You coming up in 10 minutes. Nominal time for that is 1840, but it used to really start 2 minutes later; I couldn`t stay tuned to find out, even tho there was to be a discussion about BBC`s SW cutbacks. Must get that later or ondemand. Rechecked frequency on portable radio in the car at 1850, and audible even thus, but not an hour later, so probably went off at 1900. What could the site be? Surely nothing in the W Hemisphere any more. Looked up later, it`s Rampisham, one of those remaining SWBCs to ``Western Russia``, but Ramp has a way of giving us usable signals off the back of the antennas way over here in CNAm, despite BBC`s best efforts to keep us from hearing WS on SW: 13865 1700 1900 29,30SW,40W RMP 500 62 1234567 300308 261008 D G BBC MER And even in WNAm! In a delayed report, 13865 was also heard by Stewart MacKenzie in CA the first day of A-08 until 1900*, with even better SIO 444 there. So nice to hear anything at all on 13m; noted 21630 in French was by far the strongest signal on band and the only readable one, April 5 at 1818. That`s BBC via Ascension, 1800-1830 at 65 degrees. English on 21470 is now 13-17 at 114 degrees (Glenn Hauser, OK, USA - dxldyg 06/04/2008) Вьетнам 4739.61 Son La BC Station(p) 1224-1301 Apr 3. Assorted mx and talks (mostly talks) but too weak to determine lang. The style of mx was definitely SE Asian. Deteriorated further after 1300. (J. M. Wilkins, CO, USA - CumbreDX 04/04/2008) 9839.9 VIETNAM. VOV (p), 1218, 4/5/08. Presumed the very weak signal w/ SE Asian vocals. Poor overall (Strawman, IA, USA - CumbreDX 06/04/2008) 9840, V of Vietnam (Hanoi), 2335, 04/04/08, English. Vietnamese and world news, then a couple of longer features. Fluttery. Fair. (Mark Schiefelbein, MO, USA - dxldyg 06/04/2008) Габон 15475 GABÃO: R. Afrique nr. 1, Moyabi, FF, 29/03 1802. OM: talk com outro OM sobre eleições, mecanização de votos, confiabilidade, 45544 (Rudolf Grimm, São Bernardo, Brasil - radioescutas 06/04/2008) Гватемала 4052.5, Radio Verdad, Chiquimula, Guatemala, 0550-0602*, 03-04. Buena senal hoy de esta emisora (escucha desde el centro de Lugo), programa en ingles "Spirutal Songs", canciones religiosas presentadas por locutor, identificacion al finalizar el programa "Radio Truth, P.O. Box 5 Chiquimula, Guatemala, Central America", despedida por locutora en espanol: "Desde Radio Verdad les deseamos muy buenas noches". Himno nacional de Guatemala y cierre de la emision. 35433. (M. Mendez, Lugo, Spain - CumbreDX 03/04/2008) 4052.5, Radio Verdad, Chiquimula, 0520-0545, 04-04, programa en ingles "Spiritual Songs". Senal mas debil hoy. 25322. (M. Mendez, Lugo, Spain - hard-core-dx 04/04/2008) 4799.79, Radio Buenas Nuevas, San Sabastian, 0425-0432*, April 4, Spanish religious talk. Closing ID announcements at 0430. Poor in t-storm static. (Brian Alexander, PA, USA - dxldyg 05/04/2008) Германия DW Russian, 15420 via Rampisham, 62 degrees, April 1 at 1443 with Russian talk about Germaniya, clip of Deutschland эber Alles, and for good measure ID as ``Nemetskaya Volna`` (have I got the gender right?), as scheduled 1400-1500. No sign of WBCQ yet, ex-17495, and I failed to check later in the target day April 1, but Allan indicated it might take a bit longer to retune everything due to all the snow piled up. Anyhow, DW and BBC have 15420 rather tied up from various sites until 2057, so WBCQ usage may be problematical before then. UT I mean, not year. Please check at 2300 UT Wednesday to see if WORLD OF RADIO is on 15420-CUSB, instead of 17495, and which edition (Glenn Hauser, OK, USA - dxldyg 02/04/2008) 15470, April 3 at 1433 nice native choir of a few harmonious voices, but too soon into talk in African language mentioning Daniel, Babylon, Nebudkanezzar, etc. This is Bible Voice Broadcasting, to Sudan, but language unknown, via Julich, 100 kW, 145 degrees at 1430-1529 (Friday -1544), per MB/DTK A-08 schedule via Wolfgang Buschel. There is no such broadcast in the WRTH 2008 BVB schedule under Canada (Glenn Hauser, OK, USA - dxldyg 03/04/2008) Гондурас 3340, La Voz de Misiones Internacionales, Comayaguela, 0540-0545, 04-04, comentarios religiosos en espanol, locutora, senal muy debil y solo audible en LSB. 15321. (M. Mendez, Lugo, Spain = hard-core-dx 04/04/2008) 3340, La Voz de Misiones Internacionales, Comayaguela, 0533-0550, 06-04, comentarios en español, canciones, programa religioso. Señal muy débil. 15321. (M. Méndez, Lugo, Spain - hard-core-dx 06/04/2008) Греция Голос Греции на русском языке вернулся в КВ-эфир. 9:30UTC на 11645КГц. Была заметка об эмбрионах, ID. Слышно на 4-5. (Виктор Варзин, Коммунар, СПБ, Россия - open_dx 02/04/2008) 9420 GRECIA: Voice of Greece, Avlis, Gr, 29/03 2125. Canção grega por OM, acompanhamento musica típico da Grécia, instrumentos de corda, 35443 (Rudolf Grimm, Brasil - radioescutas 0604/2008) Гуам KTWR, 9975, Bible story by YL, 1418 April 3 audible under skirt of WWCR 9980. Hearing this 285-degree English broadcast is possible only if WWCR has not built up to full strength (Glenn Hauser, OK, USA - dxldyg 03/04/2008) 9980 GUAM: AWR, via Agat, Cebuano, 05/04 1715. Px cristão, mx instrumental, oração, endereço (P.O.Box,....., Philipines), interval signal (pesquisei este idioma na Internet, encontrando a informação de que o mesmo é falado por cerca de 20 milhões de pessoas no território filipino. Possui alguma palavras muito semelhantes ao português, o locutor estava trazendo uma mensagem bíblica e por algumas vezes proferiu a palavra ‘Jerusalém’ da mesma forma que em português. Também, ao mencionar uma leitura bíblica, falou ‘São João, capítulo 14’, dessa forma mesmo. Sóm que a leitura foi efetuada em idioma inglês...). 35543 (Rudolf Grimm, Brasil - radioescutas 06/04/2008) Джибути 4780 RTV de Djibouti. Date/time 8x11 QSL sheet in 66 days for a French report sent to B.P. 97 in Djibouti. V/S ??, Le Chef des Services Technique. VIC #216 using the NASWA List. (J. M. Wilkins, CO, USA - CumbreDX 02/04/2008) Доминиканска Респ 5009.78, Radio Cristal International, 2312-2335 Noted steady Spanish language music. At 2323 canned ID as, "... Radio Cristal ... Musical", then back to music. Male back at 2333 with more identifying comments. "...Radio Cristal International ..." Signal was good. (Chuck Bolland, Clewiston, FL, USA, 03/04/2008) Египет 9250 EGITO: Wadi El Nile (Nile Valley Radio), Cairo, AA, 29/03 2106. Mx instrumental árabe, OM: talk, YL: talk, canção em árabe, id em EE: ‘Listening Wadi El Nile, Nile Valley Radio’, 35433 (Rudolf Grimm, Brasil - radioescutas 06/04/2008) R. Cairo`s new 11550 for the European language services, concluding with English at 2115-2245 has a slight problem: it collides with 500 kW WEWN. And it`s off-frequency causing a het, roughly on 11550.1, slightly wavering, which means the frequency of one of the transmitters is unstable, and I`ll bet I know which one. April 5 at 2158 found Cairo in English, tho undermodulated, was axually dominating WEWN. At this time a YL was speaking in some kind of commentary but could not axually follow it. WEWN ID in Spanish around 2200. Rechecked periodically during the remaining semisesquihour, and situation remained about the same. Cairo went off at 2245:40 leaving WEWN alone. Except on its lowest frequencies, and sometimes even on those at night, WEWN is normally a poor signal here, skipping over from only one megameter away, and/or aimed elsewhere, and/or not really running 500 kW or even 350. WEWN is on 11550 all the way from 14 to 24 UT at 220 degrees toward Mexico, while Cairo is at 1500-2245, 315 degrees toward Europe (and North America). Is WEWN any problem for it in Europe? (Glenn Hauser, OK, USA - dxldyg 06/04/2008) Замбия 5915, ZNBC, 0340, 04/06/08, Vernacular. Male DJ playing Afropop tunes and chatting with an in-studio guest between songs. WBOH was off on 5920, providing nice splatter-free reception for once, though Zambia was not as strong as they've been on other recent occasions. Fair. (Mark Schiefelbein, MO, USA - dxldyg 06/04/2008) Израиль 15789 Galei Zahal, 13:00-13:10, escuchada el 2 de abril en hebreo a locutor con boletin de noticias de tres minutos, a las 13:03 despedida e ID “..Galei Zahal”, locutora con presentacion, comentarios con musica de fondo, segmento de musica melodica, se aprecia ligera interferencia de Firedrake Jamming en 15795 intentando atorar al servicio en Chino de la All India Radio, SINPO 44444. (J. M. Romero, Burjasot, Spain - hard-core-dx 02/04/2008) 15789, het and noise and 1404 check April 3. I suppose Galei Zahal, up from nominal 15785. The only station known on 15790 is Udorn, which means Chicom jamming is likely, tho I`m not sure of service or language from IBB (Glenn Hauser, OK, USA - dxldyg 03/04/2008) KOL Israel on shortwave in Persian today at 1400-1500 UT, noted on 11604.97 and 13850 kHz. Both suffered by Iranian bubble jamming. Strongest bubbler on 13849.86 kHz (W. Bueschel, Germany - dxldyg 04/04/2008) Израиль/Молдавия The Farsi (Persian) programme was heard on 13850 and 11605 on April 1st in progress when found at 1500, and closed down at 1525. If it's the same length of time as previously then I assume sign-on was 1400. 13850 went off promptly, but 11605 was left to air two mins. of Reshet Bet (I think) until it was switched off. The Iranians were left to jam fresh air via now unused 9985 and 7420. No other frequency was found, and signal strength suggested these two were aimed at Iran rather than Europe. No other IBA transmissions have been traced today, but Galei Zahal was still on air - and on exact frequencies as reported by Wolfgang = 15785 and 6973. Radio PMR started promtly at 1400 via 12135 after a short spell of tones preceding transmission. English was the first 15 min. programme, and today they were announcing the new transmission - as already reported - via 6040. (Noel Green, U.K. - dxldyg 01/04/2008) Индия Big open carrier with hum on 15050, April 3 at 1430. Left a receiver on this in case modulation started, but still OC at 1454, gone at 1517 recheck. Only broadcast station on 15050 is All India Radio, and Sinhala is scheduled here at 1245-1500 from Delhi, 250 kW, 174 degrees. Maybe longpath. Now all we need is some modulation. Wake up in Delhi! (Glenn Hauser, OK, USA - dxldyg 03/04/2008) 7270 AIR Chennai 1258-1316 Apr 4. All India Radio IS at 1258, then into talk at 1300. Mixing with Nei Menggu and Malaysia, with none dominating so hard to separate the stations. Then AIR went into sub-continental music around 1312, at which time I was able to // to 9820 (Panaji). Listed as Sinhala at this time. Chennai not often heard here. (J. M. Wilkins, CO, USA - CumbreDX 04/04/2008) 11620 INDIA. AIR (Bangalore), 2154-2203, 4/1/2008, English. Indian music with many bells at the end of a talk segment. ID by woman at 2159 followed by news. Moderate signal with fading (SINPO 34322). No parallels noted today. (Jim Evans, TN, USA - CumbreDX 05/04/2008) On April 5,2008 morning I've not found AIR-Guwahati both via Shortwave 4940kHz & also on medium wave on 729 kHz. My monitoring time was from 0100 to 0230 UTC perhaps. Due to severe seasonal cyclonic strom called"BORDOLI CHILA" passing some parts of Guwahati last night might have damaged power supply lines. I found reports of extensive damaged to properties of Guahati University campus in a morning local newspaper. The University is in Jalukbari locality of Guwahati. And I think the AIR-Guwahati transmitter site is also on the same area. I've not however yet found any report of damage to AIR Transmitter site.Perhaps, the power supply lines to the site might have been damaged. However, the FM Service of AIR-Guwahati is on the air this morning as usual on 100.8MHz. And from 0345 UTC they aired a report on a cycle relay organised just outskirts of Guwahati on the occasion of 50th anniversary of Vividh Bharati Service a few days back. There has been several seasonal cyclonic stroms this season in & around Guwahati & some parts of lower Assam & upper Assam past a few days. However, no report so far came to my knowledge about any damage to AIR facilities etc. (Gautam Kr. Sharma, Abhayapuri, India - dx_india 05/04/2008) 11985, AIR-Bangalore, 0225, 04/05/08, listed Kannada. South Asian instrumental music w/sparse announcer commentary between. Strong signal despite being far off Middle Eastern target area. Fair/good. (Mark Schiefelbein, MO, USA - dxldyg 06/04/2008) Индонезия 4920 RRI Biak 1310-1335 Apr 3. Jak news to 1315, then local M ancr, followed by lite Indo vocals. The M ancr was very soft-spoken and hard to understand, but the music came through fine. The Jak segment was also well heard. Tuned out at 1335. Best signal from them in a while; condx to SE Asia quite good this day. (J. M. Wilkins, CO, USA - CumbreDX 04/04/2008) 11784.88, Voice of Indonesia, 1937-2018*, April 5, tune-in to French programming with talk & local music. Into English programming at 1959 with IDs. News at 2002. Commentary. Abruptly off the air at 2018 during English talk. Fair signal. (Brian Alexander, PA, USA - dxldyg 06/04/2008) Канада It`s clear that Sackville`s most decrepit SW transmitter is reserved for the Northern Québec Service on 9625. The modulation is seldom up to par, and it was particularly bad April 5 at 2216 with a lot of distortion on peaks. These converted into spur spikes ranging from 9635 to 9650, peaking at an open spot 9640, which I could match to the distorted modulation peaks on 9625 on another receiver. I guess that was during World This Weekend; recheck at 2246 during Master Debaters, things had improved and the spixes were not audible. Did they tweak something, or does the unit go in and out of order all by itself? (Glenn Hauser, OK, USA - dxldyg 06/04/2008) Китай 7270 Nei Menggu PBS(p) 1259-1320+ Mar 1. Hohhot dominant this morning with 5+1 pips to 1300, then 5 minutes of talk in presumed Mongolian, then a program of odd throaty Mongolian vocals // 9750. No sign of Malaysia today. Odd how one day RTM will dominate and the next day NMPBS, not to mention many other days when there are no useable signals at all. Have not heard Chennai here in a very long time - are they still on this freq? (John Wilkins, Wheat Ridge, Colorado, USA - CumbreDX 01/04/2008) 4750, People's Broadcasting Station,(pres) 2335-2359, At tune in, caught a few minutes (2) of comments that sounded non Chinese from a female. Then at 2340 comments continue but sounding Oriental. Signal was very threshold while being banged against by CODAR. (Chuck Bolland, Clewiston, FL, USA, 03/04/2008) 9440 CHINA. CRI via listed Kunming, 1235, 4/5/08. Cambodian service featured pop mx. Fluttery, auroral signal was fair (Strawman, IA, USA - CumbreDX 06/04/2008) Колумбия 5910, Marfil Estereo, Lomalinda, 0645-0652, 03-04, canciones latinoamericanas, identificacion por locutor: "Marfil Estereo". Excelente senal. 44444. (Mendez) 6010, La Voz de tu Conciencia, Lomalinda, 0602-0610, 03-04, musica, a las 0603 locutora presentando el programa "Esperanza para la familia", comentarios por locutor. Por detras se escucha muy debil Radio Mil. 23322. (M. Mendez, Lugo, Spain - CumbreDX 03/04/2008) 6035, LV del Guaviare, 0250-0300*, April 5, local music. Spanish announcements. Sign off with National Anthem at 0258. Poor with several other stations on frequency & adjacent channel splatter. (Brian Alexander, PA, USA - dxldyg 06/04/2008) Корея 9335, V of Korea, 1305, 04/04/08, English. The usual format of martial music and blunt propaganda by male and female announcers. Modulation seemed rather low, but decent overall. Fair/good. (Mark Schiefelbein, MO, USA - dxldyg 06/04/2008) Коста Рика 3350, Radio Exterior de Espana, 0540-0601*, 04-04, locutor, comentarios, programa "La actualidad a debate". A las 0600 senales horarias y noticias de Radio Cinco Todo Noticias, a las 0601: "Radio Exterior de Espana, nos despedimos de nuestros oyentes en Centroamerica hasta las 11 de la manana, que volveremos por la frecuencia de 5970 kHz.". Cierre. 35433. (M. Mendez, Lugo, Spain - hard-core-dx 04/04/2008) It seems one of the three REE relay transmitters at Cariari de Pococí must always be one kHz low in frequency. April 5 at 2145 during expanded weekend hours, sports was on 11814 with a het from something on 11815, // 17850.0 and at 2218 with music // 9765.0 (Glenn Hauser, OK, USA - dxldyg 06/04/2008) Куба Radio Rebelde, "A 0633-0645, 03-04, programa "A Esta Hora", presentado por locutor y locutora, con bonitas canciones latinoamericanas, saludos de los oyentes y comentarios. Excelente senal. 45444. (M. Mendez, Lugo, Spain - CumbreDX 03/04/2008) Лаос LAOS - 6130 Lao National R. 1216-1250 Apr 4. YL ancr in presumed Lao, with other voices heard occasionally, perhaps a roundtable talk or correspondents' reports - signal not good enough to tell. A music bridge at 1229 was followed by more chat, with exactly one mx selection at 1242. Tuned out at 1250. (Wilkins-CO) LAOS - 4677.53 Sam Neua(p) 1219-1230* Apr 3 and Apr 4. Sub-threshold signal with just a scrap of audio here and there; xmtr went off at 1230* both days. Sked and freq fit Sam Neua. Was not able to determine if // to 6130, unfortunately. (J. M. Wilkins, CO, USA - CumbreDX 04/04/2008) Либерия 4760, ELWA, 2245-2300 Noted a steady diet of instrumental music, mainly organ, which sounded religious. At 2258, a male gives ID in English which is followed with the National Anthem, then off the air. Signal was fair. (Chuck Bolland, Clewiston, FL, USA, 03/04/2008) 4760 LIBERIA. ELWA (Monrovia), *0556-0603, 4/2/2008, English (?). Interval signal at 0556 followed by talk by man at 0558. Very weak signal with low audio and brutal CODAR interference. Fortunately, IS provided the ID. Haven't heard them since January. (Jim Evans, TN, USA - CumbreDX 05/04/2008) Ливия 15660 La Voix du Africa/Radio Jamahiriyah; 1728-1744+, 31-Mar; FF pop tunes to FF news 1730-1744; ID'd as LVdA before news & LVdA and RJ at end of news. SIO=353 Presume from Libya now rather than France (H. Frodge, MI, USA - CumbreDX 01/4/2008) Малайзия 5964.94 Klasik Nasional FM via Kajang 1251-1312 Apr 6. Vocal mx to 1258, then YL with "Klasik Nasional" ID and long jingle, dropping the "FM"; Kuala Lumpur nx relay at 1300, following the usual 2 pips and time check "Sembilan waktu...". The news was // to 7270.02 (fair today with QRM); back to local studios at 1310, going right into mx after the nx. Fairly good QRM-free signal today. (J. M. Wilkins, CO, USA - CumbreDX 06/04/2008) Мали 5995 RTV Malienne; 2302-2308+, 1-Apr; M in FF w/"Musique Malienne", native tunes. SIO=423-, SSB no help w/side splatter. (Frodge-MI) (Harold Frodge, MI, USA - CumbreDX 04/04/2008) 9635, RTVM, Bamako, *0800-0840, April 4, sign on with French ID announcements. Short bit of local string music. French and vernacular talk after 0801. Some exotic local music at 0830 & vernacular talk. Fair to good signal. (Brian Alexander, PA, USA - dxldyg 05/04/2008) Марокко 15345 MARROCOS: RTV Marocainne, Nador, AA, 29/03 1832. OM: talk, entrevista, 35543 (Rudolf Grimm, São Bernardo, Brasil - radioescutas 06/04/2008) Мексика 6010, Radio Mil, Mexico D. F., 0602-0610, 03-04, senal muy debil e interferida por La Voz de tu Conciencia. Canciones romanticas en espanol. 12321. (M. Mendez, Lugo, Spain - CumbreDX 03/04/2008) Молдавия 6040, Radio PMR, 2206-2345, March 31, sign on with test tone. English programming at 2215 about the Moldova-Russia conflicts. Talk about local history. IDs. Contact information. French at 2229. English also heard at 2300-2314, followed by French & German to sign off at 2345. In the clear with a good signal. Tnx to tip from Chris Lewis in DXLD. (Brian Alexander, PA, USa - dxldyg 01/04/2008) Radio PMR`s new 6040 isn`t going to be much use here as summer oncomes, but was able to hear last few minutes of German at 2253 April 1. It improved from poor to fair, no QRM at least, but in the noise which will only grow on the average. We remain bemused at PMR`s broadcasting to NAm in German, a language native to neither sender nor receiver (Glenn Hauser, OK, USA - dxldyg 02/04/2008) Radio PMR on new 12135 for Europe but checked here April 3. At 1410 some talk audible, presumably English, with heavy QRM from 2-tone CODAR (so two overlapping transmissions?), more of a problem than AFN 12133.5-USB. CODAR ranged from 12100 to 12255. 1452 recheck, a little better in English with the same QRM. English quarter-hours are reported by Jose Miguel Romero as 1400, 1445, 1530 and 1615. Now the question is whether they are 4, 5, 6 or 7 days a week, so please check on Fri, Sat and Sun (Glenn Hauser, OK, USA - dxldyg 03/04/2008) Нигерия 4770, Radio Nigeria, Kaduna, 0542-0545, 04-04, locutor, comentarios en ingles. 35433. (M. Mendez, Lugo, Spain - hard-core-dx 04/04/2008) Новая Зеландия RNZI, new 11725 doing very nicely, good but some deep fades, April 3 at 0629 with song by Sara Brightman, as back-announced, 0632 timecheck for 28:8, into Spectrum program about Greenpeace. That time reminds us that NZ is still on DST of UT+13 until April 6, the latest date ever, I think. Thenceforward, programs from domestic RNZ will be one UT hour later. 11725 is now scheduled 0459-0658. The second-best signal on 25m was RHC on 11760, but given a choice between Sara Brightman in maximum SW fidelity, and Arnie Coro in deliberately degraded fidelity, with so-called ``news``, which would you choose? (Glenn Hauser, OK, USA - dxldyg 03/04/2008) The RNZI `A08` schedule effective 30 March to 28 September, circulated widely by Alokesh Gupta in mid March and appearing in DXLD 8-035 of March 17 is not correct; in fact, it may never have been correct, as I was hearing RNZI very well April 3 at 0630 on 11725 as in my latest log report, while in that schedule it`s shown on 9615 at that hour! It may have been a preliminary tentative version for the start of A-08. If you look at the RNZI website now, you find a schedule dated 30 March to 07 September, so the out-date has changed but not the in-date! RNZI changes its schedule every few weeks, but unfortunately when the update it on their website, it always keeps the original season start date, so unless you analyze it in detail, you don`t know whether it`s the same one you saw last time. And you can bet it will not last as shown for 2 months, let alone 5 months. Anyhow, here`s the one displayed as of 0145 UT April 4, with the usual tidying up by gh, removing the redundant clutter of meter bands and the word ``daily`` after every entry, abbr`ing some islands so they all fit on one line, from http://www.rnzi.com/pages/listen.php --- A reminder that DST of UT+13 ends in NZ on April 6. This will shift some domestic service program times one UT hour later. It may also require some adjustments in frequency change times to avoid making them in the middle of a programme, so it would be a good idea to check again next week for further changes. 30 Mar 2008 - 07 Sep 2008 UTC kHz Target Azimuth 0459-0658 11725 AM & 9890 DRM Pacific 0 0659-1058 7145 AM & 6170 DRM Pacific 0 1059-1258 9655 AM & 6170 DRM NW Pac, Bougainville, PNG, Timor 325 1300-1550 6095 AM Pacific 0 1551-1850 7145 AM & 6170 DRM NE Pac, Fiji, Samoa, Cook Islands 35 1851-1935 9615 AM & 9890 DRM NE Pac, Tonga, Fiji, Samoa, Cook Is 35 1936-1950 9615 AM & 11675 DRM NE Pac, Tonga, Fiji, Samoa, Cook Is 35 1951-2050 11725 AM & 11675 DRM Pacific 0 2051-2235 15720 AM & 13840 DRM NW Pacific, Vanuatu, Solomon Is 325 2236-0458 13840 AM & 15720 DRM Pacific 0 (from RNZI, via Glenn Hauser, OK, USA = dxldyg 04/04/2008) RNZI, 6095, can be good if the spring T-storms are far enough away. They were, April 5 at 1333, enough to detect very weak Firedrake underneath. BBCWS via South Korea is scheduled here at 1300-1530, 290 degrees, and I bet it`s in Chinese requiring jamming by the unelected Chicom regime. Those two likely cause RNZI much more problems in the Pacific than in Oklahoma. RNZI were starting a nice segment of Pacific Island choral music, then at 1353 a soloist with ``We Are the Children of Vanuatu``, to a reggae beat, reminiscent of Tom T. Hall`s ``One Hundred Children`` Marching Along (Glenn Hauser, OK, USA - dxldyg 05/04/2008) Папуа Новая Гвинея 3905 R. New Ireland 1230-1315 Apr 5. Vocal mx, hosted by M ancr in Pidgin. Good signal with noisy band condx and ham QRM after 1300; carrier left the air at 1315. (J. M. Wilkins, CO, USA - CumbreDX 06/04/2008) Перу 4790.2, Radio Vision, Chiclayo, 0602-0613, 04-04, comentarios religiosos en espanol. Senal muy debil. 14321. (Mendez) 6019.6, Radio Victoria, Lima, 0615-0628, 04-04, locutor y locutora, comentarios religiosos, espanol: "Vengan a la Iglesia Pentecostal Dios es Amor, en la Avenida Arica, Distrito de Brena, Lima". 24322. (M. Mendez, Lugo, Spain - hard-core-dx 04/04/2008) 6019.45, Radio Victoria,(pres) 2339-2359 Noted a very weak signal here, with a male in Spanish comments. We think the male was preaching, judging from his tone an nuances while talking. Freq is clear of QRM for the moment; however, at about 2354 a carrier comes up to block the frequency. (Chuck Bolland, Clewiston, FL, USA, 05/04/2008) 9720, Radio Victoria, Lima, 0648-0700, 06-04, locutor, comentarios religiosos, canciones, programa "La Voz de la Liberación", a las 0700: "La una de la mañana en todo el territorio nacional". 23322. En paralelo con 6019.6 con aproximadamente igual señal. (M. Méndez, Lugo, Spain - CumbreDX 06/04/2008) Португалия 15440 PORTUGAL: Deutsche Welle, via Sines, GG, 29 1815. OM: talk sobre a Syria ‘Arabische Nation, Libaneser’. ID: ‘Deutsche Welle, die Woche’, 35543 (Rudolf Grimm, São Bernardo, Brasil - radioescutas 06/04/2008) 17590 PORTUGAL: RDP, Lisboa, PP, 29/03 1430. Mx portuguesa, músicas classificadas em posições conforme preferências de ouvintes. Referencias ao Porto, 35533 (Rudolf Grimm, São Bernardo, Brasil - radioescutas 06/04/2008) Россия 15550 from VOR to S Asia has resumed, as it was a major signal in A-07; April 1 at 1420 ID as ``Radio Seda-ye Azadi…``, or something like that so I did not think it was VOR at first, but I see nothing else scheduled; with news, liners every few minutes. This is a Moscow site at 140 degrees. After 1500, IBB Tinang takes over, not yet heard then (Glenn Hauser, OK, USA - dxldyg 02/04/2008) VOR in English, from 1400 April 3 on 15660 to S Asia, but like yesterday missing from scheduled // 15605. Reception on 15660 not so good today. There are no good offbeam frequencies for us in the 15-16 hour, but found again at 1612 on 13855, which is to Africa, about a book fair involving Chekhov. 13855 is a Moscow site, 200 kW, 190 degrees at 1400-1800, the scheduled English segment being 16-18. Earlier, I was checking 13855 for Israel`s Persian service, but at 1526 this fair frequency was in Arabic, and at 1526 Sawt al-Rossiya (sp?) ID; I had misremembered Israel`s frequency, really 13850. Even earlier at 1437, 13855 VOR had whistling music (Glenn Hauser, OK, USA - dxldyg 03/04/2008) 5920, Kamchatka Radio via Petropavlovsk-Kamchatka, 0710 (change in time due to DST, ex: 0810-0900 UT), April 4, switched away from R. Rossii programming over to "programa Kamchatka Radio". Before 0710 heard with the usual R. Rossii programming (// 5940, 7200 and 7320), poor with QRM (assume WBOH). I miss the ex-6075, which was a clear frequency! (Ron Howard, Canada - dxldyg 05/04/2008) Руанда 15660 RUANDA: Deutsche Welle, via Kigali, Amharic, 29/03 1436. YL: talk, OM: entrevista, 35543 (Rudolf Grimm, São Bernardo, Brasil - radioescutas 06/04/2008) Саудовская Аравия BSKSA Holy Qur`an Service must be the source of the huge raspy buzz on 15205, April 3 at 1559, as the only station on 15205 at 16-18 per PWBR `2008`. It`s absolutely incredible that the Saudis keep turning on this totally defective transmitter, Riyadh, 500 kW, 320 degrees toward us, which also has a full schedule on several other frequencies at other times. S9+20, about the same level as Call of Islam program on 15435 which had no such problem, the latter // much weaker 15225 when checked earlier at 1502 with muezzin, but there was muezzin again close to 1600. As for 15205, contrary to PWBR, some other station was detectable under the buzz. What masochist could that be? Or maybe mix of Saudio. BTW, totally by coincidence, I found my VCR flashing that it had finished timer recording, put weaker pulses on 15205 until I cleared it at 1501, long before BSKSA came on (Glenn Hauser, OK, USA - dxldyg 03/04/2008) 17660 ARABIA SAUDITA: R. Riyadh, Riyadh, FF, 29/03 1425. OM/YL: talk, teatro (?) com fundo musical, efeitos sonoros, 35543 (Rudolf Grimm, São Bernardo, Brasil - radioescutas 06/04/2008) 21460 ARABIA SAUDITA: R. Riyadh, Riyadh, AA, 29/03 1407. OM: talk (não // com 21640, porém // com 17895 35543), 35333 (Rudolf Grimm, São Bernardo, Brasil - radioescutas 06/04/2008) 21640 ARABIA SAUDITA: R. Riyadh, Riyadh, AA, 29/03 1402. OM: talk, mx árabe orquestrada, novamente OM: talk (// 21505 35443), 35543 (Rudolf Grimm, São Bernardo, Brasil - radioescutas 06/04/2008) Сербия IRS on new 6185, English to NAm at 0000, April 3 just caught closing at 0028 with IS, off at 0030*. Was fair, and atop presumed XEPPM, aside huge Cuba/Brasil collision on 6180. Back on at 0100 15 degrees further west, and checked at 0103: poor signal, undermodulated/muffled, and QRM from presumed XEPPM; meanwhile 6190 and 6195 seemed vacant! Yes, except for Berlin on 6190 if that is active. Serbia could easily use 6195 at 0000 and 0100 (Glenn Hauser, OK, USA - dxldyg 03/04/2008) Сингапур 7235 RSI/R. Warna Singapura 1309-1322, 1358-1402 1 April, "Radio Singapura Internasional siaran Indonesia.." ID, warta berita with phone reports, MediaCorp URL for emails, RSI singing jingle at 1320 into IN pop mx, 1358: end of news, "R S I-check it out!" jingle and long sung RSI promo in Indonesian, closing annct for RSI, anthemic bridge then "warta berita dan Radio Warna Singapura" into news. Decent signal until R. Australia-7240 *1400. (Dan Sheedy CA G5/"mo' bettah" 5m silly wire) 6150 "9-3-8 Live" FM (via Kranji) 1410-1416+ 1 April, English regional news program (including 8-car pileup on Singapore's Central Expressway (CTE) from MediaCorp hotline @ 68222268), "9-3-8 Live gets you talking" jingle, stock market reports, "9-3-8 Live" drop-in, MediaCorp promo, into more traffic/weather, another 9-3-8 jingle, into "The Living Room" (encore program about people with disabilites integrating back into society). Fair-good signal but crunchies from Firedrake-6145. (Dan Sheedy, Canada - dxldyg 02/04/2008) США 11835 - 1700-1730 VOA English from Meyerton 44444 causing QRM with BBC Hindi from Nakhon Sawan. (Dan Goldfarb, Brentwood, England - dxldyg 06/04/2008) Судан According to info I received on 3 April from Persecution Project, 4750 Radio Peace in South Sudan has technical problems. They are either totally off or running very irregulary. They're trying to have things up and running in the near future. (Jari Savolainen, Kuusankoski, Finland - CumbreDX 04/04/2008) 7200 SUDAN. Republic of Sudan Radio (Omdurman), 0400-0430, 4/3/2008, Arabic. Time pips on the hour followed by fanfare and news by man. Occasional mention of Sudan. Soon joined by a second, possibly field reporter. Relatively good signal (SINPO 34333) until 0422, when a strong unmodulated carrier appeared. Sudan could still be heard under it, but was lost when Radio Bulgaria signed on at 0430. (Jim Evans, TN, USA - CumbreDX 05/04/2008) Тайланд Bangkok VOLMET, 6676.5 SSB, April 2 at 1332, robot YL with quick weather summaries in English. I never could understand the first word of each item, i.e. the location whose conditions were forthcoming! It needs to work on its enunciation/pronunciation. At first I thought this was an Aussie outlet till I looked up the frequency, where Bangkok is reported on 6676, but this was a bit higher than that (Glenn Hauser, OK, USA - dxldyg 02/04/2008) Thailand, 9805, weak English at 1414 April 3 presumed this. Propagation from SE Asia was poor today unlike April 2; no QRM, so should be usable in NAm when conditions improve (Glenn Hauser, OK, USA - dxldyg 03/04/2008) Танзания Radio Tanzania-Zanzibar, 11735, drum interval signal, followed by news in English from Spice-FM at 1800. News in English at 1800 seems to not be a daily occurence as none was noted here on Thursday or Friday. (Steve Lare, MI, USA - dxldyg 05/04/2008) Турция After having no signal at all on 7325 at 0300, March 30, when the new VOT relay via Sackville should have started, I did not get around to checking again until UT April 3. Strong signal came on at 0259:30, but no familiar IS, just some unknown music, timesignal which was 4.5 seconds later than CHU, and immediately into talk over music for 3 minutes. It sounded like Turkish, and ``Turkiye`` was mentioned, but it could have been a related language. 0303 into pop music only which could well have been Turkish. So Sackville is broadcasting the wrong feed! Trouble is, looking thru the TRT A-08 schedule, I don`t find any Turkish, or any other language than English during the 03-04 hour, to any target area! At 0312 confirmed that the direct English frequencies were OK, altho much weaker, 5975 to NAm, and 7265 to Asia eclipsed by strong Arabic music on 7270, which must be Cairo, English until 0330, but much better modulation than we are accustomed from them. Meanwhile, the 7325 signal was getting weaker and fading by 0320, still just music, as I suppose the skip was lengthening and the MUF falling. WBCQ 7415, the closest SW station to Sackville, was already weak at 0300, but CHU 7335 was still holding up well. Let`s hope VOT can get this straightened out with Montreal and Sackville (Glenn Hauser, OK, USA - dxldyg 03/04/2008) VOT, 15450 to WEu and consequently also aimed at NAm, doing well here for the 1230 English broadcast, including Live from Turkey on Thursdays from 1250; April 3 tuned in at 1305 and found only one guy in the studio with monolog about poetry, reading some Poe; said his co-host was busy buying a new house (and BTW, it`s easy and cheap to find accommodations in Ankara unlike Canada). No call-ins or -outs, of course, the rule rather than the exception. Host said he too had been overworked by helping hire new staff, auditioning them, etc. (Glenn Hauser, OK, USA - dxldyg 03/04/2008) VOT ENAm service in English on 6195, April 6 at 2200 was inaudible at the start, and just barely audible at the conclusion 2249 UT with recognizable announcer giving schedule, and 2250 unmistakable IS. It`s only the beginning of April shortly after equinox, and this can only get worse as we transit thru solstice, with more and more light on the path, and more and more T-storm noise. It`s already long before local sunset. Shouldn`t they be on 7 or 9 MHz? Fortunately we now have the repeat at 0300 via Sackville 7325, or even 5975 direct, better than this in CNAm, and also the 1230 broadcast to Europe on 15450 can be quite good, tho variable from day to day (Glenn Hauser, OK, USA - dxldyg 06/04/2008) Чехия 11600 Radio Prague; 2145-2157*, 31-Mar; Czech sports to 2147 then feature on Soviet era oppression. All in EE. Off w/trumpet blare IS & ID in FF. SIO=33-3- in USB, much worse in AM. QRM is ute peaking at about 11597. (H. Frodge, MI, USA - CumbreDX 01/4/2008) R. Prague, 13580, 1300 in English to NAm, but April 3 I just tuned in at 1327 as they were ending Panorama show with music vamping instead of irrelevantly announcing French transmission schedule, as they often do following English; 1329 IS once and off. Another secret airing of R. Prague via WRMI, 9955: see CUBA [and non] (Glenn Hauser, OK, USA - dxldyg 03/04/2008) Эквадор HCJB, 11960, April 2 at 1359:30 as usual cut off Spanish programming in progress which was just giving contact info, for automated ID also giving contact info, but never with frequencies any more, which means they can never get the frequencies wrong, as they had been doing for years! Ever changing Apartado 17-17-691 is much less likely than a QSY. I must also give HCJB points for their automated timesignal which unlike so many heard on SW is pretty correct. It`s really the exception (Glenn Hauser, OK, USA - dxldyg 02/04/2008) 3810, Estacion de senales horarias HD2IOA, del Instituto Oceanografico de la Armada, Guayaquil, 0545-0557, senales horarias, a cada minuto: "Al oir el tono seran cero horas, cincuenta y cuatro minutos, cero segundos". 25322. (M. Mendez, Lugo, Spain - hard-core-dx 04/04/2008) As I was looking around 25m for RHC anomalies, such as the previous collision with HCJB on 12000, none of that April 5, but from 2252 tune-in I listened to the Brazilian tribal language Kulina, which is on the schedule now at 2245-2300 daily on 11920, 250 kW, 126 degrees. It used to be only 10 minutes or less. Not surprisingly, the only thing I could understand was ``Matéu, Capítulo Dezoito`` mentioned by the preacher at 2256 and 2259. Try to put yourself in the shoes(?) of an isolated people for whom the only radio broadcast in their language is from missionaries dedicated to depriving them of their original religion! I feel for the Kulina. According to the NIV, subjects in Matthew XVIII are: The Greatest in the Kingdom of Heaven, The Parable of the Lost Sheep, A Brother Who Sins Against You, and The Parable of the Unmerciful Servant. Including verses 8-9 advising people to cut off their hands and feet and gouge out one of their eyes. Yeah, sure. What good work HCJB is doing. And are there sheep in the Amazon? (Glenn Hauser, OK, USA - dxldyg 06/04/2008) 6050 HCJB, Pifo, 1045-1050, April 05, Waodani, short announcement and songs in vernacular (¿in waodani?), 32432 (Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - dxldyg 06/04/2008) Экваториальная Гвинея 6250, Radio Nacional-Malabo, 2134-2210+, April 2, local Afro-pop music. "Radio Malabo" ID at 2203. Spanish talk. Fair to good signal. (Brian Alexander, PA, USA - dxldyg 03/04/2008) 6250, Radio Nacional, Malabo, 0525-0550, 04-04, canciones en espanol, cancion "Angelitos Negros", de Antonio Machin, locutor, noticias locales, conexion con corresponsales en las distintas provincias de Guinea Ecuatorial, identificacion: "Radio Nacional, Malabo". A partir de las 0545 la senal se empezo a debilitarse, y a las 0550 ya era dificilmente audible. 24322. (M. Mendez, Lugo, Spain - hard-core-dx 04/04/2008) 6250, Radio Nacional-Malabo, 0528-0610, April 4, tune-in to lite vocals, ballads. Spanish talk. Local African music at 0551. "Radio Malabo" ID at 0601 & possible news. Poor- weak at tune-in but improved to a fair to good level by 0555. Occasional rtty QRM. (Brian Alexander, PA, USA - dxldyg 05/04/2008) 6250, Radio Nacional, Bata, 0540-0600, 06-04, canciones en español, locutor, identificación, "Radio Nacional, Malabo", comentarios. 24322. (M. Méndez, Lugo, Spain - CumbreDX 06/04/2008) Япония NHK World Network Japan, 11705 via Canada, Sat April 5 tuned in late at 1421 for World Interactive with new British-accented host Sumiko, just as haiku segment was ending, with same guy as before whose name I have never caught, nor is it on http://www.nhk.or.jp/rjweekly/english/wi/index.html which has not been updated as of 1555 UT April 5, still showing former host Kei and her sidekick Junko. Sumiko`s first music selexion was Aretha Franklin, ``Natural Woman``, which helps her wake up in morning. Next repeat is at 2200. It`s incredible that NHK now has no English broadcasts at all between 1430 and 2200, missing prime-time in Mideast, Africa and Europe. This must have been for NHK`s own convenience, not their would-be listeners on three continents: no overnight shift required in Tokyo (Glenn Hauser, OK, USA - dxldyg 05/04/2008) Наконец-то Р.Япония отказалась от Габонского ретранслятора. С ним были одни мучения. Теперь передачу на русском очень хорошо слышно в 0430-0500 на 9825 кГц через Вертахталь. (А. Егоров, Киев, Украина - open_dx 06/04/2008) -- СВ/ДВ (MW) 780 31/01 0405 Primeiro de Marco, Assuncao-PRG musicas tipicas paraguaias 33433 MVB 920 31/03 0351 Nacional, Assuncao-PRG SS id "Nacional del Paraguai" adv?s 32433 MVB 1000 31/03 0419 Mil AM, S. Antonio-PRG SS OM resultado partidas de futebol, " ...quantos guaranis?..." 32422 MVB (Marcelo Vilela Bedene, Curitiba, Brasil - playdx2003 01/04/2008) 560 29/03 0043 B R. Sao Francisco Sat, Caxias do Sul/RS, px de mx gauchesca, OM "Radio do Galpao" 32332 MMP 570 26/03 0040 B R. Eldorado, Criciuma/SC, jornada esportiva "...a equipe Eldorado escolhe o craque do jogo..." 33333 MMP 870 30/03 0313 B R. Central, Campinas/SP, selecao mxl, slogan "Central AM" 34433 MMP 880 26/03 0058 B R. Inconfidencia, Belo Horizonte/MG, jornada esportiva Atletico x Penarol 35443 MMP 890 30/03 0300 B R. Planalto, Brasilia/DF, selecao mxl sertaneja, slogan "Planalto" 32322 MMP 890 30/03 0305 B R. Gazeta, Sao Paulo/SP, px "No Vestiario" com nx abt Palmeiras 22222 MMP 990 31/03 0936 B R. Najua, Irati/PR, OM TC "...seis e trinta e seis aqui em Irati...", px com nx locais 22222 MMP 1080 30/03 2004 B R. Boa Nova, Sorocaba/SP, tlk abt movimento contra lei do aborto, OM "...aqui na rede Boa Nova de Radio..." 25232 MMP 1200 30/03 2014 B R. Cultura AM, Sao Paulo/SP, OM "...esta e a Cultura AM..." 25332 MMP 1230 30/03 2016 B R. Super Radio da Boa Vontade, Sao Paulo/SP, ann abt px do "Irmao Paiva Neto" 24222 MMP 1270 30/03 2025 B R. Unid, Unid/UN, transmissao ao vivo em rede c/ R. Aparecida abt Festa de Sao Benedito em Aparecida/SP 34333 MMP 1310 30/03 2038 B R. Braganca AM, Braganca Paulista/SP, jornada esportiva Bragantino x Sao Paulo, OM Id "Braganca AM" 33433 MMP 1350 30/03 2048 B R. Cultura, Pocos de Caldas/MG, jornada esportiva Araxa x ???, ann "...oferecimeto de No buraco da fechadura..." 34333 MMP 1380 30/03 2108 B R. Bom Jesus, Siqueira Campos/PR, px mxl "Hoje a Tarde", OM ann "...Hoje a Tarde aqui na Bom Jesus..." 24332 MMP 1540 31/03 0944 B R. Nova Difusora, Osasco/SP, px Jetro Durval "...aqui o sertao esta em festa, R. Nova difusora..." 33333 MMP 1580 30/03 0231 B R. Encantado, Encantado/RS, transmissao do festival "Canto da Lagoa" com as 3 ultimas mx finalistas 33422 MMP (Marcio Martins Pontes, Spain - radioescutas 01/04/2008) 700 KALL UT, SLC, received pcc back in 60dff (180d total), V/S unreadable. Address: 515 South, 700 East #1C, SLC UT 84102. UT QSL #69, MW QSL 2988 (PM-OR) 740 KVOX ND, Fargo received business cd in 6df (86d total), with verie statement handwritten on back. V/S: Tank McNamara-PD. Address: 1020 South 25th Street, Fargo ND 58103. ND QSL #18 MW QSL 2989 (PM-OR) Number 14 for the year so far and 7 for March. MW Returns seem to be on the increase which is very nice. (Patrick Martin, Oregon, USA - hard-core-dx 01/04/2008) 657 20.25 TX locale per la Toscana (segnale forte altrenato con il segnale di Napoli Marcianise con programmazione locale; 1368 Tx in parallelo con 657 con segnale debole; 819 TX locale del Friuli Venezia Giulia con forti interfenrenze dall'Egitto; 900 TX locale per la Lombardia con segnale forte. QRT delle TX locali tra le 20.43 le 20.47 (F. Cecconi, Italy - playdx2003 03/4/2008) 1188 I have definitely heard Payam from Tehran underneath the small MDR Info outlet which now dominates this frequency in Western Europe during our evenings. Signal no more that 32343. Observed (and checked against the Web stream) from 2035-2055. (Dan Goldfarb - dxldyg 03/04/2008) An American Forces Network transmitter that had been off the air since Tuesday resumed broadcasting Friday. The transmitter, which broadcasts the network's 873 AM signal, was brought back online at 2:30 p.m. It was knocked off the air by a fire that started during routine maintenance. Full power has not been restored. A fire in a commercial power panel caused the outage. Three people were injured in the accident. All were briefly hospitalized for observation and released, according to an AFN statement. http://www.stripes.com/article.asp?section=104&article=53849 (M. Terry, U.K. - mwdx 06/04/2008) 1550, Radio Nacional de la República Arabe Saharaui, 0701*-0705, 06-04, inicio de la transmisión, himno y cánticos del Corán. 23322. En paralelo con 6300, con buena señal en esta última frecuencia. 45444. (M. Méndez, Lugo, Spain - CumbreDX 06/04/2008) while checking the MW freq. of 756 kHz on 5/4/08 I noticed around 23.10 UTC there was a program in Arabic on that freq. around that time which made wonder..which stationis that !? I kept on listening to a program called " songs and stories " mainly with a Lebanese accent , hosted by a YL telling a sexy joke....which is not accepted on the media here in this part of the world , playing Lebanese songs , around 23.55 UTC the usual announcer of al Machreq radio announced the freq. they use right now 756 kHz and FM frq. of 90.3 giving the usual times of radio almachrek , 8.00 to 16.00 jerusalem time as I recall that was from 5.00 to 14.00 UTC. right after they signed off the usual Palestinian Voice net work started the transmission with the same freq and announcing the usual times as well 7.00 to 8.00 and 16.00 to 17.00 jerusalem time , the strange thing is hearing them around that time of the day...and I was in Cairo....usually I pick them up when I'm in Alexandria by sea side...increased out put...maybe. both websites :http://www.pal-voice.org/ and http://www.almachrek.org/ didn't mention anything about the new schedule. but it was nice picking them up in that time of the day for the first time...will see if they will be on today 6/4/08 as well. (Tarek Zeidan, Egypt - dxldyg 06/04/2008) BRASIL - 1.170 17/08 21:55 Radio Cidade Araxá, MG P Advs- Posto Alba 33333 LELS. - 1.530 18/02 00:20 Radio Cultura Guanambi, BA P Px-Plenário da Câmara Municipal 22222 LELS. - 1.170 21/03 21:50 Radio Jornal Eunapolis, BA P Advs-? 22222 LELS. - 1.300 27/03 02:00 Radio Onda Viva Presidente Prudente, SP P Advs- ID 33333 LELS. - 890 27/03 21:00 Radio Gazeta São Paulo, SP P Nx- Jornal da Gazeta 32222 LELS. - 1.450 27/03 21:35 Radio Ipirá AM Ipirá, BA P Advs- Madeireira Fernandes 44444 LELS. - 1.400 27/03 21:40 Radio Vaza Barris Jeremoabo, BA P Px-Vóz da Saudade 33333 LELS. - 1.440 28/03 Radio Educadora Frei Paulo, SE P Mx- sertaneja 32222 LELS. - 900 31/03 21:20 Radio Nordeste Natal, RN P Px-Evangélico 32222 LELS. - 1.110 31/03 21:35 Radio Cultura Campos, RJ P Px- Esportivo 22222 LELS. - 1.260 31/03 21:40 Radio Vale do Jaguaribe Limoeiro do Norte, CE P Px-Esportivo 22222 LELS. - 1.200 02/04 02:00 Radio Correio Maceió, AL P Nx-Comentário sobre o CRB 33333 LELS. - 1.240 04/04 00:30 Radio Capibaribe AM Recife, PE P Nx-Noticias da cidade 33333 LELS. - 750 04/04 00:50 Radio Uirapuru Fortaleza, CE P Px-Jogo de futebol 22222 LELS.. ARGENTINA - 1.030 18/03 00:30 Radio Del Plata Buenos Aires, Argentina S Advs-FEDAN 33333 LELS. - 950 29/03 03:20 Radio Belgrano Buenos Aires, Argentina S Advs- Tiempo 33333 LELS. - 1.150 01/04 01:30 Radio Brigadier Lopez Santa Fé, Argentina S Advs- Boletin del Tiempo 22222 LELS. - 1.270 04/04 02:25 Radio Província de Buenos Aires La Plata, Argentina S Px-Comentário de futebol 33333 LELS. - 710 05/04 04:30 Radio Diez Buenos Aires, Argentina S Nx-Noticiero 44444 LELS. URUGUAY - 550 01/04 05:25 Radio Colonia Colonia, Uruguay S Px-Evangelico 33333 LELS. - 810 05/04 01:15 El Espectador Montevideo, Uruguay S Px-Comentario 22222 LELS. - 1.330 05/04 03:40 Radio FENIX Montevideo, Uruguay S Px-Informes 32222 LELS. PARAGUAY - 780 03/04 02:15 Radio Primero de Marzo Asuncion, Paraguay S Px-Futebol 22222 LELS (Luiz Eduardo Lopes da Silva, Salvador, Brasil - radioescutas 06/04/2008) -- Тропо (Es) 36 аудиофрагментов передач местных радиостанций на http://www.travelradio.lv 29.03.2008 Пярну, Эстония/Parnu, Estonia, rec. in Parnu 92.7 MHz Raadio Parnu 96.4 MHz Sun FM 28.03.2008 Хельсинки, Финляндия/Helsinki, Finland, rec. in Helsinki 88.6 MHz Radio Helsinki 92.0 MHz Classic Radio 92.5 MHz Radio Aalto 93.6 MHz HIFK radio 94.9 MHz Radio Rock 95.2 MHz Metro FM 96.8 MHz NRJ Energy 100.0 MHz Spiidi FM 102.4 MHz Radio Iistsaid 102.8 MHz Bassoradio 104.6 MHz The Voice 105.5 MHz Club FM 106.9 MHz Radio Sputnik 27.03.2008 Хельсинки, Финляндия/Helsinki, Finland, rec. in Tallinn 96.2 MHz Iskelma 26-27.03.2008 Таллин, Эстония/Tallinn, Estonia, rec. in Tallinn 88.3 MHz Spin FM 88.8 MHz Raadio Mania 90.2 MHz Radio DFM 93.2 MHz Energy FM 94.5 MHz Raadio 4 97.8 MHz Raadio 3 100.0 MHz Radio 100FM 101.6 MHz Raadio 2 103.5 MHz Radio Tallinn 104.9 MHz Euro FM (Владимир Казгунов, Лиепая, Латвия - open_dx 01/04/2008) At the moment it seems tropo is affecting a large area of S/SW France just as Mr Hepburn reported, for the B3 TV 'L' channels are all booming in here with it's C+ on L5 co-channel interference Toulouse (800km approx), Marseille (800km) L7 Rennes (400km approx) L8 co-channel interference Bourges (200km)& poss Bordeaux (600km approx) L9 Caen (300km approx) The only aerial up beaming S/SW is the 13 element B3 so no knowing what UHF is like, unfortunate'ly my FM antenne is down needing a reflector element (hopefully finished thursday) repair so i'm unable to check out the FM. Pity as i was looking forward to testing out the Grundig 700 of Mark P & my modified 700 with 3x80khz + Kenwood 6040KT with 6x80khz/2x110khz murata filters. It's the first time i've actually dx'd French 'L' ch's basically because they are not for myself considered as being of importance. However with my very limited aerial setup for now i decided to see just how far in B3 i can receive, & given that between 600-800km is receivable without an amplifier, it make's me wonder just what can be received here in B3 with excellent conditions better than now, ie: the summer months? Already i have received (though unconfirmed) a suspected weak R7 from the Czech Republic 1/04/08 via troposcatter so i shall be concentrating on the other B3 freq's from now on & not just stuck on E10. (Dave, U.K. - skywaves 03/04/2008) -- Digital закачал на сайт http://www.travelradio.lv скриншоты приема цифрового ТВ Эстонии и Финляндии, сделанные в марте. Похоже на то, что при повторном сканировании я потерял один мультиплекс Эстонского ТВ - на 818 МГц, и заметил это только дома. Заодно и выяснил, что программа AltDVB пишет новые результаты на место уже записанных, если на частоте призошли изменения после сканирования, даже если результаты хуже прежних - мультиплекс принимается, но названия каналов не расшифрованы. Попробовал принимать DAB трансляции, но в обеих странах - без результата, финны отключили свои тесты уже сравнительно давно, надеялся на Таллин, но и там ничего при сканировании не заметил. (Владимир Казгунов, Лиепая, Латвия - open_dx 06/04/2008) -- Неофициальное вещание Афганистан R. Solh, 17700 via UK, was audible earlier on April 2, already fair at 1410 but with some deep fades, same music as always during this semihour, previously on 15265 (Glenn Hauser, OK, USA - dxldyg 02/04/2008) Корея 6020 Shiokaze 1400-1430 Mar 31. Usual piano opening, and sign-on routine by YL; ID as "Shiokaze Des" (Shiokaze Two); usual talks, then off promptly at 1430. Good signal, ex-5985. Via Yamata, I guess. (J. M. Wilkins, CO, USA - CumbreDX 01/04/2008) ``Korean Cultural Programming`` as in WHR schedule for KWHR 9930, April 2 at 1338 with ``Come Fly With Me,`` sounds like Harry Connick, Jr., who sounds not quite like Sinatra; into announcements in Korean. Sounds like American cultural programming to me! Now, which clandestine service is this? No jamming (Glenn Hauser, OK, USA - dxldyg 02/04/2008) -- Наблюдения (Monitoring) CUBA 12000 Radio Habana Cuba, 12:11-12:16, escuchada el 31 de marzo en espanol a locutora con boletin de noticias, conexion con corresponsal en Israel, “Principales titulares de la prensa...”, SINPO 34333. ESTADOS UNIDOS 13820 Radio Marti, 12:05-12:10, escuchada el 31 de marzo en espanol a locutora con entrevista a invitado, referencias a Raul Castro, ID “Radio Marti”, SINPO 35433. ISRAEL 9390 Kol Israel, 14:01-14:06, escuchada el 31 de marzo en idioma sin identificar, probablemente en persa, a locutora con comentarios, comienza emision con un fragmento musical, boletin de noticias, referencias a Bush y Palestina, SINPO 45444. 15760 Kol Israel, 11:17-11:35, escuchada el 311 de marzo con identificacio n en frances y musica pop melodica en frances, desde las 11:25 en hebreo, comentarios y cunas de la emisora, ID “Kol Israel”, SINPO 45444. MOLDAVIA 12135 Radio PMR, 14:15-14:28, escuchada el 31 de marzo a locutora con comentarios y posible identificacio n “..Republica Moldova”, boletin de noticias y musica de sintonia, constantes referencias a la Republica de Moldavia, ID “Radio PMR”, SINPO 55444. 12135 Radio PMR, 14:28-14:30, escuchada el 31 de marzo en aleman a locutor con presentacion e identificacio n, musica de sintonia, se aprecia de fondo una emision morse sin identificar, referencia a Ucrania y Rusia, SINPO 54444. 12135 Radio PMR, 14:43-14:48, escuchada el 31 de marzo en ingles a locutor con boletin de noticias, sintonia e identificacio n, fuertemente interferida por extrana senal digital, tambien por emision Morse sin identificar, SINPO53443. 12135 Radio PMR, 14:48-15:13, escuchada el 31 de marzo en frances a locutora con presentacion, sintonia e identificacio n, boletin de noticias, anuncia correo electronico, SINPO 54554. (J. M. Romero, Burjasot, Spain - hard-core-dx 01/04/2008) ISRAEL 9390 Kol Israel, 14:01-14:06, escuchada el 1 de abril en idioma sin identificar, probablemente en persa, a locutora con comentarios, comienza emision con un fragmento musical, boletin de noticias, referencias a Bush y Palestina, SINPO 45444. MOLDAVIA 12135 Radio PMR, 14:15-14:28, escuchada el 1 de abril a locutora con comentarios y posible identificacion “..Republica Moldova”, boletin de noticias y musica de sintonia, constantes referencias a la Republica de Moldavia, ID “Radio PMR”, SINPO 55444. 12135 Radio PMR, 14:28-14:30, escuchada el 1 de abril en aleman a locutor con presentacion e identificacion, musica de sintonia, se aprecia de fondo una emision morse sin identificar, referencia a Ucrania y Rusia, SINPO 54444. (J. M. Romero, Burjasot, Spain - hard-core-dx 01/04/2008) 21655 PORTUGAL Lisbon Radio Portugal International, Apr 1 1841 - em portugues, OM com entrevista; faz ref. ao Funchal, comemoracoes dos 500 anos; OM c/ID; mx na voz de YL. 45333 (Antonio Garcia, Joao Pessoa-PB ) 21610 ESPANHA Noblejas Radio Exterior de Espana, Apr 1 1848 - OMs e YL com aula em arabe/espanhol. 35333 (Antonio Garcia, Joao Pessoa-PB ) 17585 USA Okeechobee Family Radio, Apr 1 1856 - em frances, OM com falas, semelhante a pregacao religiosa; faz ref. a Timoteo e alguns versiculos biblicos. Fala de YL. 45444 (Antonio Garcia, Joao Pessoa-PB ) 17610 GERMANY Woofferton Deutsch Welle, Apr 1 1903 - em alemao, OM faz referencia a Bush, Barack Obama. 35333 (Antonio Garcia, Joao Pessoa-PB ) 17620 FRANCE Issoudun Radio France International, Apr 1 1908 - em frances, OM com boletim de noticias; YL c/ID; OM e YL com falas semelhante a apresentacao de prog. de variedades. 45444 (Antonio Garcia, Joao Pessoa-PB ) 17830 UNITED KINGDOM Ascension Is. BBC World Service, Apr 1 1916 - em ingles, falas externas de OM e YL, semelhante a um protesto; OM e YL com boletim de noticias, faz ref. ao Senegal, Ruanda. 45444 (Antonio Garcia, Joao Pessoa, Brasil - hard-core-dx 02/04/2008) Last several days I've been randomly checking 7120 for possible Radio Hargeysa. Before A08 started, the unid Afro station was observed after 1500 UT with a carrier usually on appr. 7120.35 and faint modulation. Sign-off time seems now to be just after 1700. When A08 began, 7120 seems to be occupied by Zim clanny Voice of the People around 1700 with the accompanying Zimmy jammer. Also Radio Rossii seems to be on the channel sometime 1725 or so onwards. The unid station has been couple of days again on lower split, 7120.18 or so. Co-monitoring Chad 4905 (which has been irregular at this specific time) shows it some days is already on 4905 when 7120+ station can be heard. Anyone tried this frequency in the morning? Gabon 4777 has been last couple of days observed sometimes past 1800 UT. (Jari Savolainen, Kuusankoski, Finland - dxldyg 02/04/2008) 4717, Bolivia, R Yura, Yura; 01-Apr Spanish/Quechua(pres.) 1005 male and female talks on Andean music about Indian rights, organizations, culture "lo indigena...su capacidad...", 1010-1016 female in presumed Quechua alternating Andean music. Best around 1010, 33333 (LOB-B). 4796, Bolivia, R Mallku, Uyuni; 02-Apr Spanish 1009 Andean music, 1017-1025 male talks alternaiting Andean music. Almost unreadable 23322 (LOB-B). 5915, Zambia, Zambia NBC Radio, Lusaka; 02-Apr Vernacular 2039-2100 African hilife music, 2042 male talks. At 2100 strong QRM, 33433 (LOB-B). (Lucio O.B., Embu, Brasil - dxldyg 03/04/2008) ARMENIA 4810 Voice of Armenia, 18:29-18:31, escuchada el 3 de abril en armenio a locutor con comentarios y musica de sintonia, SINPO 24232. GABON 4777 Radio TV Gabonoise, 18:22-18:26, escuchada el 3 de abril en frances a locutor con comentarios y fragmento de musica clasica, SINPO 34433 ISRAEL 6973 Galei Zahal, 18:01-18:06, escuchada el 3 de abril de hebreo a locutor con boletin de noticias, referencias Kosovo, Tel Aviv, segmento musical, tema de Jazz, locutor con ID “Galei Zahal”, comentarios y musica de fondo, SINPO 45444. (J. M. Romero, Burjasot, Spain - dxldyg 03/04/2008) 21680 VATICAN Sta. Maria Galeria Vatican Radio, Apr 2 1137 - OM e YLs, em espanhol, com noticiario sobre a igreja catolica; faz ref. ao Papa Joao Paulo II. 45444 (Antonio Garcia, Joao Pessoa-PB ) 21470 UNITED KINGDOM Mahe - Seychelles BBC World Service, Apr 2 1143 - em ingles, OM com entrevista a convidado. 34323 (Antonio Garcia, Joao Pessoa-PB ) 17630 GABON Moyabi Africa n 1, Apr 2 1150 - em frances, vinhete de ID; YL com comentario; mx na voz de OM; YL retorna com comentarios. 35433 (Antonio Garcia, Joao Pessoa-PB ) 15410 CHILE Santiago CVC International, Apr 2 1159 - em portugues, 'CVC Noticias'; OM com noticias; faz ref. ao Rio de Janeiro, Londres, Moscou, Kosovo; IDs; 'Encontro com a Informacao' apresentado por Alvaro L. Andrade. 45434 (Antonio Garcia, Joao Pessoa-PB ) 15515 FRANCE Montsinery - Guiana Radio France International, Apr 2 1208 - em espanhol, OM e YL com boletim de noticias; faz ref. a discurso da pres. Argentina; faz ref. a Kosovo, pres. Bush. 35433 (Antonio Garcia, Joao Pessoa-PB ) 9630 BRASIL Aparecida Radio Aparecida, Apr 3 1026 - YL e OM apresentando boletim de noticias; faz ref. a dengue no Rio de Janeiro; Itaipu bi-nacional. 25222 (Antonio Garcia, Joao Pessoa-PB ) 9675 BRASIL Cachoeira Paulista Radio Cancao Nova, Apr 3 1031 - OM com pregacao religiosa; faz ref. ao Ap. Joao. 25222 (Antonio Garcia, Joao Pessoa-PB ) 17595 ESPANHA Noblejas Radio Exterior de Espana, Apr 3 1037 - mx ritmo pop; YL e OM com comentarios; 'Casa de la Radio'; mx instrumental breve; OMs com comentarios. 35333 (Antonio Garcia, Joao Pessoa-PB ) 17630 GABON Moyabi Africa n 1, Apr 3 1043 - em frances, OM com comentarios; mx na voz de OM, ritmo semelhante ao caribenho, possivel dialeto local. 25332 (Antonio Garcia, Joao Pessoa-PB ) 15575 PORTUGAL Lisbon Radio Portugal International, Apr 3 1050 - mx brasileira, 'se todos fossem no mundo iguais a voce...', Maysa; OM com breve comentario; mx, Milton Nascimento. 35333 (Antonio Garcia, Joao Pessoa-PB ) 21840 GERMANY Trincomalee - Sri Lanca Deutsche Welle, Apr 3 1223 - em frances, OM e YL com boletim de noticias; ref. a olimpiada. 35333 (Antonio Garcia, Joao Pessoa-PB ) 21640 SAUDI ARABIA Riyadh BSKSA Riyadh, Apr 3 1231 - em arabe, OMs com falas; som de motor; fala de crianca; suponho tratar-se de uma novela. 35333 (Antonio Garcia, Joao Pessoa, Brasil - radioescutas 04/04/2008) 4762, UNID heard from 2245 to 2258 instr. organ/electric piano new age music, 2259 male talks (Quechua?), 2300 s/off, maybe RTV Chicha, Tocla, Bolivia. (LOB-B) 03-Apr 4905, Brasil, R Anhanguera, Araguaina TO; 03-Apr Portuguese 2150 religious pop music, 2158 canned ID by male “o amor esta no ar, Anhanguera”, 2200 programme A Voz do Brasil. QRM by 4915 presumed R Difusora, Macapa splatter 32232 (LOB-B). 4755, Peru, R Tarma, Tarma; 03-Apr. Spanish 2202 male “gracias a todos por este meio ciclo del trabajo.. R. Tarma, 50 anos a servicio del Tarma”, 2303-2311 sports programme Antena Desportiva, talks basically about football soccer, 2309 ads “Vidraria Nico”. CODAR QRM 33333 (LOB-B). 4781, Bolivia, R Tacana, Tumupasa; 03-Apr Spanish 2313 male talks, flute and percussion music, 2316- 2323 male talks, explanation about details of some kind of dancing body shaking.CODAR QRM, Weak to fair signal 23333 (Lucio O.B., Embu, Brasil - dxldyg 04/04/2008) ALBANIA R. Tirana April 4, 2008 7425 kHz 0230-0258 UTC No ident signal. News Bulletin, item on NATO, song and "Focus on Albania". Overall very good. Peak S9 +43.3 dB. CZECH REPUBLIC R. Prague April 4, 2008 7345 0300-0327 News, item onNATO, "Panorama". Overall very good. ALBANIA R. Tirana April 4, 2008 7425 0330-0358 Same programming as 0230 UT broadcast. Overall very good. Peak S9 +27 dB. CZECH REPUBLIC R. Prague April 4, 2008 11665 1030-1057 Same programming as 0300 UT broadcast. Overall very good. (KG4LAC - dxldyg 04/04/2008) Australia: Radio Australia (in Strine) via Darwin, 17775 @ 0015z, 250kw at 317, //17715 & 17795 Germany (non): Deutsche Welle in Russian via Singapore, 17865 @ 0030z, 250kw at 25 Germany (non): Deutsche Welle in English via Komsomolsk, 17525 @ 0055z, 250kw at 213, off at 0100z UK (non): BBC WS via Singapore, 17615 @ 0045z, 100kw at 13 (Jerry Lenamon, Waco Texas, USA - dxldyg 04/04/2008) 1. Радио Эммануил (ну или CVC на украинском) на КВ сохранилось и в новом сезоне - частота 9750 кГц (принял в 18:49 UTC, на 55555). Как видно, изменилось и время вещания - на более позднее. 2. Голос России на некоторых славянских языках: - на польском: 1700-1800 на 5910 и 9615; - на чешском: 1745-1830 на 5965 и 9500; - на словацком: 1830-1900 на 5965 и 9500. (Алексей Зиневич, Минск, Беларусь - open_dx 05/04/2008) 9310,0 1935 CLN VOA-Irana Wila Com OM 04/04 Per 45444 9410,0 1937 SEY BBC-Mahe Nx OM+YL 04/04 Ing 35333 11815,0 2135 B R BRASIL CENTRAL-Goiania Com OM 04/04 Por 34333 11760,0 2136 CUB RHC-La Habana Mx popular 04/04 Fra 35333 11750,0 2137 CUB RHC-La Habana Revista Iberoamericana 04/04 Esp 35333 11990,0 2139 IRN LVRII-Sirjan Com 04/04 Jap 35333 12160,0 2140 USA W Rlg 04/04 Ing 24322 13760,0 2143 CUB RHC-La Habana Deportes+Nx 04/04 Esp 35433 13820,0 2144 USA R MARTI-Greenville Com Polit 04/04 Esp 45444 15600,0 2155 USA WYFR-Okeechobee Rlg para Eu 04/04 Esp 35433 (Tomas Mendez, Spain - playdx2003 05/04/2008) ARGENTINA 15.345 kHz, RAE Radio Argentina al Exterior, 02-04-08, 1849-1851. Programa Actualidad Dx con referencias a Radio Pakistán, en inglÃs. SINPO 55444 CHILE 17.680 kHz, CVC La Voz, 02-04-08, 1837-1849. Locutor con llamadas telefónicas y música, en español. SINPO 54433 (Javier Robledillo Jaén, Espana - bclnews 05/04/2008) 5030, China, CNR 1(tent.), Beijing; 04-Apr Chinese 2151 YL talks on romantic music, 2152 Chinese style music, 2154 OM and YL talks, 2200 time pips, maybe a ID. After 2200 started strong QRM presumed of R.Burkina, 33333 (LOB-B). 4828, Zimbabwe, Voice of Zimbabwe, Gweru; 04-Apr. English 2206 news by YL, 2208 by OM “...this’s Voice of Zimbabwe...good night...”, musical bridge (Marimbas solo music), 2209-2225 African slow pop music selections pres. in Vernacular and of the same musical group, 2221 audio breaks. Adjacent QRM 32333 (LOB-B). 4770, Nigeria, R.Nigeria(tent.), Kaduna-Jarji; 04-Apr. English 2232 pop music, 2234 YL talks, 2235 short instr. music returning YL talks, 2236 pop music maybe in Vernacular, 2240 unreadable ID “you’re listening...”, 2243 slow instr. music. 23432 (LOB-B). (Lucio O.B., Embu, Brasil - playdx2003 05/04/2008) GERMANY 873 - Weaker audio than normal. Possibly a back-up transmitter? Also just music rather than talk 1800-1830. IRAN 1188 - This time MDR Info faded to such an extent that I clearly heard Farsi 2215-2225. GREECE 1512 - Lovely steady signal from Crete playing Greek music. Jeddah was barely audible.44444. 1830-1845. CHINA 1521 - Over the past 2 or 3 days Urumqui Xutubi has been holding its own against QRM from Duba. DJIBOUTI 4780 - heard at last with solid signal 343433 carrying Horn of Africa music and OM announcements (sounded like Arabic?) 1930-2000. CHINA 4800 - strong signal carrying CNR1 Zhongguo zhi Sheng.44444 2215-2220 CHINA (TIBET) 4820 - Equally strong signal with soothing music and Mandarin talk! USA (non.) 4930 - Special late running of Studio7/VOA Africa heard as late as 2130. Different stream from 4940. UGANDA 4976 - Clear signal with American sounding Religious stuff? Also broadcasting beyond 2110. 3333. CHINA (TIBET)6130 - less strong than the higher frequency but also bad QRM from Beijing 6135 2130-2140. CHINA (TIBET) 7385 - booming signal 55555 2140-2145. BRAZIL 9695 - Manaus was one of many 31m loggings of Brazilian stations 33333 2120-2140. AUSTRALIA 11695 - disappointing signal 2130-2200 in English 22222. CUBA 11750 and 11760 - Both with good clear signals on the higher one I heard DXers Unlimited. Arnaldo Coro was commenting on the surprising growth in Sunspots - as I also discovered last night. CANADA 15235 - amazingly weak signal from 1950-2005 covering the changeover French/English. Strong US signals but this barely audible one from Sackville??? 33333 at best. ARGENTINA 15345 - I was surprised that the normal talk gave way to a good chunk of Tango music 2005-2015. A pleasant listen without Moroccan bullying 44444. 73's Dan Goldfarb, Brentwood, England INDONESIA 11785 - Belting signal from 2100-2120. At that point the English broadcast ground to a halt, the transmitter came off air never to reappear! Instead Firedrake replaced it growing in strength (jamming Tinian RFA). USA 11895 - Strong signal from Greenville carrying Creole 2100-2130. 44444. USA 11930 - signal so strong from Radio Martí that I could even hear the DentroCuban jamming faintly in the background. 44444 around 2125. (Dan G., U.K. - dxldyg 06/04/2008) CHAD 4905 Radio Chad, 05:00-05:10, escuchada el 6 de abril en francés a locutor con presentación y saludo “..bonjour..”, emisión de música regae africano, SINPO 45343. CUBA 11760 Radio Habana Cuba, 11:17-11:35, escuchada el 6 de abril en español a locutor y locutora con bases de concurso, programa “El Mundo de la filatelia”, se aprecia colisión con CRI en inglés, sintonía e identificación, SINPO 43433. ESTADOS UNIDOS 13790 Voz de América, 11:14-11:17, escuchada el 6 de abril en español a locutora con reportaje sobre Cuba, SINPO 22332 GABÓN 17630 África Nº 1, 10:15-10:20, escuchada el 6 de abril a locutor con invitados en especie de tertulia, emisión de música afro, SINPO 45433. JORDANIA 11810 Radio Jordán, 10:43-10:46, escuchada el 6 de abril en árabe a locutor con comentarios, locutora con posible identificación y presentación “...Doctor...”, emisión de música folklórica local, SINPO 24332. NIGERIA 9690 Voice of Nigeria, 10:10-10:13, escuchada el 6 de abril en inglés a locutora con entrevista a invitado, SINPO 25342 15120 Voice of Nigeria, 07:45-07:55, escuchada el 6 de abril en francés a locutor anunciando correo electrónico, dirección y E-mail, emisión de música afro, SINPO 45333. (J. M. Romero, Burjasot, Spain - playdx2003 06/04/2008) 9.575 khz – Marrocos. Radio Medi 1 Nador. Apresentação de musicas em francês e árabe. Em 06/04/08, entre 00h30min e 01h00min UTC. Sinpo: 45444. 11.915 khz – Brasil. Radio Gaúcha, Porto Alegre. Programação esportiva com comentários sobre o jogo Sapucaense x Inter de SM, pelo campeonato gaúcho, com a participação do presidente do Sapucaense: Paulo Porto. Em 06/04/08, entre 13h15min e 13h20min UTC. Sinpo: 45333. 11.925 khz – Brasil. Radio Bandeirantes, São Paulo. Transmissão final da corrida de formula I, Grande Premio do Bahein. Em 06/04/08, entre 13h15min e 13h20min UTC. Sinpo: 45554. 13.800 khz – USA. Family Radio, Okeechobee. Pregação em língua portuguesa sobre o fim do mundo com base nas escrituras descritas no livro de Apocalipse. Em 06/04/08, entre 13:30min e 14h00min UTC. Sinpo: 24333. 15.300 khz - França. Radio França Internacional, Issoudon. Apresentação de musicas em francês e noticiário. Em 06/04/08, entre 13h30minmin e 14h00min. UTC. Sinpo: 34333. 15.410 khz. Chile. CVC, Santiago. Programa em língua portuguesa, comentários sobre como: "a CVC pode ajudar você a realizar seus sonhos". Em 06/04/08, entre 13h30minmin e 14h00min UTC. Sinpo: 45444. 15.770 khz - USA. Family Radio, Okeechobee. Programa em língua espanhola com a apresentação da caixa postal. Em 06/04/08, entre 13h30minmin e 14h00min. UTC. Sinpo: 23232. 17.555 kHz – USA. Family Radio, Okeechobee. Pregação em língua portuguesa sobre o adultério. Em 06/04/08, entre 13:30min e 14h00min UTC. Sinpo: 34443. 17.610 khz - França. Radio França Internacional, Issoudon. Apresentação de musicas em francês e noticiário. Em 06/04/08, entre 13h30minmin e 14h00min. UTC. Sinpo: 33232. 21.655 khz - Portugal. RDPi, Lisboa. Apresentação de fados. Em 06/04/08, entre 13h30minmin e 14h00min. UTC. Sinpo: 45444 (George - radioescutas 06/04/2008) ÁFRICA DO SUL 7160 05/04 2155 RFI, francês, talk news por OM, sinal fraco,15421; BRASIL 4865 04/04 1912 Alvorada, Londrina, talk religioso por Yl, fornece telefone da emissora, sinal fraco e com fading, 25322; 4915 04/04 1915 Anhanguera, Goiânia, mx sertaneja de Zezé di Camargo & Luciano, 35322; 4985 04/04 1921 RBC, Goiânia, mx Zezé di Camargo & Luciano, "Meu destino te escolheu", px "Brasil Central Sucesso", 35433; 5045 04/04 1929 Guarujá Paulista, "Futebol show especial da Rádio Globo", advs diversos, muito ruído e fading, 34111; 5940 04/04 1933 Guarujá Paulista, advs diversos, "A Guarujá agora é Rádio Globo", sinal bom, 45433; 6170 04/04 2024 Cultura FM, mx clássica, bom sinal mas com fading, 35422; 6180 04/04 2035 Nacional da Amazônia, mx "Madalena", com Elis Regina, 45333; CHINA 7110 05/04 2124 CRI, sérvio, talk YL finalizando px com informação de frequências e contatos, bom sinal, 54544; 7110 05/04 2318 CRI, russo, talk news YL, sinal instável, 35222; 7120 05/04 2133 CRI, húngaro, talk noticioso por OM, ótimo sinal, 54444; 7130 05/04 2137 Central PBS, chinês, talk por OM, sinal fraco e sob QRM de 7135;mx pop chinesa em seguida, 22442; 7190 05/04 2200 CRI, chinês, iniciando px com news por YL, ótimo sinal apesar do QRM de Tunisia na mesma QRG, 53433; 7200 05/04 2205 CRI, francês, talk por OM, sinal forte e claro, mas com QRM perceptível de jamming na mesma QRG, 53443; 7210 05/04 2209 CRI, coreano, talk por OM, sinal fraco, apenas reconhecido pelo característico prefixo musical do noticiário da emissora, 15321; 7250 05/04 2215 CRI, espanhol, news por OM, px "Pequim 2008", notícias sobre os Jogos Olímpicos, excelente sinal, 55444; 7315 05/04 2224 CRI, esperanto, talk por YL, ruído intenso, 45232; 7335 05/04 2232 CRI, espanhol, talk YL/OM sobre os jogos de Pequim, excelente sinal,55544; 7335 05/04 2329 Central PBS, chinês, forte QRM de unid e ruídos, talk por OM, 42232; 9455 05/04 2354 Central PBS, chinês, talk OM/OM por telefone em tom de correspondente noticioso, sinal excelente mas com ruido de estática, 55353; 15110 06/04 1233 CRI, chinês, talk OM/YL, sinal muito fraco, forte ruído(apito), 15131; ESPANHA 7270 05/04 2221 REE, espanhol, talk sobre as políticas de imigração na Europa, 35343; ESTADOS UNIDOS 7385 05/04 2236 WRMI, inglês, mx pop americana, sinal estável, 35433; ILHAS MARIANAS DO NORTE 7105 05/04 2128 Free Asia, CHINÊS, SOB FORTE JAMMING, POUCO INTELIGÍVEL, 21441; TUNÍSIA 7190 05/04 2158 Radio National Tunisienne, árabe, mx árabe tradicional, à s2159 sofre forte QRM de CRI na mesma QRG, 24222; VATICANO 7135 05/04 2142 Vaticano, transmissão da liturgia da missa em russo, bom sinal com fading, 45433; FIREDRAKE JAMMING 6010 05/04 2341 Firedrake jamming, mx tradicional chinesa nonstop, fading, 22342; 7270 05/04 2322 Firedrake jamming, mx tradicional chinesa nonstop, leve QRM na mesma QRG, 44433; 7310 05/04 2325 Firedrake jamming, mx tradicional chinesa nonstop, sinal muito forte, 54554; 7330 05/04 2327 Firedrake jamming, mx tradicional chinesa nonstop, ruído e QRM na mesma QRG, 42232; 7470 05/04 2300 Firedrake jamming, mx tradicional chinesa nonstop, sinal fraco com ruídos, 15231; 7500 05/04 2303 Firedrake jamming, mx tradicional chinesa nonstop, sinal bom, 35433; 7540 05/04 2305 Firedrake jamming, mx tradicional chinesa nonstop, fading, 35422; UNID 7150 05/04 2150 Unid, árabe, talk por OM, com ruido e fading, 25222; 15440 06/04 1221 Unid, chinês, talk port OM/YL, sinal muito forte, 55454; (Arthur Antonio Raimundo, Araçatuba SP Brasil - radioescutas 06/04/2008) 4777 GAB: R Gabon 1820, has been most days now on until 1900. 4895 Unid 1750 Italian, talks and music, transmitter on for couple of seconds, then off for a while and back again. AM. Continued until 1820 tune-out. No signal on about 1632 kHz heard here. 5100 ERI: R Bana 1725, s/off 1800 with familiar Bana song. Local language. 6250 GNE: R Malabo 1830. Accented Spanish or rather local language with many Spanish phrases. 7120 Unid, today again around 7120.3, s/off 1700. Was noted already around 1515. Mostly only carrier, just seldom pieces of audio. (Jari Savolainen, Kuusankoski, Finland - dxldyg 06/04/2008) -- Неопознанное (Unknown) **UNIDENTIFIED. 6024.96, 2120-2210, April 2, religious sermon in vernacular. Possibly Nigeria-Enugu? Weak. Poor in noisy conditions and QRM from a weak station on 6025. Plus adjacent channel splatter after 2200 from 6030. (Brian Alexander, PA) **UNIDENTIFIED. 6055.08, 1015-1040, April 2, Spanish talk. LA music. Weak. Poor in noisy conditions. Nothing else heard on 6055. Perhaps Bolivia’s ‘s Radio Juan XXIII? (Brian Alexander, PA, USA - dxldyg 03/04/2008) 17600 Unid broadcast in most likely Swahili / EaAFrican language noted here at present 1330-1340 UT. Stn plays a lot of music in between. S=7 signal level in Southwestern Germany. (W. Bueschel, Germany - dxldyg 04/04/2008) Is Voice of Africa, noted ID by female announcer at 1353 UT from Sabrata, LBY. ex 1200-1700 17725, now tentat. replaced by 17600, in \\ 21695 12-16 UT, but latter much weaker here, just above treshold (W. Bueschel, Germany - dxldyg 04/04/2008) 13770 NO ID, 16:40-17:03, escuchada el 4 de abril en idioma swahili a locutor y locutora con comentarios, “...program..swahili..”, referencias a Sudan y America, al Dalai Lama, a las 16:56 locutor con noticias en “Shona??”, segmento musical, SINPO 55555 (J. M. Romero, Burjasot, Spain - dxldyg 04/04/2008) 6026.7v, 0140-0227*, April 4, talk in unidentified language. Koran at 0203. Weak, unstable, wobbly carrier. No //s found. Perhaps Iran? Did Iran move their unstable transmitter from 7 MHz to 6 MHz? Separate Iranian program heard on a stable 7105 during this time period. On March 30 & 31 Iran was wobbling (varying) around 7106.8-7111.8, but not tonight. (Brian Alexander, PA, USA - dxldyg 05/04/2008) That mystery station is coming in again since 2300z on 1520 Khz. Just plays light classical music continuously with no announcements and TOH ID Anyone else hearing it and have any idea what it is? I suspect it is South American, but a most unusual format for that part of the world. (John Plimmer, Montagu, Western Cape Province, South Africa - mwdx 05/04/2008) 6130 UNID. (Laos? Tibet?), 1154-1236, 4/2/2008. 1154 Asian music with short comments by man at 1157. Instrumental music at 1159, more upbeat and of anthem/theme variety. Talk by man through 1200. Talk by man and woman at 1201, possibly news. Poor signal (SINPO 23222), deteriorating after 1220, much weaker by 1230. Recheck at 1233 found music, then comments by woman at 1236 tune out. Language was oriental, but not Mandarin. One possibility is Lao National Radio, but all published logs indicate seven gongs on the hour, which were not present. Second possibility is Xizang PBS (Tibet), which lists this frequency, but has not been reported here recently. Checked listed Xizang parallels, and found only a poor signal after 1205 on 4920, man and woman talking, but not in parallel with 6130. Also changed to music on 4920 at 1225, further indicating not in parallel. Any ideas on this, especially any logs of Laos without 7 gongs on the hour? (Jim Evans, TN, USA - CumbreDX 05/04/2008) -- Гармоники (harmonics) -- Глушение (Jamming) -- Пираты (pirates) 1645,00 2803 2255 unid,D, rock ballads, Tentative : Radio Pompink Int.???? schlager 24322 1655,00 2803 2235 Technische Man?,D, talks, polka, hallo hallo 24322 1660,00 2903 1840 R.Titanic Int, D, polka, hotline 06 25032372… 24432 1660,00 2903 2220 R.Titanic Int? ,D, pop rock in Dutch 24411 1670,00 2903 2210 unid,Gr, traditional songs, 24422 3935,00 2903 1835 R.Rainbow Int? E, ballads, talks 24211 5815,00 2903 1208 R.Barretina Int, testing, pops, ballads 24432 5815,00 3003 0715 Orion R, E, rock, ID, good morning, greets to listeners 23332 6055,00 2803 2215 KBC,E, Wolfman Jack Show, Ids, hotline, K-po promo, rock 33333 6055,00 2903 2200 KBC,E, ID. Wolfman Jack show, ballad, rock and roll, jingle 34333 6055,00 3003 2155 KBC+Big L, E, talks, The Supremes, promo, Nat King Cole 45544 6062,00 2903 1120 R.Barretina Int, testing, pops, ballads 35443 6063,00 2903 1212 R.Barretina Int, testing, pops, ballads 25432 6220,00 2903 2240 Mystery R?, disco pops, no real ID 24322 6220,00 3003 0655 Mystery R, disco pop all day long 35443 6275,00 3003 0830 VOTN,E, rock, ID, instrumental 24322 6280,00 2903 0720 R.Calypso?, schlager non stop 24322 6280,00 2903 1815 R.Merlin Int, E, rock, ID, 34433 6310,00 2903 1845 R Lowland?, D,E, schlager, talks, hotline 0031 … 34222 6310,00 2903 2220 R.Lowland? , rock, same as the listened at 1845 UTC? 23322 6310,00 3003 1350 R.Malaysi?disco pop, Shocking Blue, no ID 24211 6311,00 2903 0930 R.Barretina Int, dance, local ballad 24322 6311,00 2903 1600 R.Barretina Int, Cat, relay of R. L'Arboc, local info 24322 6312,00 2903 1150 R.Barretina Int, test, relay of R. L'Arboc: Taps de cera 24332 6325,00 2903 1635 R.Alice/ R.Lowland?, D,ID or report? pops 24311 6882,00 2803 1810 R.Playback Int, E,It, funky, live program, Ids, email 24432 6882,00 2903 0645 R.Playback Int, E, pops, jingles 34433 6882,00 3003 0650 R.Playback Int,E, USA relay WAL 1430, jingle Ids, rock and roll 35443 6925,00 2903 2250 Spider R?, instrumental, no Ids on USB 24411 9290,00 2903 1205 R.Casablanca WS,G, schlager pops, Ids, new talents 35443 (Silveri Gomez, Spain - playdx2003 0/104/2008) 0700 5815 44444 Orion Radio 0835 : arrêt 0719 6270 45343 Radio Calypso 0732 6310 45343 Radio Condor 0740 : arrêt 0837 6270 45444 Radio Scirocco 0929 6882 45444 Playback Int 1006 6306 33433 Radio Brandaris 1053 6325 35333 Radio Waves Int 1205 6140 55545 MV Baltic Radio via Wertachtal Allemagne - 1259 : arrêt Michel, France - ondescourtes 06/04/2008) -- Связь (ham radio) 02216 XEG: Unid DHFCS Station 1921 ALE/USB Calls XSS who responds via Penhale site. Followed by fast modem activity. (31Mar08) (MPJ) 02216 XEG: Unid DHFCS Station 1958 ALE/USB TWS XEG, Followed by bursts of modem traffic. (31Mar08) (MPJ) 02216 XSS: DHFCS NCS 2004 ALE/USB Sounding. BER 0 SN 00 invalid decode on 2217.4 kHz. Sounds on 4168.5 at 20:11. (31Mar08) (MPJ) 02705 XSS: UK DHFCS NCS 1828 ALE/USB Via Penhale Sands site. Sounding also on 6251 and 6416.5 kHz. Sounds at 19:30 from a more distant site. (31Mar08) (MPJ) 03226 XSS: DHFCS NCS Penhale Site 1924 ALE/USB Sounding. Sounds also 3 times on this frequency in the same minute from other more distant sites. (31Mar08) (MPJ) 04374 : CIS Military 1839 81-81/??/500 Opchat in slow revs. No traffic. (31Mar08) (MPJ) 05295 XSS: UK DHFCS NCS 1910 ALE/USB Sounding. Via Penhale Sands site. Also sounds on 4168.5 and 4226.5 kHz (31Mar08) (MPJ) 08107 XSS: DHFCS NCS 1931 ALE/USB Sounding. Invalid decode BER 0 SN 00 on 8119 kHz. (31Mar08) (MPJ) 09019 XSS: DHFCS NCS 1951 ALE/USB Sounding. (31Mar08) (MPJ) 10344.5 XSS: DHFCS NCS 1932 ALE/USB Sounding. (31Mar08) (MPJ) 10575 XSS: UK DHFCS NCS 1909 ALE/USB Sounding. (31Mar08) (MPJ) 14728.5 XSS: DHFCS NCS 1957 ALE/USB Sounding 6225, 5295 and 14728.5 with BER 0 SN 00 on 6234 kHz. (31Mar08) (MPJ) (Jim, U.K. - udxf 01/04/2008) 06812.0 K1S: Mrc-Gendarmerie Royale 1259 ALE/USB clg A1A (2008-04-01) (sw) 14485.5 XKK: UK-DHFCS 1550 ALE/USB clg XSS UK-DHFCS (NCS Forest Moor) (2008-04-01) (sw) 18403.5 XKB: UK-DHFCS 1603 ALE/USB clg XSS UK-DHFCS (NCS Forest Moor) (2008-04-01) (sw) 10390.0 20111: Mrc-Moi/Direction de la Protection Civile 1750 ALE/USB clg 2522 (2008-04-01) (sw) 10390.0 20111: Mrc-Moi/Direction de la Protection Civile 1800 ALE/USB clg 2216 (2008-04-01) (sw) 05365.0 MDN: Alg-Mil Ministere de la Defense Nationale Algiers 1800 ALE/USB clg ZT10 (2008-04-01) (sw) 05365.0 ZT10: Alg-Mil 1801 ALE/USB clg MDN Ministere de la Defense Nationale Algiers (2008-04-01) (sw) 05268.5 XKB: UK-DHFCS 1816 ALE/USB clg XSS UK-DHFCS (NCS Forest Moor) (2008-04-01) (sw) 05045.0 LF3: pos Geo-Mil 1822 ALE/USB clg JYT (2008-04-01) (sw) 06789.0 715: Unid 1831 ALE/USB clg 209 (2008-04-01) (sw) 09070.0 110: Unid 1832 ALE/USB clg 112 (2008-04-01) (sw) (Sam, U.K. - udxf 01/04/2008) 05320.0 4BR: Geo-Mil 2108 ALE/USB clg SSS (2008-04-01) (sw) 09137.0 AAA: Isr-AF Tel Aviv 2112 ALE/USB sndg. (2008-04-01) (sw) 03824.0 AAA: Isr-AF Tel Aviv 2114 ALE/USB sndg. (2008-04-01) (sw) 05425.0 LF3: pos Geo-Mil 2114 ALE/USB clg BGF (2008-04-01) (sw) 05101.0 LF3: pos Geo-Mil 2133 ALE/USB clg BGF (2008-04-01) (sw) 06583.0 LF4: pos Geo-Mil 2144 ALE/USB clg KG4 (2008-04-01) (sw) 05468.0 KG4: pos Geo-Mil 2146 ALE/USB clg LF4 (2008-04-01) (sw) 05468.0 LF4: pos Geo-Mil 2146 ALE/USB clg KG4 (2008-04-01) (sw) 03745.0 QX50: Alg-Mil 2209 ALE/USB clg ZT50 (2008-04-01) (sw) 05320.0 LF3: pos Geo-Mil 2240 ALE/USB clg SHD (2008-04-01) (sw) 06583.0 LF4: pos Geo-Mil 2241 ALE/USB clg BIR (2008-04-01) (sw) 05468.0 LF4: pos Geo-Mil 2242 ALE/USB clg BIR (2008-04-01) (sw) (Sam, U.K. - udxf 02/04/2008) 05339.0 FTJ: E10 H3e 1604 msg grp 100 [TYBIH] (2008-04-01) (sw) 05170.0 PCD: E10 H3e 1804 msg grp 47 [WXALN] //04270.0 (2008-04-01) (sw) 04880.0 ULX: E10 H3e 1837 msg grp 21 [DBBUA] (2008-04-01) (sw) 06480.0 EZI: E10 H3e 2104 msg grp 64 [ZHBAE] //7690Khz (2008-04-01) (sw) 04270.0 PCD: E10 H3e 2107 msg grp 19 [SCMDN] (2008-04-01) (sw) 06480.0 EZI: E10 H3e 2134 msg grp 88 [PCGVU] (2008-04-01) (sw) 04880.0 ULX: E10 H3e 2139 msg grp 43 [HFUCF] (2008-04-01) (sw) 03840.0 YHF: E10 H3e 2204 msg grp 35 [QUTDM] (2008-04-01) (sw) (Sam, U.K. - udxf 02/4/2008) 16331.9 D: Rus-N Odessa 1407 a1a ch-mkr (2008-04-02) (sw) 16332.0 C: Rus-N Moscow 1408 a1a ch-mkr (2008-04-02) (sw) 13527.7 D: Rus-N Odessa 1409 a1a ch-mkr (2008-04-02) (sw) 13528.0 C: Rus-N Moscow 1410 a1a ch-mkr (2008-04-02) (sw) 10871.7 D: Rus-N Odessa 1415 a1a ch-mkr (2008-04-02) (sw) 10871.9 S: Rus-N Arkhangelsk 1416 a1a ch-mkr (2008-04-02) (sw) 10872.0 C: Rus-N Moscow 1417 a1a ch-mkr (2008-04-02) (sw) 07039.0 C: Rus-N Moscow 1423 a1a ch-mkr (2008-04-02) (sw) 07038.7 D: Rus-N Odessa 1424 a1a ch-mkr (2008-04-02) (sw) 07038.9 S: Rus-N Arkhangelsk 1425 a1a ch-mkr (2008-04-02) (sw) 5193.5 FAV22: M51 1439 A1A bt nr 58 a 02 16:39:11 198 0 bt tqcqb dgfip ylvkx tcyio wxiym.... 1445 A1A bt nr 59 a 02 16:45:27 1980 bt zhggg afjds ukarb mtgkq jwxqx.... 1451 A1A bt nr 60 a 02 16:51:38 1980 bt kjznq ppyua ngsthc cqaay tuzsx.... 1457 A1A bt nr 61 a 02 16:57:54 1980 bt uscza vwgrt gwuon gkyvl pchbs.... 1504 A1A bt nr 62 a 02 17:04:07 1980 btskr fashe qjzm ozcgf wintzy... 1510 A1A Bt nr 63 a 02 17:10:20 1980 bt jovcr tghob ixleu vgosy zhmst.. (Sam, U.K. - udxf 02/04/2008) 03026 GFF: RAF Kinloss Rescue 0407 J3E/USB wkg RESCUE 122 w/sitrep, after neg try on 5680 kHz. 2Apr08 (ALF) 05325 RND79: unid Russian PtP 0422 FSK-CW/500Hz wkg RFT6 fr dx OP-chat "ZHC?" & "OK QSA4 QSA? K". 2Apr08 (ALF) 05520 CAZ 501: "Cat Aviation" (Switzerland) Flight 0226 J3E/USB wkg New York (MWARA CAR-B) fr pos/rep "est. 55N 30W". 2Apr08 (ALF) 05575 77440: unid "Arab Voice-Net" 1833 ALE/USB SND; later SND by 6011, 5305, 8207, 5500, 5502, 4022, 1577, 1601, 3002, 8217, 212, 2505, 1524, 52119, 1580, 8810 & 8304 to 1050, 1912 to 1717 & UNIDs to 1966, 8205 etc. 1Apr08 (ALF) 05598 N51MF: US Biz Jet (Ferrell Aircraft Holdings) 0236 J3E/USB wkg Santa Maria (MWARA NAT-A) s/c EK-LS, leaving FL450; Gulfstream G550. 2Apr08 (ALF) 05611 : unid station 0232 ALE/USB Link Protection. 2Apr08 (ALF) 05735 : unid stations 0225 ALE/USB Link Protection & "...-110" bursts. 2Apr08 (ALF) 05897.4 WPUC469: SailMail Node South Daytona, FL 0100 PACTOR-x sx tfc, end w/CW-id. 2Apr08 (ALF) 06535 : GLOBALink Station Auckland, NZL 2005 xPSK HFDL/ARINC 635-3 protocol wkg SA0286 (ZS-SXA) w/ACARS msgs . 1Apr08 (ALF) 06535 TVL 973: "Travel Service" (Hungary) Flight 2006 J3E/USB wkg Dakar (MWARA AFI-1/SAT-1) fr pos/rep. 1Apr08 (ALF) 06984 100: unid "1x0/2x0-Net" 1904 ALE/USB to 102 w/LQA. 1Apr08 (ALF) 07000 2211: unid 0047 ALE/USB SND. 2Apr08 (ALF) (dl8aam - udxf 02/04/2008) 04642.0 BUKO: UNID Polish MIL, POL 1626 USB/MIL-STD 188 141B 2G ALE/MIL-STD 188-110B serial tone, e-mail traffic to ELFY using Harris RF-67x0 software (02Apr08) (LDO) 04642.0 ELFY: UNID Polish MIL, POL 1626 USB/MIL-STD 188 141B 2G ALE/MIL-STD 188-110B serial tone, rcvng e-mail tfc from BUKO using Harris RF-67x0 software (02Apr08) (LDO) 04956.0 ----: UNID MIL network, F? 0837 USB/SKYMASTER 8- FSK ALE/SYSTEME 3000 ROBUST 8-FSK DATA MODE, 2 stations exchanging lengthy traffic sequences, French MIL? (02Apr08) (LDO) 05136.5 BUKO: UNID Polish MIL, POL 1606 USB/MIL-STD 188 141B 2G ALE/MIL-STD 188-110B serial tone, e-mail traffic to ELFY using Harris RF-67x0 software (02Apr08) (LDO) 05136.5 ELFY: UNID Polish MIL, POL 1606 USB/MIL-STD 188 141B 2G ALE/MIL-STD 188-110B serial tone, rcvng e-mail tfc from BUKO using Harris RF-67x0 software (02Apr08) (LDO) 05142.0 ----: Austrian MIL network, AUT 1616 LSB/TADIRAN AUTOCALL ALE system/occasional secure voice tfc. using embedded scrambler with 125Bd 4-FSK preamble and constant 2-FSK synch. sequence during voice transmissions, network using PRC-2200 radios (02Apr08) (LDO) 05416.5 ----: German MIL Battleforce e-Mail system, 0717 USB/TFK-RACOMS FARCOS 2400Bd proprietary burst PSK waveform, lengthy tfc. bursts (02Apr08) (LDO) 07720.0 ----: Swiss embassy Rome, I 0640 USB/MIL-STD 188- 141B 2G ALE/MIL-STD 188-110B serial tone, rcvng. crypto e-mail tfc. from Bern, net using ALE with linking protection (02Apr08) (LDO) 07905.0 T9X/JYHG: Romanian MIL "STAR" network node, ROU 1111 USB/MIL-STD 188-141B 2G ALE/MIL-STD 188-110B serial tone waveform, crypto e-mail tfc to "WET", net using ALE + linking protection (02Apr08) (LDO) 09400.0 ---- Unlocated UK DHFCS NCS, G? 0711 USB/STANAG 4285/1200 bps/long interleaver, non stop crypto broadcast tfc. (02Apr08) (LDO) 13880.0 ----: Dept. of State Comms Moscow, RUS 0701 BAUDOT 75Bd/500Hz, automatic broadcast to "RAU", RAU RAU RAU 464646464646464646464646464646464646 (02Apr08) (LDO) 13957.0 ----: Unlocated Russian embassy, /// 0748 MFSK-32/ offline crypto after 11177 10042 preamble, QSX not found (02Apr08) (LDO) (Leif Dehio, Munich, Germany - udxf 02/04/2008) 02187.5 OXZ: Lyngby Radio, Denmark 2057 DSC Rejects request by vessel Urd-OULY2-Denmark. Unable to comply. (02Apr08) (MPJ) 02187.5 : Unlisted Irish Vessel (MMSI-250292000) 2057 DSC Calls fishing vessel Atlantic Fisher-EI6277-Ireland for simplex telephone call on 8322.2 kHz USB. EI6277 BQs. (02Apr08) (MPJ) 02187.5 : MRCC Tenerife/Las Palmas 2100 DSC Preliminary call for MIB broadcast on 2182 kHz USB. (02Apr08) (MPJ) 02187.5 : MRCC Finisterre/Coruna 2102 DSC Preliminary call for MIB broadcast. No frequency given. Pointless? (02Apr08) (MPJ) 04456 3AG6: Russian Military 2156 CW Comms check with FAGK and LAX5. (01Apr08) (MPJ) 05295 ZT50: Algerian MOI/Military 2029 ALE/USB Contacts QX43 then QX50 who responds. Then QX52 at 20:38. QX51 calls ZT50. (02Apr08) (MPJ) 05295 QX51: Algerian MOI/Military 2043 ALE/USB Calls ZT50 again, and again at 20:49. (02Apr08) (MPJ) 06213 : CIS Military 2110 MS-5/1440/DPSK/USB In traffic. (31Mar08) (MPJ) 06482 RGT77: Russian Military Bcast 1845 CW RGT77 618 = aOGFY MMHEL YMRZE HuPDS FVYGR YPNuN AZSaO CUQKJ CGNYch JMTaF QGAXF CoASB PaPaW - K (01Apr08) (MPJ) 06551 LF4: Georgian Military 2012 ALE/USB Contacts DUV. (02Apr08) (MPJ) 06795 3061: Unid '3k' Net ALE/USB Contacts 3651. (02Apr08) (MPJ) 06825 8GS: Poss Georgian Military 1957 ALE/USB Contacts SAZ. (02Apr08) (MPJ) (Jim, U.K. - udxf 03/04/2008) 03840.0 YHF: E10 H3e 2204 msg grp 35 [QUTDM] (2008-04-02) (sw) 03360.0 FTJ: E10 H3e 2216 rpt msg grp 60 [KJQCS] //02626.0 (2008-04-02) (sw) 03415.0 ART: E10 H3e 2234 msg grp 18 [IZJZG] (2008-04-02) (sw) 06840.0 EZI: E10 H3e 2241 msg grp 59 [XWEYN] (2008-04-02) (sw) (Sam, U.K. - udxf 03/04/2008) 04540.0 244: Unid 2207 ALE/USB clg 204 (2008-04-02) (sw) 05295.0 QX4: Alg-Mil 2236 ALE/USB clg BJ50 (2008-04-02) (sw) 03149.0 BK23: Alg-Mil 2237 ALE/USB clg ZT20 (2008-04-02) (sw) 05065.0 UN01: Alg-Mil 2243 ALE/USB clg ZT01 (2008-04-02) (sw) 05414.0 KF30: Alg-Mil 2249 ALE/USB clg ZT30 (2008-04-02) (sw) 05065.0 ZT01: Alg-Mil 2252 ALE/USB clg YH01 (2008-04-02) (sw) (Sam, U.K. - udxf 03/04/2008) 3.485 USB Gander Radio Volmet (03 Apr 08, 0225Z) 3.485 USB New York Radio Volmet (03 Apr 08, 0230Z) 4.426 USB CAMSLANT wx (automated male voice) (03 Apr 08, 0330Z) 5.446.5 USB AFRTS; sports programming (03 Apr 08, 0348Z) 5.450 USB RAF VOLMET; wx for airfields in Africa/Med region (03 Apr 08, 0120Z) 5.550 USB New York Radio wkg various aircraft, passed 3455 as secondary frequency (03 Apr 08, 0132Z) 5.565 USB Dakar Radio wkg various aircraft (03 Apr 08, 0240Z) 8.843 USB San Francisco Radio wkg various aircraft (03 Apr 08, 0313Z), passed 5574 as backup 8.828 USB Honlulu Radio Volmet (03 Apr 08, 0335Z) 10.051 USB Gander Radio volmet, wx for various Canadian airfields (03 Apr 08, 0155Z) 10.320 USB AFRTS; CBS Radio Network sports programming (Kenny Bernstein interview) (03 Apr 08, 0213Z) (KF4LMT - udxf 03/04/2008) 03972.5 No Call: unid Fronet Station 1855 Pactor-I/100Bd 03972.5 No Call: unid Fronet Station 1857 Pactor-I/100Bd (Kristian, Germany - udxf 03/04/2008) here are ALF's last nights loggings. Some new and interestings flights ;-) And any idea about the unid ALE net on 5744 kHz with 1TA6FF & 1TF7FF. These idents might look like older French Navy ones... ?!? 5460 kHz also show a new entry with 294. No matches so far. Comments ? 73, Tom ======================================================================== 05295 QX43: Algerian Military 2232 ALE/USB to BJ50 w/LQA. 2Apr08 (ALF) 05295 QX47: Algerian Military 2225 ALE/USB to ZT50 w/LQA. 2Apr08 (ALF) 05295 QX52: Algerian Military 2236 ALE/USB to ZT50 w/LQA. 2Apr08 (ALF) 05460 : unid 2111 ALE/USB to 294 w/LQA. 2Apr08 (ALF) 05517 TIS 9832: "Tesis Air Cargo" (Russia) Flight 2345 J3E/USB wkg Tripoli w/sitrep (to FTTJ/N'Djamena, GITAR 0007, SFR 0030, TUMBA 0105, climbing FL310"). 2Apr08 (ALF) 05598 COTAM 0013: "Armee de l'Air" (French Air Force) governmental VIP Flight 2030 J3E/USB wkg Santa Maria (MWARA NAT-A) fr pos/rep, req FL350, s/c DJ-GL (F-RAFI, Dassault Falcon 50). 02Apr08 (ALF) 05598 JXX 1671: "Jetix" (Iceland) Flight 2045 J3E/USB wkg Shanwick (MWARA NAT-A) fr pos/rep, FL360 to FL370, "55N 17W 2044", wx. 02Apr08 (ALF) 05598 Shamrock 499: "Aer Lingus" (Ireland) Flight 2050 J3E/USB wkg Shanwick (MWARA NAT-A) FL360, next Shannon VHF, s/c FQ-CM (EI-DEG, A320). 02Apr08 (ALF) 05732 HNC: USCG Cutter "HARRIET LANE" (WMEC 903); COTHEN 0417 ALE/USB SND. 3Apr08 (ALF) 05744 1TA6FF: unid (French Navy?) 2118 ALE/USB to 1TF7FF. 2Apr08 (ALF) (dl8aam - udxf 03/04/2008) 07783.0 SOG933: Pol-Mil 0803 ALE/USB clg LCR154 prob. "Lucerna" in Janki n/Warsaw (2008-04-03) (sw) 05520.0 LCR152: Pol-Mil Janki, n/Warsaw, Pol 0808 ALE/USB clg ASKAR99 (2008-04-03) (sw) 07872.0 LCR152: Pol-Mil Janki, n/Warsaw, Pol 0812 ALE/USB clg IGIELIT14 (2008-04-03) (sw) 05220.0 LCR152: Pol-Mil Janki, n/Warsaw, Pol 0817 ALE/USB clg IGIELIT14 (2008-04-03) (sw) 06583.0 KG4: pos Geo-Mil 1616 ALE/USB clg SF4 (2008-04-03) (sw) 05762.0 082: Hng-Mil 1617 ALE/USB clg 035 (2008-04-03) (sw) 05762.0 035: Hng-Mil 1617 ALE/USB clg 082 (2008-04-03) (sw) 04462.0 DIAMANTI: Alb-Moi 1711 ALE/USB clg DRINI (2008-04-03) (sw) 03205.0 YH56: Alg-Mil 2021 ALE/USB clg YH74 (2008-04-03) (sw) 03205.0 YH52: Alg-Mil 2022 ALE/USB clg YH48 (2008-04-03) (sw) 03390.0 XSO: Unid Algerian DRS Station, Alg 2038 ALE/USB clg XS3 (2008-04-03) (sw) 03205.0 YH48: Alg-Mil 2050 ALE/USB clg YH40 (2008-04-03) (sw) (Sam, U.K. - udxf 04/04/2008) 07700.0 OMEGA50RS1702P: Uzb-Mil 2051 ALE/USB clg OMEGA70RS1702P (2008-04-03) (sw) 06820.0 OMEGA50RS1702P: Uzb-Mil 2052 ALE/USB clg OMEGA70RS1702P (2008-04-03) (sw) 05295.0 QX51: Alg-Mil 2056 ALE/USB clg QX50 (2008-04-03) (sw) 05295.0 XBE: UK-DHFCS 2107 ALE/USB clg XSS UK-DHFCS (NCS Forest Moor) (2008-04-03) (sw) 06820.0 9056: Unid 2131 ALE/USB sndg. (2008-04-03) (sw) 03205.0 YH48: Alg-Mil 2132 ALE/USB clg YH40 (2008-04-03) (sw) 03167.0 TYMR2: Spa-Pol Ciudad Real, Spa 2143 ALE/USB clg TXX2 Madrid (2008-04-03) (sw) 05470.0 276: Unid 2201 ALE/USB clg 417 (2008-04-03) (sw) 08063.0 0000: Unid 2204 ALE/USB sndg. (2008-04-03) (sw) 06812.0 6320: Unid 2207 ALE/USB sndg. (2008-04-03) (sw) 08067.5 6320: Unid 2210 ALE/USB sndg. (2008-04-03) (sw) 09070.0 110: Unid 2213 ALE/USB clg 111 (2008-04-03) (sw) 06583.0 LF4: pos Geo-Mil 2215 ALE/USB clg BAW (2008-04-03) (sw) 05734.0 100: Unid 2218 ALE/USB clg 101 (2008-04-03) (sw) 05734.0 100: Unid 2229 ALE/USB clg 104 (2008-04-03) (sw) 09230.0 0000210688: Grc-Ministry of Public Order (Hellenic Police) 2230 ALE/USB sndg. (2008-04-03) (sw) 05734.0 100: Unid 2236 ALE/USB clg 102 (2008-04-03) (sw) 07792.0 302: Unid 2238 ALE/USB sndg. (2008-04-03) (sw) 08153.0 437806: Unid (437* net) 2255 ALE/USB sndg. (2008-04-03) (sw) 06502.5 437806: Unid (437* net) 2257 ALE/USB sndg. (2008-04-03) (sw) 06305.5 437806: Unid (437* net) 2257 ALE/USB sndg. (2008-04-03) (sw) (SAm, U.K. - udxf 04/04/2008) 6840/AM/U EZI Mossad, Israel (p); 0402, 3-Apr; Alpha ID to 0404 into alpha-numeric msg; copyable in AM & USB but not LSB (Frodge-MI) 8992/U U.S. Military?; 2242, 2-Apr; Quiet Man standing by for tfc; none came, so "out". Good (Frodge-MI) 11253/U MVU R.A.F. Volmet, Great Britain; 2240, 2-Apr; W/EE, ID @2242 & continued. Good (Frodge-MI) 11175/U AFI U.S.A.F. McClellan AFB, Sacramento CA; 2231, 2-Apr; test count. Good (Frodge-MI) (Harold Frodge, MI, USA - CumbreDX 04/04/2008) 02311.0 arklow 0725 USB eng 4avr08 02738.0 pecheurs 0735 USB dialecte eng? 4avr08 03258.0 pecheurs 0738 USB fr d/x 4avr08 (M. Lacroix, France = dxuti 04/04/2008) 06990.0 unid pirates? 0752 USB esp d/x yl >om 4avr08 08176.0 VMC australie? 0806 USB eng faible / naws? 4avr08 08728.0 monaco 0811 USB fr wx 4avr08 09016.0 tascomm forest moor 0814 USB wx 4avr08 11175.0 usaf? 0840 DIG unid 4avr08 12365.0 VMW 0833 USB wx 4avr08 (M. Lacroix, France - dxuti 04/04/2008) 04168.5 XSS: UK-DHFCS (NCS Forest Moor) 1046 ALE/USB sndg. (2008-04-04) (sw) 18403.5 XSS: UK-DHFCS (NCS Forest Moor) 1049 ALE/USB sndg. (2008-04-04) (sw) 11292.0 XSS: UK-DHFCS (NCS Forest Moor) 1100 ALE/USB sndg. (2008-04-04) (sw) 08020.0 46: Ita-Af 1054 ALE/USB clg CHARLY46 HQ 46 Aerial Brigade IAF, San Guisto AFB (2008-04-04) (sw) 08020.0 54: Ita-Af 1109 ALE/USB clg CHARLY46 HQ 46 Aerial Brigade IAF, San Guisto AFB (2008-04-04) (sw) 04716.0 54: Ita-Af 1116 ALE/USB clg CHARLY46 HQ 46 Aerial Brigade IAF, San Guisto AFB (2008-04-04) (sw) 11235.0 54: Ita-Af 1118 ALE/USB clg CHARLY46 HQ 46 Aerial Brigade IAF, San Guisto AFB (2008-04-04) (sw) 19602.0 AA1: Isr-Af 1118 ALE/USB sndg. (2008-04-04) (sw) 05712.0 54: Ita-Af 1123 ALE/USB clg CHARLY46 HQ 46 Aerial Brigade IAF, San Guisto AFB (2008-04-04) (sw) 06748.0 54: Ita-Af 1123 ALE/USB clg CHARLY46 HQ 46 Aerial Brigade IAF, San Guisto AFB (2008-04-04) (sw) 08162.0 035: Hng-Mil 1146 ALE/USB clg 100 (2008-04-04) (sw) 06450.0 PRACTICA01: Ita-Guardia di Finanza 1159 ALE/USB clg ALBERTI (2008-04-04) (sw) 04795.0 035: Hng-Mil 1218 ALE/USB clg 082 (2008-04-04) (sw) 19602.0 AAA: Isr-Af Tel Aviv, Isr 1215 ALE/USB sndg. (2008-04-04) (sw) 06514.5 LCR152: Pol-Mil Janki, n/Warsaw, Pol 1239 ALE/USB clg WADLEZ32 (Sam, U.K - udxf 04/04/2008) 02217.5 XSS: British MOD Forest Moor 2223 ALE/USB Sounding (01 Apr 08) (CB) 03227.5 XSS: British MOD Forest Moor 2222 ALE/USB Sounding (01 Apr 08) (CB) 05847 HQ703N: Nat Guard Readiness Ctr 1547 ALE/USB clg: A040LN N ational Guard AL (01 Apr 08) (CB) 05847 HQ702N: Nat Guard Bureau HQ 1621 ALE/USB clg: G040AN Natio nal Guard GA (01 Apr 08) (CB) 05847 HQ703N: Nat Guard Readiness Ctr 1607 ALE/USB clg: G040AN N ational Guard GA (01 Apr 08) (CB) 05847 HQ703N: Nat Guard Readiness Ctr 1712 ALE/USB clg: I050NN N ational Guard IN (01 Apr 08) (CB) 05847 HQ703N: Nat Guard Readiness Ctr 1633 ALE/USB clg: K040YN N ational Guard KY (01 Apr 08) (CB) 05847 HQ703N: Nat Guard Readiness Ctr 1646 ALE/USB clg: N040CN N ational Guard NC (01 Apr 08) (CB) 05847 HQ703N: Nat Guard Readiness Ctr 1729 ALE/USB clg: O050HN N ational Guard OH (01 Apr 08) (CB) 05847 HQ703N: Nat Guard Readiness Ctr 1458 ALE/USB clg: O060KN N ational Guard OK (01 Apr 08) (CB) 07527 708: USCG HC-130H7 1545 ALE/USB Sounding (01 Apr 08) (CB) 07527 720: USCG HC-130H 1451 ALE/USB Sounding (01 Apr 08) (CB) 07527 A40: US Customs AB140 Helo 1649 ALE/USB Sounding (01 Apr 08) (CB) 07527 D03: Dept Homeland Security 1630 ALE/USB Sounding (01 Apr 08) (CB) 07527 D31: USCG HH-60J Helo 1553 ALE/USB Sounding (01 Apr 08) ( CB) 07527 D45: US Customs Lockheed P3B 1558 ALE/USB Sounding (01 Ap r 08) (CB) 07527 DCK: USCG Sanibel Is FL 1544 ALE/USB Sounding (01 Apr 08) (CB) 07527 J03: USCG MH-60J 1826 ALE/USB Sounding (01 Apr 08) (CB) 07527 J04: USCG HH-60J 1859 ALE/USB Sounding (01 Apr 08) (CB) 07527 J28: USCG HH-60J 1838 ALE/USB Sounding (01 Apr 08) (CB) 07527 J29: USCG HH-60J 1756 ALE/USB Sounding (01 Apr 08) (CB) 07527 LGV: USCG Cutter 'Legare' 1622 ALE/USB Sounding (01 Apr 08) (CB) 07527 T16: US Customs aircraft 1841 ALE/USB Sounding (01 Apr 08) (CB) 07527 T42: US Customs aircraft 1429 ALE/USB Sounding (01 Apr 08) (CB) 07527 T85: US Customs aircraft ? 1902 ALE/USB Sounding (01 Apr 08) (CB) 07527 LNT: USCG CAMSLANT VA 1455 ALE/USB clg: 720 USCG HC-130H ( 01 Apr 08) (CB) 07527 DCK: USCG Sanibel Is FL 1549 ALE/USB clg: DCK Z03 UnID (01 Apr 08) (CB) 07527 Z03: UnID 1546 ALE/USB clg: DCK USCG Sanibel Is FL (01 Apr 08) (CB) 07527 LNT: USCG CAMSLANT VA 1754 ALE/USB clg: J19 USCG HH-60J ( 01 Apr 08) (CB) 07527 Z03: UnID 1729 ALE/USB clg: J19 USCG HH-60J (01 Apr 08) (C B) 07527 TSC: US Customs 1842 ALE/USB clg: J28 USCG HH-60J (01 Apr 08) (CB) 07527 LNT: USCG CAMSLANT VA 1459 ALE/USB clg: J29 USCG HH-60J ( 01 Apr 08) (CB) 07527 LNT: USCG CAMSLANT VA 1432 ALE/USB clg: J31 USCG HH-60J He lo (01 Apr 08) (CB) 07527 LNT: USCG CAMSLANT VA 1809 ALE/USB clg: J33 USCG MH-60J ( 01 Apr 08) (CB) 07527 720: USCG HC-130H 1527 ALE/USB clg: LNT USCG CAMSLANT VA ( 01 Apr 08) (CB) 07527 J19: USCG HH-60J 1754 ALE/USB clg: LNT USCG CAMSLANT VA ( 01 Apr 08) (CB) 07527 J28: USCG HH-60J 1842 ALE/USB clg: TSC US Customs (01 Apr 08) (CB) 07527 DCK: USCG Sanibel Is FL 1555 ALE/USB clg: Z03 UnID (01 Apr 08) (CB) 07527 ABK: UnID 1500 ALE/USB clg: Z13 UnID (01 Apr 08) (CB) 07584 T42: US Customs aircraft 1429 ALE/USB Sounding (01 Apr 08) (CB) 13978 SFAMN: Brazilian AF Rescue 1654 ALE/USB Sounding (01 Apr 08) (CB) 04046.5 XSS: British MOD Forest Moor 2255 ALE/USB Sounding (02 Apr 08) (CB) 07527 502: USCG HC-130H 1328 ALE/USB Sounding (02 Apr 08) (CB) 07527 711: USCG HC-130H7 1403 ALE/USB Sounding (02 Apr 08) (CB) 07527 CWX: UnID 1304 ALE/USB Sounding (02 Apr 08) (CB) 07527 F29: USCG HU-25 1620 ALE/USB Sounding (02 Apr 08) (CB) 07527 F40: USCG HU-25 1739 ALE/USB Sounding (02 Apr 08) (CB) 07527 FTMPRI: US Customs COTHEN 1447 ALE/USB Sounding (02 Apr 08) (CB) 07527 I94: US Customs aircraft 1420 ALE/USB Sounding (02 Apr 08) (CB) 07527 J09: USCG MH-60J 1252 ALE/USB Sounding (02 Apr 08) (CB) 07527 J11: USCG HH-60J 1405 ALE/USB Sounding (02 Apr 08) (CB) 07527 J12: USCG MH-60J 1433 ALE/USB Sounding (02 Apr 08) (CB) 07527 J33: USCG MH-60J 1234 ALE/USB Sounding (02 Apr 08) (CB) 07527 LNT: USCG CAMSLANT VA 1411 ALE/USB clg: 502 USCG HC-130H (02 Apr 08) (CB) 07527 LNT: USCG CAMSLANT VA 1627 ALE/USB clg: F29 USCG HU-25 (02 Apr 08) (CB) 07527 LNT: USCG CAMSLANT VA 1732 ALE/USB clg: J03 USCG MH-60J (02 Apr 08) (CB) 07527 LNT: USCG CAMSLANT VA 1354 ALE/USB clg: J09 USCG MH-60J (02 Apr 08) (CB) 07527 J12: USCG MH-60J 1359 ALE/USB clg: J12 OPB US Army OPBAT Svc Ctr (02 Apr 08) (CB) 07527 OPB: US Army OPBAT Svc Ctr 1359 ALE/USB clg: J12 USCG MH-60J (02 Apr 08) (CB) 07527 PAC: USCG Point Reyes CA 1530 ALE/USB clg: J19 USCG HH-60J (02 Apr 08) (CB) 07527 B: UnID 1626 ALE/USB clg: J34 USCG MH-60J (02 Apr 08) (CB) 07527 LNT: USCG CAMSLANT VA 1550 ALE/USB clg: J34 USCG MH-60J (02 Apr 08) (CB) 07527 TSC: US Customs 1348 ALE/USB clg: K62 K7F UnID (02 Apr 08) (CB) 07527 TSC: US Customs 1347 ALE/USB clg: K62 UnID (02 Apr 08) (CB) 07527 LNT: USCG CAMSLANT VA 1443 ALE/USB clg: LNT J33 USCG MH-60J (02 Apr 08) (CB) 07527 F29: USCG HU-25 1627 ALE/USB clg: LNT USCG CAMSLANT VA (02 Apr 08) (CB) 07527 J09: USCG MH-60J 1657 ALE/USB clg: LNT USCG CAMSLANT VA (02 Apr 08) (CB) 07527 J11: USCG HH-60J 1415 ALE/USB clg: LNT USCG CAMSLANT VA (02 Apr 08) (CB) 07527 J12: USCG MH-60J 1523 ALE/USB clg: OPB US Army OPBAT Svc Ctr (02 Apr 08) (CB) 03155 100: MRC Ministry of Interior 2242 ALE/USB clg: 1302 MRC Ministry of Interior (03 Apr 08) (CB) 03155 1001: MRC Ministry of Interior 2300 ALE/USB clg: 1304 MRC Ministry of Interior (03 Apr 08) (CB) 04855 1002: MRC Ministry of Interior 2212 ALE/USB Sounding (03 Apr 08) (CB) 04855 2001: MRC Ministry of Interior 2203 ALE/USB clg: 2407 MRC Ministry of Interior (03 Apr 08) (CB) 04855 2001: MRC Ministry of Interior 2223 ALE/USB clg: 2409 MRC Ministry of Interior (03 Apr 08) (CB) 05435 11032: MRC Ministry of Interior 2351 ALE/USB Sounding (03 Apr 08) (CB) 05684 OFFNPR: Offutt NE 1259 ALE/USB clg: ADWNPR Andrews MD (03 Apr 08) (CB) 05684 ADWNPR: Andrews MD 1259 ALE/USB clg: OFFNPR Offutt NE (03 Apr 08) (CB) 05792 11032: MRC Ministry of Interior 2352 ALE/USB Sounding (03 Apr 08) (CB) 05792 2002: MRC Ministry of Interior 2251 ALE/USB Sounding (03 Apr 08) (CB) 05792 2205: MRC Ministry of Interior 2245 ALE/USB Sounding (03 Apr 08) (CB) 05792 2405: MRC Ministry of Interior 2222 ALE/USB Sounding (03 Apr 08) (CB) 05792 1001: MRC Ministry of Interior 2210 ALE/USB clg: 1313 MRC Ministry of Interior (03 Apr 08) (CB) 05792 2415: MRC Ministry of Interior 2341 ALE/USB clg: 20111 MRC Ministry of Interior (03 Apr 08) (CB) 05792 2001: MRC Ministry of Interior 2300 ALE/USB clg: 2205 MRC Ministry of Interior (03 Apr 08) (CB) 05792 2001: MRC Ministry of Interior 2232 ALE/USB clg: 2408 MRC Ministry of Interior (03 Apr 08) (CB) 05792 2001: MRC Ministry of Interior 2222 ALE/USB clg: 2409 MRC Ministry of Interior (03 Apr 08) (CB) 05820 4112: MRC Ministry of Interior 2312 ALE/USB Sounding (03 Apr 08) (CB) 05820 411413: MRC Ministry of Interior 2241 ALE/USB Sounding (03 Apr 08) (CB) 05820 WGY: FEMA ? 2248 ALE/USB Sounding (03 Apr 08) (CB) 05820 WGY903: FEMA Region 3 Olney MD 2345 ALE/USB Sounding (03 Apr 08) (CB) 05820 WGY9441: FEMA unknown loc 2221 ALE/USB Sounding (03 Apr 08) (CB) 05820 411: MRC Ministry of Interior 2320 ALE/USB clg: 411411 MRC Ministry of Interior (03 Apr 08) (CB) 05820 411413: MRC Ministry of Interior 2318 ALE/USB clg: 411411 MRC Ministry of Interior (03 Apr 08) (CB) 05820 411411: MRC Ministry of Interior 2318 ALE/USB clg: 411413 MRC Ministry of Interior (03 Apr 08) (CB) 05823 1001: MRC Ministry of Interior 2229 ALE/USB Sounding (03 Apr 08) (CB) 05823 1313: MRC Ministry of Interior 2214 ALE/USB Sounding (03 Apr 08) (CB) 05823 2204: MRC Ministry of Interior 2301 ALE/USB Sounding (03 Apr 08) (CB) 05823 2514: MRC Ministry of Interior 2220 ALE/USB Sounding (03 Apr 08) (CB) 05823 1001: MRC Ministry of Interior 2240 ALE/USB clg: 1302 MRC Ministry of Interior (03 Apr 08) (CB) 05823 1001: MRC Ministry of Interior 2218 ALE/USB clg: 1303 MRC Ministry of Interior (03 Apr 08) (CB) 05823 1001: MRC Ministry of Interior 2258 ALE/USB clg: 1304 MRC Ministry of Interior (03 Apr 08) (CB) 05823 241: MRC Ministry of Interior 2218 ALE/USB clg: 20111 MRC Ministry of Interior (03 Apr 08) (CB) 05833 131: MRC Ministry of Interior 2214 ALE/USB Sounding (03 Apr 08) (CB) 06583 KG4: Georgian Military 2308 ALE/USB clg: DUV Georgian Military (presume) (03 Apr 08) (CB) 08965 CRONPR: Croughton UK 1539 ALE/USB clg: ICZNPR NAS Sigonella, Italy (03 Apr 08) (CB) 08968 ADWSPR: Andrews MD 1605 ALE/USB Sounding (03 Apr 08) (CB) 08968 PLASPR: Lajes Field, Azores 1535 ALE/USB Sounding (03 Apr 08) (CB) 08968 ADWSPR: Andrews MD 1621 ALE/USB clg: 591486DAT USAF KC-135R 59-1486 (03 Apr 08) (CB) 08968 591: UnID 1642 ALE/USB clg: ADWSPR Andrews MD (03 Apr 08) (CB) 08968 591: UnID 1617 ALE/USB clg: CROSPR Croughton UK (03 Apr 08) (CB) 08968 591: UnID 1619 ALE/USB clg: GUASPR Anderson Guam (03 Apr 08) (CB) 08968 591: UnID 1622 ALE/USB clg: IKFSPR (03 Apr 08) (CB) 08991 ADW: Andrews MD 1605 ALE/USB Sounding (03 Apr 08) (CB) 09025 571443: USAF KC-135E 57-1443 1448 ALE/USB clg: HAW Ascension Island (03 Apr 08) (CB) 09057 RIC: CAP Richmond VA 1544 ALE/USB Sounding (03 Apr 08) (CB) 13215 ADW: Andrews MD 1513 ALE/USB Sounding (03 Apr 08) (CB) 13215 JNR: Salinas PR 1332 ALE/USB Sounding (03 Apr 08) (CB) 13215 PLA: Lajes Field, Azores 1251 ALE/USB clg: 150003 C-5B 85-0003 (03 Apr 08) (CB) 13242 DL0001DAT: USAF E-3B AWACS 79-0001 1343 ALE/USB Sounding (03 Apr 08) (CB) 13242 ICZNPR: NAS Sigonella, Italy 1321 ALE/USB Sounding (03 Apr 08) (CB) 13242 JNR: Salinas PR 1332 ALE/USB Sounding (03 Apr 08) (CB) 13242 MCCNPR: McLellan CA 1555 ALE/USB Sounding (03 Apr 08) (CB) 13242 PLA: Lajes Field, Azores 1245 ALE/USB Sounding (03 Apr 08) (CB) 13242 ICZNPR: NAS Sigonella, Italy 1226 ALE/USB clg: CRONPR Croughton UK (03 Apr 08) (CB) 13242 ICZNPR: NAS Sigonella, Italy 1347 ALE/USB clg: ICZ CRONPR Croughton UK (03 Apr 08) (CB) 13242 CRONPR: Croughton UK 1258 ALE/USB clg: ICZ NAS Sigonella, Italy (03 Apr 08) (CB) 13242 CRONPR: Croughton UK 1342 ALE/USB clg: ICZNPR NAS Sigonella, Italy (03 Apr 08) (CB) 13405 DL0: UnID 1443 ALE/USB Sounding (03 Apr 08) (CB) 13405 MCC: McLellan CA 1555 ALE/USB Sounding (03 Apr 08) (CB) 15091 ICZSPR: NAS Sigonella, Italy 1610 ALE/USB Sounding (03 Apr 08) (CB) 15091 JNRSPR: Salinas PR 1425 ALE/USB Sounding (03 Apr 08) (CB) 15091 ICZSPR: NAS Sigonella, Italy 1230 ALE/USB clg: HAWSPR Ascension Island (03 Apr 08) (CB) 15091 HAWSPR: Ascension Island 1230 ALE/USB clg: ICZSPR NAS Sigonella, Italy (03 Apr 08) (CB) 17973 @0R: UnID 1226 ALE/USB clg: CRONPR CRO Croughton UK (03 Apr 08) (CB) 17973 ICZNPR: NAS Sigonella, Italy 1255 ALE/USB clg: CRONPR Croughton UK (03 Apr 08) (CB) 17976 MCCSPR: McLellan CA 1527 ALE/USB Sounding (03 Apr 08) (CB) 17976 PLASPR: Lajes Field, Azores 1227 ALE/USB clg: HAWSPR Ascension Island (03 Apr 08) (CB) 17976 HAWSPR: Ascension Island 1227 ALE/USB clg: PLASPR Lajes Field, Azores (03 Apr 08) (CB) 18003 JDG: Diego Garcia, Indian Ocean 1455 ALE/USB Sounding (03 Apr 08) (CB) 18003 OFF: Offutt NE 1638 ALE/USB Sounding (03 Apr 08) (CB) 18400 OFF: Offutt NE 1638 ALE/USB Sounding (03 Apr 08) (CB) 03155 1002: MRC Ministry of Interior 0307 ALE/USB Sounding (04 Apr 08) (CB) 03155 11063: MRC Ministry of Interior 0628 ALE/USB Sounding (04 Apr 08) (CB) 03155 13021: MRC Ministry of Interior 0256 ALE/USB Sounding (04 Apr 08) (CB) 03155 13182: MRC Ministry of Interior 0121 ALE/USB Sounding (04 Apr 08) (CB) 03155 13262: MRC Ministry of Interior 0129 ALE/USB Sounding (04 Apr 08) (CB) 03155 2401: MRC Ministry of Interior 0619 ALE/USB Sounding (04 Apr 08) (CB) 03805 13263: MRC Ministry of Interior 0603 ALE/USB Sounding (04 Apr 08) (CB) 04040 11031: MRC Ministry of Interior 0153 ALE/USB Sounding (04 Apr 08) (CB) 04855 10111: MRC Ministry of Interior 0313 ALE/USB Sounding (04 Apr 08) (CB) 04855 110: MRC Ministry of Interior 0153 ALE/USB Sounding (04 Apr 08) (CB) 04855 11064: MRC Ministry of Interior 0118 ALE/USB Sounding (04 Apr 08) (CB) 04855 11111: MRC Ministry of Interior 0635 ALE/USB Sounding (04 Apr 08) (CB) 04855 11163: MRC Ministry of Interior 0127 ALE/USB Sounding (04 Apr 08) (CB) 04855 1304: MRC Ministry of Interior 0332 ALE/USB Sounding (04 Apr 08) (CB) 04855 13052: MRC Ministry of Interior 0622 ALE/USB Sounding (04 Apr 08) (CB) 04855 2214: MRC Ministry of Interior 0403 ALE/USB Sounding (04 Apr 08) (CB) 04855 2416: MRC Ministry of Interior 0202 ALE/USB Sounding (04 Apr 08) (CB) 04855 2417: MRC Ministry of Interior 0647 ALE/USB Sounding (04 Apr 08) (CB) 05083 241: MRC Ministry of Interior 0647 ALE/USB Sounding (04 Apr 08) (CB) 05773 13052: MRC Ministry of Interior 0620 ALE/USB Sounding (04 Apr 08) (CB) 05792 11061: MRC Ministry of Interior 0627 ALE/USB Sounding (04 Apr 08) (CB) 05792 11062: MRC Ministry of Interior 0636 ALE/USB Sounding (04 Apr 08) (CB) 05792 11063: MRC Ministry of Interior 0625 ALE/USB Sounding (04 Apr 08) (CB) 05792 11113: MRC Ministry of Interior 0656 ALE/USB Sounding (04 Apr 08) (CB) 05792 11132: MRC Ministry of Interior 0451 ALE/USB Sounding (04 Apr 08) (CB) 05792 11162: MRC Ministry of Interior 0134 ALE/USB Sounding (04 Apr 08) (CB) 05792 11163: MRC Ministry of Interior 0125 ALE/USB Sounding (04 Apr 08) (CB) 05792 1117: MRC Ministry of Interior 0654 ALE/USB Sounding (04 Apr 08) (CB) 05792 13021: MRC Ministry of Interior 0255 ALE/USB Sounding (04 Apr 08) (CB) 05792 13051: MRC Ministry of Interior 0638 ALE/USB Sounding (04 Apr 08) (CB) 05792 13082: MRC Ministry of Interior 0554 ALE/USB Sounding (04 Apr 08) (CB) 05792 131411: MRC Ministry of Interior 0206 ALE/USB Sounding (04 Apr 08) (CB) 05792 13252: MRC Ministry of Interior 0138 ALE/USB Sounding (04 Apr 08) (CB) 05792 1326: MRC Ministry of Interior 0314 ALE/USB Sounding (04 Apr 08) (CB) 05792 2203: MRC Ministry of Interior 0250 ALE/USB Sounding (04 Apr 08) (CB) 05792 2408: MRC Ministry of Interior 0248 ALE/USB Sounding (04 Apr 08) (CB) 05792 2415: MRC Ministry of Interior 0322 ALE/USB Sounding (04 Apr 08) (CB) 05792 2512: MRC Ministry of Interior 0042 ALE/USB Sounding (04 Apr 08) (CB) 05820 110: MRC Ministry of Interior 0625 ALE/USB Sounding (04 Apr 08) (CB) 05820 130: MRC Ministry of Interior 0638 ALE/USB Sounding (04 Apr 08) (CB) 05820 13132: MRC Ministry of Interior 0630 ALE/USB Sounding (04 Apr 08) (CB) 05820 13133: MRC Ministry of Interior 0102 ALE/USB Sounding (04 Apr 08) (CB) 05820 132: MRC Ministry of Interior 0314 ALE/USB Sounding (04 Apr 08) (CB) 05820 13262: MRC Ministry of Interior 0130 ALE/USB Sounding (04 Apr 08) (CB) 05820 13263: MRC Ministry of Interior 0604 ALE/USB Sounding (04 Apr 08) (CB) 05820 WGY9030: FEMA unknown loc 0014 ALE/USB Sounding (04 Apr 08) (CB) 05823 1002: MRC Ministry of Interior 0329 ALE/USB Sounding (04 Apr 08) (CB) 05823 11062: MRC Ministry of Interior 0637 ALE/USB Sounding (04 Apr 08) (CB) 05823 1109: MRC Ministry of Interior 0239 ALE/USB Sounding (04 Apr 08) (CB) 05823 11111: MRC Ministry of Interior 0638 ALE/USB Sounding (04 Apr 08) (CB) 05823 13012: MRC Ministry of Interior 0615 ALE/USB Sounding (04 Apr 08) (CB) 05823 13051: MRC Ministry of Interior 0139 ALE/USB Sounding (04 Apr 08) (CB) 05823 13052: MRC Ministry of Interior 0621 ALE/USB Sounding (04 Apr 08) (CB) 05823 13091: MRC Ministry of Interior 0603 ALE/USB Sounding (04 Apr 08) (CB) 05823 13122: MRC Ministry of Interior 0640 ALE/USB Sounding (04 Apr 08) (CB) 05823 13133: MRC Ministry of Interior 0105 ALE/USB Sounding (04 Apr 08) (CB) 05823 13142: MRC Ministry of Interior 0116 ALE/USB Sounding (04 Apr 08) (CB) 05823 1315: MRC Ministry of Interior 0222 ALE/USB Sounding (04 Apr 08) (CB) 05823 13222: MRC Ministry of Interior 0058 ALE/USB Sounding (04 Apr 08) (CB) 05823 1323: MRC Ministry of Interior 0724 ALE/USB Sounding (04 Apr 08) (CB) 05823 13261: MRC Ministry of Interior 0640 ALE/USB Sounding (04 Apr 08) (CB) 05823 13263: MRC Ministry of Interior 0605 ALE/USB Sounding (04 Apr 08) (CB) 05823 2002: MRC Ministry of Interior 0726 ALE/USB Sounding (04 Apr 08) (CB) 05823 2203: MRC Ministry of Interior 0250 ALE/USB Sounding (04 Apr 08) (CB) 05823 2405: MRC Ministry of Interior 0153 ALE/USB Sounding (04 Apr 08) (CB) 05823 2415: MRC Ministry of Interior 0335 ALE/USB Sounding (04 Apr 08) (CB) 05823 2416: MRC Ministry of Interior 0203 ALE/USB Sounding (04 Apr 08) (CB) 05823 24181: MRC Ministry of Interior 0628 ALE/USB Sounding (04 Apr 08) (CB) 05823 2521: MRC Ministry of Interior 0321 ALE/USB Sounding (04 Apr 08) (CB) 05833 100: MRC Ministry of Interior 0329 ALE/USB Sounding (04 Apr 08) (CB) 05833 130: MRC Ministry of Interior 0603 ALE/USB Sounding (04 Apr 08) (CB) 05833 13263: MRC Ministry of Interior 0605 ALE/USB Sounding (04 Apr 08) (CB) 05833 240: MRC Ministry of Interior 0153 ALE/USB Sounding (04 Apr 08) (CB) 05833 241: MRC Ministry of Interior 0628 ALE/USB Sounding (04 Apr 08) (CB) 05874 13082: MRC Ministry of Interior 0554 ALE/USB Sounding (04 Apr 08) (CB) 06500 25141: MRC Ministry of Interior 0155 ALE/USB Sounding (04 Apr 08) (CB) 07610 1306: MRC Ministry of Interior 0249 ALE/USB Sounding (04 Apr 08) (CB) 07610 13241: MRC Ministry of Interior 0211 ALE/USB Sounding (04 Apr 08) (CB) 07610 13252: MRC Ministry of Interior 0138 ALE/USB Sounding (04 Apr 08) (CB) 08600 13241: MRC Ministry of Interior 0214 ALE/USB Sounding (04 Apr 08) (CB) 08600 2418: MRC Ministry of Interior 0753 ALE/USB Sounding (04 Apr 08) (CB) 08600 25141: MRC Ministry of Interior 0154 ALE/USB Sounding (04 Apr 08) (CB) 09200 13142: MRC Ministry of Interior 0115 ALE/USB Sounding (04 Apr 08) (CB) 09200 1001: MRC Ministry of Interior 0920 ALE/USB clg: 1301 MRC Ministry of Interior (04 Apr 08) (CB) 12065 1001: MRC Ministry of Interior 0958 ALE/USB clg: 1307 MRC Ministry of Interior (04 Apr 08) (CB) 13499 2001: MRC Ministry of Interior 1013 ALE/USB clg: 2515 MRC Ministry of Interior (04 Apr 08) (CB) 16240 2001: MRC Ministry of Interior 1022 ALE/USB clg: 2401 MRC Ministry of Interior (04 Apr 08) (CB) 17435 1001: MRC Ministry of Interior 1003 ALE/USB clg: 1309 MRC Ministry of Interior (04 Apr 08) (CB) 17435 2001: MRC Ministry of Interior 0953 ALE/USB clg: 2512 MRC Ministry of Interior (04 Apr 08) (CB) (Chris Black, Cape Cod, USA - udxf 04/04/2008) 8831 kHz - Delta 69 (B767; Copenhagen>Atlanta) wkg Gander with a position report at 13:27 UTC. 8831 kHz - American 49 (B767; Paris>Dallas) wkg Gander with a position report at 13:33 UTC. 8831 kHz - United 921 (B767; London>Washington) wkg Gander with a position report at 13:41 UTC. 8831 kHz - Continental 115 (B757; London>Newark) wkg Gander with a positon report and selcal check at 13:42 UTC. 8831 kHz - Delta 49 (B767; Frankfurt>Cincinnati) wkg Gander with position report at 13:42 UTC. 8918 kHz - United 973 (A320; Washington>Aruba) wky NY with a position report at 14:04 UTC (Doug, Canada - udxf 04/04/2008) 07778.7 embassade egyptienne alger? 1623 ARQ tfc crypte 4avr08 04560.0 TAH istanbul 1626 FEC turc wx parsecteur:delta,taurus,... 4avr08 04601.5 OA irish air force 1630 ARQ tfc 4avr08 (M. Lacroix, France - dxuti 04/04/2008) after the short decode of only a [REPEAT] fame ("TAT") ALF tried to get more on this channel. Here is what he got over the last nights. >From the propagations the "feeling" would be EAST (Asian), and some of the idents were mentioned in relation to the "Saudi Arabian Border Guard"-Net: SHEBA was reported on 7890 kHz before - and Leif gave a "prob." idea for SHEBA being the city/village of Sha'bah" (close to the Yemeni border). Saudi BG should be a confirmed ID as ERDA was refered to just another spelling for the Saudi Border Guard airport of "Ardah". So far no mobile units could be seen. Maybe later ;-) Comments? 05588 ERDA: Saudi Arabian Border Guard airport of "Ardah" 1900a ALE/USB SND; later unids "xxxOHMA" & "ALB". 3Apr08 (ALF) 05588 SHEBA: unid Saudi Arabian Border Guard 2330a ALE/USB SND. 3Apr08 (ALF) 05598 SHBETA: unid Saudi Arabian Border Guard 2330a ALE/USB SND. 3Apr08 (ALF) 5588 kHz ) [THIS WAS] ERD [DATA] A b) [DATA] OHM [REPEAT] A c) [THIS WAS] ALB d) [REPEAT] TAT e) [THIS WAS] SHE [DATA] BA f) [THIS WAS] SHB [DATA] ETA TWS DAT RPT ============ ERD A xxx OHM A ALB xxx xxx TAT SHE BA SHB ETA (dl8aam - udxf 04/04/2008) 08023.7 embassage egy a madrid?? 1633 ARQ crypt 4avr08 08023.7 embassade egy? 1636 FEC "8229 8229 8229 kykykykyky ..." 4avr08 11440.0 unid 1644 MFSK?CROWD36?? & STANAG alterne :un beau coktail.... 4avr08 06786.7 embassade egy amman 1652 ARQ tfc 4avr08 06483.0 unid mla mil? 1701 ITA2/100 4avr08 (M. Lacroix, France - dxuti 04/04/2008) 02311.0 arklow net 1924 USB eng d/x 3avr08 02311.0 arklow net 0725 USB eng / a busy place 4avr08 02610.0 tallin? 2010 USB est? yl 3avr08 04375.0 VBA?VOK? canadian cg 1827 USB eng yl wx 31mar08 04209.5 pa64? unid 2000 FEC encr ?/bad propagation garbling txt? 3avr08 04560.0 TAH istanbul 1829 FEC turk 2avr08 04560.0 TAH istanbul 1626 FEC turk wx by areas :delta,taurus,... 4avr08 04601.5 OA irish af dublin 1949 ARQ tfc 3avr08 04601.5 OA irish air force 1630 ARQ tfc 4avr08 04742.0 tascomm 2019 USB c unid flight __542 3avr08 05260.0 NC? uzbek mil? 1728 ALE USB to KAM ,to DEL 31mar08 06483.0 unid mla mil? 1701 ITA2/100 4avr08 06514.5 LCR152 janki? polish mil 1948 ALE USB to WADLEZ32 31mar08 06697.0 MKL northwood 2026 USB eng c 9NC d/x 3av08 06786.7 egy embassy - amman 1652 ARQ tfc 4avr08 07778.7 embassy egy - alger? 1623 ARQ tfc encryp 4avr08 08176.0 VMC aus? 0806 USB eng weak / naws? 4avr08 08023.7 egy embassy -madrid?? 1633 ARQ encr 4avr08 08023.7 egy embassy 1636 FEC "8229 8229 kykykykyky ..." 4avr08 08728.0 monaco 0811 USB fr wx 4avr08 09016.0 tascomm forest moor 0814 USB wx 4avr08 11175.0 usaf? 0840 DIG unid mode 4avr08 11440.0 unid 1644 CROWD36?? & STANAG alternatively 4avr08 12365.0 VMW 0833 USB wx 4avr08 (M. Lacroix, France - dxuti 05/04/2008) 02226.0 uk cg 0617 USB naws 5avr08 11438.4 unid 0610 600bds ?? 5avr08 07003.0 TO1185 us army? 0615 ALE USB snd 5avr08 (M. Lacroix, France - dxuti 05/04/2008) 05744 1TF7FF: French Navy 2113 ALE/USB clg: 1TA6FF French Navy (04 Apr 08) (CB) 05744 1TF: French Navy 2213 ALE/USB clg: 1TA6FF 7TA French Navy (04 Apr 08) (CB) 05744 1TF7FF: French Navy 2258 ALE/USB clg: 1TA6FF French Navy (04 Apr 08) (CB) 05744 1TA6FF: French Navy 2259 ALE/USB clg: 1TA 1TF7FF French Navy (04 Apr 08) (CB) 05744 1TA6FF: French Navy 2306 ALE/USB clg: 1TF7FF French Navy (04 Apr 08) (CB) 05744 0TF: French Navy 0636 ALE/USB clg: 1TF French Navy (05 Apr 08) (CB) 05744 1TA: French Navy 0636 ALE/USB clg: 1TF7FF French Navy (05 Apr 08) (CB) 05744 1TA6FF: French Navy 0701 ALE/USB clg: 1TF7FF French Navy (05 Apr 08) (CB) 05782 R22: UnID 0134 ALE/USB clg: TC189 UnID (05 Apr 08) (CB) 05782 TC189: UnID 0649 ALE/USB Sounding (05 Apr 08) (CB) 09080 MARMOL: Mexican Army 2359 ALE/USB clg: M7 UnID (04 Apr 08) (CB) 09080 MARMOL: Mexican Army 0000 ALE/USB clg: MARMOL12 Mexican Army (05 Apr 08) (CB) 09080 MAR: Mexican Army? 0001 ALE/USB clg: MARMOL Mexican Army (05 Apr 08) (CB) 09080 MARMOL: Mexican Army 0001 ALE/USB clg: M4 UnID (05 Apr 08) (CB) 09080 ACERO: Mexican Air Force 0002 ALE/USB clg: ACERO2 Mexican Air Force (05 Apr 08) (CB) 09080 5001: UnID 0021 ALE/USB Sounding (05 Apr 08) (CB) 09080 ACERO1: Mexican Air Force 0031 ALE/USB clg: ACERO Mexican Air Force (05 Apr 08) (CB) 09080 ACERO2: Mexican Air Force 0122 ALE/USB clg: ACERO Mexican Air Force (05 Apr 08) (CB) 09080 ACERO: Mexican Air Force 0122 ALE/USB clg: ACERO2 Mexican Air Force (05 Apr 08) (CB) 09080 D40: UnID 0125 ALE/USB clg: ACE DIAMANTE Mexican Army (05 Apr 08) (CB) 09080 D40: UnID 0256 ALE/USB clg: DIAMANTE Mexican Army (05 Apr 08) (CB) (Chris Black, Cape Cod, USA - udxf 05/04/2008) 05545.5 pecheurs 1522 USB fr d/x 5avr08 11226.0 GUA guam afb 1610 ALE USB 5avr08 (M. Lacroix, France - dxuti 05/04/2008) 8414.5 005030001 : Charleville/Wiluna AUS 18:23 DSC/100/170 Routine test with 636011842 YM VIRTUE A8BR6 (1 Apr)(PPA) 7668.0 --- : unid net 19:00 Mil-std 188-110 serial/2400s/3000 encrypted traffic followed by link protected ALE (1 Apr)(PPA) 7868.0 2013 : unid 19:54 USB/ALE sounding THIS WAS 2013 (1 Apr)(PPA) 7706.0 100 : unid 18:17 USB/ALE calling 101 (2 Apr)(PPA) 17435.0 20111 : maybe MRC police 17:07 USB/ALE calling 2411 (2 Apr)(PPA) 7664.0 RIW : Russian Navy Moscow 18:36 CW/A1A Calling RKZ for 5F QTC (2 Apr)(PPA) 5588.0 ERDA : unid station 20:47 USB/ALE calling JOR (4 Apr)(PPA) 5588.0 UMA : unid station 23:47 USB/ALE sounding (4 Apr)(PPA) 5588.0 SHBETA : unid station 23:41 USB/ALE sounding (4 Apr)(PPA) 14470.5 --- : DOSC Moscow RUS 18:18 USB/Crowd36/40/1500 Lenghty repeated strings probably testing (4 Apr)(PPA) 13303.0 HS-TNE : Thai airlines TG704 17:06 HFDL/300/2400 Airbus A340 from Johannesburg to Bangkok ,position 02 S 60 E reports to Canarias (4 Apr)(PPA) 5721.8 --- : unid maybe Algerian 05:35 Coquelet 8/13.33/250 encrypted traffic followed by Arabic voice traffic on 5720 (5 Apr)(PPA) (P. Poelstra, Holland = udxf 05/04/2008) 3.016,00 EIP SHANWICK Shannon IRL AIR (NAT-C) J3E/USB 04-apr 2218 WKG "IBERIA 662" - (BC) 3.016,00 KEA5 NEW YORK Riverhead,NY USA AIR (NAT-A) J3E/USB 05-apr 0542 WKG "REACH04" - (BC) 3.880,00 M... XSS Forest Moor G DHFCS ALE/USB 04-apr 1943 SOUND - (BC) 4.045,00 RFNV AGURCHIK Moskva/Chemeritevo RUS AIR J3E/USB 04-apr 1940 WKG "SHPORA" - (BC) 4.045,00 RLAP SHPORA Rostov na Donu RUS AIR J3E/USB 04-apr 1940 CLG/WKG "AGURCHIK" - (BC) 4.045,00 UBV TVARETS Penza RUS AIR J3E/USB 04-apr 1942 WKG "AGURCHIK" - (BC) 4.850,00 IEA414 - Venezia Tessera I CC HELY NUCLEO J3E/LSB 05-apr 0741 CLG/WKG IEA24 - (BC) 4.850,00 IEA87 - Udine I CC J3E/LSB 31-mar 0728 WKG IEA26 DIPENDENTE IEA26 (BC) 4.850,00 IEA870 - Tolmezzo I CC J3E/LSB 31-mar 0728 WKG IEA26 DIPENDENTE IEA26 (BC) 4.850,00 IEA871 - Palmanova I CC J3E/LSB 31-mar 0729 WKG IEA26 DIPENDENTE IEA26 (BC) 4.850,00 IEA872 - Tarvisio I CC J3E/LSB 31-mar 0727 WKG IEA26 DIPENDENTE IEA26 (BC) 4.850,00 IEA873 - Cividale De Friuli I CC J3E/LSB 31-mar 0736 WKG IEA26 DIPENDENTE IEA26 (BC) 4.850,00 IEA874 - L..... I CC J3E/LSB 31-mar 0737 WKG IEA26 DIPENDENTE IEA26 (BC) 4.850,00 IEA88 - Pordenone I CC J3E/LSB 31-mar 0739 WKG IEA26 DIPENDENTE IEA26 (BC) 4.850,00 IEA880 - Sacile I CC J3E/LSB 31-mar 0739 WKG IEA26 DIPENDENTE IEA26 (BC) 4.850,00 IEA89 - Gorizia I CC J3E/LSB 31-mar 0735 WKG IEA26 DIPENDENTE IEA26 (BC) 4.850,00 IEA890 - Monfalcone I CC J3E/LSB 31-mar 0735 WKG IEA26 DIPENDENTE IEA26 (BC) 4.850,00 IEA891 - Gradisca di Isonzo I CC J3E/LSB 31-mar 0736 WKG IEA26 DIPENDENTE IEA26 (BC) 4.850,00 IEA91 - Trieste I CC J3E/LSB 31-mar 0732 WKG IEA26 DIPENDENTE IEA26 (BC) 4.850,00 IEA910 - Muggia I CC J3E/LSB 31-mar 0735 WKG IEA910 DIPENDENTE IEA26 (BC) 4.850,00 IEA911 - Aurisina I CC J3E/LSB 31-mar 0730 WKG IEA26 DIPENDENTE IEA26 (BC) 5.035,00 7U.. FS33 ..... ALG ANG ALE/USB 02-apr 1106 CLG "FS30" - (BC) 5.035,00 7U.. FS34 ..... ALG ANG ALE/USB 02-apr 1706 CLG "ZT30" - (BC) 5.035,00 7U.. FS35 ..... ALG ANG ALE/USB 02-apr 1556 CLG "FS30" - (BC) 5.035,00 7U.. KF30 ..... ALG ANG ALE/USB 02-apr 1708 CLG "KF35" - (BC) 5.035,00 7U.. KF31 ..... ALG ANG ALE/USB 02-apr 1712 CLG "KF35" - (BC) 5.035,00 7U.. KF35 ..... ALG ANG ALE/USB 02-apr 0800 CLG "KF30" - (BC) 5.035,00 7U.. MDN Alger ALG ANG ALE/USB 02-apr 1123 CLG "FS33" 1138 CLG "FS35" 1202 CLG "KF35" (BC) 5.035,00 7U.. ZT30 ..... ALG ANG ALE/USB 02-apr 1706 CLG "FS34" - (BC) 5.035,00 7U.. ZT30 ..... ALG ANG MIL STD 188-110A/USB 02-apr 1707 SEND MSGS TO "FS34" - (BC) 5.053,00 - ..... - MIL STANAG-4285/USB 04-apr 2235 TFC KRY - (BC) 5.090,00 HBD.. - ..... - DIPLO SVIZZERA ALE/USB 31-mar 0836 N-D SIMPLEX PROTECTED LINK (BC) 5.090,00 HBD.. - ..... - DIPLO SVIZZERA MIL STD 188-110A/USB 02-apr 0606 TFC KRY SIMPLEX (BC) 5.132,00 ..... 2011 ..... - [...] ALE/USB 02-apr 0540 CLG "1020" - (BC) 5.132,00 ..... 2016 ..... - [...] ALE/USB 02-apr 0537 CLG "2015" - (BC) 5.135,50 U... - ..... CIS MIL BEE/36-50 50/250 03-apr 0556 TFC KRY - (BC) 5.186,00 - ..... - MIL NATO 75/850 02-apr 0546 N-D - (BC) 5.193,00 7U.. YH40 ..... ALG ANG ALE/USB 04-apr 0739 CLG "ZT40" - (BC) 5.193,00 7U.. YH50 ..... ALG ANG ALE/USB 04-apr 0605 CLG "YH48" - (BC) 5.193,00 7U.. YH53 ..... ALG ANG ALE/USB 04-apr 0614 CLG "YH40" - (BC) 5.193,00 7U.. YH55 ..... ALG ANG ALE/USB 04-apr 0813 CLG "YH53" - (BC) 5.193,00 7U.. YH56 ..... ALG ANG ALE/USB 04-apr 0605 CLG "YH59" - (BC) 5.193,00 7U.. YH78 ..... ALG ANG ALE/USB 04-apr 0608 CLG "YH51" - (BC) 5.193,00 7U.. ZT40 ..... ALG ANG ALE/USB 04-apr 0739 CLG "YH40" - (BC) 5.194,00 FAV22 - Mont Valerien F FA CW 03-apr 0600 GR(A) 'NR 28 A 03 17:15:19 1980 BT WQYUE......' (BC) 5.230,00 4X.. MIW Tel Aviv ISR MOSSAD H3E/USB 03-apr 0604 GR(A)ING - (BC) 5.240,00 7U.. YH40 ..... ALG ANG ALE/USB 04-apr 0805 CLG "YH48" - (BC) 5.240,00 7U.. YH43 ..... ALG ANG ALE/USB 04-apr 0748 CLG "YH46" - (BC) 5.240,00 7U.. YH46 ..... ALG ANG ALE/USB 04-apr 0607 CLG "YH43" - (BC) 5.240,00 7U.. YH48 ..... ALG ANG ALE/USB 04-apr 0809 SOUND 0828 CLG "YH52" (BC) 5.240,00 7U.. YH50 ..... ALG ANG ALE/USB 04-apr 0907 CLG "YH46" - (BC) 5.240,00 7U.. YH51 ..... ALG ANG ALE/USB 05-apr 0634 CLG "YH78" - (BC) 5.240,00 7U.. YH52 ..... ALG ANG ALE/USB 04-apr 0828 CLG "YH48" - (BC) 5.240,00 7U.. YH53 ..... ALG ANG ALE/USB 04-apr 0713 CLG "YH40" - (BC) 5.240,00 7U.. YH55 ..... ALG ANG ALE/USB 04-apr 0912 CLG "YH53" - (BC) 5.240,00 7U.. YH56 ..... ALG ANG ALE/USB 04-apr 0722 CLG "YH59" - (BC) 5.240,00 7U.. YH58 ..... ALG ANG ALE/USB 04-apr 1441 CLG "YH56" - (BC) 5.240,00 7U.. YH61 ..... ALG ANG ALE/USB 04-apr 0733 CLG "YH56" - (BC) 5.240,00 7U.. YH62 ..... ALG ANG ALE/USB 04-apr 2012 CLG "YH48" - (BC) 5.240,00 7U.. YH71 ..... ALG ANG ALE/USB 04-apr 0819 CLG "YH48" - (BC) 5.240,00 7U.. YH78 ..... ALG ANG ALE/USB 04-apr 0607 CLG "YH51" - (BC) 5.240,00 7U.. ZT40 ..... ALG ANG ALE/USB 04-apr 0841 CLG "YH43" - (BC) 5.256,30 - ..... - [...] NATO 75/850 02-apr 0549 N-D - (BC) 5.267,00 ..... 1JQ ..... - MIL J3E/USB 03-apr 0609 CLG/WKG ..... SIMPLEX (BC) 5.295,00 7U.. QX40 ..... ALG ANG ALE/USB 04-apr 2252 CLG "QX51" - (BC) 5.295,00 7U.. QX50 ..... ALG ANG ALE/USB 04-apr 2240 CLG "ZT50" - (BC) 5.295,00 7U.. QX50 ..... ALG ANG J3E/USB 04-apr 2240 VOCODER TFC - (BC) 5.295,00 7U.. QX51 ..... ALG ANG ALE/USB 04-apr 2255 CLG "ZT50" - (BC) 5.295,00 7U.. ZT50 ..... ALG ANG ALE/USB 04-apr 2240 CLG "QX50" - (BC) 5.295,00 7U.. ZT50 ..... ALG ANG J3E/USB 04-apr 2240 VOCODER TFC - (BC) 5.340,00 7U.. 08 ..... ALG ANG J3E/USB 04-apr 0848 CLG "BJ01" 0922 CLG "BJ01" 1004 CLG "ZT01" 1324 CLG "VH01" (BC) 5.340,00 7U.. BD01 ..... ALG ANG J3E/USB 02-apr 0727 CLG "BD02" - (BC) 5.340,00 7U.. BD02 ..... ALG ANG J3E/USB 02-apr 0728 CLG "BD01" - (BC) 5.340,00 7U.. BJ01 ..... ALG ANG J3E/USB 02-apr 0631 CLG "CM01" - (BC) 5.340,00 7U.. CB01 ..... ALG ANG J3E/USB 02-apr 0729 CLG "BJ01" - (BC) 5.340,00 7U.. CB02 ..... ALG ANG J3E/USB 02-apr 0828 CLG "CB01" - (BC) 5.340,00 7U.. CM01 ..... ALG ANG J3E/USB 02-apr 0631 CLG "BJ01" - (BC) 5.340,00 7U.. CN01 ..... ALG ANG J3E/USB 02-apr 1116 CLG "BJ01" - (BC) 5.340,00 7U.. CN02 ..... ALG ANG J3E/USB 04-apr 0715 CLG "ZT01" - (BC) 5.340,00 7U.. CY01 ..... ALG ANG J3E/USB 02-apr 0557 CLG "CY02" - (BC) 5.340,00 7U.. CY02 ..... ALG ANG J3E/USB 02-apr 0557 CLG "CY01" - (BC) 5.340,00 7U.. DJ01 ..... ALG ANG J3E/USB 02-apr 0744 CLG "BJ01" - (BC) 5.340,00 7U.. JL01 ..... ALG ANG J3E/USB 02-apr 0611 CLG "JL02" - (BC) 5.340,00 7U.. JL02 ..... ALG ANG J3E/USB 02-apr 0634 CLG "VH01" - (BC) 5.340,00 7U.. KM01 ..... ALG ANG J3E/USB 04-apr 1044 CLG "WP02" - (BC) 5.340,00 7U.. LZ01 ..... ALG ANG J3E/USB 04-apr 1410 CLG "VH01" - (BC) 5.340,00 7U.. MDM Alger ALG ANG J3E/USB 02-apr 0836 CLG "ZT01" - (BC) 5.340,00 7U.. MT01 ..... ALG ANG J3E/USB 02-apr 0737 CLG "MT02" - (BC) 5.340,00 7U.. MT02 ..... ALG ANG J3E/USB 02-apr 0806 CLG "MT01" - (BC) 5.340,00 7U.. PT01 ..... ALG ANG J3E/USB 02-apr 0735 CLG "ZT01" - (BC) 5.340,00 7U.. QX01 ..... ALG ANG J3E/USB 02-apr 0733 CLG "ZT01" - (BC) 5.340,00 7U.. QX03 ..... ALG ANG J3E/USB 02-apr 0859 CLG "ZT01" - (BC) 5.340,00 7U.. RH01 ..... ALG ANG J3E/USB 02-apr 0905 CLG "ZT01" - (BC) 5.340,00 7U.. RH02 ..... ALG ANG J3E/USB 02-apr 0928 CLG "ZT01" - (BC) 5.340,00 7U.. TP01 ..... ALG ANG J3E/USB 02-apr 0632 CLG "XV01" - (BC) 5.340,00 7U.. UN01 ..... ALG ANG J3E/USB 02-apr 0622 CLG "ZT01" - (BC) 5.340,00 7U.. VH01 ..... ALG ANG J3E/USB 02-apr 0634 CLG "JL02" - (BC) 5.340,00 7U.. VK01 ..... ALG ANG J3E/USB 04-apr 0617 CLG "ZT01" - (BC) 5.340,00 7U.. VK02 ..... ALG ANG J3E/USB 04-apr 0720 CLG "ZT01" - (BC) 5.340,00 7U.. VK02 ..... ALG ANG MIL STD 188-110A/USB 04-apr 0721 SEND MSGS TO "ZT01" - (BC) 5.340,00 7U.. WP02 ..... ALG ANG J3E/USB 04-apr 1040 CLG "KM01" - (BC) 5.340,00 7U.. XV01 ..... ALG ANG J3E/USB 02-apr 0628 CLG "TP01" - (BC) 5.340,00 7U.. YG01 ..... ALG ANG J3E/USB 04-apr 0745 CLG "YG02" - (BC) 5.340,00 7U.. YG02 ..... ALG ANG J3E/USB 04-apr 0745 CLG "YG01" - (BC) 5.340,00 7U.. YH01 ..... ALG ANG J3E/USB 02-apr 0735 CLG "ZT01" - (BC) 5.340,00 7U.. ZT01 ..... ALG ANG J3E/USB 02-apr 0648 CLG "UN01" - (BC) 5.340,00 7U.. ZT01 ..... ALG ANG MIL STD 188-110A/USB 02-apr 0925 SEND MSGS TO "VK01" - (BC) 5.382,00 ..... - ..... - [...] MIL STD 188-110A/USB 02-apr 0654 TFC KRY SIMPLEX (BC) 5.414,00 7U.. BJ30 ..... ALG ANG J3E/USB 04-apr 2243 CLG "KF33" - (BC) 5.414,00 7U.. BJ30 ..... ALG ANG MIL STD 188-110A/USB 04-apr 2243 SEND MSGS TO "KF33" - (BC) 5.414,00 7U.. FS30 ..... ALG ANG J3E/USB 04-apr 2246 CLG "KF33" - (BC) 5.414,00 7U.. FS33 ..... ALG ANG J3E/USB 04-apr 2259 CLG "FS30" - (BC) 5.414,00 7U.. KF30 ..... ALG ANG J3E/USB 04-apr 2244 CLG "KF33" - (BC) 5.414,00 7U.. KF30 ..... ALG ANG J3E/USB 04-apr 2244 CLG "KF33" - (BC) 5.435,00 ..... KCKGR0 ..... - [...] ALE/USB 03-apr 0613 CLG "3CN04" - (BC) 5.472,00 ..... KNLQ ..... . [...] CW 02-apr 0600 WKG "EIWC"/GR(N) - (BC) 5.763,00 TC.. - ..... TUR [...] J3E/USB 03-apr 0630 TFC TUR SIMPLEX (BC) 5.785,00 IER32 NAPOLI Napoli I IFG ALE/USB 02-apr 1035 CLG "MAZ" - (BC) 5.823,00 CN.. 11061 ..... MRC MDC ALE/USB 04-apr 0627 SOUND - (BC) 5.823,00 CN.. 22054 ..... MRC MDC ALE/USB 04-apr 0626 SOUND - (BC) 5.823,00 CN.. 2401 ..... MRC MDC ALE/USB 04-apr 0629 SOUND - (BC) 5.823,00 CN.. 24181 ..... MRC MDC ALE/USB 04-apr 0628 SOUND - (BC) 5.828,50 FAV22 - Mont Valerien F FA CW 31-mar 0723 GR(A) 'NR 14 T1 09:26:43 1980 BT ETYOV' (BC) 5.870,00 U... - ..... CIS MIL BAUDOT 50/500 02-apr 0603 TFC KRY - (BC) 5.881,00 RMP - Kaliningrad RUS CISN CW 02-apr 0844 WX - (BC) 5.881,50 FAV22 - Mont Valerien F FA CW 31-mar 0716 GR(A) 'NR 11 M 1 09:08:02 1980 BT TLFXW EPUBS' (BC) 5.885,00 7U.. AC21 ..... ALG ANG J3E/USB 04-apr 2258 CLG "ZT20" - (BC) 5.885,00 7U.. BK21 ..... ALG ANG J3E/USB 04-apr 2256 CLG "ZT20" - (BC) 5.885,00 7U.. ND22 ..... ALG ANG J3E/USB 04-apr 2256 CLG "ZT20" - (BC) 5.895,00 IER.. SIRIO10 ..... I IFG J3E/USB 02-apr 0736 CLG/WKG "SQUALO6" - (BC) 5.895,00 IER.. SQUALO6 - SHIP - I IFG J3E/USB 02-apr 0736 WKG "SIRIO10" - (BC) 5.895,20 U... - ..... CIS PTT RUS-ARQ 100/1000 02-apr 0606 N-D - (BC) 5.911,00 ..... OG9H ..... - [...] CW 02-apr 0610 CLG "L35K" - (BC) 6.213,00 U... - ..... CIS MIL RUS-SYS 75/250 31-mar 0843 N-D - (BC) 6.259,00 F... - SHIP F FN STANAG-4285/600L/USB 31-mar 0955 TFC KRY - (BC) 6.317,00 WLO MOBILE Coden,AL USA RADIO SITOR 100/170 02-apr 2343 CH MARKER - (BC) 6.493,20 - ..... - MIL STANAG-4285/USB 31-mar 0848 TFC KRY - (BC) 6.496,50 CFH - Halifax,NS CAN CF BAUDOT 75/850 02-apr 2330 WX 'CANADIAN FORCES METOC CENTRE, HALIFAX, VOVA SCOTIA, CWCJFVW' (BC) 6.566,00 ..... LZ5L ..... - [...] CW 04-apr 0634 CLG/WKG "VI6S" SIMPLEX (BC) 6.640,00 KEA5 NEW YORK Riverhead,NY USA ARINC J3E/USB 02-apr 2258 TFC ING - (BC) 6.733,00 IDR DELTA ROMEO Roma I IN J3E/USB 31-mar 0852 TFC ITA/ING SIMPLEX (BC) 6.735,00 IDR DELTA ROMEO Roma I IN NATO 75/850 31-mar 0851 N-D SIMPLEX (BC) 6.770,00 ..... - ..... - [...] ARQ-RS 228/170 03-apr 0651 TFC KRY - (BC) 6.771,70 SSE - Cairo EGY MFA FEC 100/170 31-mar 0906 TFC ARA - (BC) 6.772,00 ..... MALIKI RADIO ??? ..... - [...] NET CONTROL J3E/USB 03-apr 0647 CLG/WKG .... TFC FRA/ARA (BC) 6.776,70 AFA1AS - Rochester,NY USA USAF MARS PACTOR 05-apr 0113 WKG AFA1HV - (BC) 6.776,70 AFA1HV - ..... USA USAF MARS PACTOR 02-apr 2234 WKG AFA2GQ - (BC) 6.776,70 AFA2GQ - Port Saint Joe,FL USA USAF MARS PACTOR 02-apr 2234 WKG AFA1HV - (BC) 6.776,70 AFA4IJ - ..... USA USAF MARS PACTOR 02-apr 2247 WKG AFA1HV - (BC) 6.776,70 AFC1DA - .....,FL USA USAF MARS PACTOR 05-apr 0131 WKG AFA1AS - (BC) 6.776,70 AFC1MC - ..... USA USAF MARS PACTOR 05-apr 0131 WKG AFA1DA - (BC) 6.776,70 AFD4MC - ..... USA USAF MARS PACTOR 02-apr 2302 WKG AFA1HV - (BC) 6.776,70 AGA5MC - Tacoma,WA USA USAF MARS MCCHORD AFB PACTOR 04-apr 2229 WKG AFA1HV - (BC) 6.777,20 DHJ59 - Wilemshavn D GN J3E/USB 02-apr 2225 WKG DRDI - (BC) 6.777,20 DRDI - - SHIP - D GN J3E/USB 02-apr 2225 CLG/WKG DHJ59 - (BC) 6.778,00 ..... 2010 ..... - [...] ALE/USB 03-apr 0206 SOUND - (BC) 6.778,00 ..... 2011 ..... - [...] ALE/USB 02-apr 2336 SOUND - (BC) 6.778,00 ..... 2012 ..... - [...] ALE/USB 02-apr 2325 SOUND - (BC) 6.778,00 ..... 2014 ..... - [...] ALE/USB 03-apr 0010 CLG "1020" - (BC) 6.778,00 ..... 2015 ..... - [...] ALE/USB 03-apr 0554 SOUND - (BC) 6.778,00 ..... 2016 ..... - [...] ALE/USB 02-apr 2245 CLG "1020" - (BC) 6.778,00 ..... 2017 ..... - [...] ALE/USB 02-apr 2300 SOUND - (BC) 6.778,00 ..... 3012 ..... - [...] ALE/USB 02-apr 2337 SOUND - (BC) 6.778,00 ..... 3261 ..... - [...] ALE/USB 03-apr 0614 SOUND - (BC) 6.778,00 ..... 4013 ..... - [...] ALE/USB 02-apr 2241 SOUND - (BC) 6.778,00 ..... 4013 ..... - [...] ALE/USB 03-apr 0541 SOUND - (BC) 6.778,00 ..... 4015 ..... - [...] ALE/USB 03-apr 0505 SOUND - (BC) 6.778,00 ..... 4017 ..... - [...] ALE/USB 03-apr 0511 SOUND - (BC) 6.778,00 ..... 9817 ..... - [...] ALE/USB 03-apr 0109 SOUND - (BC) 6.778,00 ..... 9857 ..... - [...] ALE/USB 03-apr 0058 SOUND - (BC) 6.778,00 ..... 3771 ..... - [...] ALE/USB 03-apr 0720 SOUND - (BC) 6.779,00 U... - ..... CIS MIL BAUOT 75/500 02-apr 0622 TFC TWO TONES (BC) 6.779,00 U... - ..... CIS MIL CW 02-apr 0620 TFC TWO TONES (BC) 6.785,00 ..... - ..... - [...] J3E/USB 02-apr 2155 TFC ING SIMPLEX (BC) 6.795,00 U... - ..... CIS MIL BEE/36-50 50/500 31-mar 0531 IDLE - (BC) 6.805,00 ..... - ..... - [...] BAUDOT 50/500 31-mar 0610 TFC KRY - (BC) 6.829,00 U... - ..... CIS MIL RUS-SYS 75/250 02-apr 2243 N-D - (BC) 6.838,00 ..... - ..... - [...] CW 02-apr 2254 TFC 'RPT AL K B K COL COR 24 = WWKDT K JHN1C K' (BC) 6.881,00 NNN0BTG - ..... USA USN MARS SITOR 100/170 02-apr 2246 WKG NNN0MUC - (BC) 6.881,00 NNN0MDW - ..... USA USN MARS PACTOR 02-apr 2248 TFC ING - (BC) 6.881,00 NNN0MRG - ..... USA USN MARS PACTOR 03-apr 0136 CLG/WKG NNN0PSX - (BC) 6.881,00 NNN0MUC - ..... USA USN MARS SITOR 100/170 02-apr 2246 CLG/WKG NNN0BTG - (BC) 6.881,00 NNN0PSX - Nashville,GA USA USN MARS PACTOR 03-apr 0136 WKG NNN0MRG - (BC) 6.881,00 NNN0XOP - Roswell,GA USA USN MARS PACTOR 03-apr 0149 WKG NNN0MRG - (BC) 6.889,50 FAV22 - Mont Valerien F FA CW 02-apr 0627 GR(A) //6930,0 'NR 05 A 02 19:42:22 1980 BT' (BC) 6.911,50 NGB.. KBDLNG ..... USA USANG ALE/USB 03-apr 0021 SOUND - (BC) 6.911,50 NGB.. T1Z244 ..... IRQ USARMY ALE/USB 03-apr 0021 SOUND - (BC) 6.911,50 ..... 855740 ..... - [...] ALE/USB 03-apr 0457 SOUND - (BC) 6.923,00 YP.. - ..... ROU MIL J3E/USB 31-mar 0608 TFC ROU/GR(A) - (BC) 6.930,00 FAV22 - Mont Valerien F FA CW 02-apr 0627 GR(A) //6889,5 (BC) 6.964,00 FAV22 - Mont Valerien F FA CW 03-apr 0643 GR(A) - (BC) 6.967,50 ICI04 - Napoli I ICG J3E/USB 03-apr 0943 CLG/WKG IGNW - (BC) 6.967,50 ICI07 - Ancona I ICG J3E/USB 03-apr 0936 WKG Rimini - (BC) 6.967,50 ICI08 - Ravenna I ICG J3E/USB 03-apr 0939 CLG/WKG IGNW - (BC) 6.967,50 ICI09 - Venezia I ICG J3E/USB 03-apr 0939 CLG/WKG ICI08 - (BC) 6.967,50 ICI.. COMPAMARE RIMINI Rimini I ICG J3E/USB 03-apr 0927 CLG/WKG ICI11 0936 CLG/WKG ICI07 (BC) 6.967,50 IGNW - - SHIP - I ICG J3E/USB 03-apr 0939 WKG ICI08 - (BC) 6.983,00 FAV22 - Mont Valerien F FA CW 03-apr 0638 GR(A) 'NR 32 A 03 08:40:27 1980 BT RCJVH ' (BC) 7.351,00 ..... - ..... - [...] ARQ-RS 228/170 02-apr 0636 TFC KRY - (BC) 7.373,00 U... - ..... CIS MIL BEE/36-50 50/250 02-apr 0639 TFC KRY - (BC) 7.456,00 ..... - ..... - [...] FSK 50/250 31-mar 0900 N-D - (BC) 7.478,00 ..... - ..... - [...] J3E/LSB 31-mar 0902 TFC RUS/SLA ???? - (BC) 7.478,60 - ..... - JEAC BR6028: ARQ-E 46,2/170/6CH/USB 02-apr 2151 IDLE ON BOTH CH# - (BC) 7.520,60 - ..... - JEAC BR6028: ARQ-E 46,2/170/6CH/USB 02-apr 2148 IDLE ON BOTH CH# - (BC) 7.574,00 RCV - Sevastopol UKR CISN CW 25 02-apr 2143 TFC/WX - (BC) 7.664,00 RIW - Moskva RUS CISN CW 02-apr 0647 WKG RKZ/GR(A) 'RKZ RKZ RKZ DE RIW RIW QTC 797 26 2 ' (BC) 7.682,00 ..... RST7 ..... - [...] CW 02-apr 0649 TFC - (BC) 7.697,00 ..... - ..... - [...] CW 31-mar 0619 VVVVV - (BC) 7.729,00 ..... QQXO ..... - [...] CW 02-apr 0652 CLG/WKG "X6HZ" - (BC) 7.770,00 ..... 2527 ..... - [...] ALE/USB 02-apr 2126 CLG "2528" - (BC) 7.770,00 ..... 2528 ..... - [...] ALE/USB 02-apr 2205 CLG "2527" - (BC) 7.790,00 YP.. - ..... ROU MIL J3E/USB 31-mar 0622 TFC ROU/GR(A) - (BC) 7.805,00 WPF... NA1SH Nashua,NH USA FEMA/EOC ALE/USB 03-apr 0034 SOUND - (BC) 7.805,00 WPF... PL1YM ..... USA FEMA/EOC ALE/USB 03-apr 0039 SOUND 0240 SOUND (BC) 7.890,00 CP.. - Tacbamba BOL [...] J3E/USB 02-apr 2306 CLG "32" - (BC) 7.903,50 KEC96 NY1 New York,NY USA FBI ALE/USB 03-apr 0224 CLG "NF1" - (BC) 7.903,50 KII50 CO1 Colombia,SC USA FBI ALE/USB 03-apr 0506 CLG "NY1" - (BC) 7.903,50 KII66 NF1 Norfolk,VA USA FBI ALE/USB 03-apr 0224 CLG "NY1" - (BC) 7.918,00 ..... 221808 ..... - [...] ALE/LSB 02-apr 2310 SOUND - (BC) 7.918,00 ..... 221814 ..... - [...] ALE/LSB 03-apr 0350 SOUND - (BC) 8.007,00 ..... ALKHORE ..... - [...] ALE/USB 02-apr 2321 SOUND - (BC) 8.007,00 ..... ALMATEEFMOB3 ..... - [...] ALE/USB 02-apr 2320 SOUND - (BC) 8.007,00 ..... OMMELEHMOB4 ..... - [...] ALE/USB 02-apr 2327 SOUND - (BC) 8.007,00 ..... OMMELEHMOB5 ..... - [...] ALE/USB 03-apr 0226 SOUND - (BC) 8.009,00 CLP.. - Habana CUB INTEL CW 02-apr 2319 GR(A) - (BC) 8.032,00 FAV22 - Mont Valerien F FA CW 31-mar 0949 GR(A) - (BC) 8.107,00 ..... - ..... - [...] CW 31-mar 0625 VVVV - (BC) 8.117,50 OEY41 - ..... - AuA ALE/USB 04-apr 0906 CLG OEY52 - (BC) 8.190,00 IER.. PRATICA01 Pratica di Mare I IGF ALE/USB 04-apr 1346 CLG "INZUCCHI" - (BC) 8.195,00 U... - ..... CIS [...] BAUDOT 50/500 03-apr 0655 TFC KRY - (BC) 8.749,00 - ..... - MIL STANAG-4285/300L/USB 03-apr 0659 TFC KRY - (BC) 8.770,00 USO5 - Izmail UKR RADIO J3E/USB 03-apr 0705 AV - (BC) 8.790,00 - ..... - MIL STANAG-4285/USB 03-apr 0707 TFC KRY - (BC) 8.912,00 NM.. J08 - HH-60J - USA USCG ALE/USB 05-apr 0012 CLG "OPB" - (BC) 8.912,00 NM.. J09 - HH-60J - USA USCG ALE/USB 05-apr 0012 SOUND - (BC) 8.950,00 ..... 3062 ..... - [...] ALE/USB 02-apr 2108 SOUND - (BC) 8.950,00 ..... 8031 ..... - [...] ALE/USB 02-apr 2102 SOUND - (BC) 8.950,00 ..... 8061 ..... - [...] ALE/USB 02-apr 2041 SOUND - (BC) 8.950,00 ..... 8161 ..... - [...] ALE/USB 02-apr 2055 SOUND - (BC) 8.950,00 ..... 8211 ..... - [...] ALE/USB 02-apr 2042 SOUND - (BC) 8.950,00 ..... 8541 ..... - [...] ALE/USB 02-apr 2059 SOUND - (BC) 9.075,50 R... - ..... [...] FAPSI CROWD/USB 31-mar 0913 TFC - (BC) 9.185,00 HBD20 - Bern/Kernenried SUI MFA MIL STD 188-110A/USB 03-apr 0751 TFC KRY SIMPLEX (BC) 9.356,00 ..... - ..... - [...] CW 02-apr 0708 TFC TWO TONES (BC) 9.389,00 U... - ..... CIS MIL RUS-SYS 75/200 31-mar 0916 N-D - (BC) 9.400,00 - ..... - MIL STANAG-4285/USB 02-apr 0711 TFC KRY - (BC) 10.203,00 ..... - ..... - [...] FSK 50/500 02-apr 0717 N-D - (BC) 10.274,00 U... - ..... CIS MIL RUS-SYS 75/250 02-apr 0720 N-D - (BC) 10.595,00 U... - ..... CIS MIL RUS-SYS 75/250 31-mar 0923 N-D - (BC) 10.597,00 U... - ..... CIS MIL RUS-SYS 75/250 31-mar 0755 N-D - (BC) 10.662,00 ..... LYGR ..... - [...] CW 31-mar 0752 GR(A) - (BC) 10.676,00 U... - ..... CIS MIL RUS-SYS 75/250 31-mar 0925 N-D - (BC) 10.712,00 5O.. 711711 ..... NIG POLICE ALE/USB 02-apr 1714 SOUND - (BC) 10.712,00 5O.. 711712 ..... NIG POLICE ALE/USB 02-apr 1801 CLG "7112" - (BC) 10.712,00 5O.. 711716 ..... NIG POLICE ALE/USB 02-apr 1846 CLG "711711" - (BC) 10.715,00 5O.. 911913 ..... NIG POLICE ALE/USB 02-apr 1754 CLG "911911" - (BC) 10.741,00 - ..... - MIL NATO 75/850 02-apr 1559 N-D - (BC) 10.892,70 - ..... - MIL NATO 75/850 02-apr 0723 N-D - (BC) 10.928,00 U... - ..... CIS MIL CIS 81-81 81/250 31-mar 0750 N-D - (BC) 10.961,00 FAV22 - Mont Valerien F FA CW 31-mar 0930 GR(A) 'NR J9 T 31 11:41:12 1980 BT BZVSP ' (BC) 11.110,00 IE.. 0M2 ..... - IF J3E/USB 31-mar 0743 TFC ITA DUPLEX (BC) 11.110,00 IE.. 0M2 ..... - IF STANAG-4285/1220L/USB 31-mar 0740 SEND MSGS TO "A1" - (BC) 11.120,00 U... - ..... CIS MIL RUS-SYS 75/250 02-apr 0725 N-D - (BC) 11.155,00 RIT - Severomorsk RUS CISN CW 02-apr 0727 CLG/WKG RKZ - (BC) 11.285,00 AWB MUMBAI RADIO Mumbai IND AIR (SEA) J3E/USB 05-apr 1601 TFC ING - (BC) 11.361,00 ..... - ..... - [...] J3E/USB 04-apr 1955 TFC FRA/AFR SIMPLEX FINAL BEEP (BC) 11.408,00 REA4 - Moskva RIS CISAF FSK 50/960 31-mar 0934 IDLE - (BC) 11.486,00 U... - ..... CIS MIL RUS-SYS 75/250 31-mar 0935 N-D - (BC) 12.128,00 U... - ..... CIS MIL BEE/36-50 50/250 31-mar 0700 TFC KRY - (BC) 12.214,00 YPM CENTR6 Bucuresti ROU MFA ALE/USB 31-mar 0713 CLG YPM27 0809,0818 CLG YPM27 (BC) 12.214,00 YPM CENTR6 Bucuresti ROU MFA MIL STD 188-110A/USB 31-mar 0810 SEND MSGS TO YPM27 - (BC) 12.214,00 YPM27 - ..... - AMB. RUMENA MIL STD 188-110A/USB 31-mar 0811 SEND MSGS TO "CENTR6" - (BC) 12.376,90 M... - ..... - BF MFSK4 195 04-apr 1950 N-D - (BC) 12.508,50 URL - Sevastopol UKR RADIO J3E/USB 31-mar 1650 TLF - (BC) 12.686,30 FAV22 - Mont Valerien F FA CW 31-mar 1648 GR(A) 'NR O T1 M 31 18:48:11 1980 BT BOLMA OGEJK' (BC) 12.712,00 HLW - Pup'yong KOR GW RADIO PACTOR-GW 31-mar 1645 N-D/CH MARKER - (BC) 12.783,50 9MR - Johore Bahru MLA MlaN BAUDOT 50/850 31-mar 1635 TFC ING 1949 TFC ING/GR(A) (BC) 12.787,00 ..... YKPO ..... - [...] CW 31-mar 0653 CLG/WKG "YBTA" - (BC) 12.847,20 - ..... - [...] STANAG-4285/300L/USB 04-apr 1946 TFC KRY - (BC) 12.877,50 UIW - Kaliningrad RUS RADIO BAUDOT 50/170 31-mar 1620 WX - (BC) 13.048,00 U... - ..... CIS MIL RUS-SYS 75/250 31-mar 0648 N-D - (BC) 13.057,60 EBA - Madrid E SN STANAG-4285/USB/600L 04-apr 1937 TFC KRY - (BC) 13.072,00 - ..... - MIL STANAG-4285/USB 04-apr 1934 TFC KRY - (BC) 13.324,00 K... 02 Molokai HWA AIR ACARS 04-apr 1834 WKG "BKP815" - (BC) 13.423,50 M... XSS Forest Moor G DHFCS ALE/USB 04-apr 1843 SOUND - (BC) 13.494,00 U... - ..... CIS MIL CIS 81-81 81/250 31-mar 0804 N-D - (BC) 13.516,70 SSE.. - ..... - DIPLO EGIZIANA SITOR 100/170 31-mar 0939 TFC ARA - (BC) 13.556,70 SSE - Cairo EGY MFA SITOR 100/170 04-apr 1834 CLG Alger - (BC) 13.907,00 K... D31 - P-3B "Slick" - USA CPB ALE/USB 04-apr 1915 SOUND - (BC) 13.907,00 K... N01 ..... USA CPB ? ALE/USB 04-apr 1823 SOUND - (BC) 13.907,00 K... T16 - PIPER PA-42-720R - USA CPB ALE/USB 04-apr 2219 SOUND - (BC) 13.907,00 NMN LNT Chesapeake USA USCG ALE/USB 04-apr 1835 CLG "501" - (BC) 13.907,00 NM.. 704 - HC-130H - USA USCG ALE/USB 04-apr 1919 SOUND - (BC) 13.989,75 U... - ..... CIS PTT RUS-ARQ 100/1000 31-mar 0807 N-D - (BC) 14.050,00 ..... - ..... - [...] FSK 50/250 31-mar 0810 N-D - (BC) 14.160,00 ..... - ..... - [...] FSK 50/250 31-mar 0812 N-D - (BC) 14.369,70 - ..... - MIL STANAG-4285/USB 31-mar 0814 TFC KRY - (BC) 14.434,70 SSE - Cairo EGY MFA FEC 100/170 31-mar 0646 TFC ARA - (BC) 14.434,70 SSE - Cairo EGY MFA SITOR 100/170 31-mar 0643 CLG Baghdad 0647 CLG/WKG Kuwait (BC) 14.501,70 - ..... - MIL NATO 75/850 31-mar 0816 N-D - (BC) 14.550,00 CN.. S3ALE ..... MRC MrcA ALE/USB 31-mar 1613 CLG "S301" - (BC) 14.968,00 M... XSS Forest Moor G DHFCS ALE/USB 31-mar 1600 SOUND 1735,1805,1836 SOUND (BC) 15.000,00 WWV - Fort Collins,CO USA NITS A3A 04-apr 1930 V-M - (BC) 15.025,00 TFW 03 Reykjavik ISL AIR ACARS 31-mar 1601 SQUITTERS - (BC) 15.816,00 U... - ..... CIS MIL FSK 50/499 02-apr 0830 N-D - (BC) 15.824,50 R... - ..... - FAPSI CROWD/USB 31-mar 0637 TFC/S-OFF - (BC) 15.932,00 PWRM GWPWRM - SHIP - B BN ALE/USB 31-mar 1721 CLG "GWPWZ33" 1812,1821CLG "GWPWZ33" (BC) 15.932,00 PWZ33 GWPWZ33 Rio De Janeiro B BN ALE/USB 31-mar 1754 CLG "GWPWRM" - (BC) 15.957,00 U... - ..... CIS MIL FSK 50/499 02-apr 0826 N-D - (BC) 16.009,70 SSE.. - ..... - DIPLO EGIZIANA SITOR 100/170 02-apr 0820 TFC ARA - (BC) 16.017,00 SPF219 - ..... - PoF ALE/USB 02-apr 0758 CLG "LCR154" - (BC) 16.017,00 SPF219 - ..... - PoF J3E/USB 02-apr 0758 CLG/WKG "LCR154" - (BC) 16.017,00 SP.. SLCR154 ..... POL PoF J3E/USB 02-apr 0758 WKG "SPF219" - (BC) 16.017,70 SSE.. - ..... - DIPLO EGIZIANA SITOR 100/170 02-apr 0758 TFC ARA - (BC) 16.022,00 SSE - Cairo EGY MFA CODAN 16 TONES/USB 31-mar 1556 N-D - (BC) 16.023,70 SSE - Cairo EGY MFA SITOR 100/170 31-mar 1740 TFC ARA - (BC) 16.076,70 SSE - Cairo EGY MFA SITOR 100/170 04-apr 0743 TFC ARA - (BC) 16.089,75 U.. - ..... CIS PTT ? RUS-ARQ 100/2000 31-mar 0633 N-D - (BC) 16.144,50 R... - ..... - FAPSI CROWD/USB 02-apr 0806 TFC - (BC) 16.207,00 U... - ..... CIS MIL BEE/36-50 50/250 02-apr 0836 TFC KRY - (BC) 16.263,00 ..... - ..... - [...] J3E/USB 02-apr 1550 TFC ARA SIMPLEX FINAL BEEP (BC) 16.320,00 ..... - ..... - [...] BAUDOT 75/500 02-apr 0837 GR(A) 'ALL QTC 2 GR 400 ALL QTC 2 GR 400' (BC) 16.912,00 RDL - Smolensk RUS CISN BEE/36-50 50/190 31-mar 1553 TFC KRY - (BC) 17.205,50 ..... - ..... - [...] PACTOR-? 31-mar 1547 N-D/CH MARKER - (BC) 17.393,40 ..... - ..... - [...] PACTOR-? 31-mar 1545 N-D/CH MARKER - (BC) 17.453,00 ..... BZL26 ..... - [...] BAUDOT 50/500 31-mar 1543 TFC KRY - (BC) 18.390,00 ..... - ..... - [...] ALE/USB 31-mar 0821 N-D PROTECTED LINK SIMPLEX (BC) (B. Casula, Italy - udxf 05/04/2008) 03029 UNIFORM INDIA: French Navy, Ajaccio (FUI) 1940 USB Military style comms in French and French-accented English. Occasional NATO-75/75/850 with KG-84 crypto in the USB of 3030 kHz. Merci Michel pour l'ID. (03Apr08) (MPJ) 04505 KF33: Prob Algerian MOI/Military 2302 ALE/USB Contacts BJ30. (04Apr08) (MPJ) 04874 TXX2: Spanish Guardia Civil, Madrid: 2226 ALE/USB Contacts TWVA2-Leon. TXX1-DiGeGuCi, Madrid contacts TZSC2-JETER, Cadiz at 2231. (04Apr08) (MPJ) 05286 TWBH2: Spanish Guardia Civil Huesca 2211 ALE/USB Contacts TXX2-Madrid who responds. (04Apr08) (MPJ) 05575 1581: Unid 2151 ALE/USB Contacts 1599. (04Apr08) (MPJ) 05680 RESCUE 137: Sea King HAR3, D Flt, 202 Sqn RAF Lossiemouth, Scotland 1730 USB Wkg KINLOSS RESCUE-ARCC Kinloss, Scotland. Ops normal; to refuel and contact unspecified MRT. (In search for light aircraft missing in eastern Scotland). Also active RESCUE 131 (Sea King, A Flt, 202 Sqn RAF Boulmer. (05Apr08) (MPJ) 09025 502: Unid USAF Aircraft 1823 ALE/USB Sets up auto telephone call via ADW-Andrews AFB, MD with [AMD] CCCCD9,99187742372870NNNN. (05Apr08) (MPJ) 09080 MAE: MAE Algiers 1709 ALE/USB Calls TNS-Tunis Embassy. (05Apr08) (MPJ) 09200 13241: Protection Civile Marocaine or Egyptian Border Guard 1809 ALE/USB Sounding. (05Apr08) (MPJ) 13378 055: Unid Chinese/Indonesian Net 1611 ALE/USB Sounding. (Jim, U.K. = udxf 05/04/2008) 05792 13211: Moroccan Civil Defence 2246 ALE/USB Sounding, then 2417 sounds. (05Apr08) (MPJ) 05823 11063: Moroccan Civil Defence 2226 ALE/USB Sounding. (05Apr08) (MPJ) 06631 K27: Israeli AF 2217 ALE/USB Contacts AAA-NCS. (05Apr08) (MPJ) 05823 11063: Moroccan Civil Defence 2226 ALE/USB Sounding. (05Apr08) (MPJ) 06934 TXX1: Spanish Guardia Civil DIGEGUCI, Madrid 2047 ALE/USB Calls TZSC2-Jeter. (05Apr08) (MPJ) 08600 13011: Moroccan Civil Defence 1857 ALE/USB Sounding. (05Apr08) (MPJ) 08714 R4617: Unid US Army Unit 1848 ALE/USB Calls T2Z3MED-Poss 3 Inf Div 2 Bde (?). R24-unid calls TC7101-unid at 18:49. (05Apr08) (MPJ) 08950 8351: Unid 1839 ALE/USB Sounding. (05Apr08) (MPJ) 08950.5 T1CAB: US Army 4/6 Air Cavalry Associated 1930 ALE/USB Sounding. (05Apr08) (MPJ) 08990 OU1LE: Unid 1903 ALE/USB Calls EL1HA. At 19:05 OU1LE calls OU1RG. (Jim, U.K. - udxf 06/04/2008) 0015z 06 Apr 08 11175.0 was active at 052239z with (sounded like "apscot" or "abscot" 21; weak/often unreadable) working OFFUTT (good) for a phone patch to maybe TRAVIS. Discussion appeared to be over dumping fuel over water or returning to base. Aircraft was instructed to take relayed instructions from "USS BOAT" but to return to base and orbit awaiting further instructions. At 052347z REEFER 16 (or sounds like; weak/fair) worked OFFUTT for a radio check and gone. At 2350z a very weak (unreadable and in the noise floor; maybe SNOW DROP) bcst an unknown EAM string (probably LLJ3IF). Suspected TACAMO PAC. At 052356z an unknown player (missed callword; good levels) called unknown party with no response and quiet. 15016.0 was active at 0010z with CONCLAVE (fair levels but with deep fading) bcst the 21-character EAM LLJ3IF and simulcast same on at least 11175.0 (weak/mostly readable) with nothing heard on 4724.0 and 8992.0. At conclusion of his EAM he bcst his "standing by for traffic" statement. H+10/h+40 activity. Suspected TACAMO LANT with new day callsign. (Nothing heard earlier at 052340z.) (Jeff Haverlah, TX, USA - udxf 06/04/2008) 8992.0 was active at 0250z with CONCLAVE (fair sigs) broadcasting EAM of 32 characters (LLSLH4) and ending with "this is CONCLAVE out." (KC2HMZ - udxf 06/04/2008) 02761.0 OSU ostende 0655 USB hol naws 6avr08 03128.0 pirates 0708 USB polon d/x 6avr08 01677.0 EJM malin head ou plutot marienham?? /stanag envahissant... 0711 USB eng om faible 6avr08 (M. Lacroix, France - dxuti 06/04/2008) 3175.5 2008-04-06 0723 RTTY 75b/170Hz. ARG. Warning to mariners in spanish, 'Radioaviso costero ... provincia de Buenos Aires'. R75 in RTTY mode, with "TON=1275". MultiPSK in 'Reverse' mode, tones at 1345 and 1175Hz. (H. Garcia, Porto Alegre, RS. Brazil - udxf 06/04/2008) 02311.0 arklow net 0719 USB eng / report de pos des navires de la société...6avr08 04415.8 pecheurs 0726 USB fr d/x 6avr08 (M. Lacroix, France - dxuti 06/04/2008) 08906.0 DSFQ tc-ogu a319 kkk atlasjet 0932 USB c atc nat shanwick 6avr08 08020.0 protection civile?? maroc 0944 USB arab d/x 6avr08 (M. Lacroix, France - dxuti 06/04/2008) 09200.0 20111: Mrc-Moi/Direction de la Protection Civile 1512 ALE/USB clg 2211 (2008-04-06) (sw) 10390.0 11041: Mrc-Moi/Direction de la Protection Civile 1513 ALE/USB sndg. (2008-04-06) (sw) 13499.0 11041: Mrc-Moi/Direction de la Protection Civile 1513 ALE/USB sndg. (2008-04-06) (sw) 13499.0 10111: Mrc-Moi/Direction de la Protection Civile 1516 ALE/USB clg 1326 (2008-04-06) (sw) 09200.0 20111: Mrc-Moi/Direction de la Protection Civile 1520 ALE/USB clg 2524 (2008-04-06) (sw) 09200.0 20111: Mrc-Moi/Direction de la Protection Civile 1530 ALE/USB clg 2519 (2008-04-06) (sw) 11147.0 20111: Mrc-Moi/Direction de la Protection Civile 1537 ALE/USB clg 2518 (2008-04-06) (sw) 09200.0 20111: Mrc-Moi/Direction de la Protection Civile 1538 ALE/USB clg 2518 (2008-04-06) (sw) 13499.0 20111: Mrc-Moi/Direction de la Protection Civile 1551 ALE/USB clg 2213 (2008-04-06) (sw) 08190.0 CARRECA: Ita-Guardia di Finanza 1551 ALE/USB clg TARANTO (2008-04-06) (sw) 09200.0 20111: Mrc-Moi/Direction de la Protection Civile 1553 ALE/USB clg 2213 (2008-04-06) (sw) 06583.0 KG3: pos Geo-Mil 1600 ALE/USB clg BIR (2008-04-06) (sw) 09200.0 2214: Mrc-Moi/Direction de la Protection Civile 1607 ALE/USB sndg. (2008-04-06) (sw) 13499.0 2214: Mrc-Moi/Direction de la Protection Civile 1608 ALE/USB sndg. (2008-04-06) (sw) 09200.0 20111: Mrc-Moi/Direction de la Protection Civile 1611 ALE/USB clg 2216 (2008-04-06) (sw) 06551.0 KG3: pos Geo-Mil 1614 ALE/USB clg BIR (2008-04-06) (sw) 13499.0 10111: Mrc-Moi/Direction de la Protection Civile 1623 ALE/USB clg 1318 (2008-04-06) (sw) 09200.0 20111: Mrc-Moi/Direction de la Protection Civile 1625 ALE/USB clg 2418 (2008-04-06) (sw) (Sam, U.K. - udxf 06/04/2008) - N.D.B. 2008-03-28 18:02 230 LST 2892 Y LEINSTER, WE, AUS 2008-03-25 18:08 278 WS 2014 Y WESTPORT, NZL 2008-03-19 17:27 323 CAR 3633 Y CARNARVON, WE, AUS 2008-03-06 11:14 326 WR 2463 Y WHANGAREI, NZL 2007-10-31 10:38 332 CAS 1636 Y CASINO, NW, AUS 2008-03-10 14:22 340 PEA 2992 Y PEARCE, WE, AUS 2008-03-14 19:11 372 GIG 3016 Y GINGIN, WE, AUS 2008-03-06 11:43 378 HL 1864 Y HENLEY, NZL 2008-03-11 16:38 386 QDI 1291 Y QUIRINDI, NW, AUS 2008-03-28 17:22 389 BIU 2999 Y BALLIDU, WE, AUS 2008-03-10 14:46 390 HN 2446 Y HAMILTON, NZL 2008-03-18 19:09 413 BDV 2003 Y BIRDSVILLE, QD, AUS 2008-03-16 13:36 1630 TM 2403 Y TAUMARUNUI, NZL 2008-03-22 17:03 1642 MOR 4066 Y MORO, PNG 2008-03-16 13:27 1725 GA 4084 Y GOROKA, PNG 2008-03-16 13:28 1737 KUT 3867 Y KUTUBU / KUMUL PLATFORM, PNG (QE37mf - ndblist 01/04/2008) 20080330 1919 309 WW Antwerpen/Deurne BEL 20080330 1928 327 LNZ Linz Horsching AUS 20080330 1937 349 KSL Kassel Calden DEU 20080330 1949 359 LK Lidkoping SWE 20080330 1950 359,5 CDN Chateaudun FRA 20080330 1953 361 LIE Turku FIN 20080330 1955 360,5 MAK Mackel fro Brussels BEL 20080330 1956 363 OEM Kristianstad SWE 20080330 2001 370 GAC Gacko BIH (dk3jw - ndblist 01/04/2008) 31 23:12 365 PNB 366.015 7200 Parnaiba (PI), BRA 31 23:07 365 CVL 366.025 8555 Caravelas (BA), BRA 31 22:01 366 COR 367.028 1514 Cordoba, ESP 31 22:04 367 SBD 368.019 1051 Sabadell, ESP 31 23:46 369 ZDX 367.976 6609 'Coolidge' Saint Johns, ATG 31 21:51 374 TU 374.403 899 Aarhus/Tistrup, DNK 31 21:52 374 FLV 374.384 1949 Bodo/Fleinvaer, NOR 31 22:38 375 TR 375.417 662 Phillips/TOR E Platform, NOR 31 21:48 375 FR 375.409 1750 Pori, FIN 31 21:45 378 TRI 376.987 1438 Trogir, HRV 31 21:33 382 SLP 382.405 313 Sleap, ENG 31 21:35 383 ALD 383.410 237 Alderney, GSY 31 18:39 417 AX 417.006 395 Auxerre, FRA 31 18:38 418 MK 418.005 105 Calais, FRA (g3ufi - ndblist 01/04/2008) 31.03 21:11 563 XU CZE Namest Nad Oslavou 30.03 22:05 570 DO XUE UNID 31.03 22:12 620 P RUS Pskov - hrd 619.347/620.744 31.03 22:16 635 RD RUS Murmansk / Murmashi South - hrd 636.046 (Hartmutt W., Germany - ndblist 01/04/2008) 02.04.2008 0054 265 KAV Pula/Kavran HRV 02.04.2008 0058 275 MS Monastir/Msaken TUN new 02.04.2008 0103 290 GRZ Graz UAT 02.04.2008 0104 301.5 CMP Campagnano(Roma) ITA 02.04.2008 0107 303 RTT Innsbruck/Rattenberg AUT 02.04.2008 0108 306 PAR Parma ITA 02.04.2008 0110 308 MOJ Mojkovac MNE 02.04.2008 0111 312 TAQ Tarquinia(VT) 02.04.2008 0116 327 LNZ Linz/Horsching AUT 02.04.2008 0117 330 ZRA Zadar/Kakman HRV 02.04.2008 0121 331 DEC Decimomannu(CA) ITA new 02.04.2008 0122 333.5 VOG Voghera(PV) ITA 02.04.2008 0123 334 MR Maribor SVN 02.04.2008 0124 335 BER Bern/Belp SUI 02.04.2008 0125 337 AH Alghero(SS) ITA new 02.04.2008 0129 348 TPL Topola SRB 02.04.2008 0130 350 SK Zagreb/Pleso/S. Kraljevec HRV 02.04.2008 0132 351.5 PLA Pula HRV 02.04.2008 0133 353 KRW Krakow/Balice POL 02.04.2008 0152 470 UZ Uzice/Ponikve SRB 02.04.2008 0151 473 FHA Friedrichshafen/Lowental DEU 02.04.2008 0150 474 RZ Rzeszow/Jasionka POL 02.04.2008 0149 480 VIB Viterbo ITA 02.04.2008 0148 485 IA Imndija SRB 02.04.2008 0147 490 WAK Wakarel BUL 02.04.2008 0145 490 DVI Donaueschingen-Villingen DEU 02.04.2008 0140 517 JBR Jaszbereny HNG new 02.04.2008 0138 520 BS Budaors HNG new (Luca T., Tuscany, Italy - ndblist 02/04/2008) 2008-04-01 19:35 662 SM Smolenskaya RUS 1970 km 2008-04-01 19:38 659 DO Moscow-Domododevo RUS 1205 2008-04-01 19:40 470 GA Mirgorod UKR 1283 NEW 2008-04-01 19:45 468 VTN Kraljevo SCG 1524 2008-04-01 19:46 488,5 CM Unid Very, very strong tonight 2008-04-01 20:28 433 CRE Cres HRV 1417 2008-04-01 20:29 435 SM Semenivka UKR 1057 2008-04-01 20:42 414 SB Sambek RUS 1774 2008-04-01 20:50 490 FI Golitsyna RUS 1650 2008-04-01 20:54 490 WAK Vakarel BUL 1680 2008-04-01 20:55 434 Gorka RUS 838 2008-04-01 20:57 425 ERT Erfurt DEU 872 (sm1wxc - ndblist 02/04/2008) 2008 03 31 1934 455.0 NS Chuguyev UKR 1585 Y 2008 04 01 2052 466.0 KYa UNID XUU ? Y ID x 1+tone, cycle 30” (Franti?ek Muller, Praha, Czech Republic - ndblist 02/04/2008) 01 22:35 339.00 OL Shannon, IRL 01 19:17 340.00 HAW Hawarden, WLS 01 22:38 340.00 Y KAI Utti / Kaipi, FIN 01 19:17 340.00 LSH Lashenden / Headcorn, ENG 01 22:42 340.00 PND Valencia / Pinedo, ESP 01 22:43 341.00 AMB Amboise, FRA 01 19:20 341.00 EDN Endinburgh, SCT 01 19:22 341.00 LO Billund, DNK 01 19:25 341.00 POR Pori, FIN 01 22:46 342.00 LL Leirin / Fagernes, NOR 01 19:28 342.50 NWI Norwich, ENG 01 22:50 343.00 CGO Paris / Charles de Gaulle, FRA 01 19:29 343.00 HBC Halfdan B / Maersk Platform, XOE 01 22:50 343.00 TST Redhill, ENG 01 22:52 344.00 WCK Wick, SCT 01 22:53 344.00 HEK Heka For Helsinki / Vantaa, FIN 01 22:57 345.00 BN Kristiansand / Kjevik / Birkeland, NOR 01 22:55 345.00 EMD Emden, DEU 01 23:00 345.00 FT Forde / Bringeland / Fleten, NOR 01 23:13 345.00 HL Vestmannaeyjar / Helgafell, ISL 01 19:34 345.00 LUT London / Luton, ENG 01 23:01 345.00 STM Strommen / Mo I Rana , NOR 01 23:02 345.00 SUS Kauhava / Susi, FIN 01 23:25 345.50 CF Caslav / Chotusice / Centograf, CZE 01 23:10 346.00 AU Stauning, DNK 01 23:08 346.00 GS Gavle / Sandviken, SWE 01 19:36 346.00 LHO Le Havre / Octeville, FRA 01 19:38 346.00 WLU Luxembourg, LUX 01 23:14 347.00 MSK Morskogen, NOR 01 19:39 347.00 MTN Manston, ENG 01 19:37 347.50 TD Teeside, ENG 01 19:47 348.00 ATF Aberdeen / Dyce, SCT 01 23:29 348.00 SAD Leknes / Sandsund, NOR 01 19:42 348.00 SVR Sagvar, HNG 01 19:42 348.00 TPL Topola, SRB 01 23:32 348.00 VG Vagar, FRO 01 23:27 348.00 WA Stockholm / Arlanda, SWE 01 23:40 348.00 ZZA Zaragoza, ESP 01 19:49 348.50 LG Liege / Bierset, BEL 01 23:35 349.00 JX Vaxjo / Kronoberg, SWE 01 19:56 349.00 OYE Paris / Orly, FRA 01 23:30 349.00 WA Kuressaare, EST 01 19:55 349.50 LPL Liverpool, ENG (G1NXS - ndblisst 02/04/2008) 21/3 01:55 306.5 0 AV FRA Avord 879 tone 19" 21/3 02:05 323.0 ±1040 SMA AZR Sta. Maria 1917 gap 6" 8.48 21/3 02:10 318.0 0 BE FRA Bordeaux 550 tone 16" 19.97 21/3 02:35 283.0 0 BIS ALG Biskra 1025 tone 12" 14.87 21/3 02:40 285.0 -1070 GR ESP Granada 368 gap 12" 21/3 03:05 283.5 0 NA CNR P. Entallada 1663 2+tone 52" 21/3 03:10 389.0 ±1080 BX CNR La Palma 1853 gap 2" 5.03 21/3 03:20 356.0 ±1120 SGO ESP Sagunto 290 gap 10" 13.92 21/3 03:20 361.0 0 NB FRA Burdeos 572 tone 15" 21/3 03:30 310.0 ±1020 AMN ESP Almeria 412 gap 11" 21/3 03:45 298.0 ±1020 BJZ ESP Badajoz 331 gap 3" 7.69 21/3 04:15 282.0 +400 LA ENG Lyneham 1233 gap 8" 10.00 21/3 04:15 315.0 0 MIL FRA Millau 674 tone 15" 19.69 21/3 04:30 285.0 ±1040 CVT ESP Cuatro Vientos 28 gap 3" 7.13 21/3 05:15 292.0 +1050 BRB ESP Barcial Barco 246 gap 3" 6.91 26/3 20:45 300.0 ±1040 ZMR ESP Zamora 218 gap 2" 6.05 26/3 20:45 319.0 ±1020 ECV ESP Colmenar Viejo 36 gap 3" 5.77 26/3 20:45 321.0 0 ABT ESP Albacete 210 tone 5" 7.68 (1) 26/3 21:05 332.0 ±1020 FAR POR Faro 544 gap 3" 7.50 26/3 21:10 321.0 +1080 ABT ESP Albacete 210 gap 4" 7.66 26/3 21:10 322.0 0 RL FRA La Rochelle 663 tone 16" 19.97 26/3 21:35 341.0 0 BZ FRA Biarritz 375 tone 15" 19.97 26/3 21:40 327.0 ±1020 POR POR Oporto 451 gap 3" 8.46 26/3 21:40 332.0 +1020 TST ??? ??? ??? gap 2" 4.52 New 26/3 21:40 334.0 -1000 MOS ALG Mostaganem 595 (*) 5.72 New 26/3 21:50 325.0 ±1020 AST ESP Asturias 404 gap 3" 7.10 26/3 22:30 339.0 0 TDF ALG Tindouf 1485 tone 11" 15.53 (Manuel Alanis, Torrejon de Ardoz, Spain - ndblist 02/04/2008) 02 04:39 338 LSA 955 1231 Lamesa, TX, USA 02 04:40 387 SPP 1019 3114 San Andres Island, CLM 02 04:57 398 YOD 1048 695 Cold Lake, AB, CAN 02 04:54 398 HFY 1005 1660 Indianapolis, IN, USA 02 05:37 398 3D 404 902 Cumberland House, SK, CAN 02 05:24 400 TRX 1064 1286 Trenton, MO, USA 02 05:18 400 SLO 1005 1551 Salem, IL, USA 02 05:07 400 PPI 1049 1213 St. Paul, MN, USA 02 05:20 400 MDS 1021 1025 Madison, SD, USA 02 04:51 400 AI 1058 1357 Ardmore, OK, USA 02 05:22 400 AHQ 1025 1037 1109 Wahoo, NE, USA 02 05:12 402 IFJ 1055 1646 Winnfield, LA, USA 02 05:14 402 CV 1030 1174 Carlsbad, NM, USA (Steve Ratzlaff, Oregon, USA - ndblist 02/04/2008) 01 22:16 335 TON 336.031 1002 Torralba De Aragon, ESP 01 22:18 337 MY 336.596 1339 Myggenaes, FRO 01 22:24 339 V 338.596 1944 Kokkola/Kruunupyy, FIN 01 22:21 339 HOS 337.975 716 Hamburg, DEU / 340.020 01 22:26 340 PND 338.962 1278 Valencia, ESP 01 22:04 350 WA 348.973 1623 Kuressaare, EST 01 22:06 360 ASN 358.981 6702 Ascension AUX AF, SHN (g3ufi - ndblist 02/04/2008) 31 16.05 740 NE 962 Y Melitopol, UKR 02 16.29 740 SZ 354 Y Ivanovo North, RUS 02 16.17 832 PL 1416 Y Olenya, RUS (Victor Puzanov, Mozhaysk, Russia - ndblist 02/04/2008) 517Khz 19,40utc JBR Jaszbereny HNG 517Khz 19,41utc ARD Arad ROU 495khz 19,45 utc PA Pancevo SCG 492khz 19,46utc TBV Morasvska Trebova CZE 490khz 19,48utc WAK Wakarel BUL 490khz 19,49utc DVI Donaueschingen-Villingen D 452khz 19,58utc ANS Ansbach D 437khz 20,00 utc KO Rijeka HRZ 410khz 20,11utc SI alzburg AUT 399khz 20,20utc LEZ Nice (Mauro, Italy - playdx2003 02/04/2008) 02.04.2008 2100 301.5 CMP Campagnano(Roma) ITA 02.04.2008 2102 306 PAR Parma ITA 02.04.2008 2103 316 TEA Teano(CE) ITA 02.04.2008 2104 318 GEN Genova ITA new 02.04.2008 2108 325 LNZ Linz/Horsching AUT 02.04.2008 2109 327 RCA Reggio-di-Calabria ITA 02.04.2008 2112 330 ZRA Zadar/Kakman HRV 02.04.2008 2113 333.5 VOG Voghera(PV) ITA 02.04.2008 2124 334 MR Maribor SVN 02.04.2008 2126 338 NC Nice/Cote-d'azur FRA 02.04.2008 2130 348 SVR Sagvar HNG 02.04.2008 2130 348 TPL Topola SRB 02.04.2008 2133 349.5 SZA Solenzara COR 02.04.2008 2135 350 SK Zagreb/Pleso/S.Kraljevec HRV 02.04.2008 2136 351.5 PLA Pula HRV 02.04.2008 2137 353 KRW Krakov/Balice POL 02.04.2008 2139 354 FE Fiumicino(Roma) ITA new 02.04.2008 2141 355 MA Mostar BIH 02.04.2008 2145 356.5 SHU Schupberg-for-Bern/Belp SUI 02.04.2008 2146 357.5 FAL Falconara(AN) ITA 02.04.2008 2151 358 TUN Tulln-for-Schwechat AUT 02.04.2008 2153 362 BZO Bolzano ITA 02.04.2008 2157 370 GAC Gacko BIH 02.04.2008 2202 376.5 ORI Orio-al-Serio(BG) ITA 02.04.2008 2203 379 PIS Pisa ITA 02.04.2008 2208 382 GAZ Gazoldo-degli-Ippoliti(MN) ITA 02.04.2008 2211 390 VAL Valjevo SRB 02.04.2008 2216 402 CAR Villa-Simius/Capo-Carbonara SAR 02.04.2008 2217 403 KEK Kerkyra/Ioannis-Kapodistrias GRC 02.04.2008 2219 406 GRO Grosseto ITA 02.04.2008 2220 408 BRK Wien/Schwechat/Bruck AUT 02.04.2008 2225 495 PA Pancevo SRB 02.04.2008 2223 517 ARD Arad ROU 02.04.2008 2222 517 JBR Jaszbereny HNG (Luca T, Tuscany, Italy - ndblist 03/04/2008) 2008-04-02 10:00 423 M Cewice POL 332 2008-04-02 10:17 285 KTC Katowice POL 765 2008-04-02 10:24 290 K Oksywie POL 342 2008-04-02 10:44 618 FT Pruszuz-Gdanski POL 347 2008-04-02 10:46 534 SL Bydgoszcz POL 475 2008-04-02 10:47 494 KN Kosalin-Oksywie POL 350 2008-04-02 13:59 345 NBT Malbork-Elbag POL 371 2008-04-02 14:02 478 NGT Powidz POL 558 2008-04-02 14:11 397 OL Szczesin POL 485 2008-04-02 14:14 375 CHO Chosiwel POL 482 2008-04-02 14:19 353 KRW Krakow POL 812 2008-04-02 15:09 322 GDA Gdansk POL 335 2008-04-02 15:12 300 F Pruszcz POL 346 2008-04-02 15:13 290 N Oksywie POL 308 2008-04-02 15:15 285 KTC Katowice POL 765 2008-04-02 20:43 525 WRW Wrochhlaw POL 707 2008-04-03 0639 383 S Gdansk POL 333 (sm1wxc - ndblist 03/04/2008) More Polish beacons for REU - and Michael O ( 3 "N"-beacons) 2008-04-03 11:38 280 ND Swidwin POL 557 km 2008-04-03 11:57 465 NFR Minsk-Mazowiecki POL 606 2008-04-03 12:11 300 NKA Poznan-Krzeniny POL 577 2008-04-03 12:14 311,5 ML Cewice POL 332 2008-04-03 12:30 383 S Gdansk POL 333 (sm1wxc - ndblist 03/04/2008) 02 16:47 347 CVT 347.004 360 Chalons, FRA 02 22:28 400 B 401.017 1274 Valencia/Manises, ESP 02 20:19 422 PAM 423.025 927 Pamplona, ESP 02 20:14 423 SCA 424.031 1208 Salamanca, ESP 02 20:17 424 RUS 425.049 1087 Reus, MT, ESP 02 18:39 1285 SW 1283.933 2473 Savelovo, RUS (g3ufi - ndblist 03/04/2008) 404 ZR Sarnia ON, Sarnia A/P; 2244, 3-Apr (HF) 411 VFU Van Wert OH, Municipal A/P; 2241, 3-Apr, Vweak (HF) 417 HHG Huntington IN, Huntington Municipal A/P; 2240, 3-Apr (HF) 419 RYS Grosse Isle MI, Grosse Ile Municipal A/P; 2239, 3-Apr (HF) 423 PCW Port Clinton OH, Carl R. Keller Field A/P; 2237, 3-Apr; highest freq beacon hrd this pass. (HF) (Harlod Frodge, MI, USA - CumbreDX 04/04/2008) 04.04.2008 265 KAV Oula/Kavran HRV 04.04.2008 308 MOJ Mojkovac MNE 04.04.2008 316 TEA Teano(CE) ITA 04.04.2008 318 KLP Dubrovnik/Kolocep HRV 04.04.2008 330 ZRA Zadar/Kakman HRV 04.04.2008 333.5 VOG Voghera(PV) ITA 04.04.2008 334 MR Maribor SVN 04.04.2008 335 BER Bern/Belp SUI 04.04.2008 338 NC Nice-Cote-D'azur FRA 04.04.2008 340 ISA Istrana(TV) ITA 04.04.2008 348 TPL Topola SRB 04.04.2008 349.5 SZA Solenzara COR 04.04.2008 350 SK Zagreb/Pleso/S.Kraljevec HRV 04.04.2008 351.5 PLA Pula HRV 04.04.2008 357.5 KG Sarajevo/Butmir/Kobiljaca BIH new 04.04.2008 357.5 FAL Falconara-MArittima(AN) ITA 04.04.2008 385 BO Zadar/Bokanjac HRV 04.04.2008 385 NJ UNID XUE 04.04.2008 401 BPL Bari/Palese ITA (Luca, T., Tuscany, Italy - ndblist 04/04/2008) 214 XA JPN 1303 very poor/poor 260 NF NFK 1313 faint 270 FA SMO 1314 very poor 316 MAJ MHL 1317 very poor 332 POA HWA 1318 medium 352 RG CKS 1320 very poor 353 LLD HWA 1321 loud 366 PNI FSM 1323 poor 375 OJ INS 1305 very poor/poor, pause between O and J 403 TUT SMA 1327 very poor 530 ADK ALS 1328 poor (Steve Ratzlaff, Oregon, USA - ndblist 04/04/2008) 2008 04 04 2058 420.0 P UNID, IDx1, cycle 2.5” XUE ? 2008 04 04 2038 431.0 KBA Karlsruhe DEU 476 Y 2008 04 04 2029 445.0 CL UNID, IDx1, cycle 7.5” XUU ? (Franti?ek Muller, Praha, Czech Republic - ndblist 05/04/2008) 238 KT NZL 1255 very poor/poor +1018 only 271 FA SMO 1257 very poor 316 MAJ MHL 1300 very poor 327 VYI HWA 1303 faint -1040 332 POA HWA 1304 weak usb only 353 LLD HWA 1307 loud 359 NDJ MHL 1308 poor/weak 366 PNI FSM 1308 weak 375 TKK FSM 1312 poor +1016 403 TUT SMA 1315 very poor 412 SON VUT 1316 faint/very poor 774, 891 AUS BCB stations 1335 utc (Steve Ratzlaff, Oregon, USA - ndblist 05/04/2008) 03 18:08 319 VAR 319.400 917 Stavanger/Varhaug, NOR 03 22:12 321 ZAJ 322.028 4060 Zanjan, IRN 03 22:14 321 BU 322.039 2236 Burgas, BUL 03 22:01 328 KAM 329.020 1167 Ljubljana/Brnik/Dolsko, SVN 03 21:57 328 HIG 329.045 856 San Sebastian, ESP 03 22:57 330 OB 328.974 1245 Bratislava/M.r Stefanik, SVK 03 22:47 330 KAD 328.945 2499 Izmir/Kadifekale, TUR 04 22:18 334 AME 332.971 1569 Amendola, ITA 04 22:24 335 MC 335.016 524 Montlucon/Domerat, FRA 04 22:21 336 MTL 334.925 1426 Monte Real, POR 04 22:26 337 AH 335.979 1284 Alghero, SAR (g3ufi - ndblist 05/04/2008) 2008-04-05 03:49 382 GRN 1047 NEGRO, MEX 2008-04-05 11:00 338 RYN 1034 1020 RYAN, AZ, USA 2008-04-05 11:00 338 PBT 1044 1025 PROBERTA, CA, USA 2008-04-05 11:02 206 GLS 1043 1020 Galveston, TX, USA 2008-04-05 11:03 209 AEC 1032 1036 Warm Springs, NV, USA 2008-04-05 11:17 242 EL 1033 1045 VALTR, TX, USA 2008-04-05 11:18 239 OJ 400 HIGH LEVEL, AB, CAN 2008-04-05 11:30 245 AVQ 1035 1026 MARANA, AZ, USA 2008-04-05 11:33 248 WG 400 403 Winnipeg, MB, CAN 2008-04-05 11:39 250 FO 400 Flin Flon, MB, CAN 2008-04-05 11:50 281 FFZ 1045 1027 FALCON FLD, AZ, USA 2008-04-05 12:08 326 MA 1032 FARLY, TX, USA 2008-04-05 12:22 344 FCH 1043 1025 CHANDLER, CA, USA (Mark M., USA - ndblist 05/04/2008) 04.04.2008 2317 265 KAV Pula / Kavran HRV 04.04.2008 2327 308 MOJ Mojkovac MNE 04.04.2008 2335 312 TAQ Tarquinia(VT) ITA 04.04.2008 1711 316 TEA Teano(CE) ITA 04.04.2008 1720 318 GEN Genova ITA 04.04.2008 1715 318 KLP Dubrovnik / Kolocep HRV 04.04.2008 2342 325 RCA Reggio-di-Calabria ITA 04.04.2008 2344 327 LNZ Linz / Horsching AUT 04.04.2008 2345 330 ZRA Zadar/Kakman 04.04.2008 2348 333.5 VOG Voghera(PV) ITA 04.04.2008 2349 334 MR Maribor SVN 04.04.2008 2351 335 RIM Rimini ITA 04.04.2008 2350 337 AH Alghero(SS) ITA 04.04.2008 2352 338 NC Nice Cote d'Azur FRA 04.04.2008 2354 343 GRA Grazzanise(CE) ITA 04.04.2008 2355 348 TPL Topola SRB 04.04.2008 2359 349.5 SZA Solenzara COR 04.04.2008 2357 350 SK Zagreb / Pleso / S. Kraljevec HRV 04.04.2008 1724 382 GAZ Gazoldo degli Ippoliti (MN) ITA 04.04.2008 1727 385 BO Zadar/Bokanjac HRV 05.04.2008 0850 265 KAV Pula / Kavran HRV 05.04.2008 0855 301.5 CMP Campagnano (Roma) ITA 05.04.2008 0859 306 PAR Parma ITA 05.04.2008 0933 322 TLN Hyères / Le Palyvestre FRA 05.04.2008 0934 325 FA Figari / Sud Corse COR 05.04.2008 0937 330 ZRA Zadar/Kakman HRV 05.04.2008 0938 333.5 VOG Voghera(PV) ITA 05.04.2008 0857 335 RIM Rimini ITA 05.04.2008 0939 335 RIM Rimini ITA 05.04.2008 1027 345 FW Fiumicino (Roma) ITA 05.04.2008 1029 349.5 SZA Solenzara COR 05.04.2008 1030 351.5 PLA Pula HRV 05.04.2008 0001 353 KRW Krakow / Balice POL 05.04.2008 1032 355 VIL Villafranca di Verona (VR) ITA new 05.04.2008 1033 357 SME Olbia / Costa Smeralda (SS) SAR 05.04.2008 1034 357.5 FAL Falconara Marittima (AN) ITA 05.04.2008 1506 379 PIS Pisa ITA 05.04.2008 1507 387 CEV Cervia (RA) ITA 05.04.2008 1512 389 CMO Camogli (GE) ITA new 05.04.2008 1511 390 AVI Aviano (PN) ITA 05.04.2008 1516 400.5 COD Codogno (LO) ITA 05.04.2008 1518 406 GRO Grosseto ITA 05.04.2008 1522 413 BOA Bologna ITA 05.04.2008 1523 417 VIC Vicenza ITA 05.04.2008 1527 420 GS Pula HRV 05.04.2008 1529 423 FOR Forlì ITA 05.04.2008 1531 427 FER Ferrara ITA 05.04.2008 1532 429 LOS Losinj HRV 05.04.2008 1533 433 CRE Cres HRV 05.04.2008 1535 438 KO Rijeka / Krk / Kozala HRV 05.04.2008 1534 440 PIA Piacenza ITA 05.04.2008 1540 480 VIB Viterbo ITA 05.04.2008 0901 612 TAQ Tarquinia (VT) ITA (Luca T, Tuscany, Italy - ndblist 05/04/2008) 01 00:01 322 RP 3065 Y DASHOGUZ, TKM 03 00:02 380 NL 818 Y SHEREMETYEVO, RUS 06 03:11 405 KW 1775 Y KLAGENFURT, AUT 03 04:19 415 WI 1293 Y Vinnitsa, UKR 06 00:12 420 GS 1971 Y PULA, HRV 06 00:18 420 GO 2115 Y PODGORICA, SRB 05 20:22 429 KDR 3311 Y Kadra, LBY 02 00:02 485 HU ? Y , XUE (oh5yw - ndblist 06/04/2008) LV (JO30ot) on 327kHz is temporarily not in operation today. There is no carrier or signal on this qrg. Temporarily LV works for a very short time, then is silent again. (Dietmar Birkhahn, Lindlar, Germany - ndblist 06/04/2008) 05 21:25 285 #350 866 Cabo Machichaco, ESP 05 16:14 357 VZ 357.400 462 Eelde/Groningen, HOL 05 16:16 357 LP 357.001 432 Cholet/Le Pontreau, FRA 05 22:16 364 VNA 364.402 1829 Vanja, SWE 05 22:13 365 VS 365.411 1817 Tempere/Pirkkala/Vesilahti, FIN 05 22:10 366 SF 366.390 1159 Falkoping, SWE 05 22:11 366 KM 366.416 1237 Kalmar, SWE 05 22:05 368 RK 367.592 922 Copenhagen/Roskilde, DNK 05 22:07 368 OY 367.604 1493 Sveg, SWE 05 16:25 369 RCH 369.409 49 Rochester/Kent, ENG 05 16:26 370 CGZ 370.410 261 Paris/Charles De Gaulle, FRA 05 16:32 371 MYN 372.014 519 Munster, DEU 05 16:30 371 MLX 371.004 400 Morlaix/Ploujean, FRA 05 16:39 377 PNT 377.005 400 Pontivy, FRA (g3ufi - ndblist 06/04/2008) 2008-04-02 0728 280 QX Gander, Newfoundland 2008-04-02 0806 329 YEK Arviat, Nunavut 2008-04-02 1151 341 DB Burwash Landing, Yukon Territory 2008-04-03 0254 375 GUA Guatemala City, Guatemala, +950 2008-04-06 0852 387 SPP San Andres Island, Colombia 2008-04-06 1244 260 NF Norfolk Island, Australia, -400 2008-04-06 1247 280 IPA /E Rapa Nui, Easter Island, Chile 2008-04-06 1251 284.5 MH Manihi Atoll, Tuamotu Islands, French Polynesia 2008-04-06 1252 282.5 RT Rurutu, Austral Islands, French Polynesia 2008-04-06 1255 332 POA Pahoa, Hawaii, -1015, +1025 2008-04-06 1257 343 ML Minami Tori Shima, Japan, -1020, not heard in a long time 2008-04-06 1259 349 TP Takapoto, Tuamotu Islands, French Polynesia 2008-04-06 1307 353 LLD Lanai, Hawaii, -400 (w7kam - ndblist 06/04/2008) 05.04.2008 2104 330 ZRA Zadar / Kakman HRV 05.04.2008 2108 333.5 VOG Voghera (PV) ITA 05.04.2008 2109 335 RIM Rimini ITA 05.04.2008 2112 337 AH Alghero (SS) ITA 05.04.2008 2114 338 NC Nice /Cote d'Azur FRA 05.04.2008 2120 367 ZAG Zagreb HRV 05.04.2008 2122 370 GAC Gacko BIH 05.04.2008 2126 376.5 ORI Orio al Serio (BG) ITA 05.04.2008 2127 379 PIS Pisa ITA 05.04.2008 2130 390 VAL Valjevo SRB 05.04.2008 2132 392.5 TOP Pinerolo (TO) ITA 05.04.2008 2137 418 DVN Split / Drvenik HRV 05.04.2008 2139 423 ZO Nis / Zitorada SRB 05.04.2008 2141 433 CRE Cres HRV 05.04.2008 2142 440 PIA San Giorgio Piacentino (PC) ITA 05.04.2008 2146 470 UZ Uzice / Ponikve SRB 05.04.2008 2147 474 RZ Rzeszow / Jasionka POL 05.04.2008 2149 485 IA Indija SRB 05.04.2008 2151 490 WAK Wakarel BUL (Luca T., Italy - ndblist 06/04/2008) - GMDSS - DGPS - Navtex -- УКВ (FM) Украина Р.Свобода (укр.яз.) кочует по киевским радиостанциям. Сначала "Р.Киев" 98,0 МГц, затем "Р.Континент" 94,2 МГц, теперь, а с 1 апреля - Р.Рокс 103,6 МГц. Время трансляции Р.Свобода увеличилось с 1,5 до 3 ч: 06.30-07.30, 19.00-21.00 киевского времени. (А. Егоров, Киев, Украина - open_dx 02/04/2008) В Украине многие станции используют кодированый хитрый формат на спутниках. Исключение состваляют считанные станции например LOVE RADIO 95.2 FM идёт открыто на спутнике Сириус, 5Е. Я порой слушаю! Так же там есть все три программы УР, и РАДИО ЭРА-FM. Так же на других спутниках есть ЛЮКС ФМ Гала-Радио тоже было когда-то на Сириусе. Станции типо Хит-FM, Kiss-FM, АВТОРАДИО-УКРАИНА и многие другие используют вещание на спутник в формате ComStream Audio либо другое, недоступное обычному "бытовому" спутниковому тюнеру. + кодирование. Так же работают и Московские станции.. В Беларуси никто не вещает на спутнике. Используются радиорелейные системы, а так же передача кодированого сигнала по оптике. По проводам в аналоге давным давно у нас никто ничего не передаёт, думаю в Украине тоже врядли. Увы, у наших связистов в Беларуси качество оцифровки сигнала = 256 килобит, 32 КГЦ стерео. Это увы слышно на звуке от радиостанций:-( В ближайшее время ситуация не изменится. В Украине качество звука передаваемого в регионы как правило отличное! За что им - честь и хвала! (Евгений Токарь, Минск, Беларусь - open_dx 05/04/2008) -- Интернет (www) -- Новости (news) Россия Российская государственная радиовещательная компания "Голос России" начала транслирование программ на титульных языках Армении, Молдавии, Узбекистана и Киргизии впервые в новейшей истории отечественного иновещания, сообщается на сайте радиостанции. Получасовые выпуски информационно-аналитической программы "Сегодня в мире" будет выходить на FM-частотах в 20 часов по местному времени в Ереване (106 FM), Кишиневе (103,2) и Ташкенте (100,5) и в 23 часа в Оше (102). Партнерами российской компании в этих странах стали местные радиостанции: это "City FM" в Ереване, "Авторадио" в Кишиневе, "ORIAT FM" в Узбекистане и "Радио Алмаз" в Оше, втором по численности населения городе Киргизии. В планы руководства "Голоса России" входит увеличение количества языков стран СНГ и Прибалтики в вещательной сетке до конца 2008 года. Начало вещания на языках некоторых бывших республик СССР, по словам председателя РГРК Армена Оганесяна, не означает сокращения вещания на русском на эти страны: приоритетным направлением радиостанции является поддержка в эфире русского языка. В 1993 году указом президента России на базе бывшего иновещания Гостелерадио СССР была образована Российская государственная радиовещательная компания "Голос России", название которой было выбрано по аналогии с зарубежными "голосами". Целевой аудиторией радиостанции является русскоязычное население зарубежных стран. (http://lenta.ru/news/2008/04/03/voice/) Хотелось бы узнать о качестве вещания ТМР с 14.00 до 15.00 на частотах 9725 и 7220 кГц. Сила сигнала, помехи и т.п. Писать можно на этот адрес. В ближайшее время предполагается начать вещание ТМР на русском языке на КВ (вернее возобновить после отмены трансляций через KTWR) на Сибирь и Дальний Восток. О передатчике и времени трансляций сообщу дополнительно. Каждый третий четверг в программе украинской службы "Поштова скринка 300" будут выходить, начиная с апреля "Новости христианского радиовещания" на украинском языке на СВ. (Василий Гуляев, Астрахань, Россия - open_dx 04/04/2008) -- QSL Сингапур 25 марта получил QSL от Radio Singapore International (domestic service). Отправлял обычной почтой. ответ пришёл через 103 дня. Конверт был повреждён, также в нём находились наклейки, металлический брелок, и проспекты с фото английской службы. Через 49 дней получил QSL от Адвентистов((via Keren Milanovic)подтвердили с третьего или четвёртого раза), ответ пришёл из Лондона, отправлял на letters@awr.org (Виктор Варзин, Коммунар, СПБ, Россия - open_dx 02/04/2008) Pirata PLAYBACK INT. 6882 kHz, E-QSL, infos e annuncio MP3 studio quality come allegati in 1 giorno. E-rpt con MP3 spedito a: playbackinternational@googlemail.com V/s: Team Pbi. - SPIDER R. 6925USB kHz, E-QSL come allegato in 1 giorno. E-rpt con MP3 spedito a: spider.sw@hotmail.com V/s: Costas - R. ARCTICA 6200 kHz, E-QSL in 83 minuti. E-rpt con MP3 spedito a: radioarctica@yahoo.com A dicembre 2007 nella mail era stato promesso l'invio di conferma cartacea ma fino ad oggi non e arrivato niente. - R. CARNEVAL 6210.7 kHz, Cartolina QSL, adesivo non della radio e lettera in 43 giorni. RP: 1$. QTH: SRS Germany - P. O. Box 101145 - D-99801 Eisenach (Germania). Inviato CD audio. (Luca B. F., Genova, Italy - playdx2003 02/04/2008) QSL Received (10th March – 15th March 2008) Station: - All India Radio Lucknow Date: - 21-01-2008 Frequency: - 7105 kHz Time: - 0740-0800 UTC Description: - QSL Card. Verifies by V. P. Singh, Director (Spectrum Management & Synergy). Arjuna’s Penance, Mahabalipuram (Mamallapuram). Station: - Radio Canada International Date: - 25-02-2008 Frequency: - 5840 kHz (via Horby relay, Sweden) Time: - 0100-0157 UTC Language: - English Description: - Maple Leaf Mailbag Special QSL verified by Bill Westenhaver. “Rediscover the World” Radio Canada International is celebrating its 60th anniversary in 2005. RCI broadcasts throughout the world via the Internet, analog and digital shortwave, and satellite. Its 300-hour weekly programming also airs on over 300 partner stations in 75 countries. Station: - AWR Asia/Pacific Date: - 10-02-2008 Frequency: - 15495 kHz (Germany) Time: - 1230-1300 UTC Language: - Bengali Description: - QSL Card verified by Rhoen. Adventist World Radio QSL. The Voice of Hope www.awr.org Station: - Voice of Russia Date: - 02-02-2008 Frequency: - 7280 kHz Time: - 1530-1600 UTC Language: - Bengali Description: - We Talk To The Whole World. Station: - Voice of Russia Date: - 29-01-2008 Frequency: - 12090 kHz Time: - 0430 UTC Language: - English Description: - 1703-2003. St. Petersburg is 300 years old. Station: - Trans World Radio Date :- 10-10-2007 Frequency:- 12085 kHz (KTWR, Guam) Time: - 0130-0200 UTC Description: - e-QSL verified by S. Franklin Abraham. T2F Dipole Antenna (middle part) for Remote Monitoring System, TWR – India, Kohima, Nagaland. Station: - Trans World Radio Date :- 10-11-2007 Frequency:- 882 kHz (Puttlam, Sri Lanka) Time: - 1730-1800 UTC Description: - e-QSL verified by S. Franklin Abraham. Trans World Radio MW (882 kHz) Tower Puttlam, Sri Lanka. 1999. (Mukesh Kumar, Bihar, India - dxldyg 03/04/2008) - Чили Получил QSL от CVC International за передачу через Чили. ondacorta@cvclavoz.cl Спустя 39 дней пришла открыткой, всё заполнено если не считать небольшой ошибки во времени приёма. Размер карточки, кстати, 21х13,5. Карточек такого размера у меня ещё не было... Скан: http://www.pnz.ru/album//displayimage.php?pos=-26373 *Sergey Vinokurov, Russia - open_dx 05/04/2008) -- Аппаратура (Thanks to...) Jim Evans Germantown, TN TenTec RX-340, RF Space SDR-14 90' Random Wire, 60' PAR EF-SWL -- 73! |
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