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WorldDX 169

WorldDX 169
WorldDX выходит с декабря 2004 года.
Редактор: Иван Лебедевский, Пушкин, Россия.
Время везде UTC; Mосковское время = UTC +4 часа - летом, а зимой - +3 часа.
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Короткие Волны (Shortwaves)

12080, R Australia (via Brandon), 2147, 03/26/08, English. The Breakfast Club, with upbeat pop music, finance news. Abruptly switched to the BBC (as scheduled) at 2200

w/news in English. Brandon's 10kW transmitter putting out a decent signal, uncertain if it would be short or long path. Deep fades, but fair overall.
(Mark Schiefelbein, MO, USA - dxldyg 28/03/2008)

9560, Radio Australia, 1059*-1110, 30-03, música de sintonía,
identificación: "Radio Australia", inglés, noticias, locutora. 24322
(M. Mendez, Lugo, Spain - hard-core-dx 30/3/2008)

R. Tirana, 7425, March 30 at 0233, poor but audible with high local
noise level, usual English opening with transmission schedule. Propagation from
Europe above 6 MHz band was quite degraded. The 0330 broadcast was barely
detectable. See also ISRAEL (Glenn Hauser, OK, USA - dxldyg 30/03/2008)

6059.95, Radio Nacional, 1040-1100, Steady Spanish language
comments from
various persons. Many mentions of Buenos Aires, and Nacional during
comments. Signal was good. (Chuck Bolland, Clewiston, FL, USA, 28/3/2008)

11710.74, RAE, 0200, 03/28/08, English. IS/ID/time pips to lengthy multilingual opening theme, then a piano tune w/jazzy vocals. Also noted in passing in Spanish in the

0000-0200 time frame w/stronger signal. Fair in USB (to avoid strong het from 11710.0) but fading. (Mark Schiefelbein, MO, USA - dxldyg 28/03/2008)

4699.33, Radio San Miguel, 1000-1015 With a male in Spanish
comments until
1009 with intermittent canned ID's from a female. Finally at 1009 music
presented. Surprisingly, the signal improved from a poor to a fair by 1015
instead of the other way around. (Chuck Bolland, Clewiston, FL, USa and via dxldyg 27/03/2008)

3310, Radio Mosoj Chaski, 1012-1025 Noted a female in Spanish
Language comments until 1013 when music is presented. At 1017, female gives
live ID during
comments which I missed, but probably Radio Mosoj Chaski. Signal was poor.
(Chuck Bolland, Clewiston, FL, USA, 28/03/2008)

4111,64 Radio Virgen de Remedios, Tupiza, 2302-2306, March 28, Spanish,
canned catholic talk by male, 24432
(Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - dxldyg 29/03/2008)

6079.94, Radio San Gabriel, 0945-0955, Unfortunately Ecuador is
mixing with
Radio San Gabriel which is a couple of Hertz off freq. Noted a female and
male in Spanish language comments, while Ecuador is using a vernacular.
Signal was poor. (Chuck Bolland, Clewiston, FL, USA, 29/03/2008)

4915, Radiodifusora Macapa, Macapa, 0642-0648, 28-03, progama musical,
canciones brasilenas, locutor, portugues. 25322. (Mendez)

4885, Radio Clube do Para, Belem, 0625-0645, 28-03, programa musical
"Clube da Madrugada", locutor, comentarios, identificacion: "Radio Clube
do Para". 254322. (M. Mendez, Lugo, Spain - CumbreDX 28/03/2008)

11925, R Bandeirantes, 0018, 03/28/08, Portuguese. Two announcers in a jocular conversation, then a long string of presumed ads with a "Radio....Bandeirantes" ID amid

sound effects in the middle, then back to the announcers. Fair in USB, to avoid HCJB on 11920, but fading rapidly. (Mark Schiefelbein, MO, USA = dxldyg 28/03/2008)

4915, Radiodifusora Macapá, Macapá, 0642-0648, 28-03, progama musical,
canciones brasileñas, locutor, portugués. 25322. (Méndez)

4885, Radio Clube do Pará, Belém, 0625-0645, 28-03, programa musical
"Clube da Madrugada", locutor, comentarios, identificación: "Radio Clube
do Pará". 254322. (M. Méndez, Lugo, Spain - hard-core-dx 29/03/2008)

9694,91 Radio Rio Mar, Manaus, 1035-1045, March 29, Portuguese,
local advs: "Importadora......, rua...Centro, fone....", TC & ID as:
"6 horas, 40 minutos en nosos estudios da Radio Rio Mar......", national
news by male, 23432
(Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - dxldyg 29/03/2008)

5955, Brasil, R Gazeta, Sao Paulo SP; 29-Mar PP 0859 ads "Ministerio da Educaçao", 0900 male ID " Radio Gazeta AM, a identificaçao de Sao Paulo", 0902-0912

Brazilian pop music selections like of Roberto Carlos, Wilson Simonal, Alceu Valença. Checked their other SW frequency 15325 was off, 33333
(Lucio O.B., Embu, Brasil - dxldyg 29/03/2008)

9695, Radio Rio Mar, Manaus, 1054-1100, 30-03, locutor, comentarios,
portugués, identificación: "6 horas con 54 minutos, Radio Rio Mar",
canciones. 24322. (Méndez)

11780, Radio Nacional da Amazonia, Brasilia, 0930-0942, 30-03, canciones
brasileñas. 23222. (Méndez)

11815, Radio Brasil Central, Goiania, 0927-0930, 30-03, canciones
brasileñas, locutor, comentarios, portugués. 34333. (Méndez)

MEXICO, 6185, Radio Educación, México D. F., 0910-0920, 30-03, música
clásica. 24322. (M. Méndez, Lugo, Spain - hard-core-dx 30/3/2008)

1015 UTC - BBS noted on 6035 with faint signals buried under local noise.
An engineer at the txer site informed that they are using only 50 kW power
output. (A. Gupta, India - dxldyg 30/3/2008)

VR, 6040 via Canada, March 30 at 0229 IS; English feature after
0250 was interview with Terry Ascott, founder and CEO of Sat-7, TV networks for
Christians stuck in Arab countries such as Saudi Arabia where there is no place
to worship; or in Iraq where they need to lock themselves in their houses for
safety, especially at night. From one original network in Arabic, there are now
three, the second featuring Turkish/Persian, other languages, and the third for
children covering 5 timezones. This lasted until 0308; see http://www.sat7.org
Thruout on 6040, VR had some co-channel underneath, LA? Slightly off-frequency
making a fast SAH. See also SWAZILAND (Glenn Hauser, OK, USA - dxldyg 30/03/2008)

VOV, 6175 via Canada, March 30 at 0325 mailbag in Spanish
with heavy Viet accent which must be heard to be believed. This relay including
English at other hours never has a very good signal here, partly due to Cuba on
6180 --- Commies vs Commies! (Glenn Hauser, OK, USA - dxldyg 30/03/2008)

13865, rock music in English, March 26 at 1433, then at 1436
announcement in Russian sounded like ``Radio Teper``` (radio now?), maybe just
a phrase or program name; 1440 ID sounded like BBC, but at 1445 mentioned Bozh,
God, as it`s really the stealth evangelistic station CVC as listed, via Jülich,
100 kW, 60 degrees at 1400-1600 in B-07. This transmission moves somewhere else
for A-08 (Glenn Hauser, OK, USA - dxldyg 29/03/2008)

9790 AWR, 09:55-10:00, escuchada el 29 de marzo en italiano a locutor con entrevista a invitado autor del libro “Dolce Vita”, anuncian libro por 5 euros en “Radio la Voz de

la Esperanza”, se despiden hasta la semana que viene, SINPO 44444.
(J. M. Romero, Burjasot, Spain - dxldyg 30/3/2008)

3815U Greenland, KNR Listened from 2030 to 2148. Global Tuners, Hano Bay- Sweden. From 2030 to 2100 listened to the ubiquitous Fog Horn ute, now with greater

length to its interference. At 2050 usb om with "Hello come in Northern xxxx...(Ship) " Repeated several times.
At 2100 male with what seemed like news to 2104 when fog horn ute returned. Nothing after 2105. Based on previous experience with DXTuner feel it was KNR. Fog Horn

ute was on 51 out of 60 seconds much of the time, for a period of time between three and seven minutes Fog Horn ute would be silent. Previous logs from 2007, had

KNR on from 2130 to 2210. Continued listening till 2148 when another asked to tune. For several periods it was very quite but not station was present.
Arthur Miller has done us a service by indicating an earlier time. (Robert Wilkner, Pompano Beach, FL, USA - CumbreDX 28/03/2008)

7450 Radio Makedonias (p); 2208-2216+, 24-Mar; GK folk tunes, including a really sultry-sounding one. No anmts. SIO=4+54
(H. Frodge, MI, USA - CumbreDX 27/03/2008)

3340, Radio Misiones Internacionales, 0532-0550,
March 29, English religious sermon with Spanish translations. Poor
to fair in t-storm static. (Brian Alexander, PA, USA - dxldyg 30/03/2008)

Доминиканская Респ.
5009.78, Radio Cristal Internacional,
2300-0003*, March 25-26, heard here again but with a weaker signal
& more noisy conditions. Spanish talk. Spanish romantic ballads. ID
at 0001. Weak/poor at tune-in. Signal improved in strength by sign off
but an overall poor signal due to noisy conditions. Still with low modulation.
(B. Alexander, PA, USA - dxldyg 27/03/2008)

5009.78, Radio Cristal Internacional,
2301-0002, March 27-28, noted signing on at 2301. LA music.
Romantic Spanish ballads. Spanish announcements. Poor to fair
in t-storm static & the usual low modulation. Had to switch to ECSS-LSB
at 0000 when unidentified carrier came on 5010.0-probably India.
(Brian Alexander, PA, USA - dxldyg 28/03/2008)

R. Cairo on new 9280, English to NAm at 2300-2430, already March 29
at 2305 check, usual very low modulation, despite S9+20 signal, YL talking;
nothing on ex-9465 and not clear why they needed to move. 2315, 5+1 timesignal,
7 seconds later than WWV, standard remark; news theme and unintelligible news.
This confirms 9280 which was not shown as English in the Cairo A-08 skeds
circulating (Glenn Hauser, OK, USA - dxldyg 30/03/2008)

9390, March 29 at 2308 in presumed Hebrew, M&M dialog, flutter;
Albania is scheduled here in A-08 at 2300-2430 in Albanian to NAm, but this was
not // 7425, so March 30 and 31 there may be a conflict on 9390 before Kol
Israel self-destructs (Glenn Hauser, OK, USA - dxldyg 30/03/2008)

9445 All India Radio; 2228-2230*, 26-Mar; M in EE w/peppy music;
closing anmts @2229:15. SIO=453+; //11620. SIO=352+, also went off.
(H. Frodge, MI, USA - CumbreDX 27/03/2008)

AIR GOS, 9690, seldom listenable as conditions have to be just right
for this SE Asian service to make it here to CNAm, a target area totally
ignored by AIR --- March 27 at 1345 with program summary for the rest of the
broadcast until 1500. She kept giving times both in IST and GMT, not always in
the same order. Who outside of India, and this is an external service, cares
what time it is inside India with its weird and confusing half-hour offset?
It`s almost as bad as R. Japan `NHK WORLD` giving times in JST. As usual there
was considerable hum on the 9690 transmission, which is 500 kW, 108 degrees
from Bangalore (Glenn Hauser, OK, USA - dxldyg 29/03/2008)

11784.87, Voice of Indonesia, 1650-1802+, March 26,
tune-in to Arabic programming with talk & local music. English ID at
1700 and Spanish programming at 1701 with news, talk & local music.
English ID at 1800 & into German programming. In the clear with a
fair to good signal. Was on 9525.98 at 1130. (B. Alexander, PA, USA - dxldyg 27/03/2008)

3976, KALIMANTAN, RRI Pontianak, 1046-1056, Mar 27,
Indo. Ancr w/ talk b/w brief musical bits &
Ko'ran-like chanting, poor-fair; buried under LSB
chatter by t/out; appeared to be //3395 RRI Kendari at
t/in; weak under ARO's. (S. Barbour Jr, NH, USA - dxldyg 28/03/2008)

11784.87, Voice of Indonesia, 1850-1859, March 29,
German talk. Local music. Weak. Poor. Covered by WHRA sign on
at 1859 on 11785. (Brian Alexander, PA, USA - dxldyg 30/03/2008)

3976 INDONESIA. RRI Pontianak, 1159, 3/29/08. Semi
classical instrumental mx through TOH. Weak signal
sometimes under HRO splatter and t-storm crashes.
Poor to at times fair overall (Strawman, IA, USA - CumbreDX 30/3/2008)

3987 INDONESIA. RRI Manokwari, 1202, 3/29/08. Presumed
nx pgm. Audio was a bit muddy. Seemed in parallel to
3995 Kendari, 4604 Serui, and 4790 Fak Fak which
were all audible. Serui best of the lot (Strawman, IA, USA - CumbreDX 30/3/2008)

9630 Radio Exterior de Espana (p); 2104-2142+, 26-Mar; 3 or 4M
w/Eurocup futbol game call in SS; presume this is an RNE relay via REE
as mentions R.Nac. & R.Nac. Espana during call. SIO=4+44+
(H. Frodge, MI, USA - CumbreDX 27/03/2008)

9780.05 YEMEN. Republic of Yemen Radio (San'a), 2136-2155,
3/28/2008, Arabic. Upbeat traditional music with man singing. Poor
to moderate signal with fading (SINPO 34322). Faded down badly by
2150. (Jim Evans, TN, USA - CumbreDX 29/03/2008)

9810, CNR-2/China Business Radio, 1100-1135, March 26,
Chinese talk. English ID at 1125. Fair to good signal. // 7375-mixing
with Costa Rica’s University Network. // 7335-mixing with a weak CHU.
Also heard on // 7130, 7245, 9820, 6090 - all weak.
(B. Alexander, PA, USA - dxldyg 27/03/2008)

5965, China Radio International, 1030-1040 Various persons in
Mandarin Language comments with sort of, musical punctuation. All the comments, probably the
Party Line, sounded scripted, not impromptu. Signal was fair.
(Chuck Bolland, Clewiston, FL, USA and via dxldyg 27/03/2008)

5030, CHINA, CPBS Beijing, 1039-1046, Mar 27,
Mandarin. Presumed ad string w/ various ancrs &
musical bits; occasionally overtaken by 5025-Rebelde
splatter; poor-fair. (S. Barbour Jr, NH, USA - dxldyg 28/03/2008)

3280, Voice of Pujiang, 1215, 03/24/08, Mandarin. Briefly faded up out of the noise for about 10 minutes with a female announcer speaking in Mandarin with short music

bridges between segments. // 4950 just barely audible, 5075 not at all. Fair at peak. (Mark Schiefelbein, MO, USA - dxldyg 28/03/2008)

9750, Nei Menggu PBS, 1235, 03/24/08, listed Mongolian. Male and female announcers speaking, occasionally over music, almost seemed like it could be a radio drama.

Theme music and time pips to presumed ID at 1300. Now audible at this time thanks to the demise of the BBC's Caribbean service. Fluttery. Fair/poor. (Mark Schiefelbein,

MO, USA - dxldyg 28/03/2008)

9515, China National Radio 2, 1105-1115 With a format of chatter and
laughter, noted a number of persons in Chinese language comments. At 1108,
a female comments that sounds like news. At 1110 a second female and a male
comments. Found a parallel on 9820 KHz while the signal on 9515 was fair.
(Chuck Bolland, Clewiston, FL, USA, 29/03/2008)

4750 Quinghai People's BS, Xining, 2311+, March 28, Vernacular,
talk by male & female, 44444
(Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina)

4800 Central People´s BS, Geermu, 2307+, March 28, Chinese?,
report by male, 24432
(Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina)

4920 Xizang PBS, Lhasa, 0003+, March 29, Tibetan,
news by male & female, 25432
//4905 Khz with 24432
(Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - dxldyg 29/03/2008)

3200.13, Colombia Mia, 0945-1012+ Noted steady music
typical of Colombia.Signal was originally at a fair level but by the hour
had dropped to threshold. This station was originally I'd by Bjorn Maim,
back in January 2005, as a harmonic from 1600 KHz. The station being
located at Crepe, Department of Antioquia, Colombia. Between 1000 to 1005 a
female comments in Spanish Language. Comments could be religious from the
way they sound. At 1008 singing is heard from a female accompanied by
piano. Signal stayed at poor. (Chuck Bolland, Clewiston, FL, USA, 28/03/2008)

Коста Рика
REE relay, still off-frequency on 9764.0, March 30 at 0218 in
Spanish, much weaker than DGS CR on 9725, 15 vs 21 over S9; however, REE //
9675 was much stronger than 9764. BTW, 9675 is a smidgen on the hi side but
nowhere near 1 kHz off (Glenn Hauser, OK, USA - dxldyg 30/03/2008)

6130, Lao National Radio, 1416-1430, March 29, in English and
assume Laotian: "Hi, I am Max. Hello my name is Kathy. Welcome to New
Dynamic English", "New Dynamic English is a basic English language
course and an introduction to American people and culture", segments
in English followed by assume Laotian translation, per <
http://www.dyned.com/voa/ndeprog.shtml > this was the first in the
series. At < http://www.dyned.com/voa/schedule.shtml > noted:
"Listeners in Burma can listen to New Dynamic English on Saturday
evenings Rangoon time, 1430-1455 GMT/UTC", via VOA(?) but no
frequencies given and not sure how current this website is. Fair-poor,
lost at 1430 to QRM from 6135 (Ron Howard, Canada - dxldyg 29/03/2008)

4759.97, ELWA, Monrovia, 0556-0610, March 28,
tune-in to IS. Opening English ID announcements at 0557. English
religious sermon at 0601 & religious music. Surprisingly strong IS
punching in but everything after the IS suffered from low/weak
modulation. (Brian Alexander, PA, USA - dxldyg 28/03/2008)

7245, Radio Mauritania, *0840-0850, March 26,
abruptly on after signing off on 4845 at 0830. Arabic talk. Noted
Middle-East type music at 0904 check. Good.
(B. Alexander, PA, USA - dxldyg 27/03/2008)

5010.0, RTV Malagasy, 2225-2230+, March 29,
Reduced Carrier USB. On late again with local music. Gone at
2255 check. No sign of Dominican Republic tonight. (Brian Alexander, PA, USA - dxldyg 30/03/2008)

5964.90, RTM, 1057-1100 Had to wait until China dropped of the
air at 1057 to hear Malaysia. Just a very weak signal heard with music.
China's carrier came back at 1059,
blocking again. (Chuck Bolland, Clewiston, FL, USA and via dxldyg 27/03/2008)

7295, MALAYSIA, Traxx FM, 1109-1120, Mar 27, English.
W ancr w/ end of nx; pop mx & ballads w/ animated DJ
at 1119; poor. (S. Barbour Jr, NH, USA - dxldyg 28/03/2008)

6049.64, Asyik FM via RTM, 1347-1400, March 29, in
vernacular, DJ with pop songs, on-air phone calls, sounds of rooster
and donkey followed by "Asyik FM" singing jingle, fair with light het,
best in LSB (Ron Howard, CA, dxldyg)

6049.64, Suara Islam/Voice of Islam via RTM, 1400-1405,
March 29, in vernacular, 2 pips, starts program with choral Anthem,
full ID with frequencies, ID "Suara Islam FM", fair with light het,
best in LSB (Ron Howard, CA, dxldyg)

7130, Sarawak FM via RTM, 1316-1345, March 29, in
vernacular, DJ with pop songs, IDs, fair reception, // 5030 clearly
heard under CNR-1 (Ron Howard, Canada - dxldyg 29/03/2008)

7295 MALAYSIA. RTM (p), Traxx FM, 1245, 3/29/08. Weak
signal of pop mx was in clear until covered by Ham
operator close by. Poor overall (Strawman, IA, USA - CumbreDX 30/3/2008)

RTM, 5980, March 30 at 0232 with rustic band music, Arab singer,
then ID by YL mentioning Tanger. Initially good signal gradually faded down.
The question is whether the Moroccans will keep these secret (from HFCC, Aoki
but not EiBi) transmissions going after the Americans pull out of Briech (Glenn Hauser, OK, USA - dxldyg 30/03/2008)

Папуа Новая Гвинея
3385, R East New Britain, 1210, 03/28/08. The usual PNG format of pop/island/reggae tunes with announcer commentary between and a break for an apparent ad at one

point. This segment of 90 meters is usually covered by some sort of persistent local QRN which was finally gone for once. Fair/poor.
(Mark Schiefelbein, MO, USA - dxldyg 28/03/2008)

7325, Wantok R Light (presumed), 1235, 03/25/08. Gospel music and audio of brief spoken announcements (too weak to decipher) rising above the noise. Actually better

than the 90m PNGs were on this day, but still not heard at all on most days. Poor. (Mark Schiefelbein, MO, USA - dxldyg 28/03/2008)

4775, Radio Tarma, 1015-1025, Very difficult to hear due to the CODAR
signal right on top of it, noted a male in steady Spanish comments during the
period. At 1020, music is presented. Signal was poor due to QRM.
(Chuck Bolland, Clewiston, FL, USA and via dxldyg 27/03/2008)

5939.30, Radio Melodia, 1045-1100 Noted a male in Spanish language
The usual Het from 5945 is off at this time, so Radio Melodia is a smidgen
better this morning. Even so, it's at a poor level. (Chuck Bolland, Clewiston, FL, USA and via dxldyg 27/03/2008)

6019.6, Radio Victoria, Lima, 0625-0635, 28-03, programa habitual
de "La Voz de la Liberacion", locutor anunciando celebraciones
religiosas en la ciudad de Lima. 24322 (M. Mendez, Lugo, Spain - CumbreDX 28/03/2008)

Peru, 3329.61, Ondas Del Huallaga, 1020-1030, With QRM from CHU, noted
music and
Spanish Language comments from a male. At about 1028, notice canned
comments from
a male. Signal was poor during period. (Chuck Bolland, March 28, 2008)

Peru, 5039.17, Radio Libertad, 1034-1040 As usual the signal is threshold,
but heard a male
in Spanish language comments during this brief listening period until 1035
when music is presented. (Chuck Bolland, Clewiston, FL, USA, 28/03/2008)

6019.45, Radio Victoria, Lima, 0455-0520, March 28,
Spanish religious talk. ID at 0457. National Anthem at 0502. Local
religious music at 0505 & emotional preacher at 0508. Fair signal.
// 9720.06-weak. Why the National Anthem at 0502? (Brian Alexander, PA, USA - dxldyg 28/03/2008)

6019.6, Radio Victoria, Lima, 0625-0635, 28-03, programa habitual
de "La Voz de la Liberación", locutor anunciando celebraciones
religiosas en la ciudad de Lima. 24322. (M. Mendez, Lugo, Spain - hard-core-dx 29/03/2008)

5939.30, Radio Melodia, 0920-1030, With a male in Spanish Language
comments at
tune in. A second male joins in. Noted many mentions of "Peru" as the two
talked. No break on the half hour. Still audible at 1030. Signal was
fair. (Chuck Bolland, Clewiston, FL, USA, 29/03/2008)

6173.81, Radio Tawantinsuyo, 1040-1100 Can pick out the carrier from
this station, but the audio is barely audible with the noise. Noted a male
in Spanish language comments.
With a TC and ID noted at 1044 from a male. Actually the signal starts to
fade in at that time to a fair level. "Cinque in manana y ...." "... Radio
Tawantinsuyo .." at 1046. This is followed with canned promos and then
music. Signal was threshold to fair. (Chuck Bolland, Clewiston, FL, USA, 29/03/2008)

4746.90, Radio Huanta Dos Mil,(pres) 1025-1035 Noted two females in
Spanish conversation. At 1029 music presented. Female returns to the microphone at
1034 with more comments. No ID heard during listening period. Signal was fair
fading to threshold. (Chuck Bolland, Clewiston, FL, USA, 30/3/2008)

12020 RDP, 11:50-12:01, escuchada el 29 de marzo en portugués locutor e invitada con comentarios, referencia a la educación y la escuela, Programa “Voz Solidaria”,

locutor hablando sobre la pascua, emisión en paralelo por Internet:
http://delicast.com/radio/Portugal/RDP_Internacional, tonos horarios, locutor con titulares, ID “RDP Internacional”, SINPO 55555.
(J. M. Romero, Burjasot, Spain - dxldyg 30/3/2008)

7340 Voice of Russia; 2154-2204+, 24-Mar; EZL & headbanger
tunes to anmts in SS @2157+; IS 2158:40-2200 & back on in LL. SIO=242,
use USB to avoid CHU. (Harold Frodge, MI, USA - CumbreDX 27/03/2008)

6075, Radio Rossii, 0937-0945 Noted a male in Russian Language
Later a female is heard commenting. A parallel broadcast was picked up on
7320 KHz.
Both signals were fair. (Chuck Bolland, Clewiston, FL, USA, 29/03/2008)

7300, the defective Russian transmitter with motorboating noise, no
other audio detectable, at 2316 March 29 and still at 0009 recheck March 30.
Believe this one is on 5900 in B-seasons; not sure of real site, but Olle Alm
can remind us. Listed as Serpukhov in A-season.

Looked for V. of Russia, UT March 30 in the 0200 and 0300 hours, but nothing on
6240, 6155 or 7350, the frequencies still showing on their undated schedule at
Suspect they have made A-08 changes without telling us, as all those are
deleted, and/or propagation so poor that even German relay on 6155 was not
making it (Glenn Hauser, OK, USA - dxldyg 30/03/2008)

13665 Radio Rossii, 08:50-09:02, escuchada el 29 de marzo en ruso a locutor con ID “Musica a Radio Rossii”, emisión de música pop rock, locutor y locutora con cuña,

comentarios e identificación “Radio Rossii”, saludo, tonos horarios y música de sintonía, “Información programa Radio Rossii”, locutora con titulares, SINPO 45444.
(J. M. Romero, Burjasot, Spain - dxldyg 30/3/2008)

R. Rossii changes in frequencies: 5920 via
Petropavlovsk-Kamchatka (ex: 6075), not as good here, on top of QRM;
parallel with: 5940 via Magadan (ex: 5935), fair, better here, but
some QRM from 5935; 7200 via Yakutsk (fair) and 7320 via Magadan
(fair); 0928-0941, March 30, Russian programming (Ron Howard, Canada - dxldyg 30/3/2008)

Voice of Russia in Italiano : 12000 molto bene; 15465 molto male; e sorpresa
su 1548 programma in RUMENO !!!! e su 936 kHz solo la RAI 1 ........
(Dario Monferini, Italy - playdx2003 30/3/2008)

17800 via Kigali, 310 degrees, now one of the few decent
signals on 16m, until 1357* March 30 in Hausa; another being Gabon 17630 (Glenn
Hauser, OK, USA - dxldyg 30/3/2008)

Саудовская Аравия
11820, BSKSA, 2210, 03/26/08, Arabic. Song-like recitations of the Koran. // 11715 also audible but weaker. Strong signal. Good.
(Mark Schiefelbein, MO, USA - dxldyg 28/03/2008)

15250 BSKSA English noted today 1000-1230 UT slot with an
easy side lobe signal here in Germany, used SYNC detection option on my Eton
E1 around 15249.3 kHz lower side band, to avoid IBB Tinang PHL 5 kHz up.
BSKSA service is meant towards WestAF.
(Wolfgang Bueschel, Germany - dxldyg 30/3/2008)

Listening to VATICAN [q.v.] to NAm on 6040 via Sackville, March
30 at 0255, in addition to the other QRM, TWR music box IS could be heard. This
is Manzini warming up for the Kikuyu broadcast at 0300, the same collision in
A-08 as in B-07 --- Christians vs Christians! (Glenn Hauser, OK, USA - dxldyg 30/03/2008)

6120, SINGAPORE, R. Singapore Int'l, 1120-1130, Mar
27, listed Malay. W ancr at t/in; mx bit followed by
two M w/ talk; one via remote; ID in passing at 1129;
filler mx until crushed by co-channel carrier; for
whom I have no clue; fair; //7235-weak under ARO.

9740, SINGAPORE, BBC Kranji, 1207-1217, Mar 27,
English. Rpts re UK Commision on integrating refugees
into UK society; fair in ECCS-LSB.
(S. Barbour Jr, NH, USA - dxldyg 28/03/2008)

9630, TAIWAN, presumed N.Korea Reform Radio Hu Wei,
1218-1230*, Mar 27, Korean. Ancr at t/in; mx bit
followed by W until mx at 1229 & s/off ancment; poor;
deteriorating by s/off. (S. Barbour Jr, NH, USA - dxldyg 28/03/2008)

11850, Radio Taiwan International,
via Issoudun, 1710-1745+, March 28, English programming. IDs.
Program about Taiwan elections. Music program. "Taiwan Outlook"
at 1738. Poor to fair. Scheduled to move to 11705 for A08.
(Brian Alexander, PA, USA - dxldyg 28/03/2008)

29 March 2008
2120 - 2225 UTC 4905 kHz Radio Chad. French program. Native music. News from 22 to 2220.
S/off at 2225 with national anthem. Excellent reception; almost local signal on my vintage
SONY ICF-5900W with whip antenna. (Giovanni C., Pisa, Italy - CumbreDX 30/3/2008)

R. Sweden insists on staying on 6010 via Canada, despite
Mexico and Colombia, both of which interfere with Sweden and vice versa; March
30 at 0230 opening in English, and after 0300 in Swedish, so this was still
B-07 rather than A-08 scheduling (Glenn Hauser, OK, USA - dxldyg 30/03/2008)

21455.07 USB, HCJB, 2325, 03/27/08, Spanish. Male and female announcers alternating, possibly in a news report, with mentions of various Latin American countries,

leaders, etc. Long deep fades, but fair/good on the peaks. (Mark Schiefelbein, MO, USA - dxldyg 28/03/2008)

4909.19, Radio Chaskis Del Norte, Pres, 1000-1015, Heard music at
initial tune in until 1003, the a male comments in Spanish Language briefly.
Then back to music which
was Rancheros type. Signal was good. (Chuck Bolland, Clewiston, FL, USA, 29/03/2008)

4909.18 R. Chaskis 1013 end of anmnt by M at t/in then into
pleasant HC mx. 1018 nice canned ID/promo by 2 men "?? R. Chaskis del norte
su nuevo radio. Las.4910 khz.musica por ?? Ecuatoriana", and back to mx.
Some nice flutes. Studio M host returned at 1023. A song at 1043 mentioned
Otavalo. Still readable at 1100. Fair signal and clear except for local
(Dave Valko - CumbreDX 30/3/2008)

7100 ERITREA. Voice of the Broad Masses 1 (Asmara), 0413-0425,
3/26/2008, Tigrinya. Talk by man. A few bars of Horn of Africa
style music at 0422 followed by talk by different man. Good signal
(SINPO 33333). VOBM 2 was noted at the same time on 7175 with
slightly weaker signal and the same program format, but not in
parallel. (Jim Evans, TN, USA - CumbreDX 27/03/2008)

7110 ETHIOPIA. Radio Ethiopia (Gedja), 0356-0410, 3/26/2008,
Amharic. Man and woman talking. IS / theme at 0400 followed by
apparent news. Talk by man at 0403 with an occasional few bars of
Horn of Africa style music. Good signal (SINPO 33333). (Jim Evans, TN, USA - CumbreDX 27/03/2008)

9560.73v, Radio Ethiopia? 2007-2037, March 29,
Tentative. Horn of Africa type music. No announcements heard.
Fair to good signal. Technical problems with audio on & off several
times leaving just an open carrier. Frequency moving around quite
a bit between 9560.73-9560.42. Perhaps just on the air testing
transmitter. (Brian Alexander, PA, USA - dxldyg 30/03/2008)

NHK Warido, R. Japan, 11705 via Sackville, Saturday March 29 at
1410-1429* with World Interactive, the last show presented by Kei Fujimoto,
whose two-year contract is up. She called out to a couple near Mammoth Cave who
used to live in Japan; mentioned that haiku segment would appear next week, not
sure if by same person as before since he seemingly was saying sayonara the
first Saturday in March.

New show host will be Sumiko-somebody, who speaks English with a perfect
British accent. Kay (as spelled on her blog URL) never said what she would do
next after leaving NHK, but she has started a blog in English, linked from the
program website, which so far is no more informative. Played fragments of two
different ``Sakura`` songs, and she broke up at the very end. Show page
including her photo along with producer (? ``program member``) Junko Kato who
is also leaving, downloadable audio, link to blog, home page of Junko, a
photographer: http://www.nhk.or.jp/rjweekly/english/wi/index.html
(Glenn Hauser, OK, USA - dxldyg 29/03/2008)

3925 JAPAN. Short jazz instrumentals with YL
announcements between. Poor to fair w/ some Ham
interference (Strawman, IA, USA - CumbreDX 30/3/2008)

March 30 at 1313 heard NHK IS, fair signal on 11705, so I
wondered if there was a mixup at Sackville, but 1315 opened in Indonesian. This
is Yamata, 300 kW at 235 degrees. I hope this transmission ends at 1400 rather
than 1430 as in one schedule version, since otherwise it would collide with R.
Japan English to NAm via Sackville, which remains at 1400-1429 on 11705 (Glenn
Hauser, OK, USA - dxldyg 30/3/2008)

Kossuth Radio heard as it should be this morning. Solid signal at
33333 from 0700 up to a sudden reduction to nothing at 0830 - possibly
this is when the power is cut in half. I will report back as dusk
takes effect towards 1700.
(Dan Goldfarb, Brentwood, England - dxldyg 30/3/2008)

16:43 94.90 F203 Toulon F
19:03 94.90 F201 Millau F
(G4FBZ - skywaves 26/03/2008)

TropoScatter from Rouen on 92.00MHz this morning, no sign of my usual Goes.
Yesterday I was doing some work in the shack and monitored 87.90MHz for
quite a while. Plenty of MS, but not strong enough for RDS. However I was
really surprised how strong Goes got at times with the scatter.
(G4FBZ - skywaves 28/03/2008)
Digital Radio
Неофициальное вещание (Calndestine)
Наблюдения (Monitoring)

9645, Radio Bandeirantes, 1100. Program with local notices in Portuguese. SINPO: 22222. (P. De los Rios, Temuco, Chile, 27th March 2008)
11735, Radio Transmundial, 1115. Program with Christian music in Portuguese. SINPO: 33333. (P. De los Rios, Temuco, Chile, 27th March 2008)

11690, HCJB, 1130. Program with local notices (in Spanish). SINPO: 33333. (P. De los Rios, Temuco, Chile, 27th March 2008)

9345, Voice of Korea, 1130. Program with patriotic hyms and comments in Mandarin. SINPO: 33333 (P. De los Rios, Temuco, Chile, 27th March 2008)

11840, VOA, 1145. Program with economical notices from Latin America (in Spanish). SINPO: 22222.
(P. De los Rios, Temuco, Chile, 27th March 2008 and via Federachi March 2008)

252 LW 1035-1045 IRL 26-03 RTE, Summerhill English discussion about Tibet, QRM Tipiza, Algeria 44444 ; 567 MW just closed down! AP-DNK

4699.37 0145-0155 BOL 27-03 R San Miguel, Riberalta Spanish talk about "El Senor", hymns, slight CODAR QRM 24332 AP-DNK

4790.0 0155-0205 PRU 27-03 R Vision, Chiclayo Spanish talk, hymn 25232 AP-DNK

4925 2325-2335 INS 26-03 RRI Jambi Bahasa Indonesia talk, Gamelan music, more talk 24322 Brazil fading in AP-DNK

5010.0 0210-0220 MDG 27-03 R Nasionaly Malagasy, Ambohidrano Malagasy ann, local pop songs - another all-night programme! 24332 CWQRM


5954.13 2315-2328* CTR 26-03 ELCOR transmitter test(p) Cuban music, no ann 33433 AP-DNK

6973 1625-1800 ISR 24-03 Galei Tzahal, Lod Hebres songs and ann 45434 no longer heard on strange // 5000! AP-DNK

17875 *1400-1410 CLA Tu 25-03 R Xoriyo, via Samara, Russia Somali ID after opening fanfare, music from the Horn of Africa 35444, but *1405 Ethiopian

jamming started and: 32442 AP-DNK
(Anker Petersen, Denmark - playdx2003 27/03/2008)

Peru: R Sicuani, Sicuani on 4826.5 at 1040z

Peru: La Voz de la Selva, Iquitos on 4824.46 at 1045z

Peru: 4790.05 at 1055z, this one is curious. The frequency
offset more closely matches R Atlantida but I heard more
than once the word "vision" (vih zee ohn) which might
indicate R Vision, Chiclayo and is usually closer to 4790.2.
Of course R Vision may have installed a new crystal or
tuned a synthesizer.

Peru: R Tarma, Tarma on 4774.97 at 1105z

Peru: R Huanta 2000, Huanta on 4746.89 at 1110z

Brazil: R Dif do Amazonas, Manaus on 4805 at 1050z,
already an hour past dawn at Manaus.
(Jerry Lenamon, TX, USA - dxldyg 27/03/2008)

2863 Hawaii "This is Honolulu radio..." 0958 28 and 29 March [Wilkner-FL]

3175.51 Unid weak at 0900 to 0920, threshhold audio while looking for the absent Radio Municipal, Panao. Noted 28 but not 19 March [Wilkner-FL]

3200.06 to .37 transmitter drift --per Chuck Bolland original tip--, 1045 with flauta andina, but not heard again. 28 March. 0950 to 1100 fade out, alternating yl and

om...fade pattern consistent with Colombia. [Wilkner-FL]

-----3200.13 Colombia,(Harmonic),, Colombia Mia, 0945-1012+ Noted steady music typical of Colombia. Signal was originally at a fair level but by the hour had dropped to

threshold. This station was originally I'd by Bjorn Maim, back in January 2005, as a harmonic from 1600 KHz. The station being located at Crepe, Department of

Antioquia, Colombia. Between 1000 to 1005 a female comments in Spanish Language. Comments could be religious from the way they sound. At 1008 singing is heard

from a female accompanied by piano. Signal stayed at poor. (Chuck Bolland, March 28, 2008)-------

3220 Ecuador HCJB daily continues the strongest signal on 90 meters 0900 to 1100. [Wilkner-FL]

3234.9 Peru Radio Luz y Sonido, Huánuco 0950 to 1050 on 28 March and most days this month. Fair signal often with exotic Peru music. [Wilkner-FL]

3340 Honduras Radio Misiones Internacionales Comayagüela 0920 0930 transmitter on but no audio. Economic recession must not be affecting this station. 28 March


4045 Florida Cape Canaveral 1200 discussion of sailing times [Wilkner-FL]

4045u Orange Key - Bahamas 1230/ 1235 Captain checking for sailing advice 28 March [Wilkner-FL]
1890 reference to Orange Key below:


4052.45 Guatemala Radio Verdad, Chiquimula 1010 Vocal national Anthem caught at sign on [?] but with very weak signal 28 march [Wilkner-FL]

4909.26 [Return Frequency] Ecuador Radio Chaskis Otavalo 1030 with love song "....en la pequena amor..en mi corazon ..tu es mi vida amor.." weak signal for them 28

March. 1010 caught "onda corta transmite radio .....mas musica por ..." Much stronger signal on 29 March. [Wilkner-FL]
(Robert Wilkner, Pompano Beach, FL, USA - hard-core-dx 29/03/2008)

ISRAEL 15759.95 KOL Israel still with nx and commentary in English at
0930-0945 UT, embedded in Hebrew program at 0500-1700 UT?. S=9+20dB
powerhouse as usual.

Seemingly still on air on March 30th and 31st according old season budget?.
New internet Online service will start from April 1st ?

Galei Zahal in Hebrew phone-in program, S=5 around 0935 UT on even 15785.00

CHINA CHN Firedrake brigade still jammed former IBB channels this morning
around 9-10 UT. This happened also at every season change, they need 3-4
days to be aware of the new IBB schedule. IBB vailed the RFA Chinese
channels on the RFA website as TBA.

GREECE 11645 Yes, R Filia's ERA5 service noted again with German 0900 and
Russian nx at 0929 UT this morning. Daily except Tuesday morning maintenance
break. I guess: En 0600, Fr 0700, but noted Sp at 0800 UT today.

"Greek in Style" in English! noted embedded in Greek sce on 9420 and 15630
UT, this morning at 0912 UT.

FRANCE 15290 NHK in Jpn noted on this new channel via Issoudun France
this morning, 0800-1000 UT.

RUSSIA 13665 Powerful Radio Rossii in Russian via Taldom Moscow site now
at 0630-1400 UT. (Wolfgang Bueschel, Germany - dxldyg 30/3/2008)

6019, Peru, R Victoria(pres.), Lima; 30-Mar Spanish 0715 male anmts “programa La Voz de la Salvacion...convocacion solamiente a obreros y obreras...gloria a Dios!”,

0718-0728 male and female talks and anmts about religious events and entities. From 0728 weak and noisier, 33222 (LOB-B).
5910, Colombia, Marfíl Estéreo, Lomalinda; 30-Mar Spanish 0745 romantic music in Spanish, 0746 male anmts on music,0751-0754 time anmt, music. 33322 (LOB-B).
7145, New Zealand, R. New Zealand Int., Rangitaki; 30-Mar English 0916-0927 male talks about TV in NZ, channels, technologies, schedules. Strong 43343 (LOB-B).
4557, North Korea, Korean Nat.Dem.Front, Haeju; 30-Mar Korean 0929-0935 nationalistic music. In parallel with 4450, 23432 (LOB-B).
5940, Brasil, R.Globo-Guaruja, Guaruja-SP; 30-Mar Portuguese 1011-1025 “Domingo na Globo, o programa que esta de olho em voce”, programme with news

commentaries, humor, astrology and music.It usual frequency 5045Khz been kept on, 54455 (LOB-B).
(Lucio O.B., Embu, Brasil - hard-core-dx 30/3/2008)

4699.37 fade in 2245-2255 BOL 27-03 R San Miguel, Riberalta (p) Spanish talk 15131 AP-DNK

4905 1750-1805* CHN 28-03 Xizang PBS, Lhasa, Tibet Tibetan ann, light western music incl. "Jingle Bells" played at an unusual time to us in the West, 1805

closing ann, 45544 heard // 4920, 5240, 6130 and 7385 AP-DNK

4925 2305-2320 INS 27+28-03 RRI Jambi Bahasa Indonesia news 24232 AP-DNK

4955.0 2325-2335 PRU 27-03 R Cultural Amauta, Huanta Spanish discussion amongst several persons, 2329 short musical interlude 25232 AP-DNK

5952.47 2320-2330 BOL 27-03 R Pio XII, Siglo XX Quechoa talk, Andean song 33333 AP-DNK

17875 fade in 1030-1100* CLA 30-03 West Africa Democracy R, via Skelton French talk and songs 23333 QRM BBC/Cyprus in Pashto AP-DNK
(Anker Petersen, Denmark - playdx2003 30/3/2008)

936 26/3 18.45 R.N.E. R.5 - Zaragoza SS NX reg. Aragon buono
1125 27/3 18.45 R.N.E. R.5 - Avila SS NX reg. Castilla Leon suff.
1170 29/3 23.50 R. Slovenia Int. - Maribor Sloveno MX buono
1584 29/3 23.15 R. Olè - Ceuta SS MX buono
3935 29/3 23.10 L.H.H. - Box 293 - Merlin ON N0P 1WO -
Canada EE ID e MX buono
4777 29/3 05.15 R. Gabon - Libreville FF MX afro
4805 29/3 23.20 R. Dif. Amazonas - Manaus PP MX buono
4825 29/3 23.25 R. Educadora - Braganca PP MX buono
4885 29/3 22.50 R. Clube do Parà - Belem PP ID e frequenze buono
4915 29/3 22.55 R. Difusora - Macapà PP MX buono
5000 29/3 04.50 YVTO - Caracas SS ID e pip pip suff.
5910 29/3 04.40 Marfil Estereo - Bogotà SS MX buono
6220 30/3 10.00 R. Marabù - Postfach 1166 - 49187 Belm -
Germania Tedesco ID e MX ottimo
6285 24/3 09.45 Orion R. - Postbus 9 - 8096 ZG Oldebroek -
Olanda EE MX buono
6305 24/3 09.30 Boemerang R. - box 73@gmx.net Dutch song buono
6310 29/3 17.00 Condor R. - condorradio@hotmail.com EE ID e
MX buono
6325 22/3 16.35 Free R. Holland -
freeradioholland@hotmail.com EE MX buono
9790 30/3 09.10 AWR - Firenze IT Studio DX by Roberto Scaglione ottimo
9805 29/3 19.00 R. Thailand - Bangkok EE ID e NX buono
11730 29/3 18.00 R. Pilipinas - Manila Filippino ID e talk OM suff.
11785 29/3 17.30 Voz de Indonesia - Jakarta SS ID e MX buono
11925 29/3 20.50 R. Bandeirantes - Sao Paulo PP calcio suff.
(Roberto Pavanello, Italy - playdx2003 30/3/2008)

PERU ? 4746 poss Huanta 200 talks in SP signal 203 22332 Liangas Mar

CHINA 4750 Qinghai PBS news 2307 , S7-9 44233 Liangas Mar 24th

KYRGYZ 4795 //4010 Kyrgyz Radio 1 23112 talks by YL in KG 2313 with
folklore music , very under-moded S8 43232 Liangas Mar 24th

BRAZIL 4805 RN Amazonas 2315 talks OM YL over music S5 Liangas Mar

6300 RASD 2321 talks OM in Spanish ` nostro pais' kara e kara S9
Liangas Mar 24th

S'PORE 7235 Warna 2325 S7 discussions S9 3433 Liangas Mar 24th

ISRAEL 6973 + 7545 on 2329 with Hebrew versions of Greek folk songs
with buzuki. Both with S10 . Spurs on 7570 and 7485 for the 7545 signal.
Liangas Mar 24th

INSIA 9525 VoI 1343 with kroncong like songs (I heard mentions for
Sulawasi versions ), ID in Korean , , 1400 with ID again S9 43434 Liangas
Mar 25th ON 1400/29th on 9526 with signal low on S5 and Indo language

Cland 9415 DVBurma 1429 played classic music . Start with a trad tune ,
OM then in bamar with talks and reports Nothing on 7495 . Signal S9 ,
42542 best on LSB , QRM from 9420 Liangas Mar 25th ON 29th with
same level /

9635 R Okapi news , talks by YL , mention of R Okapi S7 44334 Noise
level S2 Liangas Mar 26th
PERU 4790 R Vision today at S2 Liangas Mar 26th

MONGOLIA ?12085 VoM? 1515 with man talking in JJ 1516 with operas
Signal level S2-3 Liangas Mar 27th

[SUDAN] 9840 Sudan radio service 162x with prg in Ar and interviews in
outdoor places, someone mentioning Merlin Monroe . at 1630 a mention on
international development . At 1655 talks in a local language (Dinka?) that
seemed as Amharic . 1657 with instrumental folks . 1700 QRMed in carrier
by VOR. 1704 the VOR carrier left leaving SRS again in clear , but using
different transmitter with lower signal and stronger fading S9 34333
Liangas Mar 27th

[IRAN] 7480 Payam e dhoost 1807 with `revolutionary' songs S9 44444
Liangas Mar 27th

M'SIA 9750 VoM 1815 with rock songs S9 43413 (F1 rippled due to co
QRM with R Japan ) At 1828 mixed with a Turkic language station (VoA
Azeri per Eibi ) Liangas Mar 28th

LIBERIA 4760 ELWA 2038 with a mix of talks by OM and music. Signal
S3-5 max but due to strong local QRN and lightning QRN it was quite
difficult to listen to him Liangas Mar 28th

[ALGERIA ] 5915 //9850 Quran prg , talks by OM in Arabic 2128 with
quranic preaches , OM mentioning Katul or Auja , Kuran il Kirim , then back
to quranic preaches. Both with good signal S20

GUAM 9585 ??? un IDed 1315 with talk s by OM /YL in bamar , A rock
song on1318 and on 1321 YL saying `kisi linali nito' at least 4 times. More
talks after At 1329 very strong carrier S20 fromVoTurkey in Farsi >Eibi
shows Karen from KTWR Liangas Mar 29th

Pirate 6882 R Playback with nice old pop songs (Rozanna on 1353 ) and
IDs "this is playback nonstop" on every song At 1407 the ID changed to
`Power FM' 34534 S3-7 max Liangas Mar 29th
(Z.. Liangas, Greece - dxldyg 30/3/2008)

15710 mess.
Three broadcaster selected that channel around 1300-1400 UT slot:

WHRA at 1200-1400, EGY Abis at 1230-1400, and Yerevan Gavar at 1300-1400 UT to, latter seemingly Chosun program in Korean.

PORTUGAL 17780 BBC Hausa program scheduled 1345-1415 UT via Sines-POR relay. \\ ASC 17810 and 21630 kHz.

CHINA/INDIA 17705 was totally covered by Firedrake music during AIR's Mandarin program at 1130-1315 UT.
(W. Buewchel, Germany - dxldyg 30/3/2008)
Неопознанное (Unknown)
Гармоники (harmonics)
Глушение (Jamming)
Пираты (pirates)

6925/U, 2154:33-2238:39, 25-Mar; Apparently a 1986 pgm per Phil
Muzik's cmtry on marijuana & gave obsolete Battle Creek drop;
extremely wide variety of tunes; ads for dirty books at 7-11,
Treadmill? lager & Like--just for girls; "There's never enough
beer in the fridge when KNBS is on."; spots for A*C*E; ID as
KNBS Cannabis 41. SIO=3+44, brief ute blast @2330. (Frodge-MI)
6925/U, 2255-2319:15*, 26-Mar; Phil Muzik w/more cmtry re drug laws &
NORML; Fruit of the Loom News Briefs--weird news items; IDs as
Cannabis SW KNBS & Free Radio Relay Station KNBS; gave obsolete
Hilo drop. SIO=3+54- (Frodge-MI)

Q104.3: 6925/U, 2302:09-2306:38, 25-Mar; String of IDs/promos from
WAXQ Classic Rock Q104.3 New York; "I'm not wearing any pants--film
at 11". SIO=354 (Frodge-MI)

Radio Conelrad:
6925/U, 2317:54-2322:19, 25-Mar; On w/ID & old Conelrad emergency
anmt; bluesy tune. SIO=353, off some if same xmtr as previous
old pgms-apparently solved problem shortly. (Frodge-MI)
6925/U, 2324:58-2335:08, 25-Mar; Msg from the president--from TV
movie, The Day After; played tunes Fallout Shelter, Fujiama
Mama; anc'd Flying Saucer Boogie but didn't play it--DAMN!
Off abruptly. SIO=354 (Frodge-MI)

Relaxation Radio: 6925/U, 2244:08-2255:32, 25-Mar; On w/ID & into
non-rock oldies, such as Mr. Sandman & Theme from Dr. Strangelove.
Off w/"This has been a musical interlude from RR, RR". SIO=3+54

Voice of Juliet: 6925/U, 2140-2154:12*, 25-Mar; "Every woman is a ves-
sel"--in-depth & probing cmtry on coitus; msg from Satan; bits from
Wizard of Oz; Show #5; Merlin drop; off w/Fever IS. SIO=3+54-

WBNY Radio Bunny; 6925/L, 2301-2314+, 24-Mar; Sounds like an old show
w/Rodent Revolution Committee stuff; Gene Autry's Peter Cottontail &
other real oldies; bunny voice mainly uncopyable. SIO=352+ (Frodge-MI)

UNID: 6925/U, 2319:34-2327:29, 26-Mar; Just spooky music; no anmts.
(H. Frodge, MI, USA - CumbreDX 27/03/2008)
Расписания (Schedules)

6040 Белорусское радио (Rus) 9:13 UTC неуд.
6070 Белорусское радио (Rus) 9:14 UTC неуд
6080 Белорусское радио (Rus) 9:15 UTC отлично
6115 Белорусское радио (Rus) 9:16 UTC удовл.
11550 Международное радио Украина (Eng) 9:17 UTC неуд.
15335 Международное радио Китая (Rus) 9:07 UTC отлично
15535 Радио Свобода (Rus) 9:08 UTC отлично
15665 Международное радио Китая (Rus) 9:10 UTC неуд.
(Андрей Бурлака, Симферополь, Украина - open_dx 30/3/2008)


Voice of Greece A08
0500 0600 25 11645 Al
0600 0700 25 11645 Eng
0700 0800 25 11645 F
0800 0900 25 11645 E
0900 0930 25 11645 D
0930 1000 25 11645 Rus
(A. Gupta, India = dxldyg 27/03/2008)

Effective From 30th March,2008 to 25th October,2008

West Europe
Urdu 15100 19 0830 1104 17,18SE,27-29
Urdu 17835 17 0830 1104 17,18SE,27-29
Urdu 7530 40 1700 1900 17,18SE,27-29
Urdu 9390 31 1700 1900 17,18SE,27-29
(A. Gupta, India - dxldyg 29/03/2008)

Начиная с нового вещательного сезона, а именно с воскресенья, 30-го марта, передачи Русской службы ИРР будут выходить в эфир по новому частотно -

волновому расписанию. Формат передач сохраняется - у нас будут по прежнему три передачи - две получасовые и одна часовая. Первые две передачи будут

выходить вечером, а третья на следующий день утром и будет состоять из повтора основных материалов первых двух передач.
Итак, с воскресенья, 30-го марта передачи на русском языке из Бухареста будут выходить в эфир по следующему расписанию:
- в 13 часов 30 минут по UTC на частотах 9790 и 11855 кГц это передача предназначена для Дальнего Востока
- в 15 часов по UTC на частотах 7235 и 9595 кГц- это часовая передача
- и на следующее утро в 4 часов 30 минут по UTC на частотах 7190 и 9555 кГц. Эти передачи вы по-прежнему сможете слушать и в Интернете на сайте www.rri.ro.

Одну из передач ИРР на русском языке с 15 часов по всемирному времени можно слушать и на сайте Всемирной радиосети- www.wrn.org.
(Валерий Шептухин, Липецк, Россия - open_dx 29/03/2008)
Связь (ham radio)

06742 DD1: Israeli AF 2257 ALE/USB Sounding. (25Mar08) (MPJ)

06789.5 437815: Arabic Voice Net 2258 ALE/USB Contacts 437808 then
437 calls 437808. (25Mar08) (MPJ)

06955 TWLC2: Spanish Guardia Civil, Cantabria 2101 ALE/USB Calls
TXX1-DIGEGUCI, Madrid. (26Mar08) (MPJ)

07080 5810: Albanian MoPO 2241 ALE/USB Sounding. (25Mar08) (MPJ)

07527 TYMR2: :Spanish Guardia Civil Ciudad Real 2041 ALE/USB
Contacts TXX2-Madrid. (26Mar08) (MPJ)

07642 AGAT-144: Possibly Ukranian Goverment 2019 RTTY/50/500
Enciphered Baudot with headers like: PRAKTIKANT-144 AGAT-144 NR 383
P/S 26 24 20:55 GR: AR.AR MMMM 4/29: 1G/:B 26911 IH NR 310 AGAT-144

08646 VTP: Vishakapatnam Naval Radio 1928 CW VVV VTP4/5/6.
(26Mar08) (MPJ)

08965 T4Z6: 4/6 Air Cavalry, Iraq 1912 ALE/USB Sounding. (26Mar08)

09088 : Unid 'AA' Net 1855 CW ... a 031 a 77391 K. aa K. aaaaa 667
a 63708 K. a K ... (26Mar08) (MPJ)

11418.5 OEY51: Austrian BMLV/Army, Vienna 1250 ALE/USB Contacts
OEY71-Austrian Army, Golan Heights, Syria. (26Mar08) (MPJ)

11494 : Unid 1254 UNID/USB Possibly TADIRAN. Offair 12:56. (26Mar08)
(Jim, U.K. - udxf 27/03/2008)

08551.5 CTP: Nato Lisbon 2214 Rtty ITA2 75/850 naws de ctp qsx 4 6 8 mhz
qsx 4 6 8 mhz qsx 4 6 8 mhz ar (2008-03-26) (sw)

08434.0 TAH Istanbul Radio 2227 Sitor/A1a ch-mkr (2008-03-26) (sw)

02463.0 IDR2: Ita-N IN Rome 2234 ITA2 75/850 idr2 /igj42 /igj43 /idr8 /idr3
/igj41 (2008-03-26) (sw)

02618.5 GYA: Gbr-N RN London 2238 Fax 120/576 wx chart (2008-03-26) (sw)

02643.0 A9M: Bhr-Mms Hamala R 2242 Sitor/A1a ch-mkr 2227 (2008-03-26) (sw)

02680.0 4XZ: Isr-N Haifa 2249 a1a vvv de 4xz (2008-03-26) (sw)

02789.0 FUE: Fra-N FN Brest 2254 ITA2 75/850 (testing all de fue)
(2008-03-26) (sw)

02872.0 SPEEDBIRD 5731: Baw flight wkg Shanwick. Posn rpt 2256 J3e Usb
(2008-03-26) (sw)

03016.0 SPEEDBIRD 247: Baw flight wkg Shanwick. Posn rpt and Selcal chk BFPR
2300 J3e Usb (2008-03-26) (sw)
(Sam, U.K. - udxf 27/03/2008)

04901.0 M10: Pol-Mil 1409 ALE/USB clg C30 (2008-03-26) (sw)

04901.0 C30: Pol-Mil 1409 ALE/USB clg M10 (2008-03-26) (sw)

06706.0 XSS: UK-DHFCS (NCS Forest Moor) 1446 ALE/USB sndg. (2008-03-26) (sw)

02216.0 XFU: UK-DHFCS 1452 ALE/USB clg XSS UK-DHFCS (NCS Forest Moor)
(2008-03-26) (sw)

03598.4 M10: Pol-Mil 1459 ALE/USB clg C30 (2008-03-26) (sw)

05708.0 170034: USAF A/c C-5 87-0034 1507 ALE/USB sndg. (2008-03-26) (sw)

04540.0 244: Unid 2218 ALE/USB clg 571 (2008-03-26) (sw)

06583.0 LF4: pos Geo-Mil 2253 ALE/USB clg DUV (2008-03-26) (sw)

06583.0 DUV: pos Geo-Mil 2253 ALE/USB clg LF4 (2008-03-26) (sw)

04071.0 KG4: pos Geo-Mil 2300 ALE/USB clg LF4 (2008-03-26) (sw)

05780.0 KG4: pos Geo-Mil 2301 ALE/USB clg LF4 (2008-03-26) (sw)

06583.0 LF4: pos Geo-Mil 2308 ALE/USB clg AAW (2008-03-26) (sw)

05120.0 XA33: Alg-Mil 2308 ALE/USB clg RM30 (2008-03-26) (sw)

05780.0 KG4: pos Geo-Mil 2309 ALE/USB clg BER (2008-03-26) (sw)

05425.0 LF3: pos Geo-Mil 2316 ALE/USB clg JYT (2008-03-26) (sw)

05780.0 LF4: pos Geo-Mil 2333 ALE/USB clg AAW (2008-03-26) (sw)

05780.0 KG4: pos Geo-Mil 2333 ALE/USB clg DUV (2008-03-26) (sw)
(Sam, U.K. - udxf 27/03/2008)

2872 kHz USB 0420z: "Gander" wkg airliners for DQAR & BRCH SelCal checks. (27Mar2008) (ALS).

2872 kHz USB 0421z: "Shanwick" wkg airliners. (27Mar2008) (ALS).

2899 kHz USB 0352z: "Gander," "Shanwick" wkg airliners. (27Mar2008) (ALS).

2962 kHz USB 0423z: "Santa Maria" wkg airliners. (27Mar2008) (ALS).

6586 kHz USB 0241z: "New York" wkg "Air Europa 034" for clearance to LEMD (Madrid). (27Mar2008) (ALS).

6586 kHz USB 0243z: "New York" wkg "JetBlue 707"; unable higher altitude due to other tfc. (27Mar2008) (ALS).

6604 kHz USB 0238z: New York Volmet: Aviation Weather for Indianapolis, St louis, Atlantic City. (27Mar2008) (ALS).

8843 kHz USB 0409z: "San Francisco" wkg "Hawaiian Airlines" flight for position report. (27Mar2008) (ALS).

8843 kHz USB 0431z: "San Francisco" wkg airliner for SelCal check on HSGJ. (27Mar2008) (ALS).
(A. Stern, Satellite Beach, FL, USA - udxf 27/03/2008)

4675.0 VT-DHA 0525 Indian BD700 Global Express reg VTDHA cn9111 wkg Bodo FL400, pos 66N010W 0632 next 67N020W usb 03/27 (PP)
(Patrice Privat, France - udxf 27/03/2008)

09070.0 Unid: S06 1630 Slavic OM 5fg msg end "null" rptd. (txm end 1646z)
(Sam, U.K. - udxf 27/03/2008)

05393.0 BD0: Mrc-Gendarmerie Royale 2354 ALE/USB clg IJ5 (2008-03-26) (sw)

05393.0 IJ5: Mrc-Gendarmerie Royale 2354 ALE/USB clg BD0 (2008-03-26) (sw)

07692.0 BD0: Mrc-Gendarmerie Royale 2358 ALE/USB clg IJ5 (2008-03-26) (sw)
(Sam, U.K. - udxf 27/03/2008)

04356,5 drcm: FGS Wiesel S79 P6129 D 0923 usb/stanag4285 qso dhj58 no
synch please try again over 27Mar08 (wp3)

07793,0 fav22: French Army Mont-Valerien F 1131 cw morse exercises
... xfurp bt nr 66 m 27 12:30:03 ...... 27Mar08 (wp3)

07815,0 rmw22: RUS 1132 cw rmw22 rwm22 de rwm44 rwm44 qsa ? k then
qsa exchange, 44 here loud, 22 weak, no further tfc 27Mar08 (wp3)

05687,0 medevac1: GAF Flight D 1205 usb qso dhm91 dep 1150 eta utst
(Temez) 1735 14 people on board 27Mar08 (wp3)
(Wolfgang Palmberger, Germany - udxf 27/03/2008)

6516 USA Oxnard CA WPXU557 3/28 0101-0116 USB wx forecast by Don for
boaters along the southern coast of California and Baja Mexico. fr-gd
signal with the Southbound net too. (M. Foltz, USA - udxf 28/03/2008)

04455.8 : Saudi Air Defence/Air Force 2250 ARQ-E/46.2/170 QSY here
after (undecoded) ALE burst. (26Mar08) (MPJ)

06358.5 PBB: RNeth Navy, Den Helder/Goree Is 1037 RTTY/75/850
CARBs: 02A 04BOO 06U 08A 12A 16A PBB. (28Mar08) (MPJ)

06795 : Unid 1030 REVS/50/490 (28Mar08) (MPJ)

07570 : Russian System 1108 FSK/50/500 MORUZ system active 7570
and 13985 kHz. 11055 and 13490 kHz idle on mark. (28Mar08) (MPJ)

07630 : CIS Military 1100 81-81/81/500 Cipher, then slow revs and
gone. (28Mar08) (MPJ)

08056 : CIS Military 1117 MS-5/4800/USB In traffic. (28Mar08) (MPJ)

09259.8 : Unid 1134 FSK/100/1000 ACF=0. Long period revs at 50 bps
then cipher. (28Mar08) (MPJ)

11384 VP-BQP: Aeroflot A340 'A.Rubler' Flt SU0106 1351 HFDL VP-BQP,
VP-BUO A319-SU0114 and VP-BKX-A320 SU0282 connect to Shannon.
(28Mar08) (MPJ)

11384 OK-LEG: CSA A320 Flt OK0689 1358 HFDL FLT OK0689 4411N 00816E
via Shannon. (28Mar08) (MPJ)

12736 REA4: LRAF HQ Moscow 1140 REVS/50/1000 Idling. No 28110
or 28120 bcast. // 11408. (28Mar08) (MPJ)

12892.5 9HD: Globe Wireless Malta 1309 GW-OFDM In traffic, then
idles. (28Mar08) (MPJ)

14369 : Unid 1312 UNID/USB Possibly TADIRAN. Gone at 13:13.
(Jim, U.K. - udxf 28/03/2008)

17435 SK01

RDFT (tuned in USB as always, to eliminate the heterodyne caused by my
computer network) 1600-1630 UTC

Yesterday no fading, no audio whine. Today some fading, bad audio
whine. This has become a daily sked for SK01. Powerful carrier up at
1600, transfers at 5 or 10 minute intervals, carrier down at
approximately 1630.

Both days multiple successful copies of a 279 byte binary file called
49029469.F1A. No text at all in this file. It prints as total nonsense,
of course. (Hugh S., USa - udxf 28/03/2008)

08551.5 CTP: Nato Lisbon 1214 Rtty ITA2 75/850

naws de ctp qsx 4 6 8 mhz qsx 4 6 8 mhz qsx 4 6 8 mhz ar (2008-03-28) (sw)

08412.0 IDR2: Ita-N Rome 1225 Rtty ITA2 75/850

IDR2 /IGJ42 /IGJ43 /IDR4/IDR3/IGJ44 (2008-03-28) (sw)

16118.5 A9M Bahrain R Mms 1459 Sitor/A1a ch-mkr (2008-03-28) (sw)

06362.0 MGJ: GBR-RN Faslane 1510 Rtty 75/850 availability msg 02h 03c 03f
04b 06a 06g 08a 12b 16a 22c mgj (2008-03-28) (sw)
(Sam, U.K. - udxf 28/03/2008)

04270.0 PCD: E10 H3e 2103 msg grp 20 ZTHEE ATKUB QSNKK UJPOD VNPOP.. end
2107 //6498 (2008-03-28) (sw)
(Sam, U.K. - udxf 29/03/2008)

05320.0 LF3: pos Geo-Mil 2109 ALE/USB clg JYT (2008-03-28) (sw)

06551.0 BAW: pos Geo-Mil 2110 ALE/USB clg KG4 (2008-03-28) (sw)

06583.0 LF4: pos Geo-Mil 2123 ALE/USB clg KG4 (2008-03-28) (sw)

06583.0 KG4: pos Geo-Mil 2123 ALE/USB clg LF4 (2008-03-28) (sw)

04988.0 TWLC2: Spa-Pol Santader, Spa 2125 ALE/USB clg TXX1 Madrid, Spa
(2008-03-28) (sw)

04561.0 TWLC2: Spa-Pol Santader, Spa 2126 ALE/USB clg TXX1 Madrid, Spa
(2008-03-28) (sw)

04751.0 TXX1: Spa-Pol Madrid, Spa 2128 ALE/USB clg TZSJ2 DGSE Jaen, Spa
(2008-03-28) (sw)

03533.0 TXX1: Spa-Pol Madrid, Spa 2133 ALE/USB clg TZSL2 Algeciras
(2008-03-28) (sw)

05865.0 TWLC2: Spa-Pol Santader, Spa 2134 ALE/USB clg TXX1 Madrid, Spa
(2008-03-28) (sw)

05319.0 TWLC2: Spa-Pol Santader, Spa 2135 ALE/USB clg TXX1 Madrid, Spa
(2008-03-28) (sw)

06934.0 TXX1: Spa-Pol Madrid, Spa 2141 ALE/USB clg TZSL2 Algeciras
(2008-03-28) (sw)

05352.0 TXX1: Spa-Pol Madrid, Spa 2142 ALE/USB clg TZSM2 Malaga, Spa
(2008-03-28) (sw)

05892.0 TWLC2: Spa-Pol Santader, Spa 2143 ALE/USB clg TXX1 Madrid, Spa
(2008-03-28) (sw)

06583.0 KBR: Geo-Mil (8GS net) 2146 ALE/USB clg 1BR (2008-03-28) (sw)

03218.0 TWLC2: Spa-Pol Santader, Spa 2148 ALE/USB clg TXX1 Madrid, Spa
(2008-03-28) (sw)

06934.0 TXX1: Spa-Pol Madrid, Spa 2151 ALE/USB clg TZSU2 Ceuta, Spa
(2008-03-28) (sw)

05379.0 TXX1: Spa-Pol Madrid, Spa 2151 ALE/USB clg TZSU2 Ceuta, Spa
(2008-03-28) (sw)

05286.0 TWLC2: Spa-Pol Santader, Spa 2156 ALE/USB clg TXX1 Madrid, Spa
(2008-03-28) (sw)

04874.0 TWLC2: Spa-Pol Santader, Spa 2157 ALE/USB clg TXX1 Madrid, Spa
(2008-03-28) (sw)

03587.0 TXX1: Spa-Pol Madrid, Spa 2158 ALE/USB clg TWLC2 Santader, Spa
(2008-03-28) (sw)

03587.0 TWLC2: Spa-Pol Santader, Spa 2158 ALE/USB clg TXX1 Madrid, Spa
(2008-03-28) (sw)

6881.5 4400: Unid (Arab voice net) 2200 ALE/USB clg 1474 (2008-03-28) (sw)
(Sam, U.K. - udxf 29/03/2008)

5575.0 1581 : unid 19:30 USB/ALE sounding THIS WAS (28 Mar)(PPA)
5575.0 1050 : unid 19:32 USB/ALE sounding THIS WAS (28 Mar)(PPA)
5575.0 6658 : unid 19:32 USB/ALE sounding THIS WAS (28 Mar)(PPA)
5575.0 5305 : unid 19:32 USB/ALE sounding THIS WAS (28 Mar)(PPA)
5575.0 1912 : unid 19:36 USB/ALE sounding THIS WAS (28 Mar)(PPA)
5575.0 5201 : unid 19:29 USB/ALE calling 1706 (28 Mar)(PPA)

5266.0 VR53 : Algerian mil ALG 20:20 USB/ALE calling VR40 followed by
Harris AVS scrambled voice traffic (27 Mar)(PPA)
5266.0 VR40 : Algerian mil ALG 20:23 USB/ALE calling VR53 (27 Mar)(PPA)
5266.0 VR62 : Algerian mil ALG 20:19 USB/ALE calling VR57 (27 Mar)(PPA)
5443.0 VR45 : Algerian mil ALG 19:20 USB/ALE calling VR40 (28 Mar)(PPA)

5418.0 GASSI30P : Sonatrach Pumping Station Gassi Touil ALG 18:28
LSB/ALE sounding (28 Mar)(PPA)

5319.0 TXX2 : GC Central Sector HQ Madrid E 18:51 USB/ALE Calling
TWVO2 GC Soria (28 Mar)(PPA)
5319.0 TWLC2 : GC Cantabria E 19:05 USB/ALE calling TXX1 (28 Mar)(PPA)

5153.0 LF3 : Georgian mil GEO 19:27 USB/ALE Calling KG3 ;19:32 Calling
BGT ;19:36 calling JYT (27 Mar)(PPA)
5101.0 EGD : Georgian mil GEO 20:00 USB/ALE Calling KG3 (28 Mar)(PPA)
5101.0 LF3 : Georgian mil GEO 20:02 USB/ALE Calling JYT and later KG3
followed by Female Voice traffic and Serial modem traffic (28 Mar)(PPA)
5320.0 4BR : Georgian mil GEO 19:10 USB/ALE calling SSS (28 Mar)(PPA)

5439.0 TC7101 : US-mil 7-101st Aviation Regiment "Eagle lift" IRQ
19:42 USB/ALE sounding (27 Mar)(PPA)

5119.0 --- : Swiss mil rapid deployment shelters 20:09 USB/ALE Traffic
between SUI and SCG ,link protected call followed by Mil-std 188-110
serial modem traffic (27 Mar)(PPA)

5388.5 OPS8 : unid 20:18 USB/ALE calling OPSTK0 (28 Mar)(PPA)

5103.0 GAS : unid 20:09 USB/ALE calling SAZ (28 Mar)(PPA)
5103.0 SAZ : unid 20:09 USB/ALE calling GAS (28 Mar)(PPA)

5292.0 1577 : unid 19:42 USB/ALE sounding THIS WAS (28 Mar)(PPA)
5292.0 1601 : unid 19:45 USB/ALE sounding THIS WAS (28 Mar)(PPA)
5292.0 1524 : unid 19:47 USB/ALE sounding THIS WAS (28 Mar)(PPA)
(Peter P, Holland - udxf 29/03/2008)

07635.5 pecheurs 0851 USB esp d/x "valencia..." 29mar08

08106 SWA athenes 0905 FAX 29mar08

08200.0 pecheurs? 0908 USB esp d/x correspondant tres faible...29mar08

03023.0 pecheurs 0923 USB fr 29mar08

03900.0 pecheurs 0923 USB hol d/x 29mar08
(Michel Lacroix, France - dxuti 29/03/2008)

06722.0 W47/LJS9: Romanian MIL "STAR" network node, ROU
1736 USB/MIL-STD 188-141B 2G ALE/MIL-STD 188-110B
serial tone waveform, crypto e-mail tfc to "T9X",
net using ALE + linking protection (29Mar08) (LDO)

06722.0 T9X/JYHG: Romanian MIL "STAR" network node, ROU
1736 USB/MIL-STD 188-141B 2G ALE/MIL-STD 188-110B
serial tone waveform, crypto e-mail tfc to "W47",
net using ALE + linking protection (29Mar08) (LDO)

07905.0 WET/DB9R: Romanian MIL "STAR" network node, ROU
1145 USB/MIL-STD 188-141B 2G ALE/MIL-STD 188-110B
serial tone waveform, crypto e-mail tfc to "TRT",
net using ALE + linking protection (29Mar08) (LDO)

07905.0 TRT/MKB5: Romanian MIL "STAR" network node, ROU
1145 USB/MIL-STD 188-141B 2G ALE/MIL-STD 188-110B
serial tone waveform, crypto e-mail tfc to "WET",
net using ALE + linking protection (29Mar08) (LDO)

07905.0 W47/LJS9: Romanian MIL "STAR" network node, ROU
1712 USB/MIL-STD 188-141B 2G ALE/MIL-STD 188-110B
serial tone waveform, crypto e-mail tfc to "WET",
net using ALE + linking protection (29Mar08) (LDO)

07905.0 LHH/8KQM: Romanian MIL "STAR" network node, ROU
1730 USB/MIL-STD 188-141B 2G ALE/MIL-STD 188-110B
serial tone waveform, crypto e-mail tfc to "3TJ",
net using ALE + linking protection (29Mar08) (LDO)

07905.0 3TJ/2FY9: Romanian MIL "STAR" network node, ROU
1730 USB/MIL-STD 188-141B 2G ALE/MIL-STD 188-110B
serial tone waveform, crypto e-mail tfc to "LHH",
net using ALE + linking protection (29Mar08) (LDO)

08025.0 CENTR2: MFA Bucharest, ROU 0813 USB/MIL-STD 188-
141B 2G ALE, calling Romanian embassy Vienna at
2 minute intervals (26Mar08) (LDO)

09019.0 MEF: UNID Royal Air Force airborne unit, /// 1026
USB/MIL-STD 188-141B, sounding (26Mar08) (LDO)

10150.0 CENTR4: MFA Bucharest, ROU 0945 USB/MIL-STD 188-
141B 2G ALE/MIL-STD 188-110B serial tone waveform,
compressed & encrypted e-mail tfc to Oslo
(27Mar08) (LDO)

10150.0 ----: Romanian embassy Oslo, NOR 0945 USB/MIL-STD
188-141B 2G ALE/MIL-STD 188-110B ser. tone waveform,
compressed & encrypted e-mail traffic to "CENTRALA

10315.0 MOB2: UNID Romanian Governemnt aircraft, /// 1011
USB/MIL-STD 188-141B 2G ALE, clng Romanian Permanent
Mission to the UN in Geneva - no response heard
(26Mar08) (LDO)
(Leif Dehio, Munich, Germany - udxf 29/03/2008)

8918 kHz - Victory 7 (F14A VF84 "Jolly Roger" NAS Oceana, Va)
wkg NY with a postion report at 15:22 UTC
(Doug, Canada - ndblist 30/03/2008)

16820.0 IAR: Ita-Mms Rome R Ita 1028 Sitor/A1a ch-mkr (2008-03-29) (sw)

13375.0 Lincolnshire Poacher: E03 1711 J3e msg Id 33690. // 15682
(2008-03-29) (sw)

04270.0 PCD: E10 H3e 1704 msg grp 17 [SPIWP] (2008-03-29) (sw)

04880.0 ULX: E10 H3e 1739 i/p msg rptd grp 44 [RSLER] (2008-03-29) (sw)

03360.0 FTJ: E10 H3e 2204 2msgs msg 1 grp 94[IXDNS] msg 2 grp 60 [KJQCS]
(2008-03-29) (sw)

06840.0 EZI: E10 H3e 2207 msg grp 23 [XYZZO] (2008-03-29) (sw)
(Sam, U.K. - udxf 30/03/2008)

08045.0 RFI: Unid (pos Saudi net) 2229 ALE/USB clg JCI (2008-03-28) (sw)

04970.0 5880: Unid (58** net) 2236 ALE/USB sndg. (2008-03-28) (sw)

05410.0 5880: Unid (58** net) 2237 ALE/USB sndg. (2008-03-28) (sw)

04910.0 RFI: Unid (pos Saudi net) 2242 ALE/USB clg JCI (2008-03-28) (sw)

05337.0 Usa-Mil T2Z147: Usa-Mil 2nd Bn 147th Rgt IRQ 2245 ALE/USB sndg.
(2008-03-28) (sw)

11147.0 2001: Mrc-Moi/Direction de la Protection Civile 0950 ALE/USB clg
2205 (2008-03-29) (sw)

07759.0 213: Unid 1753 ALE/USB sndg. (2008-03-29) (sw)

06837.0 220: Unid 1755 ALE/USB clg 224 (2008-03-29) (sw)

04540.0 244: Unid 1756 ALE/USB clg 571 (2008-03-29) (sw)

05061.0 754: Unid 1801 ALE/USB clg 673 (2008-03-29) (sw)

06565.0 244: Unid 1803 ALE/USB clg 334 (2008-03-29) (sw)

04540.0 244: Unid 1804 ALE/USB clg 334 (2008-03-29) (sw)

04593.0 RAI: Unid (pos Saudi net) 1809 ALE/USB clg JAI (2008-03-29) (sw)

09230.0 0000210688: Grc-Ministry of Public Order (Hellenic Police) 2211
ALE/USB sndg. (2008-03-29) (sw)

05061.0 864: Unid 2215 ALE/USB clg 673 (2008-03-29) (sw)

05780.0 KG4: pos Geo-Mil 2305 ALE/USB clg SRT (2008-03-29) (sw)

03105.0 VR52: Alg-Mil 2338 ALE/USB clg VR40 (2008-03-29) (sw)

03105.0 VR40: Alg-Mil 2338 ALE/USB clg VR52 (2008-03-29) (sw)

03268.0 VR43: Alg-Mil 2341 ALE/USB clg RM40 (2008-03-29) (sw)
(Sam, U.K. - udxf 30/03/2008)

032608 1600 17515 AM Cuban V2a w/ 02413 80847 57672 callup & 5F msgs
032608 1600 17436 AM AM carrier, Cuban RDFT tones at 0006. Poor audio,
echo on signal
032608 1705 17435 AM Cuban V2a w/ 5F msgs. Was replaced by RDFT tones
at 1710, RDFT had heavy echo. At 1730 carrier down & then back up, RDFT
tones with good audio
032608 1800 8097 MCW Cuban M8a w/ 5F msgs
032608 1900 8097 MCW Cuban M8a w/ 5F msgs
032608 2135 12982 USB Unid signal, same as heard on 4245. MFSK signal
repeating same sequence. RSA mil
032608 2140 13089 USB NMN WX
032608 2143 13229 USB Malfunctioning RTTY signal
032608 2214 6340.5 FAX NMF WX charts
032608 2220 6586 USB 'New York' ATC wking American 1870
032708 0141 3370.5 USB AFA4CY MARS net
032708 0439 4014 FAX ZSJ Silvermine, RSA FAX w/ text, unreadable
032708 0448 4096 CW Three pirate beacons, 4 sec dasher, 1 sec dasher, &
2 sec dasher
032708 0449 4077.1 CW MO Pirate beacon from Oklahoma
032708 0452 4079.6 CW TMP Temperature beacon reating TMP54
032708 0453 4089 CW Pirate ditter beacon, about 80 dits/min
032708 0455 4094.2 CW PA Pirate beacon from Arkansas
032708 0457 4102.7 CW W Wind beacon, W & series of dits
032708 0503 4113.8 CW FL Pirate beacon from Florida
032708 0508 4149 USB WPE Jacksonville, FL wking WBN6510 tug Sentinal &
various other tugs for posn rpts
032708 0519 4426 USB NMN WX
032708 0530 4700 USB TW Wking various single-letter c/s
032708 0715 3287 RTTY 75/850 CKN NAWS tape
032708 0721 6786 AM Cuban V2a w/ 5F msgs
032708 0808 8180 RDFT Cuban SK01 sked, nonstop repeats of RDFT signal.
Passed file 8541237895.txt. Slight QRM from Link-11 signal
032708 0928 5574 USB 'San Francisco' ATC wking United 78 w/ posn rpt &
selcall check, SF advised 5574 primary, 3413 secondary
032784 0935 5784 USB Numerous OTH radar bursts, different speeds
032708 0939 5817 USB Unid signal sounding like a gieger counter
032708 0955 8180 AM Music on Cuban SK01 carrier, carrier off at 1005
032908 0242 4028 AM End of Cuban V2a broadcast
032908 0245 4165 USB Tadiran scrambled speech
(N2UHC - udxf 30/03/2008)

081.0 unid GYN2? crimdon 0611 50/180 kg-84? 29mar08

01677.0 cabo penas 0712 USB esp naws & wx / complete bulletin 30mar08

01797.0 SDJ stockholm 0605 USB eng naws 29mar08

02749.0VAR?VCS? coastguards canada 0535 USB fr eng yl 25mar08

04040.0 unid mil? 0655 CW 5 letters blocks 29mar08

04427.0 unid uscg?? 0612 FAX 22mar08

04951.0 unid mil 0617 NATO-75/270 22mar08

05416.0 8YG? 0641 CW de 23mar08

06628.0 CEGQ ec-jhp a330 iberworld 0647 USB c atc sta maria 23mar08

06860.0 7115 maced? mil 0610 ALE USB to 7111 21mar08

08106 SWA athens 0905 FAX 29mar08

08444.0 murmansk 1340 FAX 22mar08

08484.0 HLG 1357 CW de 22mar08

08591.0 SAB 1401 GW-FSK nd 22mar08

08646.0 unid 1403 BEE 50/250 22mar08

08722.0 7TF 37 boufarik 1407 USB fr "appel general...." 24mar08

08939.0 RBNF moskva volmet 1410 USB rus wx 24mar08

16809.0 WLO? mobile alabama 1355 ARQ tfc /noise 24mar08
(Michel Lacroix, France - udxf 30/3/2008)

53,40 TBG - Canakkale TUR TN FSK 75/70 26-mar 2245 N-D 1051 N-D (BC)
2.145,60 - ..... - MIL STANAG-4285/USB 26-mar 2154 TFC KRY - (BC)
2.215,00 EHD TXX1 Madrid E GC ALE/USB 26-mar 2220 CLG "TWVA2" - (BC)
2.215,00 EHD TXX2 Madrid E GC ALE/USB 26-mar 2256 CLG "TYMB2" - (BC)
2.215,00 EHD3 TWLC2 Cantabria E GC ALE/USB 26-mar 2259 CLG "TXX1" - (BC)
2.215,00 EHD8 TYMR2 Ciudad Real E GC ALE/USB 26-mar 2332 CLG "TXX2" - (BC)
2.215,00 EHD8 TYMR2 Ciudad Real E GC MIL STD 188-110A/USB 26-mar 2334 SEND MSG TO "TXX2" - (BC)
2.215,00 EHK TYMM2 Madrid E GC ALE/USB 26-mar 2252 CLG "TWVB2" - (BC)
2.215,00 EHP5 TWVA2 Avila E GC ALE/USB 26-mar 2220 CLG "TXX1" - (BC)
2.215,00 EHP6 TYMB2 Badajoz E GC ALE/USB 26-mar 2256 CLG "TXX2" - (BC)
2.215,00 EHP9 TWVB2 Burgos E GC ALE/USB 26-mar 2252 CLG "TYMM2" - (BC)
2.230,20 - ..... - MIL STANAG-4285/USB 26-mar 2159 TFC KRY - (BC)
2.239,00 U... - ..... CIS MIL CIS 81-81 81-200 26-mar 2203 N-D - (BC)
2.286,00 U... - ..... CIS MIL CIS 81-81 81-200 26-mar 2205 N-D - (BC)
2.304,40 - ..... - JEAC BR6028: ARQ-E 46,2/170/USB/6CH 26-mar 2207 IDLE ON BOTH CH - (BC)
2.314,70 - ..... - JEAC BR6028: ARQ-E 46,2/170/USB/6CH 26-mar 2209 IDLE ON BOTH CH - (BC)
2.398,00 U... - ..... CIS MIL J3E/USB 26-mar 2210 TFC RUS/WX - (BC)
2.532,00 ..... - ..... - [...] FSK 50/250 26-mar 2217 N-D - (BC)
2.579,00 IPB - Bari I RADIO J3E/USB 26-mar 2210 AV - (BC)
2.680,00 4XZ - Haifa ISR IsN CW 26-mar 2220 VVV DE - (BC)
2.737,00 FAV22 - Mont Valerien F FA CW 28-mar 1831 GR(A) 'BT NR 39 MJ 19:37:1 1988 IIDTE ..... ' (BC)
2.738,50 U... - ..... CIS CISAF CW 26-mar 2231 TIME STRING - (BC)
2.761,00 OSU - Oostende BEL RADIO J3E/USB 26-mar 2230 AV - (BC)
2.817,00 U... - ..... CIS MIL CIS 81-81 81/200 26-mar 2234 N-D - (BC)
2.842,00 - ..... - MILITARE NATO 100/850 26-mar 2240 N-D - (BC)
3.000,00 ..... 4201 ..... - [...] ALE/USB 27-mar 0351 SOUND - (BC)
3.167,00 7U.. B2U ..... ALG ANG ALE/USB 28-mar 2048 CLG "RM01" - (BC)
3.167,00 7U.. JB01 ..... ALG ANG ALE/USB 27-mar 2150 CLG "RM01" - (BC)
3.167,00 7U.. RM01 ..... ALG ANG ALE/USB 27-mar 2150 CLG "RM01" 2208 CLG "XT01" (BC)
3.167,00 7U.. TD01 ..... ALG ANG ALE/USB 28-mar 0158 CLG "TP01" 0358 CLG "TP01" (BC)
3.167,00 7U.. TP01 ..... ALG ANG ALE/USB 27-mar 2258 CLG "TD01" - (BC)
3.167,00 7U.. WP01 ..... ALG ANG ALE/USB 27-mar 2150 CLG "JB01" - (BC)
3.167,00 7U.. ZPB1 ..... ALG ANG ALE/USB 28-mar 1932 CLG "VQ01" - (BC)
3.167,00 EHD TXX1 Madrid E GC ALE/USB 28-mar 0541 CLG "TWLC2" - (BC)
3.167,00 EHD TXX2 Madrid E GC ALE/USB 27-mar 2248 CLG "TWVB" - (BC)
3.167,00 EHD3 TWLC2 Cantabria E GC ALE/USB 27-mar 2240 CLG "TXX1" 1928 CLG "TXX1" (BC)
3.167,00 EHL TWVL2 Leon E GC ALE/USB 28-mar 0646 CLG "TXX2" - (BC)
3.206,00 U... - ..... CIS MIL RUS-SYS 75/250 26-mar 2135 N-D - (BC)
3.218,00 EHD3 TWLC2 Cantabria E GC ALE/USB 26-mar 2149 CLG "TXX1" 2350,0010,0240,0311,0503 CLG "TXX1" (BC)
3.218,00 EHK TYMM2 Madrid E GC ALE/USB 26-mar 2319 CLG "TXX1" - (BC)
3.218,00 EHP5 TYMA2 Avila E GC ALE/USB 26-mar 2258 CLG "TXX1" - (BC)
3.292,00 U... - ..... CIS MIL CIS 81-81 81/250 26-mar 2143 N-D - (BC)
3.297,00 ..... - ..... - [...] FSK 50/250 26-mar 2145 N-D - (BC)
3.323,00 U... - ..... CIS MIL RUS-SYS 75/250 26-mar 2015 N-D - (BC)
3.374,00 ..... - ..... - [...] FSK 50/250 26-mar 2151 N-D - (BC)
3.810,00 ..... - ..... - [...] J3E/USB 26-mar 2005 TFC RUS - (BC)
3.823,75 U... - ..... CIS MIL CIS 81-81 81/250 28-mar 1847 N-D - (BC)
3.858,00 ..... - ..... - [...] J3E/USB 26-mar 2009 TFC RUS - (BC)
3.880,00 4L.. 2BT ..... GEO GeoF ALE/USB 26-mar 2004 CLG "4BR" - (BC)
3.880,00 4L.. 4BR ..... GEO GeoF ALE/USB 26-mar 2010 CLG "2BT" - (BC)
3.889,00 SP.. MOBILE1 ..... POL PoF ALE/USB 26-mar 1957 CLG "WARSZAWA3" - (BC)
3.889,00 SP.. WARSZAWA2 Warszawa POL PoF ALE/USB 26-mar 2123 CLG "MOBILE1" - (BC)
3.889,00 SP.. WARSZAWA3 Warszawa POL PoF ALE/USB 26-mar 1950 CLG "MOBILE1" - (BC)
3.894,00 ..... - ..... - [...] J3E/USB 26-mar 1949 TFC RUS - (BC)
4.021,00 ..... KPLD ..... - [...] CW 26-mar 1943 GR(A)/CLG/WKG "OICM" 'OICM OICM OICM DE KPLD KPLD QTC K ' (BC)
4.031,75 U... - ..... CIS MIL CIS 81-81 81/250 28-mar 1851 N-D - (BC)
4.036,00 U... - ..... CIS MIL RUS-SYS 75/250 28-mar 1854 N-D - (BC)
4.059,00 ..... - ..... - [...] CW 26-mar 1936 VVVVVVVV/TFC - (BC)
4.062,00 ..... 1QQU ..... - [...] CW 26-mar 1942 VVVVVVVV/TFC - (BC)
4.145,00 U... - ..... CIS CISAF CW 28-mar 1902 COUNTING STRING - (BC)
4.209,50 XSY - Hualien TWN RADIO FEC 100/170 26-mar 1930 RPT NAVTEX - (BC)
4.374,00 ..... NSKS ..... - [...] CW 26-mar 1925 TFC TWO TONES (BC)
4.438,00 U... - ..... CIS MIL RUS-SYS 75/250 26-mar 1920 N-D - (BC)
4.472,90 U... - ..... CIS MIL CIS 81-81 40,5/400 26-mar 1858 N-D - (BC)
4.475,50 FAV22 - Mont Valerien F FA CW 26-mar 1849 GR(A) 'NR 10 M 26 19:54:22 A 1980 BT TTVXP.....' (BC)
4.515,00 7U.. B2U ..... ALG ANG ALE/USB 28-mar 0841 CLG "JB03" - (BC)
4.515,00 7U.. JB01 ..... ALG ANG ALE/USB 28-mar 0813 CLG "JB03" - (BC)
4.515,00 7U.. JB03 ..... ALG ANG ALE/USB 28-mar 0813 CLG "JB01" - (BC)
4.515,00 7U.. KP02 ..... ALG ANG ALE/USB 28-mar 0811 CLG "RM01" - (BC)
4.515,00 7U.. MDN Algier ALG ANG ALE/USB 28-mar 0830 CLG "JB03" - (BC)
4.515,00 7U.. QM02 ..... ALG ANG ALE/USB 28-mar 0845 CLG "RM01" - (BC)
4.515,00 7U.. QX03 ..... ALG ANG ALE/USB 28-mar 0816 CLG "QX03" - (BC)
4.515,00 7U.. RB01 ..... ALG ANG ALE/USB 28-mar 1002 CLG "RM01" - (BC)
4.515,00 7U.. RB02 ..... ALG ANG ALE/USB 28-mar 0842 CLG "RM01" 0940 CLG "TP01" (BC)
4.515,00 7U.. ST02 ..... ALG ANG ALE/USB 28-mar 0811 CLG "RM01" - (BC)
4.515,00 7U.. VQ01 ..... ALG ANG ALE/USB 28-mar 0852 CLG "RM01" - (BC)
4.629,00 FAV22 - Mont Valerien F FA CW 26-mar 1842 GR(A) 'NR 89 G 21:19:48 07 1980 BT CIVWX ' (BC)
4.712,00 RER8 YEREVAN RADIO Yerevan ARM ACC (MID-3) J3E/USB 26-mar 1838 WKG Mineralnyye Vody - (BC)
4.712,00 RLB9 MINERALNYYE RADIO Mineralnyye Vody RUS AIR J3E/USB 26-mar 1838 CLG/WKG Yerevan - (BC)
4.715,00 M... XSS Forest Moor G DHFCS ALE/USB 24-mar 2131 SOUND 2201,2236,2310 SOUND (BC)
4.724,00 AFA ANDREWS Camp Springs,MD USA USAF J3E/USB 26-mar 1835 EAM BROADCAST - (BC)
4.751,00 EHD TXX1 Madrid E GC ALE/USB 24-mar 0710 CLG "TZSJ2" - (BC)
4.751,00 EHD TXX1 Madrid E GC MIL STD 188-110A/USB 24-mar 0709 SEND MSGS TO "TZSJ2" - (BC)
4.751,00 EHG8 TWLN2 Navarra E GC ALE/USB 24-mar 1830 CLG "TXX1" - (BC)
4.751,00 EHG9 TWVS1 Salamanca E GC ALE/USB 24-mar 1829 CLG "TWLN2" - (BC)
4.751,00 EHL4 TZSJ2 Jean E GC ALE/USB 24-mar 0704 CLG "TXX1" - (BC)
4.751,00 EHQ6 TYVC2 Castellon E GC ALE/USB 24-mar 1556 CLG "TXX1" - (BC)
4.794,00 ..... - ..... - [...] CW 26-mar 1833 GR(A) - (BC)
4.810,00 - ..... - MIL STANAG-4285/USB 26-mar 0626 TFC KRY - (BC)
4.874,00 EHD TXX1 Madrid E GC ALE/USB 28-mar 1953 CLG "TWLC2" - (BC)
4.874,00 EHD3 TWLC2 Cantabria E GC ALE/USB 28-mar 1946 CLG "TXX1" 1956,2006,2036,2056,2106,2126,2136,2146,2156 CLG "TXX1" (BC)
4.920,00 ..... - ..... - [...] FSK 50/250 26-mar 1829 N-D - (BC)
4.948,00 FAV22 - Mont Valerien F FA CW 28-mar 1938 GR(A) //7688,5 'NR 50 M 25 18:44:15 1980 BT ZYMKW FSGMV ...' (BC)
5.002,00 ..... 1050 ..... - [...] ALE/USB 26-mar 1801 CLG "8304" - (BC)
5.002,00 ..... 1410 ..... - [...] ALE/USB 26-mar 1951 SOUND - (BC)
5.002,00 ..... 1474 ..... - [...] ALE/USB 26-mar 1825 1825 CLG "1912" - (BC)
5.002,00 ..... 1501 ..... - [...] ALE/USB 26-mar 1803 CLG "1581" - (BC)
5.002,00 ..... 1549 ..... - [...] ALE/USB 26-mar 2059 CLG "1563" - (BC)
5.002,00 ..... 1578 ..... - [...] ALE/USB 26-mar 1839 SOUND - (BC)
5.002,00 ..... 1581 ..... - [...] ALE/USB 26-mar 1803 CLG "1580" - (BC)
5.002,00 ..... 1717 ..... - [...] ALE/USB 26-mar 2032 SOUND - (BC)
5.002,00 ..... 1918 ..... - [...] ALE/USB 26-mar 1841 SOUND - (BC)
5.002,00 ..... 5201 ..... - [...] ALE/USB 26-mar 1917 SOUND - (BC)
5.002,00 ..... 8111 ..... - [...] ALE/USB 26-mar 1848 CLG "8011" - (BC)
5.002,00 ..... 8304 ..... - [...] ALE/USB 26-mar 1823 CLG "8810" - (BC)
5.002,00 ..... 8802 ..... - [...] ALE/USB 26-mar 2048 SOUND - (BC)
5.002,00 ..... 8810 ..... - [...] ALE/USB 26-mar 1823 CLG "8304" 1910 CLG "1717" (BC)
5.002,00 ..... 888 ..... - [...] ALE/USB 26-mar 1807 CLG "1717" INCOMPLETE CALL ??? (BC)
5.007,00 EHG3 TYBB2 Palma de Mallorca E GC ALE/USB 25-mar 1922 CLG "TXX1" - (BC)
5.007,00 EHL TWLV2 Leon E GC ALE/USB 25-mar 2015 CLG "TXX1" - (BC)
5.007,00 EHO7 TZSG1 Granada E GC ALE/USB 26-mar 0640 CLG "TZSO1" - (BC)
5.007,00 EHQ9 TZSO1 Cordoba E GC ALE/USB 25-mar 1930 CLG "TZSU1" - (BC)
5.007,00 EH.. TZSE2 Melilla E GC ALE/USB 25-mar 1952 CLG "TXX1" - (BC)
5.007,00 EH.. TZSU1 Ceuta E GC ALE/USB 25-mar 1930 CLG "TZSO1" - (BC)
5.011,30 U... - ..... CIS MIL CIS 81-81 81/200 26-mar 0630 N-D - (BC)
5.035,00 - ..... - MIL STANAG-4285/USB 27-mar 1927 TFC KRY - (BC)
5.052,00 - ..... - MILITARE NATO 100/850 27-mar 1755 N-D - (BC)
5.075,00 ..... XS0 ..... - [...] ALE/USB 28-mar 0749 CLG "XS3" - (BC)
5.094,00 7U.. CY40 ..... ALG ANG ALE/USB 26-mar 1803 CLG "CY51" - (BC)
5.094,00 7U.. CY40 ..... ALG ANG J3E/USB 26-mar 1803 VOCODER TFC - (BC)
5.094,00 7U.. CY51 ..... ALG ANG ALE/USB 26-mar 1803 CLG "CY40" - (BC)
5.094,00 7U.. CY51 ..... ALG ANG J3E/USB 26-mar 1803 VOCODER TFC - (BC)
5.116,40 - ..... - MIL NATO 75/850 25-mar 0611 N-D - (BC)
5.121,50 WNU - Sliddel,LA USA GW RADIO PACTOR-GW 26-mar 0631 N-D/CH MARKER - (BC)
5.133,00 U... - ..... CIS MIL CIS 81-81 81/250 26-mar 1805 N-D - (BC)
5.180,00 - ..... - MIL NATO 75/850 24-mar 1801 N-D - (BC)
5.198,00 U... - ..... CIS MIL FSK 50/250 26-mar 1808 N-D - (BC)
5.204,50 ..... 6101 ..... - [...] ALE/USB 26-mar 1819 SOUND - (BC)
5.255,00 - ..... - [...] NATO 75/850 24-mar 1758 N-D - (BC)
5.285,00 ZA.. BORA Bora ALB POLICE MIL STD 188-110A/USB 28-mar 0820 SEND MSG TO Drini - (BC)
5.285,00 ZA.. DRINI Drini ALB POLICE MIL STD 188-110A/USB 28-mar 0820 SEND MSG TO Bora - (BC)
5.297,00 ..... - ..... - [...] CW 26-mar 0917 TFC - (BC)
5.320,00 SZ.. - ..... GRC HF J3E/USB 26-mar 0910 TFC GRE SIMPLEX (BC)
5.365,00 7U.. BD20 ..... ALG ANG J3E/USB 24-mar 0931 CLG "BD25" - (BC)
5.365,00 7U.. BD22 ..... ALG ANG J3E/USB 24-mar 1109 CLG "RM20" - (BC)
5.365,00 7U.. BD25 ..... ALG ANG J3E/USB 24-mar 0931 CLG "BD20" - (BC)
5.365,00 7U.. BD25 ..... ALG ANG MIL STD 188-110A/USB 24-mar 1750 SEND MSGS TO "BD20" - (BC)
5.365,00 7U.. RM20 ..... ALG ANG J3E/USB 24-mar 0923 CLG "ZT23" - (BC)
5.365,00 7U.. RM20 ..... ALG ANG MIL STD 188-110A/USB 24-mar 1832 SEND MSGS TO "BD20" - (BC)
5.365,00 7U.. ST20 ..... ALG ANG J3E/USB 24-mar 0710 CLG "ST21" - (BC)
5.365,00 7U.. ST21 ..... ALG ANG J3E/USB 24-mar 0711 CLG "ST20" - (BC)
5.365,00 7U.. VK20 ..... ALG ANG J3E/USB 24-mar 0727 CLG "ZT23" - (BC)
5.365,00 7U.. VK23 ..... ALG ANG J3E/USB 24-mar 1040 CLG "RM20" - (BC)
5.365,00 7U.. YG20 ..... ALG ANG J3E/USB 24-mar 0918 CLG "ZT23" - (BC)
5.365,00 7U.. ZT20 ..... ALG ANG J3E/USB 24-mar 0724 CLG "ZT23" - (BC)
5.365,00 7U.. ZT23 ..... ALG ANG J3E/USB 24-mar 0724 CLG "ZT20" - (BC)
5.374,50 7U.. BJ30 ..... ALG ANG J3E/USB 25-mar 1030 CLG "BJ33" - (BC)
5.374,50 7U.. BJ31 ..... ALG ANG J3E/USB 25-mar 0613 CLG "RM30" - (BC)
5.374,50 7U.. BJ33 ..... ALG ANG J3E/USB 25-mar 0637 CLG "CM30" - (BC)
5.374,50 7U.. BJ34 ..... ALG ANG J3E/USB 25-mar 1814 CLG "RM30" - (BC)
5.374,50 7U.. BJ35 ..... ALG ANG J3E/USB 25-mar 0635 CLG "CM30" - (BC)
5.374,50 7U.. CM30 ..... ALG ANG J3E/USB 25-mar 0635 CLG "BJ35" - (BC)
5.374,50 7U.. RM30 ..... ALG ANG J3E/USB 25-mar 0614 CLG "BJ31" - (BC)
5.374,50 7U.. RM30 ..... ALG ANG MIL STD 188-110A/USB 25-mar 0635 TFC KRY - (BC)
5.374,50 7U.. ST20 ..... ALG ANG J3E/USB 25-mar 0930 CLG "RM20" - (BC)
5.374,50 7U.. XA30 ..... ALG ANG J3E/USB 25-mar 0647 CLG "CM30" - (BC)
5.374,50 7U.. XA31 ..... ALG ANG J3E/USB 25-mar 1749 CLG "RM30" - (BC)
5.374,50 7U.. XA33 ..... ALG ANG J3E/USB 25-mar 0905 CLG "RM30" - (BC)
5.374,50 7U.. XA35 ..... ALG ANG J3E/USB 25-mar 0730 CLG "XA30" - (BC)
5.377,00 U... - ..... CIS MIL CIS 81-81 81/250 26-mar 1812 N-D - (BC)
5.379,00 EHD TXX1 Madrid E GC ALE/USB 28-mar 1747 CLG "TWLN1" - (BC)
5.379,00 EHP8 TWVL2 Vizcaya E GC ALE/USB 28-mar 1815 CLG "TXX1" - (BC)
5.379,00 EHQ9 TZSO1 Cordoba E GC ALE/USB 26-mar 0636 CLG "TZSG1" - (BC)
5.379,00 EH.. TZSH2 Huelva E GC ALE/USB 28-mar 2151 CLG "TXX1" - (BC)
5.379,00 EH.. TZSU2 Ceuta E GC ALE/USB 28-mar 2152 CLG "TXX1" - (BC)
5.379,00 ZA.. BORA Bora ALB POLICE ALE/USB 26-mar 0806 CLG "DRINI" - (BC)
5.379,00 ZA.. BORA Bora ALB POLICE MIL STD 188-110A/USB 26-mar 0806 SEND MSGS TO "DRINI" - (BC)
5.379,00 ZA.. DRINI Drini ALB POLICE ALE/USB 26-mar 0806 CLG "BORA" - (BC)
5.379,00 ZA.. DRINI Drini ALB POLICE MIL STD 188-110A/USB 26-mar 0806 SEND MSGS TO "BORA" - (BC)
5.379,00 ZA.. MALI Maliqi ALB POLICE ALE/USB 26-mar 1051 CLG "DRINI" - (BC)
5.384,74 R... 491050 ..... RUS RNAT BAUDOT 50/250 26-mar 1813 TFC KRY ZZZZZZ: (BC)
5.384,74 R... 491050 ..... RUS RNAT CW 26-mar 1815 TFC TWO TONES (BC)
5.410,00 Z3.. CS003 ..... MKD MkdF ALE/USB 26-mar 0941 CLG "RS0016" - (BC)
5.410,00 Z3.. CS003 ..... MKD MkdF MIL STD 188-110A/USB 26-mar 0941 SEND MSGS TO "RS0016" - (BC)
5.410,00 Z3.. RS0016 ..... MKD MkdF ALE/USB 26-mar 1034 CLG "CS003" - (BC)
5.410,00 Z3.. RS0016 ..... MKD MkdF MIL STD 188-110A/USB 26-mar 0941 SEND MSGS TO "CS003" - (BC)
5.435,50 OEY51 - Wien AUT AuA ALE/USB 28-mar 0742 CLG OEY71 0950 CLG OEY71 (BC)
5.448,00 U... - ..... CIS MIL BEE/36-50 50/200 24-mar 1747 TFC KRY - (BC)
5.459,00 ..... - ..... - [...] CW 26-mar 1819 TFC - (BC)
5.470,00 7U.. ESW ..... ALG ANG ALE/USB 24-ago 1823 CLG "XL20" - (BC)
5.470,00 7U.. MDN Algier ALG ANG ALE/USB 24-ago 1751 CLG "AC10" - (BC)
5.470,00 7U.. ND10 ..... ALG ANG ALE/USB 24-ago 1808 CLG "RM10" - (BC)
5.470,00 7U.. O2U ..... ALG ANG ALE/USB 24-ago 1808 CLG "RM10" - (BC)
5.475,00 ..... - ..... . [...] CW 27-mar 2004 TFC - (BC)
5.490,00 7U.. CY49 ..... ALG ANG ALE/USB 28-mar 0738 CLG "CY40" - (BC)
5.490,00 7U.. CY53 ..... ALG ANG ALE/USB 28-mar 0754 CLG "CY40" - (BC)
5.531,00 ..... 111 ..... - [...] ALE/USB 24-mar 2037 CLG "MTA2" - (BC)
5.600,00 ..... 1030 ..... - [...] ALE/USB 27-mar 1954 SOUND - (BC)
5.600,00 ..... 1643 ..... - [...] ALE/USB 29-mar 0005 SOUND - (BC)
5.600,00 ..... DODGE ..... - [...] ALE/USB 28-mar 0653 CLG "MAZDA" - (BC)
5.736,00 ..... - ..... - [...] CW 28-mar 0556 GR(N) - (BC)
5.757,00 ..... GMWI ..... - [...] BAUDOT 50/500 26-mar 0723 GR(N) - (BC)
5.757,00 ..... GMWI ..... - [...] CW 26-mar 0727 TFC 1823 TFC (BC)
5.784,20 - ..... - JEAC ARQ-E 46,2/170 24-mar 1736 IDLE - (BC)
5.830,60 ..... - ..... - [...] FSK 250/170 28-mar 0854 N-D - (BC)
5.837,50 ..... - ..... - [...] PACTOR-III 26-mar 0903 N-D - (BC)
5.851,70 ZA.. ARCVLOR Vlore ALB ARC PACTOR-II 26-mar 0802 SEND MAILS TO Tirana - (BC)
5.880,00 ..... 9RJ4 ..... - [...] CW 26-mar 0924 TFC - (BC)
5.939,00 ..... - ..... - [...] J3E/USB 26-mar 0900 TFC ARA SIMPLEX (BC)
5.991,00 ..... - ..... - [...] CW 26-mar 0857 GR(N) - (BC)
6.247,00 - ..... - MIL NATO 75/850 24-mar 0717 N-D - (BC)
6.316,00 NMN - Pungo,VA USA USCG SITOR 100/170 26-mar 0605 CH MARKER - (BC)
6.321,50 REA4 - Moskva RUS CISAF CW 24-mar 1730 GR(N)/QRA - (BC)
6.431,00 FAV22 - Mont Valerien F FA CW 26-mar 0555 GR(A) - (BC)
6.450,00 PWZ33 - Rio de Janeiro B BN BAUDOT 75/850 28-mar 0610 WX - (BC)
6.450,00 IER.. LAGANA - SHIP - I IFG ALE/USB 25-mar 1103 CLG "DAMATO" - (BC)
6.511,00 - ..... - MIL NATO 75/850 24-mar 1728 N-D - (BC)
6.515,00 U... - ..... CIS MIL RUS-SYS 75/250 26-mar 0553 N-D - (BC)
6.722,00 ..... - ..... - [...] ALE/USB 28-mar 1117 N-D SIMPLEX PROTETCTED LINK (BC)
6.722,00 ..... - ..... - [...] MIL STD 188-110A/USB 28-mar 1118 TFC KRY SIMPLEX (BC)
6.724,00 EDA VIGIA Madrid E SAF J3E/USB 28-mar 1116 WKG "LINCE..." - (BC)
6.748,00 4X.. DD1 ..... ISR IsAF ALE/USB 24-mar 1501 SOUND - (BC)
6.748,00 4X.. TKM ..... ISR IsAF ALE/USB 24-mar 1324 SOUND - (BC)
6.759,00 - ..... - MIL NATO 150/850 25-mar 0620 N-D - (BC)
6.770,00 SSE - Cairo EGY MFA CODAN 16 TONES/USB 26-mar 0603 N-D - (BC)
6.790,00 7X.. GASSI30P Gassi Touil ALG AO&G ALE/LSB 25-mar 1121 SOUND - (BC)
6.790,00 7X.. HAMRAGPL Hamra ALG AO&G ALE/LSB 27-mar 2028 SOUND - (BC)
6.790,00 7X.. MEDER30P Medera ALG AO&G ALE/LSB 25-mar 0715 SOUND - (BC)
6.790,00 7X.. RNOUSLR1 Rhourde El Nouss ALG AO&G ALE/LSB 27-mar 2218 SOUND - (BC)
6.796,00 EHD TXX1 Madrid E GC ALE/USB 25-mar 0924 CLG "TWBM2" - (BC)
6.796,00 EHD3 TWLC2 Cantabria E GC ALE/USB 28-mar 1753 CLG "TXX1" - (BC)
6.796,00 EHL TWVL2 Leon E GC ALE/USB 28-mar 2047 CLG "TXX2" - (BC)
6.796,00 EHP TWBB2 Barcelona E GC ALE/USB 25-mar 1136 CLG "TXX1" - (BC)
6.796,00 EHQ9 TZSO2 Cordoba E GC ALE/USB 25-mar 1125 CLG "TXX1" - (BC)
6.796,00 EH.. TWCG2 Gijon E GC ALE/USB 25-mar 1906 CLG "TWVB1" - (BC)
6.815,00 - ..... - MIL STANAG-4285/USB/1200L 28-mar 0902 TFC KRY - (BC)
6.838,00 7U.. MDN Algier ALG ANG ALE/USB 28-mar 1208 CLG "XL10" - (BC)
6.838,00 7U.. RM10 ..... ALG ANG ALE/USB 28-mar 1116 CLG "XL10" - (BC)
6.838,00 7U.. XL14 ..... ALG ANG ALE/USB 28-mar 1229 CLG "XL12" - (BC)
6.838,00 7U.. XL21 ..... ALG ANG ALE/USB 28-mar 1127 CLG "RM10" - (BC)
6.844,00 ..... AQTS ..... - [...] CW 28-mar 1735 CLG/WKG "ASTV" 1650 GR(N) (BC)
6.850,00 ..... - ..... - [...] CW 28-mar 0905 TFC TWO TONES (BC)
6.860,00 U... - ..... CIS MIL BEE/36-50 50/250 28-mar 1057 TFC KRY - (BC)
6.860,00 U... - ..... CIS MIL CW 28-mar 1100 TFC TWO TONES (BC)
6.865,00 ..... NV1 ..... - [...] ALE/USB 25-mar 1352 CLG "ANA" 1405 CLG "ANA" (BC)
6.888,00 FAV22 - Mont Valerien F FA CW 28-mar 0910 GR(A) ' NR 01 M 28 10:15:33 1988 BT KSIBO .....' (BC)
6.897,00 FAV22 - Mont Valerien F FA CW 25-mar 0644 GR(A) //7951.0 //6946,0 (BC)
6.904,00 U... - ..... CIS MIL RUS-SYS 75/250 28-mar 1736 N-D - (BC)
6.905,00 U... - ..... CIS PTT ? CIS-14 100/495 28-mar 0910 TFC KRY - (BC)
6.911,00 U... - ..... CIS MIL RUS-SYS 75/250 24-mar 0722 N-D - (BC)
6.921,00 4X.. BB1 ..... ISR IsAF ALE/USB 24-mar 0727 SOUND - (BC)
6.921,00 4X.. DD1 ..... ISR IsAF ALE/USB 24-mar 0851 SOUND - (BC)
6.921,00 ..... 2015 ..... - [...] ALE/USB 24-mar 0752 SOUND - (BC)
6.946,00 FAV22 - Mont Valerien F FA CW 25-mar 0644 GR(A) //7951.0 //6897,0 (BC)
6.955,00 EHD TXX2 Madrid E GC ALE/USB 28-mar 1846 CLG "TWVE2" - (BC)
6.955,00 EHD3 TWLC2 Cantabria E GC ALE/USB 28-mar 1753 CLG "TXX1" - (BC)
6.955,00 EHL TWVL2 Leon E GC ALE/USB 28-mar 2051 CLG "TXX2" - (BC)
6.955,00 EHP5 TWVA2 Avila E GC ALE/USB 28-mar 1823 CLG "TXX2" - (BC)
6.955,00 EHP9 TWVB2 Burgos E GC ALE/USB 28-mar 1833 CLG "TXX2" - (BC)
7.300,20 - ..... - MILITARE STANAG-4285/USB 28-mar 0925 TFC KRY - (BC)
7.422,00 ..... - ..... - [...] ALE/USB 25-mar 0633 N-D PROTECTED LINK (BC)
7.504,75 U... - ..... CIS PTT RUS-ARQ 100/1000 28-mar 0929 N-D - (BC)
7.598,00 IEA22 - Genova I CC J3E/LSB 28-mar 0837 WKG IEA20 - (BC)
7.598,00 IEA24 - Venezia I CC J3E/LSB 28-mar 0840 WKG IEA20 - (BC)
7.598,00 IEA25 - Bolzano I CC J3E/LSB 28-mar 0838 WKG IEA20 - (BC)
7.598,00 IEA26 - Padova I CC J3E/LSB 28-mar 0838 WKG IEA20 - (BC)
7.598,00 IEA40 - Roma I CC HELY NUCLEO J3E/LSB 28-mar 0841 WKG IEA20 - (BC)
7.598,00 IET31 - Bologna I CC J3E/LSB 28-mar 0838 WKG IEA20 - (BC)
7.598,00 IET32 - Ancona I CC J3E/LSB 28-mar 0838 WKG IEA20 - (BC)
7.598,00 IET33 - Firenze I CC J3E/LSB 28-mar 0838 WKG IEA20 - (BC)
7.598,00 IET34 - Perugia I CC J3E/LSB 28-mar 0839 WKG IEA20 - (BC)
7.598,00 IET35 - Roma I CC J3E/LSB 28-mar 0839 WKG IEA20 - (BC)
7.598,00 IEU41 - Napoli I CC J3E/LSB 28-mar 0839 WKG IEA20 - (BC)
7.598,00 IEU42 - Ctanzaro I CC J3E/LSB 28-mar 0840 WKG IEA20 - (BC)
7.598,00 IEU43 - Bari I CC J3E/LSB 28-mar 0840 WKG IEA20 - (BC)
7.598,00 IEU44 - Pescara I CC J3E/LSB 28-mar 0840 WKG IEA20 - (BC)
7.598,00 IEU45 - Palermo I CC J3E/LSB 28-mar 0840 WKG IEA20 - (BC)
7.598,00 IEU46 - Campobasso I CC J3E/LSB 28-mar 0841 WKG IEA20 - (BC)
7.598,00 IEU63 - Potenza I CC J3E/LSB 28-mar 0841 WKG IEA20 - (BC)
7.598,00 IEU67 - Foggia I CC J3E/LSB 28-mar 0917 CLG/WKG IEU672 - (BC)
7.598,00 IEU672 - San Severo I CC J3E/LSB 28-mar 0917 WKG IEU67 - (BC)
7.605,35 ..... - ..... - [...] COQUELET-8 26,6 24-mar 0727 TFC KRY SIMPLEX (BC)
7.688,50 FAV22 - Mont Valerien F FA CW 28-mar 1937 GR(A) //4948,0 'BT NR 50 M 25 10:44:15 CH980 BT ZYMKW FSGMV ...' (BC)
7.778,70 SSE - Cairo EGY MFA FEC 100/170 24-mar 1804 TFC ARA - (BC)
7.778,70 SSE - Cairo EGY MFA SITOR 100/170 24-mar 1800 CLG/WKG Algier (10171,7) (BC)
7.778,70 SSE.. DG----MG London G AMB EGIZIANA SITOR 100/170 24-mar 1717 WKG Cairo - (BC)
7.891,00 FAV22 - Mont Valerien F FA CW 24-mar 1710 GR(A) 'NR 86 M 24 18:20:51 CH980 BT BQFSW MEHR ......' (BC)
7.951,00 FAV22 - Mont Valerien F FA CW 25-mar 0637 GR(A) 'NR 37 M 25 17:55:43 1980 BT ONEL ......' (BC)
7.952,00 ..... VSQB ..... - [...] CW 24-mar 0734 CLG/WKG "INA9" - (BC)
8.000,00 AA.. T2Z3MED ..... - USARMY ALE/USB 25-mar 2056 SOUND - (BC)
8.000,00 ..... 2216 ..... - [...] ALE/USB 25-mar 2108 SOUND - (BC)
8.008,00 FAV22 - Mont Valerien F FA CW 26-mar 0535 GR(A) 'NR 68 M 26 16:49:55 1980 BT ' (BC)
8.025,00 YP.. IASC3 Iasi ROU POLICE ALE/USB 24-mar 1002 CLG "BU3C3" 1008,1057,1059 CLG "BU3C3" (BC)
8.026,00 U... - ..... CIS MIL RUS-SYS 75/250 28-mar 0550 N-D - (BC)
8.063,00 U... - ..... CIS MIL RUS-SYS 75/200 26-mar 0647 N-D - (BC)
8.065,00 ..... - ..... - [...] ALE/USB 24-mar 1706 TFC ARA SIMPLEX @ VOCODER (BC)
8.101,00 ..... - ..... - RADIO ? J3E/USB 24-mar 1825 TFC TED/TLF SIMPLEX SHIP+COAST (BC)
8.140,00 BMF - Taipei TWN METEO FAX 120/576 24-mar 1704 CDT - (BC)
8.173,00 ..... - ..... - [...] CW 25-mar 0640 GR(N) - (BC)
8.186,70 SSE.. - ..... - DIPLO EGIZIANA SITOR 100/170 28-mar 1930 TFC ARA - (BC)
8.302,00 - ..... - MILITARE STANAG-4285/600L/USB 28-mar 0935 TFC KRY - (BC)
8.424,00 SVO4 - Athinai GRC RADIO FEC 100/170 28-mar 0940 WX - (BC)
9.068,00 U... - ..... CIS MIL BEE/36-50 50/200 25-mar 0648 TFC KRY - (BC)
9.082,00 U... - ..... CIS MIL CIS 81-81 81/200 24-mar 1027 N-D - (BC)
9.245,70 4U.. - ..... - ONU PACTOR 28-mar 1934 CLG Geneva - (BC)
9.323,00 ..... - ..... - [...] FSK 50/250 24-mar 1030 N-D - (BC)
10.027,00 OKL PRAHA RADIO Praha CZE CSA J3E/USB 24-mar 0935 TFC CZE/WKG "CEC" - (BC)
10.171,70 SSE.. - Algier ALG AMB EGIZIANA SITOR 100/170 24-mar 1800 WKG Cairo (7778.7) (BC)
10.338,00 ..... - ..... - [...] CW 25-mar 1743 TFC - (BC)
10.456,00 U... - ..... CIS MIL CIS 81-81 81/250 24-mar 0940 N-D - (BC)
10.700,00 5O.. 911017 ..... NIG POLICE ALE/USB 25-mar 1712 CLG "911911" - (BC)
10.700,00 5O.. 9117 ..... NIG POLICE ALE/USB 25-mar 1739 SOUND - (BC)
10.700,00 5O.. 911913 ..... NIG POLICE ALE/USB 25-mar 1726 CLG "911911" - (BC)
10.720,00 U... - ..... CIS MIL CIS 81-81 81/250 24-mar 0943 N-D - (BC)
10.726,00 ..... - ..... - [...] CW 24-mar 0752 TFC/GR(A) - (BC)
10.733,50 R... - ..... - FAPSI CROWD/USB 24-mar 0944 TFC KRY - (BC)
10.796,00 RJE56 - ..... RUS [...] CW 24-mar 0949 CLG/WKG RJE69 'RJH69 DE RJE56 QYT1 QSA K' (BC)
10.796,00 RJE69 - ..... RUS [...] CW 24-mar 0947 CLG/WKG RJE56 'RJE56 DE RJH69 OK QYT 1' (BC)
11.073,00 ..... - ..... - [...] CW 24-mar 0949 TFC - (BC)
11.130,00 CN.. S301ALE3 ..... MRC MrcA ALE/USB 24-mar 0758 CLG "S4" - (BC)
11.130,00 CN.. S3ALE2 ..... MRC MrcA ALE/USB 24-mar 0759 CLG "S301ALE3" - (BC)
11.139,00 U... - ..... CIS MIL BEE/36-50 50/250 24-mar 0952 TFC KRY - (BC)
11.500,00 ..... 9857 ..... - [...] ALE/USB 25-mar 1705 SOUND - (BC)
12.258,50 P7.. - ..... - DIPLO COREANA FSK 600/600 24-mar 0841 N-D - (BC)
12.585,00 NRV - Apra Harbur GUM USCG SITOR 100/170 25-mar 1702 CH MARKER - (BC)
12.606,00 U... GTLS ..... CIS MIL CW 24-mar 0845 CLG/WKG "VQD9" 'VQD9 VQD9 DE GTLS GTLS RPT PBL K ' (BC)
12.831,00 9MG3 - Penang MLA GW RADIO PACTOR-GW 25-mar 1655 N-D/CH MARKER - (BC)
12.883,60 - ..... - MIL STANAG-4285/USB 25-mar 1653 TFC KRY - (BC)
12.892,50 9HD - La Valletta MLT GW RADIO PACTOR-GW 25-mar 1651 N-D/CH MARKER - (BC)
12.930,70 - ..... - MIL STANAG-4285/USB/600L 25-mar 1647 TFC KRY - (BC)
13.137,00 U... - ..... CIS RADIO J3E/USB 24-mar 1120 TLF - (BC)
13.149,00 UHS - Murmansk RUS RADIO J3E/USB 25-mar 1643 TLF - (BC)
13.195,00 U... - ..... CIS MIL RUS-SYS 75/500 24-mar 0847 N-D - (BC)
13.406,35 ..... - ..... - [...] FEC 100/170 24-mar 1118 TFC KRY - (BC)
13.450,20 - ..... - MIL STANAG-4285/USB 25-mar 1641 TFC KRY - (BC)
13.506,50 EIL 0A Haulbowline IRL IrN SITOR 100/170 24-mar 1002 TFC ING 'DE 0A RGR ZBZ 4/5 INT CURRENT QTH PSE ....' (BC)
13.563,50 P7.. - ..... - DIPLO COREANA FSK 600/600 24-mar 0849 N-D - (BC)
14.003,00 U... - ..... CIS MIL RUS-SYS 75/250 24-mar 0852 N-D - (BC)
14.028,00 U... - ..... CIS MIL RUS-SYS 75/250 24-mar 0855 N-D - (BC)
14.135,00 U... - ..... CIS MIL RUS-SYS 75/250 24-mar 0857 N-D - (BC)
14.568,50 - ..... - MIL STANAG-4285/USB 24-mar 0904 TFC KRY - (BC)
14.576,00 U.. - ..... CIS MIL RUS-SYS 75/500 24-mar 0907 N-D - (BC)
14.641,70 SSE - Cairo EGY MFA FEC 100/170 26-mar 0725 TFC ARA - (BC)
14.641,70 SSE - Cairo EGY MFA SITOR 100/170 26-mar 0714 CLG/WKG Roma (16029,7) (BC)
14.651,00 ..... - ..... - [...] CW 28-mar 1756 TFC - (BC)
14.708,00 U.. - ..... CIS MIL RUS-SYS 75/500 24-mar 0911 N-D - (BC)
14.801,00 FAV22 - Mont Valerien F FA CW 25-mar 1635 GR(A) 'NR M 25 17:37:57 1980 BT USVES JNUQE.......' (BC)
14.824,00 U.. - ..... CIS MIL BEE/36-50 50/250 24-mar 1006 TFC KRY - (BC)
14.982,00 U.. - ..... CIS MIL RUS-SYS 75/500 24-mar 0913 N-D - (BC)
15.737,50 4K.. - Baku AZE RAILWAYS BAUDOT 50/500 24-mar 1014 TFC RUS - (BC)
15.920,00 CFH - Halifax,NS CAN CF BAUDOT 75/850 25-mar 1630 NAWS DE - (BC)
16.020,00 SSE.. - ..... - DIPLO EGIZIANA CODAN 16 TONES/USB 25-mar 1528 N-D - (BC)
16.026,70 SSE - Cairo EGY MFA SITOR 100/170 26-mar 0830 CLG/WKG Madrid - (BC)
16.029,70 SSE.. - Roma I AMB. EGIZIANA SITOR 100/170 26-mar 0714 WKG Cairo (14641,7) (BC)
16.074,70 SSE.. - ..... - DIPLO EGIZIANA SITOR 100/170 26-mar 0707 TFC ARA - (BC)
16.128,00 U.. - ..... CIS MIL RUS-SYS 75/500 24-mar 0917 N-D - (BC)
16.137,70 SSE - Cairo EGY MFA SITOR 100/170 24-mar 1018 CLG/WKG Algier - (BC)
16.145,00 ..... - ..... - [...] MIL STD 188-110A/USB 28-mar 1005 SEND CONTINUOS SHORT MSGS FIXED DATA RATE 600/Z (BC)
16.189,70 - ..... - MIL NATO 75/850 24-mar 1022 N-D - (BC)
16.248,00 U... - ..... CIS MIL BEE/36-50 50/500 24-mar 1025 TFC KRY - (BC)
16.263,00 ..... 04017 ..... - [...] ALE/USB 24-mar 1255 SOUND - (BC)
16.263,00 ..... 10002 ..... - [...] ALE/USB 24-mar 1527 SOUND - (BC)
16.264,50 N... - ..... - USN NATO 75/850 25-mar 1534 N-D - (BC)
16.334,70 SSE - Cairo EGY MFA SITOR 100/170 28-mar 1012 CLG Abdjan - (BC)
16.605,90 M... - Nicosia CYP BF MFSK4 195 25-mar 1537 N-D - (BC)
16.986,00 CTP97 - Palhais POR PN BAUDOT 75/850 28-mar 1023 NAWS DE - (BC)
17.474,70 SSE - Cairo EGY MFA SITOR 100/170 24-mar 1033 TFC ARA 1036 CLG/WKG Ankara (BC)
17.928,00 HS.. 06 Hat Yai THA AIR ACARS 26-mar '0709 SQUITTERS - (BC)
18.107,00 U... - ..... CIS MIL BEE/36-50 50/250 24-mar 1051 TFC KRY - (BC)
18.280,00 U... - ..... CIS PTT CIS-ARQ 100/2000 26-mar 0738 N-D - (BC)
18.318,00 ZSC - Cape Town AFS GW RADIO PACTOR-GW 25-mar 1542 N-D/CH MARKER - (BC)
18.331,70 SSE - Cairo EGY MFA SITOR 100/170 24-mar 1342 CLG/WKG Kampala - (BC)
18.479,50 U... - ..... CIS PTT CIS-ARQ 100/2000 26-mar 0741 N-D - (BC)
18.581,00 ..... - ..... - [...] ALE/USB 26-mar 0744 N-D PROTECTED LINK (BC)
18.663,00 SSE.. GMQKJSGK N'djamena TCD AMB. EGIZIANA CODAN 16 TONES/USB 26-mar 0745 SEND MSGS TO Cairo - (BC)
18.664,70 SSE.. GMQKJSGK N'djamena TCD AMB. EGIZIANA SITOR 100/170 26-mar 0817 WKG Cairo - (BC)
19.020,00 SSE.. - ..... - DIPLO EGIZIANA CODAN 16 TONES/USB 25-mar 1602 N-D - (BC)
19.021,70 SSE.. - ..... - DIPLO EGIZIANA SITOR 100/170 25-mar 1600 TFC ARA - (BC)
19.215,00 7U.. - Algier ALG [...] J3E/USB 26-mar 0815 TFC ARA SIMPLEX FINAL BEEP (BC)
19.655,00 HEC - Bern SUI GW RADIO PACTOR-GW 24-mar 1110 N-D/CH MARKER - (BC)
20.268,00 RDL - Smolensk RUS CISN BEE/36-50 50/199 25-mar 1550 TFC KRY - (BC)
22.380,50 CBV - Valaparaiso Playa Anca CHL RADIO SITOR 100/170 25-mar 1620 CH MARKER - (BC)
22.389,50 NMN - Pungo,VA USA USCG SITOR 100/170 25-mar 1554 CH MARKER - (BC)
(Bruno Casula, Italy - udxf 30/3/2008)

02705 XSS: UK DHFCS NCS 2329 ALE/USB Sounding. (29Mar08) (MPJ)

03865 AA5: Unid 2329 Sounding. (29Mar08) (MPJ)

04681 D-ALCE: Lufthansa Cargo MD11F Flt LH8370 2357 HFDL Posn
report via Johannesburg 5325N 04542E. (30Mar08) (MPJ)

04681 B-6078: Air China A330 Flt CCA907 2357 HFDL Posn report
6022N 03933E. (30Mar08) (MPJ)

04681 A7-ADV: Qatar Airways A321 0003 HFDL Posn report 2345N
05652E. (30Mar08) (MPJ)

05708 277171: USAF C-17A, 436 AW 2254 ALE/USB Sounding. (29Mar08)

05544 LX-RCV: CargoLux B747 'City of Schengen' 2341 HFDL Connects
to Muharraq. (29Mar08) (MPJ)

05544 G-VWKD: Virgin Atlantic A340 'Miss Behavin'' 2343 HFDL
Acks message from MAINTROL via Muharraq: MERSEY DERBY IS SUNDAY AND
OXFORD WON THE BOAT RACE." followed by football results. (29Mar08)

05544 SU-GCI: Egypt Air A330 2349 HFDL Logs on. (29Mar08) (MPJ)

05544 HS-TNE: Thai A340 Flt THA970 2349 HFDL Posn report 3732N
06152E. (29Mar08) (MPJ)

08421.5 LZW: Warna Radio, Bulgaria 2032 FEC Football & basketball
results in Bulgar. (29Mar08) (MPJ)

08484 HLG: Seoul Radio, Korea 2036 CW CQ de HLG QSX 8 MHz K.
(29Mar08) (MPJ)

08646 VTP: Vishakapatnam Naval Radio 2039 CW VVV de VTP4/5/6.
(29Mar08) (MPJ)

09110 NMF: USCG Boston, MA USA 2050 FAX/120/576 Perfect 96-hour
surface forecast and 96-hour wind & wave forecast charts. (29Mar08)
(Jim, U.K. - udxf 30/3/2008)

15682.0 Lincolnshire Poacher: E03 1307 J3e msg Id 37996. (2008-03-30) (sw)

13375.0 Lincolnshire Poacher: E03 1511 J3e msg Id 02156. msg 60340 04633
29754 18580 73653 .... // 12603 (2008-03-30) (sw)

12745.5 JJC: Jap-KYODO Tokyo, Jap 1544 Fax 120/576 (2008-03-30) (sw)

12594.5 A9M: Bhr-Mms Bahrain R 1600 Sitor/a1a ch-mkr (2008-03-30) (sw)

04270.0 PCD: E10 H3e 1804 2 msgs msg 1 grp 51 [FDBBB] Msg 2 grp 36 [GFNKH]

(2008-03-30) (sw)

04880.0 ULX: E10 H3e 1837 rpt msg grp 21 [DBBUA] (2008-03-30) (sw)
(Sam, U.K. - udxf 30/3/2008)

2008-03-23 20:30 317 HIG 44 BREMEN, Germany
2008-03-23 20:40 336 BTA 768 Bratta, Norway
2008-03-23 20:43 340 KAI 1392 Utti / Kaipi, Finland
2008-03-23 20:45 342 SL 525 Goteborg / Landvetter, Sweden
2008-03-23 20:44 342 LL 852 Leirin / Fagernes, Norway
2008-03-23 20:43 343 HBC 328 Y Halfdan B / Maersk, Int'l Waters
2008-03-23 20:47 344 HN 131 HOHN, Germany
2008-03-23 20:46 345 SUS 1379 Susi, Finland
2008-03-23 20:46 345 BN 549 Birkeland, Norway
2008-03-23 20:48 347 MSK 805 Morskogen, Norway
2008-03-23 20:49 349 JX 566 Vaxjo, Sweden
2008-03-23 20:51 350 WA 1027 Y KURESSAARE, Estonia
2008-03-23 20:49 350.5 FU 93 HAMBURG WEST, Germany
2008-03-23 20:49 351 NS 401 MALMO/STURUP, Sweden
2008-03-23 20:50 352 PSJ 1330 Seinajoki, Finland
2008-03-23 20:50 353 KRW 864 Krakow, Poland
2008-03-23 20:50 353 KIL 154 KIEL HOLTENAU, Germany
2008-03-23 20:53 356 PR 539 Y RUZYNE NORTH, Czech Republic
2008-03-23 20:55 358 HW 121 HANNOVER, Germany
2008-03-23 20:55 358 GRK 1122 Graakallen, Norway
2008-03-23 20:54 359 LK 633 Lindkoping, Sweden
2008-03-23 20:54 360 OS 538 Goteborg, Sweden
2008-03-23 20:56 361 RO 1365 Kauhava, Finland
2008-03-23 20:57 361 LIE 1155 Lieto, Finland
2008-03-23 20:56 363 OEM 462 KRISTIANSTAD, Sweden
2008-03-23 20:58 366 KM 641 Kalmar, Sweden
2008-03-23 20:59 368 FN 647 Finndal / Skien, Norway
2008-03-23 20:58 368 BYC 126 BUCKEBURG, Germany
2008-03-23 20:59 368.5 ELU 436 Luxembourg, Luxembourg
2008-03-23 21:01 370 OHT 897 Arlanda, Sweden
2008-03-23 21:00 370.5 LB 429 Angelholm, Sweden
2008-03-23 21:00 372 NDO 50 Nordholz, Germany
2008-03-23 21:02 378 OS 1140 SUNDSVALL/HARNOSAND, Sweden
2008-03-23 21:02 379 REK 937 Reksten, Norway
2008-03-23 21:07 380 FLB 169 Flensburg/Schaferhaus, Germany
2008-03-23 21:08 381 RG 679 Rygge, Norway
2008-03-23 21:09 386 LK 1208 Tallin, Estonia
2008-03-23 21:11 394 JOK 1306 Kauhajoki, Finland
2008-03-23 21:11 396 YG 683 Rygge / Enge, Norway
2008-03-23 21:11 397 NF 627 Falkoping, Sweden
2008-03-23 21:12 401.5 BET 142 RHEINE BENTLAGE, Germany
2008-03-23 21:12 402 KB 300 Placid K12-B Platform, Int'l Waters
2008-03-23 21:15 406.5 BOT 222 Bottrop, Germany
2008-03-23 21:15 409 SG 616 Saatenas, Sweden
2008-03-23 21:16 413.5 DLS 335 Lubars, Germany
2008-03-23 21:16 415 OL 719 Lindkoping, Sweden
2008-03-23 21:17 416 POZ 1336 Pozarevac, Serbia (Yugoslavia)
2008-03-23 21:16 417 AH 427 Angelholm, Sweden
2008-03-23 21:17 420 SS 393 Styrup / Malmo, Sweden
2008-03-23 21:31 420 BAZ 433 BAYREUTH, Germany
2008-03-23 21:30 421 MF 456 Malmstad, Sweden
2008-03-23 21:18 423 FE 262 Odense, Denmark
2008-03-23 21:18 425 ERT 312 Erfurt, Germany
2008-03-23 21:19 433 CRE 1034 CRES, Croatia
2008-03-23 21:29 435 SM 1614 SEMENIVKA, Ukraine
2008-03-23 21:30 438 KO 990 KOZALA, Croatia
2008-03-23 21:22 444 NRD 628 Y Nowa Ruda, Poland
2008-03-23 21:24 468 FTZ 256 FRITZLAR, Germany
2008-03-23 21:29 473 FHA 636 FRIEDRICHSHAFEN, Germany
2008-03-23 21:26 474 RZ 1003 Rzeszow, Poland
(dl5xl - ndblist 27/03/2008)

Most Heard NDBs:

Rprts kHz C/S Location Cou.
24 444 NRD (UNID) Nova Ruda, POL? XUE

23 492 TBV Moravska Trebova CZE

21 473 FHA Freidrichshafen DEU
21 517 ARD Arad ROU

20 474 RZ Rzeszow Jasionka POL
20 525 WRW Wroclaw Strachowice POL

19 488 ILM Illesheim DEU
19 485 IA Indija SRB

18 450 PDV Plovdiv BUL
18 468 FTZ Fritzlar DEU
18 470 UZ Uzice Ponikve SRB
18 508 Z Zilina Hlinik SVK

(It's not often that an UNID comes top of that list!
It was logged by all 24 listeners)

DX25+10 lists:
(The 25 furthest NDBs logged, plus the 10 nearest)

km miles from kHz C/S Location Cou.
9592 5960 bn 1700 CRJ Carajas BRA
8991 5587 py 520 BHZ Belo Horizonte BRA
8861 5506 ze 1700 CRJ Carajas BRA
7975 4955 py 1700 CRJ Carajas BRA
6143 3817 fo 1720 OKN Kandahar AFG
5748 3572 mt 1720 OKN Kandahar AFG
5728 3559 bk 1720 OKN Kandahar AFG
5665 3520 py 1720 OKN Kandahar AFG
5548 3447 gc 443 AL Almaty KAZ
5154 3203 mo 443 AL Almaty KAZ
5132 3189 mo 1720 OKN Kandahar AFG
4976 3092 hw 1720 OKN Kandahar AFG
4951 3076 hw 263 QY Sydney, NS CAN
4870 3026 hw 443 AL Almaty KAZ
4830 3001 bn 1720 OKN Kandahar AFG
4640 2883 ze 1720 OKN Kandahar AFG
4640 2883 jp 1720 OKN Kandahar AFG
4603 2860 bk 520 F9 Miramichi Chatham, NB CAN
4542 2822 rb 263 QY Sydney, NS CAN
4513 2804 jj 263 QY Sydney, NS CAN
4491 2791 jt 1720 OKN Kandahar AFG
4456 2769 vd 1720 OKN Kandahar AFG
4363 2711 py 263 QY Sydney, NS CAN
4286 2663 bk 263 QY Sydney, NS CAN
4270 2653 ds 263 QY Sydney, NS CAN

km miles from kHz C/S Location Cou.
11 7 vd 448 HLV Holesov CZE
21 13 vd 441 CK Prerov CZE
29 18 ag 502.6 G4WGT (Amateur) Chorley ENG
48 30 ds 850 CIT Cranfield ENG
55 34 vd 695 T Trencin SVK
67 42 vd 534 R Ostrava Mosnov Rada CZE
82 51 vd 508 Z Zilina Hlinik SVK
84 52 vd 492 TBV Moravska Trebova CZE
86 53 vd 477 RP Malacky Kuchyna SVK
93 58 ze 888 P Pardubice CZE
(G3SIA - ndblist 27/03/2008)

26.03.2008 1726 285 PDV Padova ITA
26.03.2008 1729 285 URB Roma Urbe ITA
26.03.2008 1737 290 TR Tirana ALB
26.03.2008 1734 316 TEA Teano (CE) ITA
26.03.2008 1743 318 KLP Dubrovnik / Kolocep HRV
26.03.2008 1756 322 TRN UNID XUU
26.03.2008 1802 327 LNZ Linz / Horsching AUT
26.03.2008 1804 330 ZRA Zadar / Kakman HRV
26.03.2008 1805 333.5 VOG Voghera ITA
26.03.2008 1807 334 MR Maribor SVN
26.03.2008 1812 335 RIM Rimini ITA
26.03.2008 1813 337 RMG Romagnano Sesia (NO) ITA
26.03.2008 1815 338 NC Nice / Cote D'azur FRA
26.03.2008 1817 340 FOG Foggia ITA
26.03.2008 1819 342 PES Pescara ITA
26.03.2008 1822 345 FW Roma Fiumicino ITA
26.03.2008 1825 345.5 CF Caslav / Chotusice / Centograf CZE
26.03.2008 1828 348 TPL Topola SRB
26.03.2008 1832 349.5 SZA Solenzara COR
26.03.2008 1831 350 SK Zagreb / Pleso / S. Kraljevec HRV
26.03.2008 1834 351.5 PLA Pula HRV
26.03.2008 1840 355 OBR Beograd / Obrenovac SRB
26.03.2008 1838 356 SU Salzburg AUT
26.03.2008 1842 356.5 SHU Schupberg For Bern / Belp SUI
26.03.2008 2226 357.5 FAL Falconara ITA
26.03.2008 2229 358 TUN Tulln for Schwechat AUT
26.03.2008 2230 362 BZO Bolzano ITA
26.03.2008 2232 363.5 BRD Brindisi ITA
26.03.2008 2239 367 ZAG Zagreb / Pleso / S. Kraljevec HRV
26.03.2008 2235 367.5 PNZ Ponza (LT) ITA
26.03.2008 2242 368.5 ELU Luxembourg-Berg LUX
26.03.2008 2244 370 GAC Gacko BIH
26.03.2008 2244 371 CE Chernigov UKR
26.03.2008 2246 372 L Prague / Ruzyne / Liboc CZE
26.03.2008 2254 373 KEM Kemi-Tornio / Hirmula FIN
26.03.2008 2247 374.5 TST UNID XUU
26.03.2008 2300 376.5 ORI Orio al Serio (BG) ITA
26.03.2008 2259 378 TRI Split / Trogir HRV
26.03.2008 2302 381 ESP Helsinki / Vantaa / Espoo FIN
26.03.2008 2308 385 BO Zadar / Bokanjac HRV
26.03.2008 2310 385 NJ UNID XUE
26.03.2008 2312 386 LK Tallinn / Ulemiste EST
26.03.2008 2313 387 CEV Cervia (RA) ITA
26.03.2008 2315 390 AVI Aviano (PN) ITA
26.03.2008 2317 390.5 ITR Istres / Le Tube FRA
26.03.2008 2319 391 OKR Bratislava / M.R Stefanik / North SVK
26.03.2008 2322 392 GDY Mariehamn / Godby FIN
26.03.2008 2325 392.5 TOP Pinerolo (TO) ITA
26.03.2008 2326 398 D Plzen-Line CZE
26.03.2008 2329 400 BRZ Rijeka / Krk / Breza HRV
26.03.2008 2330 400.5 COD Codogno (LO) ITA
26.03.2008 2332 403 KEK Kerkyra / Ioannis Kapodistrias GRC
26.03.2008 2338 408 BRK Wien / Schwechat / Bruck AUT
26.03.2008 2335 409 SRT Siirt TUR
(Luca T., Tuscany, Italy - ndblist 27/03/2008)

21/03/2008 20:11 498.0 GD UNID, XUE
21/03/2008 23:13 485.0 CW Krasnaya Gorbatka, RUS
21/03/2008 23:57 319.0 ECV Colmenar Viejo, ESP
23/03/2008 23:30 445.0 AAW UNID, XUF
(G1NXS - ndblist 27/03/2008)

27 05:17 375 DW 1031 6.0 Tulsa, OK, USA
27 05:21 375 RYB 1012 6.1 Raymond, MS, USA
27 05:22 375 GUA 955 7.1 Guatemala City, GTM
27 05:25 377 EHA 1025 4.5 Elkhart, KS, USA
(Douglas S., New Chapel Hill, TX, USA - ndblist 27/03/2008)

316 MAJ MHL 1340 faint/very poor
332 POA HWA 1310 very poor/poor
353 LLD HWA 1342 poor/weak
359 NDJ MHL 1343 very poor/poor
366 PNI FSM 1344 very poor/poor
403 TUT SMA 1349 very poor -1023
530 ADK ALS 1322 weak
(Steve Ratzlaff, Oregon, USA - ndblist 27/03/2008)

325.0 27/03 2155 AST Asturias E id 1255
328.0 27/03 2201 HIG San Sebastian E id 1002
433.0 27/03 2025 JER Jerez E id 1790
329.0 27/03 2202 IB Tallinn/Ulemiste EST id 1551
421.0 27/03 2012 BUR Burnham G id 674
436.0 27/03 2029 SME Sarmellek/Balaton HNG id 734
331.0 27/03 2204 DEC Decimomannu I id 1100
337.0 27/03 2207 AH Alghero I id 950
326.0 27/03 2157 YW DUC Tyra West A IW id 755
402.0 27/03 1956 KB K12-B/Pentacon B IW id 542
428.0 27/03 2015 BS Camp Bondsteel Army Heliport SRB id 1273
(M. Oexner, Germany - ndblist 28/03/2008)

2008-03-26 15:35 1290 TU Bely RUS 888 km
2008-03-26 15:49 815 DD Lipetsk RUS 1422
2008-03-26 15:59 718 SL Lolovivka UKR 1089
2008-03-26 17:05 750 AL Dhorokovo RUS 1072 NEW
2008-03-26 17:32 525 PL St Petersburg RUS 730
2008-03-26 17:33 490 OI Unid
2008-03-26 17:35 493 RW Maryino RUS 1210
2008-03-26 17:39 468 FTZ Fritzlar DEU 926
2008-03-26 17:45 642 KN Moscov-Konstinov RUS 1163
2008-03-26 17:48 458 LP Unid
2008-03-26 17:51 518 TM Tomakivka UKR 1512
2008-03-26 18:09 678 R Kharkiv UKR 1419 NEW
2008-03-26 19:25 670 RS Rashivka UKR 1273
2008-03-26 19:39 410 SI Salzburg AUT 1129
2008-03-26 21:22 470 UZ Uzice SCG 1504

2008-03-27 16:38 885 KR Kirishi RUS 813
2008-03-27 16:41 730 AL Unid
2008-03-27 16:47 680 BP Chelobiyevo RUS 1172
2008-03-27 16:59 635 KO Kotly RUS 638
2008-03-27 17:04 564 OK Lyskovo RUS 1611 NEW
2008-03-27 17:10 678 W Rivne UKR 893
2008-03-27 17:22 687 WU Unid NEW

2008-03-28 01:49 374,5 ANC Ancona-Falconara ITA 1575
2008-0328 01:52 345,5 CF Caslav CZE 857
2008-03-28 01:54 348 TPL Topola SCG 1477
2008-03-28 02:02 332 MR Uluyanovsk RUS 1867
2008-03-28 02:06 642 KN Moscow RUS 1163
2008-03-28 02:20 306 PAR Parma ITA 1511 NEW
2008-03-28 02:23 420 BAZ Bayreuth DEU 948
2008-03-28 02:28 416 V Vodochody CZE 843 NEW
2008-03-28 02:30 412 FS Sliac SVK 979
2008-03-28 02:37 410 SI Salzburg AUT 1129
2008-03-28 02:40 410 SF Chenutzi RUS 1323
2008-03-28 02:40 408 BRK Wien AUT 1043
(SM1WXC - ndblist 28/03/2008)

22/03/2008 405 1915 JST SRB Nis / Justic
23/03/2008 351 0229 PLA HRV Pula
23/03/2008 414 0237 STA UNID XUU
23/03/2008 414 0238 STC UNID XUU
23/03/2008 416 0707 CRC UNID XUE
25/03/2008 386 0246 RAK CZE Rakovnik
25/03/2008 387 0251 CEV ITA Cervia (RA)
25/03/2008 389 0255 ZRZ ESP Zaragoza
25/03/2008 418 1939 ORA ROU Oradea
25/03/2008 428 1952 BS SRB Camp Bondsteel Army Heliport
20/03/2008 424 0457 SAC UNID UNID
(Frank T., Holland - ndblist 28/03/2008)

27 21.18 285 KTC 1258 Y Katowice/Pyrzowice,POL
27 21.16 287 WG 940 Y Kurumoch/Samara,RUS
27 19.03 465 NFR Y Minsk Mazoviecki,POL
(Victor Puzanov, Mozhaysk, Russia - ndblist 28/03/2008)

28 11:03 218 RL 411 10.2 Red Lake, ON, CAN
28 10:43 226 VCT 1014 5.2 Victoria, TX, USA
28 10:56 248 MO 1036 5.9 Mobile, AL, USA
27 21:42 251 MNZ 1019 5.1 Hamilton, TX, USA
27 21:44 251 AM 1037 1029 5.9 Amarillo, TX, USA
27 21:40 257 DT 1034 1032 6.0 Denton, TX, USA
27 21:37 278 UX 1048 1023 5.9 Sulphur, LA, USA
28 10:12 278 FD 1014 4.9 Poplar Bluff, MO, USA
27 21:34 281 DEQ 1010 6.7 De Queen, AR, USA
27 21:30 286 EYQ 1018 6.7 Houston, TX, USA
27 21:22 305 LST 1022 1017 3.5 Lone Star, TX, USA
27 21:20 308 UTS 1024 4.8 Huntsville, TX, USA
27 21:16 316 MII 1027 1014 3.8 Caddo Mills, TX, USA
27 21:11 320 TY 1033 1022 5.9 Tyler, TX, USA
27 21:13 323 HHW 1024 1015 6.4 Hugo, OK, USA
27 21:09 332 RPF 1009 1015 5.7 Carthage, TX, USA
27 21:06 341 DNI 1022 6.5 Denison, TX, USA
27 21:02 350 RG 1046 1021 5.9 Oklahoma City, OK, USA
27 21:00 350 LF 1054 1037 6.0 Lufkin, TX, USA
27 20:56 356 GMZ 1026 6.5 Bowie, TX, USA
27 19:56 365 FT 1032 1022 7.5 Ft. Worth, TX, USA
27 20:50 371 HNO 1032 1017 7.8 Henderson, TX, USA
27 20:48 375 PSN 1025 1014 6.6 Palestine, TX, USA
27 20:45 380 BBD 1019 6.3 Brady, TX, USA
28 10:28 382 CR 1033 4.9 Corpus Christi, TX, USA
28 10:28 382 APT 1022 Jasper, TN, USA
27 20:42 384 PVJ 1040 8.0 Pauls Valley, OK, USA
27 20:38 388 JUG 1040 1033 7.5 Seagoville, TX, USA
27 20:36 391 GXD 1030 1023 7.2 Nacogdoches, TX, USA
27 20:33 396 CRS 1025 6.5 Corsicana, TX, USA
27 20:29 400 AI 1015 6.1 Ardmore, OK, USA
27 20:25 404 ABG 1034 1019 7.5 Big Sandy, TX, USA
27 20:20 410 GG 1039 1024 5.9 Longview, TX, USA
(Douglas Springfield, New Chapel Hill, TX, USA - ndblist 28/03/2008)

Logs from last two days. Conditions were good for Scandinavia and 3
new onew were logged.
Reception from Brazil also seems to have improved and CVL-365
Caravelas was a respectable signal on both offsets - JAC-360
Jacare-a-Canga also made a brief appearance just after midnight on
Wednesday. Last night PEL-410 Point Pelada was logged with fairish
signals on both offsets.

26 17:51 326 YW 325.599 565 Tyra West Platform, XOE
26 20:45 335 NAK 335.391 1451 Y Stockholm/Bromma/Nacka, SWE
27 00:04 360 JAC 361.040 8433 Jacare-a-Canga (PA), BRA
26 23:44 365 CVL 363.973 8555 Caravelas (BA), BRA / 366.024
26 22:52 368 UW 368.421 617 Edinburgh, SCT
26 22:49 368 FN 368.382 1079 Finndal/Skien, NOR
26 23:39 369 ZDX 367.976 6609 'Coolidge' Saint Johns, ATG
26 22:47 369 STG 369.397 1268 Stegen, NOR
26 22:44 371 STR 370.017 1548 Sintra, POR
27 23:08 408 F 408.407 1840 Y Helsinki/Malmi, FIN
27 23:01 409 SG 409.403 1138 Satenas/Tune, SWE
27 23:57 410 PEL 408.974 8286 P Pelada/Manaus(AM)/ BRA
27 22:58 412 I 412.410 1908 Y Halli, FIN
27 22:52 414 HD 414.384 1816 Sandnessjoen/Stokka/Hestad, NOR
(g3ufi - ndblist 28/03/2008)

2008-03-28 18:07 687 VT Eysk RUS 686,184 approx 1765 km Loc approx KN86XP
(sm1wxc - ndblist 29/03/2008)

2008-03-27 21:14 317 PPD Y TATRY, SVK
2008-03-28 19:27 321 GK Y MINSK-1, BLR
2008-03-28 19:47 323 GT Y HAMBURG NORTH, DEU
2008-03-28 19:58 335 DP Y Dnipopetrovsk, UKR
2008-03-28 19:23 355 KN Y Ivenets, BLR
2008-03-27 21:10 372 NDO Y Nordholz, DEU
2008-03-27 21:10 372 CE Y Osijek / Cepin, HRV
2008-03-27 19:56 377 B Y KUOPIO 'Bravo', FIN
2008-03-27 20:36 391 OKR Y Bratislava / M.R Stefanik / No, SVK
2008-03-27 19:59 396 YG Y Rygge / Enge , NOR
2008-03-27 20:02 397 OL Y Szczecin / Golienow, POL
2008-03-27 20:22 409 NCS Y NAGYCSERKESZ, HNG
2008-03-27 20:12 416 R Y Arvika, SWE
2008-03-27 20:42 416 POZ Y Belgrade / Pozarevac, SRB
2008-03-27 20:45 425 HJ Y MAMADYSH, RUS
2008-03-27 20:48 438 PE Y TATRY, SVK
2008-03-27 21:00 478 NGT Y Powidz, POL
2008-03-28 21:33 535 KE Y , RUS
2008-03-27 19:51 1290 TU Y Bely, RUS
2008-03-27 21:21 1720 OKN Y Kandahar, AFG
(Jarmo Heittokangas, Pertteli, Finland - ndblist 29/03/2008)

AZC 403 Colorado City Municipal Apt, AZ, +1011 @ 0521Z. Looking for LSB. Has been off air since 11/06.
(Don, Canada - ndblist 29/03/2008)

29 11:50 266 SAA 1023 3.9 Saratoga, WY, USA
29 11:46 272 MLK 1012 4.6 Malta, MT, USA
29 11:44 272 LD 1020 8.6 Lubbock, TX, USA
29 11:35 275 GUY 1020 6.0 Guymon, OK, USA
29 11:32 283 IML 1022 5.5 Imperial, NE, USA
29 03:22 378 CN 1024 8.6 Waco, TX, USA
29 03:16 382 SP 1044 6.2 Springfield, IL, USA
29 03:11 382 CR 1031 1033 4.9 Corpus Christi, TX, USA
29 05:24 412 UNG 1177 6.0 Nueva Gerona, CUB
29 03:33 423 CKP 1040 6.5 Cherokee, IA, USA
29 03:25 520 IQS 1013 5.8 Sallisaw, OK, USA
(Douglas S., New Chapel Hill, TX, USA - ndblist 29/03/2008)

2008-03-29 11:00 414 EGT 1021 4.996 ; Wellington, KS
2008-03-29 09:30 414 OOA 1021 1018 6.941 ; Oskaloosa, IA
2008-03-29 10:30 414 SU 1065 1004 5.879 ; Sioux City, IA
(Don Ward, Raleigh, USA - ndblist 29/03/2008)

367.0 28/03 1938 BZ UNID ? id+tone
376.0 28/03 1948 HP Esbjerg DNK id 698
384.0 28/03 2001 ADX Andraitx for Palma de Mallorca E id 1169
394.0 28/03 2008 IZA Ibiza E id 1264
398.0 28/03 2018 LPD Montluçon/Guéret F id+tone 543
427.0 28/03 2045 AUB Aubenas/Vals-Lanas/Ardèche méridionale F id+tone 606
394.0 28/03 2010 JOK Kauhajoki FIN id 1723
419.0 28/03 2039 HY Vaasa FIN id 1742
399.0 28/03 2018 NGY New Galloway for Prestwick G id 1065
374.5 28/03 1944 ANC Ancona I id 752
407.0 28/03 2026 GAR Dublin/Garristown IRL id 1117
396.0 28/03 2016 YG Rygge/Enge NOR id 1140
383.0 28/03 1957 S Gdansk/Rebiechowo POL id 914
327.0 28/03 1933 Y Sveg S id 1477
377.0 28/03 1950 SM Mora/Siljan S id 1358
383.0 28/03 1958 ERK Erken S id 1354
384.0 28/03 2000 TY Torsby/Fryklanda S id 1248
398.0 28/03 2015 PEO Nyköping/Skavsta/Peola S id 1211
417.0 28/03 2036 R Gävle/Sandviken S id 1384
394.0 28/03 2012 MEL Metlika SVN id 674
(M. Oexner, Roschbach, Germany - ndblist 29/03/2008)

28 23:02 338 MNW 339.020 864 Munchen, DEU
28 22:51 349 TAR 349.395 1528 Orland/Tarva, NOR
28 22:46 349 JX 349.406 1146 Vaxjo/Kronoberg, SWE
28 23:35 350 DF 350.399 4039 Deer Lake, NL, CAN
28 22:54 351 KP 351.411 815 Karup, DNK
(g3ufi - ndblist 29/03/2008)

20080326 09:21 266 SAA 1022 1015 4.0 25 777 Saratoga - Shively Fld Apt, WY, USA
20080328 11:25 332 CAO 1018 1024 6.4 25 832 Clayton Municipal Apk, NM, USA
20080329 05:17 403 AZC 1006 1011 7.0 40 326 Colorado City Municipal Apt, AZ, USA
(Don, Canada - ndblist 29/03/2008)

2008-03-28 19:55 321 GK 952 Y MINSK-1, BLR
2008-03-28 20:23 1720 OKN 4452 Y Kandahar, AFG
(OH6JKN - ndblist 29/03/2008)

29 1712 494 KN Oksywie POL 492.977 / 495.022 1--(4.65sec)
29 1724 505.184 DI2AM DEU
29 1820 625 SU Sumy UKR 624.021 / 626.058 1--(14.9sec)
(Bo Nensén, Hanabäckliden-Örnsköldsvik, Sweden - ndblist 30/03/2008)

20080326 1931 406 GRO Grosseto ITA
20080328 2115 473 FHA Friedrichshafen/Löwental DEU
20080328 2153 316 TEA Teano ITA
20080328 2204 319 VAR Stavanger / Sola NOR
20080328 2222 322 KOR Helsinki / Malmi FIN
20080328 2301 334 OPA Oslo Gardemoen NOR
20080329 2359 525 WRW Wroclaw POL
(DK3JW - ndblist 30/03/2008)

20080329 2218 369 NL Göteborg / Landvetter SWE
20080329 2229 369 PS Rotterdam Locator HOL
20080329 2235 369 KA Karup DNK
20080329 2249 371 LEV Savigliano / Levaldigi (CN) ITA
20080329 2302 374,5 ANC Ancona (AN) ITA
20080329 2309 374 S Mikkeli FIN
20080329 2318 350 SPM Speyer DEU
20080329 2335 352 CG Stockholm / Arlanda SWE
20080329 2352 354 MTZ Metz / Nancy-Lorraine FRA
20080330 0013 355 KN Ivenets BLR
20080330 0029 356 RSY Paris / Charles De Gaulle FRA
20080330 0050 360 KI Kiev / Zhulyany UKR
(Joachim Rabe, Hamburg, Germany - ndblist 30/03/2008)

20080329 15:17 640 I Kiev-Borispol UKR 1114 km NEW
20080329 15:41 1285 SW Savelovo RUS 1144
20080329 17:55 1290 TU Bely RUS 888
20080329 18:01 730 WS Archangelsk RUS 1409 NEW
20080329 18:14 525 CH Cheniyakhov UKR 1008
20080329 18:35 514,5 LA Namest Nad Oslavou CZE 928
20080329 19:10 494 KN Oksywie POL 350
20080329 19:11 495 PA Pancevo SRB 1393
20080329 19:13 492 TBV Prebova CZE 852
20080329 19:18 490 KO Koshany UKR 1070
20080329 19:23 488 ILM Illesheim DEU 1035
20080329 19:31 485 IA Indija SRB 1373
20080329 19:42 474 RZ Rzeszow POL 837
20080329 22:07 432 PK Pardubice CZE 839
20080329 22:10 356 PR Praha Ruzyne North CZE 852
20080329 22:29 330 ZRA Zadar-Kakman HRV 1503
(sm1wxc - ndblist 30/3/2008)

20080330 0010 494 KN Oksywie POL
20080330 0020 448 LQ Landsberg DEU
20080330 0035 435 GHT Ghat LBY
20080330 0047 432 G Ämari EST
20080330 0054 429 KDR Kadra LBY
20080330 0055 429 LOS Losinj HRV
20080330 0102 431 SAY Stornoway SCT
20080330 0106 430 SN St. Yan FRA
20080330 0112 424 PHG Phalsbourg FRA
20080330 0123 421 FN Fiumicino ITA
20080330 0130 419 WUN Wunstdorf DEU
20080330 0135 420 GS Pula HRV
(DK3JW - ndblist 30/3/2008)

29.03.2008 2231 403 KEK Kerkyra/Ioannis Kapodistrias GRC
29.03.2008 1938 406 GRO Grosseto ITA
29.03.2008 2234 416 POZ Belgrade / Pozarevac SRB
29.03.2008 1934 416 POZ Belgrade / Pozarevac SRB
29.03.2008 2237 423 ZO Nis/Zitorada SRB
29.03.2008 2242 424 PIS Zagreb / Pleso / Pisarovina HRV
29.03.2008 2238 425 DNC Mostar BIH
29.03.2008 2244 429 LOS Losinj HRV
29.03.2008 2246 433 CRE RES HRV
29.03.2008 2248 438 KO Rijeka / Krk / Kozala HRV
29.03.2008 2249 440 PIA San Giorgio Piacentino (PC) ITA
29.03.2008 2250 441 CK Prerov CZE
29.03.2008 2251 445 AAW UNID XUF
29.03.2008 2253 448 LQ Landsberg DEU
29.03.2008 2256 452 ANS Ansbach DEU
29.03.2008 2258 468 VTN Kraljevo/Vitanovac SRB
29.03.2008 2300 470 UZ Uzice / Ponikve SRB
29.03.2008 2301 473 FHA Friedrichshafen/Löwental DEU
29.03.2008 2302 474 RZ Rzeszow / Jasionka POL
29.03.2008 2302 477 RP Malacky – Kuchyna SVK
29.03.2008 2305 485 IA Indija SRB
29.03.2008 2310 490 DVI Donaueschingen / Villingen DEU
29.03.2008 2308 490 WAK Vakarel BUL
29.03.2008 2312 492 TBV Moravska/Trebova CZE
29.03.2008 2312 495 PA Pancevo SRB
29.03.2008 2316 508 Z Zilina/Hlinik SVK
29.03.2008 2320 515 EF UNID XUU
29.03.2008 2319 517 ARD Arad Rou
29.03.2008 2329 268 ZAR Zarzaitine ALG
29.03.2008 2338 284 GRN Gorna BUL
29.03.2008 2341 285 URB Roma Urbe ITA
29.03.2008 2345 289 RI Rijeka / Krk HRV
29.03.2008 2349 290 TR Tirana ALB
29.03.2008 2108 301.5 CMP Campagnano (Roma) ITA
29.03.2008 2117 327 LNZ Linz / Horsching AUT
29.03.2008 2122 349.5 SZA Solenzara COR
29.03.2008 2126 350 SK Zagreb / Pleso / S. Kraljevec HRV
29.03.2008 2133 370 GAC Gacko BIH
29.03.2008 2136 374.5 ANC Ancona ITA
29.03.2008 2211 375 GLA Gland for Geneva / Cointrain SUI
29.03.2008 2213 379 PIS Pisa ITA
29.03.2008 2215 382 GAZ Gazoldo degli Ippoliti (MN) ITA
29.03.2008 2216 385 BO Zadar / Bocanjak HRV
29.03.2008 2218 387 CEV Cervia (RA) ITA
29.03.2008 2226 396 RON Ronchi dei Legionari (GO) ITA
29.03.2008 2227 398 NIT Nitra
29.03.2008 2229 400 BRZ Rijeka/Krk/Breza HRV
29.03.2008 2228 400.5 COD Codogno (LO) ITA
29.03.2008 1940 418 DVN Split / Drvenik HRV
29.03.2008 1943 420 GS Pula HRV
29.03.2008 1951 432 IZD Ohrid / Izdeglavlje MKD
29.03.2008 1948 433 CRE Cres HRV
29.03.2008 2047 435 BR UNID XUU
29.03.2008 2050 445 AAW UNID XUF
29.03.2008 2320 514.5 LA Namest Nad Oslavou CZE
29.03.2008 2318 520 B Bacau ROU
29.03.2008 2355 1810.5 YR2TOP ROU
29.03.2008 2358 50008 I5MXX Pieve a Nievole (PT) ITA
(Luca T., ndblist 30/3/2008)

270 FA SMO 1312 very poor
316 MAJ MHL 1314 weak +1039
332 POA HWA 1317 medium
352 RG CKS 1319 very poor
353 LLD HWA 1320 medium/loud
359 NDJ MHL 1323 very poor/poor
366 PNI FSM 1323 weak
375 OJ INS 1315 very poor +1028, pause between O and J
403 TUT SMA 1329 poor -1028
403 AZC AZ 1348 very poor -1011
530 ADK ALS 1330 medium
(Steve Ratzlaff, Oregon, USA - ndblist 30/3/2008)

25 0416 332 YFM La Grande 4, QC, Canada
25 0452 382 LQ ‘Lyndy’ Boston, MA
27 0355 369 ZDX ‘Coolidge’ St Johns, Antigua
27 0408 387 SPP San Andres Island
27 0732 278 UBA Baracoa, Guantanamo, Cuba
(Jim Pogue, Memphis, USA - ndblist 30/3/2008)

29 23:02 320 HA 321.019 660 Hannover/East, DEU
29 23:04 321 VO 320.600 753 Vojens/Skrydstrup, DNK
29 23:00 322 GDA 320.969 1272 Gdansk/Rebiechowew, POL
29 23:08 325 DP 323.956 574 Diepholz, DEU
29 20:51 520 NW 519.600 ? ?, XUU / 520.400
29 20:14 525 PL 523.986 2103 Pulkovo/St Petersburg, RUS
29 17:57 525 CH 524.034 1971 Chernyakhov, UKR
(g3ufi - ndblist 30/3/2008)

2008-03-29 19:47 380 FLB 797 Y Flensburg / Schaferhaus, DEU
2008-03-29 20:05 382 SBG 1239 Salzburg / Oberndorf, AUT
2008-03-29 20:07 382 FW 845 Frankfurt Am Main, DEU
2008-03-29 20:09 383 SHD 462 Scotstown Head, SCT
2008-03-29 20:11 384 HNS 1060 Sandane / Anda / Hoynes, NOR
2008-03-29 20:14 384 PMR 1188 Pamiers / Les Pujols, FRA
2008-03-29 20:16 385 BO 1653 Zadar / Bokanjac, HRV
2008-03-29 20:18 384 SLG 410 Sligo, IRL
2008-03-29 20:19 384 TY 1200 Torsby, SWE
2008-03-29 20:21 386 BZ 199 Brize Norton, ENG
2008-03-29 20:21 385 WL 94 Barrow / Walney Isl, ENG
2008-03-29 23:00 386 LK 1801 Tallin / Ülemiste, EST
2008-03-29 23:02 383.5 GUL 645 Gulpen, HOL
2008-03-29 23:04 385 AVN 1811 Y Vilnius, LTU
2008-03-29 23:05 382 LAR 1681 Arruda, POR
2008-03-29 23:06 383 ALD 412 Alderney, GSY
2008-03-29 23:07 382 SLP 68 Sleap, ENG
2008-03-29 23:08 381 RG 1058 Rygge / Tune, NOR
2008-03-29 23:08 381 ESP 1809 Helsinki / Vantaa / Espoo, FIN
2008-03-29 23:10 380 VNV 1393 Vilanova i la Geltru, ESP
2008-03-29 23:10 380 FIL 2589 Horta / Faial Island, AZR
2008-03-29 23:12 380 FLR 1374 Trondheim / Vaernes / Flornes, NOR
2008-03-29 23:13 380 WFD 27 Manchester / Woodford, ENG
2008-03-29 23:18 388 KRU 1864 Kokkola-Pietarsaari / Kruunupy, FIN
2008-03-29 23:18 388 COR 1385 Corner for Bromma, SWE
2008-03-29 23:18 387 CML 348 Clonmel, IRL
2008-03-29 23:19 389 CP 1721 Lisboa / Caparica, POR
2008-03-29 23:20 389 ZRZ 1305 Zaragoza, ESP
2008-03-29 23:20 389 BX 3028 La Palma, CNR
2008-03-29 23:21 388.5 CDF 233 Cardiff, WLS
2008-03-29 23:22 368.5 ELU 742 Luxembourg-Berg, LUX
2008-03-29 23:23 370 DC 1276 Y Oskarshamn, SWE
2008-03-29 23:24 371 MYN 708 Münster / Osnabrück, DEU
2008-03-29 23:25 371 STR 1698 Sintra, POR
2008-03-29 23:25 370.5 LB 1030 Angelholm / Barkakra, SWE
2008-03-29 23:25 370.5 AP 200 Aberporth, WLS
2008-03-29 23:26 370 OHT 1418 Stockholm / Arlanda, SWE
2008-03-29 23:26 370 KS 474 Kinloss, SCT
2008-03-29 23:28 372 NDO 749 Nordholz, DEU
2008-03-29 23:28 371 HAA 1156 Hamar / Stafsberg, NOR
2008-03-29 23:29 371.5 NH 275 Norwich, ENG
2008-03-29 23:30 371 BRS 1226 Bremsnes for Kristiansund / Kv, NOR
2008-03-29 23:33 372 OZN 2537 Prins Christian Sund / Kitaa, GRL
2008-03-29 23:34 372 ODR 839 Kristiansand / Kjevik / Oddero, NOR
2008-03-29 23:36 373 KEM 2029 Kemi-Tornio / Hirmula, FIN
2008-03-29 23:45 374 BL 1014 Bringeland, NOR
2008-03-29 23:46 374 FLV 1760 Fleinvaer, NOR
2008-03-29 23:47 375 CCH 1397 Calamocha, ESP
2008-03-29 23:48 375 CHO 1177 Chociwel, POL
2008-03-29 23:51 375 KD 1100 Kristanstad / Everod, SWE
2008-03-29 23:52 375 TR 515 Phillips / Tor E Platform, XOE
2008-03-29 23:52 375 FR 1700 Pori / Vanhakylä, FIN
2008-03-29 23:54 375 RB 1251 Orebro, SWE
2008-03-29 23:55 376 BJA 1749 Beja, POR
2008-03-29 23:56 376 TL 756 Tingwall, SHE
2008-03-29 23:57 375 VM 1506 Vestmannaeyar, ISL
2008-03-29 23:59 376 WP 523 Amsterdam / Schipol / Weesp, HOL
2008-03-30 00:00 377 KN 1289 Norrköping / Kungsangen, SWE
2008-03-30 00:06 376 HAN 777 Hahn, DEU
2008-03-30 00:09 379 KRA ? Krakow / Balice, POL
2008-03-30 00:13 378 RSY 811 Rennesoey, NOR
2008-03-30 00:14 378 KLY 239 Killiney for Dublin, IRL
2008-03-30 00:15 379 REK 1006 Reksten, NOR
(Brian M., Europe - ndblist 30/3/2008)

28.03.2008 0029 303,00 KPG Kaupanger -400 NOR new
28.12.2008 0032 325,00 DH Oskarshamn 400+ S
28.12.2008 0032 325,00 PG Trollhättän 400+ S
28.03.2008 0342 326,00 YW Tyra West A 400 IW
30.03.2008 0014 334,00 FAU Fauna-Rönne 400+ DNK
30.03.2008 0014 334,00 OPA Oslo/Gardemoen/Oppaker -400 NOR
30.03.2008 0010 367,00 BZ UNID 0 ?
30.03.2008 0008 370,50 LB Angelholm -400 S
24.03.2008 0201 424,00 SAC UNID 400+ XUU new
28.03.2008 0041 485,00 CW Krasnaja Gorbatka 1020+ RUS
30.03.2008 0007 494,00 KN Oksywie 1020+ POL
(Matthias Zwoch, Germany - ndblist 30/3/2008)

Сегодня в 7 утра начало своё вещание РАДИО МИР, 101.8 FM, 1 кВт, 100% ретрансляции из Минска.
(Женя, Минск, Беларусь - http://www.narod.ru/guestbook/index.xhtml?owner=488765&mainhtml=gb_old50.txt&messageshtml=mgb.txt&mpp=50&c=14, 20/03/2008)


Белово, Кемеровская обл.
В Белово Кемеровская область на 106,1 зазвучало Ретро FM.
(Дмитрий, Россия - http://www.narod.ru/guestbook/index.xhtml?owner=488765&mainhtml=gb_old50.txt&messageshtml=mgb.txt&mpp=50&c=13, 22/03/2008)

в брянском ММДС корренные перемены


1. Первый канал
2. Россия
3. Вести
4. НТВ
5. Дтв
6. 7 ТВ
7. СТС
9. Пятый канал
10. Культура


12. МУЗ ТВ
13. Спорт (ВГТРК)
14. ТНТ
15. ТВЦ
16. Звезда
17. Русский иллюзион


18. ТВ 1000
19. ТВ 1000 Русское кино
20. Viasat sport
21. Explorer
22. MTV
23. NGG
24. NGG о животных
25. Юмор ТВ
26. РБК
27. ТВ 21
28. Дом кино
29. ТелеНяня
30. Время далекое и близкое
31. Музыка первого
32. Индия ТВ
33. Русская ночь
34. Авто плюс
35. Комедия ТВ
36. Домашний
37. Спас
38. ТВ 3
(Александр, Россия - http://www.narod.ru/guestbook/index.xhtml?owner=488765&mainhtml=gb_old50.txt&messageshtml=mgb.txt&mpp=50&c=13, 21/03/2008)

Вот некоторая новая информация по городу Бузулуку:
радиостанции «Новая Волна», «Русское радио», «радио Шансон», «Ретро FM» уже несколько лет вещают с передающего центра ВТК (бывший РТПЦ), H~175м.

Также немного истории: на частоте 100.6 FM радиостанция «ХИТ FM» вещала с мая 2002 г. По 1.07.2004 г. Затем сетевым партнёром стала радиостанция «Европа

+». (Иван, Бузулук, Россия - http://www.narod.ru/guestbook/index.xhtml?owner=488765&mainhtml=gb_old50.txt&messageshtml=mgb.txt&mpp=50&c=15, 15/03/2008)

В. Новгород
На радио Маяк FM в Великом Новгороде появилось RDS:MAYAK FM 101.2MHz время
(Андрей, Россия - http://www.narod.ru/guestbook/index.xhtml?owner=488765&mainhtml=gb_old50.txt&messageshtml=mgb.txt&mpp=50&c=12, 29/03/2008)

По трассе Волгодонск-Ростов в районе городов Константиновск и Семикаракорск с недавних пор вещает на 107,3 Радиованя, ранее было Юмор-ФМ. Откуда

сигнал не понятно, т.к. непосредственно в Семикаракорске сигнал очень слабый.
(Максим, Волгодонск, Россия - http://www.narod.ru/guestbook/index.xhtml?owner=488765&mainhtml=gb_old50.txt&messageshtml=mgb.txt&mpp=50&c=15, 15/03/2008)

Сегодня утром в Воронеже отключили ТВЦ 41 канал. Вещание не восстановлено до сих пор. Причины отключения не известны.
Сегодня был рядом с Промбанком, обнаружил на соседнем здании конструцию, похожую на передающую УКВ антенну. Интересно чьё это.. Если буду в том

районе ещё, возьму фотик и сфоткаю обязательно.
(Alex Star, Воронеж, Россия - http://www.narod.ru/guestbook/index.xhtml?owner=488765&mainhtml=gb_old50.txt&messageshtml=mgb.txt&mpp=50&c=15, 14/03/2008)

88,6 план Хит ФМ (ООО "Рекламно-информационное агенство Март плюс"), лицензия № 12712 от 20.11.07. 1 кВт;
89,0 план радио Шансон (ООО "Рекламно-информационное агенство Март плюс"), лицензия № 12711 от 20.11.07. 1кВт
(Максим, Ульяновск, Россия - http://www.narod.ru/guestbook/index.xhtml?owner=488765&mainhtml=gb_old50.txt&messageshtml=mgb.txt&mpp=50&c=15, 14/03/2008)

Сетка каналов ктв в городе Екатеринбург


2 4 канал
4 Рен ТВ
5 Инфоканал (НКС)
S1 СТС-Урал
S2 Цифровой пакет 1:Eurosport,Euronews,РБК,National geographic,
Bridge TV,World Music Channel,Fashion TV,Eurosport-2,Русский экстрим,ТНВ.
S3 Цифровой пакет 2:Discovery,Animal Planet,Zone romantika,Ностальгия,TV-1000,ТВ-1000 Русское кино,Cartoon Network,TCM,Viasat History,Совершенно

секретно,Парк развлечений.
S4 Цифровой пакет 3:Время,Музыка Первого,Дом Кино,Теленяня,Детский мир-Телеклуб,Авто Плюс,365 Дней ТВ,Киносоюз,24 док,Наше Новое Кино
S5 Цифровой пакет 4:AXN Sci Fi,Style TV,Телекафе,НТВ Плюс Спорт,НТВ Плюс Спорт Онлайн,НТВ Плюс Футбол.
S6 Ермак-ДТВ
6 Культура
9 Первый канал
11 Россия
S11 АТН-Вести
S12 10 канал-ТВ3
S14 41-Домашний
S15 Муз ТВ
S17 ЦТУ-Спорт
S19 ТНТ-Урал
S25 Эра ТВ-MTV
S27 Союз
S29 Звезда
S30 ТВ Центр
(Дмитрий, Тула, Россия - http://www.narod.ru/guestbook/index.xhtml?owner=488765&mainhtml=gb_old50.txt&messageshtml=mgb.txt&mpp=50&c=15, 14/03/2008)

Сегодня выловил в УКВ:
66,20 Маяк;
67,73 Радио России;
примерно 68,12 Юность, с помехами от Радио России. И на 73,97 что-то. Прием ужасный, не разобрать. P.S. Кто-нибудь знает, когда будет у нас Дорожное? И

что там вещают? (Сергей, Котлас, Россия - http://www.narod.ru/guestbook/index.xhtml?owner=488765&mainhtml=gb_old50.txt&messageshtml=mgb.txt&mpp=50&c=13,


На волне 88.0 написано полит фм изменить на Болид фм. Вещал с августа 2006г. По каким-то причинам прекратил вещание весной 2007г. Снова начал вещать с

23.03.2008 на частоте 88.4 фм. Данные достоверные.
(Александр, Россия - http://www.narod.ru/guestbook/index.xhtml?owner=488765&mainhtml=gb_old50.txt&messageshtml=mgb.txt&mpp=50&c=12, 29/03/2008)

В Липецке на 90,7 будет МЕСТНАЯ (!!!) информационно-развлекательная радиостанция; на 98,9 - тоже информационно-развлекательная, но уже московская -

"Маяк". (sermub - http://www.narod.ru/guestbook/index.xhtml?owner=488765&mainhtml=gb_old50.txt&messageshtml=mgb.txt&mpp=50&c=12, 29/03/2008)

102.5 FM появилось RDS: "PERVOEFM 102.5 FM", PTY: "POP M"
(popv - http://www.narod.ru/guestbook/index.xhtml?owner=488765&mainhtml=gb_old50.txt&messageshtml=mgb.txt&mpp=50&c=13, 25/03/2008)

Мониторинг эфира, две точки, Degen 1103:

1. дер Шапкино, 150 км Минского ш, запад Подмосковья, самая высокая точка в Моск. области 310 м над уровнем моря.

87,5 -Бизнес ФМ- Москва - отлично
87,9 - Сити ФМ - Москва - отлично
88,3 - Ретро ФМ - Москва - отлично
88,7 - Юмор ФМ - Москва - отлично
89,1 - Джаз - Москва - хорошо
89,5 - Мегаполис - Москва - хорошо
89,9 - Кекс ФМ - Москва - отлично
90,3 -Авторадио-Москва - отлично
90,8 -РелаксФМ - Москва - отлично
91,2 - Эхо Москвы -Москва -отлично
91,6 -Культура-москва - удовлетворительно, заметные девиации уровня сигнала
92,0 -Говорит Москва -отлично
92,4 -Радио Дача-Москва - удовлетворительно
92,8 - Карнавал-москва- отлично
93,2 - Спорт-Москва - приема нет, полностью забивается несущей 5-го канала из Волоколамска
94,8 - Семейное радио-Москва - отлично
95,2 - Рок радио-москва - отлично
95,6 -звезда-москва - отлично
96,4 - Икс ФМ -Москва- удовлетворительно (лучше чем 92,4)
96,8 - дети ФМ-Москва- отлично
97,6 - ВестиФМ-Москва- хорошо (заметно мешает 5-й канал)
98,0 -КиноФМ - Москва - отлично
98,8 -Радио Алла -Москва- отлично
99,5 - Русское радио -обнинск- удовлетворительно, сильно мешает 99,6 из Москвы)
99,6 - Большое радио - москва - хорошо (помехи от 99,5 и 99,75)
99,75 - 1- канал- несущая звука 5-го канала из Волоколамска - отлично (лучшая по уровню сигнала)
100,1 - Серебряный дождь-Москва- плохо(мешает 100,2 из Обнинска)
100,2 -Серебряный дождь-обнинск- хорошо
100,5 - бест ФМ-москва-отлично
100,7 - Дорожное радио-вязьма- удовлетворительно(мешает 100,9 из Москвы)
100,9 - классик-Москва - отлично
101,0 -Лав радио-Гагарин - еле обнаруживается, сильно мешает 101,2 изМосквы)
101,2 - Ди ФМ-Москва - отлично
101,5 - Радио России-Можайск-отлично
101,7 - Наше радио Москва- отлично
102,1 - Монте карло-москва- плохо, сильные девиации от нуля до максимума сигнала
102,5 - Попса-Москва- отлично
103,0 - Шансон-Москва- отлично
103,4 - Авторадио-Обнинск -отлично (Маяк из Москвы полностью перекрыт)
103,7 - Максимум- Москва -отлично
104,2 - Энерджи - Москва - отлично
104,5 - Ника ФМ - обнинск - хорошо
104,7 - Радио 7 - москва - отлично
105,2 - Некст ФМ - Москва - удовлетворительно, сильные девиации сигнала
105,7 - Русское радио-москва - отлично
105, 9 - Европа+ - Обнинск- сильно забивается соедними частотами
106,2 - Европа+-Москва-отлично
106,6 - Лав радио- Москва- отлично
106,8 - лав радио - обнинск - отлично
107,0 - РСН - Москва - отлично
107,4 - Хит ФМ - Москва - отлично
107,8 - Милицейская волна - отлично

1. Исток Москвы-реки, 155 км Минского ш, запад Подмосковья, 282 м над уровнем моря, низина относительно окружающего рельефа).
87,5 -Бизнес ФМ- Москва - удовлетворительно
87,9 - Сити ФМ - Москва - удовлетворительно
88,3 - Ретро ФМ - Москва - удовлетворительно
88,7 - Юмор ФМ - Москва - удовлетворительно
89,1 - Джаз - Москва - плохо, в основном приема нет
89,5 - Мегаполис - Москва - плохо, в основном приема нет
89,9 - Кекс ФМ - Москва - удовлетворительно
90,3 -Авторадио-Москва - удовлетворительно с плюсом
90,8 -РелаксФМ - Москва - удовлетворительно
91,2 - Эхо Москвы -Москва - удовлетворительно
91,6 -Культура-москва - приема нет
92,0 -Говорит Москва - удовлетворительно
92,4 -Радио Дача-Москва - приема нет
92,8 - Карнавал-москва- удовлетворительно с минусом
93,2 - Спорт-Москва - приема нет, полностью забивается несущей 5-го канала из Волоколамска
94,8 - Семейное радио-Москва - удовлетворительно с плюсом
95,2 - Рок радио-москва - удовлетворительно с плюсом
95,6 -звезда-москва - хорошо!!!
96,4 - Икс ФМ -Москва- приема нет (слабые отголоски)
96,8 - дети ФМ-Москва- удовлетворительно
97,6 - ВестиФМ-Москва- плохо (заметно мешает 5-й канал)
98,0 -КиноФМ - Москва - удовлетворительно с плюсом
98,8 -Радио Алла -Москва- хорошо!!!
99,5 - Русское радио -обнинск- удовлетворительно
99,6 - Большое радио - москва - плохо (помехи от 99,5 и 99,75)
99,75 - 1- канал- несущая звука 5-го канала из Волоколамска - отлично (лучшая по уровню сигнала)
100,1 - Серебряный дождь-Москва- приема нет
100,2 -Серебряный дождь-обнинск- плохо
100,5 - бест ФМ-москва-удовлетворительно с плюсом!!!
100,7 - Дорожное радио-вязьма- хорошо
100,9 - классик-Москва - хорошо с минусом
101,0 -Лав радио-Гагарин - хорошо
101,2 - Ди ФМ-Москва - хорошо
101,5 - Радио России-Можайск-отлично с минусом
101,7 - Наше радио Москва- хорошо с большим минусом
102,1 - Монте карло-москва- приема нет
102,5 - Попса-Москва- удовлетворительно
103,0 - Шансон-Москва- удовлетворительно с плюсом
103,4 - Авторадио-Обнинск -хорошо
103,7 - Максимум- Москва - хорошо
104,2 - Энерджи - Москва - хорошо с большим минусом
104,5 - Ника ФМ - обнинск - удовлетворительно
104,7 - Радио 7 - москва - удовлетворительно с минусом
105,2 - Некст ФМ - Москва - приема нет
105,2 - Европа+ -Вязьма- хорошо с минусом
105,7 - Русское радио-москва - хорошо (лучшая из москвы!!!!!)
105, 9 - Европа+ - Обнинск- плохо
106,2 - Европа+-Москва- хорошо
106,6 - Лав радио- Москва- удовлетворительно с плюсом
106,8 - лав радио - обнинск - хорошо
107,0 - РСН - Москва - удовлетворительно с плюсом
107,4 - Хит ФМ - Москва - плохо
107,8 - Милицейская волна - удовлетворительно
(Dropper, Москва, Россия - http://www.narod.ru/guestbook/index.xhtml?owner=488765&mainhtml=gb_old50.txt&messageshtml=mgb.txt&mpp=50&c=13, 23/03/2008)

На 32 ТВК в Москве тестируется H.264: появился канал MP4DVBT, на котором без звука идет Viasat Explorer.
(freeman777 - http://www.narod.ru/guestbook/index.xhtml?owner=488765&mainhtml=gb_old50.txt&messageshtml=mgb.txt&mpp=50&c=13, 22/03/2008)

С шести часов утра 15 марта 2008 года в Мурманске на волне 105 FM новая станция "105 FM"
(Андрей, Мурманск, Россия - http://www.narod.ru/guestbook/index.xhtml?owner=488765&mainhtml=gb_old50.txt&messageshtml=mgb.txt&mpp=50&c=15, 15/03/2008)

"Серебряный дождь" начал вещание в Ржеве на 107,3 с 7 марта.
Сайт "Серебряный дождь-Радио 22" в Барнауле - http://www.radio22.ru/
(DJ Еж, Новосибирск, Россия - http://www.narod.ru/guestbook/index.xhtml?owner=488765&mainhtml=gb_old50.txt&messageshtml=mgb.txt&mpp=50&c=15, 15/03/2008)

С 31 марта на 21ТВК в Новосибирске начинает вещание канал РБК...
Интересно, прием будет таким же плохим или они всё-таки мощность передатчика увеличат...
(Gagarin, Новосибирск, Россия - http://www.narod.ru/guestbook/index.xhtml?owner=488765&mainhtml=gb_old50.txt&messageshtml=mgb.txt&mpp=50&c=13,


1 НТВ (0-24) [ЗАО ТРК Наш Дом] (1 кВт) лиц 2053, 5274, 6053, 10463 (до 12.07.11)
было? ТВ6 Пенза
(Василий, Россия - http://www.narod.ru/guestbook/index.xhtml?owner=488765&mainhtml=gb_old50.txt&messageshtml=mgb.txt&mpp=50&c=13, 22/03/2008)

Юмор ФМ шагает по Ростовской области.
Теперь они и в Сальске на 87,5, а ретранслирует их Сальская Степь.
(Жека, Ростов, Россия - http://www.narod.ru/guestbook/index.xhtml?owner=488765&mainhtml=gb_old50.txt&messageshtml=mgb.txt&mpp=50&c=15, 16/03/2008)

В Тобольске после восьмилетнего перерыва вновь появилось Русское Радио. Теперь на 100,0 FM.
(Юрий, Россия - http://www.narod.ru/guestbook/index.xhtml?owner=488765&mainhtml=gb_old50.txt&messageshtml=mgb.txt&mpp=50&c=13, 23/03/2008)

С сегодняшнего дня на 105.5 ФМ в Киеве вещает Стильное радио, 93.1.
(Владимир, Харьков, Россия - http://www.narod.ru/guestbook/index.xhtml?owner=488765&mainhtml=gb_old50.txt&messageshtml=mgb.txt&mpp=50&c=13, 23/03/2008)
Интернет (www)
Новости (news)

The state broadcasting organization has been reorganized and
rebranded as the Tanzania Broadcasting Corporation (TBC). For the
last few years it has been known as TUT (Taasisi ya Utangazaji
Tanzania - Tanzanian Broadcasting Services).

Radio Tanzania and TVT television are now IDing as TBC.

You can hear the new "TBC" ID on shortwave, as the Voice of Tanzania
station in Zanzibar, which is widely heard by DXers on 11735, relays
the news from Dar es Salaam at 1700 GMT. VoT itself is run by the
autonomous Zanzibar government and is otherwise unaffected by these

Reporting the change, the Guardian newspaper of Tanzania on 27 March

"... TBC Managing Director Dunstan Tido Mhando meanwhile said that,
alongside assuming its new name, the corporation would work for a
transformation of its radio and TV programmes. The move would
include the launch of 11 FM radio stations in different parts of the
country... 'We also intend to expand our services to as far afield
as Burundi, Kenya, Rwanda, and Uganda by 2015,' added the long-
serving radio and TV presenter. The TBC chief said that TVT will now
be known as TBC1 and RTD as TBC-Taifa, while there would also be TBC
International broadcasting in English for 12 hours daily and in
French for two hours...."

But don't get too excited about this. "As far afield as Burundi,
Kenya, Rwanda, and Uganda" is not much, as all these countries are
immediate neighbours of Tanzania (Chris G., U.K. - dxldyg 29/03/2008)

206 VNC Venice NDB, Venice, FL, f/d PFC in 30 days for SASE.
Power listed on PFC as 50 watts. The v/s was Fred Watts, Airport Manager.
Address was Venice Municipal Airport, 150 Airport Avenue East, Venice, FL
34293. (Jim Pogue, TN, 3/29)

233 OEO Osceola NDB, Osceola, WI, f/d PFC in 27 days for
SASE. Power listed on PFC as 25 watts. The v/s was Woody Minar/K9EF, Chief
Flight Instructor. Address was Osceola Aero, P.O. Box 643, Osceola, WI
54020. (Jim Pogue, TN, 3/29)

239 GIW CORONACA NDB, Greenwood, SC, f/d PFC in 28 days for
SASE. Power listed on PFC as 25 watts. The v/s was Larry M Smith, Greenwood
County Engineer. Address was 528 Monument St., Rm B03, Greenwood, SC 29646.
(Jim Pogue, TN, 3/29)

388 CFJ Crawfordsville NDB, Crawfordsville, IN, f/d PFC in
18 days for SASE. Power listed on PFC as 25 watts. The v/s was Monty Miller
- Manager. Address was Crawfordsville Aviation, 759 W. 400 S.,
Crawfordsville, IN 47933. (Jim Pogue, TN, USA - ndblist 3/29)

1330 WLOL MN, Minneapolis, received folding QSL card in 10d from
CD report to Relevant Radio, 919 Lilac Drive North, Golden Valley MN
55422. No V/S. Also enclosed WLOL Bumper sticker and card with list of
their stations. My 4th "W" QSL this month. That is a rarity for me,
being in the NW. (P. Martin, Oregon, USA - hard-core-dx 30/03/2008)

6240 RUSSIA: La Voz de Rusia, via Krasnodar, 129 dias. Recebido: cartão QSL,
cartão postal. V/S: ?. Informe de recepção enviado por e-mail:
letters@ruvr.ru (Rudolf Grimm, São Bernardo-SP, Brasil).

9435 CHINA: R. Internacional da China, Kashi, 37 dias. Recebido: cartão QSL,
cartões postais. V/S: Alexandra Chen. Informe de recepção enviado por
e-mail: cripor@cri.com.cn (Rudolf Grimm, São Bernardo-SP, Brasil).

9610 AFRICA DO SUL: Adventist World Radio (AWR), via Meyerton, 135 dias.
Recebido: cartão QSL. V/S: Adrian Petersen, DX Editor. Informe de recepção
enviado por e-mail: adrian@awr.org (Rudolf Grimm, São Bernardo-SP, Brasil).

9660 GUIANA FRANCESA: R. Polonia, via Montsinery, 34 dias. Recebido: Cartão
QSL. V/S: ?. Informe de recepção enviado por e-mail: polska@polskieradio.pl
(Rudolf Grimm, São Bernardo-SP, Brasil).

9670 ALEMANHA: R. Free Asia, via Wertachtal, 10 dias. Recebido: Cartão QSL,
V/S: ‘Your friends of Radio Free Asia’. Informe de recepção enviado pelo
formulário eletronico do site da Radio Free Asia:
http://www.techweb.rfa.org/form/dx.html (Rudolf Grimm, São Bernardo-SP,

11840 GUAM: Adventist World Radio (AWR), via Agat, 104 dias. Recebido:
cartão QSL. V/S: Adrian Petersen, DX Editor. Informe de recepção enviado por
e-mail: adrian@awr.org (Rudolf Grimm, São Bernardo-SP, Brasil).

11850 MARIANAS DO NORTE, Ilhas: R. Free Asia, via Tinian, 26 dias. Recebido:
Cartão QSL, V/S: ‘Your friends of Radio Free Asia’. Informe de recepção
enviado pelo formulário eletronico do site da Radio Free Asia:
http://www.techweb.rfa.org/form/dx.html (Rudolf Grimm, São Bernardo-SP,

11895 GUAM: Adventist World Radio (AWR), via Agat, 52 dias. Recebido: cartão
QSL. V/S: Adrian Petersen, DX Editor. Informe de recepção enviado por
e-mail: adrian@awr.org (Rudolf Grimm, São Bernardo-SP, Brasil).

12035 GUAM: Adventist World Radio (AWR), via Agat, 52 dias. Recebido: cartão
QSL. V/S: Adrian Petersen, DX Editor. Informe de recepção enviado por
e-mail: adrian@awr.org (Rudolf Grimm, São Bernardo-SP, Brasil).

13670 MARIANAS DO NORTE, Ilhas: R. Free Asia, via Tinian, 10 dias. Recebido:
Cartão QSL, V/S: ‘Your friends of Radio Free Asia’. Informe de recepção
enviado pelo formulário eletronico do site da Radio Free Asia:
http://www.techweb.rfa.org/form/dx.html (Rudolf Grimm, São Bernardo-SP,

15160 ROMENIA: R. Romenia Internacional, Galbeni, 157 dias. Recebido: cartão
QSL, cartão postal. V/S: ?. Informe de recepção enviado por e-mail:
rri@rri.ro (Rudolf Grimm, São Bernardo-SP, Brasil).

15255 MARROCOS: R. Free Europe/R. LIberty, via Briech, 129 dias. Recebido:
cartão QSL. V/S: Anna Siskova. Informe de recepção enviado por e-mail:
kazbundovak@rferl.org (Rudolf Grimm, São Bernardo-SP, Brasil).

15460 ALEMANHA: R. Free Europe/R. LIberty, via Biblis, 129 dias. Recebido:
cartão QSL. V/S: Anna Siskova. Informe de recepção enviado por e-mail:
kazbundovak@rferl.org (Rudolf Grimm, São Bernardo-SP, Brasil).

17650 SRI LANKA: Deutsche Welle, via Trincomalee, 99 dias. Recebido: Cartão
QSL, boletim de horários e freqüências. V/S: Annelie Johannemann. Informe de
recepção enviado por e-mail: annelie.johannemann@dw-world.de (Rudolf Grimm,
São Bernardo-SP, Brasil).

21780 RUANDA: Deutsche Welle, via Kigali, 96 dias. Recebido: Cartão QSL,
boletim de horários e freqüências. V/S: Annelie Johannemann. Informe de
recepção enviado por e-mail: annelie.johannemann@dw-world.de (Rudolf Grimm, São Bernardo-SP, Brasil - radioescutas 30/03/2008)

Получил подтверждение от Голоса Нигерии. Рапорт слал по эл.почте.
QSL вполне нормальная в смысле содержания. Заполнена полностью. Качество полиграфии - "африканское", то есть низкое. На карточке изображена "Скала

Дзума" в Абудже. (Василий Кузнецов, Москва, Россия - open_dx 30/3/2008)
Аппаратура (Thanks to...)

Brian Alexander, Mechanicsburg, PA
Equipment: TenTec RX-340, 100 foot longwires

Scott R. Barbour Jr. Intervale,NH-USA

Jerry Strawman, Des Moines, IA, Drake R8, 70' Inverted L


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