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Электронный DX Бюллетень WorldDX 130 часть 1
WorldDX 130 27/07/2007 -- WorldDX выходит с декабря 2004 года. Редактор: Иван Лебедевский, Пушкин, Россия. Время везде UTC; Mосковское время = UTC +4 часа - летом, а зимой - +3 часа. Частоты указаны в кГц для ДВ, СВ, КВ и в МГц для ФМ и ТВ Редактор оставляет за собой право не включать в бюллетень информацию, не отвечающую его тематике. Архив номеров: http://worlddx.narod.ru/dx.html http://worlddx.by.ru/dx.html http://subscribe.ru/catalog/radio.worlddx/ --- http://groups.yahoo.com/group/worlddx/ http://groups.yahoo.com/group/fmdx_Russia/ http://subscribe.ru/blog/radio.worlddx Выходит: не регулярно. Адрес для писем: worlddx@yandex.ru -- Колонка редактора Извиняюсь за, возможный, повтор информации в этом номере. (Иван Лебедевский, Пушкин, Россия) -- Короткие Волны Австралия 17820 RCV 0820 with indo songs ., about expedisi medewa (??? the movie?? ) nilai sayang manusia 33433 (Z. Liangas, Greece - hard-core-dx 17/07/2007) Аргентина 15344v, R. Nacional, with relay of R. Nacional de Santa Fe (LRA14), 0001-0111 July 16, many IDs for R. Nacional de Santa Fe; LA vocals, ballads, several Bob Dylan songs, tango music, classical music, jazz, etc.; segments of what seemed to be Loto Bingo (sound of numbers tumbling in the background, with OM & YL calling out numbers) and also the Loteria Nacional (also giving out many numbers), good-fair (Ron Howard, Monterey - dxldyg 16/07/2007) 15345 mixed with arabian and a spanish station (heard cuba many times )25332 Clear on 2213 after RTM rabat (?) left the freq (Z. Liangas, Greece - hard-core-dx 17/07/2007) 15345.36v, R. Nacional, 2238-2317, July 21, in Spanish, seemed to be several long phone interviews, guitar music, ToH 5+1 pips, IDs "Radio Nacional", poor-fair (Ron Howard, Monterey, CA - dxldyg 22/07/2007) Армения/Россия 7250 19/07 0117 Voice of Russia, Gavar, noticiário, inglês 23232 FM (Fábio Mattos, Garopaba, SC, Brasil - radioescutas 21/07/2007) Афганистан/Великобритания R Solh 17700 at 1430 in Dari/Pashto. The usual pop mx. Loud and Clear. 19 July. (Liz Cameron, MI - dxldyg 20/07/2007) Бирма 15480 kHz, 23/07/2007, 1430 utc+, Democratic Voice of Burma, talk. (mp3 available) (Ivan Lebedevsky, Pushkin, Russia) Боливия 4650.2, Radio Santa Ana, Santa Ana del Yacuma, 2218-2235, 12-07, musica boliviana, locutor, locutora, comentarios en espanol. Senal muy debil, audible en LSB. 14321. (Mendez) 4716.7, Radio Yura, Yura, 2217-2225, 09-07, canciones bolivianas. Senal muy debil. 14321. (Mendez) 5952.5, Radio Pio XII, Siglo XII, 2208-2240, 09-07, canciones y musica boliviana, locutor, comentarios: "la calidad educativa", identificacion: "Radio Pio XII, un recorrido por los municipios de Bolivia", anuncios comerciales en espanol y quechua: "Cooperativa veterinaria", "Ferreteria Lima, Llallaguas", "Radio Pio XII, las seis de la tarde con treinta y un minutos". 23222. (M. Mendez, Lugo, Spain - hard-core-dx 16/07/2007) 4805, Radiodifusora do Amazonas, Manaus, 2155-2205, 09-07, canciones brasilenas, comentarios en portugues, identificacion: "Radiodifusora, Manaos". A las 2200 "A Voz do Brasil". 24322. (Mendez) 11785, Radio Guaiba, Porto Alegre, 2153-2215, 12-07, locutor, portugues, comentarios, identificacion: "Radio Guaiba, Porto Alegre". 33333. (Mendez) 11804.8, Radio Globo, Rio de Janeiro, 2021-2040, 09-07, locutor, portugues, comentarios de futbol. 33333. (Mendez) (M. Mendez, Lugo, Spain - hard-core-dx 16/07/2007) 6134.81, Radio Santa Cruz, 1020-1030 Initially noted a man in Spanish comments until 1025. At that time music began. Signal was fair with QRM from station on 6135. (Chuck Bolland, Clewiston, Florida, USA - hard-core-dx 16/07/2007) 3310 13/07 2240 R.Mosoj Chaski, mx andina, tlk aymara??? 23222 4715 13/07 2246 R. Yura, px mxl W/ mx tipica, 2300 YL ID ...Radio Yura... 35232 (Marcio Martins Pontes - radioescutas 18/07/2007) Болгария 13600, Radio Bulgaria, 2140. Notes about local tourism, with emphasis in typical zones (in Spanish). SINPO: 33333. (P. De los Ríos, Temuco, Chile, 21/07/2007). Ботствана 4930 VOA MOEPENG HILL RELAY 0334 In EG. Two OMs talking about proposals for troop withdrawals from Iraq as put forth in Congress. They discussed the House Resolution calling for a Spring 2008 pullout. Swisher: poor - fair (Prez 7/15, Camp David, USA - CumbreDX 16/07/2007) 4930 15/07 0340 VOA, via Botswana, OM tlk EE plitical situation im Africa 35333 (Marcio Martins Pontes - radioescutas 18/07/2007) Бразилия 11815 rb central 2018 with mentionon obrazil and manytalsk, a song on 2020, 32432 (Z. Liangas, Greece - hard-core-dx 17/07/2007) 4935 15/07 0345 R. Capixaba, px Igreja Deus e amor, 24222 (Marcio Martins Pontes - radioescutas 18/07/2007) 11735, Radio Transmundial, 1250, Christian music (in portuguese) and identification signal. SINPO: 33333. (P. De los Ríos, Temuco, Chile, 21/07/2007). Венгрия 3975kHz 21:25 11/07 R.Budapeste(pres.) Jazbereny-HNG Hungaro mv tkls 23222 (Lucio Otavio Bobrowiec, Embu-SP Brasil - radioescutas 16/07/2007) Венесуэла 11670kHz 23:19 14/07 RNV qth? VEN(pres.) SS I/S fv ann.: “esta sinal identifica RNV”...s/off 43444 (Lucio Otavio Bobrowiec, Embu-SP Brasil - radioescutas 16/07/2007) Гватемала 4052.5, Radio Verdad, Chiquimula, 0451-0520, 11-07, comentarios y canciones religiosas en ingles. Locutor. 24322 (M. Mendez, Lugo, Spain - hard-core-dx 16/07/2007) 4799.8 Radio Buenas Nuevas (San Sebastian), 0335-0350, 7/19/2007, Spanish. Lively local music. Good signal (SINPO 44333). (Jim Evans, TN, USA - CumbreDX 21/07/2007) Гвинея 7125, Radio Guinea, Conakry, 0651-0705, 12-07, frances, locutor, comentarios y noticias de Africa. 24322 (M. Mendez, Lugo, Spain - hard-core-dx 16/07/2007) Джибути 4780 RDT DE DJIBOUTI DORALEH 0325 In Vern. Extended jam of hard driving Horn of Africa mx: shouted vocals over percussion. poor - fair (Prez 7/15, Camp David, USA - CumbreDX 16/07/2007) 4780 15/07 0338 R. Djibouti, cancoes em AA, 25232 (Marcio Martins Pontes - radioescutas 18/07/2007) Египет 15195 Cairo? /IDed as Laladi 1636 with arabic program about ramadan and ID as Huna al kahira on 1640. (Z. Liangas, Greece - hard-core-dx 17/07/2007) Замбия 4965 15/07 0348 The Voice, Africa, YL W/Tlk animado em EE, risos e mx gospel 25222 (Marcio Martins Pontes - radioescutas 18/07/2007) Зимбабве/Великобритания/Ю. Африка 4880 SWR Africa 1820 with political discussions and phone ins . Asong follws 45434 (Z. Liangas, Greece - hard-core-dx 17/07/2007) Зимбабве 4828, Zimbabwe Broadcasting, (pres) 2330-2345, Can't hear too much since it's still a 45 minutes before sunset, but under the noise I can hear Hilife type music with singing etc at threshold. Never heard any comments due to the wild noise level. (Chuck Bolland, Clewiston, FL, USA - hard-core-dx 22/07/2007) Израиль Galei Zahal with music and Hebrew talk, some modulation audible this time, July 18 at 1351 on 15786.2 or so (Glenn Hauser, Enid, OK, USA - dxldyg 22/07/2007) Индия 5010 AIR thiruvanatrapuram 1618 with tamil oldies 45544 (Z. Liangas, Greece - hard-core-dx 17/07/2007) 4750 AIR??? 1643 hindi songs 43433 (Z. Liangas, Greece - hard-core-dx 17/07/2007) Индонезия 9525, Voice of Indonesia, 1035-1053 Noted a female in Indonesian language comments until 1047. At that time music presented. Hadn't heard this station in awhile. Today it was at a good level. (Chuck Bolland, Clewiston, FL, USA - hard-core-dx 18/07/2007) 9524.95, VOI, 0755-0900, July 21, music & ID loop ("You are listening to the Voice of Indonesia"), one hour English segment with news, sports news, program "Getting to Know Indonesia", "Weekly Review", "News in Brief", gives frequencies of 9525, 11785 & 15150, fair-poor. July 22 noted *0743, mixing with CTN (Ron Howard, Monterey, CA - dxldyg 22/07/2007) Иран 7370 VoiRI 1533 in english, with freeqs including FM , 55535 (Z..Liangas, Greece - hard-core-dx 17/07/2007) 7235 IRIB, 0147, 7/22/07. YL & OM alternating English anti-American comment reminiscent of Cold War. 10/S9 peaks with low audio. (Jerry Strawman, Des Moines, IA, USA - CumbreDX 22/07/2007) Италия 11800, RAI, 2244, Local notices and comments (in Italian). SINPO: 22222. (P. De los Ríos, Temuco, Chile, 21/07/2007). Испания 15385 18/07 1631 R. Exterior de España, Noblejas, música, espanhol. (F. Mattos, Garopaba, Brasil - radioescutas 21/07/2007) Канада 6030 CFVP Calgary 1224 July 16. YL with "Classic Country Traffic," time check for "6:25," an "AM 1060" jingle, then back to more C&W music. Signal was fair at best and bothered by co-channel QRM from a CH-lang station which was gaining and took over the frequency a few minutes later as the band was beginning to fade out. (J. M. Wilkins, Wheat Ridge, Co, USA - CumbreDX 22/07/2007) Киргизия 4050 unided 1648 with jazz music 14331 Liangas 13.7 Fourka Chalkidiki http://rapidshare.com/files/43262024/4050_1648_13.7.7.mp3.html (Z. Liangas, Greece - hard-core-dx 17/07/2007) Казахстан/Китай 9600, China Radio International, 2145. Local notices and comments (in English). SINPO: 22222. (P. De los Ríos, Temuco, Chile, 21/07/2007) Китай 9745 CRI?? 1801 over V of Han with seemingly pubhlic notices , Jammer?? (Z. Liangas, Greece - hard-core-dx 17/07/2007) 9590 CRI (Kashi), 0050-0057, 7/17/2007, Spanish. Talk by man and woman followed by instrumental music. Faded below noise or closed at 0057 (0100 close per schedule). Poor signal (SINPO 23222). (Jim Evans, TN, USA - CumbreDX 21/07/2007) 13700, China Radio International, 2210. Local notices and comments (in Spanish). SINPO: 33333. (P. De los Ríos, Temuco, Chile, 21/07/2007). 9675, CRI via listed Shijiazhuang, 50KW, 1300 7/22/07. Mandarin CRI ID x 2 followed by Russian ID. Nx by YL was S9 (Jerry Strawman, Des Moines, CA - CumbreDX 22/07/2007) Колумбия 5910, Marfil Estereo, Lomalinda, 0603-0650, 10-07, canciones latinoamericanas, identificacion: "Sintonizate con las ondas de paz, Marfil Estereo". 34333. (Mendez) 6009.5, La Voz de tu Conciencia, Lomalinda, 0710-0717, 10-07, comentarios religiosos, espanol, locutor. Senal muy debil. 13221. (Mendez) 6035, La Voz del Guaviare, San Jose del Guaviare, 2242-2255, 09-07, locutor, espanol, comentarios sobre partidos politicos de Colombia. 23222. (Mendez) (M. Mendez, Lugo, Spain - hard-core-dx 16/07/2007) Корея 11680.3, KCBS-Kanggye, 0947-1003, July 17, Korean. Martial music and OM talks. Pips and presumed ID at ToH. Poor w/ fades. (Scott Barbour Jr, Intervale, NH, USA - dxldyg 22/07/2007) Коста-Рика 3350 14/07 0515 REE, via Costa Rica, Tlk Abt ...los conflito en el campo en Brasil, Los campesinos sin tierra..., mencao ao Pres. Lula 24222 (Marcio Martins Pontes - radioescutas 18/07/2007) Либерия 9525 Star radio 0704 with news and ID 45423 (Z. Liangas, Greece - hard-core-dx 17/07/2007) Малайзия 15295 VOM , YL wqith talks , islams chantings on 1537 , 1815 song cinta from Amy mastura . Good (Z. Liangas, Greece - hard-core-dx 17/07/2007) 6049.63, RT Malaysia, 1122-1129 The carrier for RTM was audible since 1058, but no audio faded in until 1122. At that time, a female was noted in comments briefly. She was followed with music. At 1129, Radio Nederland on 6050 tuned up and RTM was blocked completely where previously it had been just threshold. (Chuck Bolland, Clewiston, FL, USA - hard-core-dx 18/07/2007) 5964.94 Klasik Nasional FM via Kajang 1200-1242 July 22. Presume nx in Bahasa Malaysia to 1207, then M ancr, jingle, and Malay vocals; into talk segment with M&W at 1235. Generally fair. (J. M. Wilkins, Wheat Ridge, Co, USA - CumbreDX 22/07/2007) 6049.65 Asyik FM via Kajang 1158-1220 July 17. Two jingles, then filler mx to 1200 pips, two of them, followed by M with apparent news; 1205 another jingle, then more news or talk; back to mx at 1211, with YL taking phone calls. Good signal almost every day lately. (J. M. Wilkins, Wheat Ridge, Co, USA - CumbreDX 22/07/2007) Мексика 4810, XERTA, Radio Transcontinental de America, Mexico DF, 0504-0520, 11-07, comentarios religiosos en espanol: "La tierra prometida". Audible en LSB. 24322. (Mendez) 9599,2, Radio UNAM, Mexico DF, 2248-2315, 09-07, musica clasica, a las 2303 locutor, comentarios sobre arqueologia mexicana, los mayas, Chichen Itza. A las 2312 completamente eclipsada por Radio Vaticano, que comienza sus trasmisiones en ingles en 9600. 24222. (Mendez) 9599.2, Radio UNAM, Mexico DF, 0705-0720, 10-07, musica clasica, canciones, lirica. 23222 variando a 13221. (Mendez) 9599.2, Radio UNAM, Mexico DF, 0547-0557, 11-07, locutor, locutora, comentarios "son las 23 horas con 47 minutos", "Llamenos a los telefonos 5589..... 0188...5636..., recuerden nuestros premios, un pasodoble", "Recuerden, en el Hospital Metropolitano", saludos a los oyentes. A las 0557 eclipsada por Radio Bulgaria que comienza su transmision en frances en 9600 kHz. 24322. (Mendez) 9599.2, Radio UNAM, Mexico DF, 0540-0557, 12-07, musica clasica ininterrumpida, musica de piano. A las 0557 se deja de escuchar, al comenzar sus transmisiones Radio Bulgaria en 9600. 34333. (Mendez) Tambien 0541-0557, 14-07, musica clasica. 24322 variando a 34333. (M. Mendez, Lugo, Spain - hard-core-dx 16/07/2007) 9599.24, XEYU - Radio UNAM (presumed), 0348-0450, July 22, mostly non-stop classical music (Ravel's Boléro, etc.), OM identified selections played and mentioned República Mexicana, RHC carrier on at 0353, so best in LSB, mostly fair (Ron Howard, Monterey, CA - dxldyg 22/07/2007) 9599.28 R. UNAM 1355-1400+ July 22. Noted with usual Classical mx; generally good but occasional signal drop-outs. Went into talk pgm at 1600, subject unknown. (J. M. Wilkins, Wheat Ridge, Co, USA - CumbreDX 22/07/2007) Нигерия 9690 R Nigeria 0900 talks by OM in arabid a/o Hausa , many mentions of NIgeria (Z. Liangas, Greece - hard-core-dx 17/07/2007) 4770 FCRN kaduna 1849 with LA or hilife songs . MAny audio gaps . Heard somtring as eigh o clock byYL , hilife song on 1858 . MAn referingto a best frind , hiliofe , Jeremy and thnking people listening to the station. and then new gap (audio vacancy) 35333 (Z. Liangas, Greece - hard-core-dx 17/07/2007) 23/07/2007, 15120 kHz, Voice of Nigeria, talk, bad signal, in english. (Ivan Lebededevsky, Pushkin, Russia) 15120 R NIgeria 1924 with news ,ref to petroleum 55545 (Z. Liangas, Greece - hard-core-dx 17/07/2007) Новая Зеландия 9615 RNZI with news on 0558 , man thanking for joining the prog , news after 0600 . Recorded on 0630 with some little noise (Z. Liangas, Greece - hard-core-dx 17/07/2007) о-в Святой Елены Radio St. Helena, 11092.5 USB, heard here at 1900 sign on with announcement by man, "This is Radio St. Helena". Poor signal her this afternoon, though with two hours tentatively scheduled it may improve (Steve Lare, Holland, MI, USA - dxldyg 17/07/2007) В Москве на 11092,5 гремит радио Святой Елены. На телескоп, на Деген 1103, в ж/б здании 3-й этаж. (Василий Кузнецов, Москва, Россия - open_dx 17/07/2007) Великолепный прием тестовой передачи Радио Святой Елены 17.07.07 в 1910-1940 на 11092.5 кГц в Санкт-Петербурге! SINPO: 45444/55444 (Александр Березкин, Санкт-Петербург, Россия - open_dx 17/07/2007) RSH has been heard in Thessaloniki with good signal, 35444 (1900) to 35333 (ca 2000 )and 22332 (2020) as and maximum signal of S9 on 1900 to S-6 on 2000 and no on 2026 NO significant QRM/N except some very low level DSL line hash and a carrier of S1 on 16 db pre-amplification Program was based with music (oldies) and reports form abroad , referred after each song . I have heard the name of Anker Pertersen on 1947.Later there were reports from Japan ,S England Scotland, Finland Switzerland ON 2006 there was a short news program followed by announcement Then again 2020 back to the music program , under a very poor signal , nearly marginal. So that I stopped listening . but again on 2040 signal seems staging up to S5 with program continuing under oldies and IDs/reports in between with nearly same signal till a sudden fade our on 205210 I fond that program stayed at least 15 minutes after 2100 (Z. Liangas, Greece - CumbreDX 18/07/2007) 11092.5/U Radio St. Helena (p); 1848-1930, 2009-2025, 17-July; Bits of audio now & then till music started about 1906. Near continuous audio 1915-1925, then dropped away. Mix of pop tunes & talk. Nothing detectable 2009-2025. (Harold Frodge, MI, USA - CumbreDX 19/07/2007) Пакистан 5080 R Pakistan 1635 with news in English Id at 1637. Buzzing and muffled audio (Z. Liangas, Greece - hard-core-dx 17/07/2007) Папуа Новая Гвинея 3905kHz 10:20 15/07 R. New Ireland Kavieng PNG EE/(Pidgin?) fv tkls 32333 (LOB). trecho desta escuta 117 kbs, 30 seg. em: http://www.freewebs.com/audiodx/r.newireland3905khz1507071020.mp3 (Lucio Otavio Bobrowiec, Embu-SP Brasil - radioescutas 16/07/2007) 3204.97 R. West Sepik(p) 1145-1218 July 21. Continuing election coverage, apparently, with M&W in EG // 3335, 3365 and probably others. Mentions of "candidate," "election," etc., and lots of numbers read, probably vote tallies. Fair. (J. M. Wilkins, Wheat Ridge, CO, USA - CumbreDX 22/07/2007) Перу 4746.9, Radio Huanta 2000, Huanta, 2237-2248, 09-07, locutor, comentarios en quechua. 24322. (Mendez) 4955, Radio Cultural Amauta, Huanta, 2307-2328, 09-07, locutor, comentarios en espanol, musica, canciones peruanas. Senal muy debil. 14321. (Mendez) 6019.6, Radio Victoria, Lima, 0612-0645, 12-07, locutor: "Manana viernes, campana para vencer la brujeria y la hechiceria, con el evangelista internacional Manuel Asensio, los esperemos a las 7, 10, 1, 4 y 7 de la tarde en Avenida Arica 248, distrito Brena". 24322. (M. Mendez, Lugo, Spain - hard-core-dx 16/07/2007) 6019.88, Radio Victoria, 1045-55, The stations were packed up here which put Radio Victoria at a disadvantage. With plenty of QRM, noted steady Spanish comments from a male. Signal was poor. (Chuck Bolland, Clewiston, Florida, USA - hard-core-dx 16/07/2007) 5014.4 Radio Altura (Cerro de Pasco), 0325-0335, 7/19/2007, Spanish. Man talking around and over local music. Poor signal (SINPO 24222). (Jim Evans, TN, USA - CumbreDX 21/07/2007) Португалия 21655kHz 10:58 15/07 R. Portugal Int. Lisboa-Sao Gabriel-POR mv ann.: “revista da semana” 43344 (Lucio Otavio Bobrowiec, Embu-SP Brasil - radioescutas 16/07/2007) Португалия/Германия 11865, Deutsche Welle, 2240. Local and international notices and comments (in German). SINPO: 33333. (P. De los Ríos, Temuco, Chile, 21/07/2007) Россия 4050kHz 23:19 14/07 R. Rossii(tent) qth? RR? 2 mv tkls 23322 (Lucio Otavio Bobrowiec, Embu-SP Brasil - radioescutas 16/07/2007) 13635 Voice of Russia (Petropavlovsk-Kamchatskij), 0420-0425, 7/17/2007, English. Talk by man and woman regarding the recipe for a Russian pastry, and a Russian physicist. Moderate signal (SINPO 34333). Parallel noted on 9860 (Vatican) with good signal (SINPO 44444). (Jim Evans, TN, USA - CumbreDX 21/07/2007) Руанда/Германия 15275 18/07 1830 Deutsche Welle, Kigali, noticiário, alemão 45433 FM (Fábio Mattos, Garopaba, SC, Brasi - radioescutas 21/07/2007) Свазиленд 3240 TRANS WORLD RADIO MPANGELA RANCH 0316 In Shona. OM w/ fiery sermon. Into afro pop gospel: large mixed choir over flutes and percussion. fair (Prez 7/15, Camp David, USA - CumbreDX 16/07/2007) США No sign of KVOH 17775 at 2300+. I haven't heard this for a few days at or about this time. (Liz Cameron, MI - dxldyg 20/07/2007) 13615, WEWN, 1245. Transmission of Holy Mass (in Spanish). SINPO: 33333.(P. De los Ríos, Temuco, Chile, 21/07/2007). США/Аляска 6890, KNLS, 1011-1025, July 17, English. Testimonials b/w pop music. Several KNLS promos and IDs. Poor. (Scott Barbour Jr, Intervale, NH, USA - dxldyg 22/07/2007) США/Германия Bible Voice 13590 at 1559 w/ID, etc. Via Wertachtal, 100kw at 115 deg. (Liz Cameron, MI - dxldyg 20/07/2007) Судан 7200 R SUDAN OMDURMAN 0345 In AR. HOA mx interlude. OM w/ nx/cmntry. Refs to :"Iraq". Another HOA mx interlude, and into OM w/ more nx. HAM and Ute chatter: poor - fair (Prez 7/15, Camp David, USA - CumbreDX 16/07/2007) In mid-June, we enquired about when English is actually heard from Sudan Radio Service. Rechecking their timetable now, which lacks any frequency info, one of the English blox is shown M-F at 1730-1800 UT (not 1530, change or our mistake in conversion earlier?), and the frequency then per WRTH A-07 May update is 9590 via UAE. Confirmation? (Glenn Hauser, Enid, OK, USA - dxldyg 16/07/2007) 9590 SRS until 1729 in some local language sounding a bit like Swahili. At 1729 ID and contact info in English. English program started at 1730. I came back to 9590 at 1757 but another transmitter just started there, RVI in Flemish with advertisements, I guess relaying Radio 2. As the SRS transmitter was a bit off the nominal (up) I think their carrier went off around 1800. There was possibly another station under RVI 1800 onwards. (Jari Savolainen, Kuusankoski, Finland - dxldyg 16/07/2007) Таджикистан Вчера настроился в 17.45 - шла местная попса нон-стопом (в Таджикистане, кстати, до фига русскоязычных поп-групп, но государственное радио их, похоже, не передаёт). В 17.54 прозвучало краткое объявление на одном из иранских языков (рискну предположить, что на таджикском), после чего пошла ещё одна песня. В 17.57 - чёткая OM-идентификация "овОз и точИк". В 17.59 QRT. Никакого английского. SINPO 34443 (Сергей Никишин, Москва, Россия - open_dx 17/07/2007) On Wednesday,18th of July the English program of Tajikistan on 7245 was 1700-1800 UT. The transmitter was switched off at 1800. (Jari Savolainen, Kuusankoski, Finland - dxldyg 18/07/2007) Турция 5980 Voz de Turquia, 17:50-17:55, escuchada el 17 de julio en idioma sin identificar, probablemente ruso o idioma balcanico, locutor con despedida del programa, segmento musical, musica de sintonia, SINPO 43433 (J. M. Romero, Burjasot, Spain - hard-core-dx 17/07/2007) 15450, VOT, 1312, 7-22-07. English service with ethic vocals and comment between. S9 signal but noisy band with rapid fading (Jerry Strawman, Des Moines, CA - CumbreDX 22/07/2007) Франция Radio France International, 17605, in English, directed to East Africa, coming in reasonably well today at 1600. Generally has good news coverage of Africa. Broadcast in English scheduled 1600-1700. (Steve Lare, Holland, MI, USA - dxldyg 21/07/2007) Франция/Тайвань 3965kHz 21:27 11/07 R. Taiwan Int. Issoudun-F GG mv tkls 23222 (Lucio Otavio Bobrowiec, Embu-SP Brasil - radioescutas 16/07/2007) Шри Ланка/США 12140 CLANDESTINE RADIO FARDA IRANAWILA RELAY 0215 In Farsi. OM w/ nx. Many refs to "Iraq" and "Taliban". YL DJ bantering betw/n trad mx selections. Electronic mx interludes. YL nx reader and OM w/ field rpt. fair (Prez 7/16, Camp David, USA - CumbreDX 16/07/2007) Эквадор 3279.6, La Voz del Napo, Tena, 0515-0537, 11-07, comentarios y canciones religiosas, espanol. Senal muy debil. 14321. (M. Mendez, Lugo, Spain - hard-core-dx 16/07/2007) 4919 Radio Quito (p); 0418-0430+, 11-July; SS sports cmtry pgm. ID? promo @0428, but too much QRN. SIO=232, abominable swiper QRM, a bit better in LSB. (Harold Frodge, MI, USA - CumbreDX 19/07/2007) 11690, HCJB, 1250. Christian music and lessons (in Spanish). SINPO: 33333. (P. De los Ríos, Temuco, Chile, 21/07/2007). 11960, HCJB, 1250. Christian music and lessons (in Spanish). SINPO: 33333. (P. De los Ríos, Temuco, Chile, 21/07/2007). Экваториальная Гвинея 15190, R.Africa, 1055-1120, July 17, English. OM w/ religous talk and Bible readings. Faior, fading out at t/out. (Scott Barbour Jr, Intervale, NH, USA - dxldyg 22/07/2007) Эритрея 5100, Bana Radio, has been logged on 13th with near to marginal signal on 1620 , but next day there was no signal. On 3th i have heard a pop song and talks by OM and YLL that seemed as lessons. Tried to record it on my Creative Zen plus mp3 player was on the start in false conenctor but i managed to record only 10 seconds File:http://rapidshare.com/files/43262025/5100_1629_13.7.7.mp3.html (Z. Liangas, Greece - hard-core-dx 17/07/2007) Ю. Африка 3255 15/07 0331 BBC via meyerton, OM tlk abt ...Che Guevara, ID BBC News 35333 3320 15/07 0249 R.Sondergrense, Px Mxl, pop rock, tlk afrikaner 45444 (Marcio Martins Pontes - radioescutas 18/07/2007) Япония 3925 15/07 1014 R. Nikkey, Mx pop japonesa 35322 (Marcio Martins Pontes - radioescutas 18/07/2007) -- СВ/ДВ Великобритания UK 1395 with rock songs 2148 talks or phone ins then a song followed .Poor at 2200 heard a ID There is a auduio sample here http://rapidshare.com/files/43247402/London_1395_2200Z_14.7.7_.mp3.html (Z. Liangas, Greece - CumbreDX 16/07/2007) I noticed that the BBC signal on Longwave 198 kHz was very weak here in the Netherlands at 1700 UT. Re-checking at 2030 UT, the situation is the same. BBC Reception Advice on the Web says that Radio 5 mediumwave [693 kHz] and Radio 4 longwave from Droitwich suffered a "failure" at 1408 UT. This must be a power failure or an antenna failure, since it affects two different transmitters. 198 kHz was carrying cricket commentary today instead of regular programmes. For the latter part of the day, cricket fans without access to the Radio 5 Live Sports Extra digital service will have had great difficulty hearing the coverage, as only two transmitters in Scotland were on the air on 198 kHz (Andy Sennit, The Neterlands - dxldyg 21/07/2007) 198 kHz appeared to be back to normal when I checked at 2100 UTC. But it had been off for some hours, which is quite unusual - and seemingly not on the air for the shipping forecast at 1654 UTC or thereabouts...though of course there are other sources of this information. It's impossible to tell from here whether a particular transmitter in a synchronised network is on or off, apart from 198 since it's normally very strong here. In fact the signal from (I presume) Burghead would have been 100% readable were it not for the static. Yes, there are still nine mediumwave relays of Radio 4 listed on the BBC website. I assume AM listeners in those areas know about them, but it's true you never hear them mentioned. I think the LW/MW relays of test cricket continue for contractual reasons. Obviously the BBC wants people to upgrade to digital, so it isn't advertising the availability of these commentaries on analogue, but again I assume that their regular listeners know about them. (Andy Sennit, The Netherlands - dxldyg 21/07/2007) Саудовская Аравия 1071 kHz BSKSA General Programme (ARS) am 21.7. um 1958 UTC in Arabsich mit Talk und klarer ID. 22332. (Achtung: auf dieser Frequenzen senden auch noch andere Stationen in Arabisch). (Patrick Robic, Leibnitz, Austria - A-DX 22/07/2007) -- Тропо (УКВ) Three Es openings on Saturday 14 July 2007. I missed the first one around 11.00 UTC which opened the OIRT band. The second opening from 14.50-15.30 UTC again was OIRT only. And then came a very intense Band II opening into Italy and France, time of reception 16.00-18.30 UTC. This last opening brought the first short skip Es of the season. Thanks to the good (and massive) work of all contributors to FMLIST Italy DX-ing Italian FM stations has become much easier. Below my loggings, local time is UTC + 2 hours. Any help with the question marks would be appreciated. Saturday 14 July 2007 Sporadic E Loggings: 66.68 MDA Radio Moldova Mandrestii Noi (Balti) 66.98 UKR UR 1 - Persha programa Kirovohrad/ORTPTs 67.25 UKR UR 1 - Persha programa Kotovs'k 67.37 MDA Radio Moldova Cahul 67.46 MDA Radio Sanatate Edinet 67.70 UKR UR 1 - Persha programa Khmel'nyts'kyy/ORTPTs 67.79 MDA Vocea Basarabiei Soroca, tentative, Romanian language program 67.88 UKR UR 1 - Persha programa Buky/RTPTs 67.92 MDA Radio Sanatate ??, anyone? 68.00 MDA Radio Moldova Ungheni 68.12 UKR UR 1 - Persha programa Tomashpil' 68.48 MDA BBC Straseni 68.96 UKR UR 1 - Persha programa Zhovten' 69.14 MDA BBC Cahul 69.23 UKR UR 1 - Persha programa Vasilivka 69.38 UKR UR 1 - Persha programa Nikopol'/RTPTs 69.59 UKR UR 1 - Persha programa Novodnistrovs'k 69.80 UKR UR 1 - Persha programa 2 txs listed 69.83 UKR UR 1 - Persha programa Ternopil'/ORTPTs (u s. Lozova) 69.92 UKR UR 1 - Persha programa Pervomais'k 70.10 UKR UR 1 - Persha programa Bershad' 70.31 MDA Radio Moldova Edinet 70.73 UKR UR 1 - Persha programa Zaporizhzhya/ORTPTs 71.63 UKR UR 1 - Persha programa Kryvyy Rih/RTPTs 71.69 UKR UR 1 - Persha programa Vinnytsya/ORTPTs 71.90 UKR UR 1 - Persha programa Zhytomyr/RTPTs 87.5 I Radio Subasio Monterubbiano (AP) or Sigillo/Monte Cucco-Via Monte Culumeo (PG), PI: 53FD 87.6 I Radio Capri Vico Equense/Monte Faito (NA), PI: 545F 87.9 I Radio 105 Network Bari cittA /Piazza Duca Degli Abruzzi Luigi di Savoia 87.9 F France Culture Porto Vecchio/Punto di Avarra (20) 88.0 F France Musiques Ajaccio/Coti Chiavari (20), PI: F203 88.1 ALG Radio Batna Biskra/Djebel Metlili 88.2 I Radio 24 Bari cittA /Viale Luigi Einaudi 88.3 I Radio 24 Martina Franca/Monte Trazzonara (TA), PI: 5245 88.7 I RAI 1 Pomarico (MT), PI: 5201 88.7 I Radio Norba Music Monopoli/Contrada Impalata (BA) 88.8 F France Culture Morosaglia (20) 88.9 I RAI 1 Tempio Pausania/Monte Limbara (OT), PI: 5201 89.6 I Radio Italia Anni '60 Bari cittA or Corato/Monte Ripanno (BA), PI: 52DD, PS: R-ITALIA ANNI.60 89.6 F RFM Coti Chiavari/Punta di Pensell (20), PI: F212 89.7 I RAI 1 Roma/Monte Mario, PI: 5201 89.9 I Radio Maria Parabita/Contrada Terrisi (LE), PI: 51CC 90.1 I Radio Deejay Network Martina Franca/Monte Trazzonara (TA), PI: 5214, PS: DEEJAY 90.1 I RAI 2 Monte Pierfaone (PZ) 90.3 I RAI 2 Mercogliano/Monte Vergine (AV) 90.4 ALG Radio El Hidhab de SAtif SAtif/Djebel Megriss 90.9 I Virgin Radio Matera, PI: 5241, PS: VIRGIN 91.1 I RAI 1 San Giovanni Gemini/Monte Cammarata (AG), PI: 5201, PS: __RAI___ RADIO1 92.1 I RAI 3 Monte Pierfaone (PZ) 92.4 I RTL 102.5 Hitradio Rocca di Papa/Monte Cavo (RM), PI: 5218, PS: RTL102.5 92.4 F France Inter Ajaccio/Coti Chiavari (20) 92.8 I UNID ??, PI: 583D 93.0 I Radio 105 Network Sinnai/Monte SerpeddA¬ (CA) 93.0 F Nostalgie Coti Chiavari/Punta di Pensell (20), PI: F218, PS: NOSTALGI 93.5 ALG ChaA®ne 1 SAtif/Djebel Megriss 94.5 I Radio Subasio Rocca di Papa/Monte Cavo (RM), PI: 53FD, PS: _SUBASIO 94.5 I RDS Parabita (LE), PI: 5264, PS: *RDS*_ 94.8 I Radio Maria Rocca di Papa/Monte Cavo (RM), PI: 51CC, PS: R.MARIA_ 95.0 F Nostalgie Porto Vecchio/Punto di Avarra (20), PI: F218 95.1 I Radio Maria Montecompatri (RM), PI: 51CC, PS: R.MARIA_ 95.3 I RAI 2 Tempio Pausania/Monte Limbara (OT), PI: 5202 95.4 I Radio Subasio Velletri/Contrada Fiume (RM), PI: 53FD, PS: _SUBASIO 95.5 I Radio Maria 4 txs listed 95.7 I Radio Sintony Tempio Pausania/Monte Limbara (OT), PI: 54A4, PS: SINTONY_ 95.8 I Radio Macomer Centrale Siniscola/Arturo Mele (NU), PI: 5273 96.0 I Radio Deejay Network Ostuni/Campanile (BR) or Parabita (LE), PI: 5214, PS: DEEJAY 96.2 I Radio Puglia Castellana Grotte (BA)??, ex 96.1 MHz??, PI: 5A56, PS: R 97.2 I Radio Kiss Kiss Montecompatri (RM), PI: 5225, PS: KISSKISS 97.2 I Radio Barbagia Siniscola/Capo Comino (NU), PI: 56FA, PS: BARBAGIA 97.2 I Radio Radicale Civitavecchia/Monte Paradiso (RM), PI: 5245 97.3 I Radio Capital San Giovanni Gemini/Monte Cammarata (AG), PI: 5219 98.1 I Radio Centro - inBlu Martina Franca/Monte Trazzonara (TA), PI: 5A4F, AF: 101.2 98.7 I Virgin Radio Frascati/Colle del Tuscolo-Villa Tuscolana (RM), PI: 5241, PS: VIRGIN 98.7 I Radio Deejay Network Belvedere Marittimo (CS) 98.7 I Radio 24 ??, PI: 5245 99.0 I Radio Maria Caposele (AV) or Fondi (LT) 99.3 I RAI GR Parlamento Rocca di Papa/Monte Cavo Vetta (RM), PI: 5206 99.3 I RAI 3 Tempio Pausania/Monte Limbara (OT), PI: 5203 99.8 I Radio Capital Termoli (CB) or Bomba/Monte Pallano (CH), PI: 5219, PS: _CAPITAL 99.9 I Radio Deejay Network Nusco (AV), PI: 5214 99.9 I RCV 100.7 Marsala/Madonna dell'Alto Olivo (TP), PI: 5363, PS: _R_C_V__ 99.9 I RAI 3 San Giovanni Gemini/Monte Cammarata (AG), PI: 5203, PS: __RAI___ RADIO3 100.0 I RDS Nuoro/Monte Ortobene, PI: 5264, PS: *RDS*_ 100.0 I Radio Maria Tempio Pausania/Curraggia (OT) 100.2 TUN RTT Radio Sfax Ksour Essaf 100.8 I Radiolina Sinnai/Monte SerpeddA¬ (CA), PI: 544B 101.2 F NRJ Coti Chiavari/Punta di Pensell (20), PI: F220 102.4 F Rire et Chansons Ajaccio (20), PI: F226, PS: RIRE&_ 102.8 I RDS Monte Argentario/Monte Argentario (GR), PI: 5264, PS: *RDS*_ 103.1 I Radio Maria Matera or Terlizzi (BA) 103.3 I RAI Isoradio at least 70 txs listed, PI: 5209, AF: 103.2 103.4 103.4 I Radio Italia Anni '60 Tempio Pausania/Monte Limbara (OT), PI: 5495, PS: ANNI__60, AF: 91.4 104.5 103.5 I Radio Macomer Centrale Fonni/Bruncu Spina-piste sciistiche (NU), PI: 5273, PS: _RADIO__ MACOMER_ 103.6 I RDS ??, PI: 5264, AF: 90.9 96.9 which points to ABR or MOL 103.9 I Radio 24 Monte Argentario/Monte Argentario (GR), PI: 5245 104.1 I Radio 24 Grosseto/Poggino Roselle 104.3 I Radio Radicale Nuoro/Monte Ortobene, PI: 5210, PS: RADIO_*_ RADICALE 104.3 I Radio Subasio Campello Sul Clitunno/Pettino-Monte Serano (PG) 104.5 I RTL 102.5 Hitradio Santu Lussurgiu/Punta Badde Urbara (OR) 104.8 I Radio Radicale Santu Lussurgiu/Punta Badde Urbara (OR) 104.9 I Radio Kiss Kiss Tempio Pausania/Monte Limbara (OT), PI: 5225, PS: KISSKISS 105.0 I Radio Kiss Kiss Sinnai/Monte SerpeddA¬ (CA) 105.0 I Radio Capital Ortona dei Marsi/localitA Monte della Selva (AQ) or Ortona dei Marsi/localitA Monte della Selva (CH), PI: 5219, AF: 96.1 97.3 104.8 105.1 I Radio 105 Network San Giovanni Gemini/Monte Cammarata (AG) 105.4 I Radio Maria Monreale/Monte Caputo (PA) 105.4 F France Bleu R Corse F.M. Porto Vecchio/Punto di Avarra (20), PI: FA05, PS: BLEU.CFM 105.8 I RDS several txs listed in Sardegna, PI: 5264, PS: *RDS*_ 105.9 F RMC Info Ghisonaccia (20), PI: F216, PS: RMC_INFO 106.0 I AFN Z-FM 106 La Maddalena/Spaccio USA (OT), PI: 53D6, PS: AFN_PWR_ 106.1 I Radio Italia SMI Sinnai/Monte SerpeddA¬ (CA) 106.3 I Radio Italia SMI Santu Lussurgiu/Punta Badde Urbara (OR), PI: 5220 106.4 I Radio Italia SMI Tempio Pausania/Monte Limbara (OT), PI: 5220, PS: R_ITALIA 106.6 I Radio Norba Martina Franca/Monte Trazzonara (TA), PI: 5353, PS: R-NORBA_ 106.7 I RAI GR Parlamento Santu Lussurgiu/Punta Badde Urbara (OR) 106.7 I Radio Kiss Kiss ??, PI: 5225 106.8 I Radio Punto Zero Network Ercolano/Monte Vesuvio-Osservatorio Ercolano (NA), PI: 523C, PS: _*RPZ* 106.9 I Radio Time Carini/Montagna Longa (PA) or Monreale/Monte Caputo (PA) 107.0 F RFM Porto Vecchio (20), PI: F212 107.0 I Radio Radicale Sinnai/Monte SerpeddA¬ (CA), PI: 5210, PS: RADIO_*_ RADICALE 107.1 I AFN Z-FM 106 - The Beach La Maddalena/Spaccio USA (OT) 107.3 I Radio Maria Sinnai/Monte SerpeddA¬ (CA) 107.3 F Corsica Radio Ajaccio??, ex 107.2 MHz??, PI: F494, PS: CORSICA_ 107.8 I Radio Maria Carrara/Monte Santa Lucia (MS), PI: 51CC, PS: R.MARIA_, AF: 88.7 88.8 89.6 107.8 I Radio 24 Pescara/San Silvestro, PI: 5245, AF: 89.2 101.2 107.8 I Radio Radicale Vico Equense/Monte Faito (NA), PI: 5210 107.9 I Radio Maria Santu Lussurgiu/Punta Badde Urbara (OR), PI: 51CC, PS: R.MARIA_ 108.0 I Radio Maria Marciana Marina/Monte Perone (LI), PI: 51CC, PS: R.MARIA_, AF: 88.7 88.8 89.6 91.8 108.0 I Radio Margherita/Radio 2 Ercolano/Monte Vesuvio-Osservatorio Ercolano (NA), PI: 5242, PS: MARGHRTA RADHIO_2 (Janpeter van Dijk, Zoetermeer, The Netherlands - skywaves 16/07/2007) The 14th was a fantastic opening to Italy with stations booming in all across the FM band. 15-Jul-07 13:00z 87.6 Sweden SR-P1 E201 14-Jul-07 17:30z 103.6 Sardinia Island RADIO RAMA 50BB 17:30z 99.25 Italy MUSIC FM 5475 17:30z 102.3 Italy RTL 102.5 5218 17:30z 104.8 Italy CAPITAL 5219 17:30z 88.6 Italy RADICALE 5210 17:30z 108.0 Italy MARGHRTA 5242 17:00z 87.5 Italy R ITALIA 5220 17:00z 106.0 Italy RDS 5264 17:00z 105.0 Italy RAI ? 17:00z 103.7 Italy HITRADIO 5128 17:00z 104.6 Italy CAPITAL 5219 16:30z 99.7 Italy 105FM 5211 16:30z 99.25 Italy KKNAPOLI 5475 16:30z 107.8 Italy RADICALE 5210 16:30z 108.0 Italy MARGHRTA 5242 16:30z 94.1 Italy RADIO1 5201 16:30z 88.6 Italy ? 5158 16:00z 89.6 Italy R T IN 5EC8 16:00z 87.9 Italy ? 5158 16:00z 90.1 Italy RADIO2 5202 16:00z 88.1 Italy RAI 5201 16:00z 88.1 Italy RAI GRPR 5206 16:00z 87.6 Italy CAPRI 545F 16:00z 87.5 Italy SUBASIO 53FD 13:30z 87.6 Tunisia TATAOUIN 7205 09-Jul-07 18:10z 92.1 France INTER F201 17:40z 89.5 Spain PICALISI E000 17:40z 88.6 Spain RNE-CLAS E212 17:40z 88.1 Spain RNE-CLAS E212 17:40z 88.0 Spain R.UNION E0FC 17:40z 87.6 Spain KISS FM E2EC 17:25z 88.1 Spain COMRADIO EC20 17:25z 87.6 Spain CATINFO E234 17:15z 87.6 Spain CAD 40P E235 17:15z 87.9 Spain RADIO 4 E314 16:05z 87.6 Spain KISS FM E2EC 16:05z 88.0 Spain RNE 5 E215 06-Jul-07 18:45z 88.0 Italy ? 5214 18:45z 87.6 Italy RAI 5201 17:20z 87.9 Italy CAMALDI 5045 17:20z 87.6 Italy CAPRI 545F 17:20z 87.9 Italy ? 5158 17:20z 88.1 Italy RADIO 1 5201 17:20z 87.7 Italy CAPITAL 5219 30-Jun-07 16:30z 88.1 Italy ST.2000 5499 16:30z 95.0 Italy CAPRI 545F (Andy Pritchard, Telford, UK - skywaves 16/07/2007) Janpeter Dijk ha scritto: > Thanks to the good (and massive) work of all contributors to FMLIST Italy DX-ing Italian FM stations has become much easier. > Thanks, all italian tips are interesting for the database. (most 13.000 tx). It is necessary also to do different updatings of the file for RDSDX: last week were done 200 updatings and RDS on 103.6 from Segni there was already > 92.8 I UNID ??, PI: 583D > tnx, I dont know > 95.5 I Radio Maria 4 txs listed > probably Volturino - Contrada Monte Guardia (FG) > 96.0 I Radio Deejay Network Ostuni/Campanile (BR) or Parabita (LE), PI: 5214, PS: DEEJAY > probably Parabita > 96.2 I Radio Puglia Castellana Grotte (BA)??, ex 96.1 MHz??, PI: 5A56, PS: I dont know > 98.7 I Radio 24 ??, PI: 5245 > Spello - Monte Pietrolungo (PG) > 103.6 I RDS ??, PI: 5264, AF: 90.9 96.9 which points to ABR or MOL > new in Segni (RM). But is ok in FMLIST (last week were done 200 updatings) > 106.7 I Radio Kiss Kiss ??, PI: 5225 > probably new tx (Fabrizio Carnevalini, Italy - skywaves 16/07/2007) Band-1 open from 900 - 1900 UTC towards RUS, afternoon also to Scandinavia R1: 49.739.586 1TV Unecha, Brjansk dominated for a long time (came with Minsk) 49.757.833 wide RTR, Novosokolniki, Pskow (came with Minsk) R3: 77.246.064 TV Tsentr, Moscow, short glimpse of video showed their logo 77.249.883 no video seen, came with Novgorod 77.251.179 1TV Novosokolniki, Pskow, came with Novgorod Thanks to the free run mode I can ID even during strong co-channel interferences, the speed of horizontal picture movement tells what station it is, in particular, 1TV is unique it was a much different sync frequency, I don't even need to watch the logo or video content. On the other hand I often adjust the unknown Tx to a standstill and once I see the standstill picture among all the other (moving) pictures I know immediately it is the one I'm after. Also Winradio's 20kHz wide fast spectrum display is an enourmous help when say 6 Tx are visible in the offset range of a channel, and observing which one of those is briefly sticking the neck out and simultanously becomes the dominating video.Without that I simply would be lost in associating video to frequency (Jurgen Bartels, Germany - skywaves 16/07/2007) 87.80 10:36 2007-07-15 POL PR1 Przemysl/Tatarska Gora Unattended rx 3211 PROGRAM1 Good E 87.90 16:27 2007-07-15 FIN YLE Radio Yksi Espoo - Esbo Unattended rx 6201 YLE_YKSI Good E 87.90 16:44 2007-07-15 SRB SR P1 Orebro/Lockhyttan Unattended rx E201 SR_P1___ Good E (Mike Fallon, Sussex, UK - FM 16/07/2007) Saw the word "Zinas" in what appeared to be a news broadcast. Frequency was 76.875 (according to the TV card), or at least that was the best frequency to view it on. Time was about 1500z, Was very in/out and couldn't get anything else as I think my card is a bit 'blind'! Have been told this is probably Latvia but am posting this in case anyone knows different. Not able to check on anything else as the card is the only thin G I have that covers this band. (Sean Gilbert, Aylesbury, Bucks - skywaves 16/07/2007) Andy Pritchard ha scritto: Hi All The 14th was a fantastic opening to Italy with stations booming in all across the FM band. 17:30z 99.25 Italy MUSIC FM 5475 Center Music FM, Ancona - Forte Montagnolo (AN) 17:30z 102.3 Italy RTL 102.5 5218 u 14 tx, 17:30z 104.8 Italy CAPITAL 5219 Camaldoli (NA) most probably 17:30z 88.6 Italy RADICALE 5210 Rocca di Papa - Monte Cavo (RM) 17:30z 108.0 Italy MARGHRTA 5242 Vesuvio - osservatorio Ercolano (NA) 17:00z 87.5 Italy R ITALIA 5220 Vesuvio - osservatorio Ercolano (NA) 17:00z 106.0 Italy RDS 5264 17:00z 105.0 Italy RAI ? 17:00z 103.7 Italy HITRADIO 5128 17:00z 104.6 Italy CAPITAL 5219 Vesuvio - osservatorio Ercolano (NA) 16:30z 99.7 Italy 105FM 5211 Vesuvio - osservatorio Ercolano (NA) 16:30z 99.25 Italy KKNAPOLI 5475 Vesuvio - osservatorio Ercolano (NA) 16:30z 107.8 Italy RADICALE 5210 Vico Equense - Monte Faito (NA) 16:30z 108.0 Italy MARGHRTA 5242 Vesuvio - osservatorio Ercolano (NA) 16:30z 94.1 Italy RADIO1 5201 Vico Equense - Monte Faito (NA) 16:30z 88.6 Italy ? 5158 Radio Camaldoli Stereo, Vico Equense - Monte Faito (NA) 16:00z 87.9 Italy ? 5158 Radio Camaldoli Stereo, Vesuvio - osservatorio Ercolano (NA) 16:00z 90.1 Italy RADIO2 5202 Monte Pierfaone (PZ) 16:00z 88.1 Italy RAI 5201 Monte Pierfaone (PZ) 16:00z 88.1 Italy RAI GRPR 5206 Bettona - Cinque Cervi (PG) or Gaiole in Chianti - Monte Luco (SI) 16:00z 87.6 Italy CAPRI 545F Vico Equense - Monte Faito (NA) 16:00z 87.5 Italy SUBASIO 53FD 3 tx on the same area: Monte Cucco (PG), Sigillo - Via Monte Culumeo (PG),Capodarco (AP) 06-Jul-07 18:45z 88.0 Italy ? 5214 Radio Deejay, Monte Circeo (LT) 18:45z 87.6 Italy RAI 5201 RAI Radiouno - Lazio, Rocca di Papa - Monte Cavo (RM) 17:20z 87.9 Italy CAMALDI 5045 Radio Camaldoli Stereo 17:20z 87.6 Italy CAPRI 545F Vico Equense - Monte Faito (NA) 17:20z 87.9 Italy ? 5158 Radio Camaldoli Stereo, Vesuvio - osservatorio Ercolano (NA) 17:20z 88.1 Italy RADIO 1 5201 Vesuvio - osservatorio Ercolano (NA) 17:20z 87.7 Italy CAPITAL 5219 Ancona - Forte Montagnolo (AN) or Pesaro Novilara 30-Jun-07 16:30z 88.1 Italy ST.2000 5499 Radio Studio 2000, Arbus - Conca ‘e su Monti (MD) 16:30z 95.0 Italy CAPRI 545F Radio Capri, Milano - Via Guglielmo Silva (MI) (F. Carnevalini, Italy - skywaves 16/07/2007) > 88,80 > 1207 > 1605 > Em.Parroquial Llardecans(L),Catalunya, missa > > 34322 > > 89,00 > 1207 > 1726 > unid,Gr, talks PUEDES SER LIGHT KISS FM KALAMATA .....???? > > 33422 > > 88,30 > 1207 > 1735 > ERA Net,Tripoli,Gr, local pops, call phone > 1201 > 32422 > > 89,00 > 1207 > 1740 > Kiss FM,Athens?,Gr Robby Williams song PUEDES SER LA MISMA ANTERIOR LIGHT KISS FM KALAMATA > > 24332 > > > > 89,10 > 1407 > 1607 > C.Ro. 1 Plzen,Cz, news > > 32422 > > 88,80 > 1407 > 1709 > R.Berlin 88.8.G, news , interview > > 33422 > > 89,60 > 1407 > 1710 > unid,G, coments by female, classical opera > MUY PROBABLE RADIO DEUTSCHLANDRADIO TX BERLIN !!!! 100 kW > 44433 > > 88,30 > 1407 > 1712 > unid, G, pops, You are not alone, Scanman… > MUY PROBABLE NORTWESTRADIO TX BREMEN TX 100 kW !!!! > 33422 > > 87,70 > 1407 > 1714 > MDR Kultur,Chemnitz,G, classical music by piano > > 43433 > > 90,10 > 1407 > 1717 > MDR Jump,Dresden,G, rock PS: MDR JUMP > D3C2 > 33422 > > 88,80 > 1407 > 1720 > C.Ro. 5,Usti nad Labem,Cz, talks, Bruce Springsteen song > ID C.R Sever 2709 > 33422 > > 100,40 > 1407 > 1730 > MDR 1-R,Sachsen,Hogerswerda.G.country mx, Yellow River > D7C1 > 33433 > > 88,70 > 1407 > 1736 > unid, It, dance, jingle > 562A LASTIMA OTRA VEZ EL PIN NO RESULTA ......QUIZAS ES UN POCHITO MATTO ??? > 33433 > > 90,10 > 1407 > 1737 > Virgin R,tx?, It, rock, jingle Virgin R. Style rock, > 5241 LA LIST FM RIPORTA TX MANTOVA AREA (SOUTHER LOMBARDIA) > 33433 > > 90,50 > 1407 > 1740 > C.Ro. 2,Trutnow,Cz, It.song: Azurro, female coments > 280A > 44333 > > 88,60 > 1407 > 1745 > unid, italian pop dance > 9421 ...........en Italia PI CODES empiezan con numero 5 .... > 33433 > > 91,20 > 1407 > 1749 > unid, G, classical mx choral > > 33433 > > 87,70 > 1407 > 1753 > Polskie R I, Koning, Pol, children song, call phone, ID, > promo Pips ID news 3211 > 44433 > > 89,00 > 1407 > 1850 > unid, Robert Mile: Children > > 34433 (Silveri Gomez - playdx2003 16/07/2007) Eravamo rimasti agli ascolti del 13 luglio ...venerdi 13 .... difatti quasi nulla di interessante da segnalare .... 107.55 R. Campagnola TX Rubietto di Ronco (VI) con musica casereccia del famoso bar ristorante Campagnola di Castelfranco Veneto. 107.75 R. Cafe TX Monte Gallo PD faceva la sua comparsa 102.70 Radio 80 PADOVA ....TX PIANEZZE di VALDOBBIADENE TV ... l'ascolto e raro in zona Rimini dato che su 102.70 MHz modula Radio TV San Marino con 30 kW.... 103.80 Radio ITALIA SMI ricompariva ....dovrebbe essere un TX dal Veneto ?? per ora resta UNID.... e con SPLASH dal TX R. Radicale 103.85 MHz in zona Rimini. La mattina del 14 luglio Sabato iniziava con buoni segnali dalla zona costiera della Slovenia 88.30 MHz RADIO ENA (1) Ex Radio Morjie (MARE) di Koper (EX Ex Radio VAL) 99.70 MHz offriva RADIO LABIN (TX Costa Croata) da non confondere con Radio Robin da Nova Gorica. simpatica la pubblicita della PIZZERIA BIRIKIN di Labin !!!! 97.50 FASHION FM TX Bellaria Igea Marina RN.... TX 10 watts .... nel pomeriggio in spiaggia a 10 metri dal mare gli ascolti dalla Croazia continuavano 89.60 Radio Centar Studio Porec "Radio Zentar" cosi suona l'annuncio dalla Croazia TX zona Porec. Gianni Palandra "cacciatore" di ESporadiche alle 1505 locali faceva un salto sulla seggiola al 4 piano dell'Hotel Betty di San giuliano a Mare di Rimini 89.40 MHz RNE Radio 1 ARAGON SIERRA DE VICOR 25 kW Subito dopo alle 1510 su 89.60 Mhz compariva Radio Renascenca TX Chaves dal Portogallo. Dalle 1535 alle 1711 entravano molti segnali dalla banda OIRT dalla Byelorussia e dalla Russia. Sempre Gianni su 106.40 notava Radio Gamma (Savignano) TX Roncofreddo Diolaguardia (FC) per l'Appennino interno zona alto Forlivense. poi entravano BBC Radio 2 88.30 MHz & 88.70 MHz e concludevano in bellezza la giornata di Gianni i segnali dall'Irlanda su 89.10 & 89.60 MHz. Avevo programmato con Gianni Palandra una giornata di ascolti presso il suo punto di ascolto all'Hotel Betty per il 15 luglio domenica... e visti gli ascolti del sabato ....eravamo SPERANZOSI ... Invece .... grande delusione...giornata bellissima dal punto di vista climatico...cielo sereno...mare calmo ...brezza da Sud est ma pochi segnali tropo .... 89.60 Mhz offriva una alternanza di RAI 1 e RAI 2 .... RAI 1 sarebbe il TX da TOPOLO' (PN) mentre il RAI 2 (su gentile segnalazione di Fabrizio Carnevalini via SMS) e listato come Monte Donada (BL) dal Veneto .... e comunque arrivava molto debolmente ed in modo irregolare... Poi notavamo che 94.20 MHz Radio Margherita ha NOTIZIARIO locale alle 1150-1159 locali "ECO NEWS" da Jesi .... difatti prima di diventare Radio Margherita era RADIO ECO di JESI ... .....poi purtroppo nulla da segnalare .... fino alle 1646 quando con il ricevitore R-7000 di Gianni si ascoltava 56.250 AUDIO TV BIELORUSSYA (con un tedioso film) alle 1700 entrava sulla stessa frequenza l'audio di EESTI TV !!!!! con un commentario...Gianni mi faceva notare come la lingua Estone somiglia molto alla lingua Finlandese .... Su 56.250 Compariva un altro audio TV differente sempre della TV EESTI Poi alle 1715 su 69.050 entrava Radio GRAD PETROV da ST. PETERSBOURG -OLGINO TX 40 kW 68.930 R. MAYAK 17 kw TX KINGISEPP zona SP alle 1721 pero la mini apertura finiva .... Meglio di niente .....salutavo il Gianni "ES" Palandra .... Rientravo al Residence Piccadilly e ...mi appisolavo sul balcone al 5 piano...hi!!!!!!!! Risveglio alle 0530 locali per ammirare una Alba rosa carminio con il Sole che usciva dal mare ....uno spettacolo molto speciale.. Accesa il fido DEGEN 1103 ...notavo segnali INCONSUETI dalla costa Croata e Slovena ... 102.1 MHz Radio Koper in // 100.6 & 549 kHz !!!! TX non listato ... su 103.00 Radio Zadar entrava come una bomba TX Celevac 103.50 NARODNI RADIO TX Labinstica molto raro e poi su 104.90 MHz provavo (per la millesima volta) e notavo una voce femminile in tedesco .... ero quasi incredulo ... era proprio ANTENNA KAERNTEN (CARINZIA) finalmente il suo segnale http://www.antennekaernten.at superava quello di R. 105 TX Forte Montagnolo (ANCONA) che arrivava meno forte del solito... su 104.85 nessuna traccia di Radio Sound Stereo Codigoro (TX Pracchio di Modignana, FC) e su 105.00 MHz portante muta del TX di GR RAI PARLAMENTO TX Montefiore Conca (RN) ............che di solito splattera su 104.90 MHz ... Provavo anche 102.90 MHz di FM RADIO TX Klagenfurt Austria ...ma il canale era bloccato ...peccato ... ma chi si contenta "gode" Dopo 4 anni l'Austria era tornata a Rimini anche se solo per 30 minuti... 0745-0815 .... Per dare una idea dei segnali che arrivavano stamattina 98.90 MHz Radio Slovenia 2 in //87.80 MHz superava ed annientava LOVE FM dalla zona di Rimini !!! 89.30 MHz arrivava SLO 1 TX Tinjan in // 92.90 MHz 90.00 HR 1 TX KUJACKI // 99.30 arrivava fortissimo annientando la locale RADIO ICARO RUBICONE 90.30 MHz RADIO ENA KOPER (EX RADIO VAL) TX KOKOSKA SLOVENIA coprendo RDS 90.30 MONTE CAVALLO FC ...e RAI 2 MONTE CONERO !!! 104.50 MHz R. OGNJISCE (FOCOLARE) TX KRVAVEC (INTERNO SLOVENIA) superava a tratti i locali 104.50 Mhz di VIRGIN RADIO (TX MONTE SAN PAOLO).....un fatto che capita una o due volte in estate ... 91.90 MHz SLO 1 TX KRVAVEC arrivava pure lui in // con 92.90 con la versione originale di "O SOLE MIO " .... hi!!!! (Dario M., Italy - playdx2003 16/07/2007) Can someone identify the language or even the station? The first was received on 15/07/2007 at 15:56:30 UTC on 89.3. As usual, the signal faded out quickly so no ID was possible at TOH. The signal was in Stereo but too weak for RDS. It was the only signal above the OIRT band (which was fully open to North west Russia and Baltic area). http://www.myradiobase.de/20070715_8930_unid.mp3 Only few minutes later, on 60.76 (E3 with 8p offset), I recorded some unid TV audio. Here is the clip: http://www.myradiobase.de/20070715_6076_TVaudio.mp3 Finally, there is a unid "reklama" announcement on 67.79 at 16:53 UTC: http://www.myradiobase.de/20070715_6779_unid.mp3 (Gunter Lorenz, Freising, Germany - FM 16/07/2007) Norway, speaking clear Norweigan P1 or P2 - sorry I do not know. (Hasse Mattisson - FM 17/07/2007) 87.500 15.7. 1143- I Radio Capital. 87.500 15.7. 1100,1500 TUR Delta FM, Istanbul-Camlica. Ei kuulunut yhta soittoa vaan ensin noin 0.5 tuntia ja myohemmin uudelleen. [DELTA FM]. 87.500 15.7. 1204- UKR Pervoye Radio FM 1, Odessa. 87.600 15.7. 1745- AUT O1. RDS:lla nakyi [OE 1] ja audion puolelta tuli klassista musiikkia. 87.600 15.7. 1737- SVN Radio MMR, Pecarovci. Jutusteli hetken aikaa kuuluen kauniisti, mutta ilman audioidia. RDS:[ MMR ]. 87.700 15.7. 1808- I Radio Italia Anni 60. 87.700 15.7. 1802- SVK Jemne Melodie, Banska Bystrica / Sucha hora. Tuli yhden jinglen verran. 87.700 15.7. 1503- TUR Rokket FM, Istanbul-Camlica. Antoi niin pitkan jinglen, etta sen voisi luokitella jo lauluksi. [ROKKET 877]. 89.300 15.7. 1806- D Deutschlandradio Kultur, Hof / Gro?er Waldstein. 89.300 15.7. 1700- D hr3, Gro?er Feldberg (Taunus). Uutiset. 89.300 15.7. 1608- G BBC R2. 89.700 15.7. 1539-1753 G BBC R2. 90.100 15.7. 1639- G BBC R2. 90.100 15.7. 1028-1033 I Radio 105 Network, Modigliana / Monte Trebbio. 90.100 15.7. 1041- ROU Radio Z, Zimnicea. 90.500 15.7. 1718- CZE Radio Evropa 2. 90.500 15.7. 1611- G BBC R3. 90.500 15.7. 1147-1212 TUR Meteor FM. 93.700 15.7. 1521- TUR Radio FG (Future Generation) , Istanbul-B.Camlica. [FG 93.7]. 94.200 15.7. 1755-1803 D Bayern2Radio Oberbayern, Hohenpei?enberg. Bayern2Radio Feature ohjelma alkoi tasalta. 94.300 15.7. -1745 G BBC R4. 94.300 15.7. 1512- TUR Tentative: Radyo Ekin, Istanbul-B.Camlica.. Audioidi, josta en ole 100% varma. 95.800 15.7. 1646-1651 D WDR 5, Ederkopf. Keskusteluohjelma taysilla ilman ideja, mutta RDS naytti [WDR 5]. 95.800 15.7. 1630- G BBC R.Merseyside, Liverpool/Allerton Park. Omaa ohjelmaa. 95.800 15.7. 1654- G BBC R4. "... now it's 6 minutes to 6 and time for Shipping Forecast ..." ja RDS:lla [BBC R4]. 95.800 15.7. 1729-1736 HNG InfoRadio, Budapest - Szechenyi-hegy. [ INFO ] ja lukuisia audioideja. 95.900 15.7. 1705- D SWR4 R Ludwigshafen, Neustadt/Weinbiet. Uutisia ja saata. 95.900 15.7. 1656- D WDR 3, Aachen-Stolberg. 95.900 15.7. 1614- G BBC R.Humberside, High Hunsley. 96.400 15.7. 1651- D MDR Figaro, Jena-O?maritz . Jingle musiikin lomassa. 97.700 15.7. 1648- D SWR1 Rheinland-Pfalz, Haardtkopf. "SWR1 Rheinland-Pfalz" audioidi. 97.700 15.7. 1630-1649 G BBC R1. 98.600 15.7. 1513- TUR Radyo Klas, Istanbul-B.Camlica. Musiikki ja audioidit tulivat taysilla. [KLAS]. 99.200 15.7. 1655- D SWR1 Rheinland-Pfalz, Saarburg-tx. "SWR1 Rheinland-Pfaltz" -idi. 99.200 15.7. 1712- G BBC R1. 99.300 15.7. 1538- G BBC R1. (Tapio Kalmi, Helsinki, Finland - FM 17/07/2007) One hour hot opening to Moscow. Several RDS - belowin in capital letters. Only light ananlyse with WRTH, some several unids also. 87,5 1624 BUISINESS FM 87,7 1653 YUMOR FM 88,3 1654 RETRO FM 89,1 1650 JAZZ and voice id 89.9 1641 R Melobdiya - voice id 90,8 1647 RELAKS-FM 91,2 1634 unid tent Ekho Mosky 91,6 1649 R Kultura - voice id 91,75 1730 most probably TV audio 95,2 1719 [edva fm] unid 104,7 1713 RADIO 7 and voice id and jingle 106,2 1700 EVROPA PLUS jingle and voice id 107,0 1705 RUSSIAN must be RSN TV RUS 1 all the time very strong (Hasse Mattisson, Johansberg, Sweden - FM 18/07/2007) Sunday 15 July 2007 Sporadic E Loggings: 65.93 UKR UR 1 - Persha programa Shostka (su) 66.02 UKR UR 1 - Persha programa Kovel'/ORTPTs (vo) 66.05 RUS Radio Rossii Pskov 66.08 UKR UR 1 - Persha programa Krasnohorivka/ORTPTs (po) 66.14 RUS Radio Rossii Tikhvin (sp) 66.20 BLR BR Radyjo Stalica Homyel' 66.23 RUS Radio Rossii Kaluga 66.26 UKR UR R. L'vivs'ka khvylia L'viv/LORTPTs (Murovane) 66.30 RUS Radio Rossii Sankt-Peterburg/LRTPTs 66.32 BLR Belaruskaje Radyjo 1 Pinsk (br) 66.35 RUS Radio Shanson Smolensk 66.44 BLR BR Radyjo Expres Smyatanichy (ho) 66.50 UKR UR 1 - Persha programa Bilopillya/ORTPTs (su) 66.53 UKR UR 1 - Persha programa Rivne/ORTPTs (v s. Antopil') 66.53 RUS Radio Rossii Lipetsk 66.56 BLR Belaruskaje Radyjo 1 Slonim/Novaya Strazha (hr) 66.59 UKR UR 1 - Persha programa Kam"yans'ke (od) 66.59 RUS Radiostantsiya Mayak Kingisepp (sp) 66.68 UKR UR 1 - Persha programa Oktyabrs'ke (kr) 66.68 MDA Radio Moldova Mandrestii Noi (Balti) 66.71 UKR UR 1 - Persha programa Kholmy (ch) 66.74 BLR BR 2 - Kanal Kultura Ushachy (vc) 66.89 BLR BR Radyjo Stalica Myadzyel/Telyaki (mi) 66.92 RUS Radio Rossii Yefremov (tl) 66.95 RUS Radio Rossii Kashin (tv) 66.98 UKR UR 1 - Persha programa Kirovohrad/ORTPTs 66.98 BLR BR Radyjo Expres Homyel' 67.04 UKR UR 1 - Persha programa L'viv/LORTPTs (Murovane) 67.07 RUS Radiostantsiya Mayak Borovichi (no) 67.10 BLR BR 2 - Kanal Kultura Pinsk (br) 67.13 RUS Radiostantsiya Mayak Yartsevo-Smogiri (sm) 67.22 BLR Belaruskaje Radyjo 1 Smyatanichy (ho) 67.25 UKR UR 1 - Persha programa Kotovs'k (od) 67.28 UKR Radio Emmanuyil Kyiv/AT "RaTel" 67.34 RUS Serebryanyy Dozhd' Vyaz'ma (sm) 67.34 BLR BR 2 - Kanal Kultura Slonim/Novaya Strazha (hr) 67.37 BLR Belaruskaje Radyjo 1 Brahin (ho) 67.45 RUS Radiostantsiya Mayak Sankt-Peterburg/LRTPTs 67.46 MDA Radio Sanatate Edinet 67.58 MDA Antena C Straseni 67.64 BLR BR Radyjo Vitsyebsk Myadzyel/Telyaki (mi) 67.67 RUS Radio Rossii Kingisepp (sp) 67.70 UKR UR 1 - Persha programa Khmel'nyts'kyy/ORTPTs (km) 67.76 BLR Belaruskaje Radyjo 1 Homyel' 67.79 MDA Vocea Basarabiei Soroca 67.79 RUS Radio Peterburg Vyborg (sp) 67.85 BLR Belaruskaje Radyjo 1 Obukhovo (vc) 67.88 UKR UR 1 - Persha programa Buky/RTPTs (ck) 67.88 BLR BR Radyjo Stalica Pinsk (br) 67.92 MDA Radio Sanatate ?? 68.00 MDA Radio Moldova Ungheni 68.00 BLR BR 2 - Kanal Kultura Smyatanichy (ho) 68.09 RUS Radiostantsiya Mayak Lipetsk 68.12 BLR BR Radyjo Stalica Slonim/Novaya Strazha (hr) 68.24 UKR R. Krai-2 (Nova khvilya) Rivne/ORTPTs (v s. Antopil') 68.24 RUS Love Radio Sankt-Peterburg/LRTPTs 68.30 UKR UR 1 - Persha programa ?? 68.30 BLR BR 2 - Kanal Kultura Brahin (ho) 68.30 BLR BR Radyjo Vitsyebsk Ushachy (vc) 68.45 BLR BR Radyjo Expres Zhlobin (ho) 68.48 MDA BBC Straseni 68.48 RUS Radio Rossii Tver'/Chernogubovo (Andrianovo) 68.51 UKR UR 1 - Persha programa Kyiv/KRTPTs (Brovary) 68.54 RUS Radio Rossii Smolensk 68.57 RUS Radiostantsiya Mayak Pskov 68.60 RUS Radiostantsiya Mayak Kaluga 68.63 RUS Radiostantsiya Mayak Tikhvin (sp) 68.66 RUS Jack FM Sankt-Peterburg/Vasilevskiy ostrov 68.66 RUS Radio Rossii Yaroslavl'/Dubki 68.69 BLR Belaruskaje Radyjo 1 Myadzyel/Telyaki (mi) 68.78 RUS Radiostantsiya Mayak Bryansk 68.93 RUS Radio Peterburg Kingisepp (sp) 68.96 RUS Radio Rossii Yartsevo-Smogiri (sm) 69.02 UKR Gala Radio Kyiv/KRTPTs (Brovary) 69.05 RUS Grad Petrov Sankt-Peterburg/Ol'gino 69.08 BLR BR Radyjo Brest Pinsk (br) 69.11 BLR BR Radyjo Stalica Brahin (ho) 69.14 MDA BBC Cahul 69.14 RUS ORR Lipetsk 69.20 RUS Radio Rossii Vyaz'ma (sm) 69.26 UKR UR 1 - Persha programa Chernivtsi/ORTPTs 69.26 BLR BR 2 - Kanal Kultura Homyel' 69.32 RUS Radio Rossii Ryazan'/ORTPTs 69.41 UKR UR 1 - Persha programa Kramators'k/RPTs (do) 69.44 BLR BR Radyjo Hrodna Slonim/Novaya Strazha (hr) 69.47 UKR UR 1 - Persha programa Chernihiv/ORTPTs 69.47 RUS Radio Peterburg Sankt-Peterburg/LRTPTs 69.53 UKR UR 1 - Persha programa Uzhhorod/ORTPTs (zk) 69.53 RUS Radiostantsiya Mayak Yefremov (tl) 69.56 RUS Radiostantsiya Yunost' Yaroslavl'/Dubki 69.59 UKR UR 1 - Persha programa Novodnistrovs'k (cv) 69.68 BLR Belaruskaje Radyjo 1 Zhlobin (ho) 69.68 RUS Radio Rossii Selizharovo (tv) 69.77 RUS Radiostantsiya Mayak Vyborg (sp) 69.80 UKR UR 1 - Persha programa Olevs'k/RTPTs (zh) 69.83 UKR UR 1 - Persha programa Ternopil'/ORTPTs (u s. Lozova) 69.92 BLR BR Radio Expres Brahin (ho) 69.92 BLR BR 2 - Kanal Kultura Vitsyebsk 70.04 UKR UR 1 - Persha programa Zhytomyr/RTPTs 70.10 UKR UR 1 - Persha programa Bershad' (vi) 70.10 BLR BR Radyjo MahilioA? Mahilyow/Polykovichi 70.28 BLR BR Radyjo Stalica Smyatanichy (ho) 70.31 MDA Radio Moldova Edinet 70.31 BLR BR 2 - Kanal Kultura Myadzyel/Telyaki (mi) 70.34 RUS Radiostantsiya Mayak Yaroslavl'/Dubki 70.43 RUS ORR Kaluga 70.55 RUS Radio Rossii Unecha (br) 70.67 BLR Belaruskaje Radyjo 1 Vitsyebsk 70.76 UKR UR 1 - Persha programa Kam"yanets'-Podil's'kyy 70.88 RUS Radio Rossii Luga (sp) 70.94 BLR BR Radyjo Stalica Ushachy (vc) 71.00 UKR UR 1 - Persha programa Pryluky/RTPTs (ch) 71.03 BLR BR 2 - Kanal Kultura Zhlobin (ho) 71.08 RUS Radio Rossii Glubokoye (ps) 71.09 RUS Radiostantsiya Mayak Tver'/Chernogubovo (Andrianovo) 71.12 UKR UR R Zhytomyrska khvylia Zhytomyr/RTPTs 71.18 BLR BR Radyjo Stalica Mahilyow/Polykovichi 71.24 MDA Radio Moldova Causeni 71.24 RUS Radio Svoboda Sankt-Peterburg/Ol'gino 71.30 UKR UR 2 - Radio Promin' Kyiv/KRTPTs (Brovary) 71.39 RUS Radiostantsiya Mayak Ryazan'/ORTPTs 71.48 BLR BR Radyjo Vitsyebsk Vitsyebsk 71.66 RUS Radio Retro FM Sankt-Peterburg/LRTPTs 71.66 RUS ORR Yaroslavl'/Dubki 71.69 UKR UR 1 - Persha programa Vinnytsya/ORTPTs 71.72 RUS Radio Shanson Kaluga 71.81 BLR BR Radyjo Stalica Zhlobin (ho) 71.90 UKR UR 1 - Persha programa Zhytomyr/RTPTs 71.96 BLR BR 2 - Kanal Kultura Mahilyow/Polykovichi 72.02 MDA Radio Moldova Straseni 72.08 UKR Studiya Maidan Kyiv/KRTPTs (Brovary) 72.14 RUS Nashe Radio Sankt-Peterburg/Ol'gino 72.17 RUS Radiostantsiya Mayak Unecha (br) 72.20 UKR UR 1 - Persha programa Cherkasy/ORTPTs 72.26 BLR BR Radyjo Stalica Vitsyebsk 72.65 BLR Belaruskaje Radyjo 1 Ushachy (vc) 72.68 RUS Radio Yevropa Plyus Sankt-Peterburg/LRTPTs 72.74 BLR Belaruskaje Radyjo 1 Mahilyow/Polykovichi 72.83 RUS Radiostantsiya Mayak Glubokoye (ps) 72.86 UKR UR 3 - Radio Kul'tura Kyiv/KRTPTs (Brovary) 73.10 RUS Kanal Melodiya Sankt-Peterburg/Ol'gino 73.13 RUS Narodnoye Radio Ryazan'/ORTPTs 73.25 RUS Radio RSN Kaluga 73.52 RUS Nika FM Medyn' (kl) 73.82 RUS Radio Maksimum Sankt-Peterburg/Ol'gino 87.5 RUS Navigator - Dorozhnoye R. Sankt-Peterburg/LRTPTs 87.6 S SR P1 Storuman/Norrberg TM 87.6 FIN YLE Radio Peili JyvA¤skylA¤ 87.7 FIN YLE Radio Yksi 2 txs listed 88.0 FIN YLE Radio Yksi Joutseno 88.2 S SR P1??????? ???????, PI: E201, PS: SR_P1___, EON 101.0 E203 A complete mystery this PS, PI and EON. And the px was a finnish language program! 88.2 FIN YLE Radio Yksi Lapua 88.3 FIN YLE Radio Peili Tampere 88.5 FIN YLE Radio Yksi Anjalankoski (Sippola) 88.5 S SR P1 VA¤nnA¤s/Granlundsberget TM 88.5 NOR NRK P1 - Norgeskanalen Hemnes 88.6 FIN YLE Radio Yksi Pihtipudas 89.1 FIN Radio Aalto Kuopio/Puijon Torni 89.2 FIN YLE Radio Yksi Taivalkoski 89.4 S SR P1 Arvidsjaur/AkkanA?lke TM 89.4 FIN YLE Radio Yksi PieksA¤mA¤ki 89.9 FIN YLE Radio Yksi JyvA¤skylA¤ 90.1 FIN YleX Lapua 90.4 FIN YLE Radio Yksi Oulu (Kiiminki) 90.8 S SR P1 A–rnskA¶ldsvik/A…sberget TM 90.9 FIN YleX Joutseno, PI: 6202 91.0 FIN YleX PyhA¤vuori 91.1 FIN YleX Pihtipudas 91.7 S SR P2 A–verkalix/Grelsbyberget TM 91.9 FIN YleX Taivalkoski 92.1 S SR P2 VA¤nnA¤s/Granlundsberget TM 92.3 FIN YleX Pernaja (Loviisa) 92.3 FIN YLE Radio Yksi Vuokatti (Sotkamo) 92.4 NOR NRK P1 - Norgeskanalen Hadsel, PI: F201, EON 99.3 F302 92.5 FIN YleX JyvA¤skylA¤, PI: 6202 92.8 FIN YleX Anjalankoski (Sippola) 93.2 FIN YleX Oulu (Kiiminki) 93.7 FIN YleX Tampere 93.9 FIN YleX Kuopio 94.2 S SR P2 Arvidsjaur/AkkanA?lke TM 94.4 S SR P2 A–rnskA¶ldsvik/A…sberget TM 94.5 NOR NRK P3 - Petre Hadsel 94.6 FIN YLE Radio Suomi Mikkeli, PI: 6203, PS: YLESUOMI 96.9 FIN YLE Radio Suomi Anjalankoski (Sippola) 97.0 FIN YLE Radio Suomi Pihtipudas, PI: 6203, PS: YLESUOMI 97.1 S SR P3 Arvidsjaur/AkkanA?lke TM 97.2 NOR NRK P2 - Kulturkanalen Melhus 97.3 FIN YLE Radio Suomi Oulu (Kiiminki) 98.1 FIN YLE Radio Suomi Kuopio, PI: 6203 99.3 NOR NRK P2 - Kulturkanalen Hadsel 99.3 FIN YLE Radio Suomi JyvA¤skylA¤, PI: 6203 99.9 FIN YLE Radio Suomi Tampere, PI: 6203, PS: YLESUOMI 100.2 FIN YLE Radio Vega Kuopio, PI: 6208, PS: YLE_VEGA 102.1 FIN YLE Radio Vega Tampere 104.3 FIN Radio Nova Koli (Lieksa) 104.7 FIN Radio Nova Tampere 106.7 FIN Radio Nova Kuopio, PI: 6209, PS: __NOVA__ (Janpeter Dijk, Holland - skywaves 18/07/2007) Sunday 15 July 2007 |
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