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Электронный DX Бюллетень WorldDX 79
WorldDX 79 28/07/06 -- WorldDX выходит с декабря 2004 года. Время везде UTC; чтобы получить летнее московское время, прибавьте к нему 4 часа. Редактор оставляет за собой право не включать в бюллетень информацию, не отвечающую его тематике. Архив предыдущих номеров бюллетеня можно найти по адресу: http://worlddx.narod.ru/dx.html или http://worlddx.by.ru/dx.html Присылайте, пожалуйста, свои мнения, новости и комментарии для бюллетеня по адресу: fmradios12[dog]hotmail_dot_com -- Короткие Волны Австралия 2325, 1311-, VL8T Tennant Creek Jul 20 Very good reception with a call-in car show. Nothing on 2310 Alice Springs, nor 2485 Katherine. (Walter Salmaniw, Masset, B.C., Canada - hard-core-dx 43, 25) 13630 Radio Australia; 2157-2206+, 27-July; ID, sked & pgm notes; sed tune to 13620, 13630, 15230 & 15240 @2200. News @2200. All in EE. SIO=3+44, slight QRM from jammer on 13625. After 2200, //13620, SIO=242+; //15240, SIO=252, ancd //15230 covered by Cuba in SS. (Harold Frodge-MI, Usa - CumbreDX 1606) Албания 7450, ALBANIA, R.Tirana, 2346-0003, July 18, Albanian, Pop-like and classical music selections w/ YL talks; ID in passing. Fair/good. (Scott Barbour Jr, Intervale, NH, Usa - dxldyg 24/07/06) Алжир 7150, "ALGERIA" R.Algiers via U.K., 2250-2259*, July 18, Arabic., OM and YL w/ talks over vocal music. Chanting/drums followed by OM w/ s/off annmts, freq. schedule, more chants/drums then pips at s/off. Fair. //9710-fair/poor. (Scott Barbour, Intervale, NH, Usa - dxldyg 24/07/06) Аляска 9615, KNLS, 1228 July 22. Pgm of Christian rock mx and ID. Signal varied S3-S7 w/ fading (Jerry Strawman-IA, Usa - CumbreDX 1601). Ангола 4950, Radio Nacional, 0115-0125 With a lot of flutter, noted a man in Portuguese comments. The Signal doesn't improve at all during the period and remains as threshold. (Chuck Bolland, July 25, 2006 - hard-core-dx 43, 25) Аргентина 15345, R. Nat., July 23, 2243-2310, Spanish programming, seem to be talking about futbol. Fair. 15345, RAE, July 25, 2059-2110, IS, multi-language IDs for RAE, into German programming. Fair. (Ron Howard, Monterey, CA, Eton E5, dxldyg via DXLISTENING DIGEST 27/07/06) Армения "Голос Армении" объявляет в своих программах о прекращении вещания на коротких волнах. Программы будут доступны только в Интернете. (Paul Gager-AUT, A-DX July 18, WWDXC 766, midxb 486) Беларусь 11930, 0400-, Belarussian Radio Jul 20 After open carrier, jingle at 03:59:30, interval signal once at 0400 and ID...not Radio Belarus or Belaruskaya Radio. I thought they said Radio Stalitsa, but it sounds in fact more like 'Radio Fax' or the like. S7 to S8 signal. They mentioned the evacuation of Belarusian citizens from Lebanon! Time check at 04:12 and ID. I'm sure they're saying 'Radio Fact' (probably as opposed to Radio Fax). (Walter Salmaniw, Masset, B.C., Canada - hard-core-dx 43, 25) Бенин 5025, ORTB, Parakou, 2035-2043, 18-07, locutor, vernaculo, comentarios. 24322. (Manuel Mendez, Lugo, Spain - NoticiasDX 22/07/06) Боливия 4545,35 Radio Virgen de Remedios, Tupiza, 2135-2140, July 15, Spanish, religious talk by male, song, 23332 (Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - playdx2003 23/07/06) 9624,82 Radio Fides, La Paz, 1337-1347, July 15, Spanish, programme conduced by male & female, ann: "Bolivia, Bolivia, Bolivia, siempre Bolivia....!", TC, local advs, 24332 (Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - playdx2003 23/07/06) 4716.61, Radio Yura, 0037-0105 Noted a broadcast of Spanish comments from a man and typical music during the period. With a heavy amount of noise, the comments were difficult to understand. The signal was poor. (Chuck Bolland, July 24/25, 2006 - hard-core-dx 43, 25) Бразилия 4805, Radiodifusora do Amazonas, Manaus, 2201-2210, 20-07, programa "A Voz do Brasil". 24322. (Mendez) 4885, Radio Clube do Para, Belem, 0536-0539, 18-07, canciones brasilenas. 34333. (Mendez) 9505, Radio Record, Sao Paulo, 2130-2136, 18-07, locutor, portugues, comentarios de futbol: "Copa Libertadores de America, Radio Record", anuncios comerciales. 23322. (Mendez). 9565, Radio Tupi, Curitiba, 2202-2205, 18-07, "A Voz do Brasil". 23322. (Mendez) 9695, Radio Rio Mar, Manaus, 2205-2209, 18-07, "A Voz do Brasil". 23222. (Mendez) 11785, Radio Guaiba, Porto Alegre, 2115-2130, 19-07. Esta emisora, a esta hora tiene un buen programa deportivo, con informacion, sobre todo de futbol. Comentario del partido de futbol de la copa Libertadores de America entre Liga Universitaria Deportiva de Quito e Internacional de Porto Alegre, identificacion: "Radio Guaiba, Libertadores 2006". 24322. (Manuel Mendez, Lugo, Spain - NoticiasDX 22/07/06) 4955 22/7 22.25 R. Cultural Amauta - Huanta SS MX suff. 5699.8 22/7 23.05 R. Frecuencia - S. Ignacio SS avisos suff. 5910 22/7 22.50 R. Marfil Estereo - BogotЮ SS MX buono 6035 22/7 22.35 Voz del Guaviare - S. JosХ del Guaviare SS MX suff. 6280 23/7 08.55 Antonio R. - Fiuk 12 - 8081 KD Elburg - Olanda EE ID e MX suff. 6290 22/7 22.10 R. Mazda - Pastinaak 4 - 7447 AE Nijverdal - Olanda EE ID e MX buono 9675 22/7 23.00 R. Cancao Nova - Cachoeira Paulista PP ID buono (Roberto Pavanello, Italy - playdx2003 23/07/06) 6060, Radio Tupi, 0957-1005 Noted a man in religious comments (Portuguese) until the hour. On the hour (1000) canned ID, "...Radio Tupi .." More religious music and comments from a woman. Signal was fair and I didn't notice any QRM on this freq during this time. (Chuck Bolland, July 27, 2006 - CumbreDX 1605) Вануату 3944.76 R. Vanuatu(p) 1118-1145+ Jul 22. Assorted M&W talks in presumed Bislama; occasional selection of vocal music. Fair at best. (John Wilkins, Wheat Ridge, Colorado, Usa - CumbreDX 1602) Великобритания/Украина 11770, 0419-, BBC Jul 20 Ukrainian service heard at good to very good levels with talk of the governmental problems in Ukraine. 500kw via Rampisham. Parallel to slightly weaker 9895 (300 kw Woofferton) and 9560 (300 kw Skelton). (Walter Salmaniw, Masset, B.C., Canada - hard-core-dx 43, 25) Вьетнам 7220 V. of Vietnam 1247-1329* Jul 23. Last part of RS program, which ended at 1257; CH followed from 1300-1327, with ID, talk/news, then mostly mx after 1310 UTC; carrier off at 1329. Fair. (John Wilkins, Wheat Ridge, Colorado, Usa - CumbreDX 1602) 4739.71, 1347-, Radio Son La 1 Jul 20 Usual distorted signal with some days much worse than others, and today is pretty bad. Local language it seems rather than Vietnamese. Fair to good only. (Walter Salmaniw, Masset, B.C., Canada - hard-core-dx 43, 25) Габон 17630, 1410-, Africa Number 1 Jul 21 Fair reception with African hi-life music. (Walter Salmaniw, Masset, B.C., Canada - hard-core-dx 43, 25) Гаваии (США) 10320U, AFN, Pearl Harbor, 1234 July 22. NPR nx was S3 in the clear (Jerry Strawman-IA, Usa - CumbreDX). Гватемала 4052.5, Radio Verdad, Chiquimula, 0445-0448, 19-07, canciones religiosas y comentario en ingles, identificacion: "Radio Verdad, Chiquimula, Guatemala, Central America". Cancion de cierre y cierre a las 0458. 24322. (Manuel Mendez, Lugo, Spain - NoticiasDX 22/07/06) Гвинея 7125, Radio Conakry, 0703-0710, 20-07, locutor, frances, noticias deportivas de Guinea y de Africa, fin noticias a 0704, identificacion: "Ici Conakry", canciones africanas. 34333. (Manuel Mendez, Lugo, Spain - NoticiasDX 22/07/06) Гуам 1400 - 1500 UTC - KTWR, Guam - English - 9975 kHz - sinpo 33443 (Андрей Мамаев, Киров, Россия - open_dx 27/07/06) Джибути 4780 Radio Djibouti, 18:55-19:01, escuchada el 22 de Julio en idioma arabico con programa de mЗsica folklСrica local, tema musical con coros infantiles, locutor con comentarios y canto del CorАn, SINPO 44444. (Jose Miguel Romero, Burjasot, Spain - NoticiasDX 23/07/06) 4780 Radio Djibouti, Djibouti, 0318+, July 23, Vernacular, long talk by male, 24332 (Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - playdx2003 23/07/06) Израиль 6973 Galei Zahal, 17:30-17:35, escuchada el 20 de Julio en Hebreo, sorprendentemente durante tres d?as no pude captar a ?sta estaci?n, desconozco el motivo, quiz?s mala propagaci?n o alg?n problema t?cnico, sin embargo en ese d?a entr? con bastante fuerza, locutor y locutora con comentarios o bolet?n de nopticias con referencias a Israel y fragmentos en ?rabe, se aprecia de forma intermitente una se?al de burbuja, jammer???, de quien???, luego en la transmisi?n musical ?sta se?al ya no se hace presente, SINPO 34443. (Jose Miguel Romero, Burjasot, Spain - hard-core-dx 43, 22) Индия 4970, 1358-, AIR Shillong Jul 20 Inspirational Christian vocal until 13:59:45 when a female cut-in with the end of the program and ID for the NE svce of AIR. Ad at 14:00. English programming. Fair only. (Walter Salmaniw, Masset, B.C., Canada - hard-core-dx 43, 25) 10330, AIR Bangalore, July 26, 1410-1429*, in vernacular, several musical jingles ending with “India”, ads (“Super mileage from Indian Oil”), pop songs, off in mid-sentence. Fair. (Ron Howard, Monterey, CA, Eton E5, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST 27/0706) 9445 All India Radio; 2208-2215+, 26-July; News to ID @2210 then cmtry re central bank. All in EE. SIO=352+ 11620 not audible if there. (Harold Frodge-MI, Usa - CumbreDX 1606) Индонезия 15150 Voz de Indonesia, 17:00-17:10, escuchada el 19 de Julio en espa?ol con sinton?a, presentaci?n e identificaci?n, ?Esta es la Voz de Indonesia en Jakarta, el programa para el exterior de la rep?blica Isl?mica de Indonesia?, anuncian emitir por 9525 y 15150, dan apartado de correos, locutor con bolet?n de noticias y referencias a la gripe aviar, SINPO 34433. (Jose Miguel Romero, Burjasot, Spain - hard-core-dx 43, 22) 15149.75, VOI, 1455 July 21. Weak flute mx. Improving to fair after 1500 when pgm switched to Koranic-style chanting (Jerry Strawman-IA, Usa - CumbreDX 1601). 9525.97 Voice of Indonesia 1150-1202 Jul 22. Last few mins of JP xmsn, then KR at 1200. Ditto next day. The distortion problem seems to be fixed and they have settled on a stable freq of 9525.97 kHz. Very strong signal. (John Wilkins, Wheat Ridge, Colorado, Usa - CumbreDX 1602) 2960, 1318-, RPDT Manggarai Jul 20 A real treat and a regular on the dxpedition circuit with female announcer taking calls in Bahasa Indonesian. Giggling. S5 signal a good hour after local sunrise. Some ham type interference. Not heard the following 3 mornings. (Walter Salmaniw, Masset, B.C., Canada - hard-core-dx 43, 25) 4604.96, 1343-, RRI Serui Jul 20 Nice signal with a male DJ taking calls from listeners. Mentioned 'Timor'. Answers his calls with 'Allo', and 'yes' (I think). (Walter Salmaniw, Masset, B.C., Canada - hard-core-dx 43, 25) 3345.04, 1337-, RRI Ternate Jul 22 Powerful reception with very poweful modulation, and a female announcer repeatedly saying 'Don't Forget', which I think is the title of the song which they then aired (a local artist)....yes, just as I type this you can hear 'Don't forget' in a song otherwise in Bahasa Indonesian. Pretty close to a 5-5-5 signal. Sounds like a live recording from an auditorium since there's a hollowness to the broadcast. Also a male announcer, but the female does most of the talking. Ternate mentioned a number of times at 13:59. Still booming in. No news or ID at 14:00...only a continuation of the same broadcast. (Walter Salmaniw, Masset, B.C., Canada - hard-core-dx 43, 25) Иран 15085, 1748-, VOIRI Jul 21 German programming at fair level. Parallel 11855 at good level. At same time VOIRI in Russian is well heard on 7175. (Walter Salmaniw, Masset, B.C., Canada - hard-core-dx 43, 25) Италия/Асеншн 6110, "ITALY" RAI via Ascension, *0130-0146, July 18, Italian, Fanfare(NA-?) at s/on, ID followed by various news items and field reports. Fair as was // 11765. (Scott Barbour jr, Intervale, NH, Usa - dxldyg 24/07/06) Казахстан/США 12150, 1353-, Family Radio Jul 23 Slow English scripture reading at very good level. Listed at this time in Mandarin from Almaty with 500 kw. Very nice signal! Back into Mandarin at 13:56. At 13:58 'www.familyradio.com', Family Radio IS. At 14:00 program resumed in Mandarin. (Walter Salmaniw, Masset, B.C., Canada - hard-core-dx 43, 25) Канада 9625, 0305-, CBC Northern Quebec Service Jul 21 After Quebec weather, Northern Lights music program. Good over another cochannel station (either Radio Finland or Radio Fides listed, but probably Finland). (Walter Salmaniw, Masset, B.C., Canada - hard-core-dx 43, 25) Китай CNR, Voice of China, Beijing, 2027-2035, 18-07, locutor, chino, comentarios. 24322. Burkina, que se escuchaba con fuerza por aqui, parece estar ultimamente fuera del aire, yo hace tiempo que no logro captarla. Ello hace posible escuchar la emisora china en la misma frecuencia. (Manuel Mendez, Lugo, Spain - NoticiasDX 22/07/06) 3900, 1337-, Radio Hulun Buir Jul 20 Don't recall seeing many loggings from this station. S5 signal strength with EZL vocals. Listed in the ILG as only 2000w, although DBS shows 7.5 kw. Sounds more like the former. (Walter Salmaniw, Masset, B.C., Canada - hard-core-dx 43, 25) 6950, 2108-, CNR 1 Jul 20 Mandarin programming at strong levels and parallel to Radio Free Asia jammer on 7105. Interesting how despite the middle of summer and daylight path all the way (Shijiazhuang is at sunrise), reception is so strong. I suspect this is largely in part due to solar minimum. Don't mistake this one for an exotic pirate!. (Walter Salmaniw, Masset, B.C., Canada - hard-core-dx 43, 25) 9600, 2112-, CRI Jul 20 English broadcast at fair to good levels from listed Kashi and 500 kw to Europe, but heard pretty well here. Parallels heard include 7190 (fair), and 9800 (poor). 7285 is fair also in English but a different program feed than the first two? Program ID's as 'China Drive on CRI' at 21:38. Seems to be a local program for English speakers in China (?). (Walter Salmaniw, Masset, B.C., Canada - hard-core-dx 43, 25) 4000 Nei Menggu PBS 1200-1204 Jul 26. Partially readable ID and into talk or news. Fair/poor. (John Wilkins, Wheat Ridge, Colorado - CumbreDX 1604) Колумбия 5910, Marfil Estereo, Lomalinda, 0630-0705, 18-07, canciones colombianasy mexicanas, identificacion: "Marfil Estereo, una nueva estacion". "Usted se identificara con la nueva Marfil Estereo, ballenato, popular, nortena, balada, llanera, Marfil Estereo, una nueva estacion". 34333. (Mendez) 6010.1, La Voz de tu Conciencia, Lomalinda, 0650-0710, 20-07, espanol, cancion religiosa: Por amor a Cristo", comentario religioso, "San Pablo, Corintios". 23222. (Mendez) 6035, La Voz del Guaviare, San Jose de Guaviare, 2242-2303, 20-07, locutor, comentarios, identificacion: "cinco de la tarde con cuarenta y cinco minutos, La Voz del Guaviare", canciones en espanol y anuncios comerciales. 24322. (Manuel Mendez, Lugo, Spain - NoticiasDX 22/07/06) Коста-Рика 9724.9 University Network; 2205-2235+, 21-July; Dr. Gene discussing the sex lives of various religious notables. SIO=554 (Harold Frodge, Midland MI, USA - CumbreDX 1603) Куба 5025, Radio Rebelde, 0618-0630, 18-07. Sin duda la emisora de las bandas tropicales que llega aqui con mas potencia, especialmente en horas del amanecer y con bonitos programas musicales. Programa "A esta hora", musica caribena, identificacion: "Llueva, truene o relampaguee, escuche la senal de Radio Rebelde". "Dos con veinticuatro minutos, Radio Rebelde te presenta en la madrugada una revista de musica cubana, A Esta Hora". Excelente senal. 45444. (Manuel Mendez, Lugo, Spain - NoticiasDX 22/07/06) Кувейт 11990, KUWAIT, R.Kuwait, 1551-1610, July 17, Arabic, Call to Prayer-like chanting, ID at 1600 followed by talks w/ brief piano music bits. Fair. (Scott Barbour Jr, Intervale, NH, Usa - dxldyg 24/07/06) Мавритания 4845, MAURITANIA, R.Mauritaine, 0050-0101*, July 20, Arabic, Pop-like music, brief YL into OM w/ Ko'ran. YL w/ presumed ID at 0100 into Arabic pop/rap music until cut-off at 0101. Fair. (Scott Barbour Jr, Intervale, NH, Usa - dxldyg 2407/06) Мадагаскар 5010 Radio Madagasikara, 19:08-19:18, escuchada con sorprendente seЯal el 22 de Julio en idioma vernacular a locutor en conversaciСn distendida con invitado en programa musical, se identifica cСmo "Radio Madagasikara", muchas referencias a Madagascar, SINPO 44433. (Jose Miguel Romero, Burjasot, Spain - hard-core-dx 43, 22) 27 July noted R Madagasikara on 5000 instead of it's normal 5010. Heard them from tune-in 1750 until s-off 1900. No spoken id, but normal s-off with N/A and couple of IS's at 1900. (Jari Savolainen, Kuusankoski, Finland - dxldyg 28/07/06) Малайзия 15295, 1624-, Voice of Malaysia Jul 20 Fair to mostly good reception in the clear in Arabic. I recall years ago that this was quite a dx catch. They must have been running much lower power then, and were slightly off frequency. Bang on now with listed 200 kw according to ILG. (Walter Salmaniw, Masset, B.C., Canada - hard-core-dx 43, 25) Мексика 4810, XERTA, Radio Transcontinental de America, 0547-0604, 18-07, espanol, locutor, comentario "Como debemos velar por la salud de nuestros hijos", locutora, identificacion: "Programa Esperanza para la Familia, aqui en Radio Transcontinental de America", canciones. Se escucha en LSB. 24322. (Manuel Mendez, Lugo, Spain - NoticiasDX 22/07/06) Нигерия 15120 Voice of Nigeria, 17:10-17:15, escuchada el 19 de Julio en ingl?s a locutora con bolet?n de noticias con referencias a Somalia, Congo, Sud?n y L?bano, SINPO 55454. Se puede escuchar dos archivos de audio en Valencia DX: http://valenciadx.multiply.com/music/item/153 (Jose Miguel Romero, Burjasot, Spain - hard-core-dx 43, 22) Нидерланды 9895 Radio Tour v?a Radio Nederland, 13:50-13:55, escuchada el 19 de Julio en Holand?s con la retransmisi?n de la etapa Reina del Tour de Francia, se identifica c?mo ?Radio Tour?, conexi?n para dar el paso a la ?Creu de Fer?, segmentos musicales, SINPO 45444. (Jose Miguel Romero, Burjasot, Spain - hard-core-dx 43, 22) Оман 15575, 0349-, BBCWS Jul 20 Excellent reception with sports report about the British Open and the problem with the hot dry weather. Apparently to South Asia. (Walter Salmaniw, Masset, B.C. - hard-core-dx 43, 25) Пакистан Изменение частоты Radio Pakistan на урду и английском: 1330-1530 Urdu WS and 1600-1615 English NF 9380, ex 9375 (DX MIX NEWS 426, midxb 486) Папуа-Новая Гвинея 4890, 1352-, NBC Karai Service Jul 21 National programming from Port Moresby with EZL (ABBA) music. After an early start at after 4:00 am, it's nice to lean back, close your eyes and be serenaded by PNG! 3 minutes to 12 time check, and end of program (actual time was on 13:56, ?clocks run a little fast in PNG ;-) . Sign-off with all the MW and SW frequencies, followed by the NA at 14:00. They always leave the open carrier on. (Walter Salmaniw, Masset, B.C., Canada - hard-core-dx 43, 25) 1332-, Radio Central Jul 22 Fair to good reception on past their normal sign-off at 12:00. EZL western music. Only other 90 meter PNGs audible were 3305 Radio Western (poor), 3315 Radio Manus (good) and 3385 Radio East New Britain (fair to good). (Walter Salmaniw, Masset, B.C., Canada - hard-core-dx 43, 25) Перу 4790.2, Radio Vision, Chiclayo, 0539-0547, 18-07. Se sigue escuchando todos los dias por aqui esta emisora, luego del amanecer, incluso por momentos con aceptable senal. Locutor, comentario religioso, entrevista con oyentes: "Damos gracias a los oyentes por sus testimonios", "La Voz de la Salvacion, a traves de la predicacion del Evangelio". 24322. (Mendez) Tambien 0621-0647, 20-07, locutor: "Hermanos, todos a la Iglesia Pentecostal Apostolica". "Estan escuchando un programa de La Voz de la Salvacion", "La Voz de la Salvacion, urbanizacion San Juan, Chiclayo". "Sigan disfrutandodel programa a traves de Radio Vision y la Voz de la Salvacion". 24322, incluso por momentos 34333. (Mendez) 4974.8, Radio del Pacifico, Lima, 0545-0557, 18-07, locutor, espanol, comentario religioso, apenas audible. Senal debil a muy debil. 14321. (Mendez) 6019.6, Radio Victoria, Lima, 0627-0645, 21-07, espanol, locutor, comentario religioso, entrevistas con oyentes. 24322. (Mendez) 9720, Radio Victoria, Lima, 0558-0610, 18-07, locutor, espanol, programa religioso, predicaciones: "Gloria a Dios". 24322. (Mendez) (Manuel Mendez, Lugo, Spain - NoticiasDX 22/07/06) Россия 9765 Radio Tikhy Okean, Vladivostok, 0850-0900, July 17, Russian, music (song by female), announcements by male & female, identification and s/off. Before, short news by male & female, 44444 (Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - playdx2003 23/07/06) 12055, 1401-, Voice of Russia World Service Jul 23 Very good reception in English. To Asia at this time, from Novosibirsk. Parallels include 17645 (Moscow to Asia) good, 15605 (Moscow to Asia) fair/good, 9745 (Chita) fair under cochannel Voice of Han Taiwan, and 11755 (Dushanbe, Tajikistan) poor/fair with huge splash from BBCWS via Thailand. (Walter Salmaniw, Masset, B.C., Canada - hard-core-dx 43, 25) Руанда 6055 Radio Rwanda, 20:00-20:10, escuchada el 22 de Julio en idioma vernacular a locutor con programa musical, temas pop africano, SINPO 34343.(Jose Miguel Romero, Burjasot, Spain - NoticiasDX 23/07/06) Румыния 11940, 2148-, Radio Romania International Jul 20 An old friend that I haven't heard for some time. Only at poor to fair level in English...not really good enough to enjoy. Too bad as Prague is well heard on 11600 at the same time. 15465 is barely audible in parallel. (Walter Salmaniw, Masset, B.C., Canada - hard-core-dx 43, 25) Сев. Корея 11710, VOK, 1237 July 22. Solid S8 signal of patriotic vocals. Usual flutter on signal // 15180 which was an identical match to 11710 in strength and quality of signal (Jerry Strawman-IA, Usa - CumbreDX 1601). Сингапур 6185 R. Singapore Int'l 1222-1235 Jul 24. CH vocal mx to 1230, then ID ("Xinjapo guoji guangbo diantai RSI") and into CH talk. Good signal with a bit of splatter from adjacent channels. Think 6000 was // but not sure due to dominance of RHC. (John Wilkins, Wheat Ridge, Colorado - CumbreDX 1604) Сирия 9330, 2153-, Radio Damascus Jul 20 Fair to good reception with Arabic music. Parallel to weaker 12085. About a S7 signal. I still remember driving across northern B.C. in our VW Westfalia listening to the same station on my Phillips D777 SW car radio at very good levels, thinking I must the only listener in this part of the world! The transmitter cut for almost a minute at 21:57, then came back. 12085 is marred somewhat by CODAR interference. (Walter Salmaniw, Masset, B.C., Canada - hard-core-dx 43, 25) Соломоновы о-ва 5019.87, 1404-, SIBS Jul 20 BBCWS at 14:04 with ID at fair to good level, and international news. Lots of adjacent splatter, all the way from CNR on 5030. (Walter Salmaniw, Masset, B.C., Canada - hard-core-dx 43, 25) США 1550 UTC - VOA "Border Crossings" - English - 12150 kHz - sinpo 54544 (Андрей Мамаев, Киров, Россия - open_dx 27/07/06) Таджикистан 4635 Radio Tajikistan, 19:19-19:25, escuchada el 22 de Julio en Tajiko, locutor y locutora con comentarios y segmentos de mЗsica, SINPO 24332. (Jose Miguel Romero, Burjasot, Spain - NoticiasDX 23/07/06) Танзания 11735, 1628-, Radio Zanzibar Jul 20 Very nice reception in Swahili, with 'Zanzibar' heard in presumed ID at 16:30. Lovely African EZL music. Salaam eh leykum at 16:30:40. Checked after 17:00 and found a mess of cochannels. (Walter Salmaniw, Masset, B.C., Canada - hard-core-dx 43, 25) 11735, 1756-, Radio Zanzibar Jul 21 Strong S9 to S9+ reception with mild transmitter hum, but otherwise excellent modulation. Great audio! A real pleasure to listen to and an example of what broadcasters should strive for! Tanzania-Zanzibar mentioned at 17:59 then IS (drums), time pips, and then into English (from Swahili). 'The time is 9:00', and into news. When I rechecked at 18:15 they were no longer in English. Some splash noted from VOA via Morocco, so LSB best. (Walter Salmaniw, Masset, B.C., Canada - hard-core-dx 43, 25) Уругвай 6127.75, SODRE (pres), 1010-1030 Noted a man AND woman in Spanish comments during the period. Signal kept fading in and out and overall it was poor. Didn't hear any ID's. (Chuck Bolland, July 27, 2006 - CumbreDX 1605) Филиппины/США 9760, VOA, Tinang, 1344 JULY 23. "Jazz America" pgm. Wide swings in signal due to fading, but averaged S6 (Jerry Strawman-IA, Usa - CumbreDX 1601). Франция/Россия 7220.43, 1444-, Radio France International Jul 20 English program on this off-frequency. ILG lists Chita in the Russian far east as the site with 500 kw to Asia. Some adjacent splatter. Wonder if this is a punch-up error since being so far off frequency is a rarity for Russian transmitters. USB to avoid het. Otherwise very good reception. ID for RFI at 14:49 on 90.3!. (Walter Salmaniw, Masset, B.C., Canada - hard-core-dx 43, 25) Хорватия 9925 Voice of Croatia/Croatian Radio; 2227, 24-July; M&W w/EE close, IDs & sked; continued in LL @2229:25. SIO=2+52+ (Harold Frodge-MI, Usa - CumbreDX 1606) Шри-Ланка 11905, SRI LANKA, (P)SLBC, 0156-0213, July 18, Vernacular, Familiar format of Hindi-like music and YL b/w selections. Poor. (Scott Barbour Jr,Intervale, NH, Usa - dxldyg 24/07/06) 15475, 0341-, Sri Lanka Broadcasting Corporation Jul 20 Wonderfully warm programming. Very old fashioned with wooly audio, and wishing everyone a good Thursday morning. Greetings to listeners in Bangalore, and also Dubai. Exclusively western music, including 'I believe in music, I believe in love'. S5 to S6 signal with some obvious deep fades, but perfectly listenable, even if over 13000 km to Ekala!. (Walter Salmaniw, Masset, B.C., Canada - hard-core-dx 43, 25) Эквадор 6050 HCJB, Pifo, 1121-1126, July 15, Cofan language (indigenous language), andean music and short talk by male, 24432 (Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - playdx2003 23/07/06) Эритрея 15260, 1622-, Voice of Eritrea Jul 20 listed in ILG as Thursday's only in presumed Tigrinya with impassioned talk by a male. Fair to good reception. (Walter Salmaniw, Masset, B.C., Canada - hard-core-dx 43, 25) ЮАР 3345 Channel Africa, 20:10-20:13, escuchada el 22 de Julio en ingles a locutor y locutora con comentarios, SINPO 24332. (Jose Miguel Romero, Burjasot, Spain - NoticiasDX 23/07/06) This may be old news. but SW Radio Africa seems to be active again on 4880, Noted on 26 July at 1835. Maybe I should not log this in public to keep jammers away. Anyway, there was a numbers lady on the channel and some other interference when using LSB. (Jari Savolainen, Kuusankoski, Finland - dxldyg 26/07/06) Япония 6120, 1422-, ?RFI Jul 20 Unlisted French transmission with mostly African news at excellent strength. Many mentions of 'we are all Nigerian', Morocco, Cape Town, etc. Radio du Monde mentioned at 14:40, so I suspect this is RFI, but my ILG lists RFI in Vientnamese at this time from Yamata. Transmitter location sure fits. Off in mid-sentence at 14:55 with no announcement. (Walter Salmaniw, Masset, B.C., Canada - hard-core-dx 43, 25) -- СВ/ДВ Съездил "со вчера на сегодня" на дачу. Поскольку "на вынос" у меня только китайский Mason R641L, обрадовался хотя бы тому что удалось принять. В частности: (антенна- трехметровый провод, выброшенный "за борт") Тестовая программа Merlyn Communications, передаётся что-то типа закольцованного рекламногоролика со ссылкой на их сайт. Частота 6135 кГц, принято вчера в 21.05 UTC, а в 21.45 их уже не было. Передатчик регулярно отключался на несколько сек. (Кстати, Merlyn подтверждает рапорты подобных трансляций????) Radio Sawa, 1548, 21.55 UTC, проходил в целом на четверку, а под утро стала прослушиваться и паралл. 990 кГц. AFN, 873 кГц (передатчик, кажется, в Германии?), 0.22 UTC, на фоне чистой несущей (или даже нескольких) Радио России.SINPO=23433. ГТРК Оренбург, 1395, 0.43 UTC, в целом на 4. Кстати, слышал и Тартуское Семейное Радио. У меня по ночам оно получше чем "Свобода" на 1044 проходит. (Сергей Винокуров, Заречный Пенз.обл - open_dx 27/06/06) -- Неофициальное Вещание Тайвань/Япония/Сев. Корея 9485, 1321-, Shiokaze program Jul 20 Superb reception at S9 + 20 in Japanese today with lists of names over piano. Very weak cochannel, but barely audible so not a problem. This went on until 13:26:20 and then into their canned ID and information for Shiokaze. Many mentions of Shiokaze, and Tokyo, tampa and kHz. No mentions of email or www that I could here. Off precisely at 13:30. (Walter Salmaniw, Masset, B.C., Canada - hard-core-dx 43, 25) Эритрея 15650 Voice of Oromiya Independence via Julich, Germany (this station tx from some weeks ago), 1500-1515, July 15, Vernacular (oromo or amharic), s/on, announcement by male, music, news or talk by male in vernacular with echo!, 25432 (Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - playdx2003 23/07/06) -- Наблюдения Немного было слышно Бразилию (даже 5KW передатчик - если не брешет ILG base), западное побережъе США, но никакой другой страны с того континента не принял. Время UTC. 22.07.2006 2015-2018 9 565,0 Radiotelevisione Italiana (RAI), Roma ITALY 23432 - Russian (RR) - Sangean ATS-909 - Russia, Kaliningrad 22.07.2006 2020-2027 9 575,0 Vatican Radio, St. Maria di Galeria VATICAN CITY 23432 - Russian (RR) - Sangean ATS-909 - Russia, Kaliningrad 22.07.2006 2043-2051 9 575,0 MEDI 1, Nador MOROCCO 23432 - Arabic/French (AI) - Sangean ATS-909 - Russia, Kaliningrad Music 22.07.2006 2055-2056 9 585,0 China Radio International, Неизвестно CHINA 23433 - English (EE) - Sangean ATS-909 - Russia, Kaliningrad China misic 22.07.2006 2101-2102 9 680,0 Radio Thailand, Udon Thani THAILAND 33433 - Thai (TH) - Sangean ATS-909 - Russia, Kaliningrad 22.07.2006 2102-2103 9 745,0 VOICE OF HAN, Kuanyin TAIWAN 23432 - Mandarin (MN) - Sangean ATS-909 - Russia, Kaliningrad 22.07.2006 2104-2106 9 820,0 Radiodifusao Portuguesa, Lisbon-Sao Gabriel PORTUGAL 33433 - Portuguese (PP) - Sangean ATS-909 - Russia, Kaliningrad 22.07.2006 2106-2109 11 680,0 KCBS Pyongyang, Kanggye KOREA, NORTH 12431 - Korean (KK) - Sangean ATS-909 - Russia, Kaliningrad 22.07.2006 2110-2111 11 750,0 KSDA (Adventist World Radio), Agat, GU GUAM (UNITED STATES) 12432 - Mandarin (MN) - Sangean ATS-909 - Russia, Kaliningrad 22.07.2006 2113-2121 11 760,0 Radio Havana, Havana CUBA 13421 - English (EE) - Sangean ATS-909 - Russia, Kaliningrad 22.07.2006 2122-2125 11 765,0 WHRA (Le Sea Broadcasting), Greenbush, ME UNITED STATES 12431 - English (EE) - Sangean ATS-909 - Russia, Kaliningrad 22.07.2006 2127-2129 11 775,0 World University Network, The Valley ANGUILLA (U.K.) 12431 - English (EE) - Sangean ATS-909 - Russia, Kaliningrad 22.07.2006 2130-2132 11 780,0 Radio Nacional da Amazonia (Brazil), Brasilia BRAZIL 13431 - Portuguese (PP) - Sangean ATS-909 - Russia, Kaliningrad 22.07.2006 2131-2133 11 830,0 Radio Anhanguera, Goiania BRAZIL 13431 - Portuguese (PP) - Sangean ATS-909 - Russia, Kaliningrad Sport comment 22.07.2006 2135-2137 11 850,0 KSDA (Adventist World Radio), Agat, GU GUAM (UNITED STATES) 23432 - English (EE) - Sangean ATS-909 - Russia, Kaliningrad 22.07.2006 2139-2140 12 160,0 WWCR (World Wide Christian Radio), Nashville, TN UNITED STATES 14431 - English (EE) - Sangean ATS-909 - Russia, Kaliningrad 22.07.2006 2140-2143 13 650,0 Deutsche Welle, Kigali RWANDA 13432 - Arabic (AA) - Sangean ATS-909 - Russia, Kaliningrad 22.07.2006 2150-2156 13 690,0 Radio Taipei International (Taiwan), Okeechobee, FL UNITED STATES 24431 - Amoy (AM) - Sangean ATS-909 - Russia, Kaliningrad (Олег Бородин, Калининград, Россия - open_dx 23/07/06) 21/7 0900 6195.0 RAI Int.,Sta. Palomba,nxs Radiouno e mx. MB 1335 17625.0 CRI,Santiago,Cile,EE,QRM jamming contro Iran! IN/SF 24/7 0443 9925.0 Vo Croatia,Nauen,Germania,tk OMs. QRM BBC AA 9915 kHz! Insuff. 0510 6185.0 R. Educacion,Messico,mx jazz. IN/SF 27/7 0120 5910.0 R. Republica,Nauen,Germania,SS,interviste. MB (in sottofondo c'era il segnale d'intervallo della DW a rotazione continua. Problema tecnico o nuovo tipo di jamming???) Prima delle 0120, su 6221.4 kHz si Х sentita musica di Celentano e s/off. 28/7 0428 4790.2 Annuncio orario OM in SS, mx andina e litanie. Modulazione distorta ma molto chiara. R. Vision Chiclayo-PerЫ? BN/IN 0449 6940.0 R. Fana,Etiopia,mx locale e tk OM. SF/IN 0452 7100.0 VO Broad Masses of Eritrea,QRM HAMs. BN/SF 0455 6019.6 R. Victoria,PerЫ,prediche in SS/PP. QRM CRI su 6020.0 kHz e quindi l'ascolto Х stato effettuato in ECSS-LSB. BN/SF (Luca Botto Fiora, Genova, Italy - playdx2003 29/07/06) -- Пираты not much heard. Reception conditions fair to bad with deep fade outs on sunday morning. greetings achim Date 13/07 FrequencyTime Utc/Gmt Station SINPO SWERT Remark 6.220,0 1950 Laser Hot Hits 24322 6 6.275,0 1952 Laser Hot Hits 24333 7 6.285,0 1931 unid (Alpenroos ??) 45434 9 6.290,0 1939 Alpenroos 32332 8 6.305,0 2007 unid 24322 6 Date 15/07 FrequencyTime Utc/Gmt Station SINPO SWERT Remark 6.275,0 2135 Laser Hot Hits 34433 8 6.290,0 1920 Radio Mazda 43443 9 6.400,0 1930 unid 23322 5 6.401,0 2134 unid 23322 6 Date 16/07 FrequencyTime Utc/Gmt Station SINPO SWERT Remark 6.267,0 2025 unid (Bogus Man ??) 34433 9 6.268,0 0905 Radio Saturnus 24433 7 6.285,0 0909 unid 24333 6 6.305,0 0920 Valencia Radio 34433 7 6.311,0 0848 Radio Underground 24322 6 -- http://frlogs.dxradio.de http://www.freeradio.de RX: NRD 525 GF ANT: ARA 30 QTH: Detmold 5156 N 852 E (playdx2003 - playdx2003 22/07/06) -- DRM Sangean has announced its DRM Radio receiver will be launched in Europe in October. It is also supposed to include analog AM shortwave, FM, and DAB, and can play MP3 files. "SANGEAN introduces the DRM RADIO in Europe in October 2006 The DRM-40, THE FIRST DRM RADIO will be launched in Europe by SANGEAN in Oktober 2006. The model is fully equipped and receives DRM (the digital alternative for the wavebands AM/SW/LW), and DAB (the digital alternative for the FM waveband). But off course also the existing analogue bands FM/AM/SW/LW can be received and does the radio have RDS. Therefore this nicely designed radio has all a radio needs today and is also completely ready for the future. Off course all in our well known SANGEAN-quality. Further the DRM-40 has many possibilities like USB-connection and SD-Card slot . With this it plays MP3 Files and also it records in MP3-format directly from the radio. All in all a radio to get into your home" http://www.sangean.nl/English/?opt1=News&opt2=DRM_RADIO&opt5=70 (Mike Terry, UK - dxldyg 22/07/06) For photo, price and additional details, see the Media Network Weblog http://blogs.rnw.nl/medianetwork/ (Andy Sennit, The Netherlands - dxldyg 22/07/06) -- Связь 7758.5KHz 2150z - 0500z Saturday 22-07-06 very strong ALE bursts at various intervals during this time period, a small sample follows using the SkySweeper ALE decoder. July 22, 2006 07:51:46 TO: 407 TO: 407 TO: 407 TO: 407 TO: 407 TO: 407 TO: 407 July 22, 2006 07:51:49 TO: 407 TO: 407 TO: 407 TO: 407 TO: 407 TO: 407 TO: 4075@@ DATA: 5@@ DATA: 5@@ TO: 407 TO: 407 TO: 4075@@ July 22, 2006 08:29:59 DATA: 5@@ TO:407 TO: 407 TO: 4075 DATA: 5@@ DATA: 5@@ COMMAND:a? COMMAND: a? COMMAND: a? THIS IS: 507 THIS IS: 507 THIS IS: 5074 DATA: 4@@ DATA: 4@@ There are also some other digital signals on this frequency at various times. (Malcolm Pitt, Newnham, Tasmania, Australia - udxf 22/07/06) DAILY REPORT : JULY 22, 2006: utc qrg call/s rst dist/kms 09:27 28,209.- EI0TEN 589 1,666 09:28 28,237.5 LA5TEN 469 1,598 09:30 28,277.5 DM0AAB 589 1,008 09:31 28,290.- SK5AE 468 1,604 09:32 28,201.5 SK3GK 458 1,737 09:33 28,191.- GB3RAL 599 1,208 12:15 28,182.5 SV3AQR 478 1,138 (Walter Capozza, Italy - udxf 23/07/06) DAILY REPORT : JULY 23, 2006: utc qrg call/s rst dist/kms 07:08 28,201.5 SK3GK 448 1,737 07:09 28,209.- EI0TEN 468 1,666 07:12 28,237.5 LA5TEN 599 1,598 07:13 28,277.5 DM0AAB 479 1,008 07:14 28,290.- SK5AE 447 1,604 08:04 28,250.- EA3TEN 468 936 08:05 28,292.5 SK0CT 458 1,619 08:07 28,232.- OH5RAC 479 1,975 08:09 28,200.- OH2B 479 1,761 08:09 28,200.- CS3B 458 2,845 --> GARBLED 08:19 28,243.- F5TMJ 589 865 09:07 28,302.- PI7ETE 458 907 10:23 28,213.- DM0ING 489 603 10:25 28,300abt DA5MMB 589 596 10:38 28,282.5 OK0EG 469 612 15:35 28,182.5 SV3AQR 349 1,138 15:36 28,245.- IT9DTU 458 846 Furthermore : 08:11 28,265abt "AS" (.-...) 448 --> continuously, intervalled by 1 second of silence, heard for 25 minutes at least. Fishing buoy??? And also many PSK31 tx and voices (usb) tx. (Walter Capozza, Italy - udxf 23/07/06) DAILY REPORT : JULY 24, 2006: utc qrg call/s rst dist/kms 07:06 28,237.5 LA5TEN 479 1,598 07:08 28,232.- OH5RAC 489 1,975 07:12 28,200.- OH2B 459 1,761 07:13 28,209.- EI0TEN 478 1,666 09:12 28,182.5 SV3AQR 468 1,138 09:42 28,201.5 SK3GK 468 1,737 09:43 28,245.- IT9DTU 458 846 09:45 28,290.- SK5AE 468 1,604 09:45 28,292.5 SK0CT 458 1,619 13:43 28,243.- F5TMJ 599 865 13:44 28,250.- EA3TEN 599 936 (Walter Capozza, Italy - udxf 24/07/06) tuesday morning logs as follows : 3924 khz Plymouth ops with 0IX (Zero India Xray) request qnh Plymouth=1017 5598 khz N99UG challenger601 c/n5126 5598 khz Ascot 4210 5598 khz Reach 0446 climbing 330 from 300 4675 khz Northwest 32 selcal EJ-GK (?) 4675 khz N920DC gulfstream5 4675 khz BAW044 CJ-LP G-YMMJ B772 c/n30311 4675 khz HB-JEY (?) selcal BH-GR not found on airframes 5616 khz N910KB challenger c/n 3007 (Patrice Privat, France - udxf 25/07/06) 3270 19/07 19:19 E10 MIW2, ingles, SIO 444. 3150 19/07 19:21 Emision codiga alfa, ingles, SIO 343. 4270 22/07 19:27 Emision codiga alfa, ingles, SIO 343. 4649 21/07 21:48 E10 SYN 2, ingles, SIO 333. 4780 21/07 21:50 E10 CIO 2, ingles, SIO 333. 5170 17/07 18:47 E10 VLB2, ingles, SIO 444 5820 18/07 19:31 E10 YAF, ingles, SIO 343 6485 22/07 22/07 Emision de numeros en ingles, SIO 343 6840 21/07 22:10 Emision codiga alfa, ingles, SIO 322 6959 21/07 22:03 Emision musical con emision de numeros, SIO 444. 6985 22/07 19:33 Emision codiga alfa, ingles, SIO 444. 9130 19/07 18:20 E10 Emision codigo alfa, ingles, SIO 433. 9251 19/07 18:22 Emision de numeros en ingles, SIO 433 11545 19/07 18:24 Emision de numeros en ingles, SIO 443. (Jose Miguel Romero, Burjasot, Spain - NoticiasDX 25/07/06) DAILY REPORT : JULY 25, 2006: utc qrg call/s rst dist/kms 14:16 28,182.5 SV3AQR 448 1,138 14:17 28,209.- EI0TEN 458 1,666 14:19 28,243.- F5TMJ 599+ 865 14:20 28,250.- EA3TEN 599+ 936 15:55 28,277.5 DM0AAB 468 1,008 (Walter Capozza, Venezia, Italy - udxf 25/07/06) DAILY REPORT : JULY 26, 2006: utc qrg call/s rst dist/kms 11:42 28,180.- I1M 599 427 11:43 28,182.5 SV3AQR 478 1,138 11:44 28,209.- EI0TEN 589 1,666 11:45 28,213.- DM0ING 589 603 11:46 28,227.5 IW3FZQ 458 28 11:46 28,230.- IQ8CZ 479 805 11:47 28,241.5 F5ZUU 348 592 11:47 28,243.- F5TMJ 599 865 11:48 28,257.5 DK0TEN 589 361 11:49 28,277.5 DM0AAB 589 1,008 11:50 28,300abt DA5MMB 589 596 14:26 28,237.5 LA5TEN 479 1,598 16:06 28,201.5 SK3GK 448 1,737 16:10 28,292.5 SK0CT 458 1,619 (Walter Capozza, Italy - udxf 26/07/06) DAILY REPORT : JULY 27, 2006: utc qrg call/s rst dist/kms 06:01 28,201.5 SK3GK 448 1,737 06:02 28,231.- OH5RAC 448 1,975 06:02 28,237.5 LA5TEN 469 1,598 06:03 28,290.- SK5AE 468 1,604 06:06 28,200.- OH2B 469 1,761 07:06 28,182.5 SV3AQR 468 1,138 07:07 28,209.- EI0TEN 589 1,666 07:08 28,230.- IQ8CZ 478 805 07:09 28,250.- EA3TEN 468 936 07:10 28,277.5 DM0AAB 599 1,008 07:11 28,292.5 SK0CT 458 1,619 07:12 28,245.- IT9DTU 468 846 10:00 28,220.- 5B4CY 348 2,105 10:01 28,227.5 IW3FZQ 348 28 10:02 28,243.- F5TMJ 448 865 (Walter Capozza, Italy - udxf 27/07/06) 06532 D-ABBP: Air Berlin B737 Flt AB9359 1432 HFDL Posn report 5002N 00937E via Shannon. (27Jul06) (MPJ) 06532 G-VNAP: Virgin Atlantic A340 'Sleeping Beauty' Flt VS0024 Posn report 5146N 00512W. (27Jul06) (MPJ) 06532 7T-VJX: Air AlgИrie A330 Flt DAH108 1452 HFDL Posn report 4842N 00214E. (27Jul06) (MPJ) 08108.5 XSS: Unid Network 1500 ALE/USB Sounding. (27Jul06) (MPJ) 09212 STATION4: Unid on Rohde & Schwarz Net 1312 ALE/USB Sounds. (27Jul06) (MPJ) 10360 XSS: Unid Network 1239 ALE/USB Sounding. (27Jul06) (MPJ) 12333 XSS: Unid Network 0924 ALE/USB Sounding. (27Jul06) (MPJ) 12577 ELJD8: Vessel Explorer (Liberian Flag) 1527 DSC Safety RQ to LyngbyRadio/OXZ. (27Jul06) (MPJ) 12577 OXZ: LyngbyRadio Denmark 1529 DSC Safety BQ to UIDX/Samour-1 (Russia). (27Jul06) (MPJ) 12577 OXZ: LyngbyRadio Denmark 1541 DSC Safety BQ to VRYV5:/Dias (PRC). Then same to 9HTT7/Nijord (Maltese Flag). (27Jul06) (MPJ) 12577 ECA6: MRCC Madrid 1605 DSC Preliminary call for weather/ MIB broadcast on 12290 USB. Then safety BQ to CSAV Rio Maule/V7DT7 (Marshall Islands. (27Jul06) (MPJ, UK - udxf 27/07/06) DAILY REPORT : JULY 28, 2006: utc qrg call/s rst dist/kms 06:10 28,227.5 IW3FZQ 338 28 10:14 28,237.5 LA5TEN 459 1,598 13:53 28,182.5 SV3AQR 478 1,138 (Walter Capozza, Italy - udxf 28/07/06) -- УКВ/ТВ Below my loggings from the first of two openings on Monday 17 July 2006. This opening lasted from 10.30-12.00 UTC, local time is UTC + 2 hours. Not a very long duration but very intense, bringing in great DX. Loggings from the second opening will follow later. This day has been one of the best, if not the best, of this season so far at my location. Best regards, Janpeter van Dijk, Zoetermeer, The Netherlands. July 17, 2006 Sporadic E Logs (Part 1): 87.9 I R101 Cammarata/Monte Cammarata (AG), PI: 5215 88.0 F France Musiques Ajaccio/Coti Chiavari, PI: F203, PS: MUSIQUE_ 88.2 I Radio Deejay Network Tempio Pausania/Monte Limbara (OT), PI: 5214, PS: DEEJAY 88.3 I Radio 105 Network Vico Equense/Monte Faito (NA), PI: 5211 88.6 I Radio Camaldoli Stereo Vico Equense/Monte Faito (NA) 88.7 I UNID ??, PI: 544A 88.9 I RAI 1 Tempio Pausania/Monte Limbara (OT), PI: 5201, PS: RADIO1__ 89.0 I RDS Reggio di Calabria/Contrada Campicello di Paterriti 89.1 I Radio Kiss Kiss Network Cassino (FR), PI: 5225, AF: 104.9 106.9 89.4 I RTL 102.5 Hit Radio Tempio Pausania/Monte Limbara (OT), PI: 5218, PS: RTL102.5 89.6 I UNID ??, PI: 50CB 89.6 I Radio Deejay Network Vico Equense/Monte Faito (NA), PI: 5214, PS: DEEJAY 89.6 I RDS Cassino (FR), PI: 5264, PS: *RDS*_, AF: 106.0 107.0 89.6 F RFM Coti Chiavari/Punta di Pensell (20), PI: F212, PS: __RFM___ 89.7 MLT Bay Radio Gharghur 90.0 I Radio Maria Vico Equense/Monte Faito (NA), PI: 51CC, PS: R.MARIA_ 90.1 I RAI 1 Monte Argentario (GR) 90.3 I RAI GR Parlamento Monte Pellegrino (PA) or Monte Petrosi (VV), PI: 5206, PS: RAI-GRPR 90.8 I Radio Club 91 Monte Vesuvio (NA), PI: 5071 90.9 I UNID ??, PI: 508C, part of PS: FEGA 91.0 I Radio Maria Tempio Pausania/Monte Limbara (OT) 91.1 I RAI 1 Cammarata/Monte Cammarata (AG), PI: 5201, PS: RADIO1__ 91.2 I Radio Maria Vico Equense/Monte Faito (NA) 91.5 I RDS Calanna/Contrada Pirrarelli (RC) 91.5 I RTL 102.5 Hit Radio Vizzini (CT), PI: 5218, PS: RTL102.5 91.7 I m2o ?? 91.7 MLT FM Bronja Gharghur 92.7 I Radio Norba Vico Equense/Monte Faito (NA), PI: 5353 92.7 MLT Super One Radio Gharghur 92.8 I m2o Salerno/Masso Della Signora-Colle Bellaria, PI: 5233, PS: _M_DUE_O_ 93.0 I Radio Italia SMI Modica (RG) 93.2 I Radio Italia SMI Casteltermini (AG) or Ragusa, PI: 5220 93.7 I RAI 3 Roma/Monte Mario, PI: 5203, PS: RADIO3__ 93.7 MLT Radju Malta 1 Gharghur 94.5 I m2o Fortino di Pentimele (RC), PI: 5233 94.5 I Radio Subasio Rocca di Papa/Monte Cavo (RM), PI: 53FD, PS: _SUBASIO 94.9 I RAI 1 Palermo/Monte Pellegrino 95.0 I Radio Liberty Castelvetrano (TP), PI: 5D4D, AF: 95.3 96.5 96.8 95.3 I RAI 2 Tempio Pausania/Monte Limbara (OT), PI: 5202, PS: RADIO2__ 95.9 I RAI 2 Cammarata/Monte Cammarata (AG) 96.1 I RAI 2 Vico Equense/Monte Faito (NA), PI: 5202, PS: RADIO2__ 96.5 I RTL 102.5 Hit Radio Cerv?teri (RM) 96.7 I RAI 2 Buccheri/Monte Lauro 97.0 I Radio Kiss Kiss Network Vico Equense/Monte Faito (NA), PI: 5225 97.0 I Radio Messina Sud Reggio di Calabria/Contrada Campicello di Paterriti, PI: 5000 97.0 I Radio Sound Cosenza Castrovillari (CS), PI: 5FB1 97.1 I RAI 2 Golfo di Salerno (SA) 97.2 I RMC - Radio Montecarlo Alcamo/Monte Bonifato (TP), PI: 5213 97.3 I RAI 2 Santo Stefano in Aspromonte/Gambarie (RC), PI: 5202 97.4 I UNID ??, PI: 5D47, AF: 96.2, could this be Studio 5 Power FM from Messina?? 98.7 I Play Radio Poggio Nibbio (VT) or Colle del Tuscolo (RM), PI: 5241 98.7 I RAI 3 Buccheri/Monte Lauro, PI: 5203, PS: RADIO3__ 99.0 I UNID ??, PI: 5029, could this be Radio Ti Ricordi, Monte Cavo?? 99.1 I LatteMiele Fortino di Pentimele (RC), PI: 5355 99.2 I Radio Montecarlo Capo d'Orlando/Monte San Martino (ME), PI: 5213, PS: _RMC_FM_ 99.3 I RAI 3 Santo Stefano in Aspromonte/Gambarie (RC) 99.3 I RAI 3 Tempio Pausania/Monte Limbara (OT), PI: 5203 99.6 I Radio Maria Fortino di Pentimele (RC), PI: 51CC, PS: R.MARIA_ 99.7 I Radio 105 Network Monte Vesuvio (NA), PI: 5211, PS: _105_FM_ 99.7 I Radio Castell'Umberto Cesar?/Monte Soro (ME), PI: 5D75 99.7 I Radio Castelvetrano Partanna/Contrada Montagna (TP), PI: 5363, PS: ___RCV__ 99.8 I Fantastica Rocca di Papa (RM), PI: 528F, PS: FANT..CA 99.9 I Radio Castelvetrano Marsala (TP), PI: 5363, PS: RC___V__ 100.0 I Radio Eco Sud Cittanova (RC), PI: 5301, PS: ECOSUD RICHIED., AF: 93.0 105.7 100.0 I Radio Cuore Rocca di Papa/Monte Cavo (RM), PI: 522F, PS: __CUORE_ 100.0 I Radio Maria Catania or Siracusa, PI: 51CC, PS: R.MARIA_ 100.0 I RDS Nuoro/Monte Ortobene, PI: 5264, PS: *RDS*_ 100.2 MLT X FM Gharghur 101.0 I Radio Capital Capo d'Orlando (ME), PI: 5219, PS: _CAPITAL 101.0 MLT Radio 101 Gharghur 101.0 I UNID ??, PI: 50FF, Trapani + Palermo mentioned, could this be R. Alcamo Centrale?? 101.8 MLT Calypso Ten-18 Gharghur 102.3 MLT Radju Marija Gharghur 102.5 I RTL 102.5 Hit Radio 64 txs listed, PI: 5218, PS: RTL102.5 103.0 MLT RTK - Radju Ta' Kulhadd Gharghur 103.0 I Radio Radicale Monreale (PA), PI: 5210 103.7 MLT Campus FM Gharghur 104.0 I Radio Montecarlo Alcamo/Monte Bonifato, PI: 5213, PS: _RMC_FM_, AF: 90.0 104.2 I Radio Luna Monte Circeo (LT), PI: 5E42, PS: __LUNA__ 105.5 I Radio Italia SMI 4 txs listed, PI: 5220, PS: R_ITALIA 106.0 I SEB AFN Z-FM 106 Camaldoli (NA) or Sigonella (CT) 107.0 I SEB AFN Power 107 Camaldoli (NA) or Sigonella (CT), PI: 53D7, PS: AFN_PWR_ (Janpeter van Dijk, The Netherlands - FM 21, 22) Hi Janpeter, some identifications, > 88.7 I UNID ??, PI: 544A > Radio Venere, From Specchia (Lecce) > 90.9 I UNID ??, PI: 508C, part of PS: FEGA > Lifegate, Monte Cavo (Rome) > 91.7 I m2o ?? > Catanzaro, ex Radio Deejay (deducted from your listening and from the internet sites) > 97.4 I UNID ??, PI: 5D47, AF: 96.2, could this be Studio 5 Power FM from Messina?? > possible, but to verify > 99.0 I UNID ??, PI: 5029, could this be Radio Ti Ricordi, Monte Cavo?? > Yes > 101.0 I UNID ??, PI: 50FF, Trapani + Palermo mentioned, could this be R. Alcamo Centrale?? > No, is Futura Network, Monte Arcibessi (Ragusa) > 102.5 I RTL 102.5 Hit Radio 64 txs listed, PI: 5218, PS: RTL102.5 > but only two in Sicily: Messina - Porto Arsenale, and Montagna Longa, Palermo > 106.0 I SEB AFN Z-FM 106 Camaldoli (NA) or Sigonella (CT) > 107.0 I SEB AFN Power 107 Camaldoli (NA) or Sigonella (CT), PI: 53D7, PS: AFN_PWR_ I suppose the first, Sigonella has low power , (Fabrizio Carnevalini, Italy - FM 21, 22) TIME FREQ PI PS TRANSMITTER ITU 08:38 87.60 Khouribga MRC 08:40 87.60 EB02 Candil__ Huercal de Almeria E 08:41 87.70 Ain N'sour ALG 08:58 88.00 EFFF Unknown E 09:00 88.00 E078 CIUDAD__ Murcia E I have on unid from above: TIME FREQ PI PS TRANSMITTER ITU 08:58 88.00 EFFF Unknown E I think it is safe to assume Spain. I last had the same PI code on the same frequency in August 2005. On that occasion & this no PS (William Kitching, UK - FM 21, 22) qui a Rimini con il ritorno del caldo umido di matrice Africana sono riprese le ricezioni via Tropo dallo scorso venerdi, ecco le cose + significative ascoltate : 91.90 R. Spazio 103 Udine, TX Mte San Michele (GO) 103.50 Narodni Radio Zagabria, TX Labinstica (Split) prima volta questanno, 104.50 Ognjisce Lubiana TX Krvavec (interno Slovenia) in // 91,20 MHz. Superava il segnale locale di Play Radio 104,50 daMte San Paolo di Rimini !!!!! 105.90 MHz R. 101 (EX TX Latte Miele Col Visentin) regolari 105.1 Radio Capris di Koper e 106.9 Radio Dalmacia da Split (Dario Monferini, Italy - playdx2003 22/07/06) В Белгороде ещё одна ФМ станция начала использовать RDS. Радио Энергия - 66.68 и 104.2 МГц. (Разумеется, что RDS на 104.2) (Павел Иванов, Белгород, Россия - open_dx 22/07/06) Павел Иванов> В Белгороде ещё одна ФМ станция начала использовать RDS. Павел Иванов> Радио Энергия - 66.68 и 104.2 МГц. Павел Иванов> (Разумеется, что RDS на 104.2) А почему разумеется? В Липецке АвтоРадио - Липецк использует RDS и на 67,31 и на 102,1 МГц. (Валерий Шептухин, Липецк, Россия - open_dx 22/07/06) Part 2 of my loggings list of a great Monday 17 July 2006 Sporadic E day. Time of the second opening 18.45-19.55 UTC, local time is UTC + 2 hours. Similar to the first opening again a relatively short duration but very intense. A lot of stations could be heard from very seldom heard areas of Spain. Even one tx from the province of Huesca was audible, despite of it being shielded away by the Pyrrenees. Still many loggings to go through. Best regards, Janpeter van Dijk, Zoetermeer, The Netherlands. July 17, 2006 Sporadic E Logs (Part 2): 90.3 E RNE Radio Cl?sica Benicassim/Monte Bartolo (CS) 91.7 E Cadena 40 2 txs listed 92.1 F France Inter Perpignan/Pic de Neoulous (66) 92.3 E RNE Radio Cl?sica Alcoy (A) or Hell?n (AB) 92.4 E OM Radio Cartagena (MU) 94.5 E RNE Radio 1 La Muela (Z), PI: E211, PS: RNE_1___ 95.1 E Onda Cero - Cartagena Portman Golf (MU), PI: E2EE 96.6 E RNE Radio Cl?sica Utiel (V) 97.0 E OM Radio Cartagena/Sierra de Carrascoy (MU), PI: E405 97.2 E Cadena Dial Ibiza 97.2 E France Musique Perpignan/Pic de Neoulous (66) 97.3 E Arag?n Radio Utrillas (TE), PI: 940F, PS: *ARAGON- RADIO* 97.4 E Cadena 100 - Girona Rocacorba (GI), PI: E2CE 98.7 E UNID PI: E06C 98.7 E RNE Radio 5 Jaca/San Juan de la Pe?a (HU), PI: E215 99.0 E Cadena 100 2 txs listed in Valencia, PI: E2CE 99.2 ALG Radio Sidi Bel Abbes Djebel Tessala 99.2 E Europa FM Pamplona (NA) 99.3 E RNE Radio Cl?sica Mond?ber/Monte Mond?ber (V) 99.3 E Kiss FM Murcia, PI: E2EC 99.7 E COPE Lleida L?rida, PI: E2CA 99.7 E RNE Radio 3 Inog?s (Z), PI: E213 99.8 E Onda Cero Valdepe?as/Cerro del ?ngel (CR), PI: E2EE, PS: ONDACERO 99.8 E M 80 Radio Logro?o, PI: E230, PS: M80RADIO 99.8 F France Culture Perpignan/Pic de Neoulous (66) 99.9 E R. Toiska (sounded like) ??, Cartagena mentioned 100.0 E SER Radio Ja?n Ja?n, PI: E239 100.9 E EiTB Radio Tolosa/Ollaun (SS), PI: E304, PS: EiTB____ 101.0 E RNE Radio 1 La Mancha/El Navajo-Herencia (CR), PI: E211, PS: RNE_1___ 101.0 E Vaughan Radio Madrid, PI: B101, PS: VAUGHAN_ 101.6 F France Bleu Roussillon Perpignan/Pic de Neoulous (66) 101.8 E Cadena COPE Alfaro/Monte Yerga (LO), PI: E2CA 101.8 E COPE Madrid 2 Getafe (M), PI: EF2F, PS: MADRID_2 102.0 E Cadena COPE Barcelona/Collserola 102.4 E Arag?n Radio La Muela (Z), PI: 940F 102.5 E Radio Santa Maria Sierra Pi?lago-Cerro de los Palos (TO), PI: E1FF, PS: SANTA___ MARIA___ TOLEDO__ 102.5 F France Bleu B?arn Pau-Assat/Bizanos (64), PI: FD05 104.1 F UNID ??, PI: F321 104.8 E Canal Sur Radio Pechina (AL), PI: E332 104.8 E RKM La Muela (Z), PI: E320, PS: ___RKM_ 105.8 E RNE Radio 5 Santa Pola (A), PI: EB15 106.2 E RNE Radio 3 Cuarte Torrero (Z), PI: E213, PS: RNE_3___ 106.9 E RNE Radio 3 Azkoitia (SS) 107.1 E La Mega Radio Valencia, PI: E46B, PS: LA_MEGA_ _RADIO__ VALENCIA 107.3 E UNID ??, PI: E222, part of PS: _PEDIR__ _Y__TU__ MENSAJE_ AL__7200 (Janpeter van Dijk, The Netherlands - FM 21, 23) The sporadic E opening of Tuesday 18 July 2005 mainly brought OIRT Band DX, which was nice for a change. Time of the opening 10.00-12.30 and 13.30-14.45 UTC, local time is UTC + 2 hours. Best regards, Janpeter van Dijk, Zoetermeer, The Netherlands. July 18, 2006 Sporadic E Logs: 66.14 HNG MR 1 Kossuth R?di? Kom?di 66.23 RUS Radio Rossii Kaluga 66.29 HNG MR 1 Kossuth R?di? Szentes 66.47 BLR Belaruskaje Radyjo 1 Kastsyukovichy 66.80 HNG MR 1 Kossuth R?di? Miskolc/Avas 66.98 UKR UR 1 Kirovohrad/ORTPTs 67.25 BLR BR Radyjo Mahilio? Kastsyukovichy 67.28 UKR Radio Emmanuyil Kyiv/AT "RaTel" 67.37 MDA Radio Moldova - 1 Cahul 67.40 HNG MR 1 Kossuth R?di? Budapest/Sz?chenyi hegy 67.58 RUS Radio Rossii Bryansk 67.58 MDA Antena C Straseni 67.85 BLR Belaruskaje Radyjo 1 Obukhovo 67.88 UKR UR 1 Buky/RTPTs 68.03 BLR BR 2 - Kanal Kultura Kastsyukovichy 68.09 RUS Radiostantsiya Mayak Lipetsk 68.30 UKR UR 1 ?? 68.51 UKR UR 1 Kyiv/KRTPTs (Brovary) 68.54 RUS Radio Rossii Smolensk 68.60 RUS Radiostantsiya Mayak Kaluga 68.72 UKR UR 1 Volochys'k 68.78 RUS Radiostantsiya Mayak Bryansk 69.02 UKR Gala Radio Kyiv/KRTPTs (Brovary) 69.14 RUS ORR Lipetsk 69.38 UKR UR 1 ?? 69.53 UKR UR 1 - Persha programa Uzhhorod/ORTPTs 69.62 RUS Radio Rossii Sukhinichi (kl) 69.83 UKR UR 1 Ternopil'/ORTPTs (u s. Lozova) 69.92 UKR UR 1 Pervomais'k 70.04 RUS Radio Rossii Shvedchiki (br) 70.04 UKR UR 1 Khust 70.07 RUS Radiostantsiya Mayak Tula/Novo-Basovo 70.10 UKR UR 1 Bershad' 70.10 BLR BR Radyjo Mahilio? Mahilyow/Polykovichi 70.31 RUS Radio Rossii Orel 70.31 MDA Radio Moldova - 1 Edinet 70.40 UKR Radio NART Kyiv/KRTPTs (Brovary) 70.55 RUS Radio Rossii Unecha (br) 70.73 UKR UR 1 Zaporizhzhya/ORTPTs 70.76 UKR UR 1 - Persha programa Kam"yanets'-Podil'skyy 70.91 RUS Radio Rossii Roslavl' (sm) 71.03 UKR UR Radio Lad Ternopil'/ORTPTs (u s. Lozova) 71.03 HNG MR 1 Kossuth R?di? Nagykanizsa/?judvar 71.15 RUS Radio Rossii Tula/Novo-Basovo 71.18 BLR BR Radyjo Stalica Mahilyow/Polykovichi 71.21 HNG MR 1 Kossuth R?di? K?kesteto 71.30 UKR UR 2 - Radio Promin' Kyiv/KRTPTs (Brovary) 71.33 HNG MR 1 Kossuth R?di? Tokaj "Nagy kopasz 71.63 UKR UR 1 Kryvyy Rih/RTPTs 71.69 UKR UR 1 Vinnytsya/ORTPTs 71.81 RUS Radiostantsiya Mayak Sukhinichi (kl) 71.81 HNG MR 1 Kossuth R?di? P?cs/Misina 71.90 RUS Radiostantsiya Mayak Shvedchiki (br) 71.93 RUS Radio Orfey Tula/Novo-Basovo 71.96 BLR BR 2 - Kanal Kultura Mahilyow/Polykovichi 72.02 MDA Radio Moldova - 1 Straseni 72.05 RUS Radiostantsiya Mayak Orel 72.08 UKR Studiya Maidan Kyiv/KRTPTs (Brovary) 72.17 RUS Radiostantsiya Mayak Unecha (br) 72.47 RUS Radio Shanson Roslavl' (sm) 72.74 BLR BR 1 Mahilyow/Polykovichi 72.86 UKR UR 3 - Radio Kul'tura Kyiv/KRTPTs (Brovary) 73.64 UKR Radio Renesans Kyiv/AT "RaTel" 88.0 GRC ERA NET 105.8 Thessaloniki/Ayios Athanasios, PI: 1201 90.0 GRC ERA 2 Thessaloniki/Ayios Athanasios 92.8 GRC ERA 1 V?los-P?lion, PI: 1201 (Janpeter van Dijk, The Netherlands - FM 21, 23) opening Oirt this morning.in Angera (Maggiore Lake, north Italy) from Ucraina and Belarus. Actually the band is open Fabrizio FM loggings 2006 07 23 JN45GS (45?46'N 08?34'E) 67.22 23.7. 1030- BLR: BR 1 Homiel,Smyatanichy. 67.37 23.7. 1031- BLR: BR 1 ,Bragin. 67.22 23.7. 1031- BLR: BR 1,Smyatanichy. 66.98 23.7. 1032- BLR: Radio Express-Homielskaya khvylya,Gomel. 66.20 23.7. 1032- BLR: BR 2 Kanal Kultura,Hrodna. 66.74 23.7. 1032- BLR: BR 2 Kanal Kultura,Ushachy. 67.10 23.7. 1032- BLR: BR 2 Kanal Kultura,Pinsk. 67.34 23.7. 1033- BLR: BR 2 Kanal Kultura,Slonim. 69.47 23.7. 1034- UKR: UR 1 Chernihiv (Radio Siver-Tsent,Chernihiv. 68.51 23.7. 1034- UKR: UR 1 Kyiv (Holos Kyieva),Kyiv-Brovary. 66.50 23.7. 1034- UKR: UR 1 Sumy,Bilopillya=Belopolye. 65.93 23.7. 1035- UKR: UR 1 Sumy,Shostka. 66.02 23.7. 1035- UKR: UR 1 Lutsk,Kovel. 66.68 23.7. 1035- UKR: UR 1 Krym (Radio Krym),Oktyabrske. 66.20 23.7. 1037- BLR: Radio Stolitza,Gomel. 69.11 23.7. 1038- BLR: Radio Stolitza,Bragin. (Fabrizio Carnevalini, Italy - FM 21, 24) 18 июля 0730~1840 utc с перерывами после тропо вдруг пошло с севера и кое-то обычное с юга очень рвано несколько РРоссии, Маяк, Юность сказать откуда точно, трудно 66,50~ ОРР 69,05 Град Петров сильно, религиозное, СПб 68,63 Маяк, Тихвин 66,59 Маяк сильно, Кингисепп 68,93 Петербург сильно, Кингисепп 88,20 EST Tartu Pereraadio, Kohtla-No~mme 88,90 EST Tartu Pereraadio, Pada 94,50 EST Raadio 4, рус слабо, Tallinn 71,24 Свобода?, СПб 73,10 Канал Мелодия, СПб 73,82 Максимум, СПб 88,40 Авторадио, ID, СПб 89,30 Культура, СПб 91,10 Канал Мелодия другой, ID, сильно, СПб 67,76 рус, о поэтическом конкурсе 0947, Архангельск?, Карпогоры? 87.9 YLE R Yksi, Espoo 93.9 YLEX, Kuopio PI 6202 94.0 YLE R Suomi, Espoo 89.9 YLE R Yksi, Jyva"skyla" 88.9 YLE R Yksi, Mikkeli 88.3 фин, YLE Puhe?, Tampere? 87.6 YLE R Yksi, Posio 88.2 YLE R Yksi, Lapua/Rovaniemi //88.6/88.9 89.1 фин и Фрэнк Синатра, Sa"velradio?, Kuopio? 88.6 YLE R Yksi, Pihtipudas 94.6 YLEX, A"hta"ri //93.7/93.9 93.7 YLEX, Tampere 93.9 YLEX, Kuopio 94.6 YLE R Suomi, Mikkeli 94.1 фин R Dei??, Jyva"skyla"?? 93.4 YLEX, Koli //93.9 97.0 YLE R Keski-Suomi, ID 1110, Pihtipudas 88.6 YLE R Yksi, Pihtipudas 89.9 YLE R Yksi, Jyva"skyla" 94.0 YLEX, Kruunupyy/Rovaniemi 87.7 YLE R Yksi, Eurajoki/Iisalmi //88.2/88.6 94.3 YLEX, Vuokatti //94.0 96.1 YLEX, Haapavesi 98.9 YLE R Suomi, Vuokatti 92.3 YLE R Yksi, Vuokatti 89.2 YLE R Yksi, Taivalkoski/Tammela Финляндия была 0900~1220 такое характерное северное прохождение, вроде всё слышно и долго, но тихо и с большими затуханиями после 1255 66,35 Шансон, Смоленск 66,86 Максимум, Москва 67,13 Маяк, стерео пилот-тон, Смогири 67,85 БР1, Орша 67,94 РРоссии, Новосокольники 68,54 РРоссии, стерео пилот-тон, Смоленск 68,96 РРоссии, Смогири 69,20 РРоссии, Вязьма после 1530 до 1840 66,05 РРоссии, Псков 66,20 Столица, Гомель 66,20 Маяк, стерео, Шилега?? 66,23 РРоссии, Калуга 66,40~ РРоссии, ? север? 66,44 Экспресс, Сметаничи 66,44 РРоссии, Москва 66,47 БР1, Костюковичи 66,55~ ОРР, ?? 66,59 Маяк, Кингисепп 66,71 РРоссии, Волоколамск 66,77 РРоссии сильно, Слудно 66,85~ Маяк 66,86 Максимум, Москва 66,89 Могилёвское радио 1230, Мстиславль 67,10 Культура, Пинск 67,07 Маяк, сильно стерео, Боровичи? 67,13 УР1, Харьков 67,76 РРоссии, Карпогоры 67,76 БР1, Гомель 67,85 Витебское радио 1230, Орша 67,85 Маяк, Надвоицы 67,94 РРоссии, Новосокольники 68,00 Культура стерео, Сметаничи //67,10 68,54 РРоссии, Смоленск 68,96 РРоссии, Смогири 69,02 РРоссии, Боровичи? 69,05 Град Петров, СПб 69,11 Столица, сильно, Брагин 69,20 РРоссии, Вязьма 69,26 Культура, стерео, Гомель 71,33 БР1, Минск 73,25 РСН, ID, Калуга 73,40 Радио 7 НСХ, ID, стерео пилот-тон, Москва 73,82 Эхо Москвы слабо, Москва 19 июля 0700~0900 utc 67,76 Юность стерео, Тбилисская 68,99 УР1 сильно, Камыш-Заря 68,51 УР1 стерео сильно, Киев 68,36 Классное радио, ID, стерео пилот-тон, Макеевка 66,98 УР1 сильно, Кировоград 66,38 УР1, Бахмач //69,23 69,02 Гала, музыка, Киев 66,08 УР1, Красногоровка 20 июля 0730~1230 utc 89,9 Иран, Sarisari, ID, Тебриз скорее всего "шабакийе саросорийе джохон" уровни сигнала на УКВ чумовые были 66,02 РРоссии / Астрахань 0912, Астрахань 66,05 Мелодия, укр реклама, Мариуполь 66,08 УР1, Красногоровка 66,20 РРоссии, Тбилисская 66,20 Маяк, ?? 66,41 музыка /Серебряный дождь/, стерео пилот-тон, Ростов 66,53 РРоссии, Липецк 66,68 РРоссии / Калмыкия рус 0920 (//66,95/67,28), Утта 66,71 УР1, Холмы 66,74 Юность, Каневская 66,77 РРоссии / Ставрополь 0925 (//69,53), Ипатово 66,83 РРоссии / Волгоград 0917 (//69,44), Михайловка (66,86 РРоссии, Сальск) 66,95 РРоссии / Калмыкия 0925 (//66,68/67,28), Садовое 66,98 Маяк, Тбилисская 67,04 РРоссии глухо / Дагестан тюрк 0917, Кочубей 67,10 Юность, стерео пилот-тон, Майкоп 67,19 Маяк, Новороссийск/Пятигорск (67,22 Москва) 67,28 РРоссии / Калмыкия 0911 (//66,68/66,95), Элиста 67,28 Маяк, Камышин 67,31 Авторадио, Липецк 67,58 Маяк, Астрахань 67,76 Юность, Тбилисская/Мосальск 67,75 РРоссии, ?? 67,88 Адыгея+, стерео пилот-тон, Майкоп 68,09 Маяк, Липецк 68,24 Маяк, Борисоглебск/Утта 68,36 РРоссии, Каневская 68,54 РРоссии, стерео пилот-тон, Смоленск 68,55 Маяк, (68,51 Михайловка / 68,57 Чёрный Яр) 68,60 Маяк, Сальск 68,99 Маяк, Морозовск 68,99 Дагестан на тюрк 0820, Кочубей 68,99 УР1, Камыш-Заря 69,08 УР1, Ровеньки 69,14 Маяк, стерео, Элиста 69,14 ОРР, поп-музыка, стерео пилот-тон, Липецк 69,23 Туркмения, Красноводск 69,44 РРоссии / Волгоград 0925 (//66,83), очень сильно, Чилеково 69,53 РРоссии / Ставрополь 0928 (//66,77), стерео пилот-тон, Ставрополь 69,55 Маяк, ?? 69,65 РРоссии, очень сильно, ?? (Александров Гай 66,68) 69,65 УР1, Старобельск 69,71 РРоссии, Курск 69,77 УР1, Донецк 69,80 Маяк, Моздок (либо 69,74 Краснодар) 70,00 РРоссии, (69,98 Чёрный Яр / 70,01 Нефтекумск) 70,13 РРоссии, Волгодонск (70,16 Тамбовка) 70,28 РРоссии / Ростов 0915, Каменск-Шахтинский 70,31 РРоссии, стерео пилот-тон, Орёл 72,11 Маяк, Волгоград 72,23 Маяк, Вешенская 72,40~ РРоссии, сильно, ?? 72,41 Русское радио, Ставрополь (Виктор Рутковский, Екатеринбург, Россия - open_dx 24/07/06) Band 2 Logs for 26 July 06 TIME FREQ PI PS TRANSMITTER ITU 07:33 87.70 5A4A R_VENERE Specchia I 07:50 87.80 5355 LATMIELE Corato - Monte Ripanno I 09:15 87.80 E504 SI_RADIO Perentxissa E 12:24 87.60 E234 CATINFO_ Soriguera E 12:29 88.00 E0FC R,UNION_ Barcelona E 12:31 90.20 F705 N?mes F 12:32 88.10 EC20 COMRADIO Montserrat E 12:36 99.60 F217 Salon-de-Provence F 12:37 89.80 E1E2 __BCN___ Barcelona E 12:38 102.00 E2CA Collserola E 12:39 99.60 E3BE Monte Toro E 12:44 94.90 F201 __INTER_ Bourges F 12:49 87.50 5158 RPINOMAR Alhaur?n de la Torre E 13:24 87.50 E0E1 __EVO___ Valdemoro E 13:29 87.80 5225 KISSKISS Poggio Nibbio I 13:31 88.00 E078 FM_88.0_ Murcia E 13:32 88.00 E215 RNE_5___ Sierra de Mijas E 13:33 87.60 545F __CAPRI_ Camposauro I 13:34 87.90 5158 NEAPLES_ Vesuvio, Neaples I 13:35 90.30 E215 RNE_5___ Madrid-Torrespa?a E 13:38 87.80 5201 RADIO1__ Monte Morello I 13:39 90.10 E429 PIRANAFM Madrid E 13:46 101.80 EF2F MADRID_2 Madrid E 13:55 87.75 522A MARGHRTA Monte Serra I 13:56 90.30 E2EE ONDACERO Jerez de la Frontera E 14:01 95.40 E2EC KISS_FM_ C?diz E 14:02 94.00 E212 RNE-CLAS Molina de Arag?n E 14:06 87.70 E200 KISS_FM_ Jerez de la Frontera E 14:10 90.00 E515 RNE_5___ Valencina del Concepci?nE 14:12 87.90 E30A Canal_EX M?rida E 18:05 87.80 5225 KISSKISS Poggio Nibbio I 18:24 87.90 5215 __R_101_ Monte Cammarata I 18:29 88.00 5219 _CAPITAL Monte Maggio I 18:30 87.50 540B BASEAGRO Pagani I 18:31 87.50 5220 R_ITALIA Monte Vesuvio I 18:32 90.00 51CC R.MARIA_ Monte Faito I 18:33 90.25 51FF _LA*VERA Vesuvio, Neaples I 18:34 87.50 5264 *RDS*_ Monte Cetona I 18:35 87.60 5201 RADIO1__ Monte Cavo I 18:37 90.90 5264 *RDS*_ San Felice Circeo I 18:38 95.00 5245 RADIO_24 Patrica I 18:40 87.60 5158 .STORY.. Unknown I 18:42 90.00 5063 __ROCK__ Monte Cavo I (William Kitching, Telford, Shropshire, U.K. - FM 21, 29) Just a quick note on today?s sporadic E conditions. Of course I got out of bed late and therefore I probably missed a few things. When I started listening at 07.45 UTC (09.45 LT) I found Band II being a complete mess. Unexpectedly there was quite a bit of tropo, nothing spectacular but a lot of very strong signals from German, Belgium and French transmitters. More interestingly the band appeared to be open towards Italy, France, Algeria and Spain. Most stations didn?t make it through the wall of tropo and local signals, but some stations were EXTREMELY strong. As time progressed the tropo slowly went away and the sporadic E developed further. Up to a point were the entire band was a complete mess with at least three DX stations on each frequency. With the antenna beaming South West not a single local station could be heard anymore, including all local powerhouses! I do not remember experiencing something like this before. At this point DX-ing appeared difficult, RDS did not work anymore and catching ID?s was hard because of s! everal stations interfering on each frequency. Around 13.30 UTC I found that there was a big opening in progress on the 2 meter ham band between EA8 and PA. Unfortunately I had nothing from the Canaries on Band II, at least not that I am aware of. I may find something in a very long loggings list though. At 14.15 UTC all was gone. My loggings will follow once I have worked my way through them, this will take a while. And yes, the Grande Finale has begun. (Janpeter van Dijk, The Netherlands - FM 21, 29) Ancora supertropo a Rimini. 97.90 La Voce della Speranza - Conegliano Veneto tx ? a sorpresa sopra Radio Record tx Monte Ventoso zona riminese Errata corrige 102.20 Slovenia 3 tx Trstelj, di notte relay Radio Slovenia International, non era 102.10 Mhz, sorry! 102.70 Radio 80 di nuovo a bomba, copriva Radio San Marino RTV 90.00 Radio Vasco - Trieste tx Conconello 92.40 HR1 tx Umag, sopra/sotto Radio Venezia (La Oasi 2200-2400 UTC) (Dario Monferini, Rimini beach, Italy - playdx2003 27/07/06) -- Прочее -- Новости Бенин Text of press release by Trans World Radio on 17 July Cary, North Carolina: Moving one step closer to airing the good news of Jesus Christ into spiritually needy West Africa, international Christian broadcaster Trans World Radio (TWR) has received the official broadcast license for a powerful 100,000-watt AM transmitter in the country of Benin. Government officials in Cotonou, Benin, granted TWR the license at a special ceremony on July 4. "My heart was full of joy to see that the prayers of the whole family of TWR around the world are answered," says the Reverend Abdoulaye Sangho, TWR-West Africa director, who represented the Mission at the ceremony. The new facility, which is still under construction, is scheduled to begin broadcasting in April 2007. It will become TWR's 15th major international transmitting location. Broadcasts to West Africa will be transmitted in a way not seen since a civil war resulted in the destruction of Radio ELWA in 1990. Once the Benin site is completed, TWR's programs will provide sound biblical teaching and discipleship training. Additionally, plans call for broadcasts for children, nonreaders and those affected by HIV/AIDS. According to Operation World (21st Century Edition), nearly half of West Africa's 241 million people belong to another major world religion. Most of the West African nations have numerous unreached people groups without an established indigenous evangelical church. Radio, then, is one of the most effective and cost-efficient ways to share Christ's love with this vast region. In late 2002, TWR began discussions on the possibility of a new transmitting site in Benin. In June 2003, then President Kerikou, a Christian, began the process which today has resulted in a license to broadcast from near Parakou, Benin. Rev. Sangho shares that "partnerships are being formed with several individuals, churches, missions and organizations that have been waiting and praying for this opportunity to come and air the Word of God through radio." A group of African writers are already hard at work on scripts and translation, preparing programs for the new Benin station. FM stations can be heard in several large cities of West Africa, but often the signal fades just outside suburban areas. The new AM outlet will fill the gap. "I want to express my personal appreciation to all of you who have been praying for this project in Benin," says Stephen Boakye-Yiadom, TWR international director for Africa. Please pray for the installation of an AM antenna, completion of the building and shipping and installation of the transmitters. Source: Trans World Radio press release, Cary (USA), in English 17 Jul 06 via BBC Monitoring http://www.monitor.bbc.co.uk/wmnews.shtml#fourth (Mike Terry, UK - dxldyg 22/07/06) Судан Authorities in southern Sudan have ordered the closure of a radio station broadcasting from the city of Juba, alleging it was not licensed and that its frequency belonged to another broadcaster. Liberty FM, however, denies operating illegally and insisted it had complied with all government requirements. In a letter to the radio station on 17 July, the director-general of the ministry of information and communication of Central Equitoria State, Timothy Goya, accused Liberty FM's management of ignoring summons from the ministry to explain the alleged irregularities. Liberty's manager, Peter Yata, denied receiving any summons from the ministry. "We have the licence that was issued by the Government of South Sudan Directorate of Commerce and Supplies in Yei. The licence number is 585 and serial number 473, dated 2 December 2005," said Yata. He said that the frequency had been allocated by the Southern Sudanese Council of Communication and Broadcasting and that the Vice-President of Southern Sudan, Riek Machar, had allowed it to operate from the premises of the government-run Juba Television. http://www.andnetwork.com/index?service=direct/0/Home/recent.fullStory&sp=l45929 (Mike Terry, UK - dxldyg 22/07/06, also By ANDnetwork .com) -- Интернет Появились обновлённые списки вещания на КВ от Айке Бирвирта, датированные 21-ым июля: http://www.susi-und-strolch.de/eibi/dx/freq-a06.zip http://www.susi-und-strolch.de/eibi/dx/bc-a06.zip (Сергей Никишин, Москва, Россия - open_dx 25/07/06) На сайте http://maps.google.com можно рассмотреть с приличной детализацией любой город. К примеру, вот ссылка на ЦРР-10 под Ангарском. Территория центра большая. Если сделать зум, то будут видны башни антенн. http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&hl=en&q=Irkutsk,+Russia&ie=UTF8&t=k&om=1&ll=52.427129,103.692055&spn=0.051081,0.173035 (Федор Бражников, Иркутск, Россия - open_dx 28/07/06) На днях в рассылке обсуждался вопрос о полном списке передатчиков канала УТ-1. А вот вчера на сайте Нацсовета Украины по вопросам ТВ и радио появился полный список передатчиков другого украинского канала - "1+1" (бывшая сеть УТ-2). Найти его можно по такому адресу: http://www.nrada.gov.ua/documents/zas.19.07.doc По-моему, начиная с 94-ой страницы этого файла... (Александр Егоров, Киев, Украина - open_dx 28/07/06) http://www.nrada.gov.ua/cgi-bin/go?page=5 http://www.nrada.gov.ua/documents/zasid.18.07.doc А в предыдущем файле есть список 66 городов (кажется, все в приграничных областях Украины), где собираются ставить FM передатчики Украинского радио. (Виктор Руктовский, Екатеринбург, Россия - open_dx 28/07/06) -- QSL Австралия From ABC DARWIN LOCAL RADIO I received a partial-data letter verifying reception of their temporary service on 6080 [presumably via Shepparton, although no site indicated in the letter]. This letter, from Kathryn Ainsworth, Administration Officer, Property & Services Darwin, arrived just 2 weeks after I sent a report to GPO Box 9994, Darwin NT 0801, Australia. [Wendel Craighead-Kansas, USA - CumbreDX 1604] Армения 9965, VO Armenia, f/d "Public Radio of Armenia" pink card, schedule and personal letter in 226 days. Armen Armirian-General Director. Shame their leaving SW too. (Scott Barbour Jr, Intervale, NH, Usa - dxldyg 24/07/06) Греция Получено QSL-письмо от Олимпия радио/SVO-Греция. Первая служебное подтверждение в моей коллекции. Ещё раз большое спасибо Ивану Зелёному за правильный адрес! (Юрий Дымбовский, Рига, Латвия - open_dx 26/07/06) Разное Получил несколько новых QSL. QSL от AIR Chennai за World's First Tamil DX Programme. За 1 IRC. Карточка конечно своими размерами впечатляет. WBCQ за рапорт ещё 2005 года. Посылал по электронной почте. За адрес спасибо Дмитрию Кутузову. Две QSL от JSWC. За 1 IRC. Указаны месторасположения передатчиков. Radio Japan за электронные рапорта по моей просьбе стало присылать QSL через различные ретрансляторы. Раньше получал только через Ямату. Radio Nederland ответило на электронный рапорт. Раньше все попытки не дали результатов. Radio Taiwan ответило на электронный рапорт. Это после десятка рапортов. Станции французских ВВС ответили QSL карточками и QSL письмами. Станции FDG и FDY. (Владимир Рожков, Россия - open_dx 28/07/06) -- Аппаратура William Kitching. Located in Telford, Shropshire. U.K. 52 deg North, 2 deg West. Equipment: Triax 8 Element Horizontal Antiference 5 Element Vertical Pioneer F737, Sony ST-SE700 tuners with matching Conrads. Fabrizio Carnevalini - fmdxITALY group - http://fmdx.altervista.org Angera (Varese, Maggiore Lake) Rx Oirt/FM: Icom IC-R7000, Yagi 4 elements Fracarro for tv and Oirt, RKB amplifier 0-28 dB Rx FM: Kenwood KT-6040 (2x110, 4x80, 2x53), Grundig Satellit 700 (1x110; 2x80), log peridodic 9 elements RKB, RKB amplifier 0-28 dB Tv: Pinnacle PCTV 318e(external usb, DTT-analogic-FM) Scott R Barbour Jr-Intervale,NH-USA R75, 200' Beverages, MLB-1, DTS-4 -- 73 всем! И.Л. |
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