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Электронный DX Бюллетень WorldDX 65

WorldDX 65
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Короткие Волны

11710.8, ARGENTINA, RAE, 0246-0255, Apr.15, "DX
Special" prg. w/ schedules for various int'l and
domestic SW b/cer's via ODXC info. RAE contact info,
sports news at 0250, IS/ID loop at t/out.
Fair.(Scott Barbour Jr, Intervale, NH, Usa - dxldyg 793)

R. Belarus, 5970, 0200-0215+ April 8. 0200 IS and multi-lingual ID
sequence; 0201 opening English announcements, news. Weak, poor with a lot of
adjacent channel splatter. Barely audible on // 7210 (Brian Alexander, Mechanicsburg PA - dxldyg 792)

5680,78 La Voz del Campesino (p), Sipe Sipe, 0952-1000, April 12,
Quechua, talk by male in quechua, andean songs, 24432
(Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - playdx2003 958)

6025, Radio Illimani, 2344-2358, 13-04,
locutor, transmision partido de futbol de la Copa
Libertadores de America entre Estudiantes de
Argentina y Bolivar de Bolivia. A las 2358 la
se?al fue completamente interferida por China
Radio Internatinal que comenzo su transmision en
ingles en 6020 kHz. Hasta entonces, se?al debil a
muy debil. 24322 variando a 14321.
(Manuel Mendez, Lugo, Spain - hard-core-dx 40, 15)

5952.5, BOLIVIA, R.Pio XX, 0943-0959, Apr.9, Spanish,
SP music and OM b/w selections. Fair at t/in, unusable
by t/out. (Scott Barbour Jr, Intervale, NH, Usa - dxldyg 793)

4409.8, 0315-, Radio Eco Mar 15 A presumed logging, still on in Spanish. My lists showed a 0200 sign off.
(Walter Salmaniw, Napo River, Ecuador - CumbreDX 1495)

4409.8, 0013-, Radio Eco Mar 13 Fair to good reception with muddy audio. Pretty sure I heard an ID for Radio Eco at 0015.
(Walter Salmaniw, Napo River, Ecuador - CumbreDX 1495)

4900, 1002-, Radio San Miguel Mar 16 Nice ID, and again at 10:08. The only QRM was from my mp3 recorder, otherwise good reception in Spanish.
(Walter Salmaniw, Napo River, Ecuador - CumbreDX 1495)

6155, 2311-, Radio Fides Mar 14 Fair reception with Spanish talk. I sometimes hear this one better in Victoria.
(Walter Salmaniw, Napo River, Ecuador - CumbreDX 1495)

6165, 1044-, Radio Logos Mar 16 I spent some time searching for this one. At 0857 only a Chinese station could be heard. At this check, indeed there was some religious and possibly Spanish programming. At 10:53 there was a clear ID for 'Radio Trans-Mundial'. At that time, the language sounded more indigenous than Spanish. Perhaps someone with more information about this station could shed some more light about their scheduled programs. An open carrier came on at 10:57, but the presumed Radio Logos programming
could still be heard. (Walter Salmaniw, Napo River, Ecuador - CumbreDX 1495)

6180khz Brazil R.National da Amazonia 0030utc , date 12/4,program nice music and full i.d in PR. sinpo 43333
(Maurits Van Driessche from Belgium - hard-core-dx 40, 13)

5990 Radio Senado, Brasilia, 1010-1015, April 12, Portuguese,
greetings for listeners in Maranhao, ID as: "....Radio Senado...", 34433
(Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - playdx2003 958)

9725 Radio Clube Paranaense, Curitiba, PR, is off air
(Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - playdx2003 958)

CBN Anhanguera, Goiania, 4915, 0100-0200* April 8, Portuguese talk,
mentions of Anhanguera, brief music breaks. Strong, but mixing with a slightly
weaker R. Difusora Macapa. Fair on // 11829.94v and weak on // 6080.

R. Difusora Macapa, 4915.04, 0200-0215+ April 8, good signal after Anhanguera
signs off at 0200. Portuguese talk, Brazilian ballads, ID (Brian Alexander, Mechanicsburg PA - dxldyg 792)

11780, BRAZIL, RN da Amazonia, 0220-0232, Apr.15,
Portuguese, Music at t/in, ad/promo string w/ nice
IDs. More music thru t/out. Fair/good w/ 11775-R.Marti
slop. No // noted. (Scott Barbour Jr, Intervale, NH, Usa - dxldyg 793)

5035, 1030-, unid Mar 16 Again 2 stations listed on 5035.1, Radio Aparecida, and Radio Educacao Rural. Good at times, with mentions of Amazonas, so I'm leaning with the latter station as a possible. Portuguese programming. (Walter Salmaniw, Napo River, Ecuador - CumbreDX 1495)

3375.1, 0237-, Radio Municipal Mar 15 I was looking for the Peruvian, but instead heard Portuguese talk at 0243 and otherwise mostly EZL music. At poor to fair level only. (Walter Salmaniw, Napo River, Ecuador - CumbreDX 1495)

4754.4, 0322-, Radio Educacao Rural Mar 15 Presumably them with Portuguese talk, with many mentions of Brasil. Off in mid-sentence at 0337 without an ID. (Salmaniw, Napo River, Ecuador - CumbreDX 1495)

11735, Radio Transmundial, 1006-1042, 16-04,
portugues, locutor, programa religioso, canciones, "Musica espiritual". 32332.
(Manuel Mendez, Friol, Spain - hard-core-dx 40, 17)

11780, Radio Nacional da Amazona, 0955-0958,
16-04, locutor, portugues, comentarios y canciones brasilenas.24322.
(Manuel Mendez, Friol, Spain - hard-core-dx 40, 17)

11785, Radio Guaiba, Porto Alegre, 0958-1005,
16-04, portugues, locutor,comentarios. 24222.
(Manuel Mendez, Friol, Spain - hard-core-dx 40, 17)

11815, Radio Brasil Central, 0948-0952, 16-04,
locutor, portugues, anuncios comerciales:
"Agropecuaria... Avenida Castelo Branco".
Identificacion: "Radio Brasil Central".
Comentarios y canciones brasilenas. 33333.
(Manuel Mendez, Friol, Spain - hard-core-dx 40, 17)

11830, Radio Anhanguera, 0952-0955, 16-04,
portugues, locutor, locutora, comentarios. 24322.
(Manuel Mendez, Friol, Spain - hard-core-dx 40, 17)

11925, Radio Bandeirantes, 1014-1020, 16-04,
canciones brasilenas, locutor, portugues,
comentarios. Interferencia de la R.A.I. en
11920 en italiano con el programa deportivo "Non solo calcio".22322.
(Manuel Mendez, Friol, Spain - hard-core-dx 40, 17)

R. Burkina, 5030, *0558-0615+ April 8, sign-on with NA, 0600
opening French announcements, 0602 Afro-pops, French talk. Mixing with
University Network [Defunct Gene Scott, Costa Rica], both in at equal level
(Brian Alexander, Mechanicsburg PA - dxldyg 792)

3944.7, VANUATU, (P)R.Vanuatu, 1033-1050, Apr.11,
Vernacular, Light vocal music and announcer. Weak/poor
under static w/ 3947U-ham splatter.(Scott Barbour Jr, Intervale, NH, Usa - dxldyg 793)

3975, 0406-, Radio Budapest Mar 12 Fair to good reception of Radio Budapest's Russian service. Interesting to see how well they propagate to South America!. (Walter Salmaniw, Quito, Ecuador - CumbreDX 1495)

3291.v Guyana “Voice of Guyana”, GBC , Sparendaam 0820 t/in with
Christian popular vocal, no dj in between songs. Following the eclectic
pattern of the VOG, into sub continental music from India. Crystal
clear signal with announcement for "15 minutes before five O'clock".
Into song "Guyana ..You've Been So Good to Me" then Smokey Robinson
"Don't Care about you Babe". "Wish you a good day back to work".
[Easter Friday through Monday holiday] "Lets get back to the music"
0915 mention of National Holiday "....in the National Park... for
developing your business to its' full potential..." Voice of Guyana ID
follows. KFC in Guyana is celebrating its 40th anniversary.
"Greetings to you Guyana, from KFC". 0920 switch again back to sub
continental music. 0928 "Have a nice day and say your prayers....You are
tuned to the Voice of Guyana". Quick mention of a auto shop which
repairs Japanese Vehicles. 0945 Christian minister with a rather
impassioned sermon. [Notes: used both the Icom R75 Kiwa and the 746Pro
in AM Wide for this log. Both provide good audio but the R 75 Kiwa AMS
seems unnecessary for tropical band dxing; but did hold the signal in
AMS using the wide filters. The 746Pro seems to have excellent audio
available in an Icom receiver.] 18 April
(Robert Wilkner, Pompano Beach, Florida - CumbreDX 1498)

4915 GBC Ghana 1941 prg with easy listening songs , talks in
EG and oter , ID at 1947 Ghana then with songs as 'suddenly' and
'careless whisper' , s9 45444 on 16th 1918 with S5? but much QRN
(Zacharias Liangas April 15th THS Greece - CumbreDX 1496)

4780, Radio Coaten, San Sebasti?n
Huehuetenango, 0205-0243, 14-04, locutor,
comentarios religiosos, espa?ol, indegena,
canciones religiosas. Se?al debil a muy debil. A
partir de las 0230 la se?al se volvio cada vez
mes debil, hasta desaparecer a las 0243. 24222 variando a 14222.
(Manuel Mendez, Lugo, Spain - hard-core-dx 40, 15)

4780, 0229-, Radio Cultural Coatan Mar 13 Nice ID at 0230, with 'Buenos Noches' and s/off at 0232. Good reception.
(Walter Salmaniw, Quito, Ecuador - CumbreDX 1495)

3250, 0345-, Radio Luz y Vida Mar 12 Very good reception with English religious programming, with a generic ID at 0348 as the 'International broadcast of the Evangelistic Faith Mission, Bedford, Indiana'. They gave several addresses, including www.efm-missions.org. Then switched over to Spanish at much lower modulation, and sign off announcements. Finally, Buenos Noches, then a long NA and off at 03:52.
(Walter Salmaniw,Quito, Ecuador - CumbreDX 1495)

3340, 0402-, HRMI Mar 12 Fair reception with EZL Spanish music. (Walter Salmaniw, Quito, Ecuador - CumbreDX 1495)

4820, 0305-, La Voz Evangelica Mar 14 Spanish evangelical programming, and easy listening LA music. Spoiled by Codar, and a presumed logging.
(Walter Salmaniw, Napo River, Ecuador - CumbreDX 1495)

4830, 0112-, AIR Jammu, Kashmir Mar 16 Fair to good reception with Indian music and then a possible ID at 0120. Time pips at 0130 and into news in a local language. When rechecked at 0215 there appeared to be cochannel interference from what sounded like illegal hams. Interesting feeling lying under a mosquito netting in the Amazon jungle, listening to All India Radio!!!. (Walter Salmaniw, Napo River, Ecuador - CumbreDX 1495)

4840, 0131-, AIR Mumbai Mar 16 Good to excellent reception with an ID as '100.7 FM' at 00:35. They mentioned a 'Consumer hotline number' at 01:31. The best heard Indian that night. Much better than I can ever hear them in Victoria. (Walter Salmaniw, Napo River, Ecuador - CumbreDX 1495)

4860, 0140-, AIR Delhi A Mar 16 Fair to good reception of this one.
(Walter Salmaniw, Napo River, Ecuador - CumbreDX 1495)

4910, 0141-, AIR Jaipur Mar 16 Fair reception with Indian music.
(Walter Salmaniw, Napo River, Ecuador - CumbreDX 1495)

4920, 0142-, AIR Chennai A Mar 16 Fair reception. They mentioned, 'visit us at www.????'.
(Walter Salmaniw, Napo River, Ecuador - CumbreDX 1495)

11620, 2045-, All India Radio Mar 13 Very good reception of the English service of AIR heard signing on at 2045 shortly after our arrival in the Napo Valley...a major tributary of the Amazon in Ecuador. Had some strange looks when the AIR interval signal wafted across my jungle hut! Parallels included 7410 (poor to fair), 9445 (superb), 9950 (fair), and 11715 (fair). (Walter Salmaniw, Napo River, Ecuador - CumbreDX 1495)

7115 AIR 1825 with Hindi movie songs , talk in Tamil? ID at 1830
with freqs etc S20 45544
(Zacharias Liangas April 15th THS Greece - CumbreDX 1496)

9525, INDONESIA, VOI, 1032-1103, Apr.10,
Mandarin/English, YL w/ talks b/w pop music
selections. Familiar RRI ID announcement at 1059.
Fair. (Scott Barbour Jr, Intervale, NH, Usa - dxldyg 793)

6160, 0857-, CKZN Mar 16 Local CBC St. John's ID and CBC programming at fair level. Not bad at all, all the way down to the Amazon jungle! Nice to hear news from home. (Walter Salmaniw, Napo River, Ecuador - CumbreDX 1495)

9625, 1203-, CBC Northern Quebec Service Mar 12 Again, interesting to see how this domestic service is reasonably well heard way down in Quito. Radio One ID followed by Montreal and Quebec weather forecasts. (Walter Salmaniw, Quito, Ecuador - CumbreDX 1495)

17490, 1220-, China Radio International Mar 12 Very good reception of CRI with English business news.
(Walter Salmaniw, Quito, Ecuador - CumbreDX 1495)

4500 XJOBS 1702 with prg in Mong talks by OM 443444
4330 XJPBS 17087 in KZ with talks by YLS9 42443 QRM by Cw
station possibly Haifa 4XZ
(Zacharias Liangas April 15th THS Greece - CumbreDX 1496)

5909.90khz Colombia Marfil Est?reo,Pto LIeras(Meta) 2230utc ,date 11/4 program in SP. male talks and nice songs music with harp. full i.d no qrm sinpo 44333
(Maurits Van Driessche from Belgium - hard-core-dx 40, 13)

6010, La Voz de tu Conciencia,
0245-0258, 14-04, locutor habitual con
comentarios religiosos en espa?ol. 24222.
(Manuel Mendez, Lugo, Spain - hard-core-dx 40, 15)

5910, COLOMBIA, Marfil Estereo, 0959-1016, Apr.9,
Spanish, YL over mx at t/in, music thru t/out w/ brief
announcer at 1012. Fair/poor. (Scott Barbour Jr, Intervale, NH, Usa - dxldyg 793)

6010.1, 1558-, La Voz de tu Conciencia Mar 15 Excellent reception throughout the day with a slightly overmodulated signal. One of a handful of tropical band and 49 meter band stations heard all day in the Napo jungles. (Walter Salmaniw, Napo River, Ecuador - CumbreDX 1495)

6035, 1650-, La Voz del Guaviare Mar 14 Very good reception with a full ID in Spanish. Local ads for Guaviare at 1656, then ID as 'La Voz del Graviare, la revolucion'. No ID at TOH, though. (Walter Salmaniw, Napo River, Ecuador - CumbreDX 1495)

4010 Kyrgyz Radio 1720 with operas and short talks by YL in
between News at 1731 and Kyrgyz songs after 1738 . Signal S10
4333'2' due to undermod
(Zacharias Liangas April 15th THS Greece - CumbreDX 1496)

9750, MALAYSIA, VOM, 1016-1032, Apr.10, Malay(listed),
Pop-like music and YL announcer. "Inilah Saura
Malaysia" ID at 1030, OM w/ presumed newscast.
Fair/poor. (Scott Barbour Jr, Intervale, NH, Usa - dxldyg 793)

6185, Radio Educacion, 0104-0130, 14-04,
6185, locutor, comentarios, varias
identificaciones: "Radio Educacion", "Radio
Educacion", "Radio Educacion presenta...", musica. 24322.
(Manuel Mendez, Lugo, Spain - hard-core-dx 40, 15)

12085, Voice of Mongolia, 1001-1015,
16-04, Ingles, locutora "Welcome to our Sunday
programme". Comentarios y canciones de Mongolia. 34333.
(Manuel Mendez, Friol, Spain - hard-core-dx 40, 17)

Папуа-Новая Гвинея
3235 R. West New Britain 1206-1240+ Apr 14. Vocal
music, YL ancr bewteen songs. Good S9+10 dB signal, the same as NBC on
4890. (John Wilkins, Wheat Ridge, Colorado - CumbreDX 1494)

3335 R. East Sepik 1154-1240* Apr 13. Pop vocal mx to
1158, then M ancr in Pidgin w/island mx in background; figured this was
closedown, but at about 1206, after a few minutes of silence, xmsn
resumed with EG talk or news programme // 4890; noted one ID as "Karai
National Radio, the Voice of Papua New Guinea"; finally left the air at
1240. Nice signal. (John Wilkins, Wheat Ridge, Colorado - CumbreDX 1494)

3345 R. Northern 1149-1202* Apr 14. Presumed with
vocal mx, YL ancr in Pidgin; closedown anmt at 1200, followed by anthem.
Carrier stayed on past 1220. Fair signal; no sign of RRI Ternate which is
usually around 3344.8. (John Wilkins, Wheat Ridge, Colorado - CumbreDX 1494)

3345 R.Northern(Presumed) 1150 Island mx and talk in Pidgin by woman.
1200 NBC ann with Freq ann. followed by NA and sigend off.
QRM from Ternate on 3344.98. Thanks Wilkins tip.
(Nobuo Takeno, Yamagata, Japan - CumbreDX 1494)

3234.90, Radio Luz Y Sonido, 0956-1010 Noted
Huaynos music until the
hour. At 1001 canned ID "...Sonido ... onda
corta...". Too much noise on this
low freq to copy. This followed with live SP comments
and then ADs. Live
comments again until 1010 when I tuned away. Signal
was poor (Chuck Bolland, Clewiston, Florida, April 13, 2006 - CumbreDX 1492)

4835.46, Radio Maranon, 1042-1052 Noted music
until 1046 when canned ID presented as, "4835, onda
corta ... Radio Maranon..." by woman. A couple more
promos and back to Huaynos music. Signal peaked from
poor to good by 1050. (Chuck Bolland, Clewiston, Florida, April 13, 2006 - CumbreDX 1492)

6173.83 R. Tawantinsuyo 0246-0300*, Pleasant campesino mx w/M
anncr host. Signed off w/out fanfare at the end of a song at 0300, but
carrier seemed to remain on. Still no more audio by 0320, so obviously
0300 was s/off. (16 April)(Dave Valko - CumbreDX 1495)

5680.77 LV de Campesinos and 4620.43 R. Espacial continue to be heard in
the 0900-1030 time frame rock steady on their freqs. So hope to set the
timer/MD recorder and catch s/ons this week. (Dave Valko - CumbreDX 1495)

3234.9, 1206-, Radio Luz y Sonido Mar 14 Spanish religious programming at fair level. Tentative, as no ID heard. (Salmaniw, Napo River, Ecuador - CumbreDX 1495)

PERU 3329.6, 1215-, Radio Ondas del Huallaga Mar 14 Interesting to listen to this Spanish broadcast, with many mentions of Inca and 'sol'. A speech or sermon of sorts. Again a presumed logging as no ID heard, although I left the MP3 recorder going if possible, and these need to be studied. (Salmaniw, Napo River , Ecuador - CumbreDX 1495)

PERU 4386.6, 0249-, Imperio Radio Mar 15 Very good reception with Spanish religious sermon which went on until 0259 and then was cut off. A time check followed, although I didn't hear any ID. They mentioned 'Santiago', and 'Iglesia', and 'manana'. Reception became even better when the local power shut off at 0300 (2200 local). Excellent full ID at 0312. (Salmaniw, Napo River, Ecuador - CumbreDX 1495)

PERU 4386.6, 2342-, Imperio Radio Mar 13 Peruvians dominated the tropical bands in the Ecuadorian Amazon region. This logging is presumed, since I heard no ID. Fair to good reception. (Salmaniw, Napo River, Ecuador - CumbreDX 1495)

PERU 4386.6, 1102-, Imperio Radio, La Voz de Salvacion Mar 16 Many ads with mentions of Lima. Good except for some deep fades. Nice ID for La Voz de Salvacion at 11:21. (Salmaniw, Napo River, Ecuador - CumbreDX 1495)

PERU 4486, 0016-, Radio Frecuencia Mar 13 Good level except for buzzing audio, with Andean music. Much better using SSB. Modulation was low. The transmitter cut out at 0023, but came back shortly after. I left the MP3 recorder on, so I'll have to check the recording for any good ID. Checked at 0032 when the modulation was much better. They then went into announcements which was still going on at 0115. Similar style to what I've heard from the Solomon Is and PNG with the radio being the best way to reach
family members. (Salmaniw, Quito, Ecuador - CumbreDX 1495)

PERU 4746.8, 2358-, Radio Huanta 2000 Mar 12 Lovely full ID heard. As luck would have it, I didn't have my MP3 recorder hooked up to get the ID, but managed to snag a few later on. This station was heard at the Thermal Spa at Papallacta near Quito, but at higher elevation still....somewhere around 13000 feet ASL! Still there at 0117, but off when rechecked at 0220. (Salmaniw, Quito, Ecuador - CumbreDX 1495)

PERU 4775, 0250-, Radio Tarma Mar 14 Quite a good signal except for a buzzing utility QRM. Full ID at 0300 as 'Transmitte Radio Tarma, desde ?'. (Salmaniw, Napo River, Ecuador - CumbreDX 1495)

PERU 4824.4, 2346-, La Voz de la Selva Mar 15 Good reception. An interesting station as much of the music was English, which is a rarity in the Andes region. I heard 'Don't you love me baby?' initially. Slight het from 4825, probably Brasil. They mentioned 'Rock n' Roll'. An ad at 2358 mentioned Iquitos, and then a Peruvian congress ad for a Norman ???. No obvious ID at the TOH, but as I was off to supper, I left the mp3 recorder running. The carrier cut suddenly at 0102, so presumably I'll find an
ID somewhere in there. (Salmaniw, Napo River, Ecuador - CumbreDX 1495)

PERU 4835, 0130-, Radio Maranon Mar 16 A presumed logging with Spanish music at fair levels. I rechechecked at 02:47. Good reception at that time with many political ads. Did suffer from a buzzing utility. Still there at 0305, but shortly afterwards either gone, or overwhelmed by the ute.
(Salmaniw, Napo River, Ecuador - CumbreDX 1495)

PERU 4950, 0144-, Radio Madre de Dios Mar 16 Fair to good with Spanish programming, mostly over cochannel AIR. Brief announcement at 02:02 with an ID, I beleive, and then off. (Salmaniw, Napo River, Ecuador - CumbreDX 1495)

PERU 5014.6, 0317-, Radio Altura Mar 14 Good to very good reception except for a very weak het with modern Spanish music. Nice ID at 0327 and again at 0330 as 'Radio Altura, musica'. (Salmaniw, Napo River, Ecuador - CumbreDX 1495)

PERU 5015, 1014-, unid Mar 16 Two Peruvians are listed here, Radio Juliaca on 5014.5 and Radio Altura on 5014.6. Fair level with Andean music. Not sure which of the two. (Salmaniw, Napo River, Ecuador - CumbreDX 1495)

PERU 5460.3, 2340-, Radio Emisora Bolivar Mar 14 Presumed reception. Fair to good with Latin music, but quite a bit of static crashes and low modulation making reception more difficult than it should have been. Time check at 2353 and then the ID: 'Este es, Radio Bolivar'. So not a presumed logging after all!. (Salmaniw, Napo River, Ecuador - CumbreDX 1495)

PERU 5470.8, 1115-, Radio San Nicolas Mar 16 Looking for the sign-on. Nothing at 11:15, but instead signed on at 11:30, but unfortunately spoiled by the choppy ute station adjacent. (Salmaniw, Napo River, Ecuador - CumbreDX 1495)

PERU 5470.8, 1120-, Radio San Nicolas Mar 15 Good reception except for a choppy utility station immediately adjacent ruining reception. A presumed logging. (Salmaniw, Napo River, Ecuador - CumbreDX 1495)

PERU 5486.7, 1705-, La Reyna de la Selva Mar 14 A presumed logging at 1:05pm local with fair to good reception. The frequency is approximate and presumed as the Kaito 1103 only has 1 kHz resolution, although with SSB one has an idea of approximately where above or below the the kHz reading the station is transmitting. Spanish talk, with mentions of 'Policia Nacional' and 'Ecuador'. Also heard 'nostra patria'. I recorded via the mp3 recorder past 1800. At 1805 I noted music and ads and mentions of 'Amazonas'.
One of the regulars heard during the daytime in the Napo jungles. At 18:06:30, mentioned 'Departemente de Amazonas', and 'La congress Nacional'.(or something like that....Spanish is not a language I understand). There are elections upcoming, and therefore many many ads for congressmen. Finally caught an ID at 19:42. (Salmaniw, Napo River, Ecuador - CumbreDX 1495)

PERU 6114.9, 2315-, Radio Union Mar 14 Good reception except for a het, with Radio Union ID at 23:18. (Salmaniw, Napo River, Ecuador - CumbreDX 1495)

PERU 6173.8, 2309-, Radio Tawantinsuyo Mar 14 Not really a logging. Rather a good het audible on this frequency, but I couldn't make out any audio. I listened again at 11:03 on March 15th and heard them with fair to good reception except for the het, while in the Napo jungle, and before the local power came on. This would be an easy logging with a better receiver. (Salmaniw,Napo River, Ecuador - CumbreDX 1495)

PERU 6193.5, 2307-, Radio Cusco Mar 14 Relatively strong signal, but with a het from 6195 making life unpleasant. There's no USB/LSB on the Kaito, just SSB and no notch, of course, making it impossible to get rid of the het. (Salmaniw, Napo River, Ecuador - CumbreDX 1495)

PERU 6520.4, 2301-, Radio Paucartambo Mar 14 A tentative logging as no ID heard. Generally poor reception with barely audible voice. (Salmaniw,Napo River, Ecuador - CumbreDX 1495)

PERU 6895, 1615-, La Voz del Campesino Mar 14 Excellent reception with Cuban sounding music. At 1622, a TC for 22 past. ID at 1632, followed by many political ads. I heard many many such ads in the days to come, as there are congressional elections upcoming in Peru. One of the strongest stations heard in the Amazon. I remember them as regulars on their old frequency above 6955. (Salmaniw, Napo River, Ecuador - CumbreDX 1495)

PERU 9720, 2325-, Radio Victoria Mar 14 Nice ID at 23:28. Good reception, but not as good as parallel 6020.2 which was good to very good. Listening in the jungle at 11:20 on March 15th, 6020.2 was heard with very good to excellent reception except for a het. (Salmaniw, Napo River, Ecuador - CumbreDX 1495)

9765 Radio Tikhiy Okean, Vladivostok, 0835-0845, Abril 11,
Russian. Interval Signal at 0835, identification by male as:
"...Radiostansia Tikhiy Okean..........", announcement by female,
other ID and bulletin news, 35443
New frequency (ex 5960 Khz & 7330 Khz)
(Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - playdx2003 958)

7320, 0444-, Radio Rossii Apr 14 How times have changed! Radio Rossii with the soundtrack of the 'Phantom of the Opera'. Fair reception from Magadan. In parallel with 5920, also Magadan under WBOH, 5940 poor/fair (Magadan). (Salmaniw, Victoria, BC - CumbreDX 1495).

7275 Oli FM 1551 Tamil songs and S9 44523 . ON 1559 YL
closing the SW relay mentioned `Spore' and signal signed off releasing
a poor CNR 1 signal 44523 (Zacharias Liangas April 16th THS Greece - CumbreDX 1496)

USA 6925, 0320-, Commander Bunny Mar 12 While relaxing in Quito, I was surprised to hear Commander Bunny with a game show parody. Transmitter cut at 03:24, but was back within 30 seconds. Heard him say, 'Pirate broadcasting, that's what it is'. The Bozo family were one of the contestants. 'OK, so the Bozo family is ahead...last question...The question is.....The correct answer! We have a tie.' At 0332, they ask the listener to tune in next time. Reception was quite good. I've never heard them on the
west coast, so a first for me. (Salmaniw,Quito, Ecuador - CumbreDX 1495)

USA 9985, 0335-, Family Radio Mar 12 Never knew that Family Radio had a mailbag program. Excellent reception with them signing off of the show. ID as 'Family Radio, The sound of the New Life'. They gave an Indian and US address. (Salmaniw,Quito, Ecuador - CumbreDX 1495)

4635, 0235-, Tajik Radio Mar 16 Fair reception in presumed Tajik, with many static crashes. (Salmaniw, Napo River, Ecuador - CumbreDX 1495)

5880, 0340-, Radio Ukraine International Mar 12 More historical interest, now that the A06 season has begun, but still interesting to see how well RUI was heard in Ecuador, including the Amazon and Galapagos Is. I regularly monitored them. Normally at excellent levels with 5-5-5 SIO levels. The 0400 English broadcast was heard perfectly, while the 0100 broadcast suffered somewhat from adjacent splatter from 5875, apparently from BBC Cyprus. This night, there was a music by request show in Ukrainian at this
time. (Salmaniw, Quito, Ecuador - CumbreDX 1495)

5880, 0305-, Radio Ukraine International Mar 16 Very good reception in Ukrainian except for slight adjacent splatter from 5875, which I think was the BBC in Dari from Cyprus (also very strong). Rated a 5-5-5 signal when rechecked at 03:35. Truly amazing! I never hear them this strong in Victoria, unless on-line. (Salmaniw, Napo River, Ecuador - CumbreDX 1495)

9730, PHILIPPINES, RVA, 1128-1155*, Apr.10,
Mandarin/English, YL w/ talks over music, ballads. EG
ID at s/off. Good! (Scott Barbour Jr, Intervale, NH, Usa - dxldyg 793)

6090, CHILE, (P)R.Esperenza, 1016-1030, Apr.9,
Spanish, Continuous talks by OM. Poor under static;
unusable by BoH. (Scott Barbour Jr, Intervale, NH, Usa - dxldyg 793)

3279.6, 0355-, La Voz del Napo Mar 12 Very good reception, as I would expect, since I was in the middle of the area for a number of days. Mentions of Ecuador's largest city and port, Guayaquil. Ecuadorian news, with mentions of the presidente. At 0358 gave a Radio Maria Ecuador ID, then mentioned Radio Maria Paraguay. (Walter Salmaniw, Quito, Ecuador - CumbreDX 1495)

4814.9, 0232-, Radio El Bien Pastor Mar 13 One of relatively few Ecuadorians still on SW. Very good reception with modern LA music.
(Walter Salmaniw, Quito, Ecuador - CumbreDX 1495)

4919, 0310-, Radio Quito Mar 13 Excellent reception, as I would expect with Andean EZL music, and ID at 0322 as 'Radio Quito, La Voz de la Capital', as I heard it. (Walter Salmaniw, Quito, Ecuador - CumbreDX 1495)

21455 USB, HCJB, La Voz de los Andes,
1440-1501, 16-04, espanol, programa religioso,
canciones. Identificaci?n a las 1500: "Esta es
HCJB La Voz de los Andes, son las 10 horas en el
territorio continental, 9 horas en Galapagos". 24322.
(Manuel Mendez, Friol, Spain - hard-core-dx 40, 17)

5040.06 Ecuador Voz del Upano, Macas 1050 "Cinco y dos minutos" music
and om in espanol, signal with poor audio. 1100 het from Burma, 1120
het from Peru, 18 April (Robert Wilkner, Pompano Beach, Florida - CumbreDX 1498)

Экваториальная Гвинея
15190, Radio Africa/East
Africa/Africa 2, 1000-1130, 16-04, Ingles, varios
programas religiosos, cambiando cada media hora y
anuncian varias direcciones en USA "P. O. Box
933...". "Half hour of music and inspiration".
Interferencia de China Radio International con
programa en ingles en la misma frecuencia hasta
las 1059. A partir de esa hora no interferencia.
SINPO: hasta 1059: 32332 desde 1059: 34333.
(Manuel Mendez, Friol, Spain - hard-core-dx 40, 17)
Неофициальное вещание

7110, 0259-, Radio Republica Mar 11 Excellent reception with barely a hint of jamming with nice ID at 03:00, in Spanish, of course. Woofferton, UK site listed. (Salmaniw, Quito, Ecuador - CumbreDX 1495)

V. of Africa, 17850 via France, 1400-1557* April 8, English
programming with IDs, sked and into hi-life music. 1411 program about geography
of Libya. 1416 talk about Martin Luther King. 1430 news. 1444 talk about
African Union. Good signal; barely audible on // 21695 (Brian Alexander, Mechanicsburg PA - dxldyg 792)

17875 WADR-Africa Democracy Radio (for Senegal), 1002-1006, April 11, French,
regional informations (bulletin news), Identification by male as:
"WADR Radio....", jingle, more news, 35443
(Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - playdx2003 958)
Сев. Америка
6925.05U The V.O. Captain Ron 2336 Death Metal mx, 2339
Capt. Ron w/ID, song anmnt, etc. (15 April) (Dave Valko - CumbreDX 1495)

Tips from Tuscany (Pescia, Pistoia) Italy:

4319 2219 12/04 AFRTS Diego Garcia, Music and talks EE, fair
4760 2205 12/04 ELWA Monrovia, Liberia, Rel. Talks EE good
4765 0020 13/04 Emisora Rural, Santarem, Brazil, talks PP fair
4805 0008 13/04 R. Difusora, Manaus, Brazil, great id, songs, PP, good
4825 0015 13/04 R Educadora, Braganca, Brazil, talks, PP, fair
4885 2250 12/04 R Clube do Par?, Brazil, tk, PP very good
5470 2225 12/04 Radio Veritas, Liberia, poor, at 2230 Utility
6135 2320 12/04 Radio Republica, via UK to Cuba, tk about Provenzano & mafia
with music from Padrino, very good
9615 2330 12/04 Radio Cultura, Brazil, usual old songs fair/good
9630 2340 12/04 Radio Aparecida, Brazil, rel. Songs, tk PP good
9645 2345 12/4 Radio Bandeirantes, Brazil, sport, PP fair
(Giampiero Bernardini, Milano, Italy - hard-core-dx 40, 15)

1107 Родное радио (0200-1700utc)
ретрансляция Народного радио в 0400-0800 и 1000-1500

801 заработало Народное Радио (как пишет Иван)

585 РРоссии не слышно совсем

Маяк и Юность так и не работают после 1500 местного.
Слышно только челябинскую 738 с Маяком, РРоссии и местными программами.
(Виктор Рутковский, Екатеринбург, Россия - open_dx 1111)
06688.0 FAF 4055: C-135FR USB 0829 wkg CAPITOL [CFAS Taverny], mission 706,
departed LFMI [Istres - France] 0811z, ETA OMAM [Al Dhafra - UAE] 1420z, est
position 3520N2225E at 1000z. Got RO912 primary and RO913 secondary for QRX..
(11APR06) (Ronald Rensen, The Netherlands - udxf 6)

05436.0 BOULMER: RAF CRC USB 1138 wkg SCAMPTON [RAF CRC], Cross Tell
operations. (11APR06) (Ronald Rensen, The Netherlands - udxf 6)

06690.0 MAGIC 51: NATO E-3A USB/RATT 1148 wkg DHN66 [NAEW&CF
Geilenkirchen], voice coord for data traffic. (11APR06) (Ronald Rensen, The Netherlands - udxf 6)

09019.0 7PN: French Navy MPA USB/RATT 1200 wkg FPI [FN Sainte-Assise],
voice coord for data traffic. (11APR06) (Ronald Rensen, The Netherlands - udxf 6)

06688.0 FAF 4041: C-135FR USB 1354 wkg CAPITOL [CFAS Taverny], departed
LFMI [Istres - France] 1326, ETA OMAM [Al Dhafra - UAE] 2000z. Got RO914
primary and RO913 secondary for QRX. (11APR06) (Ronald Rensen, The Netherlands - udxf 6)

13897.5 FAF 4055: C-135FR USB 1400 wkg CAPITOL [CFAS Taverny], ops normal
in position 2616N5150E. (11APR06) (Ronald Rensen, The Netherlands - udxf 6)

13897.5 FAF 4041: C-135FR USB 1809 wkg CAPITOL [CFAS Taverny], ops normal
in position 26N43E. (11APR06) (Ronald Rensen, The Netherlands - udxf 6)

17967.0 BMM206: CN-ROF ICAO 020067 15:05 HFDL wkg AL Muharraq Bhr posn rpt LAT 31 36 31 N LON 8 2 10 W (12/apr/06) (sw)
17967.0 MSR915: SU-GCH ICAO 0100A5 15:07 HFDL wkg AL Muharraq Bhr posn rpt LAT 27 30 40 N LON 35 2 32 E (12/apr/06) (sw)
17934.0 CO0052: N73152 ICAO A9D1E4 15:50 HFDL wkg New York posn rpt LAT 39 23 43 N LON 75 56 32 W (12/apr/06) (sw)
05075.0 VK40: Unid 1802 ALE/USB [TIS] VK40 (12/apr/06) (sw)
(Sam, Se UK - udxf 6)

02217.4 XSS: Unid 'XSS' Net ALE/USB Sounding.
(Jim, 2247-11 April 2006 - udxf 6)

05157 REA4: AF HQ Moscow REVS/50/1000 Idling between
skeds. No 1940 sked. (Jim, 1946-12 April 2006 - udxf 6)

05195 DRA5: DARC Prop Beacon Scheggerott, Germany PSK-31
Geomagnetic conditions Kiel 1800UT.
(Jim, 1950-12 April 2006 - udxf 6)

05258 -: CIS Military MS-5/4800/DPSK/USB In traffic.
(Jim, 2000-12 April 2006 - udxf 6)

05288.62 G3PLX: Peter Martinez, PSK31 Inventor DPSK-31
Working sked with G0TJZ on 5 MHz fixed service band.
(Jim, 2006-12 April 2006 - udxf 6)

08443 : Unid FAX/120/576 Very poor picture. Frequency
(Jim, 1914-12 April 2006 - udxf 6)

08484 HLG: SeoulRadio Korea CW CQ de HLG QSO 8 MHz K.
(Jim, 1900-12 April 2006 - udxf 6)

08497 HLF: Globe Wireless Seoul GW-PACTOR. Idling.
(Jim, 1854-12 April 2006 - udxf 6)

08858 AAA: Israeli AF NCS ALE/USB Sounding.
(Jim, 1900-12 April 2006 - udxf 6)

11226 UKE306: RAF E3D Sentry AEW1 ZH106 8/23 Sqn RAF
Waddington. Sounding.
(Jim, 1355-12 April 2006 - udxf 6)

19554 055: Unid ALE/USB Sounding.
(Jim, 1336-12 April 2006 - udxf 6)

20107 055: Unid ALE/USB Sounding.
(Jim, 1329-12 April 2006 - udxf 6)

6.754,0 : unid F mil 1355 usb french yl spelled: (nato-alphabet) agsl us
endeavour - may be to aircraft (12Apr06) (wp3)

7.940,0 r80: unid 1228 ale/usb to c80 cmd .. (12Apr06) (Wolfgang Palmberger, Munich, Germany - udxf 6)

9.079,7 rfqp: FF Djibouti 2002 arq-e3/100/368 vzczcdji559 oo rfqp de
rfqp 1998~1~2~900 znr~uuuuu ~contr~l~~~e~voie #19~8 nnnn (12Apr06) (Wolfgang Palmberger, Munich, Germany - udxf 6)

4.210,5 a9m: Hamala Radio 2057 cw/marker de a9m tlx mcmcmc (11Apr06) (Wolfgang Palmberger, Munich, Germany - udxf 6)

4.212,0 ugc: St. Petersburg Radio 2056 cw de ugc sitor-marker kyky (11Apr06) (Wolfgang Palmberger, Munich, Germany - udxf 6)

4.295,0 fue: F Navy Brest 2105 rtty 75/850 VZCZCABC001 ALL DE FUE ALL
(Wolfgang Palmberger, Munich, Germany - udxf 6)

4.331,0 4xz: IN Haifa 2115 cw == NR 1Z GX G TR 231 J11 XF2E GR M == AR AR
VVV DE 4XZ 4XZ = (11Apr06) (Wolfgang Palmberger, Munich, Germany - udxf 6)

6.875,0 vm1: 1050 ale TO VM1 (11Apr06) (Wolfgang Palmberger, Munich, Germany - udxf 6)

Вчера вечером в 18.39 наткнулся на судовые маяки, работающие около
частоты 8423 кГц. Кто-нибудь знает более подробно про них или ссылка
есть, где про них почитать можно?
Принятые маяки:
8415 кГц три длинных тире, а затем позывной "IAK"
8423 кГц одно длинное тире и позывной "de SVO"
на этой же частоте, но на несколько сот Герц ниже работает маяк с
позывным " de LWZ"
8436 кГц три длинных тире и позывной "TAH"
Все маяки работают телеграфом
А на 8565 кГц принял радиотелетайп, но т.к. у меня приёмник не
подключен к компьютеру, то идентифицировать эту радиостанцию не
удалось. (Валерий Шептухин, Липецк, Россия - open_dx 1111)

На самом деле, это не совсем маяки -- а береговые станции для связи с

Почитать можно в бюллетенях WUN Newsletter, о которых я сегодня как раз
писал в open_dx.

"IAK" = может быть, IAR? Это итальянское Roma Radio
SVO = Олимпия-Радио, Греция
"de LWZ" = не LZW? Если так, то это Варна-радио, Болгария.
TAH = Стамбул-радио.

С частотами, возможно, есть погрешность 1...2 кГц. И там не только телеграф,
но и SITOR -- как раз то, о чем Вы пишете как "длинное тире"
(Дмитрий Мезин, Казань, Россия - open_dx 1111)

16000.0 BALTAZAR: F.MfA Paris/R&S Supp. 0645 USB/ALE clg RABAT (16APR/06) (KK)
07909.0 RABAT: F.Emb.Rabat 0407 USB/ALE clg NIAMEY (16APR/06) (KK)
07909.0 RABAT: F. Emb. Rabat 0207 USB/ALE clg NIAMEY (16APR/06) (KK)
07597.0 CLC25: Ven Mil 2242 USB/ALE clg SCLC251 (16APR/06) (KK)
07597.0 CLC25: Ven Mil 2234 USB/ALE clg SCLC251 (16APR/06) (KK)
04430.0 MOB1MSS: unid 1950 USB/ALE clg OKROKANMSS (16APR/06) (KK)
07512.0 TWLC: Guardia Civil, E. 1810 USB/ALE clg TZSE (16APR/06) (KK)
(Kristian, Germany - udxf 16)

Just put one of the new aerials up in the attic as money problems have
got in the way of putting the aerials outside(tempary I hope as I
still want it on the roof).But inter was in on 94.9 on the h last
night and caen on their usual freqs was pretty clear to stereo (up to
30db) this morning BBC SCR on 104.8 is poor,BBC Gloucester on 104.7 is
poor(up to 18db) and presumbly Star on 107.7 at 19db just about clear
and again Caen is in as well as Rouen trying on 92.0 ..so could be
+ a lot of noise on the fm band(Not the Wannadoo wireless and talk
this time) geniune noisy band so we could get some E's.
Picodes database is in the process of being updated some new countries
with picodes have been added and a lot of changes so this will be out
in the next couple of weeks (Mark P, Devon, UK - skywaves 1874)

Галапагосские о-ва
88.70, 1245-, Radio Santa Cruz Mar 19 Just a brief comment on the Galapagos. During the day, the entire MW spectrum is simply absent of any signals. None. My FM bandscan showed nothing at all in common with my 2005 WRTH. I do hope that the newer versions are more accurate. Nice ID for Radio Santa Cruz at 12:45. Other FM stations noted were: Radio Maria on 100.70 in mono (heard at 0500), 101.9 (something Estacion) sterio, 95.9 in stereo with classical music, 97.1 in stereo weakly heard, 98.3 in stereo
with an open carrier only. I never did hear anything else but an open carrier. 98.9 in stereo at fair level, with an ad for 'Wilson's' at 12:36. 100.70 mono station with low modulation but good reception otherwise. Due to the very early starts and long days in the water and hiking on land, plus the limitations of trying to listen on a boat, I did very little monitoring during this part of my trip. SW was often quite good especially on the higher ban!
ds during the day. (Walter Salmaniw, Galapagos Is, Ecuador - CumbreDX 1495)

11570, R.Pakistan, f/d "Alamgiri Gate" card
and letter in 68 days for 1 IRC. V/S, Muhammad
Ayub-Engineering Manager. (Scott Barbour Jr, Intervale, NH, Usa - dxldyg 793)

Северная Корея
QSL La Voz de Corea, confirmando escucha del 1 de Marzo a las 19:00 UTC por la frecuencia de 7570, acompanada de un pin envuelto en un delicado sobre de papel cebolla, un banderin de Radio Pyonyang, horarios y frecuencias de La Voz de Corea, RPDC (Emisiones en espanol), un ejemplar del “The Pyonyang Times”, en ingles, concretamente N? 6, Saturday, February 11, Juche 95 (2006). Una carta personalizada del Servicio Espanol con encabezamiento en coreano, ingles y frances. The Radio-Television Broadcasting Committee
of the D.P.R. of Korea. Le Comite de Radiodiffusion-Television de la R.P.D. de Coree. Enviada por correo a “Emisiones en espanol. Pyonyang”, contestada en 40 dias.
(Jose Miguel Romero, Burjasot, Spain - playdx2003 958)

I have got a nice reply from Southern Sudan Interactive Radio Instruction
(sSIRI) Project. This EDC project is located in Kenya with the postal
address: 28 Mugumo Road, P O Box 25010 00603, Lavington, Nairobi. They have
sub offices in places in Southern Sudan where their staff monitor students
and teachers response to the program. VT Merlin is their provider and the
signals come from a transmitter in Russia. There are plans to boost the
broadcast through Egypt but this is not yet decided.
At the moment the broadcast is halted as schools in Southern Sudan have
closed for holidays. They will resume broadcasts on May 8th, and there might
be new frequencies then. They have promised me to give me the new times and
frequencies as soon as decided and I promise to forward this information to
you! (Bjorn Fransson, Gotland, Sweden - hard-core-dx 40, 13)
Wolfgang Palmberger - nr. Munich, Germany
47.46.469 N 11.07.897 E
NRD 515, NRD 525, wires, verticals
code3gold / W4010 / Skysweeper 4.09

Scott R Barbour Jr-Intervale,NH-USA
R75, 200' Beverages, MLB-1, DTS-4

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