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Электронный DX Бюллетень WorldDX 64

WorldDX 64
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Короткие Волны

13635 Voice International, 19:16-19:25, escuchada
el 1 de abril en ingl?s a locutora con comentarios, ID y programa
musical, SINPO 34433. (Jose Miguel Romero, Burjasot, Spain - hard-core-dx 40, 7)

6155 Radio Austria Internacional, 20:55-21:00, escuchada
el 5 de abril en espa?ol a locutor con bolet?n de noticias y
pronostico del tiempo, sinton?a, SINPO 55444.
(Jose Miguel Romero, Burjasot, Spain - hard-core-dx 40, 7)

11775 Caribbean Beacon (p); 1917-1932+, 7-Apr; Mrs. Dr. Gene
sounding comparatively mellow, but still complaining about her newfound
responsibilities. 800# spot w/knee-slapper Gospel tune. SIO=4+34/S10,
GG QRM. (Harold Frodge-MI, Usa - CumbreDX 1488)

6165, Radio Logos (presumed), 0950-0954
Noted a man in Spanish religious comments until 0953
when Religious music is presented. However, at 0954
quits and from that point onward, nothing but dead air.
I am still hearing the stations carrier, but no audio.
also an inteferring noise that sounds man made. It
on the frequency when I tuned in at 0950, but came up
around 1000 UTC. So I am assuming it's not something
in my home? Radio Logos never came back.
(Chuck Bolland, April 5, 2006 - hard-core-dx 40, 6)

4844.88 Bolivia R Norteno, Canaviri Not noted 0930 to 1040 on 9 April. Also checked 4545v and found nothing. Excellent signal on 8 April
(Robert Wilkner, Pompano Beach, Florida - CumbreDX 1487)

5680.71 Bolivia Radio La Voz del Campesino, Sipe Sipe, from 0920, melodic Andean flutes - 9 April ~ 1005 - 1040, no ID but several clear ments de Bolivia,

long string of numbers read by om - 8 April (Robert Wilkner, Pompano Beach, Florida - CumbreDX 1487)

5952,50 kHz, Radio Pio XII en quechua, 0142-0151 UTC, 09-04-2006, comentarios y publicidad de peluqueria para jovenes, canciones en quechua, 32432
(Jose Bueno, Cordoba, Spain - NoticiasDX 1241)

6105,50 kHz, Radio Panamericana en espanol, 2320-2326 UTC, 08-04-2006, programa religioso, comentarios sobre la moral, los valores y el cambio de

conducta, leen los capitulos 21 y 22, 33322 (Jose Bueno, Cordoba, Spain - NoticiasDX 1241)

6134,80 kHz, Radio Santa Cruz en espanol, 0152-0158 UTC, 09-04-2006, programa musical realizado en un auditorio en directo, los cantantes dedican las

canciones a los asistentes, aplausos, se nota un pequeno jammins probable de la frecuencia 6135 que utiliza Radio Republica, 32432
(Jose Bueno, Cordoba, Spain - NoticiasDX 1241)

4765, Radiodifusora Rural, Santar?m, 0120-0125,
04-04, portugu?s, locutor, comentaros y canciones brasile?as. 24322.

4845, Radio Cultura Ondas Tropicais, Manaus,
0125-0132, 04-04, portugu?s, locutor, comentario religioso, canciones. 24222.

6135, Radio Aparecida, 6135, 0115-0151, 04-04,
portugu?s, programa religioso, lectura del
rosario, atendiendo llamadas de los oyentes. 34333.
(Manuel Mendez, Lugo, Spain - hard-core-dx 40, 7)

4876.28 Brasil Radio Difusora Roraima, Boa Vista 1000 to 1020 Brasil
pop music, om in Port. 6 April. (Robert Wilkner, Pompano Beach, Florida - CumbreDX 1486)

Some tips made from Milano, herad with Paolo Albini,
4746,9 0144 08/04 Radio Huanta, Peru, songs, fair
4965,15 0150 08/04 Radio Santa Monica (presumed), Per?, songs, talks, off at 0157 poor
5014,5 0135 08/04 Altura, Per?, long talks SS poor/fair in LSB
5054,6 0202 08/04 Faro del Caribe, Costa Rica, reports SS good
6010,1 0055 08/04La Voz de tu conciencia, Colombia, long rel talks SS, good
6035 0045 08/04 La Voz del Guaviare, Colombia, ids, commercials, mx, SS fair/good
6134,8 0100 08/04 Radio Santa Cruz, Bolivia, great id, R. Santa Cruz song, off 0103 good
6134,9 0104 08/04 Radio Aparecida, Brasil, after S.Cruz s.off, Rosario, id, PP
6185 0120 08/04 Radio Educacion, Mexico, reports in SS, fair/good
6193,4 0110 08/04 Radio Cusco, Per?, talks SS, poor-fair
(Giampiero Bernardini, Milano, Italy - hard-core-dx 40, 9)

R. Aparecida, presumed, the Portuguese YL on 11855 under WYFR OM
preaching in Spanish with a slight het, 2305 UT April 8. The YL was probably
preaching too, but hey, we can never get enough of that! As for the name
Aparecida, it literally means ``appeared``, so I suspect derives from some
imagined apparition of the BVM, right? (Glenn Hauser, OK - dxldyg 787)

4765 kHz, Radio Emisora Rural en portugues, 0116-0132 UTC, 09-04-2006, cancion melodica en portugues, comentarios entre dos locutores en portugues,

llamadas telefonicas, 32332 (Jose Bueno, Cordoba, Spain - NoticiasDX 1241)

Surprisingly good signal on 15570 with VR IS, April 7 at 1828, so
what is coming up? Nothing: went off at 1830* after scheduled 1800 Portuguese
to WAf, which typically lasted well under a semihour.

Also, DRM buzz April 8 at 2317 on 9745-9755. This is the recently-added
half-sesquihour to NAm direct from Vatican in binary language (Glenn Hauser,
OK - dxldyg 787)

13765 Vatican Radio; 2007-2015+, 7-Apr; News to VR ID @2008:30
then African News Panorama. Africa Svc of VR spot @2011:30. All in EE.
SIO=343 (Harold Frodge-MI - CumbreDX 1488)

7250 Radio Budapest, 21:30-21:58, escuchada el 4 de
abril en espa?ol con sinton?a y locutora con ID, horarios y frecuencias,
bolet?n de noticias, el "Resumen de la prensa" y el programa
siglo XXI con novedades del mundo, de la ciencia y tecnolog?a,
segmento musical, SINPO 55555 (Jose Miguel Romero, Burjasot, Spain - hard-core-dx 40, 7)

13680 Radio Nacional de Venezuela, 20:50-21:01,
escuchada el 1 de abril en espa?ol a locutora con ID "Canal
Internacional de Radio Nacional de Venezuela", "Canal Internacional
La Voz de la Rep?blica Boliveriana de Venezuela", programa
"Librer?a Mediatica Internacional", ID "Somos el Canal Internacional
de Radio Nacional de Venezuela". SINPO 44333.
(Jose Miguel Romero, Burjasot, Spain - hard-core-dx 40, 7)

[non]. RNV via RHC, April 8 at 2308 on 13680 // 11760, excerpt of
an HCF speech; why is he always complaining about something? Such negativity!
Like last A-season, 13680 again collides with CRI in English via Canada at this
hour. Commies vs Commies! They were about even on this occasion with a SAH of
75/minute (Glenn Hauser, OK - dxldyg 787)

3291.16 R Guyana rather strong at 0615-0700 despite strong utility
station on 3290; legibility on USB quite acceptable; news bulletin at 0700
(Alexander Koutamanis, The Netherlands - 6 April - CumbreDX 1484)

3291.13 Guyana GBC, Sparendaam 0950 Baptist Church message, then
"This is the Voice of Guyana" 6 April (Robert Wilkner, Pompano Beach, Florida - CumbreDX 1486)

3291,15 kHz, National Communications Network Inc, Sparendaam en ingles, 0003-0013 UTC, 09-04-2006, canciones y comentarios en ingles, 44433
(Jose Bueno, Cordoba, Spain - NoticiasDX 1241)

4052,50 kHz, probable Radio Verdad en espanol, 0029-0040 UTC, 09-04-2006, cantos religiosos, musica de flauta y un hombre cantando, mas canciones, 24322
(Jose Bueno, Cordoba, Spain - NoticiasDX 1241)

11840, GERMANY, (P)Evangelium Missiongemeinden,
1102-1112, Apr.8, Russian, Choral music at t/in, OM w/
talks thru t/out. Fair. Couldn't hang out for s/off
ID; had to leave for work. (Scott Barbour Jr, Intervale, NH, Usa - dxldyg 787)

[non]. VOG relay via Delano, 17705, lost audio feed, just open
carrier for a good many minutes before and after 1900 UT April 7 (Glenn Hauser,
OK - dxldyg 787)

11560 KSDA Guam, 17:35-18:00, escuchada el 2 de abril
en idioma tamil con emisi?n de m?sica cl?sica interpretada por
piano y locutora con ID en ingl?s "This Guam Radio", locutora
con comentarios y canci?n popular local, locutor con comentarios,
al finalizar el programa a locutor y locutora con ID y frecuencias en
ingles, sinton?a, SINPO 45333.
(Jose Miguel Romero, Burjasot, Spain - hard-core-dx 40, 7)

9865, GUAM, KTWR, 1047-1059*, Apr.4, Mandarin, OM w/
lengthy talk, YL w/ and w/o music; spells out URL. ID
at s/off. Fair listening in USB. (Scott Barbour Jr, Intervale, NH, Usa - dxldyg 787)

R. Cairo, 11950, April 8 at 2302, good signal but low modulation as
YL was giving program summary, starting with current time of 1:02 --- have they
heard of GMT/UT? Do they really expect North Americans, to whom this is
directed, to prefer Cairo time? Previews included 1:15 News in Detail; 1:55
Lighter Side of the News; 2:00 Arabic by Radio; 2:15 News in Brief. Not helped
by some splatter all the way from 11970 RN Bonaire in Dutch aimed 350 degrees
(Glenn Hauser, OK - dxldyg 787)

6612 ZBC-Gweru, 2215-2225, April 03, Vernacular,
afropops y local songs, short ann. by female, 24432
(Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - CumbreDX 1485)

11590 kHz, Kol Israel en espanol, 1717-1725 UTC, 08-04-2006, "Kol Israel, Noticias", programa de noticias sobre Israel y Palestina, "Estan ustedes escuchan

Kol Israel desde Jerusalen", 43433 (Jose Bueno, Cordoba, Spain - NoticiasDX 1241)

11590 Voice of Israel; 1902-1916+, 8-Apr; Israeli news & wea-
ther; ID as Kol Israel, The Voice of Israel @1915+ in into Israel Art.
SIO=333, QRM is assorted buzzes & chirp. Not in Passport
(Harold Frodge, MI - CumbreDX 1488)

9810, GOA-INDIA, AIR Panaji, 0134-0202, Apr.4,
Vernacular, Hindi music at t/in. Commentary re America
and Iraq. Fanfare intro at 0142; OM w/ various
soundbites-rough audio, fanfare again at 0158, YL w/
ID, music thru t/out. Fair but choppy.
(Scott Barbour Jr, Intervale, NH, Usa - dxldyg 787)

11620, INDIA, AIR Bangalore, 2209-2221, Apr.7,
English, YL w/ news headlines re Nepal and Aligarh.
"GOS-AIR" ID followed by commentary re India and Arab
gulf states relations. Prg."Radio New..(???)" at 2215
re US/India relations and Indian economy. Fair.
(Scott Barbour Jr, Intervale, NH, Usa - dxldyg 787)

15150 Voz de Indonesia, 17:00-18:00, escuchada el
4 de abril en espa?ol con sinton?a y locutor con frecuencias,
anuncian emitir por 9525 y 15150, bolet?n de noticias y m?sica
malaya, SINPO 44333. (Jose Miguel Romero, Burjasot, Spain - hard-core-dx 40, 7)

15150 kHz, La Voz de Indonesia ene espanol, 1700-1703 UTC, 08-04-2006, inicio del programa en espanol, informacion de las frecuencias por las que emiten,

44433 (Jose Bueno, Cordoba, Spain - NoticiasDX 1241)

11690, JORDAN, R.Jordan, 1547-1609, Apr.4, English,
Classic rock prg. w/ Boston, Yes and Rainbow. Full ID
at 1600 followed by usual Arab state news re
Palestine/Israel; US/Iraq, local weather. Press Review
prg at 1608. Fair/good w/ co-channel slop(BBC-?) after
1600. (Scott Barbour Jr, Intervale, NH, Usa - dxldyg 787)

REE, 17595, not aimed at Brasil, but without embargo carrying ``O
Espanhol no Brasil`` show as IDed at 1840 April 7, following a phone interview
in Brazilian Portuguese about the music scene in Madrid. 1841 into language
lesson, Spanish for Portuguese speakers, but it was mostly in Spanish with a
Brazilian interjecting from time to time.

Interesting discussion of the differences between the two languages, which
native speakers of both would do well to monitor in order to render the other
non-native language more accurately. ``Manzana`` is used in Spain for
``cuadra`` (or quadra) in Latin America, meaning block as in a rectangular area
bounded by two sets of parallel streets in a city; despite that manzana is also
the name of a fruit in Spanish (apple). Gender difference: ``color`` is
masculine in Spanish, feminine in Portuguese (another one we run into more
often is signal: ``la senal`` but ``o sinal``).

Off at 1855*. This is more of a show within the worldwide Spanish service than
a separate Portuguese service specifically for Brazil, probably lacking such
status as that would be bureaucratically inadvisable. Besides, it`s a 3 pm east
Brazilian time, inconvenient for a wide audience there.

REE Spanish to SAm on 11680, April 8 at 2308 // 9620 talking about Basque
issues, with QRDRM on 11680. That would be Kuwait 11670-11680 as scheduled to
NEAm on ``11675``, 22-02, 350 degrees, 120 kW (Glenn Hauser, OK - dxldyg 787)

6110 RAI Internacional, 21:10-21:30, escuchada el 5 de
abril en espa?ol con sinton?a, ID y locutora con titulares, locutor
con bolet?n de noticias y segmento musical, SINPO 55544.
(Jose Miguel Romero, Burjasot, Spain - hard-core-dx 40, 7)

9799.8 Rep of Yemen Sanaa heard about 1900 after sign off
from 9780 with prg (talks )in arabic and relatively low modulation S5
34333 (Zacharias Liangas 9-4-6 Thessaloniki Greece - CumbreDX 1488) Thanks to Anker for this tip

5010 RADIO GAROUA, 1739 UTC, comentarios en Fr y Ve. SIO/252
(Ignacio Sotomayor, Segovia, Castilla, Espana - dxldyg 788)

[and non]. Firedrake banging away on 15510 at 1909 April 7, but its
victim only slightly weaker. At first it did not sound like Mandarin when a man
was talking, but did once a woman took over at 1910. This would be R. Free Asia
via Tinian (Glenn Hauser, OK - dxldyg 787)

3950 kHz, Xinjiang PBS en chino, 0017-0020 UTC, 09-04-2006, comentarios por locutor, programa en paralelo con las frecuencias 5060, 5960 y 7310 kHz,

34433 (Jose Bueno, Cordoba, Spain - NoticiasDX 1241)

6035 kHz, La Voz de Guavire ene espanol, 2354-2359 UTC, 08-04-2006, transmision de un partido de futbol, 32432
(Jose Bueno, Cordoba, Spain - NoticiasDX 1241)

4010 kHz, Kyrgyz R 1 en ?ruso?, 0021-0027 UTC, 09-04-2006, comentarios por locutor en idioma, probable, ruso, programa en paralelo con la frecuencia 4795

kHz, 44333 (Jose Bueno, Cordoba, Spain - NoticiasDX 1241)

Sunday Apr 9, 06 (Presumed)11960 at 1630z, tuned in to very
excited male announcer calling a sporting event. I think it was in
French with an African accent but the announcer was so excited and was
speaking so fast I'm not certain. It wasn't in parallel with any of the
Portugeuse or Spanish frequencies that are often heard with football
matches on weekends. There seemed to be a break in the contest at about
1650z with African music filling the gap. Contest resumed after 1700z
but there was interference on the channel from another broadcast that
started at about 1700z. (Jerry Lenamon, Waco, Texas - dxldyg 788)

6185 kHz, Radio Educacion en espanol, 0202-0207 UTC, 09-04-2006, cancion mejicana, informan de la direccion para escribir al programa "Sintonia Libre",

33333 (Jose Bueno, Cordoba, Spain - NoticiasDX 1241)

5005.3 R Nepal is again at carrier-only, 300 Hz above nominal freq -
no audio hrd at 4/9 0015 check from DX Tuner SA - normally a good spot for
S. Asian reception in this time period. Their periods of operation seem to
be getting shorter each time they fix the modulation problem.
(Bruce W. Churchill, La Mirada, CA - CumbreDX 1487)

R.Azad Kashmir (Islamabad), 4790 kHz, saturday, 8th of April 2006, talk in kashmiri,
S/I/O=2-3/4/3. Clear ID at 1600 UTC, followed by news in english by a
soft-voiced YL. After the short english section, kashmiri program continued
(I forgot already the time of the second language change, ILG says 1615
UTC). (Matti Ponkamo, Naantali, Finland - CumbreDX 1488)

5023 R. Pakistan Quetta w/ fair sigs and adj ch QRM hrd 4/10 from
1738 tune thanks to Korinek's Copperton (SA) 4/8 DXpedition report - my
virtual "DXpedition" was via DX Tuner Johannesburg. Local songs with man ann
to 1802, short pgm anmt by man at 1802, YL w/ what sounded like nx pgm
1802.5 to 1807, then Call to Prayer by man to 1810 fol by either s/off or
fading under adj ch QRM. Nominal s/off is 1810. Thanks to R. Rebelde during
Quetta's 0045 tranmission and the time of day of this 1700 time slot, Quetta
is an otherwise non-happening on WCNA.
(Bruce Churchill, Usa - CumbreDX 1489)

9720 Radio Victoria, Lima, 1125-1132, April 05, Spanish,
programme in live!: "...las personas que engrosaron a nuestra
Iglesia Pentecostal Dios es Amor......m=E1s informacion desde la puerta
de entrada del templo de la Iglesia Pentecostal Dios es Amor", 34433
Inussual hour for listener this station in my city
(Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - CumbreDX 1485)

4620.51 Peru Radio Espacial, Otuzco 0956 -1030 "...onda media ...Peru" at tune in; rooster sound effects, musica linda - 9 April
(Robert Wilkner, Pompano Beach, Florida - CumbreDX 1487)

4385,75 kHz, probable Radio Imperio, 0047-0057 UTC, 09-04-2006, cancion de mujer, musica andina, 23222
(Jose Bueno, Cordoba, Spain - NoticiasDX 1241)

6019,63 kHz, Radio Victoria en espanol, 2340-2352 UTC, 08-04-2006, programa religioso, hora local, historia de una familia, comentarios sobre el perdon,

convocatoria para festival de musica cristiana, los domingos 9, 16 y 23 de Abril y 7 de Mayo, participaran grupos musicales, entrada libre, 43433
(Jose Bueno, Cordoba, Spain - NoticiasDX 1241)

6193,50 kHz, posible Radio Cusco, 0208-0211 UTC, 09-04-2006, se escuchan canciones peruanas, 12421
(Jose Bueno, Cordoba, Spain - NoticiasDX 1241)

Радио России в -1000-1100- хорошо слышно на 6030 и 13665.
на 6080/6115 слабо была Белоруссия
на 11750 отлично РМР (Виктор Рутковский, Екатеринбург, Россия - open_dx 1107)

R. Damascus, 12085, April 8 at 2300 good carrier, but very low
modulation and lo het of about 150 Hz from CRI, easily recognizable by the CRI
opening theme. Closest to an ID I got was ``Republica Arabe de. . .`` Nothing
audible on 13610, but WBCQ, very strong on 9330-CLSB also had the usual
slightly wavering het no doubt from Syria. Meanwhile, nearby Cairo 12050 in
Arabic was very strong and adequately modulated, unlike English on 11950; see
EGYPT (Glenn Hauser, OK - dxldyg 787)

В летний период вещания, то есть с 26 марта 2006 г. до 29 октября 2006 г.,
программа Radio Slovakia International (Международного Радио Словакии) на
русском языке выходит в эфир ежедневно на коротких волнах с 13:00 до 13:30
(UTC) на частотах 7345 и 9440 КГц ( 41 и 31 м).

Программа повторяется в тот же день с 15:00 до 15:30 (UTC) на частотах 7345
и 11715 КГц (41 и 25 м) .

Второй повтор звучит в тот же день с 17:30 до 18:00 (UTC) на частотах 5 920
и 9485 КГц (49 и 31 м).
(Елена Врабелова, зав. Русской редакцией RSI через Дмитрия Кутузова в open_dx 1110)

11915 WWRB Manchester TN, 1935-2002+, 7-Apr; Investigative Journal pgm;
calls from folks who have been conspired against; assassination
plots, secret societies, New World Order, coverups, big money
media monopoly, etc. Pgm continued after 2000. WWRB & Republic
B'casting Net spots just before ToH. All in conspiratorial EE.
SIO=3+33+, buzz QRM & slop from jammed Marti on 11930, LSB helps.
17705 Voice of Athens via Delano FL; 1841-1850+, 7-Apr; M in GK
w/phone call & GK music; ID as "A Voz Atena" @1850. S25 sig.
//spur on 17837.1; tnx to tip from Glenn Hauser. (Harold Frodge-MI - CumbreDX 1488)

4635,05 kHz, Tajik R 1 en tajik, 0100-0106 UTC, 09-04-2006, comienza el programa con comentarios, despues himno, comentarios por locutores, mujer y

hombre, 23332 (Jose Bueno, Cordoba, Spain - NoticiasDX 1241)

Several DXers in Japan had monitored that PBS, Philippine Broadcasting Service
came back on 6169.8kHz after long long absence. This station seems to relay
DZRB-Radyo ng Bayan on 738kHz, but detail is unknown because of heavy QRM.
In Japan, this frequency is mainly heard in evening, around 09:00 to 12:00.

Streaming sound is heard on http://www.pia.gov.ph/pbsradio.asp?fi=dzrb-live.
My received sound in Japan is http://tomsk-7.hp.infoseek.co.jp/index_e.html.
(Kenji Takasaki, Mie pref, JAPAN - hard-core-dx 40, 11)

[non]. It`s rather unclear when RFI is supposed to be scheduled,
perhaps affected by the strixe. Among other dates, on April 8, 15515 via Guiana
French ran until 1400*, not -1330; from tune in at 1353 with vocal music in
French, ``RFI Musique`` ID, then same in Spanish and English, and into reggae
with English lyrix. Off abruptly at 1400* without so much as an aurevoir (Glenn Hauser, OK - dxldyg 787)

11615 Voice of ?frica, 18:04-18:08, escuchada el 2 de
abril en ?rabe a locutor con comentarios y m?sica ?rabe, fuerte-
mente inetreferida por ALL India Radio transmitiendo en ingl?s
por 11620, SINPO 42332. (Jose Miguel Romero, Burjasot, Spain - hard-core-dx 40, 7)

The Hindi morning Service of SLBC Sri Lanka was noted =
today 6 Apr 2006 at around 0130 UTC onwards on around 7062 kHz with very distorted audio.
Half an hour later they were on 7007 kHz. They used to be around 7031.5.
The parallel frequency is 11905. (Jose Jacob, Hyderabad, India - CumbreDX 1485 via dx_india)

4814.95 Ecuador R El Buen Pastor, Saraguro 1115-20 with "La palabras de
Dios" ...en el corazon de la patria " 7 April
(Robert Wilkner, Pompano Beach, Florida - CumbreDX 1486)

11970 NHK Radio Japon, 05:00-05:29, escuchada el 5 de
abril en espa?ol con sinton?a y locutora con ID, horarios y frecuencias,
locutor con bolet?n de noticias, SINPO 45444.
(Jose Miguel Romero, Burjasot, Spain - hard-core-dx 40, 7)
Неофициальное Вещание

На Кубу
5910, Radio Rep?blica, 2315-2340,
03-04, comentarios sobre la situaci?n politica en
Cuba y Venezuela, identificaci?n: "Radio
Rep?blica est? contigo", "Esta es Radio
Rep?blica, voz del directorio democr?tico cubano
transmitiendo para Cuba con fe en la victoria". A
las 2330 programa "Entrevista a fondo". Muy buena se?al. 45444.
(Manuel Mendez, Lugo, Spain - hard-core-dx 40, 7)

9565 Radio Mart?, 21:09-21:32, escuchada
el 1 de abril en espa?ol a locutora con entrevista a invitado,
SINPO 34433. (Jose Miguel Romero, Burjasot, Spain - hard-core-dx 40, 7)

Ciao again,
now some tips made on SW from Bocca di Magra (La Spezia, Liguria, N. Italy), made with Dario Monferini.

Rx: AOR 7030, Drake SPR-4, RF Space SDR-14, CiaoRadio H101, Degen 1103
Antenna: Wellbrook LFL 1010

Solar Flux Values WWA : 86 (31 March) 87 (01 April) 91 (02 April) 100 (03 April) 100 (04 April).

A-Index Values WWA : 04 (31 March) 01 (01 April) 01 (02 April) 01 (03 April) 08 (04 April).

kHz, day, time UTC, station, details
2310 02/4 2108-2120 ABC, ALICE SPRINGS, AUSTRALIA, EE Talk show. suff/good
2485 02/4 2110-2125 ABC, KATHERINE, AUSTRALIA, not // after ABC News. good
3279,6 04/4 0512-0515 R. MARIA, VIA TX LA VOZ DEL NAPO, ECUADOR, in SS, Relig.Talks. poor/suff
3291,1 04/4 0520-0526 R. GUYANA, GUYANA Rep., in EE, Talks news. poor/suff
3330 04/4 0503-0523 CHU, Ottawa, Canada, Time signals ID in FF/EE. good
3925 03/4 2105-2108 R. NIKKEI, Tokyo, Japan, in Japanese YL news. poor/suff
4052,5 04/4 0330-0515 R. VERDAD, CHIQUIMULA, GUATEMALA. talks in SS. poor/suff
4746,9 03/4 2315-2317 R. HUANTA 2000, HUANTA, PERU. mx program. poor/suff
4799,8 04/4 0455-0459 R. BUENAS NUEVAS, GUATEMALA, relig. songs. poor/suff
4805 03/4 0030-0039 R. DIFUSORA AMAZONAS, MANAUS, BRASIL, Pop mx oldies, Bee Gees. suff
4825 03/4 2318-2322 R. CANCAO NOVA, BRASIL, Relig. talks. poor/suff
4835 31/3-03/4 *2130-2150 ABC, ALICE SPRINGS, AUSTRALIA, S/on "Goodmorming this ABC" in // 5025 kHz. good/v.good
4874,6 03/4 2034-2045 RRI SORONG, INDONESIA, Gamelan music, id 2045. poor/suff
4885 01-04/4 2200-0545 R. CLUBE DO PARA', BELEM, BRASIL. pop mx, id. suff/good
4910 01-04/4 1950-2050;0400-0415 R. ZAMBIA, talk & afro pop mx. good/v.good
4915 01-04/4 2322-;0530- R. DIFUSORA MACAPA', AMAPA',BRASIL, id, mx. poor/good
4925 02+03/4 2305-0026 RRI JAMBI, INDONESIA, 2305 Nx Jakarta. suff/good
4950,04 03/4 2330-2333 R. MADRE DE DIOS, PUERTO MALDONADO, PERU, Relig. talks. poor/suff
4955 03/4 2336-2339 R. CULTURAL AMAUTA, CUSCO,PERU, Relig. pry. poor/suff
4965 31/3+02/4 2154-2159 R. CHRISTIAN VOICE, ZAMBIA, in EE, Gospel songs. good
4976 01+02/4 0400-;2016- R. Uganda, funky soul music. good
5005 01+02/4 2020-2123 R. Nacional, GUINEA EQUATORIAL, BATA, in SS, mx dance, dedications. good
5010 03/4 0315-0325 R. TV MALAGASY, YL Talks in Malgasci. suff
5025 02/4 2145-2230 R. PARAKOU, BENIN, under ABC Australia before 2200 and under CUBA after 2230. suff/good
5025 31/3-04/4 2300-0600 R. REBELDE, CUBA, most regular signal in 60 mb. suff/v.good
5050 02/4 2000-2010 R. TANZANIA, in Swahili, NOT in // 11735 kHz. good/v.good
5054.5 01/4 0402-0414 FARO DEL CARIBE, COSTARICA, Relig. songs in SS. suff
5470 LSB 31/3-03/4 2051-2216 R. VERIRAS, MONROVIA, LIBERIA. Afro pop gospel songs. poor/suff
5952,5 03/4 2342-2344 R. PIO XII, SIGLO XX, BOLIVIA. Political report in Quechoa. poor/suff
6025 01+03/4 2323-0010 R. ILLIMANI, BOLIVIA, talks news in SS. poor/suff
6160 04/4 0002-0006 CBC RADIO ONE, TX NEWFOUNDLAND, CANADA, in EE, CBC NEWS. poor/suff
6180 04/4 0007-0009 R. NACIONAL BRASIL, MX Brasilian. poor/suff
9675 31/3 2300-2305 R. CANCAO NOVA, BRASIL, id. suff/good
9720,1 31/3+01+04/4 0520-0545 R. VICTORIA, LIMA, PERU, A voz de la liberacion program. suff/good
9779,6 02/4 2040-2049 R. SANA'A, YEMEN, in Arab.(not heard on 6005 too much stations) v.good
11735 02/4 2015-2026 R. TANZANIA, Afro pop mx, not // 5050 kHz good
15150 03/4 1735-1739 VOICE OF INDONESIA, id in EE. good
(Giamiero Bernardini, Milano, Italy - hard-core-dx 40, 6)

Ciao from Italy,
here are some tips on Medium Waves made in Bocca di Magra (La Spezia, Liguria, North Italy) with Dario Monferini from 31 March till 4 April.
Have nice time


Antenna: WELLBROOK LFL 1010

kHz, day, time UTC, station, details

540 02/4 1040-1059 Onda Cero,Barcelona,Catalunya,local id.1058 good
558 02/4 1130-1135 RNE R.5 Valencia, Spain, in // 774 Regional news suff/good
576 02/4 1126-1159 RNE R.5 Barcelona,Catalunya, in // 738 RNE R.1 Barcelona, 612 RNE R.1 TX LLeida, 693 RNE R.1 TX Tortosa, 801 RNE R.1 TX

Girona, Regional Program. good
585 02/4 1120-1125 Vatican Radio + Tunisia TX Gasfa, kuran reading, RNE separated by loop. suff/good
585 01+02/4 1115-1149 RNE R.1 Madrid, Spain, program Comunidad de Madrid. suff/good
603 02/4 1135-1149 RNE R.5 Svilla, Spain, in // RNE R.1 Sevilla, Regional Andalucia. poor/suff
612 02/4 1455-1503 RTM Sebaa Al Ajoun,Morocco, in // 594 TX Ojuda, in Arab. suff/good
621 01+02/4 1126-1144 RNE R.1 Mallorca,Baleares, Regional program in Mallorquin. suff/good
630 02/4 1507-1510 RTT Tunis, Tunisia, sport live soccer game. v.good
639 01/4 1135-1159 RNE R.1 Zaragoza, Spain, Regional service Aragon + CR2 Cesky Rozlas. poor/suff
657 01/4 0522-0529 RAI Campania,Italy, Regional service + RAI Trentino Alto Adige (weak) good
666 01/4 2150-2155 ERA 5 Greece, Greek music (covering SER) good
666 02/4 1131-1150 SER R. Barcelona,Catalunya, in Catalan, also on sunday ! suff/good
675 02/4 1513-1519 Lybia R. Jamahiriya + R. Superloustic, Marseilles, France. suff/good
684 01+02/4 1120-1158 RNE R.1 Sevilla, Spain, Regional Andalucia. suff/good
684 31/3+02/4 1512-;1841- RTT TX Mednine, Tunisia, in //630. at 1841- covering SER. suff/v.good
693 01/4 2210-2235 R. Moscow Relay TX Henningsdorf,Germany, Arabic service + BBC R.5 (nulled by loop) + DW Relay TX Moscow in Russian. suff/v.good
702 31/3 1833-1840 Egypt TX Asswan in Arab + TRT 4 Turkey TX Catalca + RTM program B, Morocco, TX Sebaa Aioun (weaker) suff/good
729 01/4 2150-2155 ERA 1, Athens, Greece, Modern songs Greek, dominant the channel. v.good
738 31/3+02/4 0525-;1845- Truck Radio,Germany, rock & pop mx, dominating at 1845- good/v.good
738 01/4 1105-1159 RNE R.1 Barcelona,Catalunya, jingle " Radio 4 es viva!" good
774 03/4 2110-2115 Egypt TX Abis, in Arab, ID national program + RNE (nulled by loop) good/v.good
774 01+02/4 1108-1156 RNE R.1 Valencia, Regional Comunidad Valenciana, //729 TX Alicante good
783 31/3+02/4 1200-1429 Rock & Gol, Barcelona, Catalunya, special Deep Purple, at 1429 id "COPE Miramar 783 onda media" this is old name of the station !!!

837 01/4 1145-1215 COPE Eivissa, Baleares, Regional service also on sunday. poor/suff
846 01/4 0320-0325 R. North, Donegal, Ireland, country pop music, no ids suff/good
855 01/4 1115-1130 RNE R.1 Murcia, Regional + RNE R.1 Santander, Regional, loop. poor/good
882 01/4 1045-1059 COM Radio, Barcelona, Catalunya, Nx in Catalan. good
909 02/4 1530-1540 UNID Bubble jammimg blocking the channel, Lybia ???
963 31/3 1302-1358 R.Tunis International, Italian program, Id, News, Italian music. suff/good
990 02/4 2257-2259 SER R. Bilbao, Spain, News sport local id + DLR Kultur, Germany poor/suff
990 03/4 2257-2259 SER R. Cadiz, Spain, "Radio Cadiz en el 990 de tu dial" + SER R. Bilbao poor/suff
999 31/3 0520-0529 RAI 1 Calabria, TX Capo Vaticano + RAI 1 Umbria, TX Perugia (more weak) Regional program. suff/good
1017 01+02/4 1930-1950 TRT 1 Turkey, sport live + SWR Germany (nulled by loop) v.good
1026 01+03/4 1935-;2255- SER R. Reus, Catalunya, on sunday local sport + RTA Algeria in Arab. suff/good
1030 31/3 0140-0159 R. Del Plata, Buenos Aires, Argentina, news + id. poor/suff
1035 31/3 0520-0529 RAI 1 Abruzzo, TX Pescara + RAI 1 Puglia, TX Salento Specchia. suff/good
1044 31/3 0623-0626 SER R. Valladolid, Spain, "Hoy por hoy Valladolid" id. + MDR 1 Germany suff
1044 01/4 1941-1950 ERA 1 Thessaloniki, Greece, local program + MDR 1 Germany (cancelled by loop)
1053 02/4 1129-1135 COPE Castellon, Spain, local program. suff/good
1062 01/4 0635-0639 RAI 1 Sicilia, TX Catania, in // 567 RAI 1 Caltanissetta & // 1116 RAI 1 Palermo. Has local service also at this hour. poor/suff
1080 31/3 0620-0629 SER R. Huesca, Spain, local "Hoy por hoy Huesca". dominant. good
1080 31/3 0612-0619 Radio De La Mer, Paris, France, program "Decuvrir l'histoire de la Mer, avec Radio de la Mer", TX 1 kW Romainville + SER network.

1080 31/3+03/4 2155-2159 SER R. Huesca + SER R. Mallorca + IRIB Ibadan, Iran, Farsi suff/good
1080 01/4 1945-1949 R. Racja, Studio Byalistok, Polonia, in Byelarussian. v.good/good
1080 02/4 1118-;1210- SER R. Mallorca, Baleares, local/regional. suff
1107 01/4 1650-2030 R. Novi Sad, relay R. Beograd 1, Seria C.G., in // 1602 kHz. (AFN looped)
1125 02/4 1140-1145 RNE R.5 Castellon, Spain. in // RNE R.1 Valencia 774. suff
1130 31/3 0505-0512 WBBR, New York, NY, USA, "Bloomberg Business 1130", better in LSB. poor/suff
1134 02/4 1133-1138 COPE Menorca, Baleares, local proram. suff
1143 02/4 1200-1215 RAI 1 Sassari, Regional Sardinia, also on Sunday. good/v.good
1170 03/4 2025-2030 R. Sawa, TX Al Dhabbaya, UEA + R. Capodistria in Italian (under Sawa). suff/good
1170 02/4 1225-1230 R. Capodistria, Slovenja, Italian program. suff/good
1179 02/4 1140-;1225- SER R. Valencia, Spain, local prg, "Valencia al dia, 1179 onda media" suff/good
1188 02/4 1940-1945 Egypt National Radio, TX Ras Gharib, in Arab + Belgium + MDR 1 Germany suff/poor
1197 01/4 0532-0535 Euskadi Irratia, TX Vitoria, in // 1071 kHz, in Euskera language. suff/good
1197 02/4 1935-1939 Egypt National Radio, TX Alexandria, Mx Arab modern + R. Virgin, UK poor/good
1206 02/4 1920-1925 R. Rashet Dalet, Israel, sport program + France Info poor/suff
1224 02/4 1108-1158 COPE R. Mallorca, Balares, local program. suff/good
1224 02/4 0005-0008 Herri Irratia, San Sebastian, Spain, in Spanish, local program + COPE night program. suff/good
1233 02/4 1806-1809 Pure FM, Belgium, TX Rocourt, pop mx & Ids in French. good
1233 02+03/4 1820-2208 TWR relay Cape Greco, Cyprus, in Arab & other languages
1242 02+03/4 1730-1815 R. Skopje 1, Macedonia, in Bulgarian 1730 + Virgin UK (looped). suff/good
1242 02/4 1900-1910 R. Promin, Ukraina, jingles, id, pop mx Ukrainian + Skopje 1 poor/suff
1242 02/4 1911-1915 R.Oman BC, Oman, in Arab + France Inter (looped). poor/suff
1251 02/4 1749-1755 Studio Szeged, Slovak Program, Hungary, 2 TX not syncronized. suff/good
1260 02+04/4 1734-1750 SER R. Murcia, Spain + Vatican Radio in Spanish! + R. SAWA (Relay Rodhos, Greece) in Arab. poor/good
1269 02+03/4 1111-;1706- COPE R. Figueres, Catalunya. (at 1706- Novi Sad is making QRM). suff/good
1269 03/4 1706-1745 R. Novi Sad, Serbia C.G., Melodic National songs (dominating the channel). good
1277 03/4 1731-1735 ERA 1 TX Florina, Greece, sport (covering France ,Strasbourg). suff/good
1287 03/4 1725-1729 SER R. LLeida, Catalunya, local news in Catalan. suff
1287 03/4 2255-2259 SER R. Burgos, Spain, "Cadena Ser Burgos" id. suff/good
1287 31/3+01+02/4 1725-;2015- R.Galei Zahal, Israel, in // 6973 kHz (v.good) & // 1369 kHz. good
1296 02+03/4 1109-;1750- COPE R. Valencia, Spain, local program. (at 1750- BBC DRM noise & Bulgaria R. Christo Botev QRM. suff/good
1296 02+03/4 1945-;2350- UNID Arab station + COPE + BBC DRM. (loop to east) new Iraqi tx? poor/suff
1305 31/3 1755-1759 RNE R.5 Ciudad Real,Spain, local program + PURE FM, Belgium poor/suff
1305 01-03/4 1728-2010 Presumed R. Girokaster/Greek Station? No stop Greek/Balcan music, very good modulation, stable frequency. Doesn't sounds like a

pirate station. suff/good
1314 02/4 1720-1725 R. Antena Satelor, Romania, Tx Ortisoara. (Norway looped). good
1332 31/3 0609-0611 Classic Gold Digital 13-32,UK, Jingle + Id. + Cesky Rozhlas. suff/good
1350 31/3 1850-1910 Funkfkirchen Studio Pecs, Hungary + R. Orient, France (in Arab) + Egypt National Radio, TX Qusier. suff/good
1359 31/3 0532-0608 Classic Gold Breeze,Chelmsford,UK, id Jingle + RNE R.1 Madrid (partly looped) no DRM noted. suff/good
1370 04/4 0456-0459 WDEA, Ellsworth, ME ,USA. with CBS news, id, poor/suff
1385,5 31/3+02+03/4 1910-2015 Pirate Greek, bad modultation, drifting up/down, blocking 1385-1386 kHz. suff/good
1386 01/4 0325-0330 KBC Kenya, afro pop + Egypt TX Dakhala, Kuran program. suff/good
1390 01+03+04/4 0345-0505 WEGP, Presque Isle,ME, USA. with America Radio Network. ID "WEGP 13-90 and WREM 7-10". lot of free call 1-800.

1390 31/3+04/4 0452-0456 WPLM, Plymouth,MA ,with Money Matters Radio Network. poor/suff
1395 02+03/4 1715-1720 R. Yerevan, Home Service, news, long phading. poor/suff
1413 31/3 1825-1829 RNE R.5 Girona, Catalunya, news car traffic. suff/good
1422 03/4 1800-1810 RTA TX Ouled Fayet, Algeria, in Arab (not in // 252 at this hour) + Saar Welle, Germany looped. suff/good
1431 02/4 *1700-1715 R. Moscow Italian Service TX Wilsduff, Germany (TNX info BCL News R.Scaglione) + RAI 1 + R. SAWA TX Djibouti. A real bad

choose for an Italian service. poor/suff
1431 01+02/4 2005-2238 R.SAWA, TX Djibouti + RAI 1 (almost totally cancelled by SAWA). good
1440 01/4 2020-2030 R. Beograd, Serbia C.G., reactivated TX, not listed in the good EMWG MW list in //1107 kHz + China via Relay Luxembourg + Saudi

Arabia TX Damman. suff/good
1449 31/3 1810-1815 R. Lybia with super signal over RAI 1 stations. with modern Arab chanting. good/v.good
1467 04/4 2240-2245 Saudi Arabia station, in // 1521 kHz. suff/good
1470 03+04/4 0430-0448 XEAI, R. Formula, Mexico, DF, health care program, adverts. poor/good
1470 31/3+02/4 0330-0505 WWNN, Pompano Beach, FL, USA. Sport news. Mixed up/down WLAM. poor/suff
1470 31/3-04/4 0300-0511 WLAM, Lewiston, ME, with ESPN Sport Radio. (splash at 0345-0400 from 1467 kHz TWR) suff/good
1470 02/4 0455-0457 CPN Radio, Lima, Peru, news in Spanish. poor/suff
1476 01/4 0325-0330 Egypt Holy Kuran channel in //1386 kHz, TX Souhag. suff/good
1476 02/4 2315-2319 IRIB R. Sanandaj, in Farsi, alone on channel. poor/suff
1485 03/4 1852-1901 Onda Rambla Cadena Punto Radio, Vilanova, Catalunya, local id 1858 + AFN Baviera, Germany, in English. poor/suff
1494 01/4 1001-1029 RCFM Frequenza Mora, Bastia, Corse, France, Saturday Program R. Mediterraneo, bilingual Italian/Corse program. Special Mountain Bike

& Cycle trekking in Corse & Sardinia. Studios connection with R. Press Cagliari. Same program hrd in // 1404 kHz TX Ajaccio. It is repeated monday at

1830-1859. good/v.good
1500 04/4 0444-0448 XEDF, R. Formula, Mexico, DF, not in // 1470 kH! economic program, poor/suff
1500 04/4 0348-0509 WTWP, Washington, DC, USA. "WTWP 15 news radio" Floods report in central west areas. better in LSB. poor/good
1503 01+02/4 1635-;2120- IRIB TX Bushehr, Iran, in Farsi + Egypt (nulled by loop). suff/good
1503 31/3+01/4 1815-;2110- Egypt North Sinai Radio, Arab Chanting + RNE R.5 Network, Spain suff/good
1503 31/3 0550-0559 RNE R5 TX Campo Gibraltar, Relay of RNE R.5 Cadiz with Regional Andalucia. suff/good
1503 02+03/4 1625-1658 R. Zavidovici, Bosnia H., folk songs Bosnian & bad audio. suff/good
1510 31/3+01+04/4 0350-0441 WWZN, Boston, CT, USA. "Sporting Radio News" better in LSB suff/good
l512 31/3 1820-1825 ERA Sport, Greece, TX Chania. v.good
1520 31/3+01+02/4 0447-0510 WWKB, Buffalo, NY, USA. "KB Radio 15-20" Sport live poor/suff
1521 31/3+02/4 0555-;1212- SER R. Castellon, Spain, at 1212- daylight listening. suff/good
1521 31/3 0558-0601 Classic Gold Digital 15-21, Duxhurst, UK. Id + Jingle. poor/suff
1539 03/4 2234-2235 SER R. Elche, Spain, Local id + SER R. Manresa, Catalunya. 1 minute local advert. poor/suff
1550 02+03/4 2245-2350 R. National Rep. Democratica Saharawi, in Arab. Better in USB. poor/suff
l565,6v 02+03/4 1730-1930 Greek Pirate, again active here blocking the channel. Bad audio. suff/good
1566 02-04/4 2140-0015 AIR Nagpur, India, English news in //9470 kHz at 2140. suff/v.good
1570 31/3+01/4 0354-0512 CFAV, Laval, PQ, Canada. in French, talk show quite boring. poor/good
1570 31/3 0359-0405 UNID in Spanish, news talks, Mexico? XERF? poor/suff
1584 31/3+02/4 1004-;1310- R. Studio X, Momigno, Italy. Studio Dx Italian Dx program with R. Scaglione. Sunday 1004- & repeat Monday 1300-. Jingles:

"Studio X 1584 kHz in tutto il nord Italia,e dal calar del sole buon ascolto Europa!" good/v.good
1593 02/4 1610- R. Cluj, Romania, in // 909 kHz (v.good). suff/good
1600,6 02+03/4 1650-1859 ERA Kavala, Greece, local id 1659. suff/good
1602 31/3 1920-2240 R. Vitoria, Euskadi, news + SER network. suff/good
1602 01/4 2055-2105 R. Beograd 1, TX Sjenica, Serbia C.G., in //1107 kHz. suff
1602 01+02/4 1640-2059 R. Leskovac, Serbia C.G., local program music 1640 hours. suff/good
1602 31/3 0559-0615 R. Waddenzee, Netherlands, pop oldies. Id + jingles !!!! suff/good
1620 31/3-04/4 0357-0508 USVI, WDHP, US Virgin, BBC world news 0400, 0500. QRM Greek pirate around 1618-1622v kHz. poor/good
1620 31/3 0403-0505 WTAW, College Station, TX, USA. Newstalk, under WDHP. poor/suff
1630 31/3+03+04/4 0403-0506 WRDW, Augusta, GA, with ABC News. better in USB. poor/good
1636,1 01/4 2125-2159 R. Barons, Dutch Pirate, "The best radio station Barons" id. good/v.good
1640 31/3+03/4 0408-0510 WTNI, Biloxy, MS, news talks. better in LSB. over/under WKSH. poor/good
1640 31/3 0425-0438 WKSH, Sussex, WI, ABC news, supposed to be still R. Disney (no id hrd) poor/suff
1640 03/4 0420-0440 R. Juventus Don Bosco, Santo Domingo, Dominicana, Religious in Spanish, id, suff
1650 31/3+01+03/4 0405-0520 WHKT, Portsmouth, VA, USA. R. Disney ids, rock pop mx, ABC News. Good
1650 01/4 0455-0500 Tent. KWHN, Ft. Smith, AR, USA, lot of adverts. mixed under WHKT. poor
1660 31/3+01/4 0350-0450 WWRU, Jersey City, NJ, USA, Korean with Yankee slang, suff/good
1660 31/3+01+04/4 0305-0458 WCNZ, Marco Island, FL, USA, Program Relevant Radio, poor/good
1660 02/4 0420-0429 WGIT, Canovanas, PR, Portorico, "Gigante 16-60" music melodic. poor/suff
1670 31/3+01/4 0440-0451 WMWR, Dry Branch, GA, USA, "Latina como tu" Melodic songs Spanish. suff
1680 31/3-04/4 0413-0459 WLAA, Winter Garden, FL, USA, "Ke buena" Jigles. poor/good
1680 31/3 0415-0426 WDSS, Ada, MI, USA, R. Disney jigles, pop rock music, under WLAA. poor/suff
1690 01+04/4 0455-0512 WWAA, Avondale Estates, GA, USA, Air America nat program, phone calls. good
1690 31/3 0445-0503 WPTX, Lexington Park. MD, USA, "News talk 16-90". CBS news. poor/good
1700 31/3-04/4 0353-0518 WEVP, Huntsville, AL, USA, gospel songs & talks. USB better. poor/good
1700 31/3+01/4 0445-0512 KVNS, Brownsville, TX, USA, newstalk show, up/down WEUP. poor/suff
(Giampiero Bernardini, Milano, Italy - hard-core-dx 40, 6)

Repport from:
Bogdan Alexandru Chiochiu
4190 Edward Higgins
H8Y 3M9
Pierrefonds / Montreal (West Island), QC
Sangean CST-818 and long-wire connected to the encoding cable which was it's self connected to the EXT. ANT. jack
Sanyo MCD-S830 with it's internal ferrite bar antenna

4915 BRAZIL, Radio Anhanguera, Goi?nia APR 2 0348 when I wasn't ready for sleep yet and APR 3 0315 too with Brazilian and international pops. Good

reception on APR 2 (SINPO 35444-3 - O = 70% of reception quality). There is nothing to hear on 60m during the mid-evenings hours (9PM to local midnight /

0100 to 0400 UTC in the spring, summer and early fall and 1 hour earlier in the fall and winter months) aside from Radio Rebelde 5025, a few US rel. BCers (i.e.:

WWCR) and Brazilians like this one. Still ZYs on 60 meters are something quite challenging for me in that they are local and broadcast in a language I can only

compare with french, spanish and romanian (and probably a few words could compare to english, because there were Celts in Portugal and in the UK too and their

language wasn't too different, spanish and english are also RELATIVELY close, HungRy = HambRe). Well, enough with the languages lesson. (Chiochiu-QC)

9460 TURKEY, Voice of Turkey, ?akirlar APR 2 2106 - w/ traditionnal flute-based Turkish music. Very strong with just some fadings, but fairly low-modulation.

Not really DX, because it also broadcasts to North-America, but since the low modulation used makes it slightly harder to hear, I'm sending it to CumbreDX and the

other lists therefore. (Chiochiu-QC)

9580 GABON, Africa Num?ro Un, Moyabi APR 2 2101 - Newscast with low modulation and fairly little comprehensibility. Almost the same considerations as for

Turkey-9460. (Chiochiu-QC)

9900 EGYPT, Radio Cairo, Kafr Sil?m-Abis APR 2 2036 - w/ traditional Arabic music with lots of tiring, yet interesting violin melodies (one of the instruments I

like the least, but I loved the Middle Eastern flavor of it). Also some arabic talk. Very good, SINPO 44544 until about 1657 when dropped to fair (overall = 50 %

between 2 and 3 over 5). This drop from very good to fair level is quite surprising. Do they change patterns ? (Chiochiu-QC)

And on mediumwave:

1110 VENEZUELA, YVQT, Car?pano, Sucre APR 5 0107 - briefly audible for a few seconds with a familiar joropo ("...La Caracha, es mi muchacha") through

an ALMOST alone (and otherwise COMPLETELY alone WBT). Very weak ZIZ-555 once, regular Caicos-530 and Cuba on 600 and 670 last night (APR 6

UTC) are the only other southern foreign signals noted, despite a recent increase in solar activity. (Chiochiu-QC)

First of all, I really need to try on a regular basis Marfil Estereo on 5910. Colombians are also special targets for me and this one can be quite challenging, just as was

Radio Mil the first time I heard it. La Voz de la Guaviare on 6035 might break through the Marti-6030 splatter during the right conditions too.

There was a Spaniard DX'er who, 2 or 3 nights ago, got several Bolivian stations. One of them, the most powerfull received one, Radio Santa Cruz on 6135 would

be a nice target for me too and probably a good beat for hearing my first CP. Radio Victoria from Peru would be a great, albeit somewhat easier challenge too. I'm

looking forward listening more actively in the following days. One problem I have to cope with is that I often get powerline noises on LW and lower SW which, on 60

meters, makes for nothing but Rebelde-5025, USA and marginal Brazilians (especially when thinking about the N part of the SINPO). It is not noticeable on MW

(fortunately !), altough our brand new TV set (purchased this late fall, after the end of the chemo) does ruin the 1000s, the 1100s and early 1200s only when it is


Also, as far as these logs goes, I'm surprised I heard Egypt-9900 drop from about 80% of reception quality to around 50% with the noise level increased around. I

would really appreciate is someone would know the answers of this drop in the quality of my reception. Do they change for broadcasting to another part of the world


Last, but not least, I had blood tests today and will have the third scan this next Tuesday. It is not really off-topic, since my health has a great relationship with my

ability to DX. If everything is ok (and IT WILL !!!), I'm looking forward having a beautifool DX extravaganza Eastern break DX'ing my favorite mediyumwave target

from Cape Cod ! (Bogdan Chiochiu, Pierrefonds, Quebec, Canada - hard-core-dx 40, 7)

Repport from:
4190 Edward Higgins
Quebec, CANADA
(514) 685-0714

Sanyo MCD-S830 with it's internal ferrite bar antenna
Sangean CST-818 with long-wire connected to the encoding cable which was it's self connected to the "EXT. ANT." jack of my receiver

1110 VENEZUELA, YVQT, Car?pano, Sucre APR 7 0130 more or less - traditional LA mx, poor at best and WBT QRM. SIO 232. (Chiochiu-QC)

5910 ? Estdos Unidos, Radio Republika ? APR 7 0355 - Cuban politics and announcement as "? Muy buenas tardes Cuba !" instead of "? Muy buenas noche

Cuba !". Bubble jammer in the background. Fair. SINPO 33323-2 (Chiochiu-QC)

6010 COLOMBIA, La Voz de tu Conciencia, Puerta Lleras APR 7 0403 - nice joropo, followed by a gospel-sounding tune and spanish talk. Fairly good with a

very slight fade-in of Radio Mil, XEOI around 0404. (Chiochiu-QC)

Conditions are continuing to be quite subdued, but not much at all in the way of enhanced Latin American reception on mediumwave. On shortwave, it was nice to

listen to the lower-powered La Voz de tu Conciencia. The most surprising thing was the absence of Radio Educaci?n. Could hear just adjacent channel splatter on


Will try very hard for Bolivia, since it is winter down there the next couple of months, if we can just call it winter (though the Andes attenuate the tropical heat and

some of the peaks are even covered by snow). (Bogdan Chiochiu, Pierrefonds, Quebec, Canada - hard-core-dx 40, 8)

I always wondering, since it is a fairly big country, if Mexico ever had =
ever domestic SW broadcasting, other than now active Radio Mil and Radio =
Huayacocotla. I know, mainly thanks to an excellent article wrote by =
veteran Iowa (then Pensylvania) DXer Don Moore, than in the 70s, the 60 =
meters was clock full of YVs, but what's about Mexico.=20

Yesturday, thanks to a nice message from our hard-working colleague =
Glenn Hauser, I learned that the tropical bands weren't used in Mexico =
and it seems quite logical to me when seeing just how much residual D =
layer absorption is present below 6 MHz at noon and how short-haul the =
groundwave propagation is above 1 MHz (a low-frequency high-powered MW =
transmitter is much more up to the job than a lower-powered 90 or 60 =
meters one, if you want to cover remote areas - I can tell this from =
experience where Rebelde-5025 was fair and 770 was EXCELLENT, as was 600 =
and at least two other MW Rebeldes at my Santa Lucia hotel). I just =
heard, from the above-mentionated source, that there were a lot of them =
on 49 meters and also some on 31 and 19 meters. What were their names ? =
When had they quitt shortwave ?=20

I do know, thanks to Jay Novello logs and CumbreDX that not too long =
ago, there was XEQM in Merida, Y=FAcatan on 49 meters. When did they =
start broadcasting ?

I'm also wondering what is the advantage, for non-DXers, to put Radio =
Mil on SW ? Or it is for reaching all of Mexico ?

Propagation above 5 MHz, between 5 and 10 MHz, during the midday is not =
too bad from moderately distant cities and I can tell that while CFRX =
6070 Toronto puts in a solid signal, altough not a super-strong one, =
during the daylight hours, I would never been able to hear Toronto on =
MW, CFRB-1010 for instance, the station which CFRX simulcasts.
(Bogdan Chiochiu, Pierrefonds, Quebec, Canada - CumbreDX 1487)

2117 11815.0 R. Brasil Central,Goiania,PP,tk OM. SF/BN
2119 11775.0 University Network,Anguilla,EE,tk YL. BN

0900 7265.0 BR1,Hrodna,Bielorussia,nxs YL+DRM. IN/BN
0905 9580.0 R. Australia,Shepparton,EE,nxs YL. SF/BN
(31 metri mezzi vuoti)
0912 11679.8 KCBS,Corea N.,mx locale. IN/SF
0915 11770.0 Xinjiang PBS,Urumqi,Cina,CC,tk YL. IN/SF
0918 12085.0 VO Mongolia,Khonkhor,nxs YL. SF/BN
0923 15295.0 Suara Malaysia,ids BM/EE. BN/MB
2115 6250.0 Pyongyang BS,Corea N.,mx locale. MB

0533 6218.9 Laser Hot Hits,mx rock. IN/SF
0536 6274.9 Laser Hot Hits,mx rock. SF/BN
0537 6302.1 R. Scotland Int.,E/G/D,nr tel. MB
0651 6397.1 Orion E.,mx NL. MB

2110 6218.9 Laser Hot Hits,medley 70s. SF/BN
2113 6274.9 Laser Hot Hits,medley 70s. SF/BN

0737 88.700 France Culture,St. Raphael,Francia,tk OMs. IN/SF
(continuo la caccia ai segnali scatter su 95.3 MHz perche oltre a R. 24 da
M. Moscal-VR ne passano altri e qualcosa anche non in italiano!)
(Luca Botto Fiora, Genova, Italy - playdx2003 957)

Some SW Loggings in this order:
kHz - UTC - DDMMYY - ITU - station - language - program - S I N P O

6130 - 1730 - 010406 - ROU - R. Romania - Ukrainian - news - 4/5 4 4 4 3/4
5980 - 1800 - 010406 - TUR - VoT via CAK - Bosnian - news - 4 3 5 4 2/3
7475 - 1500 - 020406 - S - R. Sweden - Swedish - news - 4 5 4 4 4
15190 - 1810 - 020406 - PHL - R. Pilipinas - Tagalog - interview about migrant workers - 4 5 4 3 3
17670 - 1300 - 030406 - MDG - AWR - Vietnamese - EE s/on anmnt "The following program is in Vietnamese." - 3 3 3 3 2
15235 - 1700 - 030406 - AFS - Channel Africa - EE - news - 5 5 5 5 5
9580 - 0120 - 040406 - CUB - CRI via HAB - EE - "News & Reports" with report on Shanghai - 3 5 5 4 3
17800 - 1305 - 060406 - RRW - DW via KIG - Haussa - news - 4 5 4 4 4
4885 - 0155 - 080406 - B - R. Clube do Para, Belem - Portuguese - announcements - 3/4 5 3 4 3/4
5970 - 0205 - 080406 - BLR - R. Belarus - EE - male and lady speakers with news about festivals - 3/4 3/4 4 4 2/3 (// 6170, 2 3/4 4 4 1/2)
5035 *) - 0215 - 080406 - USA - WEWN Vandiver - EE - rel. prgm - 3/4 4/5 3 4 3/4
15460 - 0710 - 080406 - SVK - R. Slovakia - EE - about this year's competition - 3 4 4 4 3 (// 9440, 2/3 5 4 4 2/3)
17540 - 0715 - 080406 - CHN - CRI via KAS - EE - "News & Reports" - 3 5 4 4 3 (// 15465 & 17490)
11740 - 1400 - 080406 - CHN - Central P.'s BS - Chinese - time signal / then male and lady speakers - 3 4 4 4 2/3
12130 - 1410 - 080406 - GUM - KTWR - Manipuri - rel. prgm with singing - 4 5 4 4 4
21695 - 1420 - 080406 - NIG - VoN - EE - talk about freedom and justice / America's Martin Luther / African songs / at 1426 lady with info about Gambia - 3 5 3

4 3
15670 - 1525 - 080406 - EGY - R. Cairo - Pashto - music and info - 4/5 5 4 4 2/3
11670 - 1530 - 080406 - RRW - DW via KIG - Swahili - addresses in Bonn, Kigali, Kampala, Nairobi, Daressalam, Maputo - 3/4 3 4 3/4 2 (// 21840 via WER)
(Gunter Jacob, Passau, Germany - CumbreDX 1488)

8918: American 1774 (STI-JFK, A-300), Position & Selcal Check/w New
York, 4-5-06 @ 1418Z
8918: Air Transat 350 (YYZ-PUJ, A-310), Position/w New York, 4-5-06 @
8918: United 91 (IAD-AUA, A-320), Position/w New York, 4-5-06 @ 1428Z
8918: U.S. Air 1268 (PHL-SJU, B-767), Position & Selcal Check/w New
York, 4-5-06 @ 1429Z
8918: Continental 1638 (EWR-AUA, B-757), Position/w New York, 4-5-06 @
8918: United 993 (IAD-SXM, A-320), Position & Selcal Check/w New York,
4-5-06 @ 1431Z
8918: U.S. Air 295 (CLT-PUJ, A-320), Position & Selcal Check/w New York,
4-5-06 @ 1432Z
8918: United 1267 (IAD-SJU, A-320), Position/w New York, 4-5-06 @ 1433Z
8918: Air Canada 966 (YYZ-BGI, B-767), Position & Selcal Check/w New
York, 4-5-06 @ 1434Z
8918: American 2146 (SJU-ORD, B-757), Position/w New York, 4-5-06 @1436Z
8918: U.S. Air 1131 (CLT-BGI, A-320), Position/w New York, 4-5-06 @1438Z
8918: Skyservice 880 (YYZ-POS, B-757), Position & Selcal Check/w New York, 4-5-06 @ 1441Z
8918: U.S. Air 1297 (CLT-SJU, B-767), Position & Selcal Check/w New York, 4-5-06 @ 1445Z
8918: U.S. Air 1465 (PHL-SXM, B-757), Position & Selcal Check/w New York, 4-5-06 @ 1446Z
8918: American 913 (MIA-BOG, A-300), Position & Selcal Check/w New York, 4-5-06 @ 1454Z
8918: Air Transat 372 (YUL-POP, A-330), Position/w New York, 4-5-06 @1501Z
8918: U.S. Air 1424 (PHL-STT, A-320), Position & Selcal Check/w New York, 4-5-06 @ 1503Z
8918: American 837 (JFK-PAP, A-300), Position/w New York, 4-5-06 @ 1510Z
8918: U.S. Air 1470 (PHL-SJU, B-767), Position & Selcal Check/w New York, 4-5-06 @ 1512Z
8918: American 667 (JFK-SXM, B-757), Position/w New York, 4-5-06 @ 1513Z
8918: U.S. Air 467 (PHL-PUJ, A-319), Position/w New York, 4-5-06 @ 1525Z
8918: American 1985 (PHL-SJU, B-757), Position/w New York, 4-5-06 @1527Z
8918: U.S. Air 653 (PHL-AUA, B-757, Position/w New York, 4-5-06 @ 1540Z
8918: South African 210 (ATL-SID, A-340), Position & Selcal Check/w New York, 4-5-06 @ 1542Z
(Mark Holmes, Marion, IL - wun 24, 8)

2.505,0 dlgz: German Coast Guard BP21 Bredstedt 0555 arq moin wo seid ihr
jetzt ? (6Apr06) (wp3)
3.693,3 dqz28: German Coast Guard Kuewaz 0435 arq qso with dlvd: nr.:002
060635apr06 01 neustadt kuewaz ostsee position zbka (6Apr06) (wp3)
1.915,0 dial: German Coast Guard BMS Oceanic 1833 arq wx from Kuewaz 1920z
guten abend, vielen Dank und ebenfalls ruhige wache (5Apr06) (wp3)
2.505,0 dbgz: German Coast Guard BP26 Eschwege 2202 arq position report
(5Apr06) (wp3)
3.593,3 dlvd: German Coast Guard ZB Kalkgrund 2146 arq position report
(5Apr06) (wp3)
5.153,8 P: rus navy Kaliningrad 1825 cw beacon (5Apr06) (wp3)
5.154,0 C: rus navy Moscow 1825 cw beacon (5Apr06) (wp3)
8.412,0 idr: I Navy Rom 1422 rtty 75/850 idr2 /igj42 /igj43-l-qsl 9458/idr4
/idr3 /igj4 (4Apr06) (wp3)
10.720,0 : unid 1844 cw 5 figure groups, each group twice, short zero (t)
ends with = = 643 643 1tt 1tt t t t t t (4Apr06) (wp3)
10.872,0 C: rus navy Moscow 1821 cw beacon (4Apr06) (wp3)
22.542,0 jjc: Kyodo news Tokyo 1023 fax 60/800 Kyodo news sports (4Apr06)
(Wolfgang Palmberger, Germany - wun 24, 8)

Great tropo opening to Cuba noted at 2128+ GMT today, 7 April (5:28 p.m. EDT).

96.7 MHz Radio Rebelde, unknown site, Ciudad de la Habana; the first one heard
today, often local level and stereo, Cuban pop vocal, then female with ID and
news headlines at 2130, back to music. Parallel 1180 kHz. Standard Rebelde
audio, not "Rebelde F-M" feed. Stereo.

99.1 MHz Radio Musical Nacional, unknown site, Ciudad de la Habana; 2145 tune-in
to female opera, quickly confirmed Musical as parallel 590 kHz. Very good at
times, stereo.

99.9 MHz Radio Cadena Habana, Marianao, Ciudad de la Habana; 2153 tune-in to
Cuban-accented Spanish man, short fill music. Turned out to be baseball game
coverage. "Esta es Radio Cadena Habana" canned ID by man at 2204, back to game.
Good on peaks, stereo.

Thus far, no other Cuban FMers (or Yucat?n/Quintana Roo, M?xico) stations coming
in. Great stuff! First Musical Nacional and Cadena Habana FM logs ever for me.
(Терри Крюгер, Clearwater, Florida, США - hard-core-dx 40, 8)

Hallo 2 all,

First signs of Band-1 Es-DX.
Rather weak signals, therefore only Offsets
to be monitored !

12h52 R1 8M(tent. Lviv UKR UT1/YT1)1682km.
12h52 R1 8M(2nd TX!)[tent. Uman Buky UKR ROS/POCb)1818km.]
12h52 R1 Zero (tent. Cahul MDA TVR1)1836km.
12h54 R2 5P UKR Ushgorod/Mukatchevo UT1(YT1) 1296km.
12h55 R1 8P (tent. Bryansk/RUS or Nikolajev UKR)1952/2031km.
12h59 R1 7M (Unid).
12h59 R2 Zero (tent. Kiev UKR UT1/YT1) 1771km.

Something strange appeared when monitoring E2/HR1 Biedenkopf,
this TVTX has an official Offset of 2M, giving 48.2474MHz for
the Video-carrier. My measuring of this Biedenkopf Offset
was : 48.2483 MHz(!). (Joop Prosee ? - skywaves 1867)
Возобновил в конце этой недели наблюдения за цифровыми трансляциями. После
перехода на летнее расписание заметно активизировалось RNW - в течение дня
передачи для Европы транслируются на частотах 6105, 7240, 7300, 11640,
11890, 11895 кГц. На 6105 прием хороший, но будем надеяться, что вечерних
передач на этой частоте не будет, это бы сделало прием АМ вещания из Сербии,
которое еще кое-как из-за глушения от RTL radio прослушивается сейчас у меня
на Icome только в режиме USB 3kHz со смещенным в крайнее правое положение
настройки IF-SHIFT, совершенно невозможным. На частоте 11895 кГц проверил
качество приема в субботу и воскресенье. Результаты интересные - в субботу
не было видно, и тем более, слышно практически ничего, а в воскресенье - SNR
достигал 24 дБ при стабильном сигнале. Параметры сигнала на всех принятых
частотах одинаковы - 17.46 kbps, mono.

Немецкая волна в новом сезоне осталась лидером по количеству используемых
частот и времени вещания. Хорошо слышно трансляции на 3995, 7265, 13790,
13810, 15435, 15440 кГц, заметно хуже ее слышно на 9690 и 7515 кГц. Ни на
одной из замеченных в уикенд частот битрейт не превышает 17.46 kbps. На
15265 кГц пока еще их не слушал. Не удалось добиться от опции программы
Dream - Live Schedule Dialog корректного отображения расписания Немецкой
волны, даже после апдейта и повторного включения, похоже на то, что
продолжает демонстрироваться расписание зимнего сезона. Возможно, для
обновления данных необходимо какое-то время, в течение которого эту опцию
надо оставлять активной. Попробую в следующий раз.

ВВС сюрпризов не преподнесла, оставшись на уровне зимнего сезона - по видам
используемых в трансляциях сервисов и битрейту ей можно смело дать место

Голос России впервые в этом сезоне применил одновременное использование
передатчиков - сейчас они согласно расписанию работают парами - 12060 и
15780 кГц в дневное и 9450 и 9810 кГц в вечернее время. На 12060 и 15780 я,
правда, не заметил за эти выходные ничего. Результаты на 9450 публикую. За
полтора часа приема CDA - 32%, не могу сказать, что это приемлемый
результат. Параметры сигнала - 17.46 kbps, mono.

Радио Люксембург, если верить расписанию, осталось на частотах 7295 и 7145
кГц. На последней в прошедшем зимнем сезоне прием был очень плохим у нас
из-за помех от аналоговой Немецкой волны, вчера же я на этой частоте не
увидел и не услышал ничего.

WRN Europe по субботам и воскресеньям в эфире на частотах 5820, 11540 и
13865 кГц. Принимал трансляции на 13865. CDA 41.2% при 24dB.

Можно сделать вывод, что принципиальных изменений в структуре вещания не
произошло, как и не появилось новых вещателей. DRM по-прежнему продолжает
оставаться европейским изобретением для Европы, там же, в основном, и

Продолжает увеличиваться количество маломощных передатчиков в диапазоне 26
МГц. Сейчас их там, согласно расписанию, уже восемь, в том числе последний
из замеченных мной на частоте 26045 кГц с мощностью всего 40 Вт в Ганновере.

В субботу в ДХ-конференциях появилась информация о начале цифровых
трансляций из Милана на 693 кГц. В ночь на воскресенье я видел спектр
цифрового сигнала на этой частоте, только непонятно, что это было Голос
России или новая трансляция из Италии. Идентификацию принять не удалось, на
частоте сильные помехи от аналогового вещания из Англии.

Прослушал недавно интервью главного инженера Голоса России ведущему
программы Клуб ДХ. Собеседница Вадима Алексеева, отвечая на вопросы, умело,
но не всегда уверенно, во всем, что касается конкретных ответов на
конкретные вопросы, скользила по поверхности, очевидно, что ее круг
интересов - финансовые отчеты, проектные решения на уровне топ-менеджера,
экспертные оценки, собрания, совещания и международные конференции на общие
темы, исходя из сроков реализации и затраченных средств при перманентном
цейтноте, конечно же, для топ-менеджера это нормально. Жаль только, что при
этом Рашель Моисеевна слушает цифровые трансляции нерегулярно и редко, не
тестирует программное обеспечение и радиоаппаратуру и не участвует в
конференциях радиолюбителей. Требовать этого от нее, конечно же, нельзя.
Вряд ли можно найти топ-менеджера, который обладал бы эрудицией и знанием
предмета разговора также и на уровне инженера-специалиста. Предлагаю даже не
интересоваться, как менеджеры, не зная деталей, умудряются делать
"правильные" выводы, совпадающие с мнением руководства, и не спрашивать, на
каких частотах вещает в цифровом режиме Радио Португалии. Может быть, вместо
этого, просто поехать в Талдом и поговорить с профессионалами, например с
Андреем Шайдуровым? Его коллегам из Новосибирска, думаю, также доступна
интересная техническая информация по теме, но где она? Если бы я вел "Клуб
ДХ", интервью с ними были бы в эфире еще в 2003 году, и они были бы
регулярными участниками программы. К сожалению, пока что российское цифровое
радиовещание и программа "Клуб ДХ" Голоса России со времени начала фазы
активной реализации проекта смотрят друг на друга через толстое
пуленепробиваемое стекло, несмотря на уникальные возможности получения
эксклюзивной информации.
Полная информация в.т.ч скриншоты ID принятых радиостанций и логфайлы на
сайте http://www.travelradio.lv
(Владиир Казгунов, Лиепая, Латвия - open_dx 1110)
SW blog: http://radiodxsw.blogspot.com/ - Blog of Giampiero Bernardini (hard-core-dx 40, 6)
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/udxf/ - Utility DX Forum
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/ut-br/ - Brasilian Utility Forum
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/nasluchy/ - Nasluchy Forum

6130 Mecklenburg-Vorpommern Baltic Radio via Julich. Verification e-mail
statement from DTK-Julich, in 10 days time. v/s: Walter Brodowsky
e-mail: Walter Brodowsky@t-systems.com (Edward Kusalik- Alberta, CANADA)
6130 Mecklenburg-Vorpommern Baltic Radio via Julich. Direct Verification
e-mail statement in response to a e-mail report to this address
info@mvbalticradio.de Reply in 24 hours, promised to send a QSL Card via
Postal reply. v/s: Roland (Edward Kusalik- Alberta, CANADA - CumbreDX 1487)

9980 EDXP via Wavescan/KSDA. Full data EDXP 10th Anniversary Special QSL
Card, in 28 days, for a Postal Report. v/s: Bob Padula (Edward Kusalik- Alberta, CANADA - CumbreDX 1487)

7525 TWR via Irkutsk. Full data E-Mail .pdf file QSL, showing photo of
Puttalam (882 kHz) tower, with accompany QSL statement imposed. This in
response to posting my report on TWR's web site: www.radio882.com.Reply
in 12 days. v/s: E.Daniel Devadoss
(Edward Kusalik- Alberta, CANADA - CumbreDX 1487)

QSL - with complete details necessary for a proper verification - for detailed reception report after 136 days, along with prgm schedule, sticker & "Syria Times".
Since the recommendation to the Syrian Arab Republic Broadcasting Service in 1964 - together with my friend Arthur E. Bear of ISWC London - the station is using

this complete verification text now for more than 40 years already. Radio Damascus' QSL gives the exact date of reception, the time (from to) in GMT, the frequency

in Kc-s / Damascus, Syria /, the power in KW*, "Thank you", Director's signature.
* (Then they used 50 kW. as compared with 500 kW. nowadays.)
(Gunter Jacob, Passau, Germany - CumbreDX 1488)

7415 Radio Six International via WBCQ, Monticello. Full data 'around the
clock and around the world Scotland' QSL Card, with Radio news sheet, in
34 days, for Postal Report.
(Edward Kusalik- Alberta, CANADA)
9840 Truth for the World via WHRI. Full data PPC, signed and stamped, to
a follow-up report.
15285 Truth for the World via WWCR. Full data PPC, signed and stamped,
in 4 months, 32 days, after Postal follow-up report to this address:
Truth for the World, P.O. Box 5048 Duluth, Georgia, 30096-0065 USA Also
a statement that they do not provide QSL Cards.
(Edward Kusalik- Alberta, CANADA - CumbreDX 1487)

WEWN's Frequency Manager Glen Tapley sent ten prepared verification cards - supplemented with signature and rubber stamp of "WEWN Worldwide Catholic

Radio Network" - for reception reports of 2003 and 2004. (Their own QSL card currently does not give the xmtr site Vandiver, Alabama.)
*) Difficult to understand why WEWN sees a necessity to use 5035 kHz in the tropical band for their 500(?) kWer !!!
(Gunter Jacob, Passau, Germany - CumbreDX 1488)

6010 Radio Sweden via Sackville. Full data (except site)
'Stockholm/Nybroviken' card with schedule/Book Marker Tag, in 130 days,
23 days after posting a follow-up report on their web site.
(Edward Kusalik- Alberta, CANADA - CumbreDX 1487)

15160 Radio France International via Meyerton/SENTECH. Full data
verification letter in 24 days, after posting a e-mail report to this
address: Otto Kathy <ottok@sentech.co.za>. v/s: Kathy Otto
(Edward Kusalik- Alberta, CANADA - CumbreDX 1487)

11855 NHK Radio Japan via Ascension. Full data 'water-borne Doll
Festival' card, with schedule/rpt forms, in 135 days, 28 days after
posting a follow-up on their web site.
(Edward Kusalik- Alberta, CANADA - CumbreDX 1487)

Jose Miguel Romero EA5-1022
Burjasot (Valencia)


Giampiero Bernardini
Milano, Italy

Rx: Drake SPR-4 & R-4C (with DDS4); RFT EKD 315; RFSpace SDR-14; CiaoRadio H101; AOR AR7030+ AR5000+ AR3000A-DX; TenTec RX320 &

RX321; Icom R7000 (mod. by Capra) & PCR1000; Lowe HF150; Kenwood R5000 & tuner KT-6040; Grundig Satellit 700 & 500; Yamaha T-85; Sangean ATS

909 mod. & DT-220; Degen DE1103; Alinco DJ-X3 (In all FM rx I use 110/80/53 kHz filters)- Ant: wires 100 m. & 30 m.; RKB 5, 9 & 10 elements FM; DX

One pro; T2FD 15 meters; Wellbrook LFL 1010, loops by A.Capra

Scott R Barbour Jr-Intervale,NH-USA
R75, 200'Beverages, MLB-1, DTS-4

Paz y Dx
Ignacio Sotomayor
Sta. M?. la Real de Nieva, Segovia, Castilla, Espana
Rcvx: ICOM R-75
Anx: Hilo largo de 20 metros
73 всем! И.Л.

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