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Электронный DX Бюллетень WorldDX 62

WorldDX 62
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Короткие Волны
2310 VL8A, Alice Springs, NT yl 1130 with ID and // 2485 VL8K,
Katherine, NT. Katherine signal inferior in strength and quality. 21 March
(Robert Wilkner, Pompano Beach, Florida - CumbreDX 1467)

6020, AUSTRALIA, RA, 1133-1205, Mar.22, English,
Looking for ABC Cyclone Larry coverage but heard ABC
Local Radio coverage of the 18th Commonwealth Games
instead. RA news at 1200. Fair.
(Scott Barbour Jr, Intervale, NH, Usa - hard-core-dx 39, 26)

15344,58 kHz, Radio Argentina al Exterior en italiano, 24-03-2006, 1925-1933 UTC. Documento hist?ricos sobre la Junta Militar en Argentina y los

desaparecidos. Identificaci?n. 44433 (Jose Bueno, Cordoba, Spain - hard-core-dx 39, 26)

6214,06 Radio Baluarte, Puerto Iguazu, 2345+, March 27, Spanish,
religious programme conduced by female, cristian songs, not
identification, 25422 (Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - CumbreDX 1476)

7125 R Belarus *2030- in English. I checked all the frequencies
of R Belarus given in WRTH 2006. This was the "best" frequency. Second
best was MW 1170 kHz with QRM by R Sawa, UAE and R Capodistria from
Slovenia in Italian.

7440 kHz was very, very poor. One could hardly detect the language,
English.On 7340 kHz there was an Arabic speaking station, IBRA R from
from Julich tells my Passport. (Jouko Huuskonen, March 24, Turku, Finland - CumbreDX 1468)

ORTB, 5025, 2230-2302* March 18, poor under Cuba with French talk,
variety of Afro-pops, French pops/ballads. 2301 sign-off with NA by local band
(Brian Alexander, Mechanicsburg PA - dxldyg 767)

R. Bulgaria was still on B-05 schedule, March 26 at 0033 in
English on 9700, with rather low modulation; better on // 7400 talking about
Orthodox religious festivities, and just strong enough to muscle aside the
Cuban jamming on 7405. From UT March 27, English will be one hour earlier and
on 11700 instead of 7400. HCJB will then presumably have left 11700 in turn
(Glenn Hauser, OK - dxldyg 769)

5800 BULGARIA, R. Bulgaria, Plovdiv, EE, 25/01 2253, cancoes bulgaras,
YL: talks. 35543 (Rudolf Grimm, Sao Bernardo, Brazil 25/03/06 - CumbreDX 1471)

4409.7 Bolivia R Eco, Reyes 0050 to 0105 om talk with poor signal, deep
fades. 23 March (Robert Wilkner, Pompano Beach, Florida - CumbreDX 1467)

5680.63 Bolivia Radio La Voz del Campesino, Sipe Sipe 0930; 1020 with
om en espanol with music. Still not strong enought signal for ID. On
the air before sign of of Radio Yura. 23 March
(Robert Wilkner, Pompano Beach, Florida - CumbreDX 1467)

5680,69 Radio San Rafael, Cochabamba?; La Voz del Campesini, Sipe
0940-1040, March 24, Aymara,
Andean songs and some huaynos in spanish. I listened a andean argentine =
song too. Short announcements in aymara by male. Greetings. Local advs (all in =
aymara), 24432 at 0950 UTC and 34333 at 1010 UTC!!!
Low signal at 1030 UTC
(Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - CumbreDX 1467)

6025 BOLIVIA, R. Illimani, La Paz, 24/03 2300, SS, anuncios, OM
> apresentando um programa de mx, chacareras, id. 35433
(Rudolf Grimm, Sao Bernardo, Brasil - CumbreDX 1471)

R. Aparecida, 6134.89, 0200-0216* March 17, Portuguese talk, ads,
jingles, lite music, ID. Abrupt sign-off. Good, but not audible until DW signs
off at 0200 on 6135. Weak // 9630, 5035 (Brian Alexander, Mechanicsburg PA - dxldyg 767)

9504.80 BRAZIL Radio Record, S?o Paulo; 2350-2359 25 March. Fair with soccer
coverage, commercials. Blocked by WYFR sign-on at 2359 (and announcing 11720 and
9715 only). (Terry Krueger, Clearwater, Florida - hard-core-dx 39, 26)

4895 BRASIL, R. Novo Tempo, Campo Grande-MS, PP, 25/03 2247, px
religioso, OM: talks. Px id: ‘A Voz da Esperanca”, cancao. 25442
(Rudolf Grimm, Sao Bernardo, Brazil, 25/03/06 - CumbreDX 1471)

4935 BRASIL, R. Capixaba, Vitoria-ES, PP, 25/03 2228, px cristao,
avisos para Vitoria e regiao, informacao da hora certa. 25222
(Rudolf Grimm, Sao Bernardo, Brazil, 25/03/06 - CumbreDX 1471)

17815 BRASIL, Radio Cultura, Sao Paulo-SP, PP, 25/03 1531, YL/OM:
talks sobre a saude das criancas. Protecao contra a violencia. 25422
(Rudolf Grimm, Sao Bernardo, Brasil - CumbreDX 1471)

5030 Radio Burkina (t); 2151-2210+, 24-Mar; W ancr w/
native chants & took phone call; News 2201-04 then cmtry mentioning
Ouagadougou. All in FF except music. SIO=3+43, improved throughout.
Put in S10 sig @2310 previous day. (Harold Frodge, MI-Usa - CumbreDX 1468)

5030 BURKINA FASO, R. Burkina, FF, 24/03 2342, YL: talks. OM: by phone. 35443
(Rudolf Grimm, Sao Bernardo, Brasil - CumbreDX 1471)

5885 VATICANO, R. Vaticano, Sta. Maria di Galeria, ??, 25/03 2258,
YL/OM: talks, mx orquestrada. 25222 (Rudolf Grimm, Sao Bernardo, Brazil, 25/03/06 - CumbreDX 1471)

Russian to Eu 0300-0328 Daily 3975 6025
1530-1558 Sun 6025 9690
1 700-1728 Mon-Sat 6025 9560
1930-1958 Sun 3975 6025

RNV via RHC, Sunday March 26 at 1421, big clash with WYFR
also in Spanish on 11670, SAH of about 5 Hz. Same thing happened last A-05
season. Even if the parties don`t get along, it doesn`t do anybody any good to
collide like this (Glenn Hauser, OK - dxldyg 770)

R. Gabon, 4777, *0459-0515+ March 19, sign-on with French opening
announcements. 0500 NA, 05091 ID followed by possible news; fair
(Brian Alexander, Mechanicsburg PA - dxldyg 767)

15475 GABAO, R. Afrique nr. 1, Moyabi, FF, 25/03 1623, OM: talks, mx
pop africana (em FF). 35543 (Rudolf Grimm, Sao Bernardo, Brasil - CumbreDX 1471)

4780 Guatemala Radio Coatan, San Sebastian 1035 tune in to vocal
National Anthem of Guatemala, excellent signal. 21 March
(Robert Wilkner, Pompano Beach, Florida - CumbreDX 1467)

4799.60 Guatemala R Buenas Nuevas noted at 0113 and again at 1050
with very poor audio, difficulty with transmitter? 23 March
(Robert Wilkner, Pompano Beach, Florida - CumbreDX 1467)

R. Verdad, 4052.6, March 26 at 0050 with a familiar hymn tune,
something from the fount of blessing. I seriously suspect this is R. Verdad,
the only broadcast station in the world on this frequency, but did not stay
with it as have heard it many times before; but not lately this well, as I was
enjoying a respite from the usual high noise level here on the tropical bands
(Glenn Hauser, OK - dxldyg 769)

4800 R Buenas Nuevas Still missing. I think it has been a
number of weeks now. (Hans Johnson, Mar 27 - CumbreDX 1472)

9955 Radio Republica; 1655-1700+, 23-Mar; SS tunes & cmtry;
many ID promos, "...radio alternativo...". SIO=33-3-, weak jammer &
fady; continued past 1700 but sig deteriorated drastically. Presumed
origin site. (Harold Frodge, Midland MI, USA - CumbreDX 1468)

Voice of Croatia on 7285khz at 0310utc via DTK.
(Ian Cattermole, New Zealand - CumbreDX 1467)

3340 Honduras R Misiones Internacionales, Comayaguela 0100 to 0120;
with espanol cover of Elton John religious song, 23 March
(Robert Wilkner, Pompano Beach, Florida - CumbreDX 1467)

ERA via Delano, 9775, UT Sun March 26 at 0610 still using B-05
frequency, with Orthodox music, but poor signal unlike previous weeks. At least
despite the timeshift already in effect in Greece, this show is still during
the span DL relay is on, which from now on will be on 15190, likely inaudible
until maybe midsummer (Glenn Hauser, OK - dxldyg 770)

11980 GUAM, AWR, via Agat, EE, 25/03 1632, px religioso, cancao
crista. YL: id, leitura da Biblia. 35333 (Rudolf Grimm, Sao Bernardo, Brazil - CumbreDX 1471)

Диего Гарсия
4319U American Forces Network, Diego Garcia, 2150-2200, March 19,
English, interview, report by male. All in USB mode, 25422
(Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - CumbreDX 1467)

Доминиканская Республика
5009.82 DOMINICAN REPUBLIC Radio Cristal Internacional, Santo Domingo;
0006-0007* 26 March. Tuned across the channel only to catch the vocal national
anthem, off. Fair. (Terry Krueger, Clearwater, Florida - hard-core-dx 39, 26)

6612 ZBC-Gweru (3306 x2), 2108-2112, March 19, Vernacular,
afropops, shorts announcements by male, 24432
(Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - CumbreDX 1467)

6689 ZIMBABWE (tent.), Zimbabwe BC Corporation, Gweru, ??, 25/03 2304,
YL: contato com ouvintes pelo telefone (phone-in), mx regional
Africana nos intervalos dos telefonemas. Nota: Pareceu ser de fato a
Radio Zimbabwe, pelas caracteristicas de programa, pela locucao e pelo
estilo das musicas. Em paralelo, nenhum sinal em 6612 kHz. Interpreto
esta frequencia como a Radio Zimbabwe, em principio. Talvez alguns
outros colegas brasileiros ou do exterior venham a comentar esta
frequencia. 25332 (Rudolf Grimm, Sao Bernardo, Brazil, 25/03/06 - CumbreDX 1471)

Galei Zahal, 6973, 3/27, 0100+ SIO:444 Pop and US
music for a while, then a long telephone interview
with a woman. The strongest I’ve heard’em in about a
month. (Andrew Yoder, PA - CumbreDX 1471)

11585 INDIA, All India Radio, New Delhi, Hindi, 25/03 1648, OM: talks.
25422 (Rudolf Grimm, Sao Bernardo, Brazil - CumbreDX 1471)

15175 INDIA, All India Radio, Bangalore, Hindi, 25/03 1547, cancoes
indianas. 35543 (Rudolf Grimm, Sao Bernardo, Brazil - CumbreDX 1471)

Сегодня утром, около 2.30, обнаружил побочные излучения индийского
передатчика на 11620 кГц, появляющиеся вверх и вниз от основной частоты с
шагом в 15 кГц, начиная с 11560 кГц и дальше: 11575, 11590, 11605, 11635...
Дальше не слышно из-за сильных сигналов других станций.

На 11620 ещё работает ЦНР-5 в параллель с 11935 кГц. На 15710 я сигнала не
услышал. (Владимир Коваленко, Томск, Россия - open_dx 1097)

4874,6 Radio Republik Indonesia with "warta brita" at 2130 UTC. Isnt that news in Bahasa Indonesian?
I didnt hear any RRI-ID
b/o pretty poor reception. Signal level was even S7. Whats the QTH I wonder.
(Jouko Huuskonen, Turku, Finland - CumbreDX 1468)

15150 kHz, La Voz de Indonesia en espa?ol, 24-03-2006, 1745-1800 UTC,
programa de canciones, identificaci?n "La Voz de Indonesia en Yakarta".
A las 1755 UTC "Las Noticias en Breve" a las 1800 UTC final del programa en espa?ol. 44433 (Jose Bueno, Cordoba, Spain - hard-core-dx 39, 26)

6065, IRAN, VOIRI, 2142-2155, Mar.20, Arabic, Vocal
music interspersed w/ brief exclamations and sound
bites. Fair/poor w/ 6070-Canada splatter
(Scott Barbour Jr, Intervale, NH, Usa - hard-core-dx 39, 26)

5775, ITALY, IRRS, 2203-2216, Mar.24, English, AR-like
music at t/in, 2 OM w/ banter re activist
demonstrations and gov't monitoring of activists.
Never did get prg. ID. Fair listening in LSB.
(Scott Barbour Jr, Intervale, NH, Usa - hard-core-dx 39, 26)

Каймановы о-ва
Only one standout signal on 14m, March 24 at 1504 was from
some guy on 21305, who refused to give his own call, only partial calls of
stations calling him, and the briefest possible contacts, with 59 readings, 73
and on to the next one, as if this were a contest. Seemed to be working only
Europeans --- Spain, Greece, Germany, Switzerland, Italy. Did mention QSL
manager a couple times, W6VNR, and finally after silence a couple minutes, at
1511 his own call, QRZ? ZF2AH, which Googling confirms has such a manager.
Meanwhile, on 13m, BBC 21470, 21490, Spain 21570, 21610, were audible
(Glenn Hauser, OK, dxldyg 767)

RCI Canada Russian
1500-1529 Russia 11935wof 15325rmp
1600-1629 Russia 11935wof 15325rmp
(Константин Асеев, Курск, Россия - open_dx 1094)

RCI already moved from 17820 to 17800 for the morning service to NAm
(or rather, SE US, Cuba and Haiti, yeah sure), with Sunday Edition around 1430
UT March 26; altho time will not shift an hour earlier for another week. John
Babbis points out that the Week of Confusion schedule still has them on 17820.
But DW is back on 17820, so they couldn`t wait (Glenn Hauser, OK - dxldyg 770)

5860, CHINA, (P)VO Jinling, 1153-1206, Mar.25,
Mandarin, 2 OM w/ talks, pips and "airy" instrumental
musical bit w/ OM talk over at 1200. OM and YL w/
talks and music bits thru t/out. Poor. (Scott Barbour Jr, Intervale, NH, Usa - hard-core-dx 39, 26)

4905 CHINA, Xizang PBS, Lhasa, Tib., 25/03 2242, OM: talks, cancoes
regionais. 25322 (Rudolf Grimm, Sao Bernardo, Brazil, 25/03/06 - CumbreDX 1471)

4990 CHINA, Hunan People’s BS, Changsha, Ch, 25/03 2236, OM/YL: talks.
QRM 4985 Radio Brasil Central. 34433 (Rudolf Grimm, Sao Bernardo, Brazil, 25/03/06 - CumbreDX 1471)

4800 CHINA, Central PBS, Geermu, Ch, 25/03 0110, OM: talks, advs (raro
se ouvir um anuncio comercial em chines, no estilo ocidental). 25432
(Rudolf Grimm, Sao Bernardo, Brasil - CumbreDX 1471)

6080 CHINA, Hulunbuir Peoples BC, Hailar, Mong., 24/03 2345, YL: talks
com mx instrumental em back, cancoes romanticas. 34333
(Rudolf Grimm, Sao Bernardo, Brasil - CumbreDX 1471)

5050 Voice of the Strait (t), 2340+, March 27, Chinese,
music, talk in chinese by male, 22432
QRM from WWRB, USA (Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - CumbreDX 1476)

9610 RTV Congolaise (p); 1922-2008+, Talk in FF & at least
one other LL; mostly LL. Native chants & lite pop-style tunes. Presumed
ID spot @2000 but only hrd word kilohertz. Continued in LL. Buried in
QRN at 1st & improved steadily to SIO=353- to about 1940, then dropped
off some. (Harol Frodge-MI - CumbreDX 1468)

5054.6 Costa Rica, Faro del Caribe, Santo Domingo 1135 noted with
distorted signal "FM"ing. Has been very distorted for the last week 22
March (Robert Wilkner, Pompano Beach, Florida - CumbreDX 1467)

4010 KYRGYZSTAN, Kyrgyz adio, Bishkek, ??, 25/03 0108, OM: talks
(emissora que confirmou com carta-QSL ha 2 semanas, num informe de
recepcao enviado via e-mail). 25322
(Rudolf Grimm, Sao Bernardo, Brasil - CumbreDX 1471)

Hmong Lao Radio still heard during the 1400 UT hour Sunday March
26 via WHRI on 11785. Perhaps there will be a time and/or frequency change from
April 2 (Glenn Hauser, OK - dxldyg 770)

5980 MARROCOS, RTV Marocaine, Briech, AA, 25/03 0002, OM: boletim de noticias. 35433
(Rudolf Grimm, Sao Bernardo, Brasil - CumbreDX 1471)

Radio DMR Pridnestrovye programme heard signing on at 1600 March 28th in English
on new 5910, ex 5960, though still announcing the old frequency. Very strong on
clear channel though overmodulated. News bulletin followed the opening
announcements. (Mike Barraclough, Letchworth Garden City, UK - CumbreDX 1474)

4770 Radio Nigeria; 2236-2240+, 24-Mar; M in EE w/soul tunes
& phone calls. SIO=3+22, QRM from pulsing ute up freq1 & trilling ute
down freq--real mess. (Harold Frodge, Midland MI, USA - CumbreDX 1468)

13700 HOLANDA, R. Nederland, Flevoland, Dutch, 25/03 1507, pop mx, OM:
talks, mx romantica. 35543 (Rudolf Grimm, Sao Bernardo, Brasil - CumbreDX 1471)

RN`s new English broadcast at 0600 to NZ on 9700 via
Bonaire was coming in well here on the first night, March 26 at 0615 check with
news of Argentina, but fading down a bit. Much better signal in Dutch on 9625
(Glenn Hauser, OK - dxldyg 770)

Radio Pakistan on 15100khz. at 0730utc. Poor in English on
this new service to Europe. (Ian Cattermole, New Zealand - CumbreDX 1467)

5039.27 lsb Peru Radio Libertad, Junin om and yl aternating, 1114 ID
simply as "Radio Libertad" 22 March (Robert Wilkner, Pompano Beach, Florida - CumbreDX 1467)

6173.914 Peru Radio Tawantinsuyo, Cusco 1050 to 1120 with excellent
programming but marginal signal. Excellent OA flutes 20 through 23 March.
(Robert Wilkner, Pompano Beach, Florida - CumbreDX 1467)

6115 Radio Union, Lima, 0602-0610, March 28, Spanish,
cumbias, ID by male as: "Union, 24 horas en vivo....Union", 24432
(Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - CumbreDX 1476)

6172,92 Radio Tawantinsuyo, Cusco, 1035-1040, March 28, Spanish,
national news in spanish by male: "....hallan cuerpo de turista en la
provincia de Calca......"; ID as: "...a traves de Radio Tawantinsuyo,
sus noticias..", 23432
(Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - CumbreDX 1476)

9720 Radio Victoria, Lima, 0535-0540, March 28, Spanish,
cristian songs, talk in spanish by male: "...porque asi como =
Cristo...." 33322.- I listened the station in other frequency in //: 6020 Khz with =
23322 (Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - CumbreDX 1476)


HOME PAGE: http://www.radio.com.pl/polonia
INTERNET AUDIO: http://www.wrn.org/ondemand

1200 - 1259 11850 9525
1700 - 1759 7265 7220

1100 - 1125 6180 7285
1300 - 1329 7275 6035
1430 - 1455 7180
1800 - 1829 6095
1900 - 1955 6050 7185

1330 - 1430 7180 6035
1630 - 1659 6060

1430 - 1459 6000
1830 - 1859 7210 6095
(Федор Бражников, Россия - open_dx 1094)

21655 PORTUGAL, RDP, Lisboa, PP, 25/03 1559, cancao portuguesa, OM:
talks. 1600, time pips, boletim de noticias por OM/YL. 45544
(Rudolf Grimm, Sao Bernardo, Brasil - CumbreDX 1471)

6135 PORTUGAL, Deutsche Welle, via Sines, GG, 25/03 0125, OM: talks
sobre a capacidade de trabalho na Europa. 25432
(Rudolf Grimm, Sao Bernardo, Brasil - CumbreDX 1471)

6235 Voice of Russia, Kaliningrado, 2120-2130, March 19, Russian,
russian pops, announcements by male, 24432
(Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - CumbreDX 1467)

5960 Radio Tikhy Okean, Vladivostok, 0932-0937, March 24, Russian,
news by female, Identification by male as: "Govorit Radiostancia Tikhy
Okean....", 35433 (Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - CumbreDX 1467)

Северная Корея
7570 COREIA DO NORTE, Korean Central BS, ?, Coreano, 25/03 2310, YL:
talks, mx coreana (coral misto acompanhado por uma banda militar). 25432
(Rudlof Grimm, Sao Bernardo, Brazil, 25/03/06 - CumbreDX 1471)

9330 Radio Damasco, 22:15-22:25, espa?ol, sinton?a, locutora con ID "Aqu? Damasco radioemisora de la Rep?blica ?rabe Siria", horarios y frecuencias, segmento

musical y el programa "Lo que dice la prensa local", emitiendo en paralelo por los 12085, SINPO 44343
(Jose Miguel Romero, Burjasot, Spain - hard-core-dx 39, 27)

7465 kHz, World Wide Christian Radio en espa?ol, 24-03-2006, 2240-2257 UTC, Programa religioso con canciones del mismo tipo. Identificaci?n. A las 2256

comienza el programa en ingl?s, 45533 (Jose Bueno, Cordoba, Spain - hard-core-dx 39, 26)

15355 ESTADOS UNIDOS, WYFR, Okeechobee, PP, 25/03 1540, px cristao,
OM: leitura da Biblia e comentario sobre Atos dos Apostolos. 35443
(Rudlof Grimm, Sao Bernardo, Brasil - CumbreDX 1471)

9620.4 SODRE Just got a lot harder. China is now here at 1000.
(Hans Johnson, Mar 27 - CumbreDX 1472)

В новом сезоне, Радио Финляндия подкорректировало расписание русских
Теперь на КВ:

08:05 --- 17715 кГц.
9:00 - 11:00 (сб) 9600 кГц.
19:05 --- 5975 кГц.
(Константин Асеев, Курск, Россия - open_dx 1094)

CVC La Voz, 17680, quite strong as usual as late as 0026 UT March 26
in Spanish, but accompanied by rapid motor-boating buzz up to plus and minus 30
kHz, worst at 10 kHz away, and on 17670 could also hear some of the original
audio mixing in. QRMed RA on 17715, and much more so RHC in Quechua; must have
been horrible in Ecuador. Not the first time this transmitter has acted up;
wake up in Calera! (Glenn Hauser, OK - dxldyg 769)

5040.00 Ecuador Voz del Upano, Macas 1100 Liturgical music "...en la
provincia de ....Buenas Dias ....Upano..." 22 March
(Robert Wilkner, Pompano Beach, Florida - CumbreDX 1467)

Экваториальная Гвинея
5005 Radio Nacional (p); 2211-2235+, 24-Mar; Peppy
Afro tunes. No anmts. SIO=3+43
(Harold Frodge, MI, Usa - CumbreDX 1468)

3320 AFRICA DO SUL, R, Sondegrense, Meyerton, ??, 24/03 2335, mx pop
africana. OM: talks. 35433 (Rudolf Grimm, Sao Bernardo, Brasil - CumbreDX 1471)

17770 AFRICA DO SUL, Channel Africa, Meyerton, EE, 25/03 1554, YL/OM:
talks sobre racas africanas. 35543 (Rudolf Grimm, Sao Bernardo, Brasil - CumbreDX 1471)

11890 AFRICA DO SUL, R. Okapi, via Meyerton, FF, 25/03 1612, mx
regional africana em FF, OM: talks. 25542
(Rudolf Grimm, Sao Bernardo, Brasil - CumbreDX 1471)

11890 Radio Okapi, Meyerton, 1603-1610, March 24, French,
announcement by female, Identification, announcements, short talks
by male and female, 25322 (Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - CumbreDX 1476)
Неофициальное вещание

29.03.06 в 02.15 на 5910 кГц обнаружил громкую испаноязычную станцию.
Периодически передаются анонсы типа "Радио Република", дается частота
и направленность передачи на Кубу. В 03.00 прозвучал анонс "Р.Майами
Инт.". Передача продолжалась до 04.00, а затем началась передача
"Немецкой Волны" на рус. СИНПО 34543.
Пока не нашел концов этой станции.
(Александр Егоров, Киев, Украина - open_dx 1097)

780 VENEZUELA, YVNM, Radio Coro, Coro, FalcСn MAR 25 0356 - with Gloria al Bravo Pueblo YV anthem, followed by canned ID and spot for Ruta

Musical Siete-Ochenta which is the program running at this time. Quite briefly with a poor, but listenable signal, then faded out completely with some moderate

CJAD-800 splatter. Also noted somewhat earlier with a plaintive Latin song, unsure at style with almost threshold signal at the time. Unfortunately, it was the only

South American that made to my house the past night ! (Bogdan Chiochiu, Pierrefonds, Quebec, Canada - mwdx 1240)

555 ST. KITTS, ZIZ, Basseterre 14 de marzo 0218 - con m?sica de tipo reggae y soca principalmente. SINPO 44433 con salpicadura desde CHLN

Trois-Rivi?res 550 casi-inexistente cuando oriento la barra de ferrita sobre el axis sur-sur-este/norte-norte-oeste para reducir CHLN que es a 150 kilometros al

norte-este de Montreal. + 18 de Marzo 0155 - locutor masculino en ingles Caribe?o, oyentes al telefono y m?sica. El se?al fue poderoso, con una muy peque?a

salpicadura, pero alg?n zumbido desde una computadora de los vecinos. SIO 423. ? De mucho mejor qu? RVC-530 (SIO 322) ! + 21 de Marzo 0205 - con exitos

adultos contemporaenos de las 80. SIO 233, bastante bueno, aunque el se?al no fue tan poderoso. (Chiochiu-QC)

600, 670 CUBA, las dos emisoras m?s poderosas de la cadena nacional cubana Radio Rebelde 19 de marzo despues la 0100, pod? escuchar un programa

diferente del juego de beisbol de los 5025, con m?sica contemporanea (exitos modernos de la m?sica pop y tropical) principalmente en espa?ol, con un se?al

bastante en alg?n momentos y muchas interferencias. (Chiochiu-QC)

640 GUADELUPA, Radio Guadeloupe, Pointe-?-Pitre, 21 de marzo 0106 - cantante masculino y m?sica zouk-love, sigue con comentarios en franc?s. Pobre y se

desvanece a nada (interferencias Norte-Americanas) despues 2 o 3 minutos. ? Solamente la tercera vez en 2005-2006 para m? ! (Chiochiu-QC)

780 VENEZUELA, YVNM, Radio Coro, Coro, Falc?n, 19 de marzo 0346 - tema de la salsa romantica y desvanecimiento. SIO 122-1. + 23 de marzo 0346 -

durante el mismo momento que durante la noche de s?bado -> generalmente pobre y se pod? escuchar por 8 o 9 minutos, pero bastante durante 3 minutos con

canci?n de tipo dance en espa?ol con sabor tropical y otras temas. Gran identificaci?n a la 0352. SINPO 32222-1 (Chiochiu-QC)

890 CUBA, CMDZ, Radio Progreso, Chambas, 22 de marzo 0143 - con salsa moderna y melancolica. SIO 323-2 y se desvanece. + 23 de marzo 0326 - con

m?sica tropical cubana, sigue con identificaci?n y el programa La Poesia. SINPO 42232-1 (desvanecimiento y salpicadura o, en alg?n momentos, sonido

distorcionado desde WCBS-880 sobre este canal que pod? comprender - m?s qu? salpicadura, se llama "overspills" en ingl?s - lamentablemente, mi radio no

funciona bien en este parte del dial y est? bastante dif?cil en alg?n momentos de disfrutar la hermosa programaci?n de Radio Progreso con el sabor de nuestro hobby,

pero aunque la propagaci?n es un poco al contrario de las dos noches splendides de febrero 20 y febrero 22, yo puedo captarla casi todas las noches, pero no est?

muy st?bil y es menos dif?cil de disfrutat que en los 640 kHz). (Chiochiu-QC)

La propagaci?n fue muy pobre, aunque en la noche de lunes, la ionosfera parec? dar a mi un poco de aurora boreal con bastante pocos se?ales Norte-Americanos

en la parte baja del dial y una captaci?n bastante interesante de Radio Guadeloupe que fue en 2002-2003 y 2003-2004 una de las sinton?as Caribe?as los m?s

f?ciles por aqu?.

Puedo decir que escucho RCN 760 casi todas las noches, pero no comprendo nada tan el se?al est? d?bil. No comprendo por qu?, desde mi lugar de residencia,

Venezuela es mucho mejor que Colombia. En Camag?ey tambi?n encontr? la misma situaci?n y Barranquilla-760 fue la ?nica sinton?a de la patria donde las emis?ras

empezan con HJ. ? No es problema c?mo adoro las estaciones Bolivarianas, pero me gustar?a escuchar algo m?s desde Colombia igualmente.

? Pasa una noche bonita llena de escuchas especiales y de sue?os hermosos y me gustar?a desear a todos los ustedes un feliz fin de semana tambi?n con mucha

suerte en el DX y dentre la vida en general !
Bogdan Chiochiu
"La jalousie est un grand pieux dans l'?volution spirituelle !"
(Bogdan Chiochiu, Pierrefonds, Quebec, Canada - hard-core-dx 39, 26)

The propagation was really awful to Latin America the last night with weak and fading Cuba, ZIZ-555 hammered by some annoying moderate-level splatter from

CHLN-550 (didn't tried to null out CHLN though) and RVC-530 (Turks and Caicos) was weak with some residual CIAO. By the way, I only note them in passing

as of now, but Radio VisiСn Cristiana seems weaker than in the past, don't know if it is because I'm tuning very fast away from them or if there is a problem with their

transmitter and / or antenna. Two other oddities: ZIZ 555 was amazingly regular and strong during this ending DX season. Also an oddity which may not be a real one

is that last night for maybe the tenth time, I noted Radio Coro 780, while nothing readable got through WSB - just weak traces of audio along with a pretty fair WSB

750 reception. Maybe this has to do with the upgrade from 20,000 to 30,000 watts. In fact, I'm almost sure it is due to that. Also, I have to keep on my mind that

Coro is in north-WESTERN Venezuela, more or less 1000 kilometers west of Caracas. While Caracas is SSE, Coro is on an almost straight South bearing from

Montreal and may be slightly closer.

Another important thing, since my return from Cuba, I have been able to hear La Poderosa 6-70 AM on two occasions, the last time being Monday or Tuesday.

Unfortunately, I forgot to report it. Seems slightly more commun than Radio Rumbos. Also on the Wensday after my comeback from Cuba, note it mixing with

Rebelde and a probable third Spanish station. What maked things more confusing was that Rebelde had baseball Cuba vs. Dominican Republic and gived the "hСra

Dominicana". Radio Guarachita, HIAW on 670 is occasionally noted in my part of the world, so I was really messed up, probably more messed up than the

frequency it's self, hi!

Seems like the 2005 - 2006 DX season has more or less ended. The temperatures are climbing and we'll get a maximum of 9 degrees C today at noon.

Apologies for writing so much in Spanish ! I would try to send in logs in EE as much as possible, but since not all of my friends and DXers with which I'm touch are

fluent in English, my subsrciption to the Argie list ConexiСn Digital and my desire to be fluent in 4 languages are important things, I think alternating between English

and Spanish would be the best idea. I'm even thinking toward taking a Portuguese class soon, probably this summer.
(Bogdan Chiochiu, Pierrefonds, Quebec, Canada - mwdx 1240)
To go with the other two Filipino stations (DYHP 612 - DXIM 936) I now have
Radio Tanzania 1214 kHz on my audio web site.


It was recorded at Parnka Point South Australia at 2028 UTC on 23 July last
year. Bit slack getting these recordings done but hope to have a swag of
stations on this web site by the weekend. (David Onley, Belmont, Victoria, Australia - mwdx 1241)

Радио Николаев (1377 кГц)с 1-го апреля увеличивает объём вещания и будет
работать с 7 до 22 часов местного времени (0400-1900 utc). Сообщение зачитывалось
в эфире этой станции. Интересно, кто нибудь кроме меня слышит его? По ЕМWG мощность 7 кВт.
(Ярослав, Одесса, Украина - open_dx 1097)

Иногда в сумерки (утром и вечером) в Киеве он был слышен, пока Франция
не проходила. Но сейчас "Проминь" из Черновцов его напрочь забивает -
хорошо работают ребята...
(Александр Егоров, Киев, Украина - open_dx 1097)

1620 FLORIDA "WBUL" University of South Florida, Tampa; 1700+ 25 March, 2006.
Noted very strong while at the Museum Of Science & Industry (across the street
from USF), as well as all over the campus, with live DJ, rap music, ID's.
Signal audible to about a mile or so south of the campus. Carrier current(ish)
operation that's been active for years, though I've never thought to log it
until now, at least as far as I can recall.(Terry Krueger, Clearwater, Florida - hard-core-dx 39, 26)
Обзоры + Пираты
PERU 6060.86 R. Sinai (pres.) 1045-1100, Strong signal but extremely
weak modulation. Was able to catch end of M tlking at 1048, then rustic OA
flute folk mx. M again at 1052. Canned echo anmnt by W at 1053, and live
M again. Would’ve been easy if 100% modulated. No real trouble
w/Argentina by this time. (25 March)

PAPUA NEW GUINEA 3290 R. Central 1058-1200+, Nothing but NBC pgmming
//4890. C&W song, 1101 usual native mx signature and M in EG w/National nx
from the NBC starting w/NBC ID. 1103 some sort of bdcst info over mx, and
PSA w/ment of Southern Highlands and NBC. Island mx continued at
1107. Still going past 1200. (25 March)

25 MARCH 2006: Went up to the remote site for the special Finn Hits R.
and R. Golfbreker transmissions. Given the lack of success in the past, I
really wasn’t expecting much. Unfortunately I didn’t hear either
station. Propagation conditions seemed pretty decent.

RX: NRD-535D
ANT: Beverage of 300' at 40, and 315’ at 175.
QTH: Pennsylvania State Game Lands #26
Duration: 2240-0110 UTC
Solar Indices: Solar Flux = 76 A Index = 6 K Index = 2 No storms.
WX: Mostly cloudy with a snow shower then clear. Cool 31 F. (-1 C.)

PIRATE (EUROPE) 6290 R. Mazda Hrd a signal here at home at 2215 before
I went out, but it wasn’t there when I got started at 2240. George said
this was R. Mazda. This is the second time now that this has
happened!! (25 March)

PIRATE (EUROPE)?? 6306.61 Mx at 2240 t/in. Wasn’t there 3 minutes
earlier when doing a quick scan. Gone at 2243. (25 March)

PIRATE (EUROPE)?? 6298 Found this at 2244 after 6306.6
disappeared. Poss. mx and M anncr briefly at 2244, 2245, and 2248. Seemed
to be gone at 2251. Not quite strong enough to copy. (25 March)

PIRATE (EUROPE) 6274.98 Laser Hot Hits 2255 Rock mx. 2256 M anncr, but
just too much slop QRM from 6280 bdcster. Was //6219. 2258 ment of R.
North Sea Int and R. Caroline, etc. 0000 M w/end of anmnt giving Web
site. Still pretty decent at 0040 w/series of Jim Croce hits including
“Time in a Bottle”. //4025.34 by this time. Getting fady by 0055. (25 March)

PIRATE (EUROPE) 6220 Mystery R. On at 2320 w/Dance mx. It wasn’t
there a couple minutes earlier or anytime before, so must’ve just signed
on. New or not often played ID by W at 2328. Then the old usual one at
0106. Big signal peaking at S-5 at t/in and S-7 at 0049 on the NRD
S-meter. (25 March)

NEVIS ISLAND 895 V.O. Nevis Only a carrier here at 2349 amid the slop
from adjacent channels, mainly 900. (25 March)

PIRATE (NA) 6925.65 KSUR “K-Sur”, 0024 w/instru. Rock “surf” mx. 0026
surf SFX and ID by M. More of the same mx. 0032 another ID anmnt by DJ
“Big Daddy Don” including e-mail at radioksur@yahoo.com. Gone at 0044
check. Drifting down quite a bit to 6925.45 by 0040. Solid S-7
signal. (25 March)

ISRAEL 6973.12 Galei Zahal Humongous signal. Clear ID at 0100 over
time ticks, W w/nx ending w/ID, and nice signing ID jingle at 0103. (25 March)

26 MARCH 2006: I decided to not to go out to listen last Sunday morning
as the geomagnetic field was disturbed and conditions were horrible. This
morning was much better, however the morning fade-out time is too
early. This will be the last general listening session from the remote
site until next September. No sooner do the stations start coming on the
air than they start fading out. Right now, fade-out is beginning around
0800. So there’s no sense going through the effort to listen for an hour
or two. Conditions were about normal, but quite fady (quick). I managed
to hear at least 8 stations, possibly as many as 10. After checking out
the Great Circle Map for the direction to southern Scandinavia for the Finn
Hits R. test yesterday, I discovered that the direction for the heart of
Europe (UK and Holland) is actually closer to 50. So I changed the usual
direction of the Beverage this morning to around 50. I don’t think 10 is
going to make much difference though.

RX: NRD-535D
ANT: Beverage of 300' at 50 laid out on top of the ground.
QTH: Pennsylvania State Game Lands #26
Duration: 0650-0900 UTC
Solar Indices: Solar Flux = 76 A Index = 6 K Index = 1 No storms.
WX: Mostly cloudy. Cool 26 F. (-3 C.)

PIRATE (EUROPE) 6400.56 Orion R. 0705-0706 “Morning Has Broken” by Cat
Stevens, 0706 anmnt including ID “…Orion R. ?? broadcasting…”. 0708-0711
“Mrs. Robinson” by Simon & Garfunkle, then 0711 “Ain’t No Sunshine” by Bill
Withers. 0720 novelty song. 0722 canned ID w/e-mail and mailing addr,
then live anmnt, morning greeting, etc. 0735 “Seasons in the Sun” by Terry
Jacks. Not as strong as it has been, but it was clear. Drifting up to
6400.67 by 0735, and 6400.72 by 0751. (26 March 2006)

PIRATE (EUROPE) 6309.02 R. Malaisy 0713 recent Rock song (don’t know
the title or artist), 0714 some sort of quick jingle, then another Rock
song. 0727 Dance song, and another at 0728. 0733 another jingle, but
couldn’t copy it. 0746 M anncr in GM over mx, much weaker and couldn’t
copy. M again at 0753. Good strength at t/in. Getting really fady by
0725, and fading fast at 0752. Carrier still in at 0830. Thought this was
CWR at first until I saw Achim Brueckners logging of this. (26 March)

PIRATE (EUROPE) 6300.28 R. Scotland Int. 0724 M anncr w/ment of
“…signal…I try to…”, but too much UTE QRM from above to copy
more. 0725-0728 Rock/soul song. 0728 nice ID and e-mail annmnt. Clear at
this time briefly. UTE started back up when “Tonight” by CCR began at
0729. 0737 “I Am A Rock” by Simon & Garfunkle. 0738 song anmnt, listener
acknowledgment, “…I’m closing down now…”, then brief history of the
station, ID and e-mail addr, then GM anmnt. Sign-off at exactly
0745:50. Nice signal when clear. (26 March)

UNID. 6288.81 Weak carrier here at 0748. Poss. audio but couldn’t been
my imagination. Certainly sounded like mx at 0826, but that could’ve been
bleed-over from 6290.03. (26 March)

PIRATE (EUROPE) 6239.65 Laser Hot Hits via JRRI 0749 Rock mx. 0810
“More than a Woman” by Tavaras. 0818 canned ID and addr anmnt, back to
mx. Sounded like it was a BRI pgm at 0844 recheck w/Web site and definite
ment of “Britain Radio 48”. Drifting down as usual to 6239.5 by
0832. Fading at 0850. (26 March)

PIRATE (EUROPE) 6290.05 R. Mazda OC at 0802, then getting some weak
audio. Rock mx at 0804. 0817 still going w/mx. 0823 clear briefly w/Rock
mx and M vclist. 0835 end of M anmnt during recheck. 0838 M anncr briefly
through the UTE QRM. Of course as soon as the anmnt was over, the UTE
stopped!! Voice audio much stronger than the mx. Horrible pulsing UTEs
here (at least 3), one S-30+ strength!! Occasionally there would be very
brief periods on order of 20 seconds or so where it would be clear. IDed
per Dr. Tim. (26 March)

UNID. 6208.21 KQSB (old NA pirate) Caught a signal here at 0811 in
between bursts from the machine-gun UTE. Strains of mx. Just not strong
enough. Drifted down to 6208.15, but then back up to 6208.23 by 0833. Dr
Tim says this was via a US station but I have doubts for 3 reasons. In
most of my reception reports when I include a CD of my reception, I’ll also
include studio recordings of old US pirates that I have, ie KQSB. I
suspect a European pirate may have been replaying this recording. The
second reason is that the signal was so weak here. If it was in the US, I
would more than likely get readable audio from it. In the past when I was
seriously into NA pirates, there were very few (even purportedly on the
west coast) that I couldn’t hear. Third, KQSB has been gone and not
reported (as far as I know) for 20 years. Nothing was recently reported on
the ACE loggings page on the FRN Web site. I’m very curious to see if
anyone in Europe was hearing this. (26 March)

PIRATE (EUROPE) 6274.99 Laser Hot Hits Hrd throughout the listening
session 0650-0900 with a pretty steady signal (except for the quick
fades). There was no sudden dramatic peak today like in the recent
past. (26 March)

UNID. 12256.3 Just a carrier here at 0847. Might not even be WRI. Too
much noise around this freq. which I believe may be a receiver issue. (26

UNID. 6220.86 A carrier here at 0852. Poss. audio at 0855. Dr. Tim
says this was Mystery R., but I had it down much lower almost exactly on
6220 earlier. I would be surprised if it had jumped up almost 1 full
kHz. (26 March)

UNID. 6199.27 As I tuned in at 0856, there was a definite carrier
here. It disappeared a minute later. Someone tuning up maybe?? Or did I
catch the very end of the xmsn?? (26 March)


6304.99 R. Blue House Nice cd and letter in 1 month for report to SRS
Germany. Confirmed his broadcast was relayed by a Dutch pirate using
somewhere between 500-1000 watts!! (24 March 2006)
(Dave Valko - CumbreDX 1471)

Logs for 24/Mar:

2813.9 MTI: RN PLYMOUTH 1934 RTTY 75/R/200 CARB "02 02a MTI"(24/Mar)(DW)
2840.7 ---: GERMAN CG ?UNIT 2023 SITOR/A 100/E/200 Selcals IMXU - no response. Agn 2022 (24/Mar)(DW)
2845.0 PBB: DN DEN HELDER 1930 RTTY 75/N/850 CARB (24/Mar)(DW)
(Day Watson, Clevedon, UK - wun 23, 57)

Logs for 25/Mar:

4166.3 XSS: UNID 0857 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Clng XFY (25/Mar)(DW)

4226.5 XFY: UNID 0817 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Clng XSS (25/Mar)(DW)

6712.0 03: ARINC REYKJAVICK 1543 HFDL on usb. Squitters. QSX 6712, 8977,
15025. 1544z log on cfm to ICAO to 4D010A (25/Mar)(DW)

6712.0 ---: FLIGHT CLX775 1549 HFDL on usb. ICAO 4D0128. Log on request.
Psn 55 30N 4 35W. 1550 logon resume ICAO 4D0120(?) psn 52 38N 6
51W. 1555 psn 52 18N 5 53W (25/Mar)(DW)

6712.0 ---: FLIGHT CLX796 1543 HFDL on usb. Psn 53 20N 4 8E. 1548 psn 53
49N 3 50E logon resume ICAO 4D010A (25/Mar)(DW)

6712.0 LXSCV: FLIGHT CV775D 1550 HFDL on usb. ACARS msg. 1551 ACARS msg.

6712.0 ---: FLIGHT VS0024 1542 HFDL on usb. Psn 54 57N 9 46W. 1547 psn
54 47N 8 39W. 1552 Psn 54 34N 7 25W (25/Mar)(DW)

6715.0 JDGSPR: US HFGCS DIEGO GARCIA 1748 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb.
Sounding (25/Mar)(DW)

6715.0 PLASPR: US HFGCS LAJES 1819 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Sounding

6754.0 911915: UNID 2221 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Clng 911911

6792.0 2525: MOROCCAN DGSN? ?LOC 2152 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb.
Sounding (25/Mar)(DW)

6792.0 2526: MOROCCAN DGSN? ?LOC 2158 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb.
Sounding (25/Mar)(DW)

16291.0 ---: FF UNID 1625 ARQ/E 184.6/E/390 8rc. Betas. Weak, poor sync.
Occ bursts thru at higher strength (25/Mar)(Day Watson, Clevedon, UK - wun 23, 59)
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/VU-CHAT - Ham Radio talk group

7105 Radio Station Belarus, Belarusian Radio, 4, Krasnaya Str, Minsk =
220807, Belarus, QSL card full data in 28 days, schedule
V/S: Larisa Suarez
(Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - CumbreDX 1476)

Mega-thrilled to receive a full-data QSL letter from
KNR Greenland in about 2 months for one of their 3815
USB transmissions. V/s: Ms. Ivalu Sovndahl Pedersen
- Communications Assistant. Address: Kalaalit
Nunaata Radioa - TV, Vandsovej 15, Postbok 1007,
DK-3900, Nuuk, Greenland.

Click on the link below to view the QSL:
(J.D. Stephens, Hampton Cove, AL, USA - CumbreDX 1473)

740 CHWO Canada, Toronoto, Ont. rec. in 30d two nice QSLs for the
two separate reports I sent. One for the 5th Anniversary, and the other,
their new QSL card. Also sent lots of station goodies, scedules,
bookmarks, etc. V/S: Brian Smith QSL Manager. Not a new station QSL'd,
as I have their old card, but really 2 great additions to the
collection. Very nice full color cards. Address: Ontario DX
Association, 155 Main Street North, Apt 313, Newmarket, Ont. Canada L3Y
8C2. Thanks Brian. Very much appreciated!
(Patrick Martin, Oregon - hard-core-dx 39, 26)

Сегодня получена QSL-карточка от Норвежского Радио. Слушал
их 21 февраля с 19.00-20.00 на 1314 кГц.
(Юрий Дымбовский, Латвия - open_dx 1094)

9525 Sudan Radio Service, Dennos Pret Road, P.O. Box 4392, 00100 =
Nairobi, Kenia, QSL letter with not much information about reception report details in =
33 days; The station sent me information abutthe Sudan Radio Service and the =
Education Development Center; the frequency guide and schedule and other =
material V/S: Tamburo Michael Renzi, SRS Marketing Coordinator
I sent my reception report by mail to mtamburo@sudanradio.org
(Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - CumbreDX 1476)

5840 kHz, Radio Ukraine Int, full data computer-printed QSL-
letter (excl. tx site), cards shows the Vydubetski monastry, no v/s.
The letter also contained a schedule and a reception report form. The
envelope has several nice stamps. In 32 days for a report in German
with no rp to Radio Ukraine International, ul. Chrestschatyk 26, Kiew
01001, Ukraine. (M.Schoech, Eisenach, Germany - CumbreDX 1475)
Scott R Barbour Jr-Intervale,NH-USA
R75, 200' Beverages, MLB-1, DTS-4

Day Watson

QTH: Clevedon, UK
Rec: NRD545, NRD535, Aquila(SDR14), RX320D

MARTIN SCHOECH, Eisenach, Germany via e-mail
RX: Sony ICF 2001D ANT: Sony AN
73 всем!И.Л.

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