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Электронный DX Бюллетень WorldDX 40

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Всемирный DX Бюллетень 40

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15415 AUSTRALIA, R. Australia, Shepparton, EE, 16/10 0145, com. YL 
sobre saude e conforto, sobre ventilacao em janelas de igrejas. 35543
(Рудольф Гримм, Сан Бернардо, Бразилия - CumbreDX 1290)

6020, станция была поначалу не опознана из-за слабого сигнала в 10.29.
Разговоры, песни -- причем песни вроде бы на английском, а язык комментариев
не поймешь какой. Настроились снова в 11.08, SINPO  к этому моменту
улучшилось до 34232, и теперь уже диктор говорил на английском. Потихоньку
выяснилось, что это R.Australia из Шеппартона, мощность 100 кВт, а до 11.00
язык был ток-писин.(Дмитрий Мезин, Казань, Россия - open_dx 913)

6020 Radio Australia; 1256-1306+, 15-Oct; Gospel music; ABC
News @1300; ID @1305 & Mandarin Svc spot. SIO=3+44-. 1050-1100+,
16-Oct; Cmtry in Pidgin; EE RA news @1100. Fair mainly o/Radio Victoria, Peru

(Гарольд Фродж, Брайтон, Мичиган - CumbreDX 1291)

9580 Radio Australia; 1240-1247+, 16-Oct; "Speaking Out" phone inter-
view re indigenous people. ABC.net.au, Nightlife & ABC local radio spots. SIO=433,
USB helps
(Гарольд Фродж, Брайтон, Мичиган - CumbreDX 1291)

2310, AUSTRALIA, VL8A-Alice Springs, 1036-1102,
Oct.18, English, YL w/ music prg. "ABC TV" promo at
1045. Commentary re "political correctness effective
in altering linguistic behavior". Very interesting.
Music thru ToH with music prg. promo on "783 ABC Alice
Springs". Fair at best. // 2485 VL8K Katherine-poor.
Both outlets appearing regularly at my QTH lately.
(Скотт Барбур Мл. Интервале - hard-core-dx 34, 21)

6214.05v Radio Baluarte, Puerto Iguazu, Misiones, 2057 - 2105, Oct 12, 
Portuguese/Spanish. Local announces. Music and religious program, 34333, 
(Nicolas Eramo, Argentina - hard-core-dx 34, 17)

9745U, BAHRAIN, (P)R.Bahrain, 2103-2129, Oct.18,
Arabic, Continuous Arabic music, very weak. Wiped out
by co-channel HCJB s/on at 2129. 
(Скотт Барбур, Интервале - hard-core-dx 34, 21)

RUSSIAN / e-mail:russian@bnr.bg
0000-0100 -daily- Central Asia 9400 P250/045
0400-0500 -daily- East Europe 5800 S100/030, 7500 S100/030, 1224
0600-0630 -daily- East Europe 5800 S100/030, 7500 S100/030
1130-1200 -daily- East Europe 11600 S100/030, 13600 S100/030
1500-1600 -daily- East Europe 5800 S100/030, 7500 S100/030, 1224
1500-1600 -daily- Central Asia 9400 P250/045
1700-1730 -daily- East Europe 5800 S100/030, 7500 S100/030
1900-2000 -daily- East Europe 5800 S100/030, 7500 S100/030
(Обсервер 386 - CumbreDX 1293)

5952,49 Radio Pio XII, Siglo XX, 1033-1039, October 16, Aymara, 
interview, andean music, 34443
(Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - NoticiasDX 1069)

6054,21 Radio Juan XXIII, San Ignacio de Velazco, 1040-1045, Spanish,
Programme: "Mananitas......???", greetings, local music,
ann. & ID as: "a esta altura, queremos saludar a nuestro amigo
 .....que esta en sintonia manana a manana del programa.....que se irradia por
la frecuencia de Radio Juan XXIII", 
33422 with QRM from Radio Nikkei, Japan
(Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - NoticiasDX 1069)

4796.47 Radio Malku, Uyuni, 2303 - 2312, Oct 12, Spanish/Aymara, Female and 
mann announcer "Mensajes, Comunicados, Avisos y convocatorias, Musical 
Program, 24332, (Nicolas Eramo, Argentina - hard-core-dx 34, 17)

6025 Radio Illimani, La Paz, 0128 - 0142, Oct 13, Spanish, soccer match 
Bolivia vs Peru, ID "Radio Illimani, La Paz en sintonia", 24232, (Nicolas Eramo,
Argentina - hard-core-dx 34, 17)

4716.8 Radio Yura (t); 0057-0111+, 15-Oct; M in SS w/Andean
flute & camp'o music; Tent. "Yura" @0111 & music continued. Weak
(Гарольд Фродж, Брайтон, Мичиган - CumbreDX 1291)

5950 Radio Pio XII 0952
Andan music, MA in vernacular with comments, announcements and news in 
"Pio Doce noticias", Ided station several times as:"Radio Pio 
Docemanta". (Фернандо Вилория, Гуарака, Венесуэла - CumbreDX 1293 19 Oct) 

9530, Radio Transmundial, 10-43-1055, 
16-10, locutor y locutora, comentarios religiosos 
y canciones. Identificacion: "Radio Transmundial". 24322.
(Мануэль Мендез, Луго, Испания - CumbreDX 1290)

5045 BRASIL, R. Guaruja Paulista, Guaruja-SP, PP, 15/10 2235, com. OM, 
mx ‘Trem das onze’, com. OM. 35433 (Рудольф Гримм, Сан Бернардо,
Бразилия - CumbreDX 1290)

5955 BRASIL, R. Gazeta, Sao Paulo-SP, PP, 15/10 1631, com. YL sobre 
professores e a valorizacao recebida pelas faculdades (aqui precisa ser 
entendida que a Radio Gazeta e ligada a Fundacao Casper Libero, que por 
sua vez esta ligada ao meio estudantil em niveis universitarios. Os 
programas a noite em geral tem muito conteudo academico, como se 
percebe). 35533 (Рудольф Гримм, Сан Бернардо, Бразилия - CumbreDX 1290)

9725 BRASIL, R. Clube Paranaense, Curitiba-PR, PP, 15/10 1640, nx sobre 
alagamentos no interior do Parana. 45554 (Рудольф Гримм, Сан Бернардо, Бразилия
- CumbreDX 1290)

11725 BRASIL, R. Novas de Paz, Curitiba-PR, 15/10 1820, PP, px 
religioso, com. OM. Mx crista. 45544 (// 6080 45554) (Рудольф Гримм, Сан Бернардо,
Бразилия - CumbreDX 1290)

11750 BRASIL, R. Marumby, Florianopolis-SC, PP, 15/10 1730, px 
religioso, com. YL. 35533 (// 9665 45544) (Рудольф Гримм, Сан Бернардо, Бразилия
- CumbreDX 1290)

11855 BRASIL, R. Aparecida, Aparecida-SP, PP, 15/10 1736, advs sobre 
remedios, com. OM/YL, id. 25222 (Рудольф Гримм, Сан Бернардо, Бразилия - CumbreDX

11915 BRASIL, R. Gaucha, Porto Alegre-RS, PP, 15/10 1332, anuncios 
sobre futebol, rodadas esportivas do fim-de-semana. Px ‘Gaucha 
fim-de-semana’. 45544 (Рудольф Гримм, Сан Бернардо, Бразилия - CumbreDX

4775 Radio Congonhas (p); 0059-0106:45*, 16-Oct; M in PP w/echo spots; mentioned
Macapa & Brasil; Rlgs spot & piano music before s/off. SIO=322  Weak stn. there
after s.off, maybe R. Tarma?
(Гарольд Фродж, Брайтон, Мичиган - CumbreDX 1291)

4924.9 Radio Difusora; 1015, 16-Oct; M ion PP w/extensive MW/SW promo;
"Onda Tropical...Amazona Brasil". Rlgs music @1018.  SIO=453
(Гарольд Фродж, Брайтон, Мичиган - CumbreDX 1291)

6010.17 Radio Inconfidencia; 2207-2219+, 15-Oct; M in PP w/"Inconfidencia" ID's.
Baladas & pop tunes, in SS & PP. SIO=2+22 (Гарольд Фродж, Брайтон, Мичиган -
CumbreDX 1291)

9515 Radio Novas de Paz; 0254-0300, 15-Oct; Less than 1 min. opening for this
WHRI in EE went off @0258:17 & BBC via Delano came on @0259:36 in SS, but hrd
clear ID in PP! "Paz" sounded
more like "Pais". (Гарольд Фродж, Брайтон, Мичиган - CumbreDX 12910

17515 VATICANO, R. Vaticano, Sta. Maria Galeria, Vietnames (de acordo 
com o WRTH2005), 15/10 1315, IS, YL (normalmente a programacao da Radio 
Vaticano e sempre conduzida por vozes masculinas, com vozes femininas 
apenas em incursoes na programacao. No caso desta transmissao, foi 
realizada sequencialmente por vozes femininas, sem homens ao menos 
comentando). 25222 (Рудольф Гримм, Сан Бернардо, Бразилия - CumbreDX 1290)

6025, Кошут-Радио (Венгрия), 07.57, на венгерском, 45444. Реклама, в 8.00
время и хорошая ID.(Дмитрий Мезин, Казань, Россия - open_dx 913)

6025 Radio Budapest; 2109-2115+, 15-Oct; M in EE w/East Euro
news features; ID @2111. SIO=33-3-, LSB helps 
(Гарольд Фродж, Брайтон, Мичиган - CumbreDX 1291)

9725 Voice of Vietnam; 1714, 15-Oct; EE "Developments in Viet-
nam this week". ID @1717+ then music. SIO=323- o/QRM from Dead Dr.
Gene via Costa Rica. (Гарольд Фродж, Брайтон, Мичиган - CumbreDX 1291)

4739.7, 1211-1224, R TV Son La Oct 16 Very unusual 'hill country'
native vocal music to 1216 mentions of Son La and Vietnam by female
announcer in Vietnamese or lang. Male vocalist at 1220 with similar tonal
singing. Quite strong signal on NW Beverage, but a slight buzz & distortion
from the Son La transmitter. (Guy Atkins-WA - CumbreDX 1291)

15475 GABAO, R. Afrique n? 1, Moyabi, FF, 15/10 1702, mx africana, OM, 
id. 35433 (Рудольф Гримм, Сан Бернардо, Бразилия - CumbreDX 1290)

10320usb HAWAII, AFRTS, Pearl Harbor, 16/10 0300, o conhecido servico 
do governo norte-americano para bases militares. Nx, comentarios e 
esportes, com pequenos blocos de programacoes transmitidos nos Estados 
Unidos. Rara recepcao aqui em Sao Bernardo. 25322 
(Рудольф Гримм, Сан Бернардо, Бразилия - CumbreDX 1290)

4799.8khz   Radio Buenas Nuevas  San Sebastian, Guatemala  Oct. 16, 05 1130 -

1210z  with good signals. Programming in Spanish.  Loudest signal on the band

this morning ... 1KW ?  NEW ! (John Wilke, Milwaukee, USA - CumbreDX 1290)

4780 Radio Coatan; 0113, 15-Oct; 2M in SS interview; sed
"Radio Coatan" 3 times, w/o "Cultural". SIO=3+42+
4799.8 Radio Buenas Nuevas; 0116-0126+, 15-Oct; M in SS w/phone calls
& camp'o tunes. 0125:43 "Esta es Radio Buenas Nuevas". SIO=4+23-
w/swiper QRM--swiper quit for almost a minute @0119:40.
(Гарольд Фродж, Брайтон, Мичиган - CumbreDX 1291)

4780, GUATEMALA, R.Cultural, 1111-1135, Oct.17,
Spanish, Religous talks, choral music and full ID
annmt at 1129. Fair. (Скотт Барбур Мл. Интервале - hard-core-dx 34, 21)

7125, GUINEA, RTV Guineenne, 2222-2300, Oct. 17,
French, OM w talks and Hi-life music. Presumed news
from 2230-2240. Russian Int'l Radio carrier at 2252,
overtaking frequency at 2300. Fair. (Скотт Барбур, Интервале - hard-core-dx 34,

6005 Deutscheland Radio Berlin (p); 2220-2230+, 15-Oct; 2M&W
in GG w/story about a haufrau. SIO=3+33
9765 CVC Int'l; 1905-1912+, 14-Oct; Pop rlgs music; ID spot @1910.
All in EE.  SIO=222+, QRM de 9760; nothing on rptd //9775.
15650 Pan American B'casting (p); 1430-1500*, 15-Oct; EE Bible thumper
pgms from Florida & Northern Ireland. No IDs & off abruptly.SIO=444
(Гарольд Фродж, Брайтон, Мичиган - CumbreDX 1291)

4819.16 La Voz Evangelica (p); 0128, 15-Oct; SS rlgs pgm;
no brk @0130. SIO=3+22+, swiper QRM 
(Гарольд Фродж, Брайтон, Мичиган - CumbreDX 1291)

9385 GUAM, AWR via Agat. EE, 15/10 1750, px religioso, com. OM. Mx 
crista. 35433 (Рудольф Гримм, Сан Бернардо, Бразилия - CumbreDX 1290)

11975 GUAM, AWR via Agat, EE, 15/10 1632, com. OM sobre personagens 
biblicos. 25222 (Рудольф Гримм, Сан Бернардо, Бразилия - CumbreDX 1290)

4780 Radio Djibouti tunes ins on" 2011,2035,2114 talks in 
local lang and Islam on 2114 Signal 44534 with fast fades Also heard 
on 1620z 18.10 with distorted audio, talks and trial song ,S7 QRMed 
by Mossad station on USB (Захариас Лиангас, Салоники, Греция - CumbreDX 1293)

4780, DJIBOUTI, RTD, 2101-2134, Oct.17, Vernacular,
Continuos talks by OM w/ numerous ments of Allah and
Ramadan. Brief music at 2130 followed by presumed
radio drama. Poor under static. (Scott Barbour Jr-Intervale-NH - hard-core-dx
34, 21)

4910 ZAMBIA, ZNBC-Radio Zambia, Lusaka, Vernacular, 16/10 0302, com. 
OM, mx africana em idioma local. 25322
(Рудольф Гримм, Сан Бернардо, Бразилия - CumbreDX 1290)

4965 Christian Voice; 0118-0130+, 16-Oct; EE Bible lesson &
looooong slow hymn. "Radio Voice" ID @0120. SIO=343-, need LSB to kill
roar QRM (Гарольд Фродж, Брайтон, Мичиган - CumbreDX 1291)

6612 Radio Zimbabwe (t); 0155-0202+, 16-Oct; M in LL, men-
tioned Zimbabwe @0156; Afro music w/thumb harp. No brk @0200. SIO=333
3306 fundamental covered by roar QRM.(Гарольд Фродж, Брайтон, Мичиган - CumbreDX

6973.13 Galei Zaal (p); 0230, 16-Oct; M in HB w/EE reggae
tune; mentioned Jerusalem. SIO=343-, ISB helps. 1st time hrd in a few
weeks (Гарольд Фродж, Братон, Мичиган - CumbreDX 1291)

9345 Kol Israel, 20:47-20:57, escuchada en espa?ol el 20 de Oct, locutor con
ID "Kol Israel, noticias", locutora con bolet?n de noticias, SINPO 44333.
Sin embargo ?sta emisi?n est? anunciada de 19:45-20:00, seg?n el Eibi.de.vu.,
a las 20:57 se corta la emisi?n bruscamente, compruebo las frecuencias de 11590
y 15640 y no se escucha nada, ?quizas una emisi?n accidental?. A las 21:00 al
cierre de la emisi?n aparece la emisi?n con despedida de la locutora, "Hasta
ma?ana en el mismo horario".
(Хосе Мигель Ромеро, Валенсия, Испания - hard-core-dx 34, 21)

10330 INDIA, AIR, Bangalore, indiano, 16/10 0240, cancoes indianas, 
com. OM/YL. Uma frequencia fora de banda que pode ser bem captada 
diariamente apos 0130 UTC. 35543 
(Рудольф Гримм, Сан Бернардо, Бразилия - CumbreDX 1290)

11585 INDIA, AIR, New Delhi, indiano, 15/10 1812, cancoes indianas, 
com. OM (naquela locucao grave de habito das emissoras da India). 25542 
(Рудольф Гримм, Сан Бернардо, Бразилия - CumbreDX 1290)

15075 INDIA, AIR, Bangalore, Indian, 15/10 1720, cancoes indianas, com. OM. 35533(Рудольф
Гримм, Сан Бернардо, Бразилия - CumbreDX 1290)

10330 Vivid Bharati  1150 with old hindi songs  . Poor to fair 
(34333) 11+ 12 Oct (Захариас Лиангас, Салоники, Греция - hard-core-dx 34, 17)

9445 All India Radio; 2047, 14-Oct; EE cmtry about radical
Islamic terrorists taking advantage of earthquakes; ID @2051 as the
General Overseas Svc of AIR, then Hindi music. SIO=3+33
(Гарольд Фродж, Брайтон, Мичиган - CumbreDX 1291)

3223, 1349-1357, AIR Shimla Oct 16 Shimla has evidently not made the
move yet to 60 meters, as it's definitely still here on 3223, heard with Hindi
talk by female and male announcers with subcontinental music. At 1402 I noted
Shimla parallel with 3315 Bhopal running an AIR network broadcast.Fair signal.
(Guy Atkins-WA - CumbreDX 1291)

INDIA 3315, 1357-1403, AIR Bhopal Oct 16 Nice tabla and female vocals up to a
brief pause at 1400 and into another subcontinental music selection. No sign
of them on 4810, so evidently Bhopal has not made the move to 60 meters. At 1402
I noted Bhopal parallel to 3223 Shimla with an AIR network broadcast. Fair to
good signal.
(Guy Atkins-WA - CumbreDX 1291)

INDIA 3390, 1333-1349, AIR Gangtok Oct 16 A weak signal of male and female talk
found here, best on NW Beverage; language sounded Hindi. Gangtok was supposed
to move to 4870, but I found only the Indonesian (presumed Wamena) on the 60
meterband frequency, so perhaps they haven't made the move yet. Poor-fair signal.

(Guy Atkins-WA - CumbreDX 1291)

INDIA 4775, 1139-1157*, AIR Imphal Oct 16 Usual Christian-sounding music
programming of choral vocals, similar to PNG hymns or Pacific island choirs.
'Akashvani Imphal' ID at 1140 and mention of Imphal again at 1151 by male in
Hindi. Brief announcement by female announcer at 1157, and off without
fanfare. Nice signal just past Imphal sunset. (Guy Atkins-WA - CumbreDX 1291)

INDIA 4970, 1305-1317, AIR Shillong Oct 16 Surprised to hear Shillong with a
country music program, with a female announcer in English introducing songs like
'Living on Tulsa Time' by Don Williams, and 'Whose Bed Have Your Boots Been Under'
by Shania Twain. 'And so, listeners, we've come to the end of our program, of
our Western Music Survey... This is the Northeastern Service of All India Radio,
broadcasting from Shillong on shortwave 60.36 meters and ??? kHz' heard at 1314,
followed by 'Shillong Akashvani Heh' ID and into native drum and vocals. Lovely
S-9 signal!. (Guy Atkins Grayland-WA
- CumbreDX 1291)

5010 kHz 00.30 Utc AIR Thiruvananthapuram INDIA Details vernaculars
voice by ANN (De Berti Paolo - Switzerland - hard-core-dx 34, 20)

15050, INDIA, AIR-Delhi, 1208-1215*, Oct.17,
Vernacular, Hindi duets, YL w/ s/off anmts and freq
schedule. Fair.)Скотт Барбур Мл., Интервале - hard-core-dx 34, 21)

9525 Voice of Indonesia (p); 1202...1255*, 16-Oct; EE news
to 1205:30 then M&W/EE feature, mentioned traditions.  SIO=322-
QRM was a low rumble which disappeared when the went off.  Was in LL before 1200.
15149.84 Voice of Indonesia; 1931-1959+, 14-Oct; W in FF w/feature
about Bali, talking o/flute music; La Voix du Indonesie ID
 1935+ then Elton John tunes. Blasted by WYFR s/on @1959+ in SS on 15155.
(Гарольд Фродж, Брайтон, Мичиган - CumbreDX 1291)

2960, 1104-1109, RPDT Manggarai Oct 16 Weak but improving signal
of female announcer with news items, brief music 1106; male announcer
mentioning Indonesia Timor and other regions. (Guy Atkins-WA - CumbreDX 1291)

INDONESIA 3325, 1113-1115, RRI Palangkaraya Oct 16 News items or commentary
by male; frequent mentions of Palangkaraya. Good signal, and had improved to
excellent by 1334 with Koranic recitations. (Guy Atkins-WA - CumbreDX 1291)

INDONESIA 3345, 1116-1122, RRI Ternate Oct 16 Strong signal of bass-heavy
Indonesian pops, but under the shadow of fax QRM at times. In the clear at
1315 recheck with Koran recitation. (Guy Atkins-WA - CumbreDX 1291)

INDONESIA 3578.75, 1235-1301, RSPK Ngada Oct 16 Noted talk in Indonesian by
two male announcers, with mentions of Kalimantan and Jakarta. Brief flute or
woodwinds music 1245, followed by mention of Indonesia. Female announcer
spoke across the top of the hour, but I couldn't catch an ID. Weak signal,
and presumed. (Guy Atkins-WA - CumbreDX 1291)

INDONESIA 3976, 1122-1130, RRI Pontianak Oct 16 Echo-filled promo for
station with mentions of 'Radio Pontianak'; Ads and jingles with children
and women's voices; very Western-sounding R&B pops music sung in Indonesian
by male/female duet. Excellent signal on west and northwest Beverage
antennas. (Guy Atkins-WA - CumbreDX 1291)

INDONESIA 4750, 1132-1139, RRI Makassar Oct 16 Horribly distorted and buzzy
signal! Although very strong, Makassar's signal was barely recognizable as
being in the Indonesian language. Programming seemed to be a radio play or drama.
(Guy Atkins-WA - CumbreDX 1291)

INDONESIA 4925, 1202-1205, RRI Jambi Oct 16 Jakarta news relay with female announcer
in Indonesian, parallel to 4869.9. Very good level. (Guy Atkins-WA - CumbreDX

4925 Jambi 2017 with Islamic tunes Abt S3 <22332 quite 
poor speaker audio ( not music)@2036 (Захариас Лиангас, Салоники, Греция - CumbreDX

 11860 IRIB; 1942-1948+, 15-Oct; M&W in EE w/news. IRIB ID @1947.
SIO=323-, USB takes out 11855 QRM; //9925, SIO=2+53; //9860, SIO=242;
//7205, SIO=232+, need LSB. Rptd //11695 covered.  11860 dropped off
for a few minutes.(Гарольд Фродж, Брайтон, Мичиган - CumbreDX 1291)

13865 Rikisutvarpid; 1421-1438:25*, 15-Oct; M in Nordic LL
w/news & interviews; many mentions of "Island". SIO=333, best in USB
& noticeably better after 1430.(Гарольд Фродж, Брайтон, Мичиган - CumbreDX 1291)

21700 ESPANHA, REE, Noblejas, SS, 15/10 1246, nx, com. OM sobre o Rei 
Juan Carlos, mencao a America Central “REE trabajamos para usteds”.

35543 ( // 21610 25432, // 21570 45444, // 21540 25222)
(Рудольф Гримм, Сан Бернардо, Бразилия - CumbreDX 1290)

La Ba?era de Ulises, 1405 Tue Oct 18 on REE 17595, I recognized as
the show I had already heard Sat at 1705 on RNE R3, so this is a repeat. The
host was again talking about the new timing of 7:05 pm Saturdays. I begin to
wonder whether he is even aware he also has a SW audience worldwide, since he
treats it as a domestic service program, ignoring the SW time (Glenn Hauser,
OK, hard-core-dx 34, 19)

The 17595 REE transmitter has become a huge blob of noise spreading
from roughly 17450 to 17580 instead, but nobody is noticing at Noblejas!
Normally has a fine quality signal on 17595 in the mornings here, but once
before it was maladjusted producing a distorted signal just above 17600. Now
there is nothing around 17595, but instead this blob of noise, with periodic
peaks as one tunes across. At first no modulation was detectable at 1352 Oct
19, but by 1357 some notes of music could be heard, so I tried to match it to
21570, barely propagating today, and it did, including the timesignal at 1400,
REE news theme. On 17 MHz it was obliterating all other signals in its path,
traces of which could be heard here and there. Truly remarkable; this should
stay on until about 1500. How is it where you are? (Glenn Hauser, OK - hard-core-dx
34, 20)

6040 Radio Romania Int'l; 0150, 16-Oct; EE DX Mailbag & ID.
Guessing via Sackville as S30 sig.
6070 CFRX Toronto ON; 1306, 15-Oct; "News-talk 10-10 CFRB". SIO=4+54, Slightly
better than //1010.
6160 CKZN SAt. Johns NL; 2101, 15-Oct; CBC News; 2105 spot for CBC Radio 1 Labrador.

SIO=3+3-3-. 1034-1040+, 16-Oct; Extensive Maritime province weather, "...for
Newfoundland-Labrador". SIO=343 w/occasional rattatat blasts.(Гарольд Фродж,
Брайтон, Мичиган - CumbreDX 1291)

6937 Yunnan PBS (p); 1257, 16-Oct; M in CC w/operatic vocal
music. SIO=322, LSB help w/roar QRM (Frodge-DXP)
9440 China Radio Int'l; 2052, 2100+, 14-Oct; "Life in China" to 2055,
then "I want to learn Chinese" on "Chinese Studio" with more
pickup lines.  All in EE. ID @2100 & continued in EE, but dropped
off noticeably. SIO=3+23-, LSB helps due to India on 9445.
9620 Radio Nacional de China; 1920, 14-Oct; PP IDs; SIO=222, need LSB
& narrow filter due to 9625 QRM. (Frodge-DXP)
13650 China Radio Int'l; 1246, 15-Oct; "Chinese Idioms" EE pgm. SIO 3+44 (Гарольд
Фродж, Брайтон, Мичиган - CumbreDX 1291)

Seems the Chicom have come up with yet another jamming technique. Oct
18 at 1403 on 7330 I was hearing Chinese talk with multiple quick echoes. It
was hard to tell, but each word must have echoed three or four times. Could be
from one transmitter, or multiple sites, and surely no accident. This is to
block BBC in Chinese via Vladivostok. Just one more reminder that when you hear
CRI in English clearly relayed via Albania, Canada, Chile, Cuba, French Guiana,
Mali, Toronto, Washington DC, or wherever, they do not deserve it (Glenn Hauser,
OK - hard-core-dx 34, 19)

7290, CHINA, CNR-Beijing, 1237-1253, Oct.17, Mandarin,
Various announcer w/ talks b/w musical bits. //
7305-Shijazhuang. Fair.(Скотт Барбур Мл., Интервале - hard-core-dx 34, 21)

 .....just a simple A/B test
comparing my NRD 535 and Ten-Tec RX 350D

6139.79 Radio Lider, Bogota (Colombia)

This is the second A/B test where I?m comparing
my two receivers Ten-Tec RX 350D and NRD 535.
Next time test with Radio Bella, Tingo Maria
(Peru) on 4299.71 kHz.

I?m adjusting the receivers for best possible
reception and audio quality.
(Бьорн Мальм, Кито, Эквадор - CumbreDX 1291)

5810 La Voz de Tu Conciencia 1021
Two MA with comments on poverty, evangelio. Religious music, also 
llanera music. Partial ID:"Sigan escuchando La Voz de tu Conciencia, 
desde Colombia para el mundo....HJVH.". Pretty weak and suffering QRM 
by nearby stations.(Фернандо Вилория, Гуарака, Венесуэла - CumbreDX 1293 16 Oct)

6150 COSTA RICA, The University Network, Cahuita, EE, 16/10 0228, com. 
OM, px religioso 25542 (// 7375) (Рудольф Гримм, Сан Бернардо, Бразилия - CumbreDX

5054.6 Faro del Caribe (p); 0302, 15-Oct; SS rlgs pgm.
SIO=3+43-(Гарольд Фродж, Брайтон, Мичиган - CumbreDX 1291)

15230, Radio Habana Cuba, 1324-1400, 16-10. 
A las 1335 programa DX "En contacto", presentado 
por Manolo de la Rosa: "Saludos amigos y amigas 
de la onda corta, presentamos En contacto, les 
saluda Manolo de la Rosa". Antes, a las 1330, 
noticias, noticias sobre la cumbre iberoamericana 
de Salamanca, identificacion: "Esta es Radio 
Habana Cuba, transmitiendo desde Cuba, territorio 
libre en America". 24322 variando a 34333. En 
paralelo con 12000 kHz con SINPO 24322.
(Мануэль Мендез, Луго, Испания - CumbreDX 1290)

5025.03 Radio Rebelde, Bauta, 2337 - 2352, Oct 12, Spanish, Comments by man 
and female announcer about earthquake of Pakistan, ID "Esta es Radio 
Rebelde.....", 24332, (Nicolas Eramo, Argentina - hard-core-dx 34, 17)

11655 Radio Rebelde; 1304:28*, 16-Oct; M in SS w/ID & off
abruptly. Strong & //5025 
(Гарольд Фродж, Брайтон, Мичиган - CumbreDX 1291)

The website of the Belgian Kurdish radio station Deng?
Mezopotamya <http://www.denge-mezopotamya.com> has been unavailable since around
6 October. The domain is still active, but access is being blocked by the
German provider. The SW transmissions and Belgian-hosted audio streaming
<http://wm.streampower.be/roj_radio> remain unaffected 
(Bernd Trutenau, Lithuania, dxld)

So I guess the issue remains of whether this organization is ``terrorist``.
Meanwhile, reception has improved greatly on 11530; I was enjoying their music
Oct 18 at 1425, 1429 giving a website (or something with www in it); I was not
copying, but after the fact, it seemed like the one above that has indeed been
blocked. 1430 into talk, presumably news. But like so many other clandestines,
this one plays a lot of enjoyable music. Long live the Radio Sawa model! 
(Glenn Hauser, OK - hard-core-dx 34, 19)

Solar-terrestrial indices for 17 October follow. Solar flux 78 and mid-latitude
A-index 15. The mid-latitude K-index at 1500 UTC on 18 October was 4 (43 nT).
No space weather storms were observed for the past 24 hours (SEC via DXLD)

9290, Radio Six International, 1100-1115, 
16-10. Inicio del programa, identificacion: 
"Radio Six International", locutor, "From 
Scotland, Radio Six Internatinal". Canciones de 
los Beach Boys "Buenas vibraciones", otras canciones. 45444.
(Мануэль Мендез, Луго, Испания - CumbreDX 1290)

11965 Star Radio Liberia; 2108, 14-Oct; M in LL, but clear
"Star Radio" ID. SIO=4+43+ (Гарольд Фродж, Брайтон, Мичиган - CumbreDX 1291)

5470, LIBERIA, R.Veritas, 2203-2215, Oct.18, English,
Pop ballads by Whitney Houston and others. OM b/w
selections. Fair at best tho very weak announcer
audio.(Scott Barbour Jr, Intervale, NH - hard-core-dx 34, 21)

4784.5v, MALI, RTV Malienne, 2148-2207, Oct.17,
French, OM w/ FR talks and Arabic-style music bits.
Talks b/w percussion beats thru ToH. Very poor,
difficult to get a lock on the frequency. //
5995-poor/fair. Nothing heard on 4835. (Скотт Барбур Мл. Интервале, NH - hard-core-dx
34, 21)

15335 MARROCOS, RTV Marocaine, Nador, AA, 15/10 1327, com. OM ‘Arab, 
Arabia, ‘ (muito dificil de se entender o que se esta trazendo por esta

tradicional frequencia marroquina). 35533 (Рудольф Гримм, Сан Бернардо, Бразилия
- CumbreDX 1290)

12085, Voice of Mongolia, 0959-1030, 
16-10. Musica de sintonia, inicio del programa en 
ingles, locutora: "This is the Voice of 
Mongolia". "Welcome to the Voice of Mongolia in 
English". Noticias y comentarios, musica de 
Mongolia. A las 1029 musica de sintonia y 
programa en mongol. 24322 variando a 34333.
(Мануэль Мендез, Луго, Испания - CumbreDX 1290)

Making a check for RNV via Cuba, Sunday Oct 16 at 2045, not on
13680 (tho there was some other very weak signal there), nor on 9550 --- but
came across some nice choral music on 9530, with a very good signal, slow
rolling fades --- best signal on band, in fact, aside from 9975. Outroduced in
American English spelling out some complicated websites with apparent Norwegian
words in them, and ending in .no but also contact info for Voice of Joy as
voiceofjoy @ comcast.net to which I have inquired. I cannot find anything
scheduled on 9530 at this time except maybe for Magadan, eastern tip of Russia,
in PWBR, and this smacks of reception from there, altho certainly not the
programming one would expect. Program wrapped up at 2055, but carrier stayed
and was still on at 2150! Perhaps someone with a rotatable log-periodic can get
a fix on it. Searching on Voice of Joy, I find it is a program scheduled on
FEBA at some other time; but the Norwegian connexion leads me to this webpage:
http://www.voiceofjoy.net/index.html about a Norwegian choir which likes US
gospel music and tours this country, but nothing found about broadcasts,
especially SW. The page also links to one in Norway, which is partly in
English. Maybe via one of the US SW stations, but if so a new frequency, and
strange operation to just stop 5 minutes before the hour, never ID and leave
the carrier on. Come to think of it, maybe not so strange for some of them. Any

Yes, Brasil may also be on then, but I think we can rule that out. At 2159 on
came an announcement I could not copy, but at 2200 DW IS, ID, timecheck, and
finally cut off! Well, Wertachtal is scheduled on 9530 but at 1800-1900 only
with RCI in English. Perhaps they forgot to turn it off at 1900, and something
on the feedline intended for another frequency went out when I was hearing V.
of Joy. Anyway, it appears this was from some site DW uses, unless the open
carrier I heard did not go with V. of Joy ---  but I never heard any breaks and
the strength and fading were same as during VOJ (Glenn Hauser, OK - hard-core-dx
34, 17)

4770 Kaduna if activated back on 2110 had a signal of ca 
S8 with microphonic noise and possibly news heard at very lo audio 
level near to unintelligible. Same was in 17 (Захариас Лиангас, Салоники, Греция
- CumbreDX 1293)

7255, NIGERIA, VON, 2131-2201, Oct.18,
French/Vernacular, OM and YL w/ FR talks over native
music. Fanfare at 2158, ID, drums then OM in language.
Fair and improving. (Скотт Барбур Мл, Интервале - hard-core-dx 34, 21)

Новая Зеландия
15720 NOVA ZELANDIA, R. New Zealand, Rangitaiki, EE, 16/10 0137, com. 
OM. Programa de humor de auditorio, onde o publico ria muito e 
aplaudia. ‘Mencoes’ no programa de humor a George Bush e a Inglaterra.

35443 (Рудольф Гримм, Сан Бернардо, Бразилия - CumbreDX 1290)

6095 Radio New Zealand; 1317-1332+, 15-Oct; BBC pgm on
Indonesian Islam. National Radio 101 & RNZ spots @1332. All in EE. SIO=353+ (Frodge-DXP)
9520 Radio New Zealand Int'l; 1145-1202+, 16-Oct; EE pop/rap/soul tunes.
EE NZ news @1200. SIO+2+42+ (Frodge-DXP)
9885 Radio New Zealand Int'l (p); 1023, 16-Oct; EZL EE pop tunes.
SIO=242 to 1155 then 343. (Гарольд Фродж, Брайтон, Мичиган - CumbreDX 1291)

3935, 1420-1422, ZLXA Levin Oct 16 Weak signal of a female
announcer reading a magazine or newspaper article. Mentions of Hong Kong,
Singapore, Australia, and other cities/countries. Only heard on southwest
Beverage antenna. Poor-fair.(Guy Atkins - CumbreDX 1291)

Папуа-Новая Гвинея
3205, 1005-1030, R. Sandaun Oct 15 Presumed Sandaun on this
frequency with a good signal of old US C&W music, but upon retuning at 1015
it was gone. Transmitter problems? Other PNGs noted in this bandscan with
Pidgin talk and/or ID included: R. Morobe 3220, very good; R. West New
Britain 3235, very good; R. Gulf 3245, fair-good; R. Madang 3260, poor-tent
(vy good 10/16); R. Southern Highlands 3275, very good but heard 10/16 only;
R. Western 3305, good but heard 10/16 only; R. North Solomons 3325, fair
beneath RRI Palangkaraya; R. East Sepik 3335, very good; R. Milne Bay 3365,
poor-tent.; R. East New Britain 3385, very good; R. New Ireland 3905, very
good; NBC 4890, excellent; Wantok Radio Light 7120, fair-good. (Guy Atkins-WA
- CumbreDX 1291)

4960, 1224-1232, Catholic Radio Network Oct 16 Heard with
poor-fair signal at the end of a program. 'We've now come to the end of our
program, brothers and sisters,' with mention of 'diocese' and 'all Catholics
in the region' by female speaker, and into hymn at 1229. (Guy Atkins-WA - CumbreDX

9737, Radio Nacional de Paraguay, 08.34, на испанском. Разговор мужским
голосом, ID. Слабо, 15211. (Дмитрий Мезин, Казань Россия из экспедиции в Кадышево
- open_dx 913)

6115 PERU, Radio Union (tent.), Lima, SS, 16/10 0234, com. OM, advs, mx 
peruana com flauta e cantico em estilo andino. 24422 (QRM 6105 R. Cancao Nova)
(Рудольф Гримм, Сан Бернардо, Бразилия - CumbreDX 1290)

4775.02 Radio Tarma, Tarma, 0103 - 0110, Oct 13, Spanish, comments and 
music by female announcer, ID "Radio Tarma por el mundo va, seguimos en 
sintonia", very weak signal, (Nicolas Eramo, Argentina - hard-core-dx 34, 17)

5544.66 Radio San Andreas (t); 0235-0247+*, 15-Oct; M in SS w/
camp'o music. SIO=322, LSB helps w/ute. 0135-0144+, 16-Oct; M in
SS w/camp'o tunes. Tent. ID @0142. SIO=2+22 
9710 Radio Victoria; 1050-1100+, 16-Oct; SS rlgs pgm & "La Victoria"
IDs. SIO=343. //6020 mainly covered by Australia.
(Гарольд Фродж, Брайтон, Мичиган - CumbreDX 1291)

6115 Radio Unión 1003
Announcement against "Tratado de Libre Comercio" comments on minery, 
ecology, polution, in program "Ronda Informativa Agraria", with links 
to other stations: Radio Panorama (Andahuailas), Radio Culiaca 
(Culiaca), Radio San Sebastian, y Huancayo. Then news in vernacular by 
MA and YL. jingle:"Radio Unión 40 años al servicio del país"
(Фернандо Вилория, Гуакара, Венесуэла - CumbreDX 1293)

4955 Radio Cultural Amauta (TENT) 1020, 222
Andean music, MA in vernacular and extended comments, TC´s, and 
greetings. NO ID heard. 
(Фернандо Вилория, Гуакара, Венесуэла - CumbreDX 1293 17 Oct)
4775 Radio Tarma 1003
MA in spanish with greetings to listeners, tropical dancing music, ID 
in echo form (hard to understand), Jingle:"Radio tarma la primerísima".

(Фернандо Вилория, Гуакара, Венесуэла - CumbreDX 1293)

4747, PERU, R.Huanta, 1021-1037, Oct.17, Vernacular,
Quecha music and talks. Quick ID at 1022. Fair tho
quickly faded under static. (Скотт Барбур Мл. - Интервале - hard-core-dx 34,

17615 PORTUGAL, RDP Internacional, Lisboa, PP, 15/10 1302, nx OM, com. 
OM, politica internacional, com. YL (externo). 25322 (Рудольф Гримм, Сан Бернардо,
Бразилия - CumbreDX 1290)

Вот несколько наблюдений, сделанных в
ночь с 20 на 21 на улице при температуре около 0 градусов :-). Точные
частоты определены по WRTH, у моего приёмника нет цифрового измерителя

20.10.2005 г. Киров
Частота (кГц) - станция - язык - время (UTC) начала прослушивания -
время конца прослушивания - SINPO
7580 - WYFR - English - 1343 - 1420 - 43543
270 - Радио Слово, Новосибирск - русский - 1425 - 1505 - 25242
9855 - Радио Будапешт - русский - 1700 - 1728 - 44444
7580 - Radio Farda - Farsi - 1732 - 1810 - 35443
6973 - Galei Tzahal - Hebrew - 2100 - 2155 - 24332

21.10.2005 г. Киров
7410 - TransWorld Radio India - Assamese, Bengali - 0000 - 0045 - 55444
5970 - Радио Беларусь - белорусский - 0100 - 0125 - 23432 
(Андрей Мамаев, Россия - open_dx 918)

9890 Voice of Russia; 1711, 15-Oct; W in EE w/classical music.SIO=3+53+ //9820,
11980 Voice of Russia; 1525-1530+, 15-Oct; EE "This Week in "Russia".VoRWS ID
 1530. SIO=354
12115 Voice of Russia; 1640-1659:14*, 15-Oct; EE folk story. ID @1658 SIO=242
(Гарольд Фродж, Брайтон, Мичиган - CumbreDX 1291)

Наконец-то добрался до того, чтобы послушать "Клуб DX". Вот в данный момент
на 5900 и 9860 приём плохой (помехи от 5905 и от 9855 и 9865
соответственно). Наилучший приём на 15425 и 15455 - прохождение
удовлетворительное, но помехи небольшие. Есть ещё другие частоты?

Ночью в воскресенье слушать не могу, а ставить на запись - лучше что-нибудь
для тропического обзора. Ещё буду пробовать в среду. Но самый оптимальный
пока вариант - это как раз по понедельникам. (Владимир Коваленко, Томск, Россия
- open_dx 913)

5940, 0448-, Radio Rossii Oct 20 Network programming noted at this hour with
light bantering between men and women. Parallel to previously reported 5920.
5940 is about 1/4 second ahead of 5920. Good reception on both frequencies. Also
heard on 7320 which is in sync with 5940. 5920 left the network and began local
programming at 0500 with many mentions of Magadan, whereas 7320 and 5940 continued
with Radio Rossii programming. 5920 is very strong with S9 + 10 to 20 signals.
There's a referendum in Kamchatka on
October 23, and ads regarding this were aired. Ended at 05:10, and then into
fishing information. Many local ads for Kamchatka firms. Throughout the hour,
the signal improved. At 0557, the 'Aggressive ' group of companies brought the
weather. 5 + 1 time pips at 0600, and into Radio Rossii program once again. (Walter
Salmaniw, Victoria, BC - CumbreDX 1293)

6055, RWANDA, (P)R.Rwanda, 2053-2100, Oct.17, French,
OM in heavily accented French. Hilife music at 2059
then crushed by co-channel NHK-R.Japan s/on. Weak
under static.(Скотт Барбур Мл., Интервале - hard-core-dx 34, 21)

Сан-Томе и Принсипи
13600 SAO TOME & PRINCIPE (tent.), VoA, EE, 15/10 1650, leitura de um 
simples texto em ingles pelo locutor (talvez para aprendizagem ou 
aperfeicoamento de parte dos ouvintes da Africa, para onde os sinais 
estavam sendo transmitidos). 35433 (Рудольф Гримм, Сан Бернардо, Бразилия - CumbreDX

Северные Марианские о-ва
TINIAN: 7215 Voice of America; 1335-1343+, 15-Oct;
M in LL w/EE & LL pop tunes. ID @1340+. SIO=222+, ARO QRM. //7235 also
via Tinian. SIO=33-3-.  Neither had any jamming
(Гарольд Фродж, Брайтон, Мичиган - CumbreDX 1291)

Северная Корея
657, Pyongyang BC, 12.51, на корейском. SINPO 33333. Разговоры. Мощность
1500 кВт. (Дмитрий Мезин, Казань, Россия - open_dx 913)

Sudan Radio Service, 17660 with news in English at 1507 Oct 18,
about Catholic schools having been forced to close last Thursday for Ramadan,
while the schools in predominantly Christian areas want to have students
continue studying for exams in January; this is via Woofferton, UK 
(Glenn Hauser, OK - hard-core-dx 34, 19)

7425 ESTADOS UNIDOS, WEWN, Vandiver-AL, SS, 16/10 0246, px religioso, 
OM, mencoes ao papa Bento XVI. 35433
(Рудольф Гримм, Сан Бернардо, Бразилия - CumbreDX 1290)

7520 ESTADOS UNIDOS, WYFR, Okeechobee, PP, 16/10 0132, px religioso, 
com. OM (Muito estranha a WYFR continuar mantendo uma de suas 
programacoes para o Brasil em PP atraves dos 41 m, sendo que poucos sao 
os receptores que foram, ou estao sendo, comercializados no Brasil que 
tenham capacidade para sintonizar 41 m. O mesmo para outras emissoras 
como a Radio Vaticano e a Radio China Internacional. Mais para 
DXistas). 35333 (Рудольф Гримм, Сан Бернардо, Бразилия - CumbreDX 1290)

9955 ESTADOS UNIDOS, WRMI, Miami-FL, SS, 16/10 0252, com. OM, id, 
‘Radio Republica’ (deve ser um espaco vendido), e as 0259 a id da
Miami. 25432 (Рудольф Гримм, Сан Бернардо, Бразилия - CumbreDX 1290)

17505 ESTADOS UNIDOS, WYFR, Okeechobee, 15/10 1322, PP, a tradicional 
leitura biblica por OM. 35543 (Рудольф Гримм, Сан Бернардо, Бразилия - CumbreDX

9680 Radio Thailand; 2043-2044:30*, 1-Oct; W in EE w/Bang-
kok & Thailand news; off abruptly; Voice of Russia in CC came up imme-
diately after bells IS. SIO=33-3-, QRM de 9675(Гарольд Фродж, Брайтон, Мичиган
- CumbreDX 1291)

Тайвань (?)
9745, 10.58, станция на китайском, джинглы, ID, в котором проскользнуло
"кван хуа". Видимо, это тайваньский Voice of Han? В это время еще нет помех
от "Голоса России". (Дмитрий Мезин, Казань, Россия - open_dx 913)

Following up yesterday`s blob on 9661v, 24 hours later, Oct 18 at
1330, RTI in Japanese was back on 9635, accompanied by some clicks but
otherwise passable audio (Glenn Hauser, OK - hard-core-dx 34, 19)

4920 Xizang PBS, Lhasa, Eastern Tibet, 2354 - 2359, Oct 12, Tibetan 
comments by man announcer // 4905 and 5240 KHz, 24332
(Николас Эрамо, Виллья Линч, Аргентина - hard-core-dx 34, 17)

5015 Turkmen Radio 2018 with very dull audio S4-5 
,34431, Seems undermodulated ON 18 with S4 too but better audio 
(Захариас Лиангас, Салоники, Греция - CumbreDX 1293)

15535 Voice of Turkey; 1242, 15-Oct; EE cmtry on nuclear wea-
pons, power, etc. ID @1244+. SIO=354
(Гарольд Фродж, Брайтон, Мичиган - CumbreDX 1291)

15530 FRANCA, RFI, Issoudun, PP, 15/10 1712, nx sobre a Africa e o 
programa alimentar mundial em Mocambique e Malawi. 45544
(Рудольф Гримм, Сан Бернардо, Бразилия - CumbreDX 1290)

15660 FRANCA, R. Jamahiriya, via Issoudun, AA, 15/10 1705, com. OM. O 
idioma arabe e um dos mais dificeis de ser decifrado em escutas, mas, 
pude perceber que o locutor mencionava frequentemente a Africa, a 
palavra ‘Jamahiriya’, que deve ter um significado especial para o
arabe, alem de ser o nome da emissora da Libia. Tambem foi mencionada a 
palavra ‘fax’ com o que presumo depois serem os numeros em arabe

informados, e a palavra ‘Internet’ com o link. Ao fundo musica 
ocidental. 45444 (Рудольф Гримм, Сан Бернардо, Бразилия - CumbreDX 1290)

Всемирная Служба Радио Украина/Radio Ukraine International.
(Сезон В05 30.10.05 - 26.03.06)

Время UTC;Частота;Передатчик;Азимут;Направление вещания

Мощность передатчика в Харькове 100 кВт, в Николаеве - 500 кВт.

Расписание передач на разных языках:
НЕМЕЦКИЙ (1 час): 1800, 2100 и 0000 на 5840 кГц.
АНГЛИЙСКИЙ (1 час): 2200 на 5840 кГц; 0100 и 0400 на 5910 кГц; 1200 на 9925 кГц.
УКРАИНСКИЙ: на всех частотах во время отсутствия на них вышеуказанных нем. и
англ. передач.
РУМЫНСКИЙ (полчаса): 1800, 2030, 2200 на 657 кГц (Черновцы, 25 кВт).

Расписание может изменяться. Об изменениях Вы можете узнать на сайте радиокомпании
www.nrcu.gov.ua. Там же вы можете слушать передачи ВСРУ и УР-1 в режиме Real

Ваши замечания к расписанию и информация о слышимости принимаются с благодарностью.
(Александр Егоров, Киев - open_dx 918)

Rdf Nationale (t); 2052...2200+, 15-Oct; Very soft-voiced M in
FF w/Afro music; M talks for few minutes after every few tunes.  Hrd
"Nationale" @2059. Copiable peaks u/UNID RR
(Гарольд Фродж, Брайтон, Мичиган - CumbreDX 1291)

6165, CHAD, (P)RNT, 2024-2053, Oct.17, French-?, OM
and YL w/ FR sounding talks and Afropops. Drums at
BoH. Fair tho battling for dominance w/ strong
co-channel Croatia. (Скотт Барбур, Интервале - hard-core-dx 34, 21)

7385 Radio Prague; 1346-1357+, 15-Oct; EE Czech news & feature on a Czech film
festival. ID & IS @1357 & continued in FF. SIO=353 
7435 Radio Prague; 0312, 15-Oct; EE feature on a Bollywood film festival in Prague.
(Гарольд Фродж, Брайтон, Мичиган - CumbreDX 1291)

9635 CHILE, Voz Cristiana, via Santiago, SS, 15/10 1336, mx crista, 
com. OM. 25222 (Рудольф Гримм, Сан Бернардо, Бразилия - CumbreDX 1290)

I continue to marvel at the super signal the 100 kW from Voz
Cristiana puts in here, in Spanish aimed at Mexico, on 17680 all day, such as
1455 Oct 18. What a pity that this facility (or another transmitter there) is
not used for a ``Voice of South America`` external service. If Chile is not
interested, one or more other countries could back it and provide a terrific
service to the rest of the world in English and other languages, conveying
South American news, culture, and yes, politics. But no one has the vision to
do it (Glenn Hauser, OK - hard-core-dx 34, 19)

11690, HCJB, на испанском для Южной Америки, 11.38. Разговоры на совсем не
религиозные темы (много про Венесуэлу); окончание передачи, в названии
которой было слово "проксимо". ID в 11.45 (ла радио аче-се-хота-бе...)
(Дмитрий Мезин, Казань, Россия - open_dx 913)

Южная Африка
3255 AFRICA DO SUL, BBC via Meyerton, 15/10 2048, EE, cancoes em EE, 
com. OM, sign-off 2100. 25222 (Рудольф Гримм, Сан Бернардо, Бразилия - CumbreDX

NHK/R Japan 9750  has been heard on 11 and 12  with poor to fair 
signal on 1135 but better on 1155 with muiscal talent show(?) . ON 12th 
on 1155  with  play of pold chinese song
(Захариас Лиангас, Салоники, Греция - hard-core-dx 34, 17)

1206, местное вещание Китая на корейском языке (по WRTH - станция в Yanbian,
150 кВт), 13.34. Разговоры и песни. SINPO 44433, а чуть позже вообще доросло
до 54444. (Дмитрий Мезин, Казань, Россия - open_dx 913)

1314 NORUEGA, R. Norway, Kvitsoy, 16/10 0356, noruegues, com. OM e as 
conhecidas musicas do amanhecer do dia europeu que a Radio Norway 
transmite diariamente. A epoca e propicia para tentar ouvi-la em 
qualquer parte do Brasil com boas possibilidades apos as 0230 UTC. 
24222 (QRM das emissoras brasileiras em 1310 e 1320)
(Rudolf Grimm, Sao Bernardo, SP, BRASIL - CumbreDX 1290)

1413 1200 KBC Япония ID, шумно
1440 1239 STV Япония
1467 1323 KBS Корея, слабо

6073 1218 всё гудит, Пакистан, наверно, язык так и не понял
6379 1223 очень слабо, не разобрал что
6937 1225 Китай, очень громко
1422 1230 CNR1 //1134/1539/1593/4800
 972 1312 KBS, Корея, очень сильно
1188 1300 Р. Синтай, Китай, ID
1134 1312 KBS, Корея, сильно
Китай вылезал на 891, 711, 630, 1305, 1485, две на 999 (Синьцзян и ещё)
 909 1321 Синьцзян на монг, хорошо //1233/6190/7230
          (на казах - 963/1107, на уйгур - 1044/1413)
1035 1330 Пакистан, Мультан, хорошо, на языке сирайки, он же ленди, он же западный
1467 1353 KBS, Корея, слабо
1476 1401 Таиланд на непонятном языке, очень медленно

1134 1215 Корея, очень сильно
1008 1230 CBS Тайвань, ID, очень сильно //603
1467 1232 KBS, Корея, хорошо
1413 1232 Япония вперемешку с Синьцзяном
1242 1233 Япония сильно
1179 1237 Китай хорошо
1143 1240 Китай очень сильно
1548 1244 Голос России, Клуб DX, длиннное перечисление частот
1098 1300 CNR8, ID в конце часа, очень сильно, но шумно
1098 1313 CNR1 //945/981/1134/1539/1593
еще Китай неслабо на 1089 и 1224
 891 1400 Р. Циндао?, ID, Китай (тут же Юность)

Китай на многих частотах
1350 1250 что-то на языке ЮВА, Таиланд?, Лаос?, Куньмин?
1206 1300 CNR на корейском, ID, Яньцзи
"юдин нэтоо цуньдинь ханго инмида"
1476 1400 Таиланд на каком-то языке?
1503 1400 Радиостанция Центр, "программа на простом английском для
изучающих английский язык.."

Китай, Китай.. везде
1350 1210 очень похоже на монгольский, скорее всего Тонляо, Китай
1323 1214 на корейском, Китай наверно, слабо
1170 1238 RKI на японском, сильно
1188 1300 Р. Синтай, Китай, ID

Все звуки на http://victorcity.dxing.ru/zvukiMD.htm
(Виктор Рутковский, Екатеринбург, Россия - open_dx 913)

I was unable to DX last week, I had fever, bronchitis and I spent two days in
hospital; my imunitary system is very low (even an emergency with very tough

Got some tuning last evening in order to change my mind since I  was extremely
anxious and conditions were extremely amazing. I had the best and clearest signal
out of Spain-585 around 0300 and was able to tape their ID this time (before
0300 they had a very nice show of flamenco music) and domestics were unnulable
with the exception of Cuba-670. On 760 I thought I heard Bogota mentioned twice
around 0240, but WJR was essentially unnulable. What was odd was that WVMT-620
had quite some QRM, more than in all
my 5 years of on and off DX'ing. Conditons were so exceptionnal...

I hope everyone will take advantage of these amazing conditions.
A full report maybe next week-end, since I'm too tired right now.
(Bogdan Chiochiu in Pierrefonds (Montreal's West Island - hard-core-dx 34, 17))

KWMO Missouri, 1350khz x 3 = 4050khz back again tonight, fair sigs right now.
(John Wilke, Milwaukee, WI - hard-core-dx 34, 19)

830 kHz WCCO in Minneapolis MN, 50 kw - positive ID with call letters,
local time and local commercials. New record for furthest west for me
- first time I've gotten further west than Chicago on MW. Weak but
audible signal, alternating on 830 with WEEU, 20 kw from Reading PA.
(?, New York - hard-core-dx 34, 20)
PIRATE (Euro) 6239.35 JRRI (presumed) 0632-0643 Heard what sounded like soul
vocals at tune-in, then a male announcer at 0641 UTC.  Strong utility QRM on
USB, and some voice traffic on LSB.  SINPO 12331. 
(George Maroti Oct 16 - CumbreDX 1290)

PIRATE (Euro) 6269.4 Alfa Lima Int'l 2255-0023* Back on 48 meters for the evening/night
broadcast, with more techno music.  Although Alfred signed off briefly at 0023,
he was back on when I did a bandscan around 0140 UTC.  SINPO 34333. (George Maroti
Oct 15 - CumbreDX 1290)

PIRATE (Euro) 6304.84 R. Paardenkracht (tentative) 0639-0712 Only a carrier,
which unfortunately didn't break into any audio.  Tentative logging, based on
 some logs posted to pirate radio forums.  Had they come on the night before,
like Delta and Alfa Lima, I'm sure it would have been possible to get some audio
from this one. 
(George Maroti Oct 16 - CumbreDX 1290)

PIRATE (Euro) 6308 Delta Radio 2153-2338* At first tune-in, heard the DJ mention
"Westside" but later heard him give the Delta Radio ID and e-mail address.  Rock
music and some Dutch music.  The signal improved to SINPO 34433 at close-down.
(George Maroti Oct 15 - CumbreDX 1290)

PIRATE (Euro) 15069.6 Alfa Lima Int'l 1500-1745 Once Alfred switched to the 300
watt xmtr, the carrier frequency dropped down a bit.  Propagation steadily improved
as darkness approached the Netherlands, and SINPO improved to 34444.  Pounding
techno music and greetings to many listeners in the USA, and even Australia.

(George Maroti Oct 15 - CumbreDX 1290)

PIRATE (Euro) 15070.16 Alfa Lima Int'l 1430-1450 Alfred started off on 19 meters
with his 100 watt rig, but shortly switched on the 300 watt rig as he was getting
reports from the USA and Australia from Dxers in his chat room.  SINPO 24332.

(George Maroti Oct 15 - CumbreDX 1290) 

PIRATE (Euro) 15789.8 Radio Black Arrow 1507-1545 Somewhat unusual programming
from Black Arrow, as he played only techno music, with frequent ID's.  The pounding
music, combined with Alex's antenna modification and good propagation made it
easy to copy his 20 watt signal.  At my request, Alex conducted a low power test,
dropping his power to 10, then 5, and finally to only 1 watt.  I was able to
copy his voice announcement even at 1 watt, although I couldn't hear the music.
 The 20 watt signal improved to
S3 by the time I tuned out; SINPO 24432. (George Maroti Oct 16 - CumbreDX 1290)

6188.9 Radio Bosques, La Plata, 2130 - 2213, Oct 11, Spanish, Music and political
comments ID "En el aire esta es Radio Bosques, Gonet, La Plata, la unica emisora
realmente libre de tu dial" "Radio Bosques la unica emisora libre en Argentina",
give e-mail address 
radio_bosques[[dog]]yahoo.com.ar, 33333, (Nicolas Eramo, Villa Lynch, Argentina
- hard-core-dx 34, 17)

На этой неделе наблюдал за передачами Vatican radio на частоте 1530 кГц. Записал
два логфайла в ночь с понедельника на вторник и с пятницы на субботу. В понедельник
условия приема были заметно лучше, так в пятницу я даже не дождался цифрового
сигнала на частоте, лег спать, а результаты анализировал уже на следующий день.
Аудио, можно сказать, почти совсем не декодируется, звук появился только один
раз в ночь на вторник примерно в течение одной минуты. На частоте стабильно присутствует
радиостанция в АМ режиме
из Румынии, поэтому, скорее всего, такой результат. 
Вторая новость - ВВС, похоже, прекратила DRM вещание на русском языке, во всяком
случае, в расписании на офсайте эту передачу я не нашел, но зато заметил ВВС
на частоте 5875 кГц с битрейтом 20.96 kbps. Интересно, что произошло как раз
то, о чем я писал в комментарии 17 июля. Вряд ли, это из-за меня и моих рекомендаций.
Думаю, что англичане, наконец-то, и сами все поняли. Посмотрим, что будет в зимнем
сезоне через две недели.

Еще пробовал неоднократно в последние дни принять DRM станцию из Германии на
частоте 177 кГц. На автомобильном приемнике с выключенным двигателем слышу характерный
шум от цифровой трансляции в Лиепае, Кулдиге и Вентспилсе, в принципе, можно
было бы попробовать вытащить ее узким спектром 6 кГц из-под сигнала на 171 кГц,
но столкнулся с проблемой - шумит сам переносной компьютер, да так, что никакие
петлевые антенны не помогают, особенно шум усиливается, если антенну поднести
ближе к монитору. Похоже, что осталось
изготовить антенну с более длинным кабелем и разместить ее подальше и установить
дополнительные фильтры на интерфейсном кабеле.
(Владимир Казгунов, Лиепая, Латвия - open_dx 913)

10315.0 no-call: UNID Station, ??? 0818 USB/42/48-tone
HDR OFDM-modem, burst intro showing unmodulated
tones at +1000 and +3000Hz, adaptive behaviour
switching between 42-tone and 48-tone mode
(16Oct05) (Leif Dehio, Munich, Germany - wun 18, 34)

20075.0 TVVK: Egyptian emb. Rabat, MRC 0932 USB/CODAN
CHIRP+16x75Bd QPSK mode, traffic to MFA Cairo
(=VVUU) (16Oct05) (Leif Dehio, Munich, Germany - wun 18, 34)

08971.0    Cardfile 711 (P-3C, NAS  Jacksonville): 1502 USB calling Fiddle 
(TSCC, NAS Jacksonville) w/no response.  10/16 RP3 (Ron, Mayland - wun 18, 34)

08992.0    Offutt: 1522 USB w/Cardfile 711 (P-3C,  NAS Jacksonville) who 
request pp w/DSN 312-942-XXXX  (Fiddle) reporting  that they are "ops normal"
40 mins out from homeplate. 10/16 (Ron, Maryland - wun 18, 34)

DAILY REPORT :  OCT. 17, 2005:

utc            qrg         call/s           rst            dist/kms
08:52    28,263.-    EA4DAT    478             1,415
08:53    28,256.-    C30P          335                903
09:39    28,215.-    GB3RAL    347             1,222
09:40    28,220.-    5B4CY       488             2,105
09:44    28,200.-    4X6TU        478            2,409    
09:45    28,200.-    CS3B          477            2,947
09:49    28,191.-    GB3RAL     589            1,222   * NEW, finally!
(Уолтер Каппоза, Венеция, Италия - wun 18, 36)

05352   TXX2: Spanish Guarda Civil Valdermo 2318 ALE/USB Sounding.(16Oct05)
06288   AAA: Israeli AF 2339 ALE/USB Sounding. (16Oct05)
08484   HLG: SeoulRadio Korea 1928 CW CQ de HLG QSX 8 MHz K.(17Oct05)
08502   XSG: ShanghaiRadio PRC 1937 CW CQ de XSG PSE UP 353 UP E E. (17Oct2005)
08517   XSV: Globe Wireless Tianjin PRC GLOBEDATA Idling. (17Oct05)
08634   VTG6: Indian Navy Mumbai 1945 CW Wx in EE. (17Oct05)
08636   HLW: SeoulRadio Korea 1943 CW CQ de HLW QSX 8 MHz K. (17Oct05)
08646   VTP6: Indian Navy Vishakhapatnam 1950 CW Wx in EE. (17Oct05)
08672   : Russian Military 1954 MS-5/4800/USB Cipher. (17Oct05)
(Jim - wun 18, 36)

16169 Unid: Possible M42 in CW mode, 0740z 16-okt-2005 CW 5FG + 5LG 
(Igor Buhtiyarov - wun 18, 37)
groups.yahoo.com/group/skywavesmw - SkywavesMW
groups.yahoo.com/group/weblinks - Поиск и обзоры сайтов на любую тему.
www.dx-adventure.narod.ru - Курская DX Страница. На сайте можно найти историю
радио, расписания частот, тв и фм эфир Курска, тайное в мире радио, рапорт о
приеме, таблицу СИНПО и прочее. Рекомендую посетить!
http://donmoore.tripod.com/ - на этом сайте можно найти статьи о радиовещании
в Латинской Америке.
http://valenciadx.blogspot.com/ - Valencia DX (Jose Miguel Romero)
http://spaces.msn.com/members/sintoniadx/ - Sintonia DX (Dino Bloise)
http://dxsad.at.tut.by/ - Radio & TV in Chernihiv (Ukraine, Davidenko Serhiy)
http://rover.vistecprivat.de/~signals - LDO Homepage

Полный лог нашего с Алексеем выезда за город готов и лежит у меня на сайте в
DX-читальне. Пока только на русском и без аудиозаписей.
Прямая ссылка:
(Дмитрий Мезин, Казань, Россия - open_dx 914)

Thanks to Hans-Dieter Buschau for the info on BBC Oman
address for QSL. On my postcard report to Seychelles
Relay Station I wrote: Resident Engineer, VT Merlin
Communications & Partners LLC, BBC Indian Ocean Relay
Station, PO Box 448, Victoria, Mahe, Seychelles. 40
days later I got the confirmation letter signed by
Albert Quatre, Senior Engineer. On the top part a view
on the transmitter site showing "six Marconi 4 band
arrays strung across four towers" and "BBC INDIAN
OCEAN RELAY STATION" printed by side. Also informed
below "The transmitting station was opened and
operated by the BBC in 1988, in 1997 as part of BBC
transmission privatisation the management of the site
was transferred to Merlin Communications, a new
company formed by ex BBC staff. The company is now
part of VT Group of UK." (Тони Ашар, Депок, Индонезия - hard-core-dx 34, 20)

Получил QSL от RDP i через 14 дней после отправки на isabelsaraiva[dog]rdp.pt
Помимо QSL, прислали расписание, наклейку, значок и шнурок для мобильника с логотипом
RDP. На карточке изображено новое здание Лиссабонского управления Радио и телевидения
Станцию принимал в 18:00 на 15555 кГц.
(Константин Асеев, Курск, Россия - open_dx 915 18/10/05)

1640 KDZR OR, Lake Oswego, rec folding thank you QSL card in 120d.
V/S" Radio Disney Family". Also enclosed 1640 Key Chain. Address: 3030
SW Moody, Suite 210, Portland OR 97201(Патрик Мартин, Сисайд, Орегон - hard-core-dx
34, 19)

Южная Корея
Ciao a tutti,
HLAZ 1566 kHz Korea (FEBC) mi ha confermato in 644 giorni, prima via mail, poi
con una QSL
card full data. Avevo spedito una prima volta il rapporto per posta e ho riscritto
un mese fa una mail.
Mi ha risposto gentilmente Ranny Lee (English Secretarial Assistant), alla quale
avevo detto che avrei rispedito la lettera, ma mi ha detto che era sufficiente
il clip e la mail e dopo un mese mi e arrivata la QSL, Indirizzo: FEBC (Far East
Broadcasting Company ) Korea, MPO Box 88, Seoul 121-707, Korea
mail: febcadm[dog]febc.net
La cartolina di conferma e una foto dalla stazione HLAZ che mostra le tre antenne
di trasmissione.
L'avevo ascoltata nel novembre del 2003 ad Acquasparta, Umbria, tra le 17.45
e le 18.00 UTC, quando c'era il programma in russo, con l'AOR 7030 e una filare
di 30 metri,
(Fabrizio Carnevalini - playdx 785)

Rx: Kenwood R-1000
Ant.: LW 22m, vertical 2.7 m (indoor - preparada pelo Eng. Martim 
Jenny) e RGP3 amplificada para 1314 kHz

Rudolf Grimm
Sao Bernardo, SP

Rx: Kenwood R-1000, Sony ICF SW7600G/GR
Ant.: LW 22m, Vert. 2.7m (indoor) / 6m, RGP3 amplif., DZ-45

John Wilke K9RZZ
Milwaukee, WI USA
Yaesu FT767gx + 40m loop

Zacharias Liangas , Thessaloniki Greece 
Pesawat penerima: ICOM R75 , Lowe HF150 , Degen 1102,1103,108,
Tecsun PL200, Chibo c300/c979, Yupi 7000 
Antenna: 16m hor, 2x16 m V invert, 1m australian loop 

Nicolas Eramo
Lat:34?34'49S  Long:58?32'26W
Villa Lynch
Prov. Buenos Aires

Icom  IC-R75, Kenwood R-2000, Sony ICF 2010

T2FD with balun 3.1
V Inverted 15 mts with balun 1.1
V Inverted 11 mts with balun 1.1
Longwire 15 metros

MFJ-959B Receiver Antenna Tuner/Preamplifier

Guy Atkins
Puyallup, WA USA
DXing at Grayland, WA
mod. ICOM IC-756Pro & mod. ICOM R-75
800 ft. SW and W Beverage antennas; 1500 ft. NW Beverage

Fernando Viloria
Guacara - Carabobo State - Venezuela
Rx: Icom IC-720 transceiver
Antenna: 1/4 wave slopper
Antenna tuner: MFJ - 956 (passive)
Jose Miguel Romero
Burjasot (Valencia)
Scott R Barbour Jr-Intervale,NH-USA
R75, 200' Beverage antennas. 

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