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Электронный DX Бюллетень WorldDX 37
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Всемирный DX Бюллетень 37 04/10/05 ------------------------- КВ Австралия 2310, AUSTRALIA, VL8A-Alice Springs, 0948-1004, Sept.26, English, Local music w/ talk over, ABC promos, wx forecast for entire continent. Song "Midnite Moon" thru ToH, quick ID at 1003 then more mx. Fair using USB. // 2325-VL8T poor. (Scott Barbour Jr-NH - hard-core-dx 33, 28) 7875U, AUSTRALIA, ABC-WA, 1056-1106, Sept.26, English, "PM" prg w/ economic news re Aussie land council; hurricane effects on oil industry. Trivia quiz re "English Premier League" into ABC News at 1100 re Aussie Homeland Security. Fair/poor. (Scott Barbour Jr-NH, Intervale -hard-core-dx 33, 28) 7875U ABC-Western Australia (p), 2142+, September 24, English, pops, ann. by male & female, 25552 (USB mode) (Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - hard-core-dx 34, 1) 7875 Khz 1930 Utc 24.09.2005 ABC Perth usb mode 35343 Details Pgr englisch rock music, voice by ANN, ID by lady ANN (DE Berti Paolo, Switzerland - hard-core-dx 33, 26) 4910, VL8T Tennant Creek, 0808 tlk by 2 men, then brief mx bridge at 0810, and more tlk. Sounded like a sports pgm w/sound bites. Not very strong but a little better than //4835 VL8A Alice Springs. Both getting strong by the BoH. 4910 went off at 0829:29 and 2325 came on at 0830:27, then 2310 was on seconds later. So takes about a minute for the stations to change over. On the Micro-DXpedition later, all three 2310, 2325, and 2485 were good around 1130. (Dave Valko, 1 Oct. - CumbreDX 1272) 7180, V. International via Darwin, 1345 1Oct.Indo service of pop mx and announcements. S4 w/fading (Jerry Strawman-IA, Des Moines - CumbreDX 1272). Австрия 6155 R.Austria Int. (Moosbrunn),20:55-21:00,escuchada el 30 de sep. en espa?ol a locutora con ID "Radio Austria Uno Internacional",boletin de noticias,pronostico del tiempo.44433. (Хосе Мигель Ромеро, Кастеллон, Испания - hard-core-dx 34, 2) Ангола 4950 Radio Nacional de Angola, Mulenvos, 2226+, September 24, Portuguese, local pops, ann. & ID as: "...a musicas da momento....Radio Nacional....", 35443 (Арнальдо Слан, Аргентина - hard-core-dx 34, 1) Антарктида 15476, LRA 36 Radio Nacional Arc?ngel San Gabriel, 1901-2030, 26-09, buena se?al y muy estable desde las 1901 que cerr? AFRICA no. 1 hasta las 2020 que empez? a deteriorarse. Multiples identificaciones: "Radio Nacional Arc?ngel San Gabriel", "De Esperanza al mundo, un contrate entre la actividad del clima y la belleza natural", "continuamos con Rincon de Patria". "Si quieren comunicarse con nosotros, nuestros tel?fonos: 08102220700 interior 316 y 216, si llama desde el exterior del pa?s: 00542974445304 ? 00542974445319, nuestro correo electr?nico lra36@infovia.com.ar , nuestra direcci?n postal: Radio Nacional Arc?ngel San Gabriel, Base Esperanza, C. P. 9411 Ant?rtida Argentina". "Desde la Base Esperanza transmite LRA 36 Radio Nacional Arc?ngel San Gabriel en espa?ol en la frecuencia de 15476 kHz de lunes a viernes para todo el mundo". Comentarios deportivos, torneo apertura argentino. Cuento "Amor Verdadero", tipo obra de teatro. Entrevista con un Sargento de la Base. SINPO muy estable entre 1901 y 2020 34333. A partir de 2020 la se?ala se deterior? y a partir de las 2030 resultaba apenas audible. (Мануэль Мендез, Луго, Испания - hard-core-dx 33, 28) Армения 9775, ARMENIA, VO Armenia, 1823-1845*, Sept.26, German/English. End of GM service, IS, ID/schedule for EG service. News re Sept.25 elections, constitutional reforms. Commentary re Armenian and Azerbaijan national security affairs. Music then contact info at s/off. "MuddY" audio, fair at best using USB. (Scott Barbour Jr-NH, Intervale - hard-core-dx 33, 28) 4810 Yerevan Radio, Yerevan, 0332+, September 25, Vernacular, talk by female at 0333, music, 25442 (XERTA was off), 25442 (Арнальдо Слан, Аргентина - hard-core-dx 34, 1) Бахрейн I recall a report from a Scandinavia Dxer not so long ago that this was not now being heard on 9745 USB. Audible here 2355 September 29th with Arabic music, HCJB was just making its closing announcements, Bahrain was weaker but clearly audible, drowned by CRI signing on at 0000. (Mike Barraclough, Letchworth Garden City, UK - CumbreDX 1272) Беларусь Белорусское радио принял 30 сентября. Частота 11960 кГц в 09:25 UTC, качество приема 3 балла. (Андрей Бурлака, Симферополь, Украина - Сигнал 154 а, open_dx) Бенин 5025, ORTB, 1830-1840, 26-09, programa en franc?s, locutor, comentarios, m?sica africana. Desde que Radio Tashkent se traslad? a 5060 kHz se recibe bi?n esta emisora por aqu?. Antes estaba casi siempre eclipsada. (Мануэль Мендез, Луго, Испания - hard-core-dx 33, 28) Боливия 4679.6 v until 4679.2 Radio Virgen del Remedio, Tupiza, 2240 - 0000, Sep 24, Spanish Music and Religious Program, ID, 24332, (Nicolas Eramo, Argentina - hard-core-dx 33, 27) 4498.13 (harmonic), Radiodifusora Estambul (pres.), 2340 tlk by M in SP, but not quite strong enough to copy. Gone at 0022 check. (27 Sept. Dave Valko - CumbreDX 1268) 3390,3 Radio Camargo, Camargo, 0156+, September 25, Spanish, romantic songs in spanish, ann. by male, very distorsionated audio, 24432 (Арнальдо Слан, Аргентина - hard-core-dx 34, 1) 4409,8 Radio Ecos, (t), Reyes, Beni, 0205+, September 25, Spanish, Mexico folk songs, 25342 (Арнальдо Слан, Аргентина - hard-core-dx 34,1) 4679,3 to 4679,6 Radio Virgen de Remedios, Tupiza, (New frequency!!!!) 2241+, September 24, Spanish, religious programme, catholic songs, At 0000 UTC ID as: "Radio Virgen de Remedios.....un mensaje de paz", ann. abt activities in Nuestra Se?ora de la Trinidad Church, 24432 (Арнальдо Слан, Аргентина - hard-core-dx 34, 1) Ботствана 4930 VOA, Moepeng Hill, 2229 - 2235, Sep 24, English, comments and news program, ID "This is.....VOA...", 45444, (NicolasEramo, Argentina - hard-core-dx 33, 27) Бразилия 6060, Radio Tupi, Curitiba, 0606-0615, 27-09, Portugu?s, locutor, comentarios religiosos. 24322. 9515, Radio Novas de Paz, Curitiba, 2106-2117, 26-09, locutor, portugues, comentarios religiosos y canciones. Identificaci?n: "Radio Novas de Paz". 33333. 9615, Radio Cultura, Sao Paulo, 2150-2158, 26-09, Portugu?s, comentarios, canciones de Frank Sinatra, identificaci?n: "O porgrama estrela da Radio Cultura". 24322. 9665, Radio Marumbuy, Florian?polis, 2130-2140, 26-09, Portugu?s, programa religioso, comentarios y canciones. 33333. 9675, Radio Can?ao Nova, 0710-0715, 27-09, Portugu?s, comentarios religiosos, identificacaci?n: "Radio Can?ao Nova, 24 hora de radio evangelizando Brasil e o mundo". locutor. 44444. 11815, Radio Brasil Central, 2100-2106, 26-09, Identificaci?n: "Radio Brasil Central, banda internacional de 25 metros, banda tropical de 60 metros, son as seis e un minuto". Noticias deportivas. 34333. Emisoras brasile?as sintonizadas que, entre las 2200 y las 2300 del 26-09 transmitian el programa en cadena "A voz do Brasil": 4885, Radio Clube do Par?, Belem, 2234-2236, 26-09, "A Voz do Brasil". 24222. 4985, Radio Brasil Central, 2228-2233, 26-09, "Estan son as principales noticias da Voz do Brasil". 9530, Radio Transmundial, 2210-2215, 26-09, "A Voz do Brasil". 24322 9565, Radio Tupi, 2215-2217, 26-09 "A Voz do Brasil". 24322. 9675, Radio Can?ao Nova, 2240-2243, 26-09, "A Voz do Brasil". 34333. 9725, Radio Clube Paranaense, 2222-2224, 26-09, "A Voz do Brasil". 222222. 11785, Radio Guaiba, Porto Alegre, 2219.2220, 26-09, "A Voz do Brasil". 22222. 11780, Radio Nacinal da Amazonia, 2220-221, 26-09, "A Voz do Brasil". 23222. 11815, Radio Brasil Central, 2218-2219, 26-09, "A Voz do Brasil". 34333. 11855, Radio Aparecida, 2221-2222, 26-09, " A Voz do Brasil". 22222. 11915, Radio Gaucha, Porto Alegre, 2217-2218, 26-09, "A Voz do Brasil". 23222. (Manuel Mendez, Lugo, Spain - hard-core-dx 33, 29) 3365.08, R. Cultura, Araraquara, 2257-2304, Alternating tlk by M and W ending w/W giving an ID, then canned promo/ID at 2300, followed by full ID and freq anmnt by M. Into E-Z ZY rom. mx, and voice-over tlk by W at 2302. Not very strong but clear. Its always weak and not often hrd. (27 Sept.)(Dave Valko - CumbreDX 1268) 4964.96, R. Alvorada, 2305-2310 ZY rom. mx, ads, then live M in PT 2310-2315 (tempo sounded like the nx). 2315 very distorted canned ID/freq anmnt by M, then sounded like deadair, but more canned anmnt a minute later barely detectable. Audio really low lvl, and canned anmnts horribly distorted, but mic audio seemed just a little better. Starting to mix w/pres. Santa Monica. (27 Sept.) (Dave Valko - CumbreDX 1268) 6105.07, R. Filadelfia pounding in peaking at S-9 w/M screaming preaching at 2321. (Dave Valko, 27 Sept. - CumbreDX 1268) 5940.3, R. Guaruja Paulista, 2332 definite tlk by M, //5045. Melodia 5939.33 below much stronger. (27 Sept. Dave Valko - CumbreDX 1268) 4875.5 kHz 0255 Utc 28.09.05 Radiodiffusora Roraima BRA ID by lady ann, local music. (De Berti Paolo, Швейцария - hard-core-dx 33, 30) 5940,3 Radio Guaruja Paulista, Sao Paulo, SP, 2314+, September 24, Portuguese, TC: "20 horas y 18 minutos", ID: "Guaruja, Guaruja....Brasil", 44544 (Арнальдо Слан, Аргентина - hard-core-dx 34, 1) 6104.71, R. Cancao Nova, 0957, Canned anmnts by M and W, and ID w/freqs at 0959. //9675. Weak but audible. (Дэйв Валко, 28 Sept. - CumbreDX 1272) 3375 Found 3 stations here this morning; first was already on at 0855 on 3374.99, then 3375.12 showed up at 0857:40, followed by 3375.01 Educadora (strongest) at 0858:28. I suspect all 3 are ZYs. 3375.12 and 3374.99 are fairly weak. (Дэйв Валко, 30 Sept - CumbreDX 1272) Буркина-Фасо 5030, Radio Burkina, 1842-1855, 26-09, franc?s, locutor, m?sica vern?cula. Noticias a las 1900. 34333. (Мануэль Мендез, Луго, Испания - hard-core-dx 33, 28) Вануату 3944.78, R.V., Still on at 1115 w/W in lcl dialect w/obviously closing prayer mentioning God, Father, "...send him down...", and ended w/"Amen". 1117 studio M anncr w/pres. closing anmnt but Hams came on right on top at the exact same time. 1118 instru. NA, but then carrier remained on. (Дэйв Валко, 1 Oct. - CumbreDX 1272) Венгрия 3975 R. Budapest en espa?ol, 0335-0345 utc, 29-09-2005. Resumen de la prensa matutina. Comentarios sobre estudios cinematogr?ficos en Hungr?a. Las noticias en breve. Expediente europeo, 45433. Programa en paralelo con 6025 kHz (53443) (Хосе Буено, Кордоба, Испания - hard-core-dx 33, 30) Вьетнам 7220, VIETNAM, VOV, 1127-1139, Sept.27, Mandarin/Russian. Tail end of Mandarin svc. Minute o' silence into Russian at 1130 w/ YL over music. Presumed news w/ occasional soundbite w/ RS translation. Fair, becoming choppy w/ USB chatter by t/out. (Scott Barbour Jr-NH, Intervale - hard-core-dx 33, 28) Габон 9580 GABON, Africa Num?ro Un, Moyabi SEP 25 1900+ - with a traditionnal story. Fairly good reception. (Bogdan Chiochiu, Quebec, Canada - hard-core-dx 33, 27) 9580 GABON, Africa Num?ro Un, Moyabi SEP 29 2222 UTC - tune-in to the beginning of a really great rythmic sad soukous tune followed by woman-made "Africa Num?ro Un" liner, then man reviewing apparently a science-fiction movie, brief phone-in at 2230 followed by talk with another man present in the studio about malnutrition in Africa. Reception was relatively good, but comprehensibility was generally mediocre, due to the low modulation I think. Also in the middle of the tune for about a minute or so had a brief bursts of powerline noises on this channel. (Богдан Чиочиу, Монреаль, Канада - hard-core-dx 33, 30) Гайана 3291.28, GUYANA, GBC, 0128-0147, Sept.27, English, YL and OM w/ discussion on "family structure". Prg. credits, YL thanx guests, "3rd part of discussion next Monday". Music bridge at 0140 into PSA, ad re home saving plan. Brief anncr at 0141 into a presumed recording of a live event w/ ancr. congratulating winners. Signal crushed by het tone at 0146. Poor/weak w/ flux audio.(Scott Barbour Jr-NH - hard-core-dx 33, 28) 3291.2 V of Guyana 9/27 w/ BBC WS relay from 0545 tune ("The World Today" pgm) to 0645. Excellent signal w/ none of the recent under-modulation noted (as recently as 9/25). Some static crashes, but otherwise almost armchair lvl. Retuned at 0715 to 0815 w/ continuation of BBC WS relay until 0806 w/ BBC nx at 0800. At 0806 a 30 second pause was fol by a local man ann and a short inst mx interlude and then into Koran reading (Arabic chant w/ EE translation) to 0815 tune out. Wish I had started my second recording later to catch some of the local pgming and to see if sign/off at listed 0900.(Bruce Churchill, Fallbrook, California - CumbreDX 1266) 3291.13, Voice of Guyana, 0937-0947 At tune in, noted "Bollywood" type music. Other types including Stateside mor presented. Between tuens, a man gives TC's in English. Signal was good as expected since the morning grayline was just passing Guyana according to the GeoClock program. (Chuck Bolland, Clewiston, Florida, October 1, 2005 - hard-core-dx 34, 2) Гана 4915, GHANA, R.Ghana, 2209-2230, Sept. 23, English, OM w/ news and ID. Continuos C & W style ballads thru t/out. Fair at t/in becoming unusable as co-channel Brazil f/in. (Scott Barbour Jr-NH, Intervale - hard-core-dx 33, 26) Гватемала 4052.5, Radio Verdad, Chiquimula, 0415-0538, 27-09, Locutor, espa?ol, canciones religiosas. Identificaci?n: "Radio Verdad". A las 0502 programa en ingl?s. 24222.(Мануэль Мендез, Луго, Испания - hard-core-dx 33, 28) Гондурас 3340, La Voz de Misiones Internacionales, 0344-0415, 27-09, locutor, espa?ol, comentarios religiosos. Locutora, canciones religiosas. Se?al muy d?bil. 143211. (Мануэль Мендез, Луго, Испания - hard-core-dx, 33, 28) 4819.2, HRVC La Voz Evang?lica, Tegucigalpa, 0514-0720, 27-09, Identificaci?n: "Esta es HRVC, La Voz Evang?lica en los 1390 AM desde Tegucigalpa, la bella capital de Honduras". "HRVC La Voz Evang?lica de Honduras, la radio que evangeliza". "HRVC es palabra". "HRVC es m?sica". "HRVC, hombres y mujeres que transmiten un mensaje diferente". Canciones religiosas. "La Biblia nos invita a orar". Buena se?al. 34333. (Мануэль Мендез, Луго, Испания - hard-core-dx 33, 28) 4819,13 La Voz Evang?lica en espa?ol, 0355-0405 utc, 29-09-2005, HRVC presenta: "Palabra con Dios". "HRVC, La Voz Evang?lica de Honduras" por el te?logo Gabriel Otero. 34333(Хосе Буено, Кордоба, Испания - hard-core-dx 33, 30) Греция 12105 Voz de Grecia (Kavala),14:38-14:50, escuchada el 1 de oct. en espa?ol, locutor con bolet?n de noticias,Px de Mx latina.44433. (Хосе Мигель Ромеро, Кастеллон, Испания - hard-core-dx 34, 2) Джибути 4780 Radio Djibouti (p), 0303 - 0313, Sep 25, Arabic, Kuran prayer by man, Female announcer, 34443, (Nicolas Eramo, Argentina - hard-core-dx 33, 27) Занзибар (Танзания) 11735, ZANZIBAR, RTZ, 1849-1916, Sept.26, Vernacular. Hi-life music, OM w/ "Hi Sauti Tanzania Zanzibar" ID at 1900. Drums/pips followed by news; Rwanda, Sudan, Iraq and Zanzibar mentioned. ID at 1910. More drums then different OM w/ talks. Music at t/out. Fair/good. (Scott Barbour Jr-NH, Intervale - hard-core-dx 33, 28) Замбия 4910 ZNBC Radio Zambia, Lusaka, 2048 - 2055, Sep 24, Vernacular, man announcer comments and give an address, 44444, (Nicolas Eramo, Argentina - hard-core-dx 33, 27) Западная Сахара/Алжир 7460, W.SAHARA/ALGERIA,(P)RASD, 2143-2159, Sept.23, Arabic, Continuos musical selections until wiped out by 7465-WWCR s/on at 2159. Fair. (Scott Barbour Jr-NH, Intervale - hard-core-dx 33, 26) Зимбабве 6611.9 ZBC (2nd harmonic), 2039 - 2045, Sep 24, Vernacular, Comments by man announcer mention several times Zimbabwe, Afican Music, 34333 (Nicolas Eramo, Argentina - hard-core-dx 33, 27) Индия 7270, INDIA, (P)FM Gold-AIR Chennai, 1140-1204, Sept.27, Vernacular. Continuous format of Hindi duets w/ OM in lang. b/w selections. No ID noted. Fair. (Scott Barbour Jr-NH, Intervale - hard-core-dx 33, 28) 4760, AIR, Port Blair (presumed), 1225 27 Sept. Weak signal featuring flute and vocals w/fading (Jerry Strawman-IA, Des Moines - CumbreDX 1272). Индонезия 15150 Voz de Indonesia,17:45-18:00,en espa?ol,escuchada el 22 de sep,locutor con ID "La Voz de Indonesia en Jakarta",Mx pop local e Int.,Nx locales, despedida "Estimados oyentes hemos llegado al final de programa",dan direcci?n de correo,44433.(Хосе Мигель Ромеро, Кастеллон, Испания - hard-core-dx 33, 26) 9680, INDONESIA, KGRE via RRI-Jakarta, 1002-1022, Sept.25, English, Indo ballad at t/in. KGRE s/on at 1002 w/ OM. Banter b/w OM and YL;too weak to detail at this point. Improved a bit to note pop music at 1007 followed by jingle w/ "Kang Guru R.English" ID and presumed contact info at 1010. Talks resume, able to pick out a few phrases. "Thats what friend are for" at 1020 followed by mention of "Australia Aid", prg.hi-lites for next week and "POB 3095" contact info. RRI Indo returns at 1022 w/ YL mentioning KGRE into Indo music. Poor, best using USB. Recent reports have led to speculation that reception should improve during B-05 tho PPWBR 2005 shows WYFR 0800-1045 on this frequency during the winter months. (Scott Barbour Jr-NH, Intervale - hard-core-dx 33, 26) 3976.06, RRI Pontianak, 1020-1024 nx by W, 1024 deadair then into choral Lagu mx followed by a ballad. Immediately into the Koran at 1033. Hams started up at 1036 so wasn't able to ID. (Dave Valko, 1 Oct. - CumbreDX 1272) 3976, INDONESIA-KALIMANTAN, RRI Pontianak, 1038-1108, Oct.1, Vernacular. Call to Prayer-like chanting at t/in w/ co-channel amatuer traffic. Brief anncr and more chants. Announcer at 1044 then Indo pops and ballads thru 1100. Announcer at 1107 w/ (P)ID then back to music. Fair signal. Would have been better w/ out QRM tho using USB eliminated it rather well. (Scott Barbour Jr-NH, Intervale - CumbreDX 1272) 4790, RRI Fak Fak, 0947-1027 A series of musical selections during period. Signal was fair. (Chuck Bolland, October 1, 2005, Clewiston, Florida - hard-core-dx 34, 2) Ирак 6335 Voice of Iraqui Kurdistan, 0247 - 0250, Sep 25, Kurdo, Musical Program and comments, Female announcer mention Kurdistan, 34433, (Nicolas Eramo, Argentina - hard-core-dx 33, 27) Иран 3970.6 Voice of Iranian Kurdistan (t), 0256 - 0302, Sep 25, Kurdo, Female announcer, comments, 22232 (jamming), (Nicolas Eramo, Argentina - hard-core-dx 33, 27) 9650 V.de la Rep.Isl.de Iran (Sirjan),20:30-20:45,escuchada el 30 de sep.en espa?ol,canto del Coran,locutor con horarios y frecuencias, direcci?n postal,web y correo electronico,presentaci?n de espacios, sintonia,boletin informativo.43343. (Хосе Мигель Ромеро, Валенсия, Испания - hard-core-dx 34, 2) Ирландия (non) 17680/15255 RTE w/ broadcast of All-Irish Football finals via Meyerton and Ascension 9/25. 17680 Ascension hrd from 1356 via DX Tuner UK w/ S4 sigs in the clear - pre-game ceremonies, commentary, coml's etc. At 1427 switched to Meyerton on 15255 (also via DX Tuner UK) but only S2 sigs here w/ adj ch QRM. At 1430 the sig on 15255 markedly improved as the feed switched to Ascension. Then tuned home rig to 17680 at 1432 but only Voz Cristiana hrd here - however 15255 on Ascension was S3 at 1437 fading to S2 by 1458. Retuned at 1509 to 1520 and the signal was holding at S2 w/ co-ch QRM (a VOA xmtr I believe) which actually made it easier to copy RTE. (Bruce Churchil, Fallbrook, California - CumbreDX 1266) Италия 6110 RAI Internacional (Roma),21:10-21.25,escuchada el 30 de sep. en espa?ol con sintonia y locutora con ID"RAI Internacionalen espa?ol para Europa", "RAI Internacional noticiero de Italia",boletin de noticias,frecuencias y direcci?n RAI apartado de correos 320 Roma.44444. (Хосе Мигель Ромеро, Валенсия, Испания - hard-core-dx 34, 2) Исландия 12115U, ICELAND, RUV, 2302-2330*, Sept.23, Icelandic, OM and YL w/ news and what sounded like various interviews. IS at s/off. Fair. (Scott Barbour Jr-NH, Intervale - hard-core-dx 33, 26) Канада 6070 CANADA, CFRX, Toronto, ON SEP 25 1614 - Talkshow noted in passing at a VERY good level. I don't remember hearing usable signal from this one around noon ! + SEP 25 1724 - Good w/ QSB w/ talk w/ the writer of a novel. Less consistent than at 1614. Strange ! (Bogdan Chiochiu-Quebec, Canada - hard-core-dx 33, 27) 7335 CANADA, CHU, Ottawa, ON SEP 25 1616 - Very strong, but after 1800 at re-check this one was really weak. Very strange, as 41 MB propagation should become even better the closer to the dark we get, not worse! (Bogdan Chiochiu Quebec, Canada - hard-core-dx 33, 27) Кашмир (Индия - Пакистан) September 27 1408 UTC the Voice of Jammu and Kashmir Freedom, anti-Indian government programming, was heard till the close down 1432 UTC. Signal strength S5-7, and overall reception quite good. Power is 10 kW tells the WRTH. Frequency for the Voice of Jammu and Kashmir Freedom is 5102 kHz. (Jouko Huuskonen, Turku, Finland - hard-core-dx 33, 28) 6100 Radio Sedayee Kashmir (P) 1427 with steady tone. Short phrase by woman to sign on and then music. Poor reception with QRM throughout. Talk by man just after 1500 with a number of mentions of Pakistan. There was also a talk by a woman at 1925 with a number of mentions of Pakistan and Musharraf. (Johnson Oct 1) Китай 9570, 1 октября, 03.33 и далее, SINPO 35222. Пришлось долго "въезжать", что это за программа - расписание от DX-клуба Нагойи дает здесь CNR-2, но работало явно не оно. Передавалось выступление мужчины перед аудиторией на одном из тюркских языков: предложение-два на этом языке (с частыми упоминаниями партии и власти (хакимият)), потом другой мужчина переводил это на китайский. Ну, и никакой параллельности с частотами CNR-2 15570 и 11915, в конце концов. По CNR-8 в это время по расписанию программа на монгольском, так что окончательное подозрения пало на Народное радио Синьцзяна. Так оно и вышло - нашлась параллельная частота 13670, а после 4.00 из-под шумов выплыла еще одна параллель, совсем рядом - 9560 кГц. Язык был уйгурским. Новая частота, получается, или замена какой-то из старых? На означенных в нагойском расписании 11885 и 7275 кГц Синьцзян не был слышен. (Дмитрий Мезин, Казань, Россия - Сигнал 154 а) Колумбия 5909.9 Marfil Stereo (p), 0314 - 0329, Sep 25, Spanish, Musical Program (gospel music), Female announcer, 34333, (Nicolas Eramo, Argentina - hard-core-dx 33, 27) 6010.1, La Voz de tu Conciencia, 0356-0731, 27-07, comentarios religiosos con su locutor habitual. Entre las 0400-0430 eclipsada por BBC Turkish Service en 6010 y luego con BBC English by Radio. M?s tarde se deterior? la se?al y a las 0700 se escuchaba de nuevo con comentarios religiosos y canciones colombianas. Identificaci?n: "HJDH, La Voz de tu Conciencia, desde Colombia para el mundo". 22222 y 24322. (Мануэль Мендез, Луго, Испания - hard-core-dx 33, 28) 6035 La Voz del Guaviare 0945 Mexican music, TC + ID: "Tenemos las 4 y 50 minutos en La Voz del Guaviare, RCN", more music. (Fernando Viloria, Venezuela, Guaraca Sep 27 via Hans Johnson - CumbreDX 1266) 6140 Radio Lider 28/09 1024 Two MA reading jobs offers, greetings to listeners on their birthdays, simple TC, News: Vegetables prices, International news from Peru, Venezuela, Espana. ID:"Desde Bogota transmite Radio Lider, HJCU, canal preferencia, 730 kilociclos, otra potente estacion de la cadena Melodia ....En Radio Lider 730 kilociclos, estan las mejores voces de la noticia....Radio Lider 730 kilociclos, mejor, imposible", Then News program "Cundinamarca al dia". (Fernando Viloria, Guacara, Venezuela, Sep 28 via Hans Johnson - CumbreDX 1268) 6139.77, R. Lider, On this evening, 2319 studio discussion by at least 3 people. Laughing, ments of Victor ??, "Hola", "noticias". Canned ID nx intro at 2338 recheck. (27 Sept.) (Dave Valko - CumbreDX 1268) 6139,80 R. L?der, Cadena Melod?a en espa?ol, 0515-0600 utc, 29-09-2005, programa de canciones para el recuerdo. "Amor de Hombre" de Mocedades, "Radio L?der, siempre contigo", Anuncian El Gran Estelar del Domingo todos los Domingos, no se lo pierdan. Identificaci?n de la emisora entre cada canci?n. A las 0530 utc interfiere la BBC en Haussa que transmite en 6135. En la banda lateral USB se escucha perfecta. A las 0558 utc identificaci?n completa: "Desde Bogot?, Colombia, transmite Radio L?der, en canal preferencial. HJCU, Radio L?der AM est?reo. 730 kilociclos. Otra potente emisora de la Cadena Melod?a en Colombia. En Radio L?der 730 kilociclos AM est?reo. Esta es la hora oficial: es la una, la hora que Radio L?der llega a los diferentes pa?ses del mundo. Esc?chenos en la frecuencia de 730 kilociclos, onda larga y en 6140 kilociclos, onda corta, banda de 49 metros. Escr?banos a nuestro correo electr?nico radiolider@cadenamelodia.com o al apartado a?reo 19823, Bogot?, Colombia! Ind?quenos la hora, la ciudad donde escucha a Radio L?der y a vuelta de correo reciba un fabuloso premio. Radio L?der, siempre l?der en el mundo.A las 0600 utc comienza la emisi?n de DW en ingl?s que tapa por completo la transmisi?n de R. L?der. Sorprendente la estabilidad de la se?al y la claridad en la recepci?n. 34443. (Хосе Буено, Кордоба, Испания - hard-core-dx 33, 30) 6139.8, Radio Lider, 0535-0600, 01-10. Radio Lider sigue en el aire por varios d?as consecutivos, luego de estar varios meses inactiva y con apariciones muy espor?dicas desde que est? fuera del aire. Ahora parece que, definitivamente, quiere quedarse de nuevo en antena. Ojal? sea por mucho tiempo, pues es una de las emisoras latinoamericanas que mejor se escucha, transmitiendo bonitas canciones en espa?ol. Escuchada hoy entre las 0535 y las 0600 con canciones latinoamericas y espa?olas, entre otras la canci?n "Vivir as? es morir de amor" del cantante espa?ol Camilo Sesto. Identificaci?n entre canciones: "Esta es Radio Lider". "Somos Radio Lider". "Las canciones de Colombia y el mundo, esc?chelas aqu? en su estaci?n predilecta, Radio Lider, 730 AM". A las 0600, como todos los d?as, eclipsada al comenzar la Deustche Welle sus transmisiones en ingl?s en 6140 kHz. SINPO 24322 variando a 34333. (Мануэль Мендез, Луго, Испания - hard-core-dx 34, 2) Конго 5985, CONGO(REP),(T)RTV Congolaise, 2049-2100, Sept.26, French, OM w/ talks over and b/w Hi-life music, tent.ID at 2055. Fair/poor signal prior to being crushed at 2100 by 20 kHz wide "hash", presumably DRM? (Scott Barbour Jr-NH - hard-core-dx 33, 28) Коста-Рика 5054.6, Faro del Caribe, 0336-0550, 27-09, locutor, comentarios religiosos, espa?ol, canciones religiosas. Fuerte ruido de portadora y audio d?bil, mejorando a medida que iba amaneciendo en mi lugar de escucha. 24322. (Мануэль Мендез, Луго, Испания - hard-core-dx 33, 28) 3350, Radio Exterior de Espa?a, 0510-0600, 27-09, Espa?ol, programa "Vanguardia de la ciencia". Noticias del mundo de la ciencia. Comentario del eclipse anular de sol del d?a 3 de octubre. "La ciencia nuesta de cada d?a". A las 0600 cierre de las transmisiones para Centro y Norteam?rica. 45444.(Мануэль Мендез, Луго, Испания - hard-core-dx 33, 28) 5055 Radio Faro del Caribe 28/09 0955 MA in SP with religious comments, partial ID:....escucha Faro del Caribe... escribanos al apartado 120-1350, San Sebastian, Costa Rica", religious song, Another ID: "Esta escuchando Faro del Caribe, amplitud modulada". Pretty weak and noisy signal. (Fernando Viloria, Sep 28 via Hans Johnson - CumbreDX 1268) 3350 R. Exterior de Espa?a en espa?ol, 0330-0335 utc, 29-09-2005, informaci?n sobre el concurso Margarita Xirgu. hablan sobre el Instituto Cervantes en la Rep?blica Checa. 45433(Хосе Буено, Кордоба, Испания - hard-core-dx 33, 30) 5054.64, Faro Del Caribe, 1039-1054 Easy listening music with Rel comments periodically in Spanish. These seemed to be recorded, while ID, "... en Faro Del Caribe .. KiloHertz..." was live. Signal faded from good to fair and back again, during the period. (Chuck Bolland, October 1, 2005, Clewiston, Florida - hard-core-dx 34, 2) Куба 9505, Radio Rebelde, 1015-1037 Noted a parallel program as broadcast on Radio Rebelde of 5025 KHz. Signal on 9505 was very poor. I was hoping to hear Radio Tacna here, but instead heard Rebelde. Don't know if the transmission on 9505 is a spur or an actual relay. I have Cuba listed on this freq earlier in the day, but not at this early morning time. Many times the shortwave signals from Cuba skip over me and can be mistaken for DX, depending on the time of day. I get the same effect from WYFR in Okeechobee. I am wondering now, if the recent loggings from some of Radio Tacna on 9505, were actually Rebelde? Just an after thought. (Chuck Bolland, Clewiston, Florida, September 28, 2005 - hard-core-dx 33, 29) Латвия 9289.98, R. Six relay (pres.), 0652-0701*, Getting bits of audio; mx and anmnts at 0634, 0638, 0647. Nothing intelligible though and not strong enough to recognize songs. Signal gone at exactly 0701 (Дэйв Валко, 1 Oct. - CumbreDX 1272) Либерия 5470 Radio Veritas(p), Monrovia, 2223 - 2235, Sep 24, English, Man announcer, Musical Program and comments, 34443, (Николас Эрамо, Argentina - hard-core-dx 33, 27) Мадагаскар/Зимбабве 7120 1705 with an English description of the station as an alternative voice for Zimbabwe and ID. Jammed with noise and very hard to listen to, it is not clear in AM or either sideband. (Hans Johnson Sep 30 - CumbreDX 1272) Мали 4782.5 RTV Malienne, Bamako, 2057 - 2100, Sep 24, Vernacular, comments by man announcer, Musical Program, 34443, (Николас Эрамо, Аргентина - hard-core-dx 33, 27) Марокко 9575 MOROCCO, Medi UN, Nador SEP 25 1814 - Already in with a very poor signal at this early time with man in AA followed by popular AA music. At re-check after 1500 this one was much better (actually pretty fair) with news in French. (Bogdan Chiochiu, Quebec, Canada - hard-core-dx 33, 27) Неопознанное I still don?t know the QTH of La Voz del Campesino on 6895.412 kHz (see 19/9 2005). he station was again on air last night. This time many greetings and "comunicados" to people in the town of "Moyobamba" The recording is made one hour before the earthquake last night 2055 local time. Moyobamba was the city most afacted where 60% of the houses were damaged or destroyed (said by Radio Col?n, Quito this morning). The eartquake measured "7" on the Richter Scale and was felt also in southern and western Ecuador (Bjorn Malm, Quito, Ecuador - hard-core-dx 33,27) 9445, UNIDENTIFIED, 0040-0103, Sept.26, Vernacular, OM w/ lenghty talks, "Amen" at 0055. Fanfare/caliope-like music and YL w/ contact info "POB 588.." and what sounded like "Huayani" URL mentioned radiozz.org (at least it sounded like "zz"). OM at 0059 thru t/out. PPWBR lists TWR via Uzbekistan but I cant find a listing anywhere else for this time. Good signal. (Scott Barbour Jr-NH, Intervale - hard-core-dx 33, 28) 6090, UNIDENTIFIED, 2043-2050*, Sept. 18, Vernacular, Various talks at tin, Drums at 2045 and tent. ID, only able to copy "broadcasting house", into wind instruments with talk over. Different anncr. w/ weak audio until cut-off at 2050. Poor w/ lots of adjacent channel slop. Nigeria perhaps? (Scott Barbour Jr-NH, Intervale - hard-core-dx 33, 26) Новая Зеландия С 13.00 (29 сентября) на 6095 кГц работало Radio New Zealand International с SINPO 33543. Вначале приём был вполне удовлетворительным, но постепенно ухудшался и с наступлением темноты (15.00 по UTC) утонул в море различных шумов. (Андрей Мамаев, Киров, Россия - open_dx, Сигнал 154 a) Папуа-Новая Гвинея 3235 I'm stumped here. I heard Radio West New Britain with 1200*. Then they started running another program called "Good Night, Britain." This seemed to be a relay of a local FM, but I could not catch an ID. Local ads and dedications. Pop music. I could not find any local FM's listed, just Nau FM, which is based in the capital and is not a local FM. (Hans Johnson, Florida Sep 27 - CumbreDX 1265) 3350 just an open carrier here at 1145 which I suspect is the wandering Radio Northern transmitter. (Hans Johnson, Florida Sep 27 - CumbreDX 1265) 3335, PAPUA NEW GUINEA, (P)R.East Sepik, 1018-1032, Sept.24, Vernacular, Anncr. at t/in. Continuos ballads thru t/out w/ OM at 1030 w/ presumed ID. Poor under static. (Scott Barbour Jr-NH, Intervale - hard-core-dx 33, 26) 3905, PAPUA NEW GUINEA, (P)R.New Ireland, 1032-1046, Sept.24, Vernacular, Continuos talks by OM. Ballad noted at 1046 just after USB traffic overtook the frequency. Fair/poor. (Scott Barbour Jr-NH, Intervale - hard-core-dx 33, 26) The NBC 4890 and 3385 East New Britain were starting to come in fairly well by 0900, so I decided to drive up to one of the close micro-DXpedition sites for a few hours. There was a lot of static noise at home, but it was much much quieter at the site. No doubt the directionality of the Beverage antenna was reducing the noise. (Dave Valko, 1st Oct - CumbreDX 1272) 3335, R. East Sepik, 1047 pleasant island song and W anncr w/song anmnts, ment of pgm and gave phone number, then M joined in. Pop song at 1052, W w/ment of "program", "Saturday Night", and recap of countdown pgm, NBC, PNG. Instru. mx bridge, then W again w/pgm outro, and TC. Lively island/Reggae song, then ID by same W and brief tlk, and deadair. W anncr again later at 1201 check. (Дэйв Валко, 1 Oct. - CumbreDX 1272) 3315, R. Manus, Signal here but sounded like there wasn't any audio. Finally was able to detect extremely weak native mx at 1135 while it was peaking. If they would get their audio straightened out, this would be a nice signal. Maybe Joe Mendoza will help. (Dave Valko, 1 Oct. - CumbreDX 1272) 3375, R. Western Highlands, 1120-1157, Sounded like a live celebration w/long speeches by M and live studio W anncr breaking in at times w/ments of Western Highlands Province. Crowd noise w/a lot of yelling (sounded like a siren). Mx at 1147 check. 1157 same W w/ment of PNG, Western Highlands, and ID w/ment of kilohertz and meterband. Not that bad of a signal. (Dave Valko, 1 Oct. - CumbreDX 1272) PNGs 3245, 3385, and 3305 still going at 1204 while 3325 Bougainville was playing the NA. (Dave Valko, 1 Oct. - CumbreDX 1272) Парагвай 9737, Radio Nacional del Paraguay, 2200-2210, 26-09, Identificaci?n: "En la banda de 31 metros, 9735 kHz. transmite Radio Nacional del Paraguay, para Am?rica y el mundo". Locutor. Canciones paraguayas. 45444. Tambi?n 0804, 27-05. "Las cuatro de la ma?ana con cinco minutos en Radio Nacional del Paraguay". Hablando con los oyentes a trav?s del tel?fono. 45444.(Мануэль Мендез, Луго, Испания - hard-core-dx 33, 28) Перу 5939.6, Radio Melod?a, Arequipa, 0640-0657, locutor, espa?ol, comentarios. Interferencia de University Network en 5935 kHz. Se?al d?bil. 12321 variando a 23222. (Мануэль Мендез, Луго, Испания - hard-core-dx 33, 28) 9720, Radio Victoria, 0422-0503, 27-09, programa religioso: "Estamos con la presencia del Doctor Hugo... de Colombia, aqu? en la Avenida Arica, Distrito de Lima, la Iglesia Pentecostal Dios es amor". Locutor. 34333. Tambi?n a las 0718-0728, en paralelo con 6020.2, y en paralelo con Radio Tupi de Brasil en 6060 y 9565 con predicaciones religosas en portugu?s. 34333. (Мануэль Мендез, Луго, Испания - hard-core-dx 33, 28) 6010,20 R. Victoria en espa?ol, 0457-0500 utc, 29-09-2005, Convocan a los hermanos a varias concentraciones religiosas. 32332. En paralelo con 9720 kHz (casi inaudible)Хосе Буено, Кордоба, Испания - hard-core-dx 33, 30) 4748 Radio Huanta 2000 1006 Andean music, MA in vernacular with comments and TC?s. ID heard: station?s name by announcer. (Fernando Viloria, Guacara - Carabobo State - Venezuela via Hans Johnson Sep 27 - CumbreDX 1266) 5940 Radio Melodia 1005 Two MA reading reagional and local news, inviting to visit : "Primera Feria Tecnologica". ID: "...noticias por Melodia..." (Fernando Viloriam Guacara, Venezuela Sep 26 - CumbreDX 1266) 5039.25 PERU Radio Libertad, Junin noted at 1120 to 1125 with signal fading.(Robert Wilkner, Fallbrook, California - CumbreDX 1266) 4890.37, R. Chota (pres.), 2344 End of big Rom. ballad, then M anncr w/ment of "...kilohertz ?? onda corta...". Also ment of "...la voz..." later. Sounded like speech excerpts at 2348. Voice audio just way too low. Some ZY 4885 slop QRM. (27 Sept. Dave Valko - CumbreDX 1268) Россия 15430, "RUSSIA", Golos Rossii-Radiokanal Sodruzhestvo (via Juelich), 1445-1459*, Sept.26, Russian. Full IDs at t/in! 2 OM w/ talks re Estonia, Belarus and Ukraine. Acoustic music at 1457, cut off at 1459. Fair/good. (Scott Barbour Jr-NH, Intervale - hard-core-dx 33, 28) 12015, Voice of Russia, Armavir, 1320-1400 Tune in here to wait for MRT, but instead heard VOR in Dari transmission with news and freatures. Some mentions of "Moscow" during comments. Middle Eastern music presented. Also, heard parallel program on 15510 KHz which was good from Samara. Signal on 12015 was fair and had a utility signal on it. Theme at end of sked. This is DX, right? (Chuck Bolland, Clewiston, Florida, September 30, 2005 - hard-core-dx 34, 1) Россия/Молдова Сегодня ночью наблюдал странное прохождение РМР на 7125 кГц. Обычно я их слышу очень мощно и хорошо. Передатчик 500 кВт под боком, как говорится, всего 40 км. Правда направление 310 градусов, т.е. несколько мимо меня получается. Однако мощность большая и поверхностная волна довольно хорошо накрывает. И вдруг (такого ещё ни разу не наблюдал) сегодня ночью слышу сильные (глубокие) замирания. Первое, что пришло в голову, это был волны, оббежавшей земной шарик, т.е. с Юга. Однако куда же делась поверхностная волна?А никуда не делась. Это был случай классических замираний, когда пункта приема достигают несколько лучей, прошедших различные пути. Т.е. поверхностная волна (проходившая 40 км) складывалась с пространственной, обогнувшей Земной шар. Под утро прохождение выровнялось и стало как прежде хорошим. (Вячеслав Олейник, Кишинев - open_dx 894) Сегодня тоже были замирания, но была ещё одна интересная вещь... В 00:57 на этой же частоте появился тональный сигнал прогрева передатчика, а в 01:00 UTC пошла передача. Сигнал слабый 1-2 бала, но удалось разобрать, что это что-то индийское. Проверил по ILGRadio, оказалось: ALL INDIA RADIO, Delhi-Kingsway, IND, on Sindhi, 100 kWt. Минут 15 РМР и AIR "боролись" друг с другом, потом у PМР уменьшились замирания о она накрыла AIR полностью. А под утро РМР опять вышла на свои стабильные 5 балов. (Вячеслав Олейник, Кишинев - open_dx 895) Саудовская Аравия 9555 SAUDI ARABIA, BSKSA, Riyadh SEP 29 2043 UTC - At tune-in heard exotic Arabic music followed by man in AA, short drum interlude, then man talking and laughing w/ another one followed by apparent theater with woman and man and Mid-Eastern violin beetwen each segment of the apparent play. At 2052 heard what sounded like "habeebee" (lover) mentioned wich give me the intuition it was a play about love (I only know a very few words of arabic !). At 2056 fanfare. Then around 2058 time pips followed by man w/ mention of "Arabeea" and "Allah" (God) - Mark Connelly talk about Duba-1521 (and is obviously available to all the outlets in the BSKSA network) as being a station with mostly islamic religious programming and the PWBR listing confirm this was indeed the Saudi station). Slight QRM from adjacent RHC-9550 wich was it's self badly splashed by DW-9545.(Богдан Чиочиу, Монреаль, Канада - hard-core-dx 33, 30) Северная Корея 6249.8, KOREA(DPR), Pyongyang BCS, 1040-1101, Sept.27, Korean, Ballads until YL and OM at 1054. Instrumental at 1058, Pips at 1100, OM w/ presumed ID and talk. Fair. (Scott Barbour Jr-NH, Intervale - hard-core-dx 33, 28) Северные Марианские о-ва 7215, VOA via Tinian, 1340 1 Oct. S5 signal w/ Korean service. Pop mx and fading on signal (Jerry Strawman-IA, Des Moines - CumbreDX 1272). Сингапур 6080, SINGAPORE, RSI, 1109-1125, Sept.27, English. Jingle ID at t/in, YL w/ ID, 49m frequencies, prg. hilites and TC. Rough copy of 2 OM mentioning Indo gov't, Singapore and Australia. Promo for "25 Minutes". YL re history of Singapore architecture and its modern day threats. Mentioned RSI website for full transcript. More promos and ID. Poor but audible using LSB. (Scott Barbour Jr-NH, Intervale - hard-core-dx 33, 28) Дело опять было в субботу 24.09.2005. Примерно в 1300 UTC на 6080 принимал Radio Singapore International на английском с SINPO 23542, вещало до 1400. Одновременно Сингапур на английском принимался и на 6150, но с очень сильными помехами от Радио России на этой же частоте. SINPO 41541. Если бы не помеха, то Сингапур принимался бы совсем неплохо. С 1400 после окончания передач RSI на этой же частоте, как обычно, вещание из Сингапура продолжилось местной станцией до 1600. Радио России отключилось в 1500 UTC, однако приём из Сингапура был уже слабым и к 1530 постепенно утонул в шумах. В 1358 на 6080 кГц помехи окончанию вещания из Сингапура стало создавать Радио Австралия на английском со своей позывной музыкой, и с 1400 на 6080 оно уже начало свои программы, но приём из Австралии был сразу очень слабым SINPO 13541. Кое-что можно было понять, но очень слабо.(Андрей Мамаев, Россия - open_dx 896) Судан Following up a report by Vashek Korinek that the Voice of Sudan was signing on now at 1530 logged here October 1st 1535 on 7999.3, quite weak with man in Arabic, best on LSB.(Mike Barraclough, Letchworth Garden City, UK - CumbreDX 1272) США 5446.5 kHz 0315 Utc 28.09.05 AFRTS Key West Usa usb mode englisch pgr by ann(De Berti Paolo, Швейцария - hard-core-dx 33, 30) 13770 Voz de America (Greenville A),12:08-12:30,escuchada el 1 de oct. en espa?ol a locutor con noticias, programa "Buenos d?as America, fin de semana",articulo cientifico sobre el cambio climatico,Ciencia y tecnologia y avances en medicina,segmentos de m?sica disco,programa presentado por Leonardo Bonet.44444.(Хосе Мигель Ромеро, Кастеллон, Испания - hard-core-dx 34, 2) Узбекистан 5060, Radio Tashkent, 2045-2052, 26-09, programa en ingl?s, identificaci?n: "You are tunnig to the English Service of Radio Tashkent International". Locutor, comentarios y noticias, musica uzbeka. 35333 (Мануэль Мендез, Луго, Испания - hard-core-dx 33, 28) Франция 15300 FRANCE, RFI, Issoudun SEP 25 1726 - w/ pgm about Poland (certainly due to the elections there). Accordeon interludes between each item. At least 1 mention of communism and talk about Poland being a richer country than 15 years ago, but w/ much more inegalities. Still a poor Polish man is much richer than 10 years ago and will be much richer in 10 years than he is now. UTC and Parisian TCs at 1730 followed by newscast w/ the nice news jingle. Some items were about the elections in Poland like in the pgm heard prior to 1730, about a Libanese christian journalist being trapped with a bomb under his car and loosing one foot and about the "Grand Prix du Br?sil". Then after the newscast, interview with a programmer of movies or a cineast (not sure due to the quite deep fadings and often mixing products from major broadcasters beaming to NA fading up with CFAV-1570 "Radio Boomer"). One of his first movies was seen by 200,000 persons (a succes), mention of the movie "La compagne d'il y a quinze ans" and about something against psychanalyse. Then the interviewer asked the presenter of movies what he wouldn't want to present. He sayed that he would be really against only bad ones. Afterwards they talked about nazist movies and the movie presenter sayed he didn't really want to present them, but he may do that anyway as he don't want to loose his audience, so he thought about presenting this German World War II movies to a really mature audience. Then promo with "RFI, La radi! o du monde" slogan followed by instrumental jingle with IDs and how RFI can be heard in FF, UK-accented EE and GG (they actually gived their web adress "for a list of all our frequencies). Excellent on peaks, but suffered deep fadings (undeciphrable during fade-downs) and overload from mixing products (strong SW signals fading up mixing with the 1570 local). SIO 422 (Bogdan Chiochiu, Pierrefonds, Quebec, Canada - hard-core-dx 33, 27) 3965 R. Francia Int. en franc?s, 0406-0412 utc, 29-09-2005, Noticias, "Ici Radio Francia Internacional" comentarios sobre f?tbol, 55544. En paralelo con 4890 kHz (33232) y 9790 kHz (32322) (Хосе Буено, Кордоба, Испания - hard-core-dx 33, 30) Чехия 13580 R.Praga (Litomysl),14:00-14:25,escuchada el 1 de oct. en espa?ol a locutora con los espacios "Curiosidades Checas","Radioviajes" y "Cita con los oyentes".55454. (Хосе Мигель Ромеро, Валенсия, Испания - hard-core-dx 34, 2) Чили 6089.88, R. Esperanza, 0955-1004, Several men w/passionate evangelizing. 0959 pgm outro by M giving pgm name as "Amanacerdo Libre en Christo", 1000 ad block w/many ments of Temuco and phone numbers. The second mentioned Esperanza and "Senore Rodriguez en Temuco". Into next pgm at 1004. Good signal. Nice that Anguilla went off early. (1 Oct.) Эквадор 3279.7 La Voz del Napo, Tena, 0159 - 0202, Sep 25, Spanish, Man announcer, musical program, mention Loja, 24232, (Nicolas Eramo, Argentina - hard-core-dx 33, 27) 3279.6, La Voz del Napo, 0355-0715, 27-03, Locutor, espa?ol, canciones religosas, identificaci?n: "Radio Mar?a, Dios est? en nuestros corazones". A las 0456: "Son ahora las 1156 de la noche, una hora menos en la provincia de Gal?pagos, escuchen el himno nacional de Ecuador". Himno. Lectura del Rosario a las 0518. 0630: comentario sobre la celebraci?n del Corpus en diversas provincias de Ecuador. Canci?n "Am?rica" de Nino Bravo. "Est?n escuchando radio Mar?a". Buena se?al hoy y perfectamente audible. 24322 variando a 34333. (Мануэль Мендез, Луго, Испания - hard-core-dx 33, 28) 5040.00t. ECUADOR La Voz del Upano, Macas, seemingly the Latin here 1045 (Robert Wilkner, Fallbrook, California - CumbreDX 1266) 5040 La Voz del Upano 28/09 1007 Holy rosary in progress. Checked again at 1016 and found freq occupied by overmodulated signal of Radio Amazonas, Venezuela. (Fernando Viloria, Sep 28 via Hans Johnson - CumbreDX 1268) 5040, ECUADOR, (P)LV Del Upano, 1005-1016, Sept.19, Spanish, OM and YL at t/in, OM w/ Mass at 1010 thru t/out. Poor/v.weak. (Scott Barbour Jr-NH, Intervale - hard-core-dx 33, 26) Экваториальная Гвинея 5005 Radio Nacional, Bata, 2107 - 2110, Sep 24, Spanish, News Program, local comments, ID " ..esta Radio Nacional...", 34333, (Nicolas Eramo, Argentina - hard-core-dx 33, 27) Эфиопия 15660, "ETHIOPIA" Tensae Ethiopia VO Unity (via Samara-?), *1500-1513, Sept.26, Vernacular, HoA music bits w/ OM b/w items. OM w/ talks at 1502 thru t/out. Fair at best. (Scott Barbour-NH, Intervale - hard-core-dx 33, 28) Япония 9760 Sep 26 2300- J: Nikkei R, Nagara. Seems to be on the air also on other days, not just weekends. (Mauno Ritola, FIN - CumbreDX 1265) ---------------------------- СВ/ДВ Австралия 531 AUSTRALIA, West Kempsey 2PM, good with older C&W tunes "From the mountains to the sea, 2PM" ID at 1345 UTC 9/25 (Патрик Мартин, Сисайд, Орегон - hard-core-dx 33, 26) 1566 AUSTRALIA, Wangaratta. 3NE with Paul Anka mx "One Man Woman" (Патрик Мартин, Сисайд, Орегон - hard-core-dx 33, 26) 936 AUSTRALIA, Brisbane 4PB presume the talk 1419 9/25 (Патрик Мартин, Сисайд, Орегон - hard-core-dx 33, 26) Англия 909 | UNITED KINGDOM | BBC R.5 Live synchros, SEP 24 0035 - segment of reggae music, then British male announcer; good. [Connelly*B-MA - hard-core-dx 33, 29] 1548 | UNITED KINGDOM | BBC R. Bristol, Bristol-Mangotsfield, SEP 24 0349 - BBC reporting; fair over others. [Connelly*B-MA - hard-core-dx 33, 29] Венесуэла 750 VENEZUELA YVKS Sept 25 2005, 0345-UTC Good signal w/ WSB nicely nulled, YL & OM w/ nx. ID not heard due to long fade however long NA definite before 0400 s/off. My freebee Encarta Encyclopedia 2000 contains NAs and paid off. Heard on a kitchen Sony CFD-S39 WashboardJ Not heard the following night. (K Rychalsky, Connecticut - hard-core-dx 33, 27) Испания 1044 | SPAIN | SER synchros, SEP 24 0404 - rapid-fire Spanish news by two men; loud! [Connelly*B-MA] 585vt SPAIN, RNE Radio Uno, Madrid SEP 29 0317 UTC - Very tentative ! Bits of light music getting at an extremely poor level through 580/590 QRM. Failed to broke the radio, as it was on a furniture that had considerable lenght only on a N/S bearing (the highest spot in our house, where I can place the radio !), and very windth when the radio was aimed N/S (with the antenna E/W and when E/W, the antenna beam is N/S). (Богдан Чиочиу, Монреаль, Канада - hard-core-dx 33, 30) Канада 1320 CKEC New Glasgow, NS SEP 29 1914 EDT - End of nx followed by "CKEC Weather" with a cloudy forecast, then "You're listening to Thirteen-Twenty CKEC Radio New Glasgo" ID followed by "If You're Still My Sunshine" top-40 of the 1999 summer (definitively not the kind of music you'd expect to hear from an Adult Contemporary station). Initially very strong, but reception deteriorated dramatically during the song with fading ups of several co-channel stations. At tune-in, it was easily receivable on my Sangean CST-818 barefoot !(Богдан Чиочиу, Монреаль, Канада - hard-core-dx 33, 30) Китай 540 CHINA, CNR here with woman in CC 1358 9/25 (Патрик Мартин, Сисайд, Орегон - hard-core-dx 33, 26) 936 CHINA, Anhui very good with CC mx 1416, woman in CC 9/25 (Патрик Мартин, Сисайд, Орегон - hard-core-dx 33, 26) 963 CHINA, CRI, very good 1425 9/25 with woman in Russian. (Патрик Мартин, Сисайд, Орегон - hard-core-dx 33, 26) Куба 670 CUBA, CMQ, Radio Rebelde, Arroyo Arrenas SEP 29 0330 UTC - SS ballad, then "Estacion, de la virtud manera de vivir la noche" program spot followed by woman with program announcements, then introducing a Julio Iglesias-like ballad. Very good with some flutter fadings but generally way over weak remains of nulled WSCR. With 600 dominated by a loud WICC, this may be the easiest way to log Cuba on MW from Montreal. The furthest MW station IDed last night. (Богдан Чиочиу, Монреаль, Канада - hard-core-dx 33, 30) Латвия... В апреле я написал комментарий к сообщению в конференции mwdx, о том, что передатчик в Кулдиге, который должен был транслировать R.Caroline, будет демонтирован и сдан в металлолом, а через некоторое время все произошло с точностью "до наоборот" - трансляции на этой частоте начались и продолжаются сейчас 24 часа в сутки. Честно говоря, удивился, когда узнал, что передачи все-таки начались. Зачем и кому надо было распространять дезинформацию, конкурентам? Но в конкурсе, организованном и объявленным 16 июня 2005 года Национальным Советом по радио и ТВ, SIA Krebs, было единственным участником, оно же и получило 7 июля временное разрешение, а 14 сентября решением Совета на срок в 5 лет эту частоту для трансляций. Целью конкурса было, цитирую в переводе с латышского п.1.3. - основные условия положения о конкурсе: "предоставить права ретрансляции для распространения качественой и профессиональной радиопрограммы международного направления, которая включает в себя информационные, образовательные и развлекательные передачи стран-участников Европейского Союза, включая актуальные и разносторонние передачи международных новостей, а также обеспечить свободную конкуренцию участникам конкурса и справедливое отношение к ним." В п.3.8. было записано: "Предмет конкурса - предоставление разрешения на ретрансляцию радиопрограммы на частоте 1350 кГц в Кулдиге, в соответствии со следующими условиями: объем времени вещания - 24 часа в сутки; объем времени вещания на иностранных языках - до 100 процентов от общего объема вещания в течение суток, однако не менее 70 процентов на каком-либо из языков стран-участниц Европейского Союза; предпочтение будет отдано программе, в которой наибольший удельный состав будет на таком языке, который будет понятен большинству населения Латвии; качество формата звука - в соответствии с требованиями LVS 79 : 1996 "Системы передачи звука и тракты. Главные параметры и нормы"". Еще раз просмотрев сообщение mwdx, "отмытое" и "прокрученное " многослойными "оффшорными" цитатами, но не переставшее от этого быть анонимным, предполагаю такую версию - информация о не подлежащем восстановлению передатчике подготовлена и распространена исключительно для возможных конкурентов из Западной Европы, с целью вынудить их отказаться от идеи вещать из Латвии и не принимать участие в конкурсе, который был объявлен только летом 2005 года, т.е. через более чем полгода после того, как западные бродкастеры начали исследовать возможности вещания на 1350 кГц из Латвии. Результат - в конкурсе принял участие всего один претендент на частоту, он же ее и получил. Заказывает музыку тот, кто платит, в данном случае это - Radio Tatry, и сейчас для слушателей западной Латвии с утра до вечера ежедневно ведутся передачи на понятном для большинства жителей Латвии словацком языке. Что такое в переводе с "канцелярского" - "язык стран-участниц ЕС" ? В Европе многие, например, по-турецки говорят, или по-русски, хотя, что это я, русский язык, ясное дело, по "понятности" и рядом со словацким не стоял в Латвии никогда. Слышно ли эту радиостанцию днем в Словакии сейчас, могут ли принимать ее где-нибудь в промышленных районах Братиславы в многоэтажках с загаженным СВ эфиром с качеством местного вещания (см.LVS 79 : 1996) все желающие, а не только ДХ-исты с навороченной аппаратурой и будет ли слышно летом в дневное время, подозреваю, что не все готовы ответить искренне на эти вопросы сейчас. Был недавно в Кулдиге - ни в одном из книжных магазинов не нашел словацко-латышского словаря, наверное, все раскупили местные жители. И на этом все. В очередной раз я убедился в том, что нельзя ни при каких обстоятельствах брать во внимание анонимные сообщения, если нет возможности подтвердить их из других достоверных и независимых источников. (Владимир Казгунов, Лиепая - open_dx 899) ОАЭ 1575 | UNITED ARAB EMIRATES | R. Farda, SEP 11 2339 - talk by woman, a bit of music, then man with Radio Farda ID; to good peak. (Марк Конелли, Биллерика, Массачусетс, США - hard-core-dx 33, 29) Разное Last night I noted salsa and reaggeton music on 1310 kHz (I wanted to check for some TA splits, but didn't found any), but the breaks were rather incomprehensibles. Also this evening 1110 kHz was in around 6 PM with talk about working and publicity about a "ciudad" way over WUHN. I wonder who this might have been I heard a "Radio Centro" mention as well wich is quite confusing - it's the 2nd time I hear this over Car?pano and 6PM is quite early for a fade-in even for Venezuela isnt'it ? I'll appreciate any help on the Spanish station heard on 1310 kHz last night around midnight (my mother turned off the radio and tape recorder off and when I turned on in the big mess that was on the frequency I didn't constated the station was still there - they gived an ID and I only taped the end of it). Today I was very tired and missed school once again (I'm even more tired since the chimio - the last one for cycle 1), so I don't expect to do much DX this evening (condx toward Latin America are very bad anyway). I won't have time and patience to encode the recording I made in real-audio, maybe tomorrow. Just before I left, I'd like to aknowledge you that one of my targets for this fall Cadena Mundial (YVKE) 550 will be impossible; even semi-local CHLN in Trois-Rivi?res is hard to listen at my home because of (probably) computer QRM from our neighborhood. On the other hand, 540 don't have any local noises so HCFA1 Radio Tropicana should be audible under good conditions.(Bogdan Chiochiu, Pierrefonds, Quebec, Canada - hard-core-dx 33, 27) 26.09.05 1323 1515 Иран на азерб 1476 1525 Маяк, слабо с большими затуханиями, возможно, гармоника Маяк был на 540/576/738/1512, 576 - самое мощное 684 1530 "Саа'ат нуузда. Инджо Хоросана, Хоросонэ шомоди" http://victorcity.dxing.ru/Clips/684_Iran_Khorasan_26.09.05.1530utc.mp3 657 1601 AIR на бенгальском, слабо 26-27.09.05 1287 2300- Киргизское радио на кирг и рус, сильно //4010 693 2323 РРоссии (Уфа) / ВВС R5 под РРоссии 792 2325 Абакан, на рус о льготах и т.п. 1026 2331 Голос России 216 2331 Красноярск, объявления и реклама 1251 2338 unid, что-то азиатское http://victorcity.dxing.ru/Clips/1251_Unid_Asian_26.09.05.2338utc.mp3 1413 2342 Синьцзян на уйгур, слабо 1449 2345 RAI, ID в 0100: http://victorcity.dxing.ru/Clips/1449_Italia_RAI_27.09.05.0100utc.mp3 639 2347 Омск / CNR1 под Омском 657 2348 Израиль, громко, на иврите 729 2350 Греция, оглушительно 756 0000 DLF громко //1422 http://victorcity.dxing.ru/Clips/756_Germany_DLF_27.09.05.0000utc.mp3 612 0005 Киргизия на кирг, слабо 1485 0015 Тюмень 585 0016 Пермь //1458 1395 0020 Оренбург //936/1053 909 0020 BBC R5 1188 0030 "Радио Пайом", Тегеран, очень сильно http://victorcity.dxing.ru/Clips/1188_Iran_R.Payam_27.09.05.0030utc.mp3 1215 0036 Virgin Radio 738 0040 Челябинск / Китай временами сильно под Челябинском 999 0051 RAI слабо (Виктор Рутковский, Екатеринбург - open_dx 895) Россия (Владивосток) С понедельника по пятницу включительно (время UTC): 1910-2000, 2010-2100, 2110-2200, в сб. и вс. только 2310-2400. Плюс ко всему вышеперечисленному такк же и Радио Тихий Океан 0835-0900. Пожалуй - то, что по будням в 1910, 2010 и 2110 ты ещё имеешь некоторые шансы принять у себя; то, что выходит позже, это всё уже - после восхода Солнца!;-) Так же имеются и дневные (по UTC - утренние) включения, но они уже вряд ли доступны у вас. Но и это ещё не всё. Вот ссылка, где о других программах Приморского Радио и времени их выхода в эфир. Там по-местному (летнему пока ещё); чтобы получить по UTC, надо просто отнять 11 часов ;): <http://www.ptr-vlad.ru/tv&radio/radioprogrammes/> А здесь прямая онлайн-трансляция: <http://www.ptr-vlad.ru/tv&radio/listen/> (Игорь Ашихмин, Владивосток - open_dx 899) Саудовская Аравия 1521 | SAUDI ARABIA | BSKSA, Duba, SEP 24 0343 - Arabic news discussion mentioning 'Arabiya'; fair over WWKB slop. [Connelly*B-MA - hard-core-dx 33, 29] Сан-Томе 1530 | SAO TOME E PRINCIPE | VOA Relay, Pinheira, SEP 26 0355 - news items about South Africa, Nigeria, then announcer said "VOA News Now"; good, rolling over WCKY. Besides good VOA-1530, bits of (non-Spain) audio on 1098 & 1197 suggested a general lower-Africa opening. [Connelly*B-MA - hard-core-dx 33, 29] Теркс и Кайкос 530 TURKS AND CAICOS, RVC, South Caicos SEP 29 0144 UTC - Radio Visi?n Cristiana Internacional jingle and mention of a "pastor". Very good. (Богдан Чиочиу, Квебек, Монреаль, Канада - hard-core-dx 33, 30) Украина (Крым) 1 октября с 15:40-15:45 была замечана р/ст на Русском языке частота 1242 KHz сигнал на 5. Мое предположение вещание шло через передатчик в Октябрьском (Крым) (Андрей Бурлака, Симферополь - open-dx 899) Уругвай 1470 R Cristal del Uruguay, September 30th, 2250, advertisement, phone- number, several IDs; O=2(Michael Schnitzer, Hassfurt, Germany - hard-core-dx 34, 2) Фиджи 558 FIJI, good with man in Fijian 1347 9/25 (Патрик Мартин, Сисайд, Орегон - hard-core-dx 33, 26) Филиппины 567 PHILIPPINES, UNID filipino buried under jumble with filipino talk at 1355 9/25 (Патрик Мартин, Сисайд, Орегон - hard-core-dx 33, 26) 612 PHILIPPINES, Cebu DYHP presume the strong filipino in passing several times 1350-1430 9/25. Man in tagalog (Патрик Мартин, Сисайд, Орегон - hard-core-dx 33, 26) 630 PHILIPPINES, Quezon City DZMM, presume the filipino talk over 4QN 1354 9/25 (Патрик Мартин, Сисайд, Орегон - hard-core-dx 33, 26) 639 PHILIPPINES, Unid filipino talk mixing with CC talk (Taiwan?) at 1404 9/25 (Патрик Мартин, Сисайд, Орегон - hard-core-dx 33, 26) 711 PHILIPPINES, more filipino talk buried 1416 9/25 (PM-OR) 729 PHILIPPINES, presume the source of distorted mx with a def filipino young male singing in EE with filipino accent, noted several times 1410-1425 UTC 9/25 until fade out u/5RN 9/25. But no voice, just non stop pop mx. This was strong enough to easily ID, if there would have been anmts. Darn! Cagayan De Oro is there and I think the station is an RMN (Radio Minadano Network) station. They are great QSLers, so I'll try again. I have a lot of RMN stations qsl'd (DYHP-612, DZXL-559, DXCC-828, and DXRS-1206) (Патрик Мартин, Сисайд, Орегон - hard-core-dx 33, 26) 801 PHILIPPINES, more filipino talk here at 1409 9/25. I have DZNC here from the 80s. (Патрик Мартин, Сисайд, Орегон - hard-core-dx 33, 26) Франция 837 France is booming in at 10:45 ET, S9 +40 with music, French language and male and female announcers, is audible with 10KW local on 830 less than 10 miles away. Many other lower band split carriers found tonight. (Robert Young, Millbury, Ma - hard-core-dx 33, 27) 1206 | FRANCE | France Info, Bordeaux, SEP 24 0029 - // 1377 with light classical music; excellent. [Connelly*B-MA - hard-core-dx 33, 29] 1377 | FRANCE | France Info, Lille, SEP 24 0024 - old-style French female showtune vocal; good. [Connelly*B-MA - hard-core-dx 33, 29] 1557 | FRANCE | France Info, Fontbonne, SEP 24 0346 - French talk about Louisiana; to good peak. [Connelly*B-MA - hard-core-dx 33, 29] 792 | FRANCE | France Info, Limoges, SEP 24 0039 - // 837 & 1206 with circus-type music; fair. [Connelly*B-MA - hard-core-dx 33, 29] 837 | FRANCE | France Info, Nancy, SEP 24 0038 - // 1206 with circus-type marching-band music; fair. [Connelly*B-MA - hard-core-dx 33, 29] 603 | FRANCE | France Info, Lyon-Tramoyes, SEP 24 0042 - // 1206 with operatic female vocal; fair. [Connelly*B-MA - hard-core-dx 33, 29] Швейцария 765 | SWITZERLAND | RSR Option Musique, Sottens, SEP 24 0014 - fair with "The Boxer" by Simon & Garfunkel from '69. [Connelly*B-MA - hard-core-dx 33, 29] ----------------------------- Пираты Германия CRAZY WAVE RADIO, PIRATE, GERMANY DATE: 25 - 09 - 2005 TIME: 17.00 - 17.15 UTC FREQUENCY: 6300 KHz SIGNAL: SUFF. WITH QSB, QRN AND QRM FROM MARITIME QSO IN USB. LANGUAGE: GERMAN PROGRAM: MUSIC AND ID. (Francesco Cecconi - hard-core-dx 33, 27) ------------------------ FM/TV Тропосферное прохождение средней силы этим утром (4-7utc): R12 Черновцы 5квт/Коломыя/Одесса 10кВт. (Черновцы или Коломыя) R21 УТ-1 направление на юго-восток, неизвестно откуда, сигнал сильный. R22 УТ-1 Гайсин/Богуслав/Краматорск 20кВт/Полтава 0,1кВт (скорее всего Гайсин) и TVR-1 (Румыния) Юг сильный сигнал. R23 УТ-1 юго-восток, возможно Севастополь, но это уж слишком далеко. R27 1+1 север, Ровно, сильный сигнал, есть цвет. R28 Интер северо-восток-восток, Чернигов 1кВт./Кременчуг/Ялта (Чернигов или Кременчуг) R30 1+1 восток, вероятно Хмельницкий. R31 ОРТ напр. практически на Юг, очень слабо. R32 НТН север-северо-восток. R34 1+1 восток, Гайсин. R35 Интер восток, Хмельницкий ?20кВт. R39 Интер север, Ровно, сильный сигнал с цветом и даже с телетекстом. R41 TVR-1 юг, хуже, чем R22 R43 ТЕТ юго-восток, очень слабо. R46 НТН восток, слабо. Антенна: комнатная ДМВ широкополосная. Телевизор Philips. (Игорь Данилевич, Збараж, Тернопольская обл, Украина - open_dx 895) Россия Красногвардейское (он же Бирюч) Белгородская обл. 106,0 Радио 7 - НСХ с 23 сентября Валуйки 104,4 Радио 7 - НСХ с 20 сентября Пенза 104,8 Русское радио-2 Мурманск 101,5 Лайт FM Новомосковск 106,6 Наше Время на МВ Казань 107,8 Love Радио Тамбов 101,4 Эхо Москвы Иркутск 103,1 АС FM (Виктор Рутковсктий, Екатеринбург - open_dx 896) ------------------------ Связь 7165 USA, various hams SEP 25 1707 - One of them talking and giving call-letters that sounded a bit like "WIHCBOW" then signed off followed by another one wich gived "WERM" call-letters and talking about contacts he made this past winter. Audible with the receiver in BFO with the BFO control adjusted for extractable audio - this is like single-side band aint'it ? (Bogdan Chiochiu Quebec, Canada - hard-core-dx 33, 27) 09145.0 BARRAZA (Peruvian Ministry of Health): 0015 USB/ALE TO CHOCOPE (Peruvian Ministry of Health). Also noted on 07980.0. USB. Identification(s) derived from Monteria's " HF Monitoring Handbook-2005". 09/26 RP3 05901.0 USDAHQ1 (US Dep't of Agriculture, HQs, Wash DC): 2015 USB/ALE TO KNR43 (National Telecommunications Coordination Network, Warrenton VA). 09/26 RP3 09050.0 21B (Venezuelan Navy Frigate "Mariscal Sucre" F-21): 2056 USB/ALE TO PR1 (Venezuelan Navy Radio Station #1 (Puesto Radio). Venezuelan Navy Admin/Bases Net. Identification(s) derived from Monteria's " HF Monitoring Handbook-2005". 09/26 RP3 09145.0 855729 (unidentified aircraft): 2125 USB/ALE TO CLS (probably Sabre AAF, Ft Campbell KY). 09/26 RP3 07805.0 WPFJ625 (New Hampshire State EOC, Concord NH): 2315 USB/ALE sounding. 09/26 RP3 (Ron, Maryland, USA - wun 17, 42) 5708.0 AF6: USAF Special Air Mission C-20 85-0050, "SAM 050" 19:49 ALE/USB Sounding. Also noted on 6721, 9025, 11226, 13215. HF-GCS Scope Command. 09-23-05 5708.0 ICZ: HF-GCS Sigonella, Sicily, Italy 00:21 ALE/USB ALE to CRO, HF-GCS Croughton, UK. 09-23-05 5708.0 OFF: HF-GCS Offutt AFB, NE 19:42 ALE/USB ALE to E30559 USAF E-3B Tail 75-0559. Also noted on 6721. 09-23-05 5732.0 701: USCG HC-130H 1701, CGAS Barbers Point Hi 21:47 ALE/USB Sounding. 1701 was forward deployed for Hurricane Rita. Logged several times last week. 09-23-05 5732.0 715: USCG HC-130H 1715, CGAS Sacremento 07:03 ALE/USB ALE to TSC. COTHEN Net. 09-23-05 5732.0 FL2: Unid CBP 11:24 ALE/USB ALE to TSC. 09-23-05 6785.0 G334: Unid Corps of Engineers 00:30 ALE/USB Sounding. Army Corps Eng Ch.7. 09-23-05 6806.0 0004WICAP: Wisconsin Civil Air Patrol 23:49 ALE/USB ALE to 0314MICAP, unid Michigan CAP. Civil Air Patrol Net.09-23-05 6809.0 MWXFEM: Unid FEMA stn 21:43 ALE/USB Sounding. FEMA FNARS Net F-21. Also noted on 7348. 09-23-05 7477.0 SEMO02: Poss. Missouri SEMA, unk city 21:53 ALE/USB Sounding. OP SECURE ALE Net. 09-23-05 7477.0 SEMOHQ: Poss. Missouri SEMA, unk city 21:29 ALE/USB HQ, Jefferson City?, Sounding. 09-23-05 7527.0 CS5: COTHEN Remote, Wilmington, NC 03:36 ALE/USB ALE to J41 (CG 6041). COTHEN Net. 09-23-05 7527.0 F35: USCG HU25 2135, CGAS Corpus Christi 14:42 ALE/USB ALE to LNT, CAMSLANT. 09-23-05 7527.0 LAB: Unid. 18:29 ALE/USB Sounding. Also on 5732, 8921, 10242, 11494. 09-23-05 7527.0 VZ9: Unid 05:15 ALE/USB ALE to 709, USCG HC130 1709. 09-23-05 7611.0 FAAZJX: FAA, Alburquerque ARTCC 17:35 ALE/USB Sounding. FAA RECOM Net. 09-23-05 8056.0 814372: Prob MH-60K, 1-160th SOAR Hooter Ops bird 16:38 ALE/USB Ft Campbell, KY, Sounding. 09-23-05 8056.0 814384: Prob MH-60K, 1-160th SOAR Hooter Ops bird 15:19 ALE/USB Ft Campbell, KY, ALE to HTR, probable HOOTER OPS, Ft Campbell. Also noted on 10691.5 09-23-05 8912.0 DIL: Unid 14:00 ALE/USB ALE to T72. COTHEN Net.09-23-05 8912.0 J10: USCG HH-60J 6010 CGAS San Diego 02:18 ALE/USB ALE to LNT, CAMSLANT. Logged lots last few days, probably also forward deployed for Hurrican Rita. 09-23-05 8912.0 OPB: OPBAT, Service Center, Nassau, Bahamas 02:18 ALE/USB ALE to X60. 09-23-05 8965.0 ADWNPR: NIPR Net, Andrews AFB, Md. 17:00 ALE/USB ALE to OFFNPR, Offutt. 09-23-05 8965.0 OS9DAT: Unid 02:14 ALE/USB Sounding. NIPR Net.09-23-05 8965.0 OS9IGM: 02:52 ALE/USB Sounding. NIPR Net. 09-23-05 9025.0 430082: USAF KC-10, Tail 83-0082 19:19 ALE/USB ALE to OFF, Offutt. HF-GCS Scope Command. 09-23-05 9025.0 580018: USAF KC135 Tail 58-0018 19:33 ALE/USB ALE to MCC, McClellan. 09-23-05 9025.0 E30352: USAF E3B Sentry Tail 77-0352 19:28 ALE/USB ALE to Offutt. 09-23-05 9052.0 CLC24M: Local Comms Ctr., 24th Infantary Brig 01:19 ALE/USB ALE to CRC2M, Regional Command Post Mob. 2nd Mil Region. Venezulian Army. 09-23-05 9414.5 CDC1: Atlanta Center for Disease Control 20:19 ALE/USB ALE to AUSTIN, Austin, TX. Jack Metcalfe emailed me to let me know that this is thought to be a Texas Department of Public Health net rather than EOC/EMA. See what else we can snag. 09-23-05 9972.0 PNR400: Panther 400, OPBAT Georgetown, Bahamas 12:23 ALE/USB Sounding. 09-23-05 10115.0 CLC51: Local Comms Ctr, 51st Jungle Inf Bde 22:55 ALE/USB ALE to SCLC512. Venezulian Army. 09-23-05 10156.0 SCLC212: Local Communications Center 22:54 ALE/USB ALE to PCRC2, Reg Comm Post, Communications, 2nd Inf. bde. Venezualan Army,2nd Inf Net. 09-23-05 10202.0 TYLER: Tyler, TX 14:38 ALE/USB Sounding. Poss. Texas DPH ALE Net. 09-23-05 10242.0 A99: CBP UH-60 79-23299 21:59 ALE/USB Sounding.COTHEN Net. 09-23-05 10242.0 T72: CBP Beech C-12C #N72472 13:42 ALE/USB Sounding. 09-23-05 10588.0 FC8FEM: FEMA Region 8 Comm Mgr, Denver, CO 21:53 ALE/USB Sounding. FEMA FNARS Net F-27. 09-23-05 11226.0 430082: USAF KC-10, Tail 83-0082 19:11 ALE/USB ALE direct dial to CCCCPTAWNNNN, Hilda West, via OFF, Offutt. HF-GCS Scope Command. 09-23-05 11226.0 E3B: Unid, E-3B 20:41:35 ALE/USB ALE Direct Dial D8,8845274NNNN, Tinker AFB. 09-23-05 COTHEN SND 09-23-05 FRQ 11494000 ADW 11494.0 I08: CBP Cessna 550 N5408G 14:28 ALE/USB Sounding. COTHEN Net. 09-23-05 11494.0 I3L: CBP Cessna 550 N6763L 14:43 ALE/USB ALE to CNT. 09-23-05 11494.0 I86: CBP Cessna 550 N586RE 15:29 ALE/USB Sounding. 09-23-05 11494.0 T12: Unid. 23:38 ALE/USB Sounding. This guy has been all over the dial last few days. 09-23-05 11494.0 T59: CBP Beech A200 N1559 14:532 ALE/USB Sounding. 09-23-05 11494.0 T85: CBP Piper PA-42-720R #N9085U 18:37 ALE/USB Sounding. 09-23-05 13488.0 AUSTIN: Austin, TX 20:33 ALE/USB ALE to CDCATLANTA, Atlanta Center for Disease Control. Poss. Texas DPH ALE Net. 09-23-05 13488.0 LUBBOCK: Lubbock, TX 14:55 ALE/USB Sounding. 09-23-05 13488.0 TEMPLE: Temple, TX 13:42 ALE/USB Sounding. 09-23-05 15043.0 IKF: HF-GCS NAS Keflavik, Iceland 22:28 ALE/USB ALE to HIK, Hickam HF-GCS. HF-GCS Scope Command. 09-23-05 15867.0 A21: CBP UH-60 79-23321 17:14 ALE/USB Sounding. COTHEN SCAN 7. 09-23-05 15867.0 I01: CBP Cessna 550 N37201 21:00 ALE/USB Sounding. 09-23-05 20890.0 I01: CBP Cessna 550 N37201 22:00 ALE/USB Sounding. COTHEN Scan 9. 09-23-05 (Rick Baker, Ohio - wun 17, 42) 03823 HO5: Estonian Army 2110 ALE/USB Calls TE1. (30Sep05) (RGA) 04930 HO5: Estonian Army 2107 ALE/USB Calls IZ4. (30Sep05) (RGA) 05708 JDG: US GHFS Station Diego Garcia 1619 ALE/USB Sounding. (01Oct05) (RGA) 05708 190022: USAF C-5 69-0022 1624 ALE/USB Sounding. (01Oct05) (RGA) 06348.0 FUE: French Navy Brest 1600 STANAG-4285/600L/5N2 ALL de FUE TESTING. RYs. SGs. INT ZBZ. (01Oct05) (RGA) 13303 TCV632: TACV Flt (Transportes Aereos de Cabo Verde) 1649 HFDL Position 2432N 01756W to ARINC Las Palmas. ICAO ID 9F6285 ?? B757-2Q8 D4-CBG ?? (01Oct2005) (RGA) 13303 HS-TLB: Thai International A340 'Uttaradit' 1652 HFDL Logs on. (01Oct05) (RGA) 13303 LX-PCV: CargoLux B747 'City of Diekirch' Flt CLX774 Position 6027N 01149W. (01Oct05) (RGA) 13303 7T-VJY: Air Algerie A330 Flt AH4404 1732 HFDL Position 3120N 23E. (01Oct05) (RGA) 13303 SU-GCF: EgyptAir A330 1801 HFDL Logs on. (01Oct05) (RGA) 14422 MAE: MFA Algiers 1039 ALE/USB Calls TRP/Tripoli embassy. (01Oct05) (RGA) 15025 A6-ERA: Emirates A340 1518 Flt UAE88 HFDL Logs on to ARINC Reykjavik. Position 4245N 02237E. (01Oct05) (RGA) (Jim - wun 18, 3) 03161 XSS: Unid 1708 ALE/USB Sounding. (01Oct05) (RGA) 04627 WARSZAWA2: R&S/MOI Net Warsaw 1833 ALE/USB Sounding 4627 and 4411 kHz. (01Oct05) (RGA) 05263 LZ5: Algerian MOI/Military 1731 ALE/USB Calls LZ40. (01Oct05) (RGA) 05602 T36MED: 36 Medical Company (Air Ambulance) US Army Iraq 1803 ALE/USB Sounding. (01Oct05) (RGA) 05708 190022: USAF C-5 69-0022 1624 ALE/USB Sounding. (01Oct05) (RGA) 05868 TXX2: Spanish Guarda Civil Valdermo 1957 ALE/USB Sounds. (01Oct2005) (RGA) 08942 CZ0451: China Southern Flt 1853 HFDL Posn report 5617N 01622E via ARINC Shannon. (01Oct05) (RGA) 08568 FUV: French Navy Djibouti 2043 STANAG-4285/300L/5N2 Voyez le brick geant ... (01Oct05) (RGA) 08942 SU-GCH: EgyptAir A330 Flt MSR778 1903 HFDL Position report 3122N 03106E via Shannon. (01Oct2005) (RGA) 13303 HP-1374: CMP B737 1801 HFDL Logs on to ARINC Las Palmas. (01Oct2005) (RGA) (Jim - wun 18, 3) 13568.0 INFEOC1NGB (unidentified Army Nat'l Guard entity): 2346 USB/ALE TO P020RN (Nat'l Guard, Puerto Rico). 09/30 RP3 17982.0 HERMES (HQs, Brazilian Air Force): 2328 USB/ALE sounding. 09/30 RP3 16355.0 SARBR (Brazilian Rescue Coordination Center, Brasilia): 2208 USB/ALE sounding. 09/30 RP3 12070.0 SAMMF1 (Army Corps of Engineers, Mobile Facility #1,Mobile District Office, Mobile, AL): 1936 USB/ALE TO SAMPC1 (unidentified Ar,my Corps of Engineers entity). 09/30 RP3 (Ron, MA - wun 18, 3) У меня вопрос. 30 сентября 9:25 utc на частоте 12.250 KHz; 13180 KHz принял служебную р./ст. Bio Radio. Меня интересует, для каких целей она работает и откуда. Сила сигнала была 3 бала (Андрей Бурлака, Симферополь, Украина - open-dx 898) Тоже эту беду принимал. Только вот с названием, наверное, неточность - я сам толком не разобрал как она правильно называется, но это больше похоже не на bio, а скорее на olymbio, olympio, olympia, или что-то типа этого - ИМХО. Постоянно передаTтся информация с названием и параллельными частотами вещания. Я еT слушал на 17360 в ssb. Что это - не знаю. Может, действительно, кто-то способен что-то подсказать...(Владимир Осауленко, Украина - open_dx 898) Это греческая станция морской связи, называется Olympia Radio. Слышу их сейчас, в 05.45, на 13170 кГц USB с одним и тем же объявлением на греческом и английском (This is Olympia Radio, call us on channels 806, 1232, 1640...). Номер последнего канала не могу уловить, он на 22 МГц. Вроде бы 2217. Соответствующие названным каналам частоты: 8734, 13170, 17359, 22744 (если последний канал в самом деле 2217). Станция иногда передает новости и погоду для моряков, а также отвечает выходящим на связь судам. Если же трафика нет, то в эфир постоянно выдается идентификация.(Дмитрий Мезин, Казань, Россия - open_dx 898) ---------------------------- QSL Германия Сегодня получил QSL-карточку от "Bible Voice Broadcasting" за рапорт о приёме 17 июля 2005 года на частоте 6015 кГц (Юлих, Германия). Отправлял рапорт по E-mail: mail[dog]biblevoice.org (Иван Зеленый, Нижневартовск - open_dx 895) Мьянма 5985.8 Radio Myanmar. Email QSL letter from Ko Ko Htway, Director of Broadcasting, for 2002 reception after 4 postal and 2 email followups. Email of 7/2/2005 to mrtv@mptmail.net.mm was answered on 9/26. Schedule of broadcasts in English and "Myanmar Language" was included. This was my one and only reception of Radio Myanmar. Country verified number 200. (Jim Evans, TN, Sep 26 - CumbreDX 1265). Разное За сентябрь получил QSL от Радио Швеция, Радио Ватикана, Радио Прага на русском; QSL-письмо от Radio Austria Int., QSL от RDP Int., от Radio Australia (писал по адресу english собачка ra.abc.net.au), Radio Netherlands, QSL-letter от Freie volksmission Krefeld, передающей свои религиозные программы с 1630 до 1700 UTC по субботам на 11865 на английском. Писал по адресу postmaster собачка freie-volksmission.de. Также получил QSL от Radio Six Int., писал по адресу letters собачка radiosix.com. И QSL Радиостанции Беларусь - адрес (письмо писал на русском) radio-minsk собачка tvr.by. Ответы пришли максимум за 1,5 месяца, минимум - 15 дней (из Крефельда) за рапорты по электропочте. (Андрей Мамаев, Россия - open_dx 896) Экваториальная Гвинея Radio Africa из Экваториальной Гвинеи. Частота 15190 кГц. 28 дней. Передача на английском на религиозные темы, с замираниями и техническими пропаданиями сигнала. Этими трансляциями занимается организация Pan American Broadcasting; я их поймал в конце августа через Юлих, а попутно отправил рапорт на принятую еще в мае передачу из Экв.Гвинеи. Вторую подтвердили, первую нет!!! Адрес на 572-й странице WRTH неверный, и писать нужно вот куда: Pan American Broadcasting 2021 The Alameda Suite 240 San Jose CA 95126-1145 USA На карточке есть еще экваториальный адрес (Radio Africa Network, P.O.Box 851, Malabo, Equatorial Guinea), но надежнее все же слать рапорты в США. Приведено расписание работы этой сети, но какова его свежесть -- не знаю. Radio Africa: 7190 и 15190 кГц 17.00-23.00 ежедневно Radio East Africa: 15190 кГц 07.00-16.00 сб,вс Radio Africa #2: 15190 кГц 07.00-12.00 пн-пт (Дмитрий Мезин, Казань - open_dx 895) ------------------ Аппаратура Scott R Barbour Jr-Intervale,NH-USA R75, 200' Beverage antennas. Fernando Viloria Guacara - Carabobo State - Venezuela Rx: Icom IC-720 transceiver Antenna: 1/4 wave slopper Antenna tuner: MFJ - 956 (passive) Jerry Strawman Des Moines, IA 41.64N 93.66W R8B-746Pro 60 Meter Dipole 330S Loop Manuel M?ndez Lugo, Spain Grundig Satellit 500, antena de cable, 4 metros Escucha realizada el caso urbano de Lugo Michael Schnitzer Homepage: <http://home.arcor.de/mschnitzer/> Location: Hassfurt, Germany Receiver: NRD-535 DG Antennas: GPM-1500 DX-One Professional EWE to South America EWE to Asia / Pacific Jose Miguel Romero EA5-1022 Burjasot (Valencia) Espa?a SANGEAN ATS 909 Hilo de siete metros.
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