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Электронный DX Бюллетень WorldDX 34

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Всемирный DX Бюллетень 34

15425 - 1035 - 250805 - AUS - HCJB Australia - EE - rel. prgm - 4 5 3/4 4 4
(Gunter Jacob, Passau, Germany - CumbreDX 1247)

6060, Radio Nacional, 2228-2235, 03-09, 
Transmisi?n partido de f?tbol entre Paraguay y 
Argentina, fase clasificatorio selecciones 
sudamericanas para el Mundial de Alemania 2006. 
Fuerte interferencia de R.A.I. en la misma frecuencia. 22222.
(Manuel Mendez, Lugo, Espana - hard-core-dx 33, 5)

11710, Radio Nacional, 2128-2133, 03-09, locutor, 
transmisi?n del partido de f?tbol Paraguay-Argentina "estamos en Nacinal, Paraguay

gana a Argentina 1-0, gol de Roque Santa Cruz". 23222.
(Manuel Mendez, Lugo, Espana - hard-core-dx 33, 5)

15345, Radio Nacional, 2213-2240, 03-09, locutor, 
partido de f?tbol Paraguay-Argentina, anuncios comerciales. 45444.
(Manuel Mendez, Lugo, Espana - hard-core-dx 33, 5)

A Voz da Armenia transmite um espaco de 15 minutos em lingua 
espanhola. Vai ao ar, diariamente, entre 0230 e 0245, pela frequencia de 
9965 kHz. Em 23 de agosto, o colunista acompanhou o noticiario. O 
apresentador diz que o objetivo da emissora e "informar sobre a atualidade 
armena e da regiao do Caucaso do Sul". Na pauta do dia, as negociacoes sobre

o processo de paz entre a Armenia e o Azerbaidjao, que disputam a regiao do 
Nagorno-Karabakh. Aqui vai uma dica: a Voz da Armenia e a unica fonte de 
informacoes sobre aquela regiao do Planeta. Nao precisa escrever mais nada 
sobre a importancia das emissoes em ondas curtas! O endereco eletronico e o 
seguinte: pr[dog]armradio.am. Direcao postal tradicional: Radio Publica da 
Armenia, Alex Manoocian 5, Yerevan 25, Republica da Armenia
(Dino Bloise - playdx2003 742)

6106,58 Radio Panamericana, La Paz, 1010-1030, September 08, Spanish,
andean instrumental music. Identification & TC as:
"Panamericana.......6 y 17 minutos". Other song: "trepando los Andes",
Identification & ann. as: "....y el folklor, con aire nacional, se =
identifican en Panamericana",=20
Radio Cultura, Foz do Iguacu, Brasil was off air. 34433/24442
(Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - CumbreDX 1249)

4930 VOA-Moeping Hill, 0426+, September 10, English,
talk by male in english, 35433
(Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - CumbreDX 1250)

4876.3, Radiodifusora Roraima, 0330-0340, 04-09, 
portugu?s, locutor, comentarios. 24322.(Manuel Mendez, Lugo, Espana - hard-core-dx
33, 5)

6040, Radio Clube Paranaense, 2242-2248, 03-09, 
portugu?s, transmisi?n del partido de f?tbol Paraguay-Argentina. 24322.
(Manuel Mendez, Lugo, Espana - hard-core-dx 33, 5)

6185, Radio Nacional da Amazonia, 0715-0730, 
04-09, portugu?s, locutor, comentarios y 
canciones brasile?as. 24322. En paralelo con 
11780 con SINPO 23222. Recientemente hab?a salido 
la noticia de que se hab?a mudado a 6180, pero hoy se escuchaba en 6185.
(Manuel Mendez, Lugo, Espana - hard-core-dx 33, 5)

9565, Radio Tupi, 0726-0745, 04-09, portugu?s, 
programa religioso, predicaciones y canciones 
religiosas. Curiosamente en paralelo, a esa hora, 
con Radio Victoria de Lima, Per?, por 6020.2 y 
9720. Luego de compararlas muchas veces, 
transmit?an exactamente el mismo programa.
(Manuel Mendez, Lugo, Espana - hard-core-dx 33, 5)

11815, Radio Brasil Central, 0802-0812, 04-09, 
canciones brasile?as, identificaci?n: "cinco y 
seis, Radio Brasil Central". 34333.(Manuel Mendez, Lugo, Espana - hard-core-dx
33, 5)

11925, Radio Bandeirantes, 2112-2125, 03-09, 
portugu?s, transmisi?n del partido de f?tbol Paraguay-Argentina. 23222.
(Manuel Mendez, Lugo, Espana - hard-core-dx 33, 5)

5042 kHz Radio Amazonas, Puerto Ayacucho
(Venezuela) with strong signal and very distorted
sound. Two days ago I noted them on 5036 kHz.
(Bjorn Malm, Quito, Ecuador - CumbreDX 1245)

9580 Africa #1; 2258-2302+, 7-Sep; W w/IDs & station data; pips
& tone @2300 then M w/"America bon jour" & cmtry. All in FF. SIO=444-
(Harold Frodge-MI - CumbreDX 1247)

4915 GHANA, Ghana BC Corp., Accra SEP 4 2301 - heard with talk in an unID language
(presumably Twi) and with choral anthem. Presumed ! No sign of Brazil at this
time. Taped !
(Aurel Chiochiu-QC - hard-core-dx 33, 6)

4052.5, Radio Verdad, Chiquimula, 
0340-0513, 04-09, c?nticos religiosos, a las 0502 
programa en ingl?s, identificaci?n: Radio Verdad, 
P. O. Box 5, Chiquimula, Guatemala". 24322.(Manuel Mendez, Lugo, Espana - hard-core-dx
33, 5)

4052.5, GUATEMALA, R.Verdad, 0134-0148, Sept.5,
Spanish, Instrumentals and ballads w/ barely audible
talks b/w selections. Poor. (Scott Barbour Jr-NH - CumbreDX 1243)

4052.51  Radio Amistad is broadcasting at the present time, 
2345 with reduced power.  At worthy target for checking antennas and 
radios (Robert Wilkner, Florida - CumbreDX 1245)

4819.2, HRVC, La Voz Evang?lica, 
Tegucigalpa, 0420-0610, locutor, comentarios 
religiosos. A las 0431: "Les hemos ofrecido, A 
Solas con Dios". "HRVC, La Voz Evang?lica de 
Honduras", "HRVC es m?sica", "HRVC presenta, 
Melod?as de Bendici?n, somos la voz de Dios en el 
mundo, somos la radio que evangeliza". Programa musical. 24322.
(Manuel Mendez, Lugo, Espana - hard-core-dx 33, 5)

4780, 0335-0345, 04-09, locutor, 
vernaculo (probablemente somal?). 24222.(Manuel Mendez, Lugo, Espana - hard-core-dx
33, 5)

4910 ZNBC, Lusaka (Radio 1), 0423+, September 10, Vernacular,
local songs and announcements by female, 35433
(Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - CumbreDX 1250)

4965 Christian Voice, Lusaka, 0429+, September 10, =BFlanguage?
Gospel songs, 25442 (Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - CumbreDX 1250)

6612  ZBC-Radio Zimbabwe,(p), Gweru, (3306 khz x 2), 0407+, September =
10, Vernacular, bulletin news or talk by female in local language, 24442
(Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - CumbreDX 1250)

AIR Hyderabad 4800 kHz with news in English heard after the close down of the
Chinese station followed by the news in Hindi at 1735 UTC. Sign-off at 1740 UTC
without local ID.(Jouko Huuskonen, Turku, Finland - hard-core-dx 33, 10)

5040 AIR-Jeypore, 0023-0030, September 10, Vernacular,
Interval Signal (AIR), short ann. by male and local songs. After, news =
by female, 24442 (Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - CumbreDX 1249)

9495 Voice of Justice 0147-0203+. EG xmsn, with ID, then a series
of anti-US commentaries and press reviews, including items on how Bush
mis-handled the crisis in Louisiana. Good signal. (John Wilkins, Wheat Ridge,
Colorado 8/4 - CumbreDX 1243)

5049.92, 14:09-, ?Guangxi FBS, Nanning Sep 5 This is a tentative
logging.  There is a station heard, not in Chinese, and not the AIR
station.  Possible Vietnamese, which is listed on at this time.  I'm
reporting this just to alert listeners that there is a station
off-frequency, and it's not ARDS, so beware!  Fair reception. (Walter Salmaniw,Victoria,
BC - CumbreDX 1243)

Xizang  People?s Broadcasting Station, Lhasa played beautiful instrumental Tibetan
music. Heard from 1710 UTC till the close down at 1730 UTC on 4820 kHz. Only
slight QRM by AIR Kolkata.(Jouko Huuskonen, Turku, Finland - hard-core-dx 33,

Central People?s Broadcasting Station, Geermu signed off at 1732 UTC on 4800Hz.
Some QRM by AIR Hyderabad.
(Jouko Huuskonen, Turku, Finland - hard-core-dx 33, 10)

5910, Marfil Estereo, 0446-0700, 04-09, canciones 
latinoamericanas, sobre todo canciones 
colombianas y algunas canciones inglesas. 34333.(Manuel Mendez, Lugo, Espana
- hard-core-dx 33, 5)

6010.2, La Voz de tu Conciencia 0425-0715, 04-09, 
locutor, comentarios religiosos y canciones 
colombianas. Identificaci?n: "La Voz de tu 
Conciencia, 6010 kHz. banda internacional de 49 
metros". Se?al d?bil a muy d?bil 23222 variando a 
13221. Hoy no llegaba Radio Mil, ni siquiera por 
detr?s de la colombiana, tampoco Radio Incofidencia.(Manuel Mendez, Lugo, Espana
- hard-core-dx 33, 5)

6010 COLOMBIA, La Voz de tu Conciencia, Bogota SEP 5 0415 - 0455 - w/ religious
talk, promos - one of them with mention of "Escuchamos el se?or", then llanera
tune with "alma" and "de mi amor" in the lyrics to 0445, with poem with instrumental
llanera, then canned ID "Hache-Jota ?? (730 am ?) ...banda internacional de 49
metros...La Voz de tu Conciencia" and then talk about Jesus Christ who came in
a synagogue and ressurected a death person "... y el se?or dice llevantete...".
Poor signal, but quite clear when
tuned to 6013 instead of 6010 to avoid RHC-6000 splatter. New for me ! Tentatively
logged in January, but didn't keep up with this then, because of zyprexa. No
sign of XEOY Radio Mil ! 
(Aurel Chiochiu-QC - hard-core-dx 33, 6)

5985 Radio Congo, Brazzaville, 0446+, September 10, French,
Afro-pops, ID by female at 0448: "Radio Congo, Brazzaville", 35443
(Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - CumbreDX 1250)

5025 CUBA, Radio Rebelde, Havana SEP 4 2320 - w/ pgm of cuban danzons. Mention
of "Cadena Agramonte" during one of the breaks (a local station on 910 kHz).
Then at 0000, relay of the Cuban TV with a special report about "Fidel Castro
Ruz" sending doctors to Louisiana, instead of the Cuban music chart show. Building
from good (at tune-in) to very strong (at tune-out). (Aurel Chiochiu-QC - hard-core-dx
33, 6) 

5470, LIBERIA, R.Veritas, 2250-2258*, Sept.3, English,
Hi-life mx w/ random talk over by OM; i.e. "Gotta work
hard, no food for the lazy man!". Full ID's ment. FM
and SW freq's. Whisper quiet devotional followed by
Lord's Prayer and s/off annmts. Fair at best.
(Scott Barbour Jr-NH - CumbreDX 1243)

15660 Voice of Africa,16:17-16:23,escuchada el 4 Sep en frances a
locutor con comentarios y referencias a problema humanitario,noticias,
segmento de m?sica,SINPO 44333.(Jose Miguel Romero, Sacanet, Espana - hard-core-dx
33, 5)

11800 Minivan Radio,16:03-16:08,escuchada el 4 Sep en dhivehi a locutor
y locutora con comentarios de presentacion,noticias,SINPO 43342.
(Jose Miguel Romero, Sacanet, Espana - hard-core-dx 33, 5)

9575 MOROCCO, Medi Un, Nador SEP 9 2302 - news in AA with liners between the
items to 2310, followed by the longest AA tune I've ever heard; still going on
with the same tune at 2356 when blowed away by extremely intense splatter from
China Radio Int'l via Havana, //6020 (Chinese tx toward Europe). I've already
heard a very few soft AA songs - probably religious oriented - lasting over 10
minutes, but this one beats all the records with the exception of the Koran chanting
I heard on Mauritanie-4845 a few years
ago. I believe what I heard was a religious oriented tune too. Always nice to
listen to this station; it's almost pure DX - it's regular, but never extremely
strong like BBC-9575 or other too easy things. And the music is often really
exotic. (Chiochiu-QC, Canada - hard-core-dx 33, 10)

4810, XERTA, Radio Transcontinental de 
Am?rica, 0440-0640, 04-09, locutor, comentarios 
religiosos y canciones, identificaci?n a las 
0610: "Estamos ene la banda de 60 metros, 4810 
kHz, Radioemisora Cultural". S?lo se logra 
escuchar en LSB. SINPO 24222 variando a 14111.
(Manuel Mendez, Lugo, Espana - hard-core-dx 33, 5)

15478 Democratic Voice of Burma,14:30-14:45,escuchada el 4 Sep en
burmese,inician emision con un segmento de musica folklorica,locutora
con comentarios,sufre fuerte interferencia de la BBC emitiendo en
15485,SINPO 43443.(Jose Miguel Romero, Sacanet, Espana - hard-core-dx 33, 5)

Новая Зеландия
11820 - 0530 - 090905 - NZL - RNZI - EE - "Radio New Zealand News" - 4 4 4 4
(Gunter Jacob, Passau, Germany - CumbreDX 1247)

15140 R.Sultanato de Oman??.14:16-15:12,escuchada el 4 Sep a locutora
en ingles presentando temas m?sicales de pop,rock y rap,a las 15:00
campanadas de reloj,locutora con comentarios y m?sica disco, a las 
15:09 se corta emisi?n e interviene locutora en arabe,SINPO 44443.
(Jose Miguel Romero, Sacanet, Espana - hard-core-dx 33, 5)

15140 - 14:01:30 - 060905 - OMA - R. Oman - EE - news' headlines - 4/5 5 4 3
(Gunter Jacob, Passau, Germany - CumbreDX 1247)

Папуа-Новая Гвинея
7120 Wantok R. Light may be having xmtr probs - no signal
hrd on 7120 for two nights now (9/4, 9/5), even when CRN Vanimo is audible
w/ S2 signal...(Bruce Churchill, Fallbrook, California - CumbreDX 1243)

9736.9, 2200-2255, 03-09, transmisi?n 
del partido de f?tbol Paraguay-Argentina, 
identificaci?n: "Esta es la RNP", anuncios 
comerciales, "Esta es Nacional, la RNP", "Estamos 
cerquita de la victoria, vamos Paraguay, vamos 
albiroja, una hist?rica victoria ante Argentina, 
luego de 75 a?os, salgamos a la calle a festejar 
esta hist?rica victoria, gan? Paraguay". 34333 variando a 44444.
Tambi?n 0824-0840, 04-05, locutor, canciones, 
identificaci?n: "Para tu compa?ia, tu radio, la 
radio de todos, Radio Nacional del Paraguay, 920 
kHz.". Comentario sobre Roque S?nchez, pionero 
del radio-teatro en Paraguay. "Son 4 y 27 minutos 
en toda la Rep?blica del Paraguay, esta es Radio 
Nacional del Paraguay, 920 AM, se siente en el 
alma la m?sica paraguaya". M?sica. 34333.
(Manuel Mendez, Lugo, Espana - hard-core-dx 33, 5)

9737.8, PARAGUAY, R.Nacional, 2305-2315, Sept.3,
Spanish, OM w/ futbol hi-lite at t/in; "GOOOAL" and
"Victorio Paraguay!". Judging from OM's reaction I
think Paraguay won ;-). Quick RN jingle w/
"Par-a-guay" 2X followed by (P) phone-in prg. w/
heated exchange b/w 2 OMs. Still going at it at t/out.
Fair. (Scott Barbour Jr-NH, Intervale, USA - CumbreDX 1243) 

9736.9 Radio Nacional; 2234, 7-Sep; M w/several IDs--sounds
like he's saying "del Paraguay" not "de Paraguay".  FM spot.  Remote
rpts.  All in SS.   SIO=3+53+, much better past couple of months than
previously. (Harold Frodge-MI - CumbreDX 1247)

5939,4, Radio Melod?a, Arequipa, 0452-0600, 
04-09, canciones latinoamericanas presentadas por 
locutor, anuncios comerciales. 24322 variando a 14321.
(Manuel Mendez, Lugo, Espana - hard-core-dx 33, 5)

6020.2, Radio Victoria, 0511-0520, 04-09, 
locutor, espa?ol, religioso, predicaciones. A las 
0726, portugu?s, predicaciones, en paralelo con 
9720 y, curiosamente, tambi? en paralelo con 
Radio Tupi de Brasil, por 9565 a esa hora. Luego 
de compararlas muchas veces, transmisti?n exactamente el mismo programa. 22222.
(Manuel Mendez, Lugo, Espana - hard-core-dx 33, 5)

If you hould like going out hunting stations on
4780 kHz I can tell you that Radio Oriental, Tena
(Ecuador) was active with good signal just some
moments ago on 4781.61. A very weak signal on
4779.9x kHz is perhaps Radio Coat?n (Guatemala)
and you can also try Radio Tacana (Bolivia) on
4781.35 kHz, of course difficult for me if
Oriental is on air.Oriental is nowadays a very
rare station with just short periods of activity.
On 4782,66 a quite strong carrier without audio.
I listened around 2300 UTC.
(Bjorn Malm, Quito, Ecuador - hard-core-dx 33, 10)

7345, Radio Rossii, 1025-1033  Noted comments and features in
Russian.  Signal was poor to fair during brief period.
(Chuck Bolland, Clewiston, Florida, September 9, 2005 - CumbreDX 1247)

6055 Radio Rwanda, Kigali, 0433+, September 10, Vernacular,
talks by male & female, 23432
(Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - CumbreDX 1250)

Сан-Томе (?)
4930 Voice of America; 0500-0507+, 7-Sep; VoA News & News
Now in EE. SIO=352+/muted (Harold Frodge-MI - CumbreDX 1247)

9500 - 0531 - 050905 - SWZ - TWR - EE - rel. prgm (audible after sign-off of
R. Bulgaria) - 2/3 5 3/4 4 2/3
(Gunter Jacob, Passau, Germany - CumbreDX 1247)

4775 Trans World Radio, Mpangela Ranch, 0417+, September 10, German,
talk by female in german and christian songs, 34443
(Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - CumbreDX 1250)

9330 - 1902 - 220805 - SYR - R. Damascus - German - freq. announcement (9330
+ 12085), mailing address (Postfach 4702), preview of next day's prgm - 3 4 4
4 3(Gunter Jacob, Passau, Germany - CumbreDX 1247)

11785 WWL via WHRI decent reception at 1215.   Same call in
coverage that they have been running for a number of days. (Hans Johnson Sep
6 - CumbreDX 1244)

WWL a New Orleans SW station is broadcasting on SW
via WHRI.  I was looking at their webpage this morning and
noticed a new button, "WWL Shortwave Simulcast."  Details
of the schedule are there. (Hans Johnson Sep 5 - CumbreDX 1243)

9840 WWL, New Orleans, via WHRI, 2332-2342, September 07, English,
informations, ID: "...WWL.....", bulletin news read by female,
announcement and Identification as: "This is WWL......".- Strong QRM =
from RAI, Rome, Italy, with the transmission in italian for South America in
the same frequency. SINPO: 22432 (Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - CumbreDX 1246      )

9840 UNITED STATES, WWL New Orleans, LA via WHRI in Noblesville, IN SEP 9 2308
- giving phone number, then call-ins from listeners. One of them talked about
having cell. phone, then woman called in giving a phone nb. (985) 892-2276 for
emergency followed by announcer talking giving dates on when the schools will
open, then what sounded like www.sppc.org announced by a woman. Also heard two
phone numbers, one of them was 1-888-830-3170. WWL ID at 2231 followed by nx.
One of the items were about NO's residents
looking for their pets ("...dog, cats and even larger animals (!)...") in order
to save their lifes. News announcer IDed as "The Big 8-70 WWL" at the end of
the newscasts followed by ads, then  continuos around the clock coverage of Katrina
with phone-in from a man in accented english wich speaked very fast. Almost excellent
on peaks, though faded down to very poor from time to time. Usually good. The
reception was better when using just the Sangean's telescopic antenna;! with
the long-wire the signal was poorer
and suffered from some overloading from extremely strong CFAV "Radio Boomer"
powerhouse on 1570 (ex. Radio Nostalgie). CFAV is just a very few kilometers
from my house and some slight splatter can be heard from them as low as 1500
kHz on my Sanyo. CJWI is hard to listen on the car-radio (on my Sanyo I can null
out some of the 1570 splatter to listen to 1610, but...) (Chiochiu-QC, Canada
- hard-core-dx 33, 10)

0500 GMT Sept 4, 4930, Botswana - VOA relay with "VOA Jazz America".  Good
at 0500, but fading by 0515, presumably due to local sunrise.  S7 on the E1
with whip, S9 on the adjacent Drake R8 with ASOR amplified window antenna.
(Steve Kamp, Sacramento CA - hard-core-dx 33, 5).

7200 Sudan National Broadcasting, Omdurman, 0412+, SEptember 10, Arabic,
"General programme", interview, ID by male as: "...Huna Omdurman....", =
24432 (Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - CumbreDX 1250)

9280, TAIWAN, WYFR relay, 1117-1128, Sept.5,
Mandarin/English, OM and YL w/ Mandarin music and
talks. Contact info in slow EG; IS at 1122. Poor/fair.
(Scott Barbour Jr-NH, Intervale - CumbreDX 1243)

9405, PHILLIPINES, FEBC-Iba, 1133-1202, Sept.5,
Mandarin, Lenghty talk b/w OM and YL, mx bridge at
1145 followed by same  b/w 2 OM. Brief ballad at 1158
into presumed ID annmt at 1200. Poor/fair.
(Scott Barbour Jr-NH, Intervale, USA - CumbreDX 1243)

9925 Croatian Radio/Voice of Croatia; 2228-2231+, 7-Sep; EE
Croatia Today pgm.  ID'd as both VoCroatia & Croatian Radio, VoCroatia.
Continued in SS @2230. SIO=343 (Harold Frodge-MI - CumbreDX 1247)

15105, Deutsche Welle, Trincomolee, 1200-1250    Noted comments
and features in the Indonesian language.  Every so often a Deutsche Welle
marker inserted between comments.  Checked all listed parallel freqs and
heard nothing.  Signal on 15105 was poor.  (Chuck Bolland, September 9, 2005
- CumbreDX 1247)

3279.6, La Voz del Napo, 0346-0600, 
04-09, locutora, comentarios religiosos, 
informaci?n sobre diversos centros cat?licos en 
Argentina y Uruguay, identificaci?n: "Radio 
Mar?a". A las 0520, lectura del rosario. 24322.
(Manuel Mendez, Lugo, Espana - hard-core-dx 33, 5)

Экваториальная Гвинея
5005, Radio Nacional, Bata, 
0447-0512, 04-09, Esta emisora abre su 
programaci?n matinal a las 0457. Escuchada a esta 
hora con el himno nacional, m?sica africana e 
identificaci?n. Curiosamente siguen anunciando 
una frecuencia que hace bastantes a?os que 
desapareci? para esta emisora, 4926 kHz. As? se 
identifican al iniciar su programaci?n matinal: 
"En la banda de 60 metros, 5005 kilociclos por 
segundo y 4926 kilociclos por segundo, y en 
frecuencia modulada, 99.9 y  102 megaciclos por 
segundo, Radio Nacional de Guinea Ecuatorial, 
programas culturales, musicales, de 
entretenimiento y deportivo, contamos con Usted, gracias por estar aqu?".
(Manuel Mendez, Lugo, Espana - hard-core-dx 33, 5)

5005, EQ.GUINEA, RN-Bata, 2218-2249, Sept.3,
Vernacular, Continuous Hi-life music in language.
Booming signal. (Scott Barbour Jr-NH, Intervale, USA - CumbreDX 1243)

5005 Equatorial Guinea, Radio Nacional de Guinea Ecuatorial, Bata SEP 4 2258
- with modern African music, then sign-off with anthem. Very good, but with computer-like
noises QRM ! Didn't had the tape running (grr...) 
(Aurel Chiochiu-QC - hard-core-dx 33, 6)

Южная Африка
3320, SOUTH AFRICA, R.Sondergrense, 0203-0220, Sept.5,
Afrikaans/English, Format of EG pop tune followed by
one in Afrikaans then YL w/ brief talks re mx. Fair.
(Scott Barbour Jr-NH - CumbreDX 1243)

252 Alger Cha?ne,21:42-21:46,locutor con noticias,"Presidente de
Francia ingresado en hospital",locutora,SINPO 55454
(Jose Miguel Romero, Sacanet, Spain - hard-core-dx 33, 5)

1368 Radio Lincolnshire ID 1925
(Patrice Privat, France - mwdx 1087)

1503 BBC Local Radio Midlands (Stoke ?), id 1910
(Patrice Privat, France - mwdx 1087)

1341 Catholic Radio Hungary in Hungarian 1928
(Patrice Privat, France - mwdx 1087)

1500 VENEZUELA, Dos Mil, YVRZ, Cumana, Sucre 0011 - Briefly in with llanera music
while checking beetwen the Sangean and Sanyo to see wich one picked up WTOP better
- this thing wasn't discernable with WTOP on the Sangean, WTOP was weaker with
less dB on the Sangean barefoot then on the Sanyo barefoot. Tentative; previously
logged once during auroral conditions. Not an easy catche here. (Bogdan Chiochiu-QC
- hard-core-dx 33, 6)

640 CUBA, Radio Progreso SEP 5 0243 - w/ Cuban music. Messy signal with nulled
CFYR and bits of WNNZ. Nothing else on this channel ! Very poor reception. (Bogdan
Chiochiu-QC - hard-core-dx 33, 6)

670 CUBA, Radio Rebelde, CMQ, Arroyo Arrenas SEP 5 0247 - Fair with Borelo mx;
// 600 wasn't discernable.
(Bogdan Chiochiu-QC - hard-core-dx 33, 6)

 234 RTL,21:37-21:41,escuchada el 3 Sep en frances a locutor con
comentarios y presentando temas de m?sica folk,SINPO 55454.
(Jose Miguel Romero, Sacanet, Espana - hard-core-dx 33, 5)

810 Radio Skopje Macedonia under BBC Scotland  1935
(Patrice Privat, France - mwdx 1087)

207 RTM A,21:30-21:33,escuchada el 3 Sep en arabe a locutor con 
corresponsal, ruido de gente de fondo,SINPO 54443.(Хосе Мигель Ромеро, Саканьет,
Испания - hard-core-dx 33, 5)

Тёркс и Кайкос
530 TURKS AND CAICOS, Radio Vision Cristiana SEP 5 - several times last evening
with Spanish preaching and SS gospel mx. Poor at beast with remains of nulled
CIAO. (Bogdan Chiochiu-QC - hard-core-dx 33, 6, Canada)

792 DWGV-AM Angeles City, Pampanga Aug 30 good signal into northern Manila from
this neighbouring province to the north. Mainly Christian programming. Sister
station on FM is DWGV-FM 99.1 which also has good coverage of northern Metro
Manila. (Geir Stokkeland, Philippines - hard-core-dx 33, 8)

1674 DZBF Marikina, NCR Aug 30 great signal in Malabon, northern area of Manila.
Community information.
(Geir Stokkeland, Philippines - hard-core-dx 33, 8)

1233 DWRV Radio Veritas, Bayombong, Nueva Vizcaya Aug 26 sunset signal into Leyte,
fair strength. With DYVS only occasionally on, DWRV reaches nationwide.
(Geir Stokkeland, Philippines - hard-core-dx 33,8)

1206 DXRS Surigao City, Surigao del Norte noted with drama, promos Aug 29. ID
as "RMN Surigao". Listed on this frq by Bruce Portzer already. The December 2004
NTC official list actually has this one on a different frequency, but 1206 is
definitely the correct one. ID also as "Radyo Magbalantay", mentioned 5,000 watts.
Heard at San Jose, just south of the airport at Tacloban, Leyte.(Geir Stokkeland,
Philippines - hard-core-dx 33, 8)

1134 DWDD Manila, NCR Aug 25 noted with an ID at 2300 local time, before fading.
Is not a daytime signal in Leyte, evening only, first time noted there.(Geir
Stokkeland, Philippines - hard-core-dx 33, 8)

162 France Inter,21:20-21:23,fr,escuchada el 3 Sep,programa de m?sica
rock francesa,SINPO 44433.(Jose Miguel Romero, Sacanet, Espana - hard-core-dx
33, 5)

216 Radio Monte Carlo,21:33-21:37,escuchada el 3 Sep en frances a
locutor con invitados en tertulia, referencias a Paris e Israel, SINPO 55444.
(Jose Miguel Romero, Sacanet, Espana - hard-core-dx 33, 5)

270 Cesky rozhlas 1,21:46-21:50,escuchada el 3 Sep en checo a locutora
con noticias,programa de Mx pop,SINPO 55433.
(Хосе Мигель Ромеро, Саканет, Испания - hard-core-dx 33, 5)

07872.0 STYGMAT: Pol-Mil 0915 ALE/USB clg LEWENTAL (06/sep/05) (sw)
06994.0 BYDGOSZCZ: Pol-Moi Bydgoszcz 0929 ALE/USB clg POZNAN (06/sep/05) (sw)
14824.0 KADUCEUSZ: Pol-Mil 0944 ALE/USB clg CUKIERNIA (06/sep/05) (sw)
04627.0 BYDGOSZCZ: Pol-Moi Bydgoszcz 1010 ALE/USB clg WARSZAWA1 (06/sep/05) (sw)
06957.0 BYDGOSZCZ: Pol-Moi Bydgoszcz 1044 ALE/USB clg WARSZAWA1 (06/sep/05) (sw)
11475.0 MAE: Alg-Mfa Algiers 1048 ALE/USB sndg. (06/sep/05) (sw)
5119.5 POZNAN: Pol-Moi 1253 ALE/USB clg WARSZAWA2 (06/sep/05) (sw)
5119.5 WARSZAWA2: Pol-Moi 1256 ALE/USB clg BYDGOSZCZ (06/sep/05) (sw)
06957.0 BYDGOSZCZ: Pol-Moi Bydgoszcz 1301 ALE/USB clg POZNAN (06/sep/05) (sw)
05119.5 BYDGOSZCZ: Pol-Moi Bydgoszcz 1304 ALE/USB clg POZNAN (06/sep/05) (sw)
05184.5 BYDGOSZCZ: Pol-Moi Bydgoszcz 1304 ALE/USB clg POZNAN (06/sep/05) (sw)
04839.0 POZNAN: Pol-Moi 1336 ALE/USB clg WARSZAWA2 (06/sep/05) (sw)
18003.0 R23890: Usa-Mil 1435 ALE/USB clg CRO Croughton (06/sep/05) (sw)
18003.0 J01: Usa-Cg MH-60J 6001 CGAS Elizabeth City 1435 ALE/USB sndg. (06/sep/05)
(Sam, UK - wun 17, 11)

Logs for 1/Sep:

  6873.0 4N7R: UNID 0521 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Clng VVAU. Also
         0523, 0526, 0641 (01/Sep)(DW)

Logs for 2/Sep:

  6873.0 1202: UNID 2322 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Sounding
  6874.0 TXX1: GUARDIA CIVIL HQ NORTH 0626 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb.
         Clng TWCC2 (02/Sep)(DW)
  6874.0 TZSH: GUARDIA CIVIL HUELVA 0678 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Clng
         TXXX (02/Sep)(DW)

Logs for 3/Sep:
6873.0 1202: UNID 0423 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Sounding (03/Sep)(DW)
Logs for 4/Sep:
11434.3 ---: UNID 1615 PACT-I 200/-/200 Weak - "UU ADB tlx 487 ADB" crc 35127?
(Day Watson, Clevedon, UK - wun 17, 9)

05696.0    Camslant Chesapeake: 0043 USB  w/CG 1711 (HC-130H7 CGAS Kodiak-not

heard) who reports they are on final  approach to Little Rock AFB.
15867.0    CG 1703 (HC-130H7 CGAS Barbers  Point, HI-weak): 0048 USB/ALE & 
voice w/Service Center -not heard) and in pp  w/Elizabeth City Air Ops reporting

they are over Atlanta GA and have a low oil  lamp lit & have shut down one of

their engines. They have several  maintenance problems w/1703 and want 
guidance on whether to continue on to  Elizabeth City. At 0110 on 07527.0 in
ALE & 
voice pp w/E. City Ops who  advises CG 1703 to proceed onward to E. City using

three engines. E. City  advises CG 1703 that they have checked the wx radar 
and their is only light  precip between Atlanta and E. City.
08912.0    Service Center: 0052 USB/ALE  & voice w/CG1502 (HC-130H CGAS 
Elizabeth City). CG 1502 wants pp to  Elizabeth City Air Ops. They QSY to 07527.0

in both ALE & voice where CG  1502 advises E. City Air that their ETA to 
Elizabeth City is 2200 local. At 0153  CG 1502 (not heard) secures radio guard

05732.0    LNT (Camslant): 0057 USB/ALE  & voice w/J41 (HH-60J # 6041  CGAS 
Elizabeth City-deployed) who passes  position as 3204N/8957W.
07527.0    Service Center: 0118 USB/ALE & voice  w/F40 (HU-25C+ # 2140 CGAS 
Cape Cod-deployed) in pp w/Camslant.  F40 reports departure from Alexandria LA

enroute to NAS New Orleans w/3  POB.
07527.0    PAC (CamsPac Point Reyes): 0125 USB/ALE  & voice w/J02 (HH-60J 
#6002  CGAS San Diego) who passes position as  2955N/9013W. At 0138 CG 6002 gives

position as 3008N/9037W.  
08912.0    Camslant: 0130 USB/ALE & voice w/J16  (HH-60J #6016, CGAS 
Clearwater) who reports he's enroute to Navy New  Orleans.
(Ron, Maryland - wun 17, 9)

04945.0 Warszawa1: Pol Mil 1225 USB/ALE calling POZNAN (05-sept-2005)
(SQ5EBM, Poland - wun 17, 9)

04839.0 Warszawa1: POL MIL 1247 USB/ALE calling POZNAN, split ops? 
04945.0, CIS LSB QRM on both QRGs (05-sept-2005) (MSM)
04945.4 Warszawa2: POL MIL 1251 USB/ALE calling POZNAN(05-sept-2005) (MSM)
(SQ5EBM, Poland - wun 17, 9)

KHZ      ID         TIME    DD/MM             CTY      INFO
407.0    SRT      2023     01/09                LBY      +1020
435.0    D          2024     01/09                LBY      +1020
435.0    GHT     2026     01/09                LBY      +1020
291.0    ARN     2039     01/09                ESP     -1020
490.0    TFR      2053     01/09                XUU      +1020
403.0    VTB      2116     01/09                ESP     -1020
270.0    FLO      0302     02/09                AZR      +1020
351.0    CST      0304     02/09                BAL      +1020
371.0    MGL     0307     02/09                AZR      -1020
338.0    PST      0308     02/09                MDR     -1020
338.0    QA       0308     02/09                ESP     -1020
318.0    MAD     0310     02/09                MDR     +1020
283.5    NA       0311     02/09                CNR     0
310.0    AMN     0311     02/09                ESP     +1020
274.0    SAL      0313     02/09                CPV     0
290.0    TR        0320     02/09                ALB      +400
298.0    BJZ      0325     02/09                ESP     +1020
300.0    ZMR     0326     02/09                ESP     -1020
349.5    SZA      0330     02/09                COR     0
365.0    VGD     0333     02/09                ESP     +1020
367.0    SBD     0333     02/09                ESP     -1020
404.0    LRD      0339     02/09                ESP     -1020
412.0    GRN     0341     02/09                ESP     -1020
412.0    GRA     0342     02/09                ESP     -1020
386.0    NO       0343     02/09                ESP     +1020
356.5    OU       0345     02/09                ALG     0
321.0    ABT      0348     02/09                ESP     +1020
340.0    SEO     0400     02/09                ESP     +1020
323.0    SMA     0401     02/09                AZR      +1020
360.0    ASN     0402     02/09                ASC     -1020
391.0    DDP     0408     02/09                PTR      -1020
282.0    NSR     0412     02/09                MRC     -1020
395.0    MLT      1944     02/09                MLT      -1020
375.0    CCH     1951     02/09                ESP     +1020
354.0    NG       2001     02/09                FRA     0
354.0    PP       2005     02/09                ESP     +1020
428.0    MNF     2020     02/09                ESP     +1020
420.0    SPP     2020     02/09                ESP     -1020
418.0    BAI       2022     02/09                ESP     +1020
421.0    GE       2024     02/09                ESP     -1020
422.0    PAM     2024     02/0                 ESP     -1020
423.0    SCA     2025     02/09                ESP     +1020
424.0    RUS     2026     02/09                ESP     +1020
426.0    TJA      2027     02/09                ESP     +1020
433.0    VON     2029     02/09                ESP     +1020
433.0    JER      2030     02/09                ESP     +1020
417.0    ACD     1944     03/09                ESP     -1020
380.0    VNV     0953     03/09                ESP     +1020
389.0    ZRZ      1955     03/09                ESP     +1020
399.0    EAG     2006     03/09                ESP     +1020
382.0    LAR      0422     05/09                POR     +1020
383.0    MAR     0424     05/09                FRA     0
332.0    FAR     0425     05/09                POR     -1020
270.0    FLO      0426     05/09                AZR      +1020
310.0    LZ        0429     05/09                CNR     +1020
274.0    SAL      0431     05/09                CPV     0
327.0    POR     0433     05/09                POR     +1020
389.0    CP       0434     05/09                POR     +1020
283.5    NA       0436     05/09                CNR     0
380.0    FIL       0438     05/09                AZR      -1020
360.0    HT        0445     05/09                AZR      -1020
335.0    TON     0447     05/09                ESP     -1020
340.0    PND     0449     05/09                ESP     -1020
385.0    TLD      0456     05/09                ESP     -1020
(Vincent Lecler, France - hard-core-dx 33, 6)

4067   Unid. Probably RUS 1801 FAX 120/576 blurred analysis with
        synops, area Europe to W Siberia. End 1822 (07Sep05)(KB)
6328.5 Murmansk Meteo 1903 120/576/R strong QRN; ice/sea state?
        Chart format not seen before (07Sep05)(KB)
6340.5 NMF: USCG Boston 0517 FAX 120/576 24h tropical wind/wave
        fcst. Poor copy in QRN. These charts are usually transmitted
        by NMG New Orleans, not by NMF (06Sep05)(KB)
8677   CBV: Playa Ancha Radio 2328 FAX 120/576 satellite IR image
        SE Pacific (05Sep05)(KB)
9110   NMF: USCG Boston 2315 FAX 120/576 48h tropical wind/wave
        fcst. These charts are broadcasted during the outage of
        NMG New Orleans due to huricane Kartrina (05Sep05)(KB)
(Klaus, Germany - wun 17, 12)

4818  IAR: Rome  radio, Italy, 2117, ITU channel 804, 
           CW + ARQ 06/09/2005  (MAL)
8431  TAH: Istanbul radio, Turkey, 2121, ITU channel 830, 
           CW +ARQ 06/09/2005  (MAL)
8431,5  UAT: Moscow radio, Russia, 2126, ITU channel 831,
             CW + ARQ 06/09/2005  (MAL)
8439  PBC: Goere Island, Netherlands, 2129 rtty 75/850 
           06/09/2005  (MAL)
8440  Unid: Russian military, 2138, MS5 12 tone BPSK modem 1200/3400 
            06/09/2005  (MAL)
8445  ZSC: GW station Cape Town, South Africa, 2152, ID idle header
           0x2d, idle and traffic 06/09/2005  (MAL)
8446  HEB28: Bernradio Global Link Network, Switzerland, 2140 GLN freq 
             not in the www.kielradio.de/cgi-bin/gln-channel.cgi, that is
            HEB28 in 8450, 06/09/2005  (MAL)
8452,3  FUO: FN Toulon, France, 2157, testing, rtty 75/850 invert
             06/09/2005  (MAL)
8468  8PO: GW station, Bridgetown,  Barbados, 2203, ID idle header
           0xe3, idle and traffic, 06/09/2005  (MAL)
8483  HEB38: Bernradio Global Link Network, Switzerland, 2214, GLN CW + ARQ
             06/09/2005  (MAL)
8602  SAB: GW station Goeteborg, Switzerland, 2225, ID idle header
           0xde, idle and traffic, bad signal, 06/09/2005  (MAL)
8734  SVO:  Olympia Radio, Greece, 2306 English  Voice olympia radio channel,
            with female voice that advert that ITU channels for calls are the

            806, 1232, 1640 and 2217. The channel is taken by a telephone 
            conversation, 06/09/2005  (MAL)
8764  NMN?  DHS: US Forecast Coast Guard, 2322, United States, mail voice, 
            not heared the callsign, for schedule can be too NMG, 06/09/2005
8988  Unid:  french navy?, France, 2355, STANAG 4481 rtty 75/850,
             poor signal 06/09/2005  (MAL)
8992  Unid: Unid, voice sound with echo, USA??, 0000 repeating an spelling 
            callsign? very weak, RDEQ???, 06/09/2005 (MAL)
(Mike Larson, Espana - wun 17, 12)

66,80 Радио России / ГТРК Белгород
67,58 Русское радио (моно)
68,48 Маяк

101,7 план ОРР
103,8 план Дорожное радио

103,0 Шансон с 22.08.05

Рязанские станции

73,16 Авторадио - Народная Марка / Говорит Саров
73,94 Общественное Российское Радио
102,7 Европа Плюс Саров
103,1 план (разработка частоты)
69,80 Ретро FM

96,2 Радио Максимум с 1.09.05

67,70 Радио Энергия с 1.09.05
100,6 план Маяк-24
103,5 Максимум с 1.09.05

107,5 Эхо Москвы вновь с 31.08.05

99,5 Наше Радио

101,2 Динамит FM

100,6 Маяк

103,5 Серебряный дождь / Абхазское радио
105,6 Авторадио - Народная Марка
107,9 Радио Сома

106,6 Love Радио

102,9 Шансон

107,2 Эхо Москвы
(Виктор Рутковский, Екатеринбург, Россия - open_dx 872)

Сегодня, с 05.00 UTC, до настоящего времени, на участке
67...72 МГц, уверенно проходят местные радиостанции
Подмосковья и прилегающих районов (в частности, Владимирской
области). В основном, ретранслируется радио России, идентификация
возможна по местным рекламным вставкам. На других участках
УКВ-диапазона, а также на FM, дальнего прохождения пока (или
уже?) нет. Оглушительно звучит звуковое сопровождение ТВ-канала "1"
через ретранслятор в Волоколамске (99,75 МГц).
Сейчас пасмурно, ветер западный, средней интенсивности, идет
умеренный дождь.(Павел Михайлов, Москва - open_dx 875)


765 kHz 5CC Port Lincoln, South Australia
Email verification. Reply in 4 days for written report and RP.
Brenton Cole
Station Manager
4 Washington St. 
Port Lincoln S.A. 5606
Ph. (08) 86825000
Fax (08) 86826223
email - brenton@5cc.com
Must say its nice getting a verification back, however when it is via email
for a written report it sorta feels a bit shallow. Would much prefer a
lovely station letterhead or QSL. However I am quite happy to take it.

891 5AN Adelaide, South Australia.
Letter in 6 days for 50c AUS stamp. V/s Pamela MacIntosh A/Program Director
Also stickers & program guide

1512 kHz 6BAY Geraldton, Western Australia
Letter in 10 days from station Manager Jason McCarthy for 50c Aussie stamp
RP. According to letter: The station is formally known as 96.5WAFM / 98.1The
Spirit. The two stations 96.5WAFM and 98 The Spirit operate out of Geraldton.
kHz is a broadcast of 98The Spirit which is provided for remote areas of
Western Australia. (David Onley - The Nocturnal Dxer, Victoria Australia - hard-core-dx
33, 8)

Хотя от самого "Голоса Америки" сейчас трудно добиться QSL, за передачи,
идущие через Ботсвану, можно получить подтверждение с самого ретранслятора.
В WRTH-05 указан электронный адрес, но он уже устарел. Надо писать на

Вот что Томас Пауэлл, директор передающего центра, ответил на мой недавний

----- Original Message -----
From: "Thomas Powell"
To: "Dmitry Mezin"
Subject: Re: Reception Report

> Good Morning from Botswana,
> Mr. Mezin, Please let everyone know in your radio community that the
> e-mail address you have for me is correct.  Here in Botswana we try very
> hard to answer every reception received at this station.  It is very
> nice for my technicians to know that the hard work they are doing is
> being received around th world.  Please keep listening in.
> Best Regards from Botswana
> Tom Powell
(Дмитрий Мезин, Казань, Россия - open_dx 872)

7250 AIR Panaji. F/D "Mystical beast on the plinth of Jagadambi
Temple" card in about 6 months from New Delhi. V/S Y.K. Sharma, Director
of Spectrum Management & Synergy. (John Wilkins, Wheat Ridge -Colorado - CumbreDX

9290  Radio Tatras In't via Ulbroka. Full data verification letter, from 
KREBS TV, verifying my reception. Reply in 38 days , in response to my 
Postal Rpt,  for April.10. v/s Raimonds Kreicbergs
(Edward Kusalik-Alberta, CANADA - CumbreDX 1243)

11965  Star Radio ( via Ascension)  Full data Star Radio QSL Card, with 
accompanying Information Letter. This in response to a F/up Rpt to 
Hirondelle Foundation, after no response to their e-mail address.  Reply 
in 14 days, for postal report.  v/s Darcy Christen  (Edward Kusalik-Alberta,
CANADA - CumbreDX 1243)

R. FREE ASIA Dhabbaya 21715 kHz, E-QSL in 166 days and QSL card in 169 days.
E-rpt sent to: qsl[dog]rfa.org  V/s: AJ Janitschek.(Luca Botto Fiora, Italy -
hard-core-dx 33, 10)

Папуа-Новая Гвинея
7120 Wantok Radio Light, Port Moresby. Full data 'Grass Hut and Locals 
holding Portable Radios'
Card with Information Letter in 3 months time. v/s  David Olson  Chief 
Engineer P29CQ/KL7K . Surprising was the the date on the letter, which 
was four days after I sent a follow-up to the station. If so, a very 
rapid reply.  ( Edward Kusalik-Alberta, CANADA - CumbreDX 1246)

Вчера обнаружил в почтовом ящике большой конверт из Португалии с логотипом
"Radio E Televisao De Portugal SGPS SA". Внутри его было: долгожданная
QSL-карточка за рапорт о приёме их передач 20 августа 2005 г. на частоте
13590 кГц; наклейка; письмо от Isabel Saraivа; частотное расписание и журнал
на английском языке "Portugal"
Посмотреть можно тут:
Рапорт отправлял по e-mail: isabelsaraiva[dog]rdp.pt
(Иван Зеленый, Нижневартовск - open_dx 875)

SPECIAL RADIO Krasnodar 6240 kHz, E-QSL in 1 day. E-rpt sent to:
anikmay@specialradio.ru  V/s: Maria Anikeeva, The press attache, PR-manager
(Luca Botto Fiora, Italy - hard-core-dx 33, 10)

12130 Voice of Delina via TDP-Armavia. Full data Prepared QSL Cards, 
signed,  for my  Postal rpt to their California address. Reply in 12 
days. Report sent to this address: Tesfa Delina Foundation, 17326 Road, 
A-230 Cerritos, California. 90703   v/s illegible  (Edward Kusalik-Alberta, CANADA
- CumbreDX 1243)


Jose Miguel Romero
Saca?et (Castell?n)
Antena telescopica.
73 всем. И.Л.

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