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Электронный DX Бюллетень WorldDX 32

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Всемирный DX Бюллетень 32
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2325, ABC Northern Territory,
Tennant Creek, 1146 19 August. OM
commentary at threshold level under t-storm
static. Bits of audio from 2310 but nothing
from 2485 (Jerry Strawman, Des Moines-IA - CumbreDX 1228).

5050 ARDS still untraced, while 2 MHz Australian outlets 
provide consistent good reception during the 1200 and 1300 hours. 
(Hans Johnson Aug 21-28 - CumbreDX 1234)

15476, LRA 36, Radio Nacional Arcangel San Gabriel, 1937-2100, 24-08
El ano pasado habia escuchado muchas veces LRA 36 
con buena senal, y este ano apenas la habia 
captado y con senal muy debil, pero nunca la 
habia escuchado tan fuerte como ayer, sobre todo 
en el ultimo tramo de su programa,  entre 2045 y 
2100 entraba tan fuerte como las mas potentes 
emisoras internacionales, incluso parecia una emisora local.
De 1937 a 2020 SINPO 24322 variando a 34333
De  2020 a 2040 SINPO 24322 variando a 14221. Por momentos apenas audible
De 2045 a 2100 mejora la senal de forma increible SINPO 45444.
Programa de canciones, muy bonitas canciones en 
espanol, boleros, otras canciones romanticas y 
sudamericanas. Aproximadamente cada 20 minutos, 
distintos tipos de identificacion por locutor:
"Transmite LRA 36 Radio Nacional Arcangel San 
Gabriel por la frecuencia de 15476 kHz, desde 
Base Esperanza, Antartida Argentina".
"Desde Base Esperanza, Antartida Argentina, esta 
es LRA 36, Radio Nacional, Arcangel San Gabriel en 15476 kHz.".
"Esta Vd. sintonizando la onda corta de LRA 36, 
Radio Nacional Arcangel San Gabriel, en Base 
Esperanza, sector antartico argentino".
"Saludos a todos los que sintonizan la frecuencia 
de 15476 en la banda de 19 metros, LRA 36, Radio 
Nacional Arcangel San Gabriel, Base Esperanza de la Antartida Argentina".
Luego de cada identificacion por locutor, locutora:
"Continuamos con Rincon de Patria, si quieren 
contactar con nosotros, nuestro telefono:
08102220770 extension interior 316 y 216, si nos 
quieren llamar desde el exterior:
00542974445304 o 00542974445309. Nuestro e-mail 
lra36[cat]infovia.com.ar , nuestro correo ordinario: 
LRA 36, Radio Nacional Arcangel San Gabriel,
Base Esperanza
CP 9411 Antartida Argentina
A las 2058 despedida y cierre: "Por hoy finalizan 
nuestras actividades, manana volveremos a 
trabajar con la misma esperanza, en un lugar tan 
inhospito como bello y misterioso. Les esperamos 
aqui de lunes a viernes, de Esperanza al Mundo". 
"Hasta aqui transmitio LRA 36, Radio Nacional 
Arcangel San Gabriel, desde la Base Esperanza, Antartida Argentina".
(Manuel Mendez, Lugo, Spain - CumbreDX 1231)

R. Continental, Buenos Aires, 5400-LSB, 0145-0205+ Aug 20,
Spanish talk, LA music, 0203 ID; fair (Brian Alexander, Mechanicsburg PA, DXLD

4810 La Voz de Armenia,18:11-18:14,escuchada el 19 de Agosto a 
locutora con comentarios en programa de m?sica pop local,SINPO 34432.
(Jose Miguel Romero, Castellon, Spain - hard-core-dx 32, 23)

17700 Radio Solh,15:41-15:55,escuchada el 22 de Agosto en afgano a 
locutor con referencias a Afganistan y los Talibanes, programa de
m?sica pop y folklorica local,SINPO 55544. 
(Хосе Мигель Ромеро, Кастеллон, Испания - hard-core-dx 32, 25)

6134.81 Radio Santa Cruz, 1015-1025,  Noted a man and woman
presenting a language lesson in Spanish.  Could not ident the second language
taught from or to.  At 1023 caught a canned ID "...Radio Santa Cruz ..." and
time "La hora
6 y 24 minutos".
I must say that the signal quality of Radio Santa Cruz was very, very good.
It was the best I've heard, ever!  So, since all other regular SAM stations seemed
be the same this morning, I am speculating that RSC may have done something to
their signal? But it could have been the perfect skywave and time for the signal
to bounce
into Clewiston? Anyway, the signal was armchair. 
(Чак Болланд, Клевистон, Флорида, August 24, 2005 - CumbreDX 1230)

5952.5, Radio Pio XII, Siglo XX, 2229-2240, 
24-08, Locutor y locutora, espanol, noticias y 
comentarios municipales, identificacion: "Radio 
Pio XII, compartimos este programa del Gobierno 
Municipal". Musica boliviana. 23222.
(Manuel Mendez, Lugo, Spain - CumbreDX 1231)

6134.8, Radio Santa Cruz, 2255-2315, 24-08, 
Noticias de los partidos politicos en Bolivia 
"seis de la tarde con cincuenta y seis minutos". 
Identificacion: "970 Kilociclos Onda Media, 6135 
Kilociclos onda corta, transmite Radio Santa 
Cruz, desde Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia". 
"Esta es la hora diecinueve con dos minutos". 
Anuncios comerciales: "Distribuidora San Rafael", "Banco de Credito". 23222.
(Manuel Mendez, Lugo, Spain - CumbreDX 1231)

Now 24th Aug. 0930UT, I've been receiving 'Radio Nacional',
seems to be 'da Amazonia' on 6180kHz instead of 6185kHz. 
But its suddenly QRT around 1010UT.
Testing new frequency? Only today?
This stn (perhaps Amazonia) QSY from 6180 to 6185 in Oct. 2004.
(Кенджи Такасаки, Мие, Япония - hard-core-dx 32, 25)

6010.2, Radio Inconfidencia, Bello 
Horizonte, 0710-0800, 25-08 locutor, portugues, 
multiples identificaciones: "Inconfidencia, 4 
horas 12 minutos", "Inconfidencia". Canciones 
brasilenas. A esta hora se suelen escuchar la 
mexicana Radio Mil y la Colombiana La Voz de Tu 
Conciencia, pero es muy dificil captar Radio 
Inconfidencia por aqui. Hoy ni rastro de Radio 
Mil ni de La Voz... y si sonido limpio y sin 
interferencia para Inconfidencia. 24322. Tambien 
escuchada el 24-05 a las 2243 con "A Voz do Brasil". 24422.
Manana pondre el resto de las escuchas de emisoras brasilenas.
(Manuel Mendez, Lugo, Spain - CumbreDX 1231)

A las 2200, la mayor?a de las emisoras brasile?as transmiten, en cadena,
el programa de noticias "A Voz do Brasil". El d?a 24-08, de todas las
emisoras escuchadas, las ?nicas que no transmit?an este programa eran
Radio Bandeirantes, 11925 kHz. que transmit?an un partido de f?tbol y
Radio Cultura de Sao Paulo, por los 17815 y 9615 kHz. que ten?a un programa
propio de noticias y comentarios.

4805, Radiodifusora do Amazonas, Manaus, 2239, 24-08, "A Voz do Brasil".
24433.(Manuel Mendez, Луго, Испания - hard-core-dx 32, 27)

4885, Radio Clube do Par?, Belem, 0512-0525, 25-08, programa "Clube da
Madrugada", canciones brasile?as, identificaci?n por locutor "Radio Clube".
34333.(Мануэль Мендез, Луго, Испания - hard-core-dx 32, 27)

4915, Radiodifusora Macap?, 0510-0525, 25-08, programa de canciones brasile?as.
34333.(Мануэль Мендез, Луго, Испания - hard-core-dx 32, 27)

9505, Radio Record, Sao Paulo, 2224, 24-08 programa "A Voz do Brasil".23222.
(Мануэль Мендез, Луго, Испания - hard-core-dx 32, 27)

9515, Radio Novas de Paz, Curitiba, 2225, 24-08, "A Voz do Brasil" noticias
del Congreso Nacional. 34333.(Мануэль Мендез, Луго, Испания - hard-core-dx 32,

9530, Radio Transmundial, 2226, 24-08, "A Voz do Brasil". 24222.
(Маеуэль Мендез, Луго, Испания - hard-core-dx 32, 27)

9565, Radio Tupi, Curitiba, 2227, 24-08, programa "A Voz do Brasil. Tambi?n
escuchada el 25-08 a las 0552 con programa religios, predicaciones y SINPO
34333(Мануэль Мендез, Луго, Испания - hard-core-dx 32, 27)

9630, Radio Aparecida, 2107-2115, 24-08 identificaci?n: "Radio Aparecida,
Radio Aparecida". A las 2010 horas programa "Pe na Estrada", "Pe na Estrada na
Aparecida". 34333.(Мануэль Мендез, Луго, Испания - hard-core-dx 32, 27)

9665, Radio Marumbuy, 2215, 24-08, transmisi?n del programa en cadena "A
Voz do Brasil". 23222.(Мануэль Мендез, Луго, Испания - hard-core-dx 32, 27)

9765, Radio Can?ao Nova, 2115-2120, 24-08, programa religioso, lectura del
rosario, identificaci?n: "1070 kHz. onda media, 4825 kHz, 60 metros, 6105
kHz, 49 metros, 9675 kHz, 31 metros, Can?ao Nova, Cachoeira Paulista,
Sao Paulo". 34333.(Мануэль Мендез, Луго, Испания - hard-core-dx 32, 27)

11765, Radio Tupi, 2122, 24-08, locutor, religioso, predicaciones. 22222.
(Мануэль Мендез, Луго, Испания - hard-core-dx 32, 27)

11815, Radio Brasil Central, 2120-2135, 24-08, comentarios deportivos,
f?tbol, identificaci?n: "Radio Brasil Central". 44444.
(Мануэль Мендез, Луго, Испания - hard-core-dx 32, 27)

11925, Radio Bandeirantes, 2116-22230, 24-08, locutor: "Esta e a Radio
Bandeirantes". Informaci?n financiera "na Radio Bandeirantes". A las
2227 transmit?an un partido de f?tbol, y no el programa en cadena "A
Voz do Brasil". 33333.(Мануэль Мендез, Луго, Испания - hard-core-dx 32, 27)

17815, Radio Cultura, Sao Paulo, 2204-2225, 24-08. No transmit?an el programa
"A Voz do Brasil". Locutor y locutora, portugu?s, "Son as sete horas e
dazaoite minutos", "Radio Cultura", "Sete horas e 19 minutos nos estudios
de Radio Cultura". 24322. En paralelo con 9615 kHz con SINPO 34333.
(Мануэль Мендез, Луго, Испания - hard-core-dx 32, 27)

4052.5  Radio Amistad  1100 with chorale version of the 
National Anthem into ID by om and religious programme till 1130 tune 
out.(Роберт Уилкнер, Помпано-Бич, Флорида - hard-core-dx 32, 25)

4052.5, Radio Verdad, Chiquimula, 
0317-0530, 25-05, Canciones religiosas, locutor, 
espanol. A las 0502 programa en ingles, 
identificacion: "Radio Verdad, P. O. Box 5, 
Chiquimula, Guatemala, Centrala America", 
comentarios y canciones. 24222 variando a 12221.
(Manuel Mendez, Lugo, Spain - CumbreDX 1231)

3249.7, Radio Luz y Vida, 0322-0359, 25-08, 
Canciones religiosas, locutor, comentarios, 
espanol. Cierre a las 0359. Senal muy debil. 14221.
(Manuel Mendez, Lugo, Spain - CumbreDX 1231)

4819.2, HRVC, La Voz Evangelica, Tegucigalpa, 
0407-0510, 25-05, Programa "A solas con Dios". A 
las 0431 Identificacion: "La Voz Evangelica de 
Honduras, la Radio que evangeliza". "La Voz 
Evangelica presenta: Relembranzas cristianas. En 
este momento HRVC te invita a que te unas a 
nosotros, HRVC orando por la nacion Honduras". 24322
(Manuel Mendez, Lugo, Spain - CumbreDX 1231)

Voz de Grecia,14:40-15:00,escuchada el 22 de Agosto en espa?ol a
locutor con boletin de noticias,sintonia, se identifica "Aqu? Atenas,
estan escuchando la Voz de Grecia,Radio Filia",segmento de m?sica
latina,SINPO 44433.(Хосе Мигель Ромеро, Кастеллон, Испания - hard-core-dx 32,
[and non]. Babis: Again, nothing on 9420 from Avlis 3 at 0000-0400 last night.
Have you gone to another frequency? All five frequencies were dead last night
on the 0000-0400 UT to North America, only 7475 had a SINPO of 15432 at 0000
UT and then it faded away. Probably caused by the major solar storm that was
working last night. At 1930 today, 9420 is still dead. At 1200 UT, Delano was
dead on 9775 MHz., but came up to full strength by 1230. Regards, (JOHN BABBIS,
Silver Spring, MD, USA, Aug 25, daily reception
report to VOG via DXLD 5-146) 

4910 Zambia NBC Radio 1,18:15-18:20,escuchada el 19 de Agosto en
vernacular a locutor y locutora con cu?as de la emisora en programa
de m?sica folklorica con cantos africans,SINPO 24432.
(Хосе Мигель Ромеро, Кастеллон, Испания - hard-core-dx 32, 23)

11735  R. Tanzania Zanzibar  2008-2100*.  East African vocal
music with announcements by woman in presumed Swahili between
selections.  Talk by woman at 2028 which sounded like text being read. Music
resumed at 2030.  Talk by woman at 2056 followed by talk by man(possibly a prayer).
 Closing announcements by woman at 2059.  National anthem to 2100*.  Poor signal
(SINPO 24222) sometimes peaking up a bit, but then deteriorating.  My first log
of this station since July 2003.(Jim Evans, TN, Aug 23 - CumbreDX 1230)

R. Tanzania-Zanzibar, 11735, 1800-2059* Aug 20; 1800-1810 English
news, 1810 into local language, 1814 local music; IDs heard at 2055, 2058.
Sign-off with short NA; fair-good (Brian Alexander, Mechanicsburg PA, dxldyg

9345 Kol Israel,17:22-17:30,escuchada el 22 de Agosto en espa?ol a
locutor con boletin de noticias y pronostico del tiempo,sintonia y
despedida "Buenas noches y saloom",SINPO 55444
(Хосе Мигель Ромеро, Кастеллон, Испания - hard-core-dx 32, 25)

11620, AIR via Bangalore, 1255 21 August.
Weak Burmese service to SE Asia (Jerry Strawman, Des Moines-IA - CumbreDX 1228).

4960 AIR Ranchi (P) Pretty happy to hear this one, 1223 with 
woman announcer and long ad block. Fanfare and bits of dead air around 1230 and
then into spoken word program with two men. (Aug 27) Heard the next day as well,
seems to have local news at 1330, but I could not catch an ID. 
(Hans Johnson, Florida Aug 28 - CumbreDX 1234)

14195, Ham operator Halim Park,
YB1A, 1436 20 August. Weak but in the clear signal.
Created quite a pileup on the frequency(Jerry Strawman, Des Moines-IA - CumbreDX

15150 Voz de Indonesia,17:29-17:45,escuchada el 22 de Agosto en espa?ola locutor
con ID "La Voz de Indonesia en Jakarta",comentarios sobre una ceremonia t?pica
indonesa con m?sica de fondo,programa de m?sica pop, "Desde Indonesia que tengan
una buena audici?n",direcci?n de correo, SINPO 44433.(Хосе Мигель Ромеро, Кастеллон,
Испания - hard-core-dx 32, 23)

4870.87, RRI Sorong, 0936-0945 Noted a period of Islamic =
music with Indonesian comments from a woman between tunes. At 0940
woman presents a news. Signal was fair during period. 
(Chuck Bolland, August 28, 2005 - CumbreDX 1234)

4604.90 RRI Serui, 0953-1000 Initially noted music. At
1002 men interrupts the music with Indonesian comments. Signal was poor and details
difficult to ascertain. (Chuck Bolland, August 28, 2005 - CumbreDX 1234)

4789.91, RRI Fak Fak, 1005-1010 Noted music at tune in. At =
1006 man commences Quran prayer period. Signal was poor and noise was 
constant. (Chuck Bolland, August 28, 2005 - CumbreDX 1234)

3305 Radio Western has a pretty polished pop music 
program with an announcer in English during at least the 1200 hour on Sat and
ID's as Radio Western and 1300* (Johnson Aug 27-28)
4960 CRN never seems to put out much of a signal, but I could
not trace an signal on the channel at 1223 yesterday or today. See 
INDIA above. (Hans Johnson Aug 27-28, Florida - CumbreDX 1234)

12115 Rikisutvarpid,15:46-15:58,escuchada el 14 de Agosto a locutora
con comentarios en boletin de noticias, cu?a de la emisora con m?sica
de fondo y locutor con comentarios, sintonia con la m?sica de la 
pelicula "La guerra de los mundos",m?sica folklorica local,SINPO 44443.
(Хосе Мигель Ромеро, Кастеллон, Испания - hard-core-dx 32, 23)

12035 R.Ext.Espa?a,07:14-07:30,escuchada el 20 de Agosto en espa?ol a
locutor con programa "Amigos de la Onda Corta",direcci?n de correo
postal y Email,ID,SINPO 55433.(Хосе Мигель Ромеро, Кастеллон, Испания - hard-core-dx
32, 23)

9779.47, R. Yemen, 0315 15 August.
Polished commercial sound. Possible drama.
S7 signal in the clear. Few artifacts from
overmodulated CRI on 9790 (Jerry Strawman, Des Moines-IA - CumbreDX 1228).

5910, Marfil Estereo, 2315-2320, 24-08 y 
0505-0550, 25-08, Canciones colombianas, 
identificacion_ "Doce de la madrugada con 45 
minutos aqui en el 88-8 Marfil Estereo, Ondas de Paz". 34333.
(Manuel Mendez, Lugo, Spain - CumbreDX 1231)

6035, La Voz del Guaviare, 2306-2312, 24-05, 
Locutor y locutora, comentarios, anuncios de San 
Jose del Guaviare, Identificacion: "La Voz del 
Guaviare". Mala modulacion. 23222.
(Manuel Mendez, Lugo, Spain - CumbreDX 1231)

Marfil Estereo, 5909.98, 0015-0115+ Aug 21, Spanish talk, ID,
ranchera music. Good; irregular, not heard every night (Brian Alexander,
Mechanicsburg PA, DXLD 528)

5054.6, Faro del Caribe (probable), 
0435-0455, Senal muy debil, solo audible muy 
debilmente en LSB. Locutor, comentarios. 13221.
(Manuel Mendez, Lugo, Spain - CumbreDX 1231)

5025 R.Rebelde,06:10-06:25,escuchada el 20 de Agosto en epa?ol a
locutora dando telefonos, c?digo postal y Email, ID "Radio Rebelde",
programa de m?sica latina, "Desde Cuba para todo el mundo", "Rebelde
efemerides hoy" y el programa "A esta hora",SINPO 44333.
(Хосе Мигель Ромеро, Кастеллон, Испания - hard-core-dx 32, 23)

4677.60 Xam Nua now on this frequency 8/22 w/ what sounded like sign-on
mx 1200-00.5, alternating man and woman announcers w/ actualities the first
10 min or so, then just alternating ancrs. Brief inst mx hrd at 1224.5.
Carrier off at 1230:55 after short closing anmt by woman at 1230.5. SINPO
25332. (Брюс Чарчилл, Фоллбрук, Канада - CumbreDX 1229)

5470, Radio Veritas, 2106-2118, 24-08, locutor, comentarios en
vern?culo y m?sica africana. 24322.(Мануэль Мендез, Луго, Испания - hard-core-dx
32, 27)

Star Radio, 11965 via Ascension, 2101-2200 Aug 19, sign-on
with local tribal group singing ``Star Radio`` jingle. 2102 opening ID
announcements, English news. 2108 & 2111 IDs. 2112 sports news; 2131
``Messages`` program. Good signal.(Brian Alexander. Mechanicsburg PA, dxldyg

Star Radio, 9525 via Ascension, 0845-0859* Aug 20, tune-in to interviews with
local people riding a train; IDs. 0853 into vernacular talk. 0858 back to
English with ID and Star Radio jingle to sign-off; fair-good (Brian Alexander,
Mechanicsburg PA, dxldyg 528)

V. of Africa, via France, 7320, 0222-0225 Aug 20, brief English
segment with ID and news headlines; good (Brian Alexander, Mechanicsburg PA,
dxldyg 528)

9710 R.Vilnius,07:48-08:05,escuchada el 16 de Agosto a locutor con
ID en ingles "This is Radio Vilnius, front Latvia" con m?sica de fondo
repetido cada 15 segundos hasta comienzo de emisi?n a las 08:00,locutor
con boletin de noticias en leton,SINPO 45443.(Хосе Мигель Ромеро, Кастеллон,
Испания - hard-core-dx 32, 23)

4845 ORTV Mauritania,19:13-19:23,escuchada el 19 de Agosto con cantos
populares africans,SINPO 44433.(Хосе Мигель Ромеро, Кастеллон, Испания - hard-core-dx
32, 23)

6185, Radio Educacion, 0703-0750, 25-08, 
Musica clasica. Senal muy debil hoy. 24322 variando a 14321.
(Manuel Mendez, Lugo, Spain - CumbreDX 1231)

11530 Dengue Mesopotamia,06:03-06:15,escuchada el 20 de agosto en kurdo
a locutora con comentarios y cantando canci?n con m?sica de fondo,
SINPO 55444(Хосе Мигель Ромеро, Кастеллон, Испания - hard-core-dx 32, 23)

7480 R.Bayem-E Doost (Bahai),18:00-18:15, escuchada el 22 de Agosto
en farsi a locutora con presentaci?n,comentarios y segmento de m?sica,
SINPO 43343.(Хосе Мигель Ромеро, Кастеллон, Испания - hard-core-dx 32, 25)

7275 monitored this channel for Abuja from 0435 to 0630 on 8/22 w/
fol results: RTV Tunisienne dominated from 0435 until it apparently signed off
at 0530 at which time Abuja began to fade in around 0535-0540 w/Vernacular pgming
to 0446.5. Hvy adj ch QRM until 0600 when channel became clear, but w/ lots of
noise. Many pgm anmts by woman w/ inst mx mixed in until 0601.5. By 0600 Abuja
had a very nice signal with a clear ID by woman at 0601.5 as "This is the National
Service of Radio Nigeria" followed by drums IS, time pips at 0602 then anmt "The
time is 7 O'Clock". Then into
R. Nigeria network news program w/actualities, etc. w/ man ann in EE. Station
appears to have what sounds like periodic government and other commercials, e.g.
Nigeria Export Commission. ID of "Radio Nigeria, the Network for the Millenium"
hrd often during news pgm. This is the national network program ID. SINPO 45344
w/ easily readible programming after 0600. Before 0600 Interference was I-3 at
best.(Брюс Чарчилл, Фоллбрук, Канада - CumbreDX 1229)

15375 R.Sultanato de Oman,15:21-15:25,escuchada el 22 de Agosto en 
arabe a locutor con comentarios y m?sica local de fondo, locutoras
con representaci?n teatral,SINPO 33322.
(Хосе Мигель Ромеро, Кастеллон, Испания - hard-core-dx 32, 25)

R. Sultanate of Oman, 15140, *1400-1500 Aug 20; 1400 English news;
IDs, pop music, techno-pop dance music; 1500 into Arabic. Weak but in the
clear; improved to fair level by 1445 
(Brian Alexander, Mechanicsburg PA, dxldyg 528)
4790 Pakistan BC Rawalpindi,18:05-18:10,escuchada el 19 de Agosto en
vernacular a locutor con comentarios y cantos coranicos, SINPO 24432.
(Хосе Мигель Ромеро, Кастеллон, Испания - hard-core-dx 32, 23)

Папуа-Новая Гвинея
7120 Wantok R.L. 1100 with excellent signal, religious programme. 
(Роберт Уилкнер, Помпано-Бич, Флорида - hard-core-dx 32, 25)

9737, Radio Nacional de Paraguay, 2249-2257, 24-08, locutor,
noticias y comentarios, "Curso de capacitaci?n dedicado a mujeres
empresarias". "Curso de la Universidad de Asunci?n". Buena se?al. 44444.
(Мануэль Мендез, Луго, Испания - hard-core-dx 32, 27)

4855.8, Radio La Hora, Cuzco, 2322-2333, 24-08, 
Espanol, locutor, noticias deportivas, 
comentarios de futbol. Menciona "Cusco". 24322.
(Manuel Mendez, Lugo, Spain - CumbreDX 1231)

4955, Radio Cultural Amauta, Huanta, 2315-2322, 
24-08, Locutor y locutora, quechua. 24222.
(Manuel Mendez, Lugo, Spain - CumbreDX 1231)

5939.3, Radio Melodia, Arequipa, 2312-2315, 
24-08, locutor, espanol, senal debil a muy debil. 23222 variando a 13221.
(Manuel Mendez, Lugo, Spain - CumbreDX 1231)

9720, Radio Victoria, 0335-0348, 25-08, locutor, 
espanol, religioso, predicaciones. 24322.
(Manuel Mendez, Lugo, Spain - CumbreDX 1231)

5019.93, Radio Horizonte, 1019-1032  Noted tail end of 
of a musical selection at tune in, then a man in brief Spanish 
comments. This followed by a long Huaynos tune that lasted
more than 10 minutes.  By 1034 when the tune had finished,
the signal was beginning to fade and the splatter on this 
frequency was smoothering Radio Horizonte.  After a
few comments, back to music at 1037.  Signal was fair.
(Чак Болланд, Клевистон, Флорида, August 25, 2005 - CumbreDX 1231)

12140 - 0015 - 080805 - KWT - VOA - EE - "Earth & Sky" - 3 5 4 4 3/4 (//1593
4 2/3 4 4 2)
1251 - 0025 - 080805 - LBY - Libyan Jamahiriyah Bc.  Corp. - EE - "This is Voice
of Africa from the Great Jamahiriyah presenting a summary of the latest news."
(at 0027 followed by FF news summary) - 4 4 4 4 4
4780 - 1855 - 110805 - DJI - RTD - Arabic - children singing - 4 5 2/3 4 2/3
(first time audible here, on a clear channel)
7440 - 1935 - 110805 - BLR - Family R. - SS - questions and answers on "Open
Forum" - 5 5 5 5 5
11770 - 1100 - 140805 - GUM - AWR KSDA - Mandarin - rel. song - 3 5 2 4 1/2 (//12105)
17780 - 0258 - 160805 - CLN - NHK - Farsi - addresses - 3/4 5 3 4 3/4
13685 - 0304 - 160805 - UZB - CVC (Voice International) - EE - cricket, football
& golf news - 4 5 3 4 3/4
9565 - 0525 - 190805 - RRW - DW - Portuguese - news reports - 3 4/5 4 4 3
9500 - 0535 - 190805 - SWZ - TWR - EE - rel. prgm - 3 5 3 4 2/3
15120 - 0601 - 190805 - NIG - VoNigeria - EE - news about NIG - 4/5 5 4 3 3/4
15725 - 0845 - 200805 - I - IRRS - EE - songs in English / "Mi Amigo" jingles
in between - 4 5 4 4 4
13645 - 0855 - 200805 - BOT - VOA - EE - guitarist Larry Corielle with "Spaces
Revisited" in "Jazz America" - 4 5 4 4 4
15455 - 0905 - 200805 - RUS - VOR Samara - German - news (at 0907 "Informationsmagazin"
- 4/5 5 4 3/4 4
11965 - 2158 - 210805 - ASC - Star Radio - EE - info on LBR election - 4/5 5
4 4 4
6165 - 0241 - 220805 - ZMB - ZNBC - .. - uninterrupted fish eagle IS till 02:50:20
/ at 02:53:04 "Good morning, dear listeners! ......." / at 0300 EE news - 2/3
3 4 4 2/3 (covered from 03:00:45 when RN signs on in Dutch)
(Gunter Jacob, Passau, Germany - CumbreDX 1228)

5920, Radio Rossii, presumed, 0945-0959 Noted steady opera type
singing by a woman.  Scanned a few other frequencies and heard the same program
7140 and 7345 but with less quality.  Signal on 5920 was poor.
(Чак Болланд, Клевистон, Флорида, США August 24, 2005 - hard-core-dx 32, 25)

3240 kHz 0340 / 0345 Utc TWR Swaziland pgr vernaculars ID in Englisch
ID in englisch 3280 kHz 0245 / 0310 Utc La Voz del Napo pgr religious in Spanisch
(Берти Паоло, Швейцария - hard-core-dx 32, 25)

[non]. Site unknown, 17555, West Africa Democracy R. Aug 19 0831-0858*, 24422-35422,
English, Talk and African local music, ID at 0844 and 0854 and 0858 (Kouji Hashimoto.
Japan Premium via DXLD 5-146)
 17555, West Africa Democratic Radio via DTK, Juelich. Aug. 20 at 0759-0858.
SINPO 25332. Sign-on with music and ID. Talk in English with African songs. Talk
in French from 0842 (Iwao Nagatani, Japan, Japan Premium via DXLD 5-146) 
Via Rampisham, UK (Bernd Trutenau, Lithuania, Aug 19, DXLD 5-146) 
So which is it? Station itself said UK: 5-144 (gh, DXLD 5-146) 
17555, West Africa Democracy R, via ?, 0800-0857, Aug 21, test program in English
and from 0830 similar program in French. IDs 0800: "Good morning and welcome
to the test transmission from the West Africa Democracy Radio broadcasting from
Dakar, Senegal." 0830: "West Africa Democracy Radio, La Radio pour la dialogue
- WADR! Bonjour." Reception reports requested by phone to 221(Senegal) 869 15
(69?), or fax to 221 864 7090, or e-mail to wadr @ wadr.org or ordinary mail
to West Africa Democracy Radio, P. O.
Box 16650, Dakar-Fann, Senegal. The station promotes Democracy and good Governance
in West African countries. In the near future the tests will be followed by four
hours of broadcasts daily with two hours in English and two in French. A senior
technician explained that besides SW, the future broadcasts will also be sent
via digital satellite covering all Africa and parts of Western Europe and the
Middle East, supplemented with local FM retransmissions. A website will make
listening to the programs on demand
possible. A close dialogue with listeners in the villages is encouraged via exchange
of tapes. Statements from journalists in Liberia, Sierra Leone, Senegal and Guinea.
The carrier signed off at 0859. SINPO in Denmark varied from 23433 to 45544.
During occasional fades, I heard some splashes from CNR 1 on 17550 and unidentified,
pulsing noise of moderate strength which covers the whole 16 mb. The tests are
expected to end this coming Wednesday (Anker Petersen, Denmark, DXplorer Aug
21 via BCDX via DXLD 5-146)

Сербия и Черногория
7200 Serbia y Montenegro,19:05-19:15,escuchada el 15 de Agosto en 
espa?ol a locutor con boletin de noticias,ID "Esta es radio Serbia y
Montenegro",sintonia y segmento de m?sica clasica,SINPO 55444.
(Хосе Мигель Ромеро, Кастеллон, Испания - hard-core-dx 32, 23)

9440 R.Slovaquia,14:30-14:40,escuchada el 22 de Agosto en espa?ol a
locutor y locutora con ID,horarios y frecuencias,sintonia,boletin de
noticias y el tema del d?a,segmento de programas anteriores,SINPO 55544
(Хосе Мигель Ромеро, Кастеллон, Испания - hard-core-dx 32, 25)

Соломоновы о-ва
5019 SIBC 1224 back to carrying BBC programming rather 
than local programs in the late evenings. (Hans Johnson Aug 27-28, Флорида -
CumbreDX 1234)

6030 Radio Mart?,06:30-06:45,escuchada el 20 de Agosto en espa?ol a
locutor con cu?a sobre la inmigraci?n ordenada en los Estados Unidos,
locutor y locutora con cu?a sobre la declaraci?n de los derechos
humanos, m?sica de sintonia con ID "Radio Mart?, retransmitiendo para
Cuba desde Miami,Estados Unidos de America", locutora con invitado,
SINPO 44333.(Хосе Мигель Ромеро, Кастеллон, Испания - hard-core-dx 32, 23)

9355 Family Radio,07:02-07:05,escuchada el 20 de Agosto en espa?ol a
locutor con programa religioso en la lectura  de "La palabra de Dios"
SINPO 54444.(Хосе Мигель Ромеро, Кастеллон, Испания - hard-core-dx 32, 23)

17660 Sudan Radio Service,15:30-15:40,escuchada el 22 de Agosto en
idioma vernacular a locutora con ID "Sudan Radio Service", locutor
contraducci?n simultanea, m?sica de sintonia y segmento de m?sica
pop local,referencias a Sud?n y Jartun,corresponal,SINPO 45544.
(Хосе Мигель Ромеро, Кастеллон, Испания - hard-core-dx 32, 25)

5015 Turkmen Radio,18:20-18:25,escuchada el 19 de Agosto en turco a
locutor con comentarios y locutora en programa de m?sica folklorica,
SINPO 24322.(Хосе Мигель Ромеро, Кастеллон, Испания - hard-core-dx 32, 23)

15190 Radio Filipinas,18:44-19:05,escuchada el 22 de Agosto en filipino
a locutora con ID "Radio Filipinas",segmento de m?sica y a locutor con
comentarios,cu?a de la emisora,"Program para Filipinas" locutor con
invitado referencias al "Presidente","Elecciones", "Proceso constitucional" y
"Filipinas",SINPO 44433.
(Хосе Мигель Ромеро, Кастеллон, Испания - hard-core-dx 32, 23)

[non]. RFI relay via Vladivostok, 12075 kHz, friendly personal letter, a field
strength contour map for South Africa from their Vladivostok transmitter at the
time of my reception, and a post card in 9 weeks - via JSC "Radioagency-M" (see
WRTH page 541), although the report was sent to Russian TV & Radio Broadcasting
Network, the transmitter operator. V/s A. Batyushkin (General Director). (Vashek
Korinek, RSA, DXplorer Aug 22 via BCDX via DXLD 5-146)

6110 Christian Voice,06:46-06:50,escuchada el 20 de Agosto en 
portugues a locutora con programa religioso y segmentos de m?sica,
programa "Palabras que transmiten amor",SINPO 34422.
(Хосе Мигель Ромеро, Кастеллон, Испания - hard-core-dx 32, 23)

3249.7, La Voz del Napo, 0328-0450, 
25-08, Locutor, comentarios y canciones 
religosas, lectura del Rosario, Identificacion: "Radio Maria".
(Manuel Mendez, Lugo, Spain - CumbreDX 1231)

Экваториальная Гвинея
R. Nacional, Bata, 5005, 2215-2258* Aug 19, Spanish talk,
Afro-pops, hi-life music. 2255 ``Radio Bata`` ID, and lengthy NA; fair (Brian
Alexander, Mechanicsburg PA, DXLDyg 528)

Very good reception of Ethiopian stations today. At 1730 the usual
R Ethiopia on 9704.2 and R Fana on 6940 were audible with strong and clear signals.
I was delighted that after 1900 and despite rather heavy utility interference
also the weaker 6210 channel of R Fana was also audible in parallel to 6940.
(Alexander Koutamanis, The Netherlands - 23 August 2005 - CumbreDX 1230)

R. Ethiopia, 7110, *0259-0315+ Aug 21, IS, 0300 talk in
vernacular; 0305 Horn of Africa music. Weak-poor; // 9704.18 weak (Brian
Alexander, Mechanicsburg PA, dxldyg 528)

Южная Африка
17565, Amateur R. Mirror International, Aug 21 *0757- 0809 35332-35333 English,
0757 sign on with Guitar's IS and ID, 0800 Opening announce, News (Kouji Hashimoto,
Japan Premium via DXLD 5-146) Certainly one of the most obscure DX programs for
North Americans because of its scheduling, tho propagation on a favorable occasion
is not inconceivable; Sundays only (Glenn Hauser, DXLD 5-146)

I happen to wake up this morning a bit early as I had been outside
yesterday afternoon cutting blackberry brambles from around the Eastern
beverage. Well, I ended up getting not one but two blisters on one
finger on my right hand (I am right handed), and a thorn in the end. I
can't win. hi. Anyway I got the thorn out, but the blisters swelled up a
bit and the soreness woke me up. I put some savve on them with a couple
of bandaids and they are better now.
   However, it got me to the dials early. It was not too bad of a
morning either. Nothing new logged, but a good start to an early season.
  1566 3NE Wangaratta, Vic. Australia was armchair copy with lots of
local spots and several mentioning Wangaratta around 1330 UTC. I have
not heard them this strong for years.
   1116 4BC Brisband was their usual strong self. With talk. 
   But one interesting station was Taiwanese CC on 603 khz. No doubt the
BCC station with 1 megawatt, but I have never logged Taiwan this early.
It too was unneeded, but nice to hear. No filipinos though. Still a bit
early for those.
   It was interesting though, as I raised the first leg of the Eastern
beverage a few weeks back and now being higher (10-15 feet) from the old
4 feet, it too gets TPs/DUs in the morning where it never used to. The
vertical with the ground radials going out to the NW/N/NE also got
TPs/DUs. The EWE antenna did the best job as it always does. But it was
interesting. (Patrick Martin, Seaside, Oregon - hard-core-dx 32, 23)

Багамские о-ва
810 ZNS, 0930 to 0945 with religious message,  Noted with 
increased strength in the last week to ten days.
(Роберт Уилкнер, Помпано-Бич, Флорида - hard-core-dx 32, 24)

08770.0 USO izmail 0523 USB ukrain yl 19aou05
08939.0 rostov vm 0526 USB excellent sig/ russ
"stavropol, volgograd,astrakhan..."19aou05
0051.9 GYW1??navy grimond 1955 ITA2?/50 20aou05
0060.0 MSF rugby ts 2000 CW 20aou05
07895.7 RFVI ff la reunion 0557 ARQ-E3/100 21aou05
08424.0 SVO olympia 0608 FEC grec bulletin infos 21aou05
(Michel Lacroix, Beauvais, Франция - wun 16, 32)

06262,00  unid: STANAG4285 600L 5N1 KG84  1557 17/08/2005 (MAL)
10140,85  Unid: Pactor III  2033 20/08/2005  (MAL)
10164,85  VCS: Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada, ID. 0x4e, iddle and traffic 2035
20/08/2005 (MAL)
10186,12  Unid: STANAG4285, OTAN 600L, crypto, 2046 20/08/2005 (MAL)
10340,05  HEC: GW station Bern, Dataplex  Switzerland ID station 0xcc, iddle
and traffic  2207 20/08/2005 (MAL)
10359,07  HEC: GW station, Bern, Dataplex, Switzerland ID station oxcc, iddle
and traffic 2210 20/08/2005 (MAL)
10466,07  Unid: FF Poss, France ARQ-E3 200/400, poor sync, 2217 UTC 20/08/2005
10534,00  CFH: CF Halifax, Nova Scotia, CANFORCE, FAX 120 lpm "analysis" 2256
20/08/2005 (MAL)
10534,07  CFH: CF CANFORCE Halifax, Nova Scotia, CANFORCE, Canada "CANADIAN FORCES
(Mike Larson, Spain - wun 16, 32)

06873.0 4N7R: prb. serbian? 1031 USB ALE/MIL-188-141A clg unid, end of ALE clg
(17/AUG/05) (KK)
06873.0 JAVR: unid 1051 USB ALE/MIL-188-141A clg PGID (17/AUG/05) (KK)
06873.0 4N7R: prb. serbian? 1052 USB ALE/MIL-188-141A clg PGID, Ser.tone-modem
(17/AUG/05) (KK)
06873.0 4N7R: prb. serbian? 1058 USB ALE/MIL-188-141A clg MJMD (17/AUG/05) (KK)
06873.0 JAVR: unid 0859 USB ALE/MIL-188-141A clg PGGID (18/AUG/05) (KK)
06873.0 VVAU: unid 0846 USB ALE/MIL-188-141A clg PGGID (18/AUG/05) (KK)
06873.0 MJMD: unid 0832 USB ALE/MIL-188-141A clg JAVR (18/AUG/05) (KK)
06873.0 VVAU: unid 0813 USB ALE/MIL-188-141A clg PGGID (18/AUG/05) (KK)
06873.0 4N7R: prb. serbian? 0812 USB ALE/MIL-188-141A clg MJMD (18/AUG/05) (KK)
06873.0 BZWE: unid 0639 USB ALE/MIL-188-141A clg PGGID (18/AUG/05) (KK)
06873.0 VVAU: unid 0632 USB ALE/MIL-188-141A clg PGGID (18/AUG/05) (KK)
10692.0 TAZIRBU: Tazerbo, LBY MOI? 1839 USB ALE/ MIL-188-141A snd (20/AUG/05)
10692.0 TAZIRBU: Tazerbo, LBY MOI? 1908 USB ALE/MIL-188-141A snd (20/AUG/05)
10683.0 PNR400: Panther 400, DEA Georgetown Bahamas 2027 USB ALE/MIL-188-141A
snd (20/AUG/05) (KK)
07809.0 8QM: Indonesian Reg.? 2038 USB ALE/MIL-188-141A clg TAK (20/AUG/05) (KK)
08101.5 T2Z101: 1-101st Mil IRQ 2056  USB ALE/MIL-188-141A snd (20/AUG/05) (KK)
10366.4 No Call: unid Ship 2105 P-I/100Bd : Sailmail Corpus
Christi, USA, answered by P-III. End of tfc signed in cw (20/AUG/05) (KK)
10523.0 No Call: unid Ship 2118 P-I/100Bd : Lunenburg CAN, No
cnt (20/AUG/05) (KK)
05602.0 T1159AA: 1159th MedCo, IRQ 1826 USB ALE/MIL-188-141A snd (21/AUG/05)
05602.0 T571AA: 571st MedCo, IRQ 1828 USB ALE/MIL-188-141A snd (21/AUG/05) (KK)

Any Ideas for 6873 kHz? Similar Logs on following 
04068.0 RBYG: Unid 1750 ALE/USB clg PGID (18May05)(KB) 
07641.0 POID: unid 1144 USB ALE/MIL-188-141A clg YVBZ (18/JAN/05) (KK)
(Kristian ? - wun 16, 32)

07895.7 : Unid FF 2146 ARQ-E3/100/400 Betas only.
Probably RFVI/Reunion. (20Aug05) (RGA)
13855   OXT: Danish Meteorological Institute Copenhagen
1317 FAX/120/576 North Greenland ice chart. (21Aug05) (RGA)
(Jim - wun 16, 32)

11300 Tripoli: working various aircraft. Also, Khartoum, Benghazi and Port
Sudan. MWARA Northern Africa. (2005-08-22 04:32 UTC) 
(Mark, Auckland, Новая Зеландия - wun 16, 32)

1638z  22 Aug 05
4724.0 was active at 1632z with CHANDLER (fair levels here)
bcsting a 28-character EAM (R6GFRH) and simulcasting same on 8992.0
(good), 11175.0 (weak/unreadable to good levels; strong fading) and
15016.0 (fair/weak).  Also active at 1602z and earlier.
(Jeff Haverlah, Texas - wun 16, 33)

09190.0 BNF: Ven-N 2253 Falcon [Naval Base] Mariscal Juan Crisostomo Falcon,
Punto Fijo ALE/USB clg CGA HQ Navy, Cuartel General de Armada  (23/aug/05) (sw)
09230.0 0000210288: Grc-Mil 2258 ALE/USB sndg. (23/aug/05) (sw)
05602.0 T36MED: Usa-Mil 36th MEDCo (poss deployed Irq) 2301 ALE/USB sndg. (23/aug/05)
05602.0 T1Z126: Usa-Mil 1-126th Avn LSA Anaconda/ Balad Irq 2304 ALE/USB sndg.
Also noted on 09230.0  
(23/aug/05) (sw)
05602.0 T1159AA: Usa-Mil 1159th MedCo (AA) Tikrit Irq 2304 sndg. (23/aug/05)
05602.0 T571AA: Usa-Mil 571 MEDCo (poss deployed Irq) 2304 sndg. (23/aug/05)
(Сэм, Юго-Восток Англии - wun 16, 35)

11000.0Khz cw  RIW: Russian Navy -rmzw de riw qyt4 qwh 12948 16942 qsx 1237t
15546 k- on 2005-08-23 @ 09:21:59 UTC (norave, Hannover, Germany - wun 16, 35)

9403.0 DET1OPS & CS0OPS, possible USMC stations: 2105 USB ALE & data 
(24/AUG/05) (JLM)
8183.0 147 & R23560, US Army ground station & helo: 2008 USB ALE 
(24/AUG/05) (JLM)
12196.0 TZ501, US Army: 1958 USB ALE.  Partial net frequencies:

12196.0 all USB ALE (24/AUG/05) (JLM)

11550.0 T35AVN, US Army: 2059 USB ALE (24/AUG/05) (JLM)
(Джек Меткальфе, Стэнфорд, KY - wun 16, 37)

08181.0 CLC23M (Venezuelan Army 23rd Special Operations &  Security Bde): 
2147 USB/ALE TO CRC1M (Venezuelan Army 1st Military region).  Also noted on 
08060.0. 08/24 RP3
10272.0 SCLC222M (Venezuelan Army 222nd Motorized Inf Bn  Mobile): 2122 
USB/ALE TO CLC22M (Venezuelan Army 22nd Inf Bde Mobile).  08/24 RP3
08181.0  CRC2M (Venezuelan Army 2nd Military Region  Mobile): 2306 USB/ALE TO

CLC23M (Venezuelan Army 23rd Special  Operations & Security Bde). Also on 
09052.0. 08/24 RP3
09052.0   CLC24M (Venezuelan Army  24th Pursuit  Bde Mobile): 2251 USB/ALE TO

CRC2M (Venezuelan Army 2nd Military Region  Mobile). 08/24 RP3
08187.0 CLC25 (Venezuelan Army 25th Pursuit Bde): 2242 USB/ALE TO  SCLC251 
(Venezuelan Army 251st Pursuit Bn). 08/24 RP3 
08060.0 RESERVA5 (Venezuelan Army  5th Armored Bn-  Reserves): 2341 USB/ALE 
TO CLC43M (Venezuelan Army  43rd Cavalry Bde  Mobile).  Also noted on 08181.0
09052.0. 08/24 (Ron, MARYLAND, USA - wun 16, 37)

1810 Frecuencia de llamada en QRP
1828.5 Expediciones DX e CW
1830-1840 CW, RTTY y otros modos; Solo QSOs intercontinentales
1840-1850 CW, SSB, SSTV y otros modos; Solo QSOs intercontinentales

80/75 METROS
3500-3510 Llamada CW DX
3505 Expediciones DX en CW
3560 Llamada en QRP
3590 RTTY DX
3790-3800 SSB DX
3710 QRP (usada en USA por principiantes como QRG de llamada CW)
3845 SSTV
3885 Llamada en AM
3799 Expediciones DX en SSB
3985 QRP SSB

7000-7010 CW DX
7037 Llamada en Pactor
7040 RTTY DX
7050 XTAL Controlled Rigs
7065 Expediciones DX (con USA: split a 7150 o superior)
7005 Expediciones DX en CW
7110 QRP CW
7171 SSTV
7285 llamada en QRP(USA)
7290 llamada en AM (USA)

10106 Llamada QRP CW
10110 Expedicones DX en CW

14025 Expediciones DX en CW, normalmente en split
14060 Llamada en QRP
14080 RTTY de expediciones DX
14080 a 14100 principal zona de RTTY
14100 balizas NCDXF Beacons (Procura NO modular en esta frecuencia) 
Estas balizas se usan para saber como esta la propagacion
14195 DX raros, expediciones
14230, 14233, 14236 SSTV
14285 Llamada en QRP
14286 Llamada en AM
14336 Llamada para "caza condados USA" habitualmente estaciones moviles

18075 Expediciones DX en CW
18110 Balizas NCDXF Beacons (Procura NO modular en esta frecuencia) 
Estas balizas se usan para saber como esta la propagacion
18145 Expediciones DX en SSB

21025 DX raros, expediciones en CW
21060 Llamada en QRP CW
21080 a 21100 RTTY
21080 Expediciones en RTTY
21150 Balizas NCDXF Beacons (Procura NO modular en esta frecuencia) 
Estas balizas se usan para saber como esta la propagacion
21295 DX raros & expediciones DX en SSB Here [sic]
21340, 21430 SSTV
21385 llamada QRP SSB

24895 DX raros y expediciones en CW
24930 Balizas NCDXF Beacons (Procura NO modular en esta frecuencia) 
Estas balizas se usan para saber como esta la propagacion
24945 DX raros y expediciones en SSB

28025 DX raros y expediciones en CW
28060 QRP CW
28080 RTTY DX & Expediciones
28080 a 28100 RTTY
281010 [sic] frecuencia de llamada del grupo 10/10 Intl CW
28120-28300 Balizas
28200 Balizas NCDXF Beacons (Procura NO modular en esta frecuencia) 
 Estas balizas se usan para saber como esta la propagacion
28380 Llamada SSB del grupo 10/10
28385 QRP SSB
28425 Llamada SSB del grupo 10/10, Tambien en 28400
28495 DX raros en SSB & Expediciones DX
28600 Antigua frecuencia de llamada, aun usada por los "legendarios"
28675~28685 SSTV -- IARU Region 1
28680 SSTV USA/Canada
28825 Net 10-10 Backscatter - Paper Chasers Net
28885 6M DX Liaison Frequency -- Aqui se escuchan anuncios de actividad en 6
28945 Operaciones en FAX
29000-29200 Operaciones en AM
29300-29510 bajada satelites
29520-29580 Entradas de repetidores
29600 FM Simplex - frecuencia de llamada en FM
29620-29680 Salida repetidores

50060-50090 BALIZAS
50000-50100 CW
50090 Llamada en CW
50700 Llamada en RTTY
50100 a 50130 Zona DX en USB
50110 Llamada DX, USB; Normalmente aqui llaman estaciones no americanas
50115 Expediciones DX en CW y SSB
50125 Frecuencia nacional en USA, simplex USB; Mucha actividad en EEUU
50100-50600 senales debiles en AM [QRP]
50300 FM Simplex (costa oeste USA)
50385 USB PSK31
50400 Frecuencia de llamada en AM (USA)
51910 FM enlace Internet
52525 frecuencia de llamada FM simplex

Frecuencias simplex en 50 MHz -- 51500 51520 51540 51560 51580 
51600 52490 52510 52525* 52540 52550 52570 52590
(Pedro Manuel Matilla - frecuencia-dx 187)

Just before the high pressure came to the Benelux last week I was able to
get some POL and CZE tropo in Band 3:
R8 - POL - Koszalin 4M - V
R9 - CZE - Susice 2M - H
R10 - CZE - Plzen 4P - H
R10 - POL - Gdansk 5P - H
All at BFO level. Further nothing at all. (Ruud Brand, Holland - skywaves 1634)

Tropo path definitely improving - heard the mushy warbling on 104.4 
that indicates co-channel and a couple of times Spanish talk has 
resolved itself. Probably Gamoniteiro. Very weak and only just making 
it. (Nick, Whitchurch, Hampshire - skywaves 1634)

Станции, принятые под Ижевском 13-14 августа.
Уфа - 280 км.
Пермь - 220 км
Казань только мелькнула - 270 км.
Лениногорск - 240 км
Барда (140 км), Балезино (120 км), Альметьевск (220 км), Чусовой (300 км),
Кунгур (240 км), Набережные Челны (140 км), Нефтекамск (100 км).

цифра - максимальный уровень сигнала, от 0 до 7
2 - уже пробивается стерео
Sangean-909, антенна телескопическая

88,0 Хит FM, Пермь 2
88,8 Татарское радио, Заинск 0
91,1 Хит FM?, Казань 0
91,2 Эхо Москвы, Пермь 4
91,4 Хит FM, Альметьевск 2
91,5 Новый Век, Казань 0
91,75 Первый канал, Балезино 4
91,75 Россия, Сарапул 4
95,0 Ретро FM, Альметьевск 3 RDS
96,1 Авторадио, Альметьевск 0
98,6 Моя Удмуртия, Киясово 4
98,8 Моя Удмуртия, Ува 4
98,8 Европа+Альметьевск, (Ува с эфира поймала?) 1
98,9 Моя Удмуртия, Алнаши 0
99,1 Моя Удмуртия, Воткинск 5
99,2 Love, Альметьевск 4
99,4 Моя Удмуртия, Сарапул 1
99,5 Моя Удмуртия,   ?   6
99,6 Моя Удмуртия, Агрыз 2
100,0 Наше радио, Пермь 4
**100,1 Моя Удмуртия, Ижевск 7
100,2 Европа+, Альметьевск (только при отключении 100,1)
**100,5 Русское радио, Ижевск 7 RDS
100,7 Авторадио, Можга 1
100,7 Music, Пермь 4
100,8 Юлдаш, Бураево 3 RDS
101,1 Спутник FM, Нефтекамск 4 RDS
101,5 Авторадио, Наб. Челны 4 RDS
101,6 Моя Удмуртия, Дебёсы  3
**101,8 Ретро FM, Ижевск 7
102,0 Моя Удмуртия (может 101,9),  ?  2
102,1 Моя Удмуртия, Можга 4
102,1 Новый Век, Лениногорск 1
102,3 Русское радио, Нефтекамск 3
102,3 Новый Век, Шемордан 0
102,5 Манхэтен, Уфа 1
102,6 Новый Век, Нижнекамск 2
102,7 Моя Удмуртия,  ?  4
102,7 Авторадио, Пермь 3
102,8 Дикси, Чайковский 6
**103,0 Европа+, Ижевск 7
103,2 Максимум, Пермь 5
103,4 Шансон, Альметьевск 0
103,6 Моя Удмуртия,   ?   3
**103,8 Наше радио, Ижевск 7
104,0 Авторадио, Сарапул 2
104,1 Альфа, Пермь 5
104,2 МУ, Балезино 1
**104,5 Адам, Ижевск 7
104,7 Юлдаш, Нефтекамск 4
104,8 Моя Удмуртия, Кез 1
104,8 Русское радио, Наб. Челны 4
105,1 Шансон, Нижнекамск 4
**105,3 Эхо Москвы, Ижевск 7
105,5 Новый Век, Наб. Челны 3
105,5 105,5, Чайковский 4
**105,7 Динамит FM, Ижевск 7
**106,1 Авторадио, Ижевск 7
106,5 Европа+, Нефтекамск 5 RDS
106,9 Наше время, Наб. Челны 1
**107,0 Русское радио-2, Ижевск 7
107,3 Авторадио, Воткинск 5
107,3 Новый Век, Мензелинск 2
107,5 Динамит FM, Нижнекамск 2
107,5 Максимум, Уфа 2
107,7 Спутник FM, Бураево 4
107,9 Новый Век, Терси 4

Диапазон 66-74 МГц слушал сильно меньше

66,02 Радио России [Пермь] 1
66,32 Радио России [Барда]
66,65 Радио России [Кунгур] 2
66,80 Орфей [Пермь] 1
67,01 Маяк [Наб Челны] 2
67,10 Радио России [Барда] 6
67,58 Маяк [Пермь] 1
67,79 Кунел [Наб Челны] 0
*68,06 Радио России [Ижевск] 7
68,27 Маяк [Кунгур]
68,63 Радио России [Частые] 2
*68,80 Русское Радио [Ижевск] 7
69,05 Маяк [Барда] 4
69,32 Радио России [Наб Челны] 3
*69,62 Маяк [Ижевск] 7
69,92 Юность [Барда] 0
70,04 Авторадио [Пермь] 1
70,04 Юлдаш [Бураево] 1
70,67 Радио России [Чусовой]
70,73 Маяк [Нижнекамск]
70,94 Радио России [Балезино] 2
71,42 Радио России [Чайковский] 3
71,72 Русское Радио [Балезино] 1
71,90 Радио России [Бураево] 2
72,02 Радио России [Очёр] 4
72,14 Радио России [Шемордан] 1
72,29 Радио России [Нижнекамск] 2
72,50 Маяк [Балезино] 4
72,80 Авторадио [Очёр] 2
73,01 Орфей [Чусовой] 2
73,52 Второе Дыхание [Наб Челны] 0
73,58 Радио России [Елово] 0
(Виктор Рутковский, Екатеринбург, Россия - open_dx 855)

За практически полным отсутствием времени, все же 24 числа был
выходной и на слушание радио время нашлось.

71,87 Русское Радио //16:26
> 71.87 Рибинск-Волга Ярославская обл.
67,73 Русское Радио //16:28, 17:05, 17:17
> 67.79 Кожевниково Томская обл., но мощность малая.
67,83 Казахское Радио //16:28, 18:43
> 67.85 Фурманово Уральская обл.
67,71 Радио Юность //16:30, 18:35
66,69 Радио Юность //16:31, 17:18, 17:54
> 66.74 Каневская Краснодарский край
66,52 Радио Серебряный Дождь //16:37 местная реклама Ростов
> 66.41 Ростов-на-Дону
68,52 Русское Радио 2 //16:43 тел.для рекл.913-99-06, передача "Поговорим с Мариной
> 68.51 Самара
67,22 Радио Маяк //17:58
71,54 Радио Юность //18:29-18:50
> 71.51 ? Верхояжье (Verkhoazhye) Воронежская обл.
> 71.51 Жирновск Вологодская обл.
73,26 unid на рус. //18:32
67,22 Радио Юность //18:36
> 67.19 Ермиш Рязанская обл.
70,20 Казахское Радио //18:27-18:50-
> вероятно 70.28 Чапаев Уральская обл.
66,73 Казахское Радио //18:45
> возможно 66.71 Джамбейты Уральская обл.
66,85 Радио России //19:00-19:15
68,48 ? BBC или кто-то ретранслировал //19:20 "в эфире Бибисева"

На 67,75 довольно долго (с 18 до 19:25) прорывался звук от арабского
телеканала, очевидно тот же, о котором Дмитрий предполагает, что это
Сирийское ТВ.

На УКВ2(FM) по всему диапазону рывками довольно сильно наплывали
станции, в основном с музыкой.
Судя по языке, вроде тоже, что и тот звук от телеканала.
Характерно, что на FM ни одной русскоязычной станции так и не
пробилось (виной этому плохая чувствительность приемника), одни
станции шли в стерео режиме с пилот-тоном, другие нет.
Поскольку и частоты принятых на FM станций определить хоть
приблизительно не представляется возможности, то их список я не

Другая особенность, что прием держался полтора часа после захода
солнца.(Игорь Данилевич, Збараж, Тернопольская обл, Украина - open_dx 860)

QSL from 1512 kHz 6BAY Geraldton, Western Australia
Letter back in 10 days from station Manager Jason McCarthy for 50c Aussie
stamp RP. According to letter: The station is formally known as 96.5WAFM / 98.1The
Spirit. The two stations 96.5WAFM and 98 The Spirit operate out of Geraldton.
kHz is a broadcast of 98The Spirit which is provided for remote areas of
Western Australia. (David Onley, Victoria Australia - mw 1081)

 got the following nice e-mail QSL from West Africa Democracy Radio (WADR) 
tonight. They had attached two articles, containing info about the project 
and the programmes:

>>Dear Bjorn,
My name is Abdou LO. I am the Bilingual (French-English) Researcher of WADR 
and occasionaly producer and journaliste. We would like to thank you for 
your interest in WADR and your so complete Reception Report. It is so 
professional. I have shown it to everybody here. Well, as you may guess 
WADR's transmitter is located in UK.

For your magazine, please find here some documents attached. I will send you

as soon as possible our transmission schedule and all the informations you 
may need.
Best regards,

PS : Please keep in touch. My WADR e-mail adress should be available by 
tomorrow. (Bjorn Fransson


West Africa Democracy Radio webite is www.wadr.org
http://people.aapt.net.au/~onley/ - David Onley`s homepage

Jerry Strawman
Des Moines, IA
41.64N-93.66 W
R8B-60 Meter Dipole

Kenji Takasaki
in Mie pref, JAPAN
JRC NRD-545/535D/525/515

Jack L. Metcalfe  Stanford, KY
Icom IC-R75 (x2), IC-R8500 & IC-R5
200' Longwire & 45' EF-SWL Sloper

Icom R-75 w/70-ft end-fed random wire w/MLB &  discone
Sangean ATS-909 w/w/45-ft PAR EF-SWL 
73 всем!И.Л.

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