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Электронный DX Бюллетень WorldDX 31
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Всемирный DX Бюллетень 31 22.08.05 Время везде UTC. Чтобы получить зимнее московское время нужно прибавить 3 часа, а летнее - 4 часа. Архив предыдущих номеров можно найти здесь www.worlddx.narod.ru -------------------------- КВ Абхазия 9494v Abkhaz Radio (P) 1358 with dance music, 1400 interval signal, then sign on announcements by woman but no ID I could catch. Lots of talk by this woman, with a few musical interludes. I found it hard to tell the language even, but it didn't sound like Russian, so I guess it was Georgian. Poor reception but the first time I have ever gotten anything here after many, many checks. Checked reported 9535v but absolutely nothing there. (Hans Johnson, Florida Aug 15 - CumbreDX 1221) Австралия (Darwin), CVC *, 13685 in English from 1325 to 1333. SIO:555 = (* formerly Voice Int'l) (T.C.Peterson, Philippines - CumbreDX 1222) 5050 CDRS does not seem to be on much or propagating well. Been checking for a number of days, but I generally only hear China on this channel. Did hear the Australian on the 14th carrying sports coverage like the 2 MHz do. (Hans Johnson, Fl Aug 13-19 - CumbreDX 1225) Аляска 9555, KNLS (скорее всего), 14.53, разговор на английском женским голосом, помеха от цифрового сигнала, 23332. Музыка в 14.54, потом объявление "This is radio station..."(Дмитрий Мезин, Казань - open_dx 851) 9795, KNLS, 15.00, позывные, в 15.01 начало вещания на русском. Адрес в Анкор-Пойнте, ретро-музыка, беседы. Первый раз слышу эту новую передачу. Прием очень неустойчивый, то и дело на первый план выходили новости на немецком (Голос России с московского передатчика). 21331. Попробовал повторить прием 17 августа, но прохождение оказалось заметно хуже, и на этот раз был слышен только Голос России с SINPO 14111 (Дмитрий Мезин, Казань - open_dx 851) 9555, ALASKA, KNLS, 1402-1420, Aug.15, English, Prg. hilites in progress. Cover of Supertramp's "Give a little bit". Full ID at 1406 then usual news magazine format mixed w/ testimonials and AOR/pop music. Fair. (Scott Barbour Jr-NH, Intervale - hard-core-dx 32, 21) Бирма I just noted the sign on of the Democratic Voice of Burma on 15480 kHz at 1430 UTC. Reception is fair to good. What?s the QTH, Julich?(Jouko Huuskonen, Turku, Fin - hard-core-dx 32, 20) Боливия 4498,1 Radio Estambul, 2336+, August 06, Spanish, romantic music in spanish, TC, 24432 At 0012 listened with messagges in spanish by female: "....reiteramos el mensaje para......", 24442 (Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - hard-core-dx 32, 15) 4729,8 Radio Virgen de Remedios, Tupiza, 2347+, Spanish, programme made by EWTN Catholic World Radio (Radio Catolica Mundial), bad audio, strong signal: 34443(Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - hard-core-dx 32, 15) 4763,1 Radio Chica, Tocla, 1039+, August 07, Spanish, local songs and ann. By male: "queridos amigos ....escuchamos a Los Solidarios.....", 25432 4876,4 Radio La Cruz del Sur, La Paz, 2310+, August 06, Spanish, local songs (andean music), 24432 5580,2 Radio San Jose, San Jose de Chiquitos, 2155+, August 06, melodic music in spanish non stop, 25442 (Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - hard-core-dx 32, 15) 5966,92 Radio Nacional de Huanuni, Huanuni, 1110-1121, August 20, Spanish, songs (peruvian vals) Ann.: "El Sindicato de Obreros Mineros de Bolivia invita a la reunion.....", Ann. & ID at 1121 as: "....en Radio Nacional....su programa de sabado....", 33422 with QRM from Radio Trans Mundial, Santa Maria, RS, Brazil (Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - hard-core-dx 32, 21) 6135 Radio Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz de la Sierra, 1035-1040, August 20, Spanish, Farms programme. Ann. & ID as: "Usted, que quiere saber todo lo que pasa en nuestro campo, para que Usted, compa?era...tenga una buena produccion....que esta en sintonia con Radio Santa Cruz....no se desprenda de su radio". Very strong signal: ?more QRP?, 44444 (Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - hard-core-dx 32, 21) 9624,84 Radio Fides, La Paz, 1130-1135, August 20, Spanish, Local news and talk abt.Bolivian FF.AA., 22422 (Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - hard-core-dx 32, 21) Ботствана/США 15580, VoA (через Ботсвану), 15.38, на английском, передача Border Crossings -- музыкальные заявки от слушателей. Звучали, помимо прочего, Led Zeppelin и Фил Коллинз.(Дмитрий Мезин, Казань - open_dx 851) Бразилия After the reception of the August 3rd RN do Brasil - checked almost every morning and some evenings - on 9665 kHz (presumed returned with 250 kW) has no more heard. May be (very!) irregular? (Luca Botto Fiora, Rapallo, It - hard-core-dx 32, 20) Венесуэла Salve amici; ho ascoltato oggi dalle ore 20.00 alle ore 20.45, Radio Internazionale del Venezuela, sulla frequenza dei 13680 kHz con un sinfo di 33333, e dunque un po incomprensibile.(Gianni Urso, ? - playdx 725) Германия 9405 Voices from the Diaspora I did spot checks on this one during their 2000 UTC broadcast on Saturday hoping to hear some more English. Just vernaculars is all I heard. (Johnson Aug 13) Гонддурас 4819.2, HONDURAS, (T) LV Evangelica, 0233-0256, Spanish, OM w/ talks over music. Ballad at 0250, Tent. ID at 0255 then more ballads. Fair. (Scott Barbour Jr-NH - hard-core-dx 32, 15) Джибути 4780 RTV Djibouti Finally heard with no UTE! There always seems to be a co-channel UTE here, but no tonight. 0259 open carrier, a bit of local music at 0300 and then some rapid talk by a woman [no ID I could catch] and some more of the same kind of music. 0320 Koran till 0310. Then more Islamic programming in Arabic. 0322 local music, 0329 same woman talking just as fast but she might have given an ID. 0332 fanfare, and then world news with mentions of John Gerang, the Taliban, and Sri Lanka. 0339 end of news with another possible ID. (Hans Johnson, Florida Aug 14 - CumbreDX 1221) Занзибар (Танзания) 11735 R Tanzania Zanzibar. In addition to English news at 1800, they have news in Swahili from R Tanzania Dar Es Salaam at 1700. ID for this latter station during the news, but local ID heard after this feed which runs till roughly 1715. Running Koran at about 1652 as well. (Hans Johnson, Florida Aug 12-14 - CumbreDX 1221) Индия (Delhi), All India Radio, 11620 in English from 1428 to 1432.SIO:544. (T.C.Peterson, Cebu, Philippines, 15.08.05 - CumbreDX 1222) 11620, 14.33, пытался найти указанное в расписании от Айке Бирвирта Vo.Iranian Nation (Seda-ye Mellat-e Iran), но на частоте была только беседа на английском с характерным индийским акцентом. 33443. Это All India Radio. Помеха с 11615 кГц, где работает TWR на русском.(Дмитрий Мезин, Казань 15/08/05 - open_dx 851) Индонезия 4925, RRI Jambi, 1109-1130 Initially noted Qu'ran being sung. Finished at 1115 when a woman in comments. At 1116, typical music noted. Signal was unexpectly good for this late in the morning. Full daylight here in Southcentral Florida. (Chuck Bolland, Clewiston, Florida, August 17, 2005 - CumbreDX 1223) 4871.05, INDONESIA, (P)RRI Sorong, 1007-1019, Aug.20, Whisper quiet vocal ballads under static. Poor w/ het (Wamena?) just below 4871. (Scott Barbour Jr-NH, Intervale - hard-core-dx 32, 21) 9525, INDONESIA, VOI, 2036-2100*, Aug.15, Vernacular, OM and YL w/ banter, music bits. ID at 2055 over music then open carrier until R.Budapest IS at 2100. Where'd the English service go? Fair/poor. (Scott Barbour Jr-NH, Intervale - hard-core-dx 32, 21) August 19 1355 UTC I heard Radio Republik Indonesia on 15149,8 kHz broadcasting in Bahasa Indonesia, scheduled 13-14 UTC with very strong co-channel QRM by IRIB Tehran in Arabic scheduled 0530-1630 UTC. Normally the best RRI frequency here is 11860 kHz, but not heard this afternoon.(Jouko Huuskonen, Turku, Fin - hard-core-dx 32, 20) Of course I was listening to the Voice of Indonesia, the External Service of RRI! (Jouko Huuskonen, Turku, Fin - hard-corepdx 32, 20) Ирак 11530, Denge Mezopotamia, 14.29, песни и разговоры на курдском, 43433. (Дмитрий Мезин, Казань 15/08/05 - open_dx 851) Ирландия 6295 Reflections Europe good signal with Christian programming at 1510. ID and frequencies given at 1515. Good signal here and decent on //3910. Untraced on announced 12255. (Hans Johnson, Florida Aug 14 - CumbreDX 1221) Китай( Kunming), China Radio Int'l, 11760 in English from 1335 to 1340. = SIO:455.(T.C.Peterson, Philippines - CumbreDX 1222) Китай/Албания 13710, CRI (через Албанию), 07.00, на английском. ID и новости. Слабо, 35322.(Дмитрий Мезин, Казань 17/08/05 - open_dx 851) Коста-Рика 5054.6, Faro del Caribe, 0959-1005, instru. version of soft Pop ballad (can't recall the title), 1003 finally ID anmnt by M over mx "Desde San Jose...este es Faro del Caribe a ?? modulada...". Couldn't copy more because of low modulation lvl. Intro for next pgm, and said tlk pgm w/M host. Better on the Eavesdropper as it was quieter. (Dave Valko, 14 August - CumbreDX 1221) 5054.6, COSTA RICA, (P)Faro del Caribe, 0943-1004, Spanish, Aug.15, Ballads and talks by various announcers. "Ode to Joy" after (P)ID at 1000. Fair/poor, fading by ToH. (Scott Barbour Jr-NH, Intervale - hard-core-dx 32, 21) Либерия/о-в Вознесения 9525, Star Radio (через о-в Вознесения), 07.07, разговор на английском мужским голосом, гулкие интервью. Слабо, 25232. (Дмитрий Мезин, Казань 16/08/05 - open_dx 851) Новая Зеландия 3935 Radio Reading Service 1130 with ID, frequencies, and program preview. 1132 same woman starting reading from the newspapers, first one was "The Chronicle." 1200 Another local ID and then into Radio Netherlands program. (Hans Johnson, Florida Aug 15 - CumbreDX 1221) 3935 Radio Reading Service 1130 -1147, "Gunsmoke" radio programme from the 1950's Matt, Kitty, Chester and Doc Never will hear 3935 from South Eastern Florida ~ have tried for years. "/You going to let him walkaway like that Matt/?" Long Musical interlude ....... forgot how long these musical interludes lasted in the radio days of Gunsmoke. Last I recall hearing "Gunsmoke" was NBC 610 WCKR, Miami before they went back to their old call letters from the 1930's ? " /How is he Doc/" "/I don't think he is going to die/". "/Next week a gambler gets cured of ...the .. hard way./" 15 minutes long Gunsmoke episode. 1155 Federal Trade Commission promotion, then into Minnesota Vikings spot for the National Weather Service. 1200" This is the radio reading service broadcasting on ....3935. Contact us by email......"(Robert Wilkner, USA - CumbreDX 1225) Пакистан 9340, Радио Пакистан, 14.17, на русском, очень слабо, 14311. Коран, потом женская речь. Совершенно ничего не разобрать. На частоте 11645, которая заявлена параллельной, было вообще пусто.(Дмитри1 Мезин, Казань - open_dx 851) Папуа-Новая Гвинея 7120, PAPUA NEW GUINEA, Wantok R.Light, 1015-1032, Aug.16, English, Interview at t/in b/w OM and YL in EG tho couldn't fully catch the topic. YL at 1026 w/ "..end of our prg..thanks too..Good by and God Bless.." ID in passing at 1027!!. OM at 1028 w/ religous talks. Poor, best listening in USB. Nice to get a positive ID! Is this really running the listed 1 kW?(Scott Barbour Jr-NH, Intervale - hard-core-dx 32, 21) Парагвай Radio Nacional de Paraguay fue captada en Sofia desde las 01:00 hasta las 02:00 horas pero en una frecuencia ya bastante corrida, la de 9738 kilohercios. La frecuencia registrada de la emisora es la de 9735 kilohercios.(Rumen Pankov, Bulgaria - DXMIX) Перу 5014.56, R. Altura, 1015 end of anmnt by M and into great Huayno. 1017 M returned w/comunicados mentioning times, Cerro de Pasco, ??bamba. Into nice Harp and vcl song at 1022 followed by another. 1029-1030 2 ads, 1st for bank in Cerro de Pasco, 2nd mentioned Fernando ?? and a phone munber. 1030 live M DJ again, TC, lcl nx w/actualities. Nice signal and almost equal w/Rebelde which seemed a little weaker this morning. (Dave Valko, 14 August - CumbreDX 1221) 9504,73 Radio Tacna, Tacna, 1124-1129, August 20, Spanish, National news by male and female, talk about local politichals. TC: "las 6 de la ma?ana con 27 minutos", Very interesting ann. & ID as: "Tacna Canta!!!!....gran concurso con motivo del Aniversario de Radio Tacna.........Radio Tacna.....tradicion e historia", 23422 (Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - hard-core-dx 32, 21) Разное 15 авг. 2005 г. 04.30 11,735 MHz 1-я программа Белорусского радио SINPO: 45544 04.37 15,140 MHz На волне Татарстана SINPO: 45554 татарские песни 04.51 15,290 MHz Radio Farda SINPO: 34543 англоязычная попса. QRM от BSKSA (15,275 MHz) на турецком языке. 04.55 15,650 MHz Голос Греции SINPO: 45544 греческие песни с объявлениями 05.03-05.13 15,170 MHz BSKSA-Holy Quran SINPO: 35543 молитва. Передача на паралельной частоте 17,900 MHz была с таким же SINPO. (Иван Зеленый, Нижневартовск, Тюменская обл, Россия - open_dx 849) 16 августа 2005 г. 15.38 4,460 MHz CNR-1 SINPO: 35543 15.41 4,635 MHz Радио Таджикистан SINPO: 35543 на таджикском 16.03 4,460 MHz CNR-1 SINPO: 45544 16.05 4,800 MHz CNR-1 SINPO: 45544 16.09 3,985 MHz UNID SINPO: 35543 песни на языке, похожем на китайский или корейский. Я предполагаю, что это был ECHO OF HOPE (согласно ILG). Конечно может это было CNR-2, но их передачи на этой частоте кончаются в 16.00. 16.10 5,000 MHz BPM SINPO: 45554 ID прозвучала позже, в 17.00. Станция точного времени и частоты. 16.11 5,030 MHz CNR-1 SINPO: 45544 16.33 13,650 MHz UNID SINPO: 45554 OM говорил по-русски числа: 980 (3 раза), после чего...: 346 62 01076 16.42 5,945 MHz Голос Исламской республики Иран SINPO: 45554 передача на таджикском языке 16.45 5,855 MHz TWR SINPO: 35543 передача на русском языке 17 августа 2005 г. 02.00-02.10 6,085 MHz Красноярское радио SINPO: 35543 Выпуск новостей, пара рекламных объявлений, погода и в 02.10 началось Радио России 18.04-18.07 972 kHz Radio Aap Ki Dunyaa SINPO: 35553 YL читала новости. В 18.05 началась восточная песнЯ. 18.15 3,365 MHz UNID SINPO: 35522 на английском. Новости и репортажи 18.20-18.30 6,015 MHz Bible Voice Broadcasting SINPO: 45544 проповедь И. Колесникова 18.31-19.01 6,005 MHz Deutschland Radio SINPO: 35543 концерт какой-то блюзовой группы. в 18.47 говорил диктор на немецком языке. 19.12-19.15 4,860 MHz All India Radio SINPO: 25542 индийские песенки 19.17-19.30 3,975 MHz Радио Будапешт SINPO: 35543 передача на английском языке 19.31 3,985 MHz Голос Исламской республики Иран SINPO: 35543 передача на русском языке.(Иван Зеленый, Нижневартовск, Тюменская обл - open_dx 851) 20 августа 2005 г. 17.56 963 kHz UNID SINPO: 25543 объявления жеским голосом (язык не разобрал) и классическая музыка до отключения передатчика в 18.00. Эта же станция присутствовала на частоте 1107 кГц с таким же SINPO. 17.57 1026 kHz Голос России (Ояш) SINPO: 45554 на русском яз. 18.00 972 kHz Radio Aap Ki Dunyaa SINPO: 45544 новости (YL) 18.02 639 kHz Радио России (Омск?) SINPO: 25552 Новости 18.05 1179 kHz SER Radio Valencia SINPO: 25542 сначала прозвучали песни Шакиры и Рики Мартина и после короткого объявлния началась (или продолжилась) трансляция футбольного матча. 18.44 1521 kHz China Radio Intl. SINPO: 45554 программа на русском языке. О китайской поп-музыке. 18.46 1548 kHz TWR-Europe SINPO: 45533 на кальдерашском. Детская песенка и начался какой-то спектакль. 19.25 6065 kHz Radio Sweden SINPO: 35533 на немецком языке 19.30 6065 kHz Radio Sweden SINPO: 35533 на английском языке 19.44 13810 kHz The Overcomer Ministry SINPO: 45544 песня на англ. (YL) 19.45 13590 kHz RDP International SINPO: 45544 трансляция футбольного матча. 20.32 9575 kHz Radio Medi-1 SINPO: 45544 песня на каком-то африканском языке, объявление на французском 21.02 7360 kHz UNID SINPO: 35533 на английском языке. звонки в студию. 21.30 5885 kHz Радио Ватикан SINPO: 35533 на итальянском языке (Иван Зеленый, Нижневартовск, Тюменская обл. - open_dx 854) Россия This evening (Friday August 19th) at 18.40-19.00 on 6240 kHz I noted Special Radio. Was no more on thursday or they have extended the schedule at other days?(Luca Botto Fiora, Rapallo, It - hard-core-dx 32, 20) Россия/Таджикистан 11500, Голос России (через Таджикистан), 14.24, на урду, 35343. Женская речь.(Дмитрий Мезин, Казань - open_dx 851) Россия/Германия 15430, Радиоканал "Содружество" (через Юлих, Германия), 14.44, настолько сильно в этот день (43443), что даже мешал приему "Немецкой волны" на русском на соседней 15425.(Дмитрий Мезин, Казань - open_dx 851) Северная Корея 11680.2, KOREA(DPR),(P)KCBS-Pyongyang, 1021-1034, August 12, Continuous instrumental ballads and anthems. Fair/good. (Scott Barbour Jr-NH - hard-core-dx 32, 15) Соломоновы о-ва 5019v, SOLOMON ISLANDS, (T)SIBC, 1008-1100, Aug.15, Vernacular/English, YL w/ news and soundbites; numerous ment. of Solomon Islands. Ad/PSA at 1023 in EG "..for more info call us at..". Ballad then OM at 1032 in EG, "Welcome to the b/c today.." and devotional sounding prg. Brief YL at 1045 then ballads until YL again at 1100. Fair at t/in, fading under increasing Rebelde-5025 slop by ToH which also made finding the exact frq. difficult. First log here in quite some time. Power increase or good propogation? (Scott Barbour Jr-NH, Intervale - hard-core-dx 32, 21) 5020A SIBC heard with a Christian program at 1115 till 1125. Pop music followed and continued till 1205 tune out. Did hear one Hapi Isles ID at 1157. No BBC programming noted. (Hans Johnson, Fl Aug 19 - CumbreDX 1225) Сомали 6960.1 R. Shabele (P) 1938 with bits of music and quite a bit of talk in Somali. Same short of programming till 2040 tune out. Typical poor audio. (Hans Johnson, Florida Aug 13 - CumbreDX 1221) США (Delano CA), VOA, 11815 in Spanish from 0133 to 0140. SIO:322 (T.C.Peterson, Philippines 15.07.05 - CumbreDX 1222) 11510, WYFR (через Краснодарский край), 14.25, на урду или хинди, религиозное пение и объявления, 54444. Частота не отмечена в ILGRadio; в мае болгарские DX-исты сообщали в бюллетене Observer о ее введении в 14.00-15.00, но на языках пушту/дари. Здесь же после окончания песни прозвучало "Хам атке програм...", что указывает на урду или хинди. Надо будет послушать еще.(Дмитрий Мезин, Казань - open_dx 851) 11535, Radio Free Asia, 14.29, на вьетнамском, не очень хорошая модуляция. Песня в 14.30.(Дмитрий Мезин, Казань - open_dx 851) США/Камбоджа 13645, Radio Free Asia, 12.30, на кхмерском. Разговоры, интервью. 45343. Параллельные частоты шли хуже: на 15525 вообще ничего, на 15670 SINPO было 15311.(Дмитрий Мезин, Казань - open_dx 851) США/Таджикистан RFA Relay, 11520 in Uighuri from 0120 to 0130. SIO:434 (15.07.05) (T.C.Peterson, Philippines - CumbreDX 1222) Radio Free Asia. 11520khz at 0100 in Uyghur. Opening announcement in English with ID and stating that the programme will be in Uyghur. Fair here. (Ian Cattermole, Новая Зеландия - CumbreDX 1225) Судан 7200 Sudan Radio 0250 with programming in Arabic already in progress. 0300 ID and news by man in Arabic. Has their sign on changed? I thought it was 0300. (Johnson Aug 15) Radio Peace untraced the last two nights at 0315 on both 4750 and 5895, anyone else hearing them? (Hans Johnson, Florida Aug 14-15 - CumbreDX 1221) 11665 Sudan Radio Service 0315 end of English news read by woman. ID's then program on local culture followed. It was an interview and a bit difficult to follow as reception was just fair. (Hans Johnson, Florida Aug 15 - CumbreDX 1221) 7200, SUDAN, R.Omdurman, *0300-0326, August 8, Arabic, Chanting/drums at s/on. Brief HoA music and YL w/ ID. News w/ ment. "Republic of Sudan" at 0306 when news ended. Various announcers w/ talks over and b/w music until 0320 then fanfare followed by phone interview. Fair/good. (Scott Barbour Jr-NH - hard-core-dx 32, 15) Суринам 4990, Radio Apintie, 1002-1015 Noted a man in Dutch Language comments. At 1003 short burst of promos or ADs and then back to same man commenting. The signal was good at tune in, but immediately dropped a after a couple of minutes. (Chuck Bolland, Clewiston Florida August 20, 2005 - hard-core-dx 32, 21) Танзания 05050 tanzanie? ds 100k 1922 222 swahili rock africain 20aou05 (Michel Lacroix, France - hard-core-dx 32, 21) Тайвань 11940, TAIWAN, (P)Trans World B/C Ministry, 1326-1400*, Aug.15, Mandarin/English, Continuos format of brief talks by OM between musical bits. Beginning at 1344 I noted the mx bits were from the "Jesus Christ Superstar" soundtrack, in English. Brief OM at 1354 then instrumental music until 1400. No discernible ID noted. Poor w/ adj.channel slop. (Scott Barbour Jr-NH, Intervale - hard-core-dx 32, 21) Чили 6090 Radio Esperanza, Temuco, 1050-1100, August 20, Spanish, Local advs: "Taller...reparacion de instrumentos de cuerdas...en Temuco", "Carniceria ?ielol....la mejor carne de vacuno y cerdo, las encuentra en Carniceria ?ielol, atendida por su due?o....en Temuco", "Optica......una empresa regional a su servicio....frente a la plaza". ID: "Esta es Radio Esperanza", 33422 (Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - hard-core-dx 32, 21) Эквадор (Quito) HCJB, 12005 in English from 1303 to 1309. SIO:333=20 (T.C.Peterson, Philippines - CumbreDX 1222) Эритрея VOBME Untraced on listed 7100 and 7180 at 0335. Anyone else hearing them? (Hans Johnson, Florida Aug 15 - CumbreDX 1221) Эфиопия Radio Ethiopia 7110 and 9704v in // at 0320 with music, untraced on 5990. No sign of the service they broadcast to Eritrea, Voice of Peace and Democracy, at 0320 on either 5500 or 6350. Kept checking and heard the IS for Voice of Tigray Revolution at starting at 0355 on 5500, 6350 had a heck of a UTE, nothing heard. So the transmitter(s) are fine, this program just isn't being heard.Radio Fana noted in passing at 0328 on both 6210 and 6940. (Hans Johnson, Florida Aug 15 - CumbreDX 1221) 7110, ETHIOPIA, R.Ethiopia, 0326-0340, August 8, Vernacular, Lively HoA music, OM at 0330 w/ ID and (P)news. Booming. // 9704v-poor. (Scott Barbour Jr-NH - hard-core-dx 32, 15) Южная Африка 11890, Radio Okapi (через Мейертон), 16.25, разговоры на одном из африканских языков, 44333. (Дмитрий Мезин, Казань 15/08/05 - open_dx 851) ------------------------- Неофициальное радио На Эфиопию 9560.10 Voice of the Democratic Alliance (Presumed) via Radio Ethiopia. Noted something here on the 14th, from 1520 to 1542 hr.. Initially heard very distinctive Horn of Africa music, then male speaker with a Political Commentary in Arabic. At 1526 mention something about the 'Broadcasting Alliance' in English. This was followed with more Horn of Africa Instrumental Music with singers. This was followed at 1528 with another speaker but in a different Language ( not Arabic) with mention something about a BBC Report. Brief HofA music, then into a news commentary by the same speaker at 1530 with clear mentions of Washington, Ethiopia, Eritrea. Bit's of Instrumental music was played during this commentary. Art 1535 mentioned something about the recent death of the VP of Ethiopia, with interview clip. By 1542 pretty much the signal was lost in the noise floor. Even no ID was heard I suspect it's this station with the programming and the nature of the music played... Any confirmation of this? Best on the home-brew Loop. (Edward Kusalik-Alberta, Canada - CumbreDX 1221) 15670 Voice of Ethiopian Salvation via DTK-Julich Aug.14. 1646-1659* Noted with H.of A. music, then a clear mention for 'democratica Ethiopian Medhin' then a 'radio politico' hosted by a male speaker in presumed Amharic. 1656 gave some information about their station, then H.of A. music followed. Noted to 1659 sign-off, after which at *1700 Voice of Democratic Eritrea signed 0n with H.of A. opening I.S. then into broadcast. (Edward Kusalik-Alberta, Canada - CumbreDX 1221) -------------------------- СВ/ДВ Кипр 963, Cyprus BC, 19.05, на греческом, 22232. Помеха от нон-стоп музыки (Радио Теос или кто-то еще???). Еще на частоте была Финляндия, но при повороте ферритовой антенны на Кипр ее сигнал уходил в ноль. (Дмитрий Мезин, Казань 15/08/05 - open_dx 851) Саудовская Аравия 927, разговоры на арабском в 19.30, помеха от Ирана, 33222. WRTH подсказывает 20-киловаттник 2-й программы Саудовской Аравии в Афладже. Да, так оно и есть -- передача оказалась параллельной с 783 кГц, где тоже идет BSKSA-2 (но будьте внимательны: на 783 иногда слышна и Сирия). Этот саудовский передатчик не указан в справочнике EMWG. (Дмитрий Мезин, Казань - open_dx 851) -------------------------- Связь 12.538,5 : unid UKR? ship 1030 cw tfc to Izmail Radio qsx not found (13Aug05) (wp3) 08.642,0 mgj: RN Faslane 1047 rtty 75/233 02h 03 03f 04b 06a 06f 08a 12b 16a 22a mgj (same channels as on 5103.7)(13Aug05) (wp3) 08.453,0 fuo: F Navy Toulon ? 1059 rtty 75/850 faulty test tape (13Aug05) (wp3) 08.439,0 pbc: DN Goerree 1101 rtty 75/850 carb-msg (13Aug05) (wp3) 04.787,50 fdi8: FAF Nice 1435 cw vvv vvv vvv de fdi8 fdi8 fdi8 ar (13Aug05) (wp3) 04.605,00 P: rus navy Kaliningrad 1438 cw channel marker (after short f1/cw) (13Aug05) (wp3) 04.583,00 ddk2: Hamburg Meteo 1447 rtty 50/425 DDK2 DDH7 DDK9 FREQUENCIES 4583 KHZ 7646 KHZ 10100.8 KHZ YRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRY (13Aug05) (wp3) 05.103,70 mgj: RN Faslane 1524 rtty 100/850 q02h 03c 03f 04bn 06a 06f 08a n 12b 16a 22a mgj 1zzix 2cbix 2cdix 3zyix 4ccix 4cecx (13Aug05) (wp3) 12.613,00 xsq: Guangzhou Radio 1719 sitor-a marker, then tfc to 412460 bpys LIN HAI 27 then received some chisrep (CHISREP is a chinese version of AMVER) (13Aug05) (wp3) 11.173,00 rfgw (p6z): MOD/MFA Paris 0820 stanag4285 D2Z DE P6Z. RYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRY RYRYRRY. BJR CLAUDE. SRY SRY SRY. JE TE QAP SUR LA 118 AUG DE 5 / LA 118 AUG DE 5. QTC 20 INT ZBZ INT QTC. A TOI //BILL//. (10Aug05) (wp3) 01.915,00 dial: BMS Oceanic 2110 sitor-a tfc to ?? test der gw-anlage (10Aug05) (wp3) 04.152,50 drax: FGS "Gorch Fock" 0634 usb/stanag4285 qso dhj59 (9Aug05) (wp3) 06.777,20 dran: FGS "Augsburg" F 213 0711 usb/stanag4285 qso dhj59 (9Aug05) (wp3) 04.152,50 dran: FGS "Augsburg" F 213 0742 usb/stanag4285 qso dhj59 (9Aug05) (wp3) 10.206,20 drak: FGS "Mecklenburg-Vorpommern" F 218 0847 usb clg dhj58 n.j. (9Aug05) (wp3) 04.152,50 drcd: FGS "Kormoran" S 70 0849 usb/rtt tfc dhj59 (9Aug05) (wp3) 04.152,50 drdx : FGS "U30" 2018 usb/stanag4285 clg dhj59 for rc, then stanag tfc (8Aug05) (Wolfgang Palmberger, Germany - wun 16, 22) 08894.0 atc afi alger 1705 USB fr c unid flight 14aou05 09231.0 ? 1708 ALE heard 14aou05 11285.0 atc sea chennai 1724 USB eng c unid flight 14aou05 04134.5 pecheurs 0554 USB fr d/x 15aou05 04363.0 3AC monaco ID 0600 USB fr/eng/russ +indicatif musical 15aou05 05140.0 pecheurs 0602 USB fr d/x 15aou05 05616.0 atc nat-b 0603 USB c FHEK / ? n900q falcon900b/ 15aou05 08549.0 UCE arkhangelsk 0606 ARQ c UCOR mekhanik makarin & UCPC pioner yakutii 15aou05 dont pix :http://www.shipspotters.nl/Mekhanik%20Makarin.html http://www.shipphotos.co.uk/pages/pioneryakutii.htm (Michel Lacroix, France, Beauvais - wun 16, 22) 07872.0 STYGMAT: Pol-Mil 1424 ALE/USB clg CUKIERNIA (14/aug/05) (sw) 13221.0 F39: USCG HU-25? 2228 ALE/USB sndg. (14/aug/05) (sw) 10683.0 711: USCG HC-130H? 2229 ALE/USB sndg. (14/aug/05) (sw) 07527.0 D46: BICE CBP P-3 N146CS 154605 Jacksonville AMB Fl 2230 ALE/USB sndg. Also noted on 11494.0, 13907.0, (14/aug/05) (sw) 08912.0 D69: BICE CBP P-3B N69SK 152729 Jacksonville AMB Fl 2234 ALE/USB sndg. Also noted on 13907.0 10683.0 PNR400: OPBAT base Georgetown, BAH 2247 ALE/USB sndg. (14/aug/05) (sw) 07527.0 CS9: COTHEN remote Beaufort, Sc. 2250 ALE/USB clg J17 HH-60J 6017 CGAS Clearwater, Fl (14/aug/05) (sw) 07527.0 LNT: USCG CAMSLANT Chesapeake, Va 2303 ALE/USB clg J17 HH-60J 6017 CGAS Clearwater, Fl 08912.0 D46: BICE CBP P-3 N146CS 154605 Jacksonville AMB Fl 2311 ALE/USB clg ESTCBP Eastern Region Comms node (14/aug/05) (Sam, South East UK - wun 16, 22) 10872 C: Moscow Naval, RUS, 1328, CW, channel marker, 15-Aug-2005 (CK) 10872 S: Arkangelsk Naval, RUS, 1328, CW, channel marker,15-Aug-2005 (CK) 11297 "ST PETERSBURG": St. Petersburg Aeradio, RUS, 1305, USB, VOLMET bcast YL/RR, 15-Aug-2005 (CK) 12841 PBC: Noordvijk Naval, HOL, 1240, RTTY 75/850, Dutch Ny CARB "02A 04B 06A 08A 12A 17X 22X PBC", 15-Aug-2005 (CK) 12935 HLG: Seoul R., KOR, 1235, CW, CQ/QSX-marker, 15-Aug-2005 (CK) 13473 SPF219: unid Polish Army (IRQ?), 1213, ALE (MIL.STD 188-141A) link establishment to LCR154 (Warsaw Military, POL),15-Aug-2005 (CK) 16332 C: Moscow Naval, RUS, 1029, CW, channel marker, 15-Aug-2005 (CK) 18261 GYA: RN Northwood, G, 1050, FAX 120/576, meteo chart,15-Aug-2005 (CK) 19724.5 UIW: Kaliningrad R., RUS, 1003, RTTY 50/160/R, number groups like "919/015 921/015 922/015 92_/_5 924/016 925/012" etc., 15-Aug-2005 (Costas Krallis, Athens, Greece - wun 16, 22) 4928 8PNX: M89 1510utc 15Aug05 CW B7TZ B7TZ B7TZ de 8PNX 8PNX V; 6840 NYZ: unid 1515utc 15Aug05 CW normal activity; 6779 HMA: Pyongyang Meteo 1524utc 15Aug05 CW no copy today on 3154khz 6765 HSW: Bangkok Meteo 1610utc 15Aug05 SSB (Attu Bosch, Alaska - wun 16, 22) HF 28 MHz. Beacons: utc qrg call/s rst dist/kms 11:13 28,243.- F5TMJ 487 962 11:14 28,290.- SK5AE 467 1,506 12:45 28,263.- EA4DAT 346 1,415 12:46 28,277.5 DF0AAB 336 936 15:10 28,215.- GB3RAL 488 1,222 15:12 28,256.- C30P 446 903 (Walter Cappoza, Italy - wun 16, 22) 05544 VP-BWF: Aeroflot A320 Flt SU0300 2343 HFDL Logs on to ARINC Bahrain. (14Aug05) (RGA) 11315 N565FE: Federal Express Flt FX00555 2330 Posn report 4136N 08124W via ARINC Riverhead. (14Aug05) (RGA) 11315 N67134: Continental B757 Flt CO1547 2330 HFDL Logs on. (14Aug05) (RGA) 11318 ARINC-13: Santa Cruz Bolivia 2357 HFDL Good Squitters - no traffic. (14Aug05) (RGA) 11327 N270AV: Brendan Airways A320 'Cancun' Flt U5-0399 2343 HFDL Signs on to ARINC San Francisco. (14Aug05) (RGA) (Jim, RGA - wun 16, 22) 51N 003W 11175.0 was active at 2233z with ROGUE 07 (fair/good levels here) calling MAINSAIL and raising PUERTO RICO (fair) but having problems understanding the id of the ground station. ROGUE 05 pops up to advise ROGUE 07 that the ground station is PUERTO RICO. ROGUE 07 then passes an OPS NORMAL, NEGATIVE RELAY and gone. ROGUE 05 (fair with fading) the calls and raised PUERTO RICO for an OPS NORMAL, NEGATIVE RELAY message and gone. (Jeff Haverlah, Texas, 15/08/05 22.37 - wun 16, 22) I recently spent a week on Viti Levu, in Fiji. I took a Sony ICF-SW55 and a four-metre (4.376 yards) piece of wire clipped to the end of the internal whip antenna. (The short wire worked better than 10 metres of wire connected to the external antenna socket, for some reason.) I ran the wire along the curtain rod, inside. I was on the south coast of the island (18 degrees south of the equator) close to Korotogo, near Sigatoka and very close to the beach. I noticed how incredibly quiet most of the HF spectrum was in a location like this. The extremely low noise floor meant pretty much any signal was audible, even when weak. The following represent some of my logs from that week. All were USB, except where noted. All times UTC. 8867 Brisbane Radio: MWARA SP. (2005-08-02 07:10) (MDM) 10011 Unid: Two males, simplex, speaking Fijian. (2005-08-02 07:15) (MDM) 10120 VK4BU: Working VK3EN. (Didn't know there was a voice amateur band here!) (2005-08-02 07:41) (MDM) 15092 Unid: Caught the end of what sounded like ALE sounding? (2005-08-02 07:48) (MDM) 12365 VMC: Maritime weather broadcast, from Charleville, QLD. (2005-08-02 08:01) (MDM) 6224 ZLM: Taupo Maritime Radio weather broadcast. (2005-08-02 08:04) (MDM) 17311 KMI: Female announcer with maritime weather. Point Reyes, CA, USA. (2005-08-02 08:14) (MDM) 10051 Gander Radio: VOLMET broadcast. (2005-08-02 08:26) (MDM) 6532 Tokyo Radio: MWARA NP. (2005-08-02 08:34) (MDM) 8903 Tokyo Radio: MWARA NP. (2005-08-02 08:36) (MDM) 13918 to 13970 Unid: Extrememly wide-band signal. Sounds like a slow steam train. "Chug, chug, chug..." There's exactly one "chug" per half-second. Radar? (2005-08-02 08:40) (MDM) 11275 Unid: Digital mode. ALE sounding? (2005-08-04 08:56) (MDM) 11384 San Francisco Radio: MWARA NP. (2005-08-04 08:59) (MDM) 1080 ZB: "Newstalk ZB" AM, Auckland talk-back station, New Zealand. (2005-08-04 09:02) (MDM) 8951 Tokyo Radio: MWARA NP. (2005-08-04 09:13) (MDM) 5574 San Francisco Radio: MWARA CEP. (2005-08-06 09:07) (MDM) 8867 New Zealand 21: Air New Zealand flight 21 to San Francisco Radio. FL340. En-route Los Angeles to Nadi. (I later boarded this flight back to Auckland from Nadi). (2005-08-07 08:24) (MDM) 3467 Freedom 435: to Nadi. MWARA SP. (2005-08-07 08:53) (MDM) 5643 Argentina 1185: to Auckland Radio. "At ? degrees west, call Santiago (de Chile) on 6649, secondary 10024". (2005-08-07 09:04) (MDM) 6649 Argentina 1185: to Santiago Radio, in Spanish. "Argentina Uno-uno-ocho-cinco"... (2005-08-07 09:12) (MDM) 5643 New Zealand 22: to Auckland Radio - "Airborne Rarotonga at 10:05". (2005-08-07 10:10) (MDM) 5643 New Zealand 22: with airrep to Tahiti. (2005-08-07 10:29) (MDM) 5643 Unid: Digital mode? (2005-08-07 10:42) (MDM) (Mark, Auckland, New Zealand - wun 16, 22) 07905.4 R00171: CH-47 Chinook (89-00171) 2042 USB ALE/MIL-188-141A clg ATCSOU: 332nd EOSS Tallil AB, IRQ (15/AUG/05) (KK) 07905.4 R00176: CH-47 Chinook (89-00176) 2043 USB ALE/MIL-188-141A clg ATCSOU: 332nd EOSS Tallil AB, IRQ (15/AUG/05) (KK) 07905.4 T571AA: 571st MedCo, IRQ 2045 USB ALE/MIL-188-141A snd (15/AUG/05) (KK) 07905.4 R00176: CH-47 Chinook (89-00176) 2054 USB ALE/MIL-188-141A clg T1Z126: 1-126th AVN LSA Anaconda/Balad IRQ (15/AUG/05) (KK) 11174.0 No Call: unid UN-Station 1144 P-I/100Bd clg UNSWIGEN: UN Swiss, Geneva. followed by P-III (16/AUG/05) (KK) 05687.0 GAF241: unid GAF 1013 USB clg DHM91: GAF Muenster, D. (17/AUG/05) (KK) 06957.0 WARSZAWA2: Pol MOI 1030 USB ALE/MIL-188-141A snd (17/AUG/05) (KK) (Kristian - wun 16, 28) 03161 XSS: Unid 1621 ALE/USB Sounds. (18Aug05) (RGA) 03823 DT5: Estonian Army 2048 ALE/USB Calls GF7. (17Aug05) (RGA) 04930 DT5: Estonian Army 1629 ALE/USB Calls GF7. (18Aug05) (RGA) 05263 HA48: Algerian Gendarmerie/Military 2052 ALE/USB Calls HA68. At 2136 HA51 calls HA40. (17Aug05) (RGA) 05352 TXX2: Spanish Guarda Civil Valdermo 2028 ALE/USB Calls TWVO2/Guarda Civil Soria who responds. Active also on 5286 and 5865 kHz. (17Aug05) (RGA) 06721 PLA: US GHFS Station Lajes AZR 1650 ALE/USB Sounds. (18Aug05) (RGA) 15025 G-VOGE: Virgin Atlantic A340 'Cover Girl' 1555 HFDL Signs on to ARINC Reykjavik. (18Aug05) (RGA) 15025 A7-AFL: Qatar Airways A330 1601 HFDL Logs on. (18Aug05) (RGA) 13303 7T-VJW: Air Algerie A330 Flt DAH406 HFDL 1624 Position report 3646N 00507E via ARINC Las Palmas. (18Aug05) (RGA) 13303 LX-RCV: CargoLux B747 'City of Shengen' 1625 HFDL Logs on. (18Aug05) (RGA) 13303 N313UP: UPS B767-34AF Flt UP6741 1619 HFDL ICAO ID 63CAC5. Reports position 5540N 04207W. (18Aug05) (RGA) (Jim - wun 16, 28) 15920.0 CFH (Canforce,Halifax Nova Scotia); 1845 RTTY 75/850 wNAWS DE CFH ZKR F1 2822 3394 4158 6260 8303 12377 16576 22182 AR. 08/18 RP3 16966.0 Unid: 1853 RTTY 75/850 encrypted. 08/18 RP3 12701.0 Unid: 1855 RTTY 75/850 encrypted. 08/18 RP3 12475.0 Unid: 1858 RTTY 75/850 encrypted. 08/18 RP3 12120.0 Unid: 1900 RTTY 75/850 encrypted. 08/18 RP3 11687.4 Unid: 1902 RTTY 75/850 encrypted. 08/18 RP3 11430.0 Unid: 1904 RTTY 75/850 encrypted. 08/18 RP3 (RON - wun 16, 28) -------------------------- FM/TV Got strong Italian Station on 98Mhz no ID yet. Somewhat confusing as some of the news items are introduced in English then italian reports from RAI. mentioning Milan and Rimini. Is this an Italian station or UK station for italian ex pats?? French Stations Culture 91.5Mhz, Musiques 95.6Mhz and Inter 99.6Mhz all at good level at the moment.(Paul Amersham, Bucks, UK - skywaves 1627) Some RDSDX -missing frequencies for Narodni Radio (HRV) according to the info sheet received from the station. The locations most probably are not the transmitter locations. Pozega 87.9 Nova Gradiska 87.9 Virovitica 88.3 Karlovac 89.0 Krapina 89.4 Cakovec 89.5 Pula 89.7 Vukovar 89.7 Slatina 90.4 Slavonski brod 90.5 Zadar 92.0 Sibenik 92.3 Gospic 93.7 Cabar 94.3 Osijek 95.3 Ilok 95.6 Dubrovnik 95.7 Metkovic 101.2 Makarska 101.6 Rijeka 101.9 Split 103.5 Sisak 104.3 Gorski kotar 106.1 Zagreb 107.1 Zagreb 107.5 (Arno, UK - skywaves 1627) И снова спорадическое прохождение 6:30-8:34 6:30-6:58 очень слабо, 2-3 станции Р.Росии, Маяк. 68,03 Радио Юность //6:58-7:30 > 68.00 Перелюб Саратовская обл. 71,75 Радио Маяк //7:02-7:20 > 71.75 Yasnyy Оренбургская обл. > менее вероятно 71.75 Липин Бор и 71.72 Тотьма Вологодской обл. 66,40 Радио России //7:10-7:30 > 66.44 Перелюб Саратовская обл. Радио России/ГТРК Саратов > или, менее вероятно 66.38 Череповец Вологодская обл. 66,77 Радио Маяк //7:10-7:57 > скорее всего 66.80 Ершов тоже Саратовская обл. 65,95 ? на рус. Оренбург //6:50-7:30 > 66.02 Оренбург Радио России/ГТРК Оренбург, очевидно местное включение > ГТРК Оренбург, название города Оренбург упоминалось несколько раз. 67,87 Казахское Радио //7:27-8:30 > 67.85 Фурманово Уральская обл. 70,16 Казахское Радио //7:30-8:30 > возможно 70.28 Чапаев Уральская обл. 71,46 Радио Юность //7:31-8:12 > возможно, что 71.51 Жирновск Вологодская обл. 68,48 Радио России //7:20-7:45 > 66.48 Ершов Саратовская обл. Радио России/ГТРК Саратов 66,61 Казахское Радио //7:35, 8:10-8:30, несколько обрезаны высшые частоты. > 66.62 Фурманово Уральская обл. 69,30 Казахское Радио //7:38-7:43, 8:12-8:30, 8:34 > возможно 69.20 Уральск Последние полчаса проходил уже только Казахстан, Юность слабо на 71,51 можно рассматривать как исключение. (Игорь Данилевич, Збараж, Тернопольская обл, Украина - open_dx 849) Hi all, small opening Oirt, saturday, from Ukraina and Russia, Fabrizio Loggings 2005 08 13 UTC Freq PI PS Cty Station ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1709 67.25 UKR UR 1 Odesa, Kotovsk OD (1605 kms) 1714 67.13 UKR UR 1 Kharkiv, Kharkiv KA (2104 kms) 1718 67.37 tentative BLR BR-1, Bragin GO (1710 kms) 1720 66.35 RUS Radio Shanson, Smolensk SM (1930 kms) 1721 66.32 UKR UR 1 Khmelnytskyy, Izyaslav KM (1439 kms) 1727 66.71 RUS Radio Rossii (RR)R.Podmoskovskaya, Volokalamsk MO (2212 kms) ID "R.Podmoskovskaya" 1739 66.38 UKR UR 1 Chernihiv, Bakhmach CH (1871 kms) 1745 70.16 RUS Radio Rossii (RR), Belgorod BE (2131 kms) 1747 66.08 UKR UR 1 Khmelnytskyy, Shepetivka KM (1453 kms) 1749 67.13 UKR UR 1 Kharkiv, Kharkiv KA (2104 kms) 1751 67.88 UKR UR 1 Cherkasy, Buky CK (1679 kms) 2247 67.13 RUS Radio Mayak, Yartsevo-Smogiri SM (1959 kms) (Fabrizio Carnevalin, Varese, Maggiore Lake, Italy - skywaves 1628) 10/8 R1 unid 2030 E2 TVE 11/8 2045 R1 & 2 unid 13/8 1030 R1 unid HRT 1 E4 Croatia 98.7 Gr Feldberg 15/8 0830 R1 bT Minx Belarus R2 unid 1545 E2- 47.72 TV Luna RAI 1A 17/8 evening DR E7 87.8 Sky Radio (Cyrill Willis, UK - skywaves 1631) -------------------------- QSL Мексика 4810, XERTA, Radio Transcontinental de Am?rica, recibida e-mail tarjeta QSL en un archivo adjunto (attachment), muy bonita, con banderas de muchos pa?ses, anagrama de la emisora y vista de la Torre Latinoamericana, y con la siguiente inscripci?n: "QSL, Certificado de Sinton?a, Radio Trans-Continental de Am?rica, S.A. de V.C. Plaza San Juan N? 5-2 Col. Centro M?xico D.F. Telf. 55-18-49-36 Licenc. Rub?n Casta?eda Esp?ndola Director General Muchas gracias por su informe de recepci?n. Tenemos mucho gusto de confirmar su control de nuestra emisi?n en 4810 kHz. XERTA, via ionosf?rica. ?M?s cerquita de Dios!. Radio Emisora de Cobertura Mundial 4810 kHz. Banda Tropical de 60 metros. No aparece firma, ni fecha ni hora de la escucha. No v/s, partial data e-QSL card. Al imprimirla en color, en papel de buena calidad, queda realmente bonita. Me indican que ya se fue enviada, por correo ordinario, otra tarjeta QSL. Tardaron en responder 10 d?as, y el informe se envi? por correo ordinario a la direcci?n que aparece arriba. Se acompa?? 1 US$ para ayuda del sello de retorno. (Manuel Mendez, Lugo, Espana - hard-core-dx 32, 15) Россия 9555, Russian Int'l Radio(via DTK-Juelich), f/d "St.Petersburg is 300 years old" VOR card with RIR info handwritten in Russian. Included was a Russian langauge letter on VOR letterhead. All in 617 days for 1 IRC and an EG rpt. (Scott Barbour Jr-NH - hard-core-dx 32, 15) ??? Получил QSL-письмо и ppc от Niton Radio (GNI) за рапорт, датированный ещё 2003 годом. Частота 8773 кгц. Ответ ждал 316 дней. Я послал им рапорт так поздно, так как не знал их адрес.(Владимир Рожков, Канск, Красноярский край - Сигнал от 09/08/05) США 1090 KPTK WA, Seattle, rec. friendly letter, bumper and window stickers in 37d for CD report. V/S: Paul Fredricks-Op Mgr. Address: 1000 Dexter Avenue North, Suite 100, Seattle WA 98109. MW QSL #2910. (Patrick Martin-OR - hard-core-dx 32, 20) --------------------- --------------------- Техника Scott R Barbour Jr-Intervale,NH-USA R75, 200' Beverage antennas
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