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Электронный DX Бюллетень WorldDX 22
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WorldDX 22 19.06.06 ----------------- Здравствуйте, дорогие читатели! Сегодня, в 22-ом номере WorldDX, очень много интересных наблюдений от Walter Salmaniv и Guy Atkins, которые вернулись из большой DX-педиции, проведённой на Западе Австралии в месте под названем Грейленд, а также много других интересных новостей. Приятного чтения, Иван. ------------------ Короткие Волны Австралия 2485, 1134-, ABC Northern Territory Katherine Jun 12 Annoying hum with ABC news, and then into a Sunday variety show. The feed source is different from 2310 and 2325, as they are in parallel, but Katherine is a fraction of a second ahead of 2310 and 2325. No hum on the latter 2 either, so a more pleasant listen. Much stronger signals than yesterday am. 2310 Alice Springs the strongest, followed closely by 2325 Tennant Creek. (Walter Salmaniw, Grayland, WA - hard-core-dx 30, 13) 2310, 1305-1312, VL8A Alice Springs Jun 11 Discussion of Australian politics by man and woman. Fair level. Parallel VL8T 2325 (fair) and VL8K 2485 (poor). On June 12, all three 120 meter band Aussies were much better, at 1044 UTC; persistent hum noted on VL8K transmitter. (Guy Atkins-WA - hard-core-dx 30, 13) 17820 RCV indonesian 0845 heas been heard with good signals ( 34#33) with pop songs (Zacharias Liangas - CumbreDX 1159) 15205 - 1433 - 030605 - AUS - CVC (Voice International) - EE - song "Get down" - 3 4 4 3 3 (//13635, 4 4 4 3 3/4) 15390 - 1440 - 030605 - AUS - HCJB Australia - EE - rel. address - 3/4 5 4 4 3/4 (Charma Jacob - CumbreDX 1159) Афганистан 15500, Internews Radio / Salaam Watandar, 12 июня, *13.00-, на пушту и дари, 54444. Небольшая помеха от Кувейта (15505). ILGRadio дает для передач этой станции язык фарси, что неверно (хотя с дари они очень похожи). Дикторы говорят вперемешку на двух языках, причем, как мне кажется, читаются не переводы слов друг друга, а какие-то совершенно разные сообщения. И объявление времени-частот в начале своеобразное: первая передача объявляется на пушту (я с лету числа на нем не схватываю, а запись не сделал), вторая -- на дари (частота 15500 в 7.00-8.30 по кабульскому времени). Если это не моя ошибка, то время вообще неправильное -- в Кабуле должно быть UTC + 4 1/2 часа.(Дмитрий Мезин - open_dx 780) Бангладеш 7185 Radio Bangladesh 1938 with hindi type songs . reports , talks between OM and YL then man reading something like a poem. 42532 . QRM from co-ch VOA? ( low signal) and 7190 with CRI Eng of S9+10 db (Zacharias Liangas - CumbreDX 1159) Бразилия 4985 - 2340 - 150605 - B - R. Brasil Central - Port. - religious talk - 3 5 2/3 4 2/3 (//11815, 3/4 4 4 4 3/4)(Gunter Jacob - CumbreDX 1159) Вануату 7259.685, 0621-, Radio Vanuatu Jun 11 Sunset in Port Villa, with a decent signal (at least the music) but with lots of summer static crashes. Modern western music. Chatting with Guy Atkins across the table, when it just vanished at 06:25. Very weak het only. I assumed it was some local noise, but I don't think so, as 7120 PNG is coming in with audio. Still nothing at 0642, but fair audio on 3944.86 with identical format, so I'm assuming this is the same transmitter. Listened to 06:58 with mentions of Vanuatu. Port Villa mentioned at 07:06. I checked again at 0800. Rapid drums up to the TOH, then islands type music. No IS or ID on the hour. 'People of Vanuatu' heard at 0805. Transmitter appears to be drifting somewhat. 'Vanuatu government' at 0807. Frequency is 3944.86 at 0810. Radio Vanuatu ID at 08:11:55. Rapid drums, and ?conch shell, and another Radio Vanuatu ID at 08:15, and into music, and presumed ad. All at good signal strength but weak modulation. (Walter Salmaniw, Grayland, WA - hard-core-dx 30, 13) 3944.9v, 0715-0740, R. Vanuatu Jun 11 Noted this rising up from the noise prior to 0700, and down 0.1 kHz from nominal, just like Vanuatu on 7259.9v earlier in the evening before it shut down suddenly. Mentions of 'Tok Tok' at 0715 as well as Port Vila at 0731. Poor to fair signal, but improving past 0740. Noted again at 0814, drifted down to 3944.85. 'Radio Vanuatu' ID at 0815. (Guy Atkins-WA - hard-core-dx 30, 13) Великобритания/Афганистан 17700 Jun 8 1352 R Solh via Rampisham - ID & freqs by OM & YL, vern song & news 44433 (T Ashar, Depok) Великобритания/Судан 17660 Jun 8 1643 Sudan Radio Service via Woofferton - vern song, chorus ID several times, talk & music 44333 (T Ashar, Depok - hard-core-dx 30, 13) Гавайи 10320/U AFRTS(p); 2245-54, 17-June; NPR pgm in EE. SIO=152/ QRN & fade to zilch. (Harold Frodge-MI - CumbreDX 1160) Германия I've just received an email from Andrea Schulz of Deutsche Welle's technical advisory department and she informs me that starting from 20 June, 1300-1350UTc, 5945kHz will be replaced by 6225kHz. 5945kHz has been suffering sereve heterodyne from Chinese National Radio. Yin Cheung "Yogesh" Mar (Yogesh Miaow, AU - dxldyg 451) Западная Сахара 7466 RASD 1956 , man singing , 2002 man talking news in arabic with many mentions of SAhara ..POlisario and MAghreb . Signal: S9 , 43443 some little QRM from 7475 ERA Greece (Zacharias Liangas, Thessaloniki, Gr - CumbreDX 1159) Индонезия 4790, 1320-1333, RRI Fak Fak Jun 11 Strong signal of lagu romantik music; female announcer at 1330 with mentions of Fak Fak. Presumed. (Guy Atkins-WA, Grayland, AU - hard-core-dx 30, 13) 3945, 1127-1130, RRI Ternate Jun 12 Soft Indonesian pop music to male announcer with ID at 1130. Only a fair signal, with modest modulation. Heard somewhat better on June 11. (Guy Atkins-WA - hard-core-dx 30, 13) Иран 7165, Голос Исламской Республики Иран, 11 июня, 15.06, на русском, 44444. Передача о тлетворном влиянии западного кино и литературы; затем об общественно-психическом воздействии религии. Чуть-чуть мешало RL на казахском (7170 кГц).(Дмитрий Мезин - open_dx 780) 11575, Seda-ye Iran, 12 июня, 16.12, на персидском, 45444. Говорят, что передатчик в Болгарии. Передача состояла из телефонных звонков (не из Ирана, я думаю) с модератором-мужчиной в студии.(Дмитрий Мезин - open_dx 780) 13800, Radio International, 12 июня, 16.37, на персидском, 45444. Говорят, что передатчик в Григориополе. Беседа о технологиях, экономике и коммунистах. В 16.56 голосом настоящего Стинга запели "Englishman in New York".(Дмитрий Мезин - open_dx 780) Италия Today at 0910 UTC something happened on 11775 khz. While AWR Europe was broadcasting DX program "Studio DX", many Dxer in Europe was listening me whit italian dx news and a man talking in german and music. Apparently no co-channel on 11775 at that hour, but Radio Romania International starts at 1000 UTC just in german. New UTC for RRI? Feeds problem AWR->Julich? Unfortunately nobody was able to check AWR on Hotbird 13? or some affiliated FM station in Italy, and I was at work, so I don't know if it was a BF or RF trouble. DXer Luca Di Spalatro from Italy listened the same mix also last sunday, june 5. Any idea?(Roberto Scaglione - hard-core-dx 30, 13) Китай 9560, China Radio Int, 11 июня, 15.10, на китайском, 24232. Передача для Южной Азии.(Дмитрий Мезин, Казань - open_dx 780) 4820 - 2350 - 150605 - CHN - Xizang PBS Lhasa - Chinese - EE-lang. lesson - 3 5 3 4 3 (//6050, 7240) (Gunter Jacob - CumbreDX 1159) Киргизия 6030, UNID, 12 июня, 16.02, 33433. Песни неопределенного типа на одной частоте с китайским CNR-1. Это, случайно, не Радио Маранафа из Бишкека? После 16.30 здесь появляется еще и довольно сильный сигнал BBC на арабском, поэтому разобраться непросто. Надо будет поизучать эту частоту. (Дмитрий Мезин - open_dx 780) Лаос Lao National Radio Houa Phan has changed its frequency from 4649kHz to new 4677.9kHz. This station is on the air from 09:57 to 12:30 and relays news from Vientiane at 12:00. Recorded audio sample was; <http://tomsk-7.hp.infoseek.co.jp/Sound_Archive/laos/> lao_nr_houaphan_050615.m p3 [Takasaki via Gaku Japan Premium](Hans Johnson - CumbreDX 1160) Либерия 5470 - Radio Veritas, Monrovia, Liberia 2022 tune in, very weak signal, UTE on top occasionally. 2100 VOA news, local ID by yl followed. Signal improved after 2030, music at 2045 to 2100. “for our listeners who enjoy our program let us know...”. 2205 tuned in again, signal very poor, improved at 2215. Deep fades noted.(Bob Padula - CumbreDX 1159) Неопознанное 3935, 0802-0806, Jun 11 Man in an English or Kiwi accent reading a list or story. Faint signal, barely above threshold level. ZLXA Levin, New Zealand?. (Guy Atkins-WA - hard-core-dx 30, 13) ОАЭ 1152, Radio Emirate Ras-al-Khaimah (ОАЭ), 12 июня, 17.59, 44433. Иран почти не мешал. В 17.59 привычное объявление на арабском (Изаат уль-имарат мен Рас-эль-Хима), а затем музыка, барабаны, и быстрая речь на каком-то из южноазиатских языков. Новости, песни, телефонные звонки, что-то типа программы по заявкам. Несколько раз упоминалась Шри Ланка, поэтому по языку в первую очередь подозрение падает на тамильский или сингальский. В WRTH упоминаются вставки на урду и малаялам, но в другое время. Не урду точно; про малаялам судить трудно -- я его почти никогда не слышал. Передача для гастарбайтеров? К сожалению, после установки новой версии софта в мой плеер я забыл убрать на минимум чувствительность по линейному входу, и записи получились с ужасным перегрузом ... :-( В 18.40 вещание шло все на том же языке.(Дмитрий Мезин - open_dx 780) Папуа-Новая Гвинея 7120, 0634-, Wantok Radio Light Jun 11 Official opening ceremonies of the radio station. Mentions of PNG and Wantok Radio Light. Seemingly live relay of an outdoor event. Superb signal at 07:01 retune. Every bit as strong as Don Moman's fabulous recording from last week. Armchair copy, like Port Moresby's 4890 so often! I rechecked at 08:25. Easily S9+10 to 20 signals, with thanks to various individuals, so I'm wondering whether the opening ceremonies are coming to a close. (Walter Salmaniw, Grayland, WA - hard-core-dx 30, 13) 3905, 0821-, Radio New Ireland Jun 11 Almost armchair copy with Pidgin ad about ?bird conservation, and then singing by children, accompanied by what sounds like cans bumping along the ground. ID for Radio New Ireland heard at 08:31. Then the Golden Rules. One, two, three, four....public service announcement for something or another! Marijuana mentioned multiple times at 08:34 with ill effects on the brain. (Walter Salmaniw, Grayland, WA - hard-core-dx 30, 13) 4960, 0840-, Catholic Radio Network Jun 11 S7 to S9 signal with church service in progress with a beautiful choir. Not at all sounding like anything indigenous, though. Lot's of static noise. (WAlter Salmaniw, Grayland, WA - hard-core-dx 30, 13) 3290, 0845-, PNG Bandscan Jun 11 S7 to S9 open carrier here at this time. Not sure whether this is a Central American, or the PNG station, Radio Central. 2410 has a weak carrier. As I recall Radio Enga hasn't been on the air for a while. Worth watching. 3205 Radio Sandaun, usually one of the strongest is absent today. 3220, Radio Morobe heard with only a fair signal at best. 3235 Radio West New Britain heard at good levels at 08:52 with S9 to S9+5 level with EZL western music. ID for Radio West New Britain at 0856. Lowish modulation for the announcer (female). // to 4890 with National news at 09:04. 3245 Radio Gulf, not on the air. 3260 Radio Madang fair to good, but lot's of atmospheric noise again. Radio Southern Highlands on 3275 is only weakly heard, again with National news relay at 0910. Open Carrier on 3290, Radio Central's frequency. 3305 Radio Western...loud carrier only. 3315, Radio Manus absent. 3325 Radio North Solomons with a political speech, mentioning Bougainville, and tok-tok. Children's choir (sounds like an anthem?). 3335 Radio East Sepik very strong. 3345 Radio Northern's frequency is occupied by the Indonesian, so can't tell. 3355, Radio Simbu is absent. Very weak carrier on 3365.1. Don't think this is Radio Milne Bay. 3375 has several stations, including one 100 Hz high. Not sure is Radio Western Highlands is among them. 3385 is the strongest on the band, with Pidgin male announcer, mentioning Radio Australia from 1985. Powerful signal. 3395 Radio Eastern Highlands not on the air. 3905 Radio New Ireland very strong. (Walter Salmaniw, Grayland, WA - hard-core-dx 30, 13) 3385, 1328-, Radio East New Britain Jun 11 A real power house with strong signals long after my sunrise. By far the strongest 90m station, but they pulled the plug within a few minutes of the logging. (Walter Salmaniw, Grayland, WA - hard-core-dx 30, 13) 4890, 1400-, National Radio Jun 11 Sign off announcements, with frequencies and then short NA, into dead air by 14:00:45. Still very strong!. (Walter Salmaniw, Grayland, WA - hard-core-dx 30, 13) 4960, 1402-, Catholic Radio Network Jun 11 Even a couple of hours after sunrise, this PNG is still going strong with late night instrumental music. Still a S5 to S7. (Walter Salmaniw, Grayland, WA - hard-core-dx 30, 13) 3290, 1043-, Radio Central Jun 12 Didn't hear this one last night, but here this morning with a fine S9+ signal with American inspirational vocal. Rechecked at 11:04, when they were carrying the National news. On recheck at 11:28 they were carrying a National program (parallel to 9675). (Walter Salmaniw, Grayland, WA - hard-core-dx 30, 13) 3364.974, 1048-, Radio Milne Bay Jun 12 Definitely on this morning slightly off frequency, with islands music with rapidly increasing audio as I monitor to the hour. Music is decent, but the male announcer is rather muffly. Friday and Monday mentioned. English, not Pidgin at the moment. Into more music at 11:01. Signal is nice and strong, but unfortunately the announcers modulation is terrible. Still nice to hear them today, as they weren't audible yesterday. (Walter Salmaniw, Grayland, WA - hard-core-dx 30, 13) 9675, 1119-, Radio National Jun 12 A very unusual PNG morning with very few stations on the air, and the few that weren't on the air yesterday morning are audible today. 4890 was uncharacteristically not on the air. Thanks to Guy Atkins who pointed out that they stayed on their day frequency of 9675! Stong signal except for really bad adjacent splatter from 9680 (Taiwan and the Chinese music jammer). No problem on LSB, though. Continued with a news program. Rather tinny audio, though, compared to the full rich modulation on 4890. End of the program at 11:24:50, with a 'good night'. Open carrier for almost 30 seconds before going into western modern pops. (Walter Salmaniw, Grayland, WA - hard-core-dx 30, 13) 9675, 1115-1122, NBC Port Moresby Jun 12 I almost didn't check this frequency, as 0700 is typical sign-off for 9675. However, after finding 4890 quiet, I noted 9675 with a good signal (far better in LSB) with the 'Around the Provinces' program, parallel to 3290 R. Central. Male and female reporters with news items from various PNG locations. (Guy Atkins-WA - hard-core-dx 30, 13) 7120, 0520-1325, Wantok Radio Light Jun 11 A weak het first heard around 0520, and strengthening into threshold audio before 0600, over two hours before Port Moresby sunset. A steady rise in signal strength throughout the 0600 hour was noted, with good, listenable levels by 0630, with special inaugural broadcast of Wantok Radio Light in progress. Many mentions of 'Wantok Radio' by male and female announcers with references to the dedication of the station, and so on. This was clearly an outdoor event and broadcast, with a 'you are there' feeling, complete with echoes, microphone feedback squeals, crowds cheering, etc. Christian contemporary praise and worship music in between announcer comments, phone interviews, and messages by pastors and Christian leaders, and songs by local bands (Voice in the Wind; P.T.U.I.F. Band; and Higher Vision). Heard frequent comments like 'Papua New Guinea is praising today', 'Are you rejoicing, Papua New Guinea?' and mentions of thanksgiving for the new station. By 0715 the signal was positively loud! An exclamation of 'Good evening, Kaupena!' was heard at 0744, at the beginning of a listener's message and excited testimony (Kaupena is the transmitter location.) At 0902 recheck, I caught a quick ID in Pidgin rather than English: 'You hearim Wantok Radio Light'. This new PNG station was even coming in at a fair level on the whip antenna of my Degen DE1103...pretty impressive for 1 Kw on an NVIS antenna from over 6700 miles away. At 1325 recheck, noted Wantok Radio Light still in with a fair-good signal of contemporary Christian music. Here are two MP3 audio files of Wantok Radio Light: http://www.guyatkins.com/files/Wantok_Radio_Light_7120_11June05_0738_inaugur al_bcst.mp3 (outdoor inauguration celebration); http://www.guyatkins.com/files/Wantok_Radio_Light_7120_11June05_1007_studio_ ancr.mp3 (studio announcer after the event). (Guy Atkins-WA - hard-core-dx 30, 13) 4960, 0904-0906, Catholic Radio Network, Vanimo Jun 11 Noted in passing with Catholic programming in English, 'Hail Mary full of grace,' etc. at tune-in. Much poorer signal than Wantok Radio Light...fair at best. However, at 1340 I happened upon CRN again, with a good signal of PNG choral music. At 1347, the female announcer congratulated Wantok Radio Light on their inaugural broadcast and official first day on the air. On June 12, CRN was heard with a poor signal of contemporary Christian music and female vocals at 1115. (Guy Atkins-WA - hard-core-dx 30, 13) 3905, 0820-0836, Radio New Ireland Jun 11 Excellent level with female announcer in Pidgin; interesting primative music with women singing, accompanied by wooden percussive instruments. 'Radio New Ireland' ID by woman at 0831, and into local announcement or PSA by man and woman regarding the evils of marijuana. (Guy Atkins-WA - hard-core-dx 30, 13) 3385, 0910-0924, R. East New Britain Jun 11 Surprised to find on 3385 a relay of Australian rules football between the victorious Brisbane Broncos and the Canberra team. Noted parallel to the 120 meterband Aussie regionals. Suddenly back to local PNG programming at 0920 with ads for a hardware store and grocery. Mentions of the football game by a male announcer in Pidgin at 0922. Numerous mentions of Papua New Guinea at 0923. At 1320 recheck, noted on late with local advertisement and mentions of Rabaul, and then off at 1323. Also heard June 12 with a strong signal of soft PNG pop music in Pidgin at 1112. (Guy Atkins-WA - hard-core-dx 30, 13) 1737, 1143-1144, KUT, Kutubu Jun 12 CW aeronautical beacon KUT noted with slow Morse code; fair signal level. (Atkins-WA) PAPUA NEW GUINEA 3220, 0938-0943, R. Morobe Jun 11 Tentative. Weak signal of man talking in Pidgin. Not much to go on, but other PNGs were in at very good levels during the same timeframe. Old country Gospel music at 0941. (Atkins-WA) 3235, 1145-1201, R. West New Britain Jun 12 Man in Pidgin language with mentions of Kimbe and Papua New Guinea. Sing-sing PNG vocals to 1156 announcements. Still playing soft music past 1200. Fair signal at tune-in, but fading fast. (Atkins-WA) 3260, 0845-0901, R. Madang Jun 11 Male announcer in Pigin with mentions of 'Papua' at 0846. Bagpipe music (!) at 0850; ad for a brand of 'fine tuna' at 0857, and more bagpipe music 0858. 'Radio Madang' ID at 0900. Fair to good signal. Noted June 12 with weak, noisy signal at 1052. (Guy Atkins-WA - hard-core-dx 30, 13) 3275, 1050-1055, R. Southern Highlands Jun 12 Tentative. Noisy signal of what sounded like a live church service or transmission from an auditorium. English language preacher or speaker, but too weak of a signal to pull out much content. (Guy Atkins-WA - hard-core-dx 30, 13) 3290, 1056-, R. Central Jun 12 Central was not heard last night, but booming in this evening with a very good signal of EZL pop music and male announcer in English. Conch shell blowing, then Into NBC national news read by a man in English at 1100. Into a commentary program at 1105 by a male announcer: 'Welcome to another edition of Around the Provinces.' Noted parallel to NBC Port Moresby on their alternate frequency of 9675 (4890 absent). (Guy Atkins-WA - hard-core-dx 30, 13) 3325, 0944-0948, R. North Solomons Jun 11 Live or recorded broadcast of a female representative being sworn-in to a governmental assembly, and swearing allegiance to the country of Papua New Guinea. There were many mentions of Bougainville. The programming sounded like a PNG version of CSPAN. Fair to good signal. Also heard June 12 with a fair signal at 1058. (Guy Atkins-WA - hard-core-dx 30, 13) 3335, 0948-0959, R. East Sepik Jun 11 Nice Melanesian sing-sing music at tune-in; male announcer in Pidgin 0953 with time check and mentioning Papua New Guinea twice. ID for 'Radio East Sepik' at 0959. At 1003, the announcer mentioned 'Wantok Radio Light dedication' in the midst of a Pidgin sentence. Powerhouse signal!. (Guy Atkins-WA - hard-core-dx 30, 13) Парагвай 9736.9 Radio Nacional; 2241, 17-June; "Paraguay" promo then sports rpts. All in SS. SIO=3+33-/QRN (Harold Frodge-MI - CumbreDX 1160) Разное Here in Melbourne, we have now entered the period of the year when sunset is at its earliest. This is now occurring at 5.07 pm (0707 UTC) and will remain so until June21. Days when the latest sunrise occurs do not coincide with days on which sunrise is earliest, due to the tilt of the Earth's axis. Latest sunrise occurs at 7.36 am (2136 UTC) from June 24 through until July 4. The "shortest day" if officially June 15, in the southern hemisphere, designated as the June solstice. However, for practical purposes, the days from June 6 until July 4 can be considered to be the "shortest days", when daylight hours are minimum. It is during this shortest daylight period when daytime reception here inMelbourne on 6, 7, and 9 MHz is at its best. This means that there will not be any marked change to observed spectrum occupancies, between 0000 and 0400 UTC, 10 am to 2 pm, as monitored in Melbourne, until mid July, and the pattern now noted will remain. That four hour block has always been the period when intensive monitoring of the 6, 7, and 9 MHz bands has been made, in studying, and learning about propagation variations. The 6 MHz band is of greatest interest, as shortpath signals from Europe, Africa, and the Middle East are audible up until about 0100 UTC (11 am), then longpath propagation from the same regions becomes evident from about 0130 (11.30 am). Between 0100 and 0130, both modes are noted, with longpath peaking at around 0300 UTC (1 pm), until eventual fade-out by about 0600 UTC(4 pm). In those four hours, longpath propagation from the Americas is observed until about 0100 (11 am), then at 0130 (11.30 am) those signals appear via the Pacific shortpath route until well into our night. The reception of any signal at all on 6 MHz at 0200 UTC (noon) during our mid-winter has always been regarded as noteworthy! Each year, the "Midday 6 MHz Mode" always has something new to offer. This year, solar activity is very low as we move towards the bottom of the present Sunspot Cycle 23, which significantly affects propagation across our mid-winter noon period. What I have discovered this season during the 0000-0400 period is that signal levels are well down as compared with other years. Even when away from Melbourne on the various monitoring trips, there has been great variability on a day-to-day basis, and there has been very little propagation from deep South America. Brazilians, Uruguayans, Colombians, and Bolivians noted in past years have failed (so far!)to make it, and the "deep south" is represented only by weak signals from the high-powered international transmitters in Chile 6070, Argentina 6060, and Ecuador 6050. At my home here in Mont Albert, serious daytime monitoring has now become almost impossible on 6 MHz between 0000 and 0400 UTC, due to infuriating power line noise from suburbia and signal blocking by intense layers of industrial smog, and only the strongest signals are audible, if at all. The "fun trips" I have been making to the tops of icy mountains and into dense forests are not for radio monitoring, but for bushwalking, 4WDing in the mud, and digital photography! The radio work is secondary. On Tuesday June 14 I went out 80 km to the mountains in the Yarra Ranges, and did an interesting 5 km walk along the "Morley Track". This started at the Dom Dom Saddle, 600 metres above sea level, where the main highway from Healesville to Marysville crosses the Great Dividing Range. The walk was really good, along a ridge line, quite steep in parts, with excellent views to the Victorian Alps across deep forested valleys. I actually set up the Sangean ATS808A at around 0300 UTC at the Dom Dom Saddle Picnic Ground, where there is no power line noise, but in 30 minutes of monitoring, spectrum occupancy didn't reveal anything new on 6, 7, or 9 MHz. On June 15, I had to go out to the western suburbs to visit a relative, and went to the nearby Point Cook Coastal Park. Between 0100 and 0200 UTC, with the Sangean, the 6, 7, and 9 MHz bands showed no new occupancies. The only real points of interest on 6 MHz were: 5900 RUSSIA, VOR audible from 0115-0200 5960 UK, NHK-Rampisham, audible at 0125 6070 CHILE, fade-in at 0125 6200 CZECH REPUBLIC, fade-in at 0130 Others at 0120 fade-in included BLR 5970, CAN(RSW) 6010, ALB(CRI) 6020, E6055, POR(DW-Sines) 6075, CANADA(VOV) 6175. Up higher, the "Voice of Justice", a program from the VOIRI(Tehran) was a super signal on 11875 0100-0130, obliterating co-channel Cuba! I have put together a nice Photo Album of the magnificient mountain scenery along the Morley Walking Track, which you may view at <http://www.worldisround.com/articles/179741/> (Bob Padula, Melbourne, AU - CumbreDX 1159) 3975 13 Jun R.Budapest,20:20-20:35,I,sintonia,ID "Radio Budapest", locutora con presentacion,frecuencias y horarios,Nx, SINPO 44333. 4005 13 Jun R.Vaticano,20:35-20:40,es,locutor con comentarios, entrevista a una estudiante,SINPO 33332. 4915 13 Jun Ghana Broodcasting C.,20:24-20:30,In,locutor,locutora, comentarios,Mx,SINPO 24332. 6175 14 Jun Namibian BC 1,18:35-18:40,Af,locutora,locutor,comentarios con referencias a Kenya,SINPO 55444. 7290 13 Jun R.Belarus,20:45-20.50,By,ID,locutora con comentarios y referencias a "Belaruskaya",SINPO 54443. 7385 13 Jun PBS Xizang,17:32-17:37,Tb,locutor,comentarios,Mx con cantos tibetanos,SINPO 34332. 9505 13 Jun R.Farda,20:56-21:05,Fs,cunas de ID "A Radio Farda", tanto por locutor como locutora,Mx pop local,SINPO 55444. 9590 14 Jun R.Vlaanderen Int,18:29-18:35,Nl,locutora con entrevista, Mx de fondo,sufre fuerte interferencia de R.Centroafique, SINPO 43553. 9820 14 Jun Vor Sodruzhestvo,18:40-18:50,ru,locutor con ID,seg.Mx pop local,muy buena musica,"Alo Margarita","Radio difusora..." entrevista a una invitada,SINPO 44333. 11645 12 Jun R.Catolica Mundial,21:03-22:00,es,locutor con Px sobre Fray Junipero Serra,locutora,Mx sintonia,seg.Mx, SINPO 34332. 11885 12 Jun Salama Radio,19:38-19:55,hausa,Mx popular con referencias a salama,locutor con comentarios,SINPO 55555. 15145 14 Jun SW Radio Africa,17:02-17:20,In,locutor con ID "This is Radio Africa,Zimbawe independece boy",Mx pop local, locutora con invitadoentrevista en ingles, referencias a Zimbawe y la situacion politica. 15640 14 Jun Kol Israel,17:20-17:30,es,locutor,boletin de noticias, ID "Kol Israel, noticias",pronostico del tiempo,despedida "Muy buenas noches y sharon desde Jerusalem",SINPO 55444. (Jose Miguel Romero - playdx2003 668) Румыния 7220 - 0605 - 030605 - ROU - R. Romania - FF - "l'actualite" - 5 5 5 5 5 (Gunter Jacob, Passau, Germany - CumbreDX 1159) Северная Корея 13650 Jun 11 1142 VO Korea - French; YL "Ici La Voix de la Coree", chorus song // 11735 15180 34232 (T Ashar, Depok - hard-core-dx 30, 13) 12015 VO KOrean ( Pyong yang) 1501 with national anthem and prpogram in russian . QRM possibly from 12025 with CNR 33433 (Zacharias Liangas - CumbreDX 1159) Соломоновы о-ва 5019.87, 0708-, SIBS Jun 11 Nice reception except for pretty awful splatter from Cuba on 5025, but quite nicely taken care of by the 7030+ NB on wide setting. Regional news and sports. Time check for 12 minutes past (6? o'clock). In English, but then switched to Pidgin. Nice TC at 07:15. Much stronger now, as the sun sets. Still in Pidgin, with a play by play of a sports match, but no excitement in the announcer's voice! Soccer it seems. (Walter Salmaniw, Grayland, WA - hard-core-dx 30, 13) 5019.9, 0750-0802, SIBC Jun 11 Bored-sounding announcer calling a soccer match between the Solomons Islands and Kenya, alternating between Pidgin and English. Caliope-like tune at 0801, and ID by woman, and into news in English. Very good to excellent signal. (Guy Atkins-WA - hard-core-dx 30, 13) США 11645 WEWN Radio Cat?lica Mundial, en una nueva frecuencia o emisi?n accidental, desde 21:03-22.00,en espa?ol con locutor en un programa sobre Fray Junipero Serra, musica sintonia, locutora con programa de caracter religioso y segmento de musica, anuncian emitir desde california, SINPO 34332.(Jose Miguel Romero - hard-core-dx 30, 13) США/Узбекистан Голос Америки возобновляет радиовещание на узбекском языке В воскресенье Голос Америки возобновило свое радиовещание на узбекском языке ориентированное на Узбекистан. Вещание было приостановлено ровно год назад в связи с тем, что опросы на тот момент показали, что телевидение имеет большую аудиторию, чем радио. С тех пор Голос Америки делал упор больше на телевидение, в связи с чем возникла еженедельная передача "Америка манзаралари" на узбекском языке. Однако события в Андижане в мае этого года продемонстрировали острую необходимость в большом количестве источников информации в связи с информационной блокадой, объявленной узбекским правительством. По рекомендации ряда сенаторов и конгрессменов, а также некоторых организаций, руководство Голоса Америки решило возобновить свои радиопередачи на узбекском языке, начиная с 12 июня. Вещание будет осуществляться ежедневно по 30 минут с 20:00 до 20:30 по ташкентскому времени на следующих частотах: 11515 кГц IRA 11780 кГц UDO 15390 кГц KAV и в Интернете по адресу: http://www.voanews.com/real/voa/sca/uzbe/uzbe1500a.ram В будущем ожидается также вещание на средних волнах и в диапазоне FM в городе Ош. (Павел Михайлов, Москва - open_dx 780; http://news.ferghana.ru/detail.php?id=1302&mode=snews,12 июня 2005 г.) Тайвань 9780, CBS Taipei или китайский глушитель, 12 июня, 12.27, на китайском, 25232. Никаких следов KNLS, которая по расписанию в этот час вещает на английском. (Дмтрий Мезин - open_dx 780) 7129.82, 1326-, Radio Taiwan International Jun 11 Despite ILG listing an even 7130 freq, this transmitter is off, causing a mess with cochannel ?CNR right on freq. Japanese program, with lots of mentions of 'Taiwan. Good to very good reception. (Walter Salmaniw, Grayland, WA - hard-core-dx 30, 13) Тайвань/США 7130, 0949-, WYFR Jun 11 Despite what ILG states, WYFR appears to be on at this time with an Asian language and religious songs. Interfered by an off frequency carrier causing a het to be heard, easilly dismissed by the Icom's notch filter. (Walter Salmaniw, Grayland, WA - hard-core-dx 30, 13) Тропический обзор - дополнения от 17.06.05 3200 - ТМР-Свазиленд. 14.06.05 в 16.58 идентификация: "Радио ...(?)... Мапуту, Мозамбик". В 16.59 передатчик отключился, но в 17.00 включился снова, и началась передача на английском. По БД ИЛГ вещание заканчивается в 20.30, но из-за ухудшения прохождения что-то неясное наблюдалось лишь до примерно 20.15. Однако, в 20.39 вдруг появился неопознанный сигнал, который пропал в 20.44 так же внезапно, как и появился. До утра на частоте других сигнлов не было. В 00.08 включилась служебная станция на ОБП. Сохранил запись с 16.40 до 01.12. 4635 - Таджикское радио. 15.06.05 передатчик включился в 14.00. 4760 - ВИР. 16.06.05 в 13.10 довольно неплохой приём. 4785 - Радио Внутренней Монголии на монгольском. 16.06.05 вечернее вещание закончилось в 16.05. Ночью на частоте что-то было неясное слышно. Когда утром передатчик включился в 21.11, появился тон частотой 2,6 кГц. У малийского передатчика частота всегда была 4783 кГц, но сейчас справочники дают 4785 (ИЛГ) или переменную 4784 (ВРТ). Возможно, в этот момент частота была около 4782,5 кГц. В 21.34-21.37 на "монгольской" частоте включался килогерцовый тон. Вещание началось в 21.49. В 21.07 тон довольно резко ослабился, но не пропал. К 23.00 прохождение практически пропало. Сохранил записи 13.20-16.19 и 16.30-00.54. 4890 - Эн-Би-Си из Порт-Морсби. Плохой, но однозначный приём 16.06.05 в 13.06. 4935 - 16.06.05 в 13.15 периодически всплывает какой-то странный сигнал. То ли служебная связь, то ли хулиганы, то ли радиопостановка на вещательной станции с плохой модуляцией. 5025 - Радио Ташкента. Наблюдения за сигналами на этой частоте проводил 15.06.05. Самый сильный сигнал на частоте принадлежит Радио Ташкента, также отмечаются Радио Пакистана из Кветты на 5027 и предположительно Радио Уганды на 5026. Всё это можно очень интересно проиллюстрировать спектральной характеристикой семичасовой записи, которую позволяет создать программа "Cool Edit": <http://img224.echo.cx/img224/7654/5025150605154522450ey.jpg>. Равномерно заполненные по всей полосе частот вертикальные оранжевые полосы - это шумы при отсутствии каких-либо сигналов. Меньшее заполнение высоких частот и большее - низких - наличие сигналов, и чем сильнее сигнал, тем высоких частот меньше, потому что спектры КВ-сигналов довольно узкополосные. Можно заметить, что полоса ПЧ-фильтра "Ишима" в режиме УП - 10,2 кГц. Ярко выраженные горизонтальные полосы соответствуют тональным сигналам. Тональный сигнал на частоте 2,25 кГц и его вторая гармоника на 4,5 кГц образованы внутренним эффектом детектора приёмника: когда в полосе приёмника оказываются два схожих по уровню сигнала, помимо их низкочастотного заполнения, с детектора снимается и разностный тон. Таким образом, участкам с этими полосами соответствует одновременная работа узбекского и пакистанского передатчиков, различающихся по частоте на 2,25 кГц. Двойная полоса вокруг 3 кГц - это двухтональная телеграфия (телетайп). Таким образом, картина получилась следующая. В 15.45 уже работает передатчик и только что отключился тестовый тональный сигнал, остались немодулированная несущая и 2,25 кГц тон. В 15.49 зазвучал позывной, в 15.50 началась программа "Ватандош", продолжавшаяся до 16.29. После отключения узбекского передатчика на частоте остался слабый сигнал из Кветты. На спектральной характеристике слабость сигнала видна по ярко выраженной шумовой полосе, а его наличие - по заполнению низких частот. На слух можно было услышать неясное бормотание, сигналы точного времени в 17.00 и музыку, похожую на пакистанскую, в 17.18. В 17.20 снова появилась несущая и 2,25 кГц тон. 17.29 - позывные Радио Ташкента, с 17.30 - "Ватандош". 2,25 кГц тон пропал в 18.07, что примерно соответствует времени окончания вещания из Кветты по БД ИЛГ - 18.05. Программа "Ватандош" продолжалась до 18.30, после чего на частоте остался очень слабый сигнал. Можно предполодить только Уганду. В 18.59 включился телетайп (двойная полоса на 3 кГц). В 19.20 включился передатчик, в 19.34 - позывные, в 19.35 началась программа Радио Ташкента на немецком, закончившаяся в 20.25. 20.29 - снова позывные, 20.30-20.57 - передача на английском (идентификация - "Radio Tashkent International"). После этого на фоне ничего нет, даже телетайп практически не прослушивается. Передатчик снова включился в 21.21, в 21.29 - позывной, 21.30-21.57 - передача на английском. Передатчик выключился сразу же, в 21.57. Больше до конца записи других сигналов на частоте не было (кроме телетайпа). Сохранил запись 15.45-22.45. 5080 - Радио Пакистана. 15.06.05 передатчик включился в 15.31. Сохранил запись с 14.10 до 15.42. (Владимир Коваленко, Томск - open_dx 786) Чили/Канада 17625 - 1335 - 110605 - CHL - CRI via SGO - EE - "Listeners' Garden" - 4 4 4 4 4 (Gunter Jacob - CumbreDX 1159) Шри-Ланка 11790 Jun 8 1415 R Aap Ki Dunyaa via Iranawila - ID, address in Washington then news, info www.voanews.com/urdu, urdu@voanews.com 43433 interferred by CNR 11780 (T Ashar, Depok - hard-core-dx 30, 13) Эфиопия 6940 R Fana with S54- 7 signal on 1855. talks and interval music to 1900 then with more talks and phone in A full song on 1908 . Heard mentions on MUslims //6210 with better signal (Zacharias Liangas - CumbreDX 1159) Эритрея 05500 voice tigray revolution ? 1851 232 tigrinya? musique ?lectrifi?e 17jun05 (Michel Lacroix - hard-core-dx 30, 18) ------------------------ СВ/ДВ Австралия 1116, 1236-, 4BC Talk 1116, Brisbane Jun 12 'Talk 1116, Brisbane's 4BC'. Great reception at 12:51. Seems to be continually coming in with good to at times excellent signals! Frequent IDs and local ads. One of the most reliable Aussie stations in Grayland. (Walter Salmaniw, Grayland, WA - hard-core-dx 30, 13) 792, 1239-, 4RN Brisbane Jun 11 Brief peaks of Aussie English to fair level, then down in the mud again. Finally caught a parallel of 738 2NR Grafton just before 1300; Radio National trumpet fanfare at top of hour, and into news. (Guy Atkins-WA - hard-core-dx 30, 13) Фиджи 639, 1159-, Radio Fiji 1 Jun 12 Great reception at our local dawn with Fijian talk ?ID at 12:00, and into some very pleasant south islands music. Parallel to 684. Thanks to Guy Atkins for clearing this one up! Good levels at times. (Walter Salmaniw, Grayland, WA - hard-core-dx 30, 13) 684, 1208-1215, R. Fiji 1, Labasa Jun 12 South Pacific style of vocals and slack key guitar accompaniment; good signal level prior to fades, and parallel to 639 Drasa and possibly 1152 Rakiraki. (Guy Atkins-WA - hard-core-dx 30, 13) Неопознанное 1107, 1222-1227, Jun 12 Scraps of English with two male announcers, possibly Aussie accented. Very low level. (Guy Atkins-WA - hard-core-dx 30, 13) Новая Зеландия 783, 1222-, 2YB Access Radio, Wellington Jun 12 Nice local ID heard for '783 Access Radio'. (Walter Salmaniw, Grayland, WA - hard-core-dx 30, 13) 1125, 1235-, Radio Sport Jun 12 Good reception with American relay with, what else, sports talk, and maybe an infomercial. Strange to hear American programming from so far away!. (Walter Salmaniw, Grayland, WA - hard-core-dx 30, 13) 1332, 1220-1235, R. Sport, Auckland Jun 11 Noted with sports programming of two male announcers in Kiwi English, possibly parallel 558 Invercargill. Fair on peaks, but over/under presumed 4BU Bundaberg Australia with oldies hits. (Guy Atkins-WA - hard-core-dx 30, 13) 1125, 1232-1240, R. Sport, Napier/Hawkes Bay Jun 12 Sports talk with two male announcers with US accented English, with typical relay of a USA sports network. Discussion about top NASCAR drivers. Fair, clear signal during peaks. Presumed. (Guy Atkins-WA - hard-core-dx 30, 13) Разное 576.0 RNE 5, BARCELONA,E 555 1952 ID, news en espagnol 666.0 SER RADIO BARCELONA, BARCELONA,E 455 1953 ID « Cadena SER » espagnol 684.0 RNE 1, SEVILLA,E 444 2000 ID, espagnol 684.0 RTV TUNISIENNE, MEDNINE,TUN 333 2002ID, Arabe // 7225 khz 630.0 RTV TUNISIENNE, TUNIS, TUN 455 2008// 684 KHZ 585.0 RTV TUNISIENNE, GAFSA, TUN 333 2009 // 684 KHZ 675.0 SUPERLOUSTIC, MARSEILLE, F 455 2034 ID »SUPERLOUSTIC » Musique 873.0 AFN POWER NETWORK, FRANKFURT,D 545 2100 ID anglais(Vincent Lecler, 15.06.05 - Ondes courtes 735) Таити 738, 1005-, RFO Tahiti Jun 12 Presumed. Woman with French talk; weak signal. One of the few TP stations with any audio at all on the band right now, during poor conditions. (Guy Atkins-WA - hard-core-dx 30, 13) Фарерские о-ва Acc. to info from the operator Foroya Tele, the transmitter in Akraberg on 531 is run with 100 kW. Three times a day, during the main newscasts of Utvarp Foroya in the morning, noon and evening, the power is raised to 200 kW.(Bernd Trutenau - mwdx 1063) ------------------------- FM Greetings from Finland! Media camp station Radio Elvi, Paltamo, Finland will return back on the air between 11th June and 16th June 2005. The broadcast will be heard on two separate frequencies: 87,9 MHz 30 watts Kainuu College, Mieslahti, Paltamo antenna vertical 170 m above sea level and 90,0 MHz 250 watts Vuokatti, Sotkamo antenna vertical 485 m above sea level All correct reception reports will be replied with a QSL card. The address for reception reports is: Radio Elvi c/o Tanja Kemppainen Rinnetie 12 88300 Paltamo FINLAND The technical staff OH8UV Markku and OH8HDL Tanja are waiting for good FM-conditions and lots of reception reports. The official page of Radio Elvi at: http://www.paltamo.fi/~oh8uv/radioelv.html Special page for DXers both in Finnish and English http://www.romppainen.net/RadioElvi.htm Photos from Radio Elvi: http://www.romppainen.net/ElvinKuvat2005.htm The studios are located at Kainuu College in Mieslahti, Paltamo. The map can be get at: http://www.paltamo.fi/koulut/opisto/english/english.html The first test transmissions can be heard already on Friday 10th June. I hope Radio Elvi can get lots of mail also from foreign listeners.(Hannu Romppainen - hard-core-dx 30, 13) 16.06.05 7.00-10.00 очень удачно отключили 3 мощные местные станции 65,75 Укр ТВ, Рада / длинная укр реклама 66,08 Украинское радио (Красногоровка) 66,20 Столица, Гомель //69,11 программа по заявкам, явно немолодая женщина по телефону долго перечисляет регалии заслуженного работника и в конце просит поставить "Черный бумер", смеялся я долго.. 66,20 Белоруссия, спортивные новости 7.10 66,20 РРоссии (Тбилисская) 66,30 Маяк (Майкоп) 66,32 БР1 (Пинск) //67,22/67,76/69,68 66,35 Шансон (Смоленск) 66,38 Украинское радио (Бахмач) 66,40/45 Маяк 66,45 Белоруссия о спорте, 7.30 66,71 Украинское радио (Холмы) 66,65 РРоссии 66,74 Юность (Каневская) 66,86 РРоссии (Сальск) 66,90 Украинское радио 66,98 Маяк (Тбилисская) 67,10 Юность (Майкоп) 67,22 БР1 (Сметаничи) 67,13 Украинское радио (Харьков?) 67,76 Юность (Тбилисская) 67,76 БР1 (Гомель) 67,85 РРоссии 67,85 Украинское радио 67,85 БР1 (Орша) //68,00 67,88 Адыгея+ (Майкоп) 68,00 БР1 (Сморгонь?) 68,05/10 Украинское радио 68,60 Маяк (Сальск) 68,70 Маяк 68,85 Маяк 68,99 Украинское радио, Рада (Камыш-Заря) 69,05 РРоссии (Майкоп) 69,05 Гала (Киев) 69,11 Столица, Брагин 69,10 Украинское радио 69,15 музыка укр/бел 69,40 Маяк 69,41 Украинское радио (Краматорск) 69,50 Украинское радио (Чернигов) 69,65 Украинское радио (Старобельск) 69,68 БР1 (Жлобин) 69,77 Украинское радио (Донецк) 69,80 Украинское радио / Эра 09.15 (Олевск) 71,15 РРоссии 72,20 Украинское радио(Черкассы) 72,35 РРоссии 88,8 Турция, видимо, TRT-1 Трабзон (Виктор Рутковский - open_dx 786) A mini opening brought a few Russian stations on OIRT today, Wednesday 15 June 2005. Time of reception 18.45 - 19.00 UTC, local time is UTC plus 2 hours. Best 73's, Janpeter van Dijk, Zoetermeer, The Netherlands. June 15, 2005 Sporadic E Logs: 68.54 RUS Radio Rossii Smolensk (SM) 68.96 RUS Radio Rossii Yartsevo-Smogiri (SM) 69.20 RUS Radio Rossii Vyaz'ma (SM) (Janpeter Van Dijk - skywaves 1544) Frequencys are all american channels. This is my first post to the list. Have had E's from Mexico all day long on channels 2 to 6, with something that might be E's on channel 7. The time is 0930 EDT till now as the time is 2230 EDT. This is stations from along the gulf of Mexico side of Mexico, from Monterrey to the Yucatan. Channel 2 - XEFB Monterrey mixed with 3 other stations in spanish. Channel 3 - Spanish over our local channel 3, WRCB. Channel 4 - Spanish with two different stations. Channel 5 - Spanish unIDed. Channel 6 - Spanish unIDed. At 2230 EDT have channel 2 from Denver, Colorado mixed with channel 2 from Tulsa, Oklahoma. Channel 5 from Publeo, Colorado. Though not as exotic as most reports from Europe, this is as good as it gets from here. Equipment: Just a standard TV with antenna at 20 feet off ground and armstrong rotor. (WB5KHD, Old Fort, TN, USA - TV 6, 4) I observed from 1810 (start listening) to 1903 (when OIRT was empty), but found 69.32 when I checked back at 1928 UTC. Mostly UKR, many parallel frequencies with UR 1 px, quite stable signals. MUF raised above around 1845. Here are my logs: 66.08 UKR UR 1 Poltava Krasnohorivka 1831 U YL tx, // 69.80ff 66.89 UNID 1814 R YL reports possibly // 70.16? 66.98 UKR UR 1 Kirovohrad Kirovohrad 1812 U tx, mx // 68.99,... 67.13 UNID 1812 russ. Schlager 67.13 UKR UR 1 Kharkiv Kharkiv 1815 U TA, Tamara Illarissa px // 66.98, tent. 67.28 UNID 1811 russ. pop/Schlager 68.15 UNID 1832 intl pop mx 68.36 RUS R. Rossii 1819 R corrspondent ID 68.75 UKR UR 1 (2 locations) 1844 U // 69.65 68.99 UKR UR 1 (3 locations) 1813 U // 66.98, 18:26 relig. tx "18:""7 // 69.80ff" 69.08 UKR UR 1 Promin Rovenky 1837 U hardrock, // 69.65 listed as UR2 69.23 UKR UR 1 Kherson Vasyilivka 1825 U YL tx, //68.99 69.32 UNID 1928 R? YL tel tx 69.41 UKR UR 1 Donetsk Kramatorsk 1823 U mx, tx, TA, letterbox px 18:49 ID, 19:00 ID 69.65 UKR UR 1 R.Biznes-Novyny Luhanshchyny Starobilsk 1833 U // 69.80 ff at 18:43 with O=5 69.8 UKR UR 1 Mykolayiv Mykolayiv 1826 U YL tx, // 69.23, 68.99 70.16 UNID 1810 R? YL reports/nx 70.91 UKR Nart Radio Vinnytsya 1850 U OM tx, ment. UKR party, tx already active? tent. 71.69 UKR UR 1 Vinnytsya Vinnytsya 1846 U // 72.20 72.2 UKR UR 1 Cherkasy Cherkasy 1845 U // 69.65 (Gunter Lorenz ------------------------------ World Utility News 11175.0 was active at 1510z+/- with SHIN BONE (fair levels with fading) bcsting a 251-character EAM (5CXBDS) and simulcasting same on at least 8992.0 (fair/good) with nothing heard on 4724.0 or 15016.0. (Jeff Haverlah - wun 14, 18) 11475 RBT: Algerian Emb. Rabat 1800 ALE/USB clng MAE (10Jun05) (MAL) 08180 STAT23: Tunisian MIL/MOI 0825 ALE/USB clng TUD (11Jun05) (MAL) 14700 TUD: Tunisian MIL/MOI 0817 ALE/USB clng STAT2 (11Jun05) (MAL) 11475 LCR154: Polish Army, Warsaw 1550 ALE/USB clng ETD165 (11Jun05) (MAL) 09200 2002: Moroccan Dispach Center 1508 ALE/USB SND (11Jun05) (MAL) 09200 2205: Moroccan Dispach Center 1300 ALE/USB SND (12Jun05) (MAL) 76680 CER42: MFA Paris 1105 ALE/USB clng AMMAN (12Jun05) (MAL) 09200 2204: Moroccan Dispach Center 1048 ALE/USB clng 2001 (12Jun05) (MAL) 14422 MAE: MFA Algiers 1028 ALE/USB clng TRP (12Jun05) (MAL) 10825 RABAT: MFA French Emb, Rabat 1025 ALE/USB clng CER11, MFA Paris (12Jun05) (MAL) 09200 2202: Moroccan Dispach Center 0843 ALE/USB SND (12Jun05) (MAL) 14930 CER42: MFA Paris 0814, 0932 ALE/USB clng AMMAN (12Jun05) (MAL) 07969 HR: Algerian Sonatrach Hassi R'Mel 1349, 1602 ALE/USB SND (12Jun05) (MAL) 11466 OHT: Algerian Sonatrach Ohanet 1310, 1400 1504 ALE/USB SND (12Jun05) (MAL) 09200 2401: Moroccan Dispach Center 1643 ALE/USB SND (12Jun05) (MAL) 09200 1317: Moroccan Dispach Center 1633 ALE/USB SND (12Jun05) (MAL) 09200 1301: Moroccan Dispach Center 1624 ALE/USB SND (12Jun05) (MAL) 09200 1309: Moroccan Dispach Center 1615 ALE/USB SND (12Jun05) (MAL) 09200 2407: Moroccan Dispach Center 1610 ALE/USB SND (12Jun05) (MAL) (Mike Larson - wun 14, 18) 6348.0 FUE: FN BREST 1604 STANAG 4285 on usb. 600/L Baudot 5N2. Marker "zczc abc001 ALL de ZUE testing RT's SG's figs int zbz nnnn" (12/Jun)(DW) 8149.2 ---: IN ROME 1516 STANAG 4285 on usb. CARB. 600/L baudot 5N1 (12/Jun)(DW) (Day Watson - wun 14, 18) 6676 USB 11 Jun Bangkok Volmet,In,locutor,22:43+ 6700 USB 11 Jun QSO Italianos,pescadores??,22.45+ 6733 USB 11 Jun En italiano de la Roma Naval Radio, la siguiente conversaci?n a las 22.47+, deletreando codigo alfa: " EVADI.. MANTENINA SURFACE NAVIGATION AT ENDEX TRIED" "WITH" roger roger. Negativo, seguin seguin. "TRAININ" Activiti estela, "ACTIVITI"? 8731 USB 11 Jun Vladivostok radio,Ru,conversaci?n,22.13+ 8918 USB 11 Jun Jeddah Air,control aereo,In,22.08+ 10051 USB 11 Jun New York Volmet,In,"Miami, Atlanta",22:17+. 11309 USB 11 Jun New York Radio,In, control aereo,22:04+ 13330 USB 11 Jun ARINC Houston,Tx,control aereo,In,22:00+ (Jose Miguel Romero - Hard-Core-DX 30, 13) ---------------------------- QSL Индия 15235 AIR-Bangalore Station, All Indian Radio, A.V. Bhavan, Sansad Marg, New Delhi-110001, India, QSL card full data in 192 days. V/S: Y.K. Sharma, Director Spectrum Management & Synergy (e-mail spectrum-manager@air.org.in (Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - hard-core-dx 30, 13) Россия 17705 Russkoye Mezhdunarodnoye R. (Russian International R.), Pyatnitskaya 25, 113326 Moscow, Russia, QSL Verification Card (Summer Garden?s Central Gate and Summer Garden laid out in 1704 views) full data & letter in russian. Delay: 19 months. (Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - hard-core-dx 30, 13) США 1420 WGCG GA, Columbus, after 2 follow ups and e mail to Bobby Gray, I finally received my ppc back in 9d after my latest f/up. I enclosed a CD of the test. Not sure who signed it, except it is "II" at the end. This test was from Oct 04. Address: 1353 13th Avenue, Columbus GA 31901. My 3rd "W" call QSL this year and my second this month. GA QSL #6 and MW QSL #2902.Patrick Martin, Seaside, OR - hard-core-dx 30, 17) Судан I got a mail (QSL) from Pete(r) Stover of Edmedia with some more information about Radio Peace in southern Sudan. He tells me that both frequencies (4750 and 5895 kHz) are in daily use, but with different programs and patterns. 4750 kHz is on with 1 000 W for the southern parts of Sudan in six languages (English and five Sudanese languages). 5895 is on with 5 000 W for central and northern Sudan and in two languages (English and Arabic). "The stations are domestic. The signals throughout the rest of the world would be weak if existing at all except for the "right" conditions". says Pete Stover. (Jan Edh, Hudiksvall, Sweden - hard-core-dx 30, 17) --------------------------- Техника Day Watson: QTH: Clevedon, UK. Rx: NRD545, NRD535, RX320D, Aquila(SDR14) Dec: Code300-32, PC-ALE, PC-HFDL, MscanMeteoPro Jose Miguel Romero EA5-1022 Burjasot (Valencia) Espa?a SANGEAN ATS 909 Hilo de siete metros. T. Ashar Indonesia ICF-SW7600GR telesc & compact AN-71 Gunter Lorenz RX: Icom R7000, 53 kHz filters ANT: dipole + 20 db Burdewick amplifier QTH: Freising, Germany (11e44/48n24)
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