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Электронный DX Бюллетень WorldDX
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Всемирный DX Бюллетень 20 30.05.05 ------------------------------- КВ Албания 6115, ALBANIA, R.Tirana, *0228-0244, May 24, English, IS loop, ID and frequency schedule. News re E.U. integration, relations w/ Macedonia. "Albania in a Week" prg. re July 3rd elections. Fair as was // 7160. (Scott R. Barbour Jr-NH - CumbreDX 1135) 7120, ALBANIA, R.Tirana, 2131-2138, May 23, English, YL w/ frequency schedule, news re Albanian politics. Battling for dominance w/ co-channel RNW-Madagascar relay. Poor. (Scott R. Barbour Jr-NH - CumbreDX 1135) (Fllaka), China Radio Int'l Relay, 7285 at 2117 in English. = SIO:323 (T.C. Peterson - CumbreDX 1137) Алжир 7466, Radio Nacional de la Republica Arabe Saharaui, 2104-2303, 24-05, escuchada hasta las 2303 sin que todavia cerrase, con programa siempre en arabe en esta nueva frecuencia de 7466 en vez de 7460. Hoy no transmitian su habitual programa en espanol, como otros dias. Locutor, con comentarios, mencionando muchas veces "Arabia Saharauia". 34333. (Manuel Mendez - CumbreDX 1135) Афганистан/Великобритания 17700, "AFGHANISTAN" R.Sohl via U.K. 1545-1600, May 24, Dari-?, "Persian" music, IDs at 1550 by OM and YL. More music until 1600 when crushed by 17705 slop. Re-check at 1608 found everything back to normal. Fair. (Scott Barbour Jr-NH - CumbreDX 1136) Бахреин 9133 usb Coalition Maritime Forces Radio One, 0250 to 0330 with music and brief announcement by om in languages. Need wide usb setting to receive this as narrow produced no signal. Tnx Bruce Churchill and Hans Johnson (Robert Wilkner - CumbreDX 1136) Боливия 4600.2 Radio Perla d Acre,Cobija 0000 to 0020 seemingly the one with weak flutes [Wilkner-FL - CumbreDX 1134] 5926.8, R. Mineria presumed fades in with some audio 2355 then sudden off 0004* Per Dave Valko tip and Cumbre logs [Robert Wilkner-FL - CumbreDX 1134] 5926.80 to .88 ~ Radio Mineria, om clear ID as “Radio Mineria” 2355 to 0100. Is Radio Mineria on longer on Sunday evenings? Previous two sign off times were 0003* and 0004*. 22/23 May Again per Dave Valko tip!(Robert Wilkner - CumbreDX 1135) 5952.43 Emisora Pio XII,Siglo Veinte has been silent for the last three weeks [Robert Wilkner-FL - CumbreDX 1134] 4409.08 Radio Eco with good signal, 0008 to 0102* local music and “Radio Eco deparamento de ....” and “son las horas de Bolivia...” (Robert Wilkner - CumbreDX 1136) 4796.41 Radio Mallku,1010-1035UTC,May 20,Spanish(?),the same canned ID at 1911 and 1932,tlk by OM and YL,sometimes short music. Poor.(M.Kusumoto, tokyo, Japan - hard-core-dx 29, 24) Бразилия 6135, Radio Aparecida, 0004, 24-05, locutor, transmitiendo su habitual programa religioso "Coa Mae Aparecida". 24322. (Manuel Mendez - CumbreDx 1135) 3375,1 Radio Educadora, Guajara Mirim, RO, 1012-1016, May 25, = Portuguese, local song, ID by male: "Radio Educadora da Guajara Mirim....", local advs, ann. station phone number, 24432 (Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - CumbreDX 1136) 4845,3 Radio Cultura Ondas Tropicais, Manaus, AM, 1003-1009, May 25, = Portuguese, S/on, National Anthem, Complete ID by male as: "Bom dia ouvientes, a Radio Cultura Ondas Tropicais, en 4845 Khz, baixa = da 60 metros, inicia mais um dia de trabalho.....", 34443 (Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - CumbreDX 1136) 4865 Radio Missoes da Amazonia, Obidos, PA, 0935-0940, May 25,=20 Vernacular. Religious programme conduced by male in indigenous = language!!!!!, 24442 (Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - CumbreDX 1136) 4915 Radio Anhanguera (ex CBN-Anhanguera), Goiania, GO, 0955-1000, May = 25, Portuguese, Complete ID by male as: "Radio anhanguera.....banda tropical, 4915 = khz......6080 y 11830 khz, Goiania, Goias", 44433 (Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - CumbreDX 1136) Буркина-Фасо 5030 kHz 20/5. R.Burkina,21:39-21:45,Vn,locutor con comentarios en dialecto africano no id.SINPO 44433. (Manuel Mendez - hard-core-dx 29, 23) Венгрия 9525, HUNGARY, R.Budapest, 2122-2128, May 23, English, Interview re organic foods in Hungary, mx festival, prg. ID "Hungary Today". Schedule and contact info. Off at 2125 w/ open carrier thru 2130 re-check. (Scott R. Barbour Jr-NH - CumbreDX 1136) Гана 4915, Ghana Broadcasting Corporation, 2350, 23-05, programa en ingles hasta las 0000, noticias de Africa, locutora, a partir de las 0000 programa en lengua vernacula por locutor. 24322. (Manuel mendez - CumbreDX 1135) Гватемала 4780 May 22 0205-0235 Guatemala: Tentative: Radio Cultural Coatan from San Sebastian Coatan. Fleeting catch here in WNAm with weak signal and heavy interference, 21222. Several native songs punctuated by Spanish announcer. Only station listed at this frequency/time in eibi.de & Passport. Heard on JRC NRD-525 w/35' outdoor longwire. (SoCal DXer - hard-core-dx 29, 23) 4780 Radio Cultural Coatan, San Sebastian, 1032-1040, May 25, = Spanish/Vernacular, Anthem (=BFNational Anthem?), complete ID by male as: "Buenos dias, a partir de este momento, Radio Cultural Coatan inicia su transmision.....qu=E9dese con nosotros". Music ("marimba"), religious programme in indigenous language!!!. Other ID between announcement in vernacular: "....Radio Coatan..." (not Cultural = Coatan), 24442 (Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - CumbreDX 1136) 4799.76 Radio Buenas Nuevas,1105-1120UTC,May 22,Spanish. Very poor,but heard ID by OM at 1112. (M. Kusumoto, Tokyo, japan - hard-core-dx 29, 24) Германия 13590, GERMANY, BVB via Juelich, 1611-1618, May 24, English/Hebrew-?, Religous talk w/ CA-USA based "Seed of Abraham" prg. BVB ID at 1614 into Hebrew sounding prg. Fair. (Scott R. Barbour Jr-NH - CumbreDX 1136) Греция GREECE (Kavala), Voice of Greece, 9375 at 2141 in Greek. SIO:444=20 (T.C. Peterson - CumbreDX 1137) Джибути 4780 RTV Djibouti (presumed) 0312-0330. Talk by man in Somali-like language. 0322 Horn of Africa style music. 0330 Announcement, but signal was much too weak to understand it. Very weak signal with heavy atmospheric noise. Best at tune in, then steadily decreasing. No ID heard, but language and music make Djibouti almost certain. Also head other Africans that night with poor signals. Last Djibouti log occurred in 1989. (Jim Evans, TN, May 23 - CumbreDX 1135) Замбия 4910 kHz 20/5. R.Zambia,21:26-21:30,vernacular,locutora con invitado, entrevista,SINPO 23322.(Jose Miguel Romero - hard-core-dx 29, 23) 4965, The Christian Voice, EE, 0413-0500, May 23 05, 34332 Noted good signal at tune/in, gospel mx, male ancr and "R Christian Voice" canned IDs. Poor at 0500 tune/out (Konnie Rychalsky, May 23, 2005, S Connecticut - CumbreDX 1135) Египет 11885, EGYPT. R.Cairo, 2327-2341, May 23, English, News of Ministries of Finance; Transport re E.U. markets, 4 city US fundraising tour of Egyptian antiquities. AR Music into futbol news. Quick ID at 2338 then more music. Fair w/ constant "hum". (Scott R. Barbour Jr-NH - CumbreDX 1136) Индия 9820 AIR via Panaji *1258-1313. Usual sequence of IS, s/on, music, and news in listed Sinhala. Not at usual strength today as 'A' Index remains high. (John Wilkins 5/22 - CumbreDX 1134) 4880, AIR Lucknow, Surprised to catch the end of the IS at 0024, then brief anmnt by M, and into lcl mx. Very weak and definitely there. Don't usually here this one. (23 May) (Dave Valko - CumbreDX 1135) Индонезия 3976.06 RRI Pontianak 1159-1205. SCI and Jakarta berita relay at 1300. Marred by Ham QRM. (John Wilkins 5/21 - CumbreDX 1134) 4604.96 RRI Serui 1228-1307. Pop songs both Indo and EG, with M ancr speaking occasionally; 1259 M ancr, SCI, then Jak program at 1300. VG signal. This is currently the strongest low-band Indo station since Makassar-4750 is still off the air. (John Wilkins 5/21 - CumbreDX 1134) 15150, INDONESIA, VOI, 1715-1733, May 24, English/Spanish, Surprised to hear this one so early. Familiar EG announcement at t/in. OM in SP b/w Indo ballads thru t/out. Fair. Looked for the EG service, 2000-2100, but the signal wasn't propagating to my location then.(Scott R. Barbour Jr-NH - CumbreDX 1136) Иран 9495, IRAN, VO Justice-VOIRI, 0135-0152, May 24, English, Ko'ran at t/in w/ EG translation. IDs/ prg schedule followed by usual news and commentaries re Iranian virtues and U.S./ U.K. war abuses. Good. // 11875 audible under Cuba. (Scott R. Barbour Jr-NH - CumbreDX 1136) 15085 kHz 23/5. Voz de la Rep.Isl.de Iran,20:36-20:45,Es,ID,frecuencias horarios y direcciones,boletin informativo.SINPO 55444. (Jose Miguel Romero - hard-core-dx 29, 26) Иран/США 9960 kHz 23/5. R.Fard?,20:00-20:35,Farsi,programa musical, locutor y locutora con cu?a de identificaci?n,ID "Radio Farda", Mx pop local,noticias.SINPO 54444 (Jose Miguel Romero - hard-core-dx 29, 26) Китай 11885 CNR-8 1500 ID in Uighur "merks herlk radio Stanks" (Zacharias Liangas, Greece - hard-core-dx 29, 23) 5240 kHz 20/5. PBS Xizang,21:00-21:10,Tibetano,locutora,comentarios, algun tipo de rezo con frases repetidas constantemente.34432. (Jose Miguel Romero - hard-core-dx 29, 23) 4820.0 XZ1-XIZANG-CH, LHASA, CHN 21:34 344 // 7240 KHz and 6050 KHz (Vincent Lecler - hard-core-dx 29, 24) 3900 Hulun Buir PBS, Hailar 5/21 w/ what sounded like a U.S. or U.K. pop music concert 1219-26 then into more traditional pgming with various men/women anns in CC to 1259 when an ARO tuning up on freq took out signal for about 3 min. After this sigs disappeared into mud. The pop music concert caught my attention as this is somewhat unusual for PBS stations. SINPO 35533 w/ fade to S2 after 1245 (Bruce Churchill - CumbreDX 1135) 11939.97 May 26 1301-1359 CHN (non): Trans World Broadcasting Ministry via Taipei. Thanks to Eric Zhou tip. Some QRM from Voice of Turkey. Announced web page www.twbm.org (instead of the correct .com), which led to a more secular page than expected. (Mauno Ritola, FIN - CumbreDX 1138) Лаос 4649 Sam Neua (or Xam Nua) 5/16 w/ decent S2 signal from my "fire and forget" Total Recorder 1200-1230 (I was sleeping at the time... :-). Man and woman anns alternating from 1200-1230 w/ some actualities by man and women hrd 1213.5-18.5. Clr channel w/ only moderate noise lvl. Since I had to pretune, not sure if I was on exact freq. SINPO 25443. (Bruce Churchill - CumbreDX 1135) Либерия MONROVIA , 26 May (IRIN) - Star Radio, an internationally-sponsored independent radio station that was shut down by former president Charles Taylor, returned to Liberia's airwaves this week after a five-year absence. Star Radio started broadcasting in 1997 with the aim of providing a voice for all Liberians in the run-up to elections that brought Taylor to power halfway through the country's 14-year civil war. It soon established itself as the primary source of independent and unbiased information for Liberians, but in 2000 Star Radio was taken off the air for allegedly transmitting hate messages against Taylor's government. After a five-year absence, Star Radio can now be heard on FM for 17 hours a day in the area around the capital Monrovia. Residents in rural Liberia can listen to two hours of programmes per day broadcast on short wave. Many ordinary Liberians welcomed the return of the popular radio station, which is backed by the Swiss-based Hirondelle Foundation. "Star has a reputation for credibility and accurate reporting in Liberia," Derek Sherman, a high school student, told IRIN by telephone from Taylor's former heartland Gbarnga. "Its resumption of operations, especially on the short-wave frequency will bridge the information gap in Gbarnga and other rural parts where we only listen to community radio, which are not properly equipped and whose staff are not sufficiently trained," he added. During the run-up to presidential and parliamentary elections on 11 October, Star Radio will broadcast voter education programmes as well as quizzing the multitude of candidates. "We will strive to meet the expectation of the general public by broadcasting balanced news and programmes," station manager James Morlu told IRIN on Wednesday afternoon as the first transmission began. Gyude Bryant, the head of the broad-based transitional government that took over after Taylor was forced into exile as part of an August 2003 peace deal, lifted the ban on Star Radio eighteen months ago. However, Morlu said that funding problems had delayed the reopening of the radio station until this week. "Now we have secured funding from the European Union and some of its member countries like the United Kingdom, Switzerland, Norway among others," he said. Robin White, the retired editor of the BBC World Service for Africa, has been brought in to help launch Star Radio's news programmes. Eugene Nagbe, a supporter of Taylor during the civil war who is now Minister for Post and Telecommunications, welcomed the radio station's return to the air. "From all records available at the ministry, there was no justification for the station closure by the government then and it was closed down without investigation," he said. (Ulis and from http://www.alertnet.org/thenews/newsdesk/IRIN/df683d66c27e68559b732fe2c81a49ca.htm - CumbreDX 1138) Мексика 4810 Radio Transcontinental de America, Mexico D.F., 1042-1050, May 25, Spanish, Religious talk by female: "Padre Nuestro.....yo voy a orar.....en el vers=EDculo 14...........", religious song in spanish. 24442 (Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - CumbreDX 1136) Монголия 12015 kHz 24/5. Voz de Mongolia,20:05-20:10,Ing,locutor,comentarios, SINPO 33332. (Jose Miguel Romero - hard-core-dx 29, 26) Нигерия 7255, NIGERIA, R,Nigeria, 2159-2210, May 23, Vernacular, OM w/ talks over and b/w drums and percussion mx. Mentions of Nigeria and Africa. Recorded speech at 2208. Fair. (Scott R. Barbour Jr-NH - CumbreDX 1136) 6090.84 Radio Nigeria Kaduna,2020-2105UTC,May 21,Vernacular,national news or something,local ID by OM at 2030. Very good. Is the power truly 50kW? (M.Kusumoto, tokyo, japan - hard-core-dx 29, 24) Папуа-Новая Гвинея 3235 R. West New Britain(p) 1134-1205. M ancr in Tok Pisin and unfamiliar pop or C&W songs. Stayed on well past 1200; tuned out at 1208 as signal was fading out. (John Wilkins 5/21 - CumbreDX 1134) 3905 R. New Ireland 1159-1230. Kavieng presumed with anthem-like song at 1159, then YL in 15-minute talk, QRM'ed by a regional Ham net; pop music followed at 1215, with YL ancr after each song. Tuned out at 1230 as fadeout was setting in. (John Wilkins 5/22 - CumbreDX 1134) 7120, 0830-1200, Wantok Radio Light, Port Moresby May 23 Tentative reception of this new PNG Christian outlet first noted with religious-sounding music fading in at 0830. Four musical tones noted at 0900:20, followed by possible ID by woman. Signal improved very slightly past 0900, with continuous Christian contemporary and possibly PNG church music. The language sounded Pidgin at times, but was much too weak for positive language identification. At 1101:38, I heard a distinctive 'Bird of Paradise' call (national bird of PNG, I believe). An MP3 recording of this can be heard at: http://www.guyatkins.com/files/tentative_WRL_7120khz.mp3. (Guy Atkins-WA - CumbreDX 1134) 7120, 0825-1030, Wantok Radio Light, Port Moresby May 25 First noted fading up above the noise prior to 0830, with contemporary Christian music alternating with talks or devotionals. The signal was still extremely low until past 0930, when it strengthened enough to make out an ID by a male announcer exactly at 0959:38: 'This is Wantok Radio Light, broadcasting to Papua New Guinea on... meterband(?)...'. It took a number of replays of my recording to be certain of the ID, but it is definitely there. At 1000 I heard introductory music and mention of 'Welcome to Focus on the Family...with author and... Dr. James Dobson' at the start of this popular Christian program. It also fits the broadcast schedule at http://www.wantokradio.net which shows Focus on the Family at 7-7:30pm local Port Moresby time. Very pleased with this definite log of this new PNG outlet! I also received an e-mail from Dave Olson, engineer at the station, who said that the 'Bird of Paradise' call I heard at 1101 on 5/23 is actually a warbling siren at the beginning of their Monday evening program 'Community Policing'. (Guy Atkins-WA - hard-core-dx 29, 26) 3315 R. Manus w/ an excellent sig 5/17 (best I have hrd at this QTH) on a night when PNGs were doing quite well. Nx by man EE 1002-10.5 w/ anmt "This is NBC National News" at 1006.5, sports nx at 1010 and a summary at 1010.5. Local man ann 1011 w/ drum signal 1012. Man in vern. w/ what sounded like a speech or statement 1020-26.5 then a sta ID by man fol by a bird IS 1026.5-27. Man ann in Vern. 1027-39.5 w/ actualities and an interview and another bird IS at 1039.5-40. Almost armchair quality with SINPO 45534. CRN on 4960 was much better than usual this morning as well. I should be able to find a good segment of R. Manus for upload to Sights and Sounds.(Bruce Churchill - CumbreDX 1135) Парагвай 9737, Radio Nacional del Paraguay, 2301, 24-05, sigue escuchandose muy bien esta emisora durante toda la noche, e incluso, muchas veces, en horario diurno. Identificacion: "En la banda de 31 metros, 9735 kHz. transmite Radio Ncional del Paraguay, para America y el mundo". Programa deportivo, comentarios de los equipos del campeonato de futbol paraguayo. 34333. (Manuel Mendez - hard-core-dx 29, 24) Перу 4826,4 Radio Sicuani, Sicuani, 0912-0919, May 25, Quechua, Holy Rosario prayer in quechua!!!!!!, 24432 (Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - CumbreDX 1136) Польша 7265, POLAND, (P)R.Polonia, 2140-2155*, May 23, Polish-?, Folk-like music at t/in, YL over flutes followed by interview of OM, piano flourish at 2151 into vocal ballad. Brief YL at 2155 then off. Weak/poor. (Scott R. Barbour Jr-NH - CumbreDX 1136) Россия 12070, RUSSIA, VOR, 1918-1937, May 24, English, News re Uzbek violence,Ukrainian oil and discrimination of Russians in Latvia and Estonia. ID at 1930 followed by Russian language lesson prg. "Everyones Russian" re nouns of male and female gender. Fair. (Scott R. Barbour Jr-NH - CumbreDX 1136) 4996, RWM, Decided to check this one out again and found a nice solid signal. Was able to copy their half hour format as follows: 0030-0037:55 straight tone, 0037:56-0039 deadair, 0039 repeating RWM IDs 13 times with the "R" and part of the "W" (cut off) on the 14th repetition (this was different from what I heard on the 21-22 micro-DXpedition!!), 0040-0049:55 time tick sequence (:00 long tone, :01-:08 seconds normal ticks, :09-:14 double ticks, :15-:29 normal ticks, :30 double tick, :31-:59 normal ticks), 0049:56-0050 deadair, 0050-0059:55 rapid pulsing ticks, 0059:56-0059:59 deadair, then the straight tone began at 0100 repeating the half hour format. Again, at 0109, there were repeating RWM IDs. (23 May) (Dave Valko - CumbreDX 1135) 11840 kHz 24/5. R.Sakhalin,20:11-20:28,Ruso,locutor,locutora,noticias, referencias a Ucrania,ID,frecuencias y web,SINPO 55555. (Jose Miguel Romero - hard-core-dx 29, 26) Северная Корея 12015 R Pyongyang under Arabic prg station on 1645 9325 is 34423 with S10 max (Zacharias Liangas - hard-core-dx 29, 23) Сингапур 7235 is now in clear co-Ch QRM at 1500 and then: songs adn adverts at 1518 34443 on LSB due toi strong QRM from DRM 7240 (Zacharias Liangas - hard-core-dx 29, 23) 9795 R. Nederland relay 1252-1257*. Commentary in Bahasa Indonesia with mentions of "demokrasi" and "Timur"; final comments and sked at 1255; off at 1257. Decent signal. (John Wilkins 5/22 - CumbreDX 1134) Танзания 5050 kHz 20/5. R.Tanzania,20:50-21:00,Swa,ID,locutor,locutora,seg.Mx, comentarios,terminan con Mx popular o himno.SINPO (Jose Miguel Romero - hard-core-dx 29, 23) Чехия/США 11705 kHz 24/5. R.Free Europe/R.Liberty,17:20-17:32,checheno,locutor, locutora,ID,Nx,web y frecuencias,Mx sint.,SINPO 54454 (Jose Miguel Romero - hard-core-dx 29, 26) Эквадор 4909.23 Radio Chaski per Bob Wilkner tip, this one is pounding in this morning. 1030 with flute music, 1031 with nice slow ID by man mentioning the shortwave and giving a phone number. Steady S7 here, just a bit of QRM.(Hans Johnson May 24 - CumbreDX 1135) Экваториальная Гвинея 5005, Radio Nacional, Bata, 2250-2306, esta emisora esta cerrando sus programas una hora mas tarde de lo que lo hacia antes, ya que cerraba minutos mas tarde de las 2200 y ahora lo hace minutos mas tarde de las 2300. Musica vernacula. A las 2302 despedida de la programacion, por locutor: "Viva su Excelencia el Presidente de la Republica, "Arriba la Republica de Guinea Ecuatorial". Himno y cierre a las 2306. 24322. (Manuel mendez - CumbreDX 1135) 15190, EQ.GUINEA, R.Africa, 1523-1542, May 24, English, Religous music and banter from "VO Prophecy" (not Texe Marrs) in CA-USA. Good signal. (Scott Barbour Jr-NH - CumbreDX 1136) Эритрея 7100 Voice of the Broad Masses of Eritrea,Asmara,1700-1720UTC,May 17,Tigrigna,ID at 2000,probably news,music with rhythm instruments. Good. (M. Kusumoto, tokyo, Japan - hard-core-dx 29, 24) Эфиопия 9704.22 R Ethiopia 1654 , with traditional songs 1659 ID as "yetup kane du...;" followed by gongs and news 44434 (Zacharias Liangas - hard-core-dx 29, 23) ------------------------------- СВ/ДВ Албания 1215 /1415 with CRI: ON 4115 with Russian program and Chinese lang lessons on 1615 and S2 24442 . 1215 with prg in Romanian S3-5 max 34443 (Zacharias Liangas, Greece - hard-core-dx 29, 23) Болгария 261 kHz 20/5. Radio Horizont,22:45-22:50,locutora,comentarios y entrevista SINPO 34332. (Jose Miguel Romero - hard-core-dx 29, 23) Ботствана/США 909 2017 VOA, Sebele Pikwe, Botswana. Poor with VOA Africa pgm in EE with surprising no sign of RRI Sorong (Craig Edwards - hard-core-dx 29, 23) Додеканские о-ва 1260 2001 Radio Sawa, Dodecanese Islands. Good strength but big interference from 3SR, noted with news service in Arabic (Craig Edwards - hard-core-dx 29, 23) Индонезия 630 2116 RRI Makassar, Sulawesi. Poor under 4QN as the band was just about dead after sunrise, noted with male talks in Indo // 4750 (Craig Edwards, Adeliade, Australia - hard-core-dx 29, 23) 774 2030 RRI Fak Fak, Irian Jaya. Nice signal here with ID and then into music program, easy catch despite big 50kW 3LO powerhouse also on 774 (Craig Edwards, Adelaide, Australia - hard-core-dx 29, 23) 909 1141 RRI Sorong, Irian Jaya. Good here in the clear with fairly subdued Indo talks and easy listening music show (Craig Edwards - hard-core-dx 29, 23) Иран 1169 1933 IRIB Sarasary, Iran. This one still here off-channel with male talks in presumed Farsi (Craig Edwards - hard-core-dx 29, 23) Кипр 1233 1948 TWR Cape Greco, Cyprus. Nice signal here in Arabic well over 2NC. Noted at 2125 with possible Radio Canada International ID (but didn't have tape running) in Arabic then into male commentary (Craig Edwards - hard-core-dx 29, 23) Китай 765 2035 CNR Fujian, China. Fair for only a couple of minutes with typical CNR musical show, noted during a period of dead air after the news on 5CC (Craig Edwards - hard-core-dx 29, 23) 1035 2003 CNR1, China. Fair and in the clear with Chinese musical // 6030 (Craig Edwards - hard-core-dx 29, 23) Филиппины 666 2045 DZRH Metro Manila, Philippines. Fair over the mush with Tagalog news & weather then canned DZRH IDs (Craig Edwards - hard-core-dx 29, 23) 954 1132 DZEM Bulacan, Philippines. Fair at times but only noticed during talkback bits on 2UE, usual Tagalog religious program (Craig Edwards - hard-core-dx 29, 23) 1170 2013 DXMR Zamboanga, Philippines. Good here with news items and dramatic music between each piece (Craig Edwards - hard-core-dx 29, 23) 1215 1110 DYRF Cebu City, Philippines. Poor here with religious programming in Tagalog under 4HI (Craig Edwards - hard-core-dx 29, 23) 1260 1100 DZEL Lucena City, Philippines. Poor under 3SR with Eagle Broadcasting Corporation ID & DZEL canned IDs (Craig Edwards - hard-core-dx 29, 23) 1260 2043 DXRF Davao City, Philippines. Fair here on a nice peak over mush of 3SR, 6KA and Sawa. News items and DZRH canned IDs so obviously relaying DZRH 666 overnight (Craig Edwards - hard-core-dx 29, 23) 1287 2040 DXRC Zamboanga City, Philippines. Fair with series of Super Radyo IDs (CE) 1296 1040 DXAB Davao City, Philippines. Good heard with program from the Vatican about Pope John Paul II in Tagalog (CE) ------------------------------- FM Албания 91.2 Radio Club FM - mono, Albanian (Samir, Norwich - skywaves 1507) 94.5 "EUROSTAR 94.5 FM" - scrolling PS, sounded Albanian (Samir, Norwich - skywaves 1507) Бельгия 107.9 1632- BEL: Must FM, Habay (Lx-tx).. Two quick id's. 100 W (Harri Kujala - skywaves 1507) Германия 100.4 1542- D: R Regenbogen, Mannheim. 103.2 1537- D: Antenne Bayern on many freq's. No low power privates unfortunately. 104.2 1632- D: Antenne Dusseldorf (NrW). NrW-stations are very rare 107.6 1620- D: BIG FM, Rheinland-Pfaltz. (Harri Kujala - skywaves 1507) Греция 88.0 Hot Mix FM, Trikala (Thesalloniki area) (Niels A. Holst, Denmark - skywaves 1507) Испания 91.1 1644- E: COPE Rioja. Ads like: "Rioja 4 Television". (Harri Kujala - skywaves 1507) Италия 91.7 1515- I: R Margherita in Piemonte. Cuneo-tx. Local-id for Piemonte. A little bit before also on 88.7 MHz. Is it still Radio Simpatia on 88.7 (Torino)or now relaying Margherita 24h? 91.8 1525- I: R Margherita, Torino-tx. 94.1 1525- I: R Nostalgia, Genova (GE). Cuneo-tx. Gave local telephone for 011-advertisers (Publi-Compass). 95.2 1532- I: R Canelli (AT). 95.9 1532- I: R Zeta, Torino-tx. (Harri Kujala - skywaves 1507) 88.5 1512- I: R Vega, Canelli (AT). Good sounding jingle. 89.5 1507- I: R Fantastica Piemonte, Torino (TO). (Harri Kujala - skywaves 1507) Люксембург 107.7 1610- LUX: Den Neie Radio, Letzeburg.. "DNR Service". Nice surprise! (Harri Kujala - skywaves 1507) Македония 94.10 4202 1741.49 MKD MR 2 - Radio 2000, Skopje-Crni Vrh 97.30 4201 RA 1743.08 MKD MR 1 - Radio Skopje, Skopje-Crni Vrh (Herman Wijnants - skywaves 1507) Португалия 90.2 1659- POR: R Renascenca. RDP tentatively on 88.4 ja 93.4. (Harri Kujala - skywaves 1507) Турция Times in UTC 97.20 ACAD METRO_FM 1609.29 97.70 322B TATLISES 1610.06 TUR Radyo Tatlises, Istanbul 97.70 5771 1610.07 89.30 3219 1610.39 TUR Alem FM, Istanbul-K.Camlica 94.70 15C0 1623.11 94.70 15C0 1623.25 94.70 3218 radyo_5_ 1623.46 TUR Radyo 5 (Besh), Istanbul-K.Camlica 92.00 32E8 1627.07 TUR Kral FM, Istanbul-K.Camlica 91.40 3201 WWW. 1627.29 TUR TRT FM, Istanbul-B.Camlica 91.00 345A ALATURKA 1630.00 TUR Radyo Alaturka, Istanbul 90.30 AAA1 CITY 1631.07 TUR Kiss FM, Istanbul 94.50 BABA 1632.33 TUR Radio Blue, Istanbul 98.70 5349 __KLAS__ 1635.00 TUR Radyo Klas, Istanbul 103.60 1636.02 ? mono no RDS TUR 88.20 1638.32 TUR TRT 3 - Radyo Uc, Istanbul-B.Camlica 91.40 3201 KE 1639.36 TUR TRT FM, Istanbul-B.Camlica 92.00 32E8 KRAL_FM_ 1640.34 93.50 3211 DUNYA_ 1641.33 98.40 321D ST 1645.27 TUR Best FM, Istanbul 101.30 3221 EKS_SI 1647.24 Radyo Omesh?? 101.30 3221 10EKAN__ 1650.25 89.40 531F 1652.56 101.30 3221 1656.10 Radyo Obesh Istanbul???? 101.30 3221 1656.51 TUR Radyo 15, Istanbul 88.60 7000 _YOK__ 1657.32 TUR Radyo Arti, 88.6, Istanbul 91.90 5A00 1700.25 93.40 3055 UL 1718.39 97.20 ACAD ME 1723.28 TUR Metro FM, Istanbul-B.Camlica 89.60 6341 1731.03 (Herman Wijnants - skywaves 1507) Франция 90.1 1519- F: Top Music, Selestat (67). "90.1 a Selestat". (Harri Kujala - skywaves 1507) 105.8 1638- F: Clash FM, Saint-Satur (18). Only RDS and music. (Harri Kujala - skywaves 1507) ------------------------------ TV ------------------------------ World Utility News 4270 kHz 21/5. Retransmisi?n codigo alfa,In,locutora,20:53+. 5090 kHz 21/5. ZSR,locutora,In,20:32+ 6485 USB 21/5. Retransmisi?n de n?meros,In,19:12+. 6959 USB 20/5. Retransmisi?n de n?meros en series de cinco,22:36+,In. 17489 kHz 21/5. KPA 2,locutora,In,13:57+ 4150 USB 21/5. Pescadores espa?oles hablando en Gallego,20:51+. 8198 USB 21/5. Conversaci?n entre dos hombres,Ruso?,19:23+. 8734 USB 21/5. Olympia Radio,fin de una conversaci?n,entra ID,19:27+. 8791 USB 21/5. Conversaci?n entre un hombre y una mujer,Ruso?.19:31+. 8886 USB 21/5. Conversaci?n entre dos hombres en frances,19:35+. 8894 LSB 21/5. Conversaci?n entre dos hombres en frances,19:38+. (Jose Miguel Romero - hard-core-dx 29, 23) 06784.0 TXX1: Spa-Pol Madrid 0713 USB/ALE clg TWCO2 (25/may/05) (sw) 05865.0 TXX2: Spa-Pol Madrid 0718 USB/ALE clg TWVA2 (25/may/05) (sw) 05352.0 TXX2: Spa-Pol Madrid 0726 USB/ALE clg TWVB2 (25/may/05) (sw) 05865.0 TWVL2: Spa-Pol 0728 USB/ALE clg TXX2 Madrid (25/may/05) (sw) 05286.0 TXX2: Spa-Pol Madrid 0728 USB/ALE clg TWVL2 also noted on 05352.0 05865.0 and 07527.0 (25/may/05) (sw) 05865.0 TXX2: Spa-Pol Madrid 0735 USB/ALE clg TWVO2 also noted on 05286.0 05352.0 and 06796.0 (25/may/05) (sw) 05865.0 TXX2: Spa-Pol Madrid 0743 USB/ALE clg TWVP2 (25/may/05) (sw) 05865.0 TWVP2: Spa-Pol 0743 USB/ALE clg TXX2 Madrid (25/may/05) (sw) 05352.0 TXX2: Spa-Pol Madrid 0749 USB/ALE clg TWVZ2 also noted on 05286.0 06796.0 and 06955.0 (25/may/05) (sw) 07512.0 TWLV: Spa-Pol Viscaya 0756 USB/ALE clg TXXX Madrid also noted on 053252.0 (25/may/05) (sw) 06955.0 TXX2: Spa-Pol Madrid 0757 USB/ALE clg TYMA2 (25/may/05) (sw) 05352.0 TXX2: Spa-Pol Madrid 0802 USB/ALE clg TYMB2 (25/may/05) (sw) 05847.0 TXX2: Spa-Pol Madrid 0805 USB/ALE clg TYMC2 also noted on 07527.0 (25/may/05) (sw) (Sam, UK - wun 13, 36) DAILY REPORT : MAY 25, 2005 HF 28 MHz. Beacons: utc qrg call/s rst dist/kms 06:49 28,182.5 SV3AQR 336 1,140 07:14 28,244.8 IT9DTU 447 846 14:35 28,243.- F5TMJ 488 962 16:24 28,200.- CS3B 477 2,947 In the late afternoon it was audible for long time a carrier on abt 28,173 khz. (rst 478). (Walter Cappopza, Italy - wun 13, 36) ------------------------------ QSL Великобритания UNITED KINGDOM 13720 Family World Radio via Skelton Transmitter. Full data 'three decades of Faithful Service' Anniversary QSL Card. Also sent religious material, schedule and WYFR Stickers, in 38 days. (Edward Kusalik-Alberta,CANADA - CumbreDX 1140) ОАЭ 15520 Family World Radio via Al Dhabayya. Full data 'three decades of Faithful Service' Anniversary QSL Card. Also sent religious material, schedule and WYFR Stickers, in 38 days. (Edward Kusalik-Alberta,CANADA - CumbreDX 1140) ----------------------------- Аппаратура Jose Miguel Romero EA5-1022 Saca?et (Castell?n) Espa?a SANGEAN ATS 909 Antena telescopica. John Wilkins, Wheat Ridge, Colorado. Drake R-8, 100-foot RW. Guy Atkins Puyallup, WA USA mod. ICOM IC-756Pro & mod. ICOM R-75 Kiwa MAP / ERGO 450 & 700 ft. Beverage Antennas
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