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Электронный DX Бюллетень WorldDX
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Всемирный DX Бюллетень 16 17.04.05 ---------------------------------- КВ Австрия [non] It seems the previously published English schedule in 5-054 is rather unreliable. On weekends the Canada relay on 13775 at 1500-1600 is supposed to be mostly-English at 1505-1530 and 1535-1600, but Sat April 16 I was surprised to hear it in German at 1516; finally began English at 1519:30 with The News, weather forecast, and at 1522 Report from Austria which was to run another 15 minutes. ID in English was still as Radio Austria International, not Austria-One. Did not keep with it to discover what happened at 1530, 1537 or 1549:30 (Glenn Hauser, OK, dxldyg 389) Аляска KNLS has finally put up a supposedly current from March 27 schedule on its English website at http://www.knls.org/English/ksched.htm but it only accounts for one transmitter, and the previous two English broadcasts, at 0800 on 11870, 1300 on 9615 --- despite the fact that a new English broadcast at 1200 instead has already been reported! Apparently KNLS itself is not sure of its own schedule. The Chinese and the Russian page too http://www.knls.net/rus/schedule.htm continue to show the 2-transmitter version. I have had no luck monitoring KNLS here at various times on either schedule (Glenn Hauser, OK, April 15, dxldyg 389) Ангола Imposible de escuchar Radio Nacional de Angola desde mi QTH habitual y muy bien escuchada en este DX camp casi improvisado. La emisora emitia en su frecuencia habitual de 4950 Khz en idioma Portugues el dia 8-4- 2005 y yo comence a escucharla a las 2202 UT con un programa de comentarios hablados por un hombre en Portugues el SINPO es de 32222 (Jose Hernandez Madrid - NoticiasDX 882) Аргентина 11710 RAE; 2233-38+, 8-Apr; W/SS w/ID & Andean music. SIO=3+33, freq slightly above 11710.0 (Harold Frodge-MI - CumbreDX 1093) 6214.1, 13.4 2245, Radio Baluarte, Pt. Iguazu, with religious program, Portuguese talk. Best in LSB. Still readable at re- check at 0145. April 14 6214.1 was completely silent - nothing heard, but on again April 15 from 2245. 2 (Stig Hartvig Nielsen, Denmark, SW Bulletin April 17, translated by editor Thomas Nilsson for DXLD 5065) Боливия Desde hace ya un par de anos no escuchaba este radiopais y el Viernes 8- 04-2005 a las 2244 UT entro muy bien la emisora RADIO SAN MIGUEL por los 4902 Khz estaban emitiendo un programa de notas y agradecimientos de algunas personas a otras por diversos motivos el SINPO es de 32222 y el programa emitido era en espanol. (Jose Hernandez Madrid - NoticiasDX 882) 4796,43. Radio Mallku, 1000-1005 Noted a woman in local language comments. Signal is very good at this point. (Chuck Bolland, April 12, 2005 - Hard-Core-DX 28, 13) 6135, Radio Santa Cruz, 2250, narraci?n partidos de f?tbol del campeonato boliviano, locutores. Se?al d?bil e interferida por Radio Aparecida en 6135. 122221. (Abril 17). Los domingos en la noche, mientras se juegan los campeonatos de f?tbol de los distintos pa?ses sudamericanos es buena oportunidada para captar emisoras de esta zona, pues normalmente suelen transmitir los distintos partidos, especialmente de los equipos locales. Este es el caso de Radio Santa Cruz, ya que entre otros partidos, se disputaba el que el equipo de Santa Cruz "Blooming" jugaba contra el "Real Potos?". (Manuel Mendez - Hard-Core-DX 28, 19) 6025, Radio Illimani (probable-presumed), 2300-2340. Luego de bastante tiempo, logr? escuchar de nuevo esta emisora, aunque con se?al muy d?bil. No pude escuchar su identificaci?n pero casi con toda probabilidad era Radio Illimani. Se escuchaba a partir de las 2300 que creo es la mejor hora para sintonizarla aqu? en Espa?a, ya que cierra Radio Budapest y queda el canal libre. Programa de m?sica, canciones rom?ntica en espa?ol y locutor. A veces apenas audible, y a las 2340 la se?al se volvi? completamente inaudible. O es casualidad o parece que empieza a dar resultado lo que me hab?a comentado el Director de la emisora por mail, que tratar?an de volver la antena a su configuraci?n anterior para que pudiese ser sintonizada como hace unos meses. Concretamente dec?a esto: "Pero hemos cambiado el tipo de propagaci?n de onda, para mejorar la se?al en Am?rica Latina, voy a comentar lo suyo con el t?cnico, para, en su caso, reponer la forma anterior que permitia llegar a ?sas zonas alejadas. Pronto tendr? mayores comentarios al respecto. Jos? Luis Almanza. DIRECTOR". 14221. (Abril 15 Manuel Mendez - Hard-Core-DX 28, 17). Бразилия Escuchadas varias emisoras Brasilenas en la banda de los 60 Metros estas fueron 4765 Radio Rural en Idioma Portugues la hora de escucha las 2236 UT y la fecha 8-4-2005 con un SINPO de 33333, en el momento de la escucha estaban emitiendo un bloque de anuncios y tras los anuncios identificacion de la emisora (Jose Hernandez Madrid - NoticiasDX 882) 4825 Escuchada Radio Educadora el dia 8-4-2005 a las 2303 UT y como no en idioma Portugues el SINPO 33333 y el programa escuchado fue tambien un bloque publicitario con muchas menciones al Para. (Jose Hernandez Madrid - NoticiasDX 882) 4885 Radio Club do Para en idioma Portugues y la hora y dia de la escucha el dia 8-4-2005 a las 2238 UT el programa escuchado fue tambien un bloque publicitario y posterior identificacion de la emisora el SINPO de la emisora es 33333. (Jose Hernandez Madrid - NoticiasDX 882) 3235, Radio Guaruj? Paulista, 0610, locutor, comentarios y canciones. Se?al muy d?bil, por momentos apenas audible. 14211. (Manuel Mendez - Hard-Core-DX 28, 13 Abril- April 12). 4885, Radio Clube do Par?, Belem, 0727, "Clube da Madrugada", comentarios y m?sica. 34333. (Abril 12 Manuel Mendez - Hard-Core-DX 28, 13). 4915, Radiodifusora Macap?, 0730, locutor, comentarios y m?sica. 34333. (Abril 12 Manuel Mendez - Hard-Core-DX 28, 13). 5015, Radio Pioneira, Teresina, 0448, portugu?s, locutor, comentario religioso sobre la vida del Papa. 24322.(Manuel Mendez - Hard-Core-DX 28, 13) 6060, Radio Tupi, 0714, locutor, portugu?s, programa religioso, predicaciones. 24322. (Abril 12 Manuel Mendez - Hard-Core-DX 28, 13). 6185, Radio Nacional da Amazonia, 0753, locutor, comentarios y canciones brasile?as. Inteferencia de Radio Educaci?n, de M?xico en la misma frecuencia, cuando a esta hora ya se escuchaba muy d?bil. 23222. (Abril 12 - Manuel Mendez - Hard-Core-DX 28, 13). 9615, Radio Cultura, Sao Paulo, 0920, canciones brasile?as. 24222. (Abril 12 - manuel Mendez - Hard-Core-DX 28, 13). 9695, Radio Rio Mar, Manaus, 1002, locutor, noticias y anuncios. 24222. (Abril 12 Manuel Mendez - Hard-Core-DX 28, 13). 11735, Radio Transmundial, 1928-1935, locutor, comentario relioso, "A palabra de Deus e a verdade" Identificaci?n: "Esta e a Radio Transmundial". 24322. (Abril 11 - Manuel Mendez - Hard-Core-DX 28, 13). 11765, Radio Tupi, 0915, programa religioso, predicaciones, portugu?s. 24322. (Abril 12 - Manuel Mendez - Hard-Core-DX 28, 13). 11785, Radio Guiba de Porto Alegre, 0912, locutor, noticias de la ciudad de Porto Alegre. 24322. (Abril 12 - Manuel Mendez - Hard-Core-DX 28, 13). 11925, Radio Bandeirantes, 0957, locutor, comentarios: "Seis e cincuenta e sete aqu? na Bandeirantes". Noticias a las 1000. 24322. (Abril 12 Manuel Mendez - Hard-Core-DX 28, 13). 6160, Radio Rio Mar (pres) 1002-1020 Noted a man in Portuguese comments on reverb. It was difficult to hold on to this since he kept fading in and out. Caught him on parallel frequency of 9695 KHz with just about the same problem of fade out. Never noticed this Brazil before on 6160, but I can't be positive since I don't report many Brazilians. (Chuck Bolland, April 14, 2005 - CumbreDX 1096) 9639, Radio Aparecida, 2253, portugu?s, canciones religiosas y comentarios. 24222. Tambi?n en 6135 con el mismo programa. 22222. (Abril 17). (Manuel Mendez - Hard-Core-DX 28, 19) Гана 04915 ghana ID / ds-1 50k 0530 322 fading ang om rooster! - musique 13apr05 (Michel Lacroix - Hard-Core-DX 28, 14) Гватемала 4052.5, Radio Verdad, 0323-0559, Locutor, programa religioso en espa?ol, Identificaci?n: "Est?n en la sinton?a de Radio Verdad". 0500 programa en ingl?s. Canciones y comentarios religiosos. Cierre a las 0559. 24322. (Abril 12 Manuel Mendez - Hard-Core-DX 28, 13). Гондурас 3249.8, Radio Luz y Vida, 0325-0359, Locutor y locutora, espa?ol, programa religioso, m?sica. Mala modulaci?n. Cierre a las 0359. 24222. (Abril 12 Manuel Mendez - Hard-Core-DX 28, 13). Греция[non] Is this any way to treat your English-speaking audience? Yes! If your prime mission is to be a diaspora service. Tho Hellenes Around the World was heard last Saturday at 1400 on 9775 via Delano, this week, April 16, Greek continued past 1400, then a bit of music, and at 1405 joined ERA-Spor network for a stupid bola game, pre-empting HAW. This was so important that 9775 was extended to 1600 rather than closing at 1500, filling the usual one-hour gap before 17705 comes up. I expect this will be a common occurrence as the summer progresses, local Saturday afternoon being prime-time for spor (Glenn Hauser, OK, dxldyg 389) Египет 17835 kHz, Radio Cairo. Apr. 5 at *1214-1235. SINPO 25332. Sign-on with ID in English, followed by Egyptian song and Koran recitation and its translation in English. News from 1230 (Iwao Nagatani, Japan, Japan Premium via DXLD 5065) Израиль 9345 Khz 9/4. Voz de Israel,19:45-20:00,es,ID "Kol Israel,la voz de Israel",boletin de noticias.SINPO 44333.(Jose Miguel Romero - NoticiasDX 882) Индонезия 4925 RRI Jambi(p) 1253-1303. Mellow EG pop mx; SCI at 1259 with male voice-over; 1300 Berita ekonomi from Jakarta; 1315 back to local programming (sub-cont. mx). Better than usual signal this morning. (John Wilkins 4/17 - CumbreDX 1099) Ирак 4860, Voice of Iranian Kurdistan, 0319, Locutor, male voice, kurdo, Kurdish. 24322 (April 12 Manuel Mendez - Hard-Core-DX 28, 13). Канада 6030, 1432-, CFCP Apr 17 Good reception with the Lutheran Hour. Well over 2 cochannels Chinese ( Udorn, Thailand with IBB according to HFCC A05 and presumed Chinese jammer), now that the sun rises much earlier. Address given in Kitchener, Ontario (heavilly populated in the late 19th century by Germans, and especially Mennonites). ID at 1500 as, 'This is Calgary's AM 1060 CKMX'. Into the Christian Scientist sentinel edition. (Walter Salmaniw, Victoria, BC - dxldyg 390) Казахстан/Германия KAZAKSTAN, 7115, Deutsche Welle relay. 2215-2220, musical request = program in progress - carrier off for 30 seconds at 2217. SIO=3D333. (T.C Patterson - CumbreDX 1099) Колумбия 6139.8, Radio Lider, 0552-0600, Roberto Carlos's songs in Spanish. At 0556 identification, male voice: "Radio Lider". Other Spanish songs. At 0600, like all days, Radio Lider is blocked for Deustche Welle, with programme in English on 6140. 24322. (April 10).(Manuel Mendez - Hard-Core-DX 28, 11) 5910, Marfil Estereo, 0601-0700, songs in Spanish, nice Colombian songs. Identification: "Marfil Estereo". Poor signal but without interference. 24222. (April 10).(Manuel Mendez - Hard-Core-DX 28, 11) Escuhada por primera vez la emisora Colombiana MARFIL STEREO con un programa musical de musica Sudamericana y muchas identificaciones la hora de emision fue a las 0638 UT el dia 9-4-2005 con un SINPO de 33333 y en idioma espanol, esta emisora estuve escuchandola hasta pasadas las 0725 UT de la manana. (Jose Hernandez Madrid - NoticiasDX 882) 6140, Radio Lider, 0527-0600. It's surprising the very nice signal of this Station here at sunrise hours, till DW begin his programme in English. At this moment I'am listening Radio Lider with my small Sony ICF SW-7600 G, inside my apartment. The music is very nice. Spanish singer Nino Bravo songs and identification at 0530: "Transmite Radio Lider, 730 AM estereo, Radio Lider, otra emisora de la cadena Melodia de Colombia, en Radio Lider, 730 AM estereo, esta es la hora oficial, las 12.30 de la noche", and at 0558: " Desde Bogota, Colombia, transmite el canal preferencial Radio Lider, 730 AM estereo, Radio Lider, otra potente emisora de la Cadena Melodia de Colombia". 34333. (April 11). (Manuel Mendez - CumbreDX 1093) 5910, Marfil Estereo, 0356-0740, Canciones, anuncios comerciales y muchas identificaciones: "Marfil Estereo, al servicio de la comunidad, informaci?n y m?sica, un servicio de Marfil Estereo, estamos en 98.8. Tambi?n nos puede escuchar en todo el estado del Meta a trav?s de Ondas del Meta, Villavicencio". "Marfil te hace compa??a las 24 horas del d?a". "Marfil Estereo te lleva lo mejor. Marfil Estereo te lleva ondas de paz". "Est?n escuchando Marfil Estereo, transmitiendo desde Puerto Lleras, Lomalinda, Departamente del Meta". 45444. (Abril 12 Manuel Mendez - Hard-Core-DX 28, 13). 6010.2, La Voz de tu Conciencia, 0700, programa religioso, identificaci?n: "Transmite La Voz de tu Conciencia". Comentario: "Cristo es la Palabra". 23222. (Abril 12 Manuel Mendez - Hard-Core-DX 28, 13). 6139.8, Radio Lider, 0407-0600, Locutor, noticias de Colombia y del mundo, "Son las 11 de la noche y 1o minutos, otras noticias". Canciones. "La hora exacta aqu? en Radio Lider, de la Cadena Melod?a de Colombia, las 11 y 28 minutos. "En Radio Lider ?ltimas noticias". "Transmite Radio Lider, desde Bogot? pra la Cadena Melod?a de Colombia. 44444. (Abril 12 Manuel Mendez - Hard-Core-DX 28, 13). 6139.77, Radio Melodia, 0915-0944 Noted mainly Rancheros type music with ID's between tunes. ID's seemed to be canned and were for "Radio Lider". Not to hot with my Spanish, but ID one ended up as, "Transmite Radio Lider ...Bogata, ... Melodia, Colombia". "En Radio Lider, 730 kcs, HJCU, esta es la hora official, 4 y 45 minutos". I padded the callsign from the WRTH. Signal was airchair the entire period of listening. (Chuck Bolland, April 14, 2005 - CumbreDX 1096) 6140, Radio Lider, 0057, Canciones en espa?ol y luego noticias. Identificaci?n: "Desde Bogot?, Colombia, transmite Radio Lider, el canal preferencial HJCU, Radio Lider, 330 Kilociclos AM estereo, otra potente emisora de la Cadena Melod?a de Colombia. En Radio Lider estas son las ?ltimas noticias". Noticias de la situaci?n p?litica en Quito, Ecuador. "En Radio Lider estas fueron las ?ltimas noticias". 24322. (Abril 17). (Manuel Mendez - hard-Core-DX 28, 19) 6010, La Voz de tu Conciencia, 0305, Canciones y comentarios religiosos. Locutor. 23222. (Abril 16 Manuel Mendez - Hard-Core-DX 28, 17). Коста-Рика 15385 R. Exterior de Espana (via relay) 2330-0010 . Heard with armchair copy atm. this is significant in that they were either off air or inaudible the past week. I tuned them in at beginning of A05 to confirm they were there hrd them 555 , found them off after leaving room for a few minutes at 0030. They were on yesterday (copied SIO 222 on a portable), but faded out at 00:20. (Rick Barton,AZ 5-10 - CumbreDX 1096) Куба April 14 after 2300, RNV was missing from 11760 and 13680 Cuban relays: CRI via Canada was clear on 13680, and 11760 was carrying a Fidel speech \\ 15230 at least. So RNV also gets pre-empted by Fidel? Breach of contract? (Glenn Hauser, dxldyg 389) Латвия 9290 Khz 9/4. R.Tatras,18:43-19:00,ingles,ID, relays mx disco de los 80 y 90,entrevista.SINPO 55444. (Jose Miguel Romero - NoticiasDX 882) 9290 Radio Tatras International (presumed) 2130-2300*. Very tentative log of what appears to be scheduled Radio Tatras relay. Pop music with some talk occasionally breaking through the noise. Extremely poor reception, just enough to indicate something was there. Short peak with music at around 2220. Disappeared at 2300. First log of anything on this frequency. (Jim Evans, TN, April 10 - CumbreDX 1094) 9290 EMR relays 1845 S9+10 to 20 nice rock songs . A continuous IS at 1855 as RI. (9.4.5.) Agai on 10.4 o 1510 with good signal on DE1102 /PL200 ( during diversity radio testing) and later on R75 with S9+20 44444 on 1855 (Zacharias Liangas - CumbreDX 1096) 6310 R MAlaisi 1510 with pop songs new tune in 1755 with "donot Let me be misunderstood" . 33423 Liangas 10.4.5 (Zacharias Liangas - CumbreDX 1096) pirate 6325.3 unIDed 1935 OM with email adress at .... nl OLd rock song Signal S3, 22332 Liangas 10.4.5 (Zacharias Liangas - CumbreDX 1096) Pirate 6220 Mystery Radio 1945 with pop songs S9 34434 LIangas 10.4.5 (Zacharias Liangas - CumbreDX 1096) Мадагаскар 11835, 1504-, Radio Netherlands Apr 17 Good reception of English broadcast with slightly weaker parallel 9890 regarding Burmese refugees in Thailand. (WalterSalmaniw, Victoria, BC - dxldyg 390) Марокко RTV Marocaine, 11920, Arabic, 55444, today 04.53. News about Moroccan politics. (Илья Клепко - open_dx 713) Мексика 6185, Radio Educacion, 0703-0720, Classic and religious songs. Religious songs in Latin. 24322. (April 10). (Manuel Mendez - Hard-Core-DX 28, 11) 6010.1, Radio Mil, 0733, canciones en espa?ol. Interferencia de La Voz de tu Conciencia con sus predicaciones. Se escuchaba mejor en USB. 12221. (Abril 12 Manuel Mendez - Hard-Core-DX 28, 13) . 6185, Radio Educaci?n, 0540, Muy buena se?al a esta hora. M?sica cl?sica. Identifaci?n a las 0546: "Radio Educaci?n, el oasis del cuadrante, 1060 AM". 44444. (Abril 12 Manuel Mendez - Hard-Core-DX 28, 13). Молдова MOLDOVA 5960 Radio DMR 1603 with news read by man in English. Poor signal, bad splatter so I listened in USB. A number of mentions of Moldova. Partial ID at 1615, "News ... Moldovian Republic." (Hans Johnson April 13 - CumbreDX 1096) Монголия 12085, Voice of Mongolia, 0900-1010, programas en Mongolian-mongol 0900-0930, Mandar?n, 0930-1000 y en Ingl?s, 1000-1030: "This is the English Service of the Voice of Mongolia". 34333. (Abril 12 Manuel Mendez - Hard-Core-DX 28, 13). Newfounland 6160 kHz, CKZN, St. John's NF (or NL), heard on 27 Mar 0947 to fade-out 1010, English, music, CBC ID, talks, jazz prior to 1000; 14431, adj QRM de AUT 6155 & HRV 6165 (Carlos Goncalves, Portugal, Conexion Digital via DXLD 5065) Новая Зеландия 11820 Apr 18 0658-0705 New Zealand: R. New Zealand International, Rangitaiki. at 658 UTC heard some music. Time signal at 700 UTC followed by Id in english, RNZ news read by a male announcer. Program reminder and change frequency message and sign off at 705 UTC. SINPO 14222 (Nino Marabello - Hard-Core-DX 28, 19) Парагвай 9737, Radio Nacional, 0810-0905, "Transmite ZP1 Radio Nacional de Paraguay, informaci?n que contribuye, presenta Noticias al Minuto, las 4 de la ma?ana con 10 minutos". Resumen de presenta de los diarios "La Naci?n", "Cr?nica" y "?ltima Hora", programa presentado por Hugo Venancio Villalba. Canciones de Paraguay. 35433. (April 12 Manuel Mendez - Hard-Core-DX 28, 13). 9737, Radio Nacional de Paraguay, 2158-2240, locutores, narraci?n de los partidos de f?tbol del torneo apertura paraguayo. Especial menci?n de los equipos Olimpia, Guar? y Cerro Porte?o. Identificaci?n: "Escuche el torneo apertura aqu? por Radio Nacional". Anuncios comerciales. 24322. (April 17 Manuel Mendez - Hard-Core-DX 28, 19) Перу 6105.04, Radio Panamerica (pres), 1030, As noted above, this station came on the air at 1025 with a carrier, then seemed to begin broadcasting at 1030 mixing with RTI. He could have been broadcasting immediately at 1025, but I didn't catch any audio until 1030. Noted Spanish comments from a man. Signal was poor and difficult to comprehend due to the QRM caused by RTI. (Chuck Bolland, April 10, 2005 - Hard-Core-DX 28, 11) Escuchada despues de dos anos la emisora Peruana RADIO HUANTA 2000 en idioma Espanol el dia 8-4-2005 a las 2204 UT y con un SINPO de 22222, el programa escuchado fue un bello programa de Musica andina y la emisora se identifico a las 2255 UTC. (Jose Hernandez Madrid - NoticiasDX 882) 9720 Radio Victoria (t); 2239-2330+, 8-Apr; Rlgs pgm in (pretty sure) PP till about 2250 when they switched to SS. Definitely in SS w/more rlgn @2300 when DW signed off. M mentioned Lima & W mentioned Cusco @2318. Poor u/DW via Germany in EE till 2300, then alone. New QRM from 9715 @2258 but USB took that out; still poor but copiable. Improved considerably after 2315. (Harold Frodge-MI - CumbreDX 1093) 5939.4, Radio Melod?a, Arequipa, 0649, locutor, noticias y anuncios de la ciudad de Arequipa. 0702 Identificaci?n: "Contin?en ene la escucha de Melod?a, dos de la ma?ana con tres minutos". Anuncio de una misa por la memoria del Papa. 23222. (Abril 12 Manuel Mendez - Hard-Core-DX 28, 13). 6020.4, Radio Victoria, 0405-0420, espa?ol, entrevista con oyentes. "11 de la noche y 15 minutos, seguimos aqu? con el programa La Voz de la Liberaci?n". 24322. (April 12 Manuel Mendez - Hard-Core-DX 28, 13). 9720, Radio Victoria, 0550, Espa?ol y portugu?s, predicaciones. 23222. (April 12 Manuel Mendez - Hard-Core-DX 28, 13). 6020.26 9720 Radio Victoria 0615 lengthy monologue in Spanish, fading off on 6020.26 but still legible (Alexander Koutamanis, Apr 14 - CumbreDX 1096) Россия Летнее расписание вещания Радио России на русском языке в направлении Западной Европы через передатчик в Москве 250 киловатт / 260 градусов следующее 0100-0600 на 9480 0620-1500 на 13665 1520-2100 на 9450 (DX-MIX 509 через Медиа-DX Libero) Свазиленд 3200, Trans World Radio, 0305-0330, Locutor, male, vernacular (Ndebele). Cierre transmisi?n a las 0330. Closed transmission at 0330. 34333. (April 12 Manuel Mendez - Hard-Core-DX 28, 13). Сомали I was listening to the frequency of 6960 kHz April 15 1900-2000 UT. The station was most probably re-activated Radio Shabele, Mogadishu. Unfortunately reception was too poor to ID. 73?s (Jouko Huuskonen, Turku, FINLAND, DXLD 5065) [non]. Radio Horyaal heard 16 April at 1730 s/on in Somali on 12130. Ostensibly via a transmitter in Samara, Russia. Typical Russian test tones heard on the frequency beginning around 1723 (Steve Lare, Holland, MI USA, DXLD 5065) [non]. A-05 for Radio Huryaal in Somali: 1730-1800 Sat-Thu on 12130 SAM 250 kW / 188 deg to EaAf, ex 12140 for B-04 (Observer, Bulgaria, April 15 via DXLD 5065) Суринам 4990, Radio Apintie, 0340, m?sica y canciones, music and songs. 24322. (Abril 12 Manuel Mendez - Hard-Core-DX 28, 13) Тайвань 6105, Radio Tawain International (pres), 1000-1030 Noted a woman with news presented in Mandarin(pres) until 1015. Then at 1015 a man continues with Mandarin(pres) comments with music back ground. Signal was poor but readable. Since WYFR vacated this frequency, DXing has become more interesting here. Noted a second signal tuning up at 1025. It could possibly be Radio Panamericana, but not sure. (Chuck Bolland, April 10, 2005 - Hard-Core-DX 28, 11) Таджикистан Escuchada Tajik Radio por la frecuencia de 4635 Khz el dia 8-4-2005 a las 2219 UT y con un SINPO 32332. El programa escuchado es un programa de noticias hablado por un hombre. (Jose Hernandez Madrid - NoticiasDX 882) Таиланд 6765U Bangkok Meteo 1310-1318. IS, wx in Thai at 1311; IS again at 1316, followed by wx in another SEAsian lang. Nothing heard on 8743U. (John Wilkins 4/17 - CumbreDX 1099) Тайвань 15250 Fu Hsing Broadcasting Station, Taipei. Nice full data Crocus Flower QSL Card with accompany information letter in English and Chinese. This for my report of March the 13th. The only error is that for the Date and Time they have listed 94.03.13 for both... somewhat of error for the year? Sent in a large brown envelope with this address: Fu Hsing Broadcasting Station, 5, Lane 280, Section 5, Chungshan North Road, Taipei 111, Republic of China ( Taiwan) E-mail: fushinge@ms63.hinet.net web site: www.fhbs.com.tw Reply in 27 days. v/s nil . (Edward Kusalik- Alberta, CANADA - CumbreDX 1096) Уганда 4976, Radio Uganda, 2030, M?sica vern?cula. 24222. (Abril 11 - Manuel Mendez - Hard-Core-DX 28, 13). Узбекистан/Ватикан 12065, 1510-, Vatican Radio Apr 17 Very good reception with ID in an south or central Asian language. One of the stronger stations audible this morning, which otherwise is rather unimpressive. WWV on 15 megs is not even propagating!. (Walter Salmaniw, Victoria, BC - dxldyg 390) Узбекистан 5025, Radio Tashkent, 2052. Programa en ingl?s. Comentarios de Uzbekist?n. Identificaci?n: "You are tuning to the English Service of Radio Tashkent International, broadcasting from the Republic of Uzbekistan". 34333. (Abril 17).(Manuel Mendez - Hard-Core-DX 28, 19) Филиппины 9720, Radio Veritas Asia, 1015-1030 Noted a man and woman in Mandurin (Pres) Language comments. This logging's ID based entirely on A05 schedule and Chinese comments heard. Signal was poor. (Chuck Bolland, April 12, 2005 - Hard-Core-DX 28, 13) Центрально-Африканская Республика 9590 Radio Centafrique (t); 2103-25+, 8-Apr; M&W in FF. Hrd 2 tentative IDs by W after bumper tunes; one sounded like R. Centaf- rique & the other like R. Centafricaine. Many off/on's. I've never hrd a clean ID from this. SIO=222 (Harold Frodge-MI - CumbreDX 1093) Эквадор 3279.6, La Voz del Napo-Radio Mar?a, 0335-0545, Locutor, comentarios religiosos, m?sica y canciones. A las 0414: "Les presentamos a nuestra Hermana Alicia". A las 0526 lectura del Rosario.". 24322. (Abril 12). 4909.29 Radio Chasqui, Imbabura (Ecuador) 0010 UTC. New Ecuadorian station with test transmissions, started yesterday. I have a very good recording with telephone number. Tomorrow II will, hopefully, talk to the station and of course present the recording on my ID-site."Imbabura" is a province and I will check exactly from where they are transmitting R. Bah???, Otavalo on 4950 kHz has been inactive for many years, perhaps they have sold transmitter/licence to Radio Chasqui? Also Otavalo is located in the province of Imbabura. (Bjorn Malm - Hard-Core-DX 28, 13) have now talked to the owner of Radio Chaskis Senor Chaquiguango Cotacachi Luis. We had a very nice conversation and this is what he told me: He has been working in the radio buisness for 12 years and is also owner of the mediumwave station Chaskis del Norte, Ibarra on 950 kHz. Note that the name of the two stations is "Chaski" and not "Chasqui" (both WRTH and the official Ecuadorian list have this name). The station has nothing to do with Radio Bahai, Otavalo(active on MW but inactive on SW). Radio Chaskis now has a period of test transmissions and is very interesed in receiving reception reports to: Radio Chaski Jiron Roldos Aguilera y Panamericana Norte Otavalo Imbabura Ecuador. email: radiochaskis@hotmail.com Telephone Chaskis Otavalo shortwave: (062) 920 922 Telephone Chaskis Ibarra mediumwave: (O62) 908 124 (Bjorn Malm - CumbreDX 1096) Экваториальная Гвинея 5005, Radio Nacional, Bata, 0528-0559, locutor: "Una feliz ma?ana a atoso los pescadores que est?n a esta hora faenando y una canci?n para ellos". Canciones en vern?culo. 34333. (Abril 12 Manuel Mendez - Hard-Core-DX 28, 13). Экваториальная Гвинея 5005, Radio Nacional, Bata, 2150-2200. Tal como anuncia Radio Bata al cierre de las transmisiones, comienza sus emisones matinales a las 0500 hora de Bata, 0400 UTC, y cierra a las 2200 UTC. "Nos despedimos hasta ma?ana a las 5 de la ma?ana, viva el presidente de la Rep?blica, Viva la Rep?blica de Guinea Ecuatorial". Himno y cierre a las 2200. 24322. (Abril 16).(Manuel Mendez - Hard-Core-DX 28, 19) Южная Африка Channel Africa, dozing, April 15 at 0517 on 9685, sports news in English ended, and then dead air until 0533 when some music came on; meanwhile I tuned over to DW on 9700. A sure way to lose your audience. 24 hours later, ChAf managed to keep modulating during this time period (Glenn Hauser, OK, dxldyg 389) Япония 5006 JG2XA Tokyo 1248. Noted with usual CW ID's, fair signal. (John Wilkins 4/17 - CumbreDX 1099) -------------------------- СВ/ДВ Аляска 890, Homer KBBI IDed as one with Billboard top hits program popping up and down between 0530-0630 UT 4/3. Sneaking thru nulled KDXU and KLFF. Nice signal at times. Gave call letters at TOH 0600. First Alaskan hrd since 1989 when the last I hrd KBBI. Nice! Thanks to Michael Hawkins in Stockton for the tip. (Don K. Kaskey, San Francisco CA, IRCA DX Monitor via DXLD 5065) Багамские о-ва Wow! Must be good propagation on MW tonight. 1540 at 0748, ZNS-1 Nassau, easy copy on my 12m vert ham aerial! Nice reggae mx, then MA with candid comment on the evils of money, solid copy with little fading. Apr 17th (Paul Ormandy ZL4PW New Zealand, greylinedx via DXLD 5065) Германия Сегодня (13\04\2005) приблизительно около 05:xx UTC на частоте 747 кГц принята DW на русском языке. Азимут приблизительно 290 гр. Откуда это? Может комбинашка, но вроде ни с чем не комбинируется... (Вячеслав Олейник - open_dx 713) Вячеслав, наверное "пробило" с одной из двух - 765 Петривка (Р.Маяк-Одесса ретр. НВ на русском в 08.30-08.35v) - 999 пгт Маяк (Григориополь) должен ретр-ть (по прошлым сезонам) 0730-0830 НВ на укр и русс ВРЕМЯ=Киев (Владимир Титарев - open_dx 713) Кипр The BBC relay station on 1323 kHz this MW BBC station is still off the air as from 26th February[?March, wb.] 2005 from 2300 till 0200 UTC then comes back in English without any annoucement of a break in transmission. (Costa Constantinides-CYP, wwdxc BC-DX Apr 12, mwdx 1041) Россия и Разное Послушал немного радио перед закатом при свете дня (1950-2110 местного). Маяк и правда отключили, НЕ было слышно: 531 Чебоксары 549 594 Сургут 810 Екб 891 Тюмень 900 Йошкар-Ола 918 Курганская обл 990 Юрюзань 1134 Саранск 1143 Самара 1359 Пермь скорее всего и другие мощные отдыхают (Волгоград, Новосибирск..)? Маяк был только на 198, 540, 738, 1026, 1521, позже на 576 вскр, время UTC 540 1408 Маяк (Оренбург) 576 1451 Маяк 594 1400 РРоссии (Ижевск) 621 1430 РРоссии 639 1430 РРоссии (Омск) *666 1400 ВВС (Екб) 693 1400 РРоссии (Уфа) 729 1452 Народное радио (Самара) 738 1350 РРоссии / после 14- Маяк (Челябинск) 846 1400 Юность (Пермь) 855 1500 РРоссии (Пенза) 873 1400 РРоссии (Самара) 891 1422 Таиланд? музыка их *909 1500 Свобода (Екб) 936 1400 РРоссии (Матвеевка) 963 1511 Синьцзян на казах //4330 1026 1410 Маяк 1044 1454 Синьцзян на уйгур 1053 1400 РРоссии (Оренбург) 1098 1502 CNR1 1107 1410 Самара на татар 1116 1456 религ на рус (Москва, видимо) 1134 1424 Корея 1134 1443 CNR1, сильно 1161 1411 Орфей (Волгоград) 1170 1412 VOA на кантонском 1170 1510 вперемешку Фарда / VOA / Голос России? 1197 1415 ВВС на рус (Астана), очень сильно 1251 1400 Юность (Ижевск) *1260 1400 Радонеж (Екб) 1278 1400 Юность 1287 1400 Юность (Уфа) 1287 1434 Киргизия под Юностью //4010 1314 1400 РРоссии (Плешаново) 1323 1413 CRI на рус //1521 1341 1445 Казахстан на рус 1341 1509 VOA на медленном англ 1359 1403 CNR1 //4800 **1377 1400 Юность (Екб) 1395 1400 РРоссии (Бугуруслан) 1413 1357 KBC, ID (Фукуока, Япония) 1458 1400 РРоссии (Кудымкар) 1467 1500- TWR на казах? (Бишкек) 1485 1400 РРоссии (Тюмень) 1494 1358 Синьцзян на кит 1503 1447 Китай 1512 1506 Юность (Ибреси) 1521 1432 CRI на рус / Маяк (Казань) 1539 1358 CNR1 1548 1401 DW на нем 1557 1356 Тайвань, религ на кит, после 14- на англ 1566 1355 HLAZ на кит? 1575 1359 VOA на каком-то языке ЮВА 1575 1423 Фарда вместе с VOA 1593 1356 CNR1 //4800, 1539 1602 1400 Юность (Тюмень) (Виктор Рутковский, Екатеринбург - open_dx 711) -------------------------- DRM После поездки в Эстонию возобновил налюдения. 8 и 9 апреля проверил несколько частот летнего расписания. Порадовали результаты Голоса России на частоте 9480 кГц - CDA - 100% MaxSNR - 28.1dB 9 апреля с 13.15 до 14.15. Лучшие результаты в моей коллекции, начиная с сентября 2003 года! На 9770 кГц 9 апреля в 17.15 должна быть по расписанию передача RFI, но на самом деле я принял тестовую трансляцию VT Digital и аудио идентификацию слышал, но записать аудио фрагмент не успел, и качество приема сразу ухудшилось. Мешают две станции - на 9770 и 9775 кГц. Надеюсь, что в этом сезоне Рампишам на этой частоте будет слышно лучше, во всяком случае DRM помех от Р.Кувейт, оставшегося на 9880 кГц, не будет. Принимал несколько трансляций Немецкой Волны как на новых частотах 15265 и 7390 кГц, так и на уже действующих 6140, 9655 и 15440 кГц. На 6140 передаются три сервиса, на 9655 - два, на 15265 и 7390 по одному. 7390 кГц - ретрансляция из Талдома. На 6015 кГц по субботам с 13 до 14 в расписании указывается R.Maeva6015, но я принял идентификацию TDPradio. Прохождение было слабым, аудио я ни разу не услышал, поэтому не могу утверждать, какая радиостанция на самом деле на этой частоте работала. RTRN из Новосибирска перешла на частоту 15330 кГц, и, похоже, что слышно их здесь гораздо хуже, чем на прежней 17795 кГц. За три часа аудио не было слышно ни разу. (Владимир Казгунов, Лиепая - open_dx 711) -------------------------- Связь 15793.0Khz usb Apr 10 19:00:46 UTC 2005 MFSK 588hz shift Possibly UK military good levels here. (Glenn Valenta - wun 12, 23) ------------------------ QSL Чехия R.Praga, cr@radio.cz, 13580 Khz a las 14:00 UTC, adesivo, posavaso. esquema de programaci?n y bases del concurso ?Que le sugiere la cerveza checa?. En cinco d?as. (Jose Miguel Romero - Hard-Core-DX 28, 17) ------------------------- 73 всем!
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