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Революционер в дизайне и юзабилити в крупнейший сервис крупнейшего портала рунета - 150 000 руб.

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Революционер в дизайне и юзабилити в крупнейший сервис крупнейшего портала рунета - 150 000 руб.
Крупнейший портал Возглавьте движение против серости и застоя , против устаревших интерфейсов и наплевательского отношения к юзерам! Станьте во главе отдела по разработке интерфейсов одного из крупных разделов ведущего портала! Вы должны иметь опыт интерфейсных революций и длительных офисных войн в крупных проектах интернета от 3 лет, желание изменить мир, четкое понимание своей предвыборной программы - какие интерфейсы и почему нужны этим пользователям, абсолютную бескомпромиссность и при этом умение вступать в коалиции с техническим отделом.

РМ в крупный видео-проект - 200 000 руб.
Видео-проект Очень качественный PM с пониманием сути видео-проектов. Зона ответственности - все. Четкое понимание стратегии развития видео-проектов и умение доказать это руководству. Любовь к юзабилити. Доброжелательность и умение идти на РАЗУМНЫЕ компромиссы.

Chief accountant/главный бухгалтер
Динамично развивающаяся Российская компания в области строительства и девелопмента Мы ищем кандидатов на позицию Главный бухгалтер со следующими обязанностями: Управление и контроль бухгалтерии Бухгалтерский и налоговый учет (РСБУ) Участие в оценке и анализе проектов с точки зрения бухгалтерии и налоговых рисков Активная поддержка Финансового Директора Оказание методической помощи работникам компании по вопросам бухгалтерского учета, контроля, отчетности и экономического анализа Формирование в соответствии с законодательством учетной политики, исходя из структуры и особенностей деятельности компании и обеспечение его финансовой устойчивости

Супервайзер ветеринарного канала
Лидирующая компания в сфере производства и продажи кормов для домашних животных В этой роли Вам предстоит: -Принимать непосредственное участие в продвижении продукции на рынке. -Участвовать в разработке акций и материалов, направленных на продвижение продукции. -Участвовать в обучении команды торговых представителей. -Обеспечивать руководство командой ветеринарных консультантов. -Проводить полевое обучение ветеринарных консультантов. -Анализировать и консолидировать результаты отчетов с конкретными рекомендациями и предполагаемыми активностями. -Организовать местные научные события и симпозиумы в области ветеринарии, приглашать выступающих и участников на эти события и рекомендовать темы для обсуждения. -Готовить и читать лекции ветеринарному сообществу в поддержку бизнеса

Бизнес тренер в крупный интернет-портал 150 000 руб. фикс + гонорары от тренингов
Крупный интернет-портал В штат, на полный рабочий день (это важное условия в этой вакансии). От человека ждут опыта в проведении разнообразных тренингов со специализацией именно интернет: продажи, маркетинг, командообразование, ну и главное - общение с инвесторами. Ищут человека, который отвечал за тренинги и корпоративное обучение в порталах или очень крупных интернет-проектах. Так же рассматриваются специалисты из крупного ритейла.

Руководитель отдела разработки мобильных приложений - 200 руб.
Интернет-компания Нужен специалист, который сам разрабатывал на ios и android, плюс имеет большой опыт руководства отделом - в подчинении будет 5-7 человек, плюс думает не только о коде, но и о бизнесе. То есть все о юзабилити, о пользователях, о продажах и маркетинге. Только мужчины. Только с опытом разработки.

Interim Finance Reporting Manager
Leading western hi-tech equipment business Our Client is URGENTLY looking to fill a position of an interim reporting manager. This role will require strong support of the year-end reporting procedures and will require involvement in preparation of FS in December 2011 and January 2012 with close communication with the head office in Europe. This is a good opportunity to get a challenging and rewarding job in the end of a turbulent year.

Tax Senior Specialist
Our client is an international captive bank. It supports the brands? growth of the car manufacturers The Tax Senior is based in banking legal entity, works as a part of car manufacturer tax team, under the hierarchical responsibility of the Russia Head of Tax, and functionally reports to Bank's CFO. The Tax Senior covers the full scope of tax issues for the Group, which includes: - Tax risk management procedures - Evaluation analysis of possible Tax implications of chosen business strategy - Checking of statutory tax declarations - Monitoring and announcing to Finance team changes in Local Legislation - Support of the accounting department on tax issues Your main responsibilities will be: - Overall: participation in the set up of the tax function at the Bank; all corporate and payroll taxes and levies covered. - Development / assistance in development and the implementation of the tax policies / tax methodologies and processes; - Analysis / Assistance in the analysis of transactions: research and analysis on various tax issues related to the activities of the Bank, including transfer pricing issues, review of agreements and internal regulations; - Identification and assessment of tax risks, improvement of the tax efficiency; - Participation in implementation of accounting and tax accounting systems with IT Department; - Responsibility over all tax compliance and tax accounting issues for the Bank (preparation of the tax registers, preparation and submission of the tax declarations is performed by Accounting Department). - In close cooperation with Tax Accountant: creation of the forms of the tax registers, assistance in preparation and review of the tax declarations (profits tax, VAT, assets tax, transport tax, payroll taxes) and tax documentation; - Assistance in IFRS tax accounting (in close cooperation with Accounting department), deferred tax calculation; - Communications with tax authorities (including in the scope of the tax audits), communications with external tax advisors; - Assistance in presentations / other tax educational events for the non-tax personnel of the Group.

Старший финансовый аналитик
Крупнейшая мультимедийная компания - Бюджетирование, прогнозирование, составление ежемесячной управленческой отчетности - Анализ финансовых, операционных и коммерческих показателей ежемесячной отчетности - Анализ инвестиционных кейсов: NPV, IRR - Курирование и контроль финансовых отчетов нескольких бизнес-единиц

Sales Manager
Крупная международная нефтегазовая компания ищет кандидата на позицию Менеджер по Продажам (Моторные Обязанности: развитие и продвижение на рынок продуктов нефтехимической промышленности смазочных материалов крупной транснациональной компании разработка и заключение контрактов данных станций создание, расширение и последующее поддержание клиентской базы

Finance Director
International company " Co-ordinates the budget plans and forecasting process " Various accounting activities in compliance with USGAAP " Provides business planning and analysis of results and performance measurements " Performs monthly result analysis with reference to sales and other financial measurements performance and working capital utilisation. " Communicates business results and proactively advises the commercial management on financial and related issues. " Develops better tools for customer profitability analysis and overall business performance. " Co-ordinates accounting and reporting issues " Reports to the head of the country and to the headqurters " Manages small team

Креативный директор в РА - 200 000 руб. фикс + премии и бонусы от сданных работ
Рекламное агентство Агентство специализируется на комплексных программах в дижитал. Нужен опытный взрослый человек (не моложе 27 лет, но не старше 40), который уже имеет опыт работы креативным директором или креатором на больших проектах. Необходимо кроме комплекса всего креатива агентства ( в подчинении будет около 10 человек - креаторы, продюсеры, стратеги), структуризировать работу творческих людей, отвечать за сроки, участвовать в тендерах и прочее. То есть нужен тот, кто понимает, что креатив в агентстве - это не только творчество, но и разумный компромисс с бизнесом заказчика.

Country Sales Manager
A Global Provider of Leasing Solutions A global provider of leasing solutions, providing asset-based financing programs to their customers. In Russia it looks to recruit their Country Sales Manager. Moscow - m/f Major responsibilities: - Ensure implementation of the sales strategy - Identify local market trends and sales opportunities - Structure and negotiate local complex deals; monitor KPI-s, sales budget, P&L and risk costs - Introduce new products to dealers, provide training, implement new vendor, partner agreements - Accountable for: cost of sales, end of year portfolio, vendor/ partner profitability, interest margin, lease penetration rate - Masters/MBA level - Minimum of 5 years managerial experience in a commercial role with direct profit responsibility - Proficiency in the vendor/partner finance and leasing market - Customer Focus - Result orientation - Entrepreneurship and Negotiation - Decisive decision maker If you are interested in this position, please send your CV to Sylvain Gauffre at sylvaingauffre@michaelpage.ru quoting the reference number MBSG6834

Brand Executive
Крупнейшая международная FMCG компания - Планировать, исполнять, координировать и отслеживать все мероприятия по торговой марке. - Участвовать в подготовке маркетингового плана по торговой марке. - Выстраивать и поддерживать конструктивные и эффективные взаимоотношения с агентствами. - Готовить отчеты (на регулярной основе и по запросу руководства) по проектам, проводимым торговой маркой. - Проводить регулярной анализ ситуации на рынке, а также анализ положения торговой марки на рынке и деятельности конкурентов. - Проводить все активности по управлению торговой маркой в рамках одобренных бюджетов - Проводить анализ экономической эффективности и выгодности проведенных маркетинговых активностей

Country F&a Manager Russia
World known logistic company Key Operational Performance Indicators, Reporting and Analyses -Analyse F&A operational KPIs against budgets, targets and forecasts. Take appropriate action where KPI's are not meeting required standards -Comment and highlight on key variances and business issues and coordinate financial reporting so as to communicate to senior management on company's business results in order for the senior management to support its decisions and to ensure that reporting requirements set by senior management, Group and/or Board are adhered to. -Support resolution of business issues and resolves finance related issues. -Develop, implement and lead key financial strategies and initiatives -Lead, direct, and control the organization's financial resources to maintain the short and long-term financial health of company in Russia Internal Control, Policies and Procedures -To ensure that a strong internal control environment within the accounting function is maintained, in which custody of assets, corporate records and authorisation procedures meet corporate standards. -Ensure proposed contractual commitments with suppliers for capital expenditure are authorised and in line with policies. -Maintain a sound system of internal control that ensures payments to all suppliers are authorised and valid. -To ensure accurate, complete and up-to-date financial accounting records are maintained and to ensure both internal and external financial reports, returns and statements are based on those records. Legal and Statutory Requirements -Review all prepared financial accounts before submission and liaise with external auditors and bankers to ensure that all the statutory requirements have been met through policies and procedures set so that there is timely submission of audited statutory accounts to relevant parties. -To ensure all necessary information is readily available to allow completion of the Corporate Tax computation on a timely basis and to ensure all relevant regulations are compiled with. Cash Flow Management -To minimise trade working capital by managing receivables and payables practice and by monitoring payment terms agreed with customers and vendors by Sales and Procurement departments. -To effectively deploy capital funds employed in financing fixed and current assets. Functional specific activities -Management accounting: ensure on-time and accurate reporting and forecasting in line with Group standards. Prepare financial analysis and business cases for investment proposals. Ensure CAPEX procedures are followed and good business cases prepared prior to submission of CAPEXes -Finance accounting: ensure correct accounting of financial transactions in line with local legal and Group standards. -Treasury: management of cash flow for financial transactions in line with local legal and Group standards. -Tax: ensure tax compliance and reporting in line with local legal and Group standards. Monitor and report tax exposures. -Tax: monitor changes in tax legislation and assess changes required in local tax practice and transfer pricing documentation to comply to legislation -Purchase to Pay: Compliance with divisional policy and procedures, payment of supplier invoices in line with payment terms -Billing: creation and delivery of invoices for company's services in line with local legal and Group standards. -Credit control: collection of receivables from customers in line with payment terms -Query management: effectively responding to customer queries and ensuring a clear and quick response

Zbb Manager/ Zero Based Budgeting Manager
Our Client is a market leading FMCG business with international operations and a strong product port The main responsibilities of ZBB Manager are: - budgeting process organizing (from preliminary targets set up to final reporting in ZBB tools) - ensuring ZBB scope monthly tracking & monitoring - coordination Target setting & monitoring - developing, setting up and controlling Cost control procedures, including daily cost controlling - controlling and coordination policies update - preparation and leading monthly & quarterly reporting/ communicating with GHQ The successful candidate will report to Budgeting and Business Planning Director and manage a small finance team, including coaching, guidance and support, setting professional development plans to assisting employees to reach their full potential through people cycle tool

Senior Sales Manager
International Leader in Business Services with substantial growth achieved during the last 5 years Successful candidates will have the following background: -Fluent in English and Russian. -University graduate, preferably with a Business or MBA degree. -Should have international experience e.g. working with international clients or in a multinational corporation, living or studying abroad. -Experience in a fast growing and dynamic working environment. -3+ year experience of successful value based B2B/consultative selling targeting senior executive level (HR Director, Purchasing Director and potentially CEO level in large corporations). -Genuine experience in identifying the needs of the company and creating a convincing value proposition that addresses critical business issues. -Strong pipeline management skills. -Maintaining personal network at Senior Management level within major Russian and multinational companies is mandatory (networking within HR Directors, Learning & Development Directors community is a strong plus).

Planning Marketing Manager
International Tobacco Company - Consolidate specific brand related deployment plans (including budgets) into portfolio-wide deployment plans; -Maintain comprehensive and up-to-date information regarding rolling plans; -Establish effective communication flow and cooperate with Brand Groups and Field Sales Areas; Co-ordinate commercial organization activities at the stages of business issues/opportunities/ priorities identification as well as commercial initiatives and content development; -Build effective communication flow and provide support and consultancy to relevant commercial organization groups; -Monitor commercial initiatives deployment and coordinate post launch reviews; - Participate in the development of the required schedules and instructions for Field Sales Areas and Brand groups' inputs calculation and submission; -Execute planning processes tracking. - Carry out various projects in the area of commercial initiatives deployment planning

Business Controller
International retail company - Control and analysis of sales KPIs (weekly, monthly, quarterly, annually); - Educating stores on staff planning in relation with hours usage; - Pursuing opportunities for sales and profit increase. - Budgeting and planning sales, hours usage, salary cost and other related cost; - Cost analysis; - Staff planning / Functional planning;

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