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"Ведомости". Все вакансии

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Генеральный директор нового большого спортивного интернет магазина - 300 000 руб. + бонусы + доля в

  Новые вакансии
Генеральный директор нового большого спортивного интернет магазина - 300 000 руб. + бонусы + доля в
Стартап Это стартап с гарантированным инвестированием от очень крупного инвестора. Зона ответственности все: продукт, маркетинг, продажи, команда. В подчинении от 10 до 15 человек. Сам подчиняется генеральному директору холдинга. Обязателен опыт управления в западных ритейл или интернет компаниях, свободный английский.

Руководитель селлингового агентства по продаже ТВ-рекламы 250 000 руб. фикс + бонусы + проценты с п
Селлинговое агентство В пакете агентства - несколько очень известных каналов. Нужен профессионал, отлично знающий этот рынок, умеющий продавать лично + руководить отделом + учить новых менеджеров. Агентство существует при очень крупном серьезном стратегическом партнере.

Management Consultant - Manager / Senior Manager
Leading International Consulting Company We are looking for management consultants that are interested to enhance and develop their career within the Consulting world. Our Client is currently strengthening it's Consulting division and is actively looking for professionals with diverse experience related to financial and operational consulting. A successful candidate will be responsible for driving the business and management of significant business consultancy projects for clients within various sectors: olil&gas, manufacturing, FMCG, retail, etc. The majority of the projects has the focus on financial management optimisation, performance improvement and business effectiveness of Clients' business.

Pos Manager
Leading European FMCG company - Develop and implement POS concept for each trade channel by learning international experience and got knowledge of Russian market. - Create yearly POSM plan with estimated quantities, budgets & customers. - Develop and implement global POS concepts (special project): shop'n'shop, blue wall, theme placement. On-time procedure update in order to have clarity for all involved participants. - Plan & track & evaluate POSM by customer / channel. - Track project realization and evaluation. - Invoice processing & controlling - Marketing budget monitoring in SAP (clear understanding of budget structure, accurate invoice input, understanding of possible problems/discrepancies).

Арт-директор спецпроектов
Газета "Ведомости" Газета Ведомости объявляет о вакансии Арт-директора спецпроектов Должностные обязанности: - Разработка и создание креативных рекламных решений, промо и спецпроектов в интернете; - Бриф/написание технического задания; (дизайн/flash/баннеры); - Проектирование, дизайн и верстка интернет-проектов, сезонных спецпроектов; - Участие в презентациях по проекту для клиентов; - Активное взаимодействие с отделом рекламы Требования к кандидату: - Образование: высшее, специальное; - Опыт и стаж работы: от 2-х лет в схожих проектах; - Разговорный уровень английского языка; - Photoshop, Illustrator, Flash, InDesign, знание HTML/CSS - Уверенный пользователь MAC; - Знание современных цифровых тенденций, web-юзабилити, веб-оптимизации графики/flash, знание возможностей программирования/верстки; - Ответственность, коммуникабельность, командная работа, умение адаптироваться к сжатым проектам, способность находить нестандартные решения, креативность. Условия: - Полное соблюдение ТК РФ в части заработной платы, отпусков и пр., + соц. пакет (страхование жизни, медицинская страховка); - Бесплатный корпоративный транспорт от М. Белорусская, Рижская; - Ближайшее метро Савёловская или метро Марьина Роща(15 минут пешком) Просьба присылать резюме по адресу e.mosolova@imedia.ru с обязательным указанием наименования вакансии

Коммерческий директор в интернет-портал 250 000 руб. фикс + проценты
Интернет-портал Большой опыт в продаже медийки, опыт планирования и руководства отделом, "толстая" записная книжка.

Financial Controller
Major pharmaceutical and healthcare company - Complete, accurate and timely corporate / management reporting (monthly, quarterly and yearly results) in cooperation with FSSC -Development and optimization of small local finance team (2-3 people) - Monthly control of A/P, IFRS and OPEX actuals vs budget -Monthly forecasting - Financial analysis, cost analysis and control - Full scope of budgeting - WC control and optimization - short/long term planning and forecasting - will be responsible for corporate audits - internal audit , set up and improvement of internal control processes and procedures in the finance area -business support to commercial functions and business partnering

Marketing Manager
International fashion retail company - Responsible for all marketing activities in Russia including research, product marketing, ATL, BTL and PR - Manage the product and assortment - Establish and implement marketing strategy in line with global policy - Develop store branding and promos within franchise network. - Measure the efficiency of marketing efforts

РМ видео-продукта - 130 000 - 160 000 руб.
Крупнейший холдинг Отвечает за все: за новые фичи (осознанно может объяснить и внедрить, почему запускаем именно это), за дизайн, юзабилити, маркетинг, аналитику и ком. результаты. Работа в крупнейшем холдинге. Интересный продукт, сильная команда. Желателен опыт работы в порталах или крупнейших интернет-проектах.

Retail Environment Manager
Одна из крупнейших международных компаний в сфере товаров широкого потребления - Ведение и развитие дистрибуции продукции компании. - Подготовка периодических прогнозов продаж, планов по развитию розничной дистрибуции и продвижению торговых марок компании в формате, согласованном с руководством Компании - Посещение торговых точек и оценка состояния рынка - Поддержание эффективных взаимоотношений с ключевыми клиентами. - Обеспечение процесса обмена опытом и информацией между всеми сотрудниками отдела продаж.

Financial Planning And Performance Manager
Major International Management Consultancy Our client is looking for experienced change-management and business transformation professionals to be responsible for a range of projects having to do with financial management consulting, business effectiveness and performance-improvement projects. He/she will be responsible for shaping and delivering business transformation projects and will be closely involved in Client Relationship Development and Management along with team management and guidance internally. Initially we are looking for professionals of manager / project manager level and above, but we are also ready to consider ambitious candidates with 4+ years of relevant experience.

Brand Manager
Leading Western FMCG company - Development of short and long term marketing and brand communication strategies - Management of brand innovation process - Development, implementation and control of brand activity plans - Coordination of the brand activities planning and execution, efficiency assessment. - Tracking market development, new trends, competitive scenarios, identifying new opportunities and anticipating new trends. - Coordination of local brand strategy matching with global international brand platform. - Establishment of partnership with advertising agencies and suppliers.

Head Of E-commerce
A leading branded retail company is looking for an experienced Head of E-Commerce - Develop and implement the online strategy, ensuring that it fully exploits the potential of the brand online - Manage the web P&L to meet sales and profit targets - Lead high quality on-line shopping process and take care of local digital strategy in cooperation with international team - Manage agencies and third party service providers - Manage and motivate the web team

Demand planner
International FMCG company (toy production) International FMCG company (toy production) is opening a challenging position within Supply Chain Department and looking for Demand planner. Moscow - m/f Major responsibilities: - The main target of the role is to provide accurate demand forecasts and establish relationship with the Marketing and Sales team to understand their business and ensure that the supply plans are aligned with the sales plans; - As part of logistics team you will provide operations support to maximise business opportunities and ensure SOX compli- ance of forecast and commitment process Who we are looking for: - Senior demand planner with solid previous experience in International company with commercial understanding and ability to think outside of operations box; - Fluent English is a must If you are interested in this position, please send your CV to Julia Potapova at juliapotapova@michaelpage.ru quoting the ref number MPJP 6960

Руководитель VAS направления крупнейшего браузера - от 200 000 руб. фикс + бонусы + опционы
Интернет компания Нужен человек, который будет отвечать за все мобильное направление, но главная ответственность - продажа мобильной рекламы. То есть нужен не столько продуктовик, сколько продажник. Опыт работы на подобных позициях от 3 лет. Английский свободный.

Valuation project manager / менеджер по сделкам m&a
Крупный Российский Холдинг Наш клиент ищет опытного профессионала в области оценки и структурных сделок для поддержки и участия в проектах по оценке инвестиционных проектов в рамках крупного производственного холдинга. Успешный кандидат будет ответственен за ряд задач: - Общая аналитическая координация работы - Анализ и оценка инвестиционных проектов - Анализ M&A сделок (включая финансовый анализ потенциальных целей для поглощения) - Подготовка презентаций, справок, заключений по оценке и прочих аналитических документов - Финансовое моделирование - Оценка стоимости компаний различными методами (включая DCF); Риск анализ; Анализ чувствительности. - Подчинение Начальнику Управления Оценки Инвестиционных проектов

Clinical Research Specialist
Leading company in medical equipment production industry - Identifying potential study investigators and implementing clinical studies at selected centres (including training of hospital staff) - Providing technical support to investigator centres, maintaining protocol compliance in study centres, assuring that clinical data are accurate in hospital files - Providing technical support to the local organisation, especially, when new products are to be introduced - Keeping the local organisation informed about the clinical activities in their country /working-area - Supporting product development with concept development of new/modified products based on feedback from the investigator-field - Maintaining a high level of professional, up to date expertise through familiarity with relevant literature and by attending relevant meetings

Product Manager
Our client is a leader in medical devices industry The candidate : - Participates in developing annual marketing plans and strategies - Develops marketing materials/tools and customer education programs - Develops and implements product launches (price, positioning, promotion, education etc ) - Coordinate installation support together with a distributor

Finance Director
International brand name in the sector of distribution Our client is opening a position of Finance Director to strengthen business partnership between Finance and Commerce. As the company has entered Russian market few years ago and is actively developing, we are looking for a dynamic financial manager who will be able to bring commercial acumen into the team and ensure profitability of growth as well as transparency of financial statements. The company is planning to grow more then 5 times in turnover till 2015.

Deputy Finance Director
Comapy in the sphere of oil and gas Our client is looking for a person who will take over a challenging position of Deputy Finance Director. The main responsibilities would be to be able coordinate and control IFRS reports and its preparation, coordinate management reporting process and communication with banks. It is vital to have a previous experience in IPO as the company is having plans to go public. The role assumes a very deep involvement into business and liaison with different department, such as IT and automatization. The ideal candidate should have very strong managerial skills and manage a team of around 20 people.

Commercial Controller
Well known international machinery producer Our client is looking for experienced Commercial Controller to strengthen the growth of the company in Russia. Core focus of the Commercial controller as a member of the Russian management team is to ensure profitability of the company through proactive financial management and to ensure the compliance of financial statements to Russian and International accounting standards.

Market Research Director
Leading FMCG company -Lead the process of consumer and customer insight generation -Lead the process of market and business environment insight generation, manage the marketing insights and information platform integrating internal and external data. -Ensure the integrity of insights and information and its integration in the decision making process. Provide market information to strategy development and recommend new business opportunities to Management team -Support the development of Company plan by providing information on sales volume / demand forecasting, consumer and customer segment share projections, regular and ad-hoc marketing reporting -Monitor KPIs for brands, customer and consumer segments, regions and touchpoints and share them across organisation -Responsible for the guardianship of all ORACLE systems, protocols and platforms -Ensure that the marketing strategy formulation and evaluation is supported with solid information -Manage Insights team, motivate and develop people -Manage budgets for marketing research initiatives

Senior Tax Specialist
For over 80 years the Adidas Group has been part of the world of sports on every level, delivering s - Контроль над осуществлением налогового учета и составление отчетности - Принятие решений по вопросам учета по новым и нестандартным операциям - Решение спорных вопросов по бухгалтерскому и налоговому учету и определение позиции Компании по этим вопросам - Мониторинг налогового законодательства и внесение текущих изменений в учетную и налоговую политики Компании - Согласование формулировок хозяйственных договоров на предмет устранения налоговых рисков - Определение перечня необходимых документов для учета хозяйственных операций с целью минимизации налоговых рисков - Контроль за правильностью документального оформления нестандартных операций - Консультирование других департаментов компании по текущим вопросам с точки зрения минимизации налоговых рисков - Взаимодействие с проверяющими и контролирующими органами во время проведения проверок - Участие в судах, отстаивание позиции Компании в налоговых спорах - Сокращение расходов, не уменьшающих налогооблагаемую прибыль (в рамках действующего законодательства и при приемлемом уровне налоговых рисков)

Planning Marketing Manager
International Tobacco Company - Consolidate specific brand related deployment plans (including budgets) into portfolio-wide deployment plans; -Maintain comprehensive and up-to-date information regarding rolling plans; -Establish effective communication flow and cooperate with Brand Groups and Field Sales Areas; Co-ordinate commercial organization activities at the stages of business issues/opportunities/ priorities identification as well as commercial initiatives and content development; -Build effective communication flow and provide support and consultancy to relevant commercial organization groups; -Monitor commercial initiatives deployment and coordinate post launch reviews; - Participate in the development of the required schedules and instructions for Field Sales Areas and Brand groups' inputs calculation and submission; -Execute planning processes tracking. - Carry out various projects in the area of commercial initiatives deployment planning

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