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Читаем газеты по-английски

    "Reading Newspapers and Talking Politics"



1. The letter said, "We intensely back up your stand with respect to the partial test ban treaty and, like you, we consider it as an important step forward in the fight for a peaceful future for humanity.

2. There is an urgent need to stop the arms race and conclude a treaty of general and complete disarmament under strict international control.

3. The treaty on the non-proliferation of nuclear weapons does not impose on the states any duties inconsistent with their independence and national sovereignty.

4. "It is no coincidence," the Negro leader said, "that the same people who are against the legitimate rights of the Negro people are against the peace movement."

5. After a long and bitter struggle the majority of African peoples have won the right to freedom and national independence. But the defeat of imperialism in Africa is not complete yet; some African peoples are still suffering under the imperialist yoke.

6. No one learned better than the nazis how powerful can be a political provocation. The firing of the Reichstag in January 1933 was the excuse for the seizure of power by Hitler. It was also used by the nazis as a pretext for attacks first on the Communist party, then on the Social Democrats and eventually on the entire Labour and progressive movement in Germany.

7. The Japanese people are struggling for the abolition of the American military bases on their soil.

8. The Conference sources said the majority of the delegates approved the statement, but some of them wanted to study it further before it was adopted.

9. The fact that the UNO adopted a Declaration on the Granting of Independence to the Colonial Peoples and Countries showed that colonialism and racialism were denounced by all mankind.

10. The danger of war will exist until peoples will put an end to the disastrous arms race and insist on the destruction of all nuclear weapons.

11. Rank-and-file trade unionists throughout France are readily declaring their support of the workers on strike.

12. It is clear to everybody that should a world war be unleashed it will immediately develop into a nuclear war.

13. The book contains some of the most profound and famous statements of V. I. Lenin on peaceful coexistence of countries with different social systems.

14. Every historian writing on the period preceding World War 11 agrees that Hitler could have been stopped and war prevented.

15. The Communist Press in the capitalist countries has always exposed the war-mongers, the merchants of death who made millions out of war and the threats of war.

16. The Negro people in South Africa are bravely and resolutely fighting for their rights under the tremendously difficult conditions of merciless capitalist exploitation, police terror and racialism.

17. After the Great October Socialist Revolution the young Soviet state had many enemies to fight against.

18. In the thunderous '30s the Communists were in the lead of the fight against fascism.

19. Contradictions between imperialist powers must be taken into account in the struggle against imperialism.

20. The Communist Party of Great Britain has since its formation been in every working class struggle, the militant vanguard against all attacks on the workers.

21. Fascist Germany attacked other countries without even declaring war on them.

22. After a long debate the Government and the Opposition came to an agreement and the bill was passed by the House of Commons.

23. Lenin, the superb realist, was prepared to make agreements with the capitalist powers, for he realized that it was important for building up the economic strength of the Soviet Union.

24. "An agreement has been reached on the general range of questions which will be the subject of further negotiations," the communique said.

25. In many of his speeches and articles covering the period of 1917—22 Lenin gave a broad analysis of the policy of peace and peaceful coexistence, the development of trade and economic relations even with the very capitalist countries which had been most hostile to the Soviet Union.

26. The capitalist powers, despite their hostility towards the Soviet Union were compelled to make contact with it.

27. The historic Decree on Peace proclaimed a day after the October Revolution called on all the countries to conclude a just democratic peace.

28. The progressive movement in the capitalist countries must work to win effective laws against incitement to race hatred.

29. The representative of the World Peace Council explained why it was important to increase pressure on the Western governments to stop putting obstacles in the way of creating a collective security system in Europe.

30. World War 11 ended and common men in the capitalist countries wanted their governments to ensure a lasting and stable peace.

31. The Soviet Union has again spoken in favour of the further strengthening of the role of the Security Council, which bears the main responsibility for maintaining international peace and security.

32. The Communist Parties working resolutely and energetically among the broadest masses of the people roused them to action against the warmongers.

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