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The amendments to the RF Tax Code in accordance with regulation of debt on payments of taxes, collections, fees and penalties and certain other questions of tax administration
The amendments to the RF Tax Code in accordance with regulation of debt on payments of taxes, collections, fees and penalties and certain other questions of tax administration 2010-08-03 08:00 NEWS OF THE FEDERAL LEGISLATION The amendments to the RF Tax Code in accordance with regulation of debt on payments of taxes, collections, fees and penalties and certain other questions of tax administration By the Federal Act N 229-FZ of July 27, 2010 (document is in Russian, the amendments have been putted to part ...
There has been specified the procedure for state regulation of prices (tariffs) in electrical energy industry
Consolidated financial reporting of Russian institutions shall be compiled in accordance with the International Financial Reporting Standards * There has been decreased the interest rates on subordinated credits granting within the frameworks of financial system support * There has been putted the procedure of mediation...
There has been putted into effect the Procedure for carrying out of customs operations with goods at arrival to the customs territory of the Russian Federation in sea ports and transfer of them from places of arrival to places of temporary storage
There has been putted into effect the Procedure for carrying out of customs operations with goods at arrival to the customs territory of the Russian Federation in sea ports and transfer of them from places of arrival to places of temporary storage 2010-07-29 08:00 NEWS OF THE FEDERAL LEGISLATION There has been putted into effect the Procedure for carrying out of customs operations with goods at arrival to the customs territory of the Russian Federation in sea ports and transfer of them from places of arriv...
In accordance with implementation of international contracts of the RF about readmission, the amendments have been made to the RF Civil Procedural Code and other legislative acts of the RF
In accordance with implementation of international contracts of the RF about readmission, the amendments have been made to the RF Civil Procedural Code and other legislative acts of the RF 2010-07-28 08:00 NEWS OF THE FEDERAL LEGISLATION In accordance with implementation of international contracts of the RF about readmission, the amendments have been made to the RF Civil Procedural Code and other legislative acts of the RF By the Federal Act N 178-FZ of July 23, 2010 and N 180-FZ of July 23, 2010 (document...
There have been extended the rights of sole executive body of subsidiary credit institutions
There has been specified the procedure for use of the names of "Russian Federation", "Russia" in names of non-commercial institutions * There has been approved the Procedure for accreditation of rating agencies and keeping of the registry of accredited of rating agencies...
The Ministry Justice has registered the Order supplementing the List of international institutions, at realization of goods (works, services) to which, the 0% rate of the value added-tax is applied for official use
The Ministry Justice has registered the Order supplementing the List of international institutions, at realization of goods (works, services) to which, the 0% rate of the value added-tax is applied for official use 2010-07-26 08:00 NEWS OF THE FEDERAL LEGISLATION The Ministry Justice has registered the Order supplementing the List of international institutions, at realization of goods (works, services) to which, the 0% rate of the value added-tax is applied for official use By the Order of the Order of the...
In the Ministry of Justice, it has been registered the Order of the Federal Service on Ecological, Technological Supervision, which approves the form of the Certificate on access to works having effect to safety of capital construction items
In the Ministry of Justice, it has been registered the Order of the Federal Service on Ecological, Technological Supervision, which approves the form of the Certificate on access to works having effect to safety of capital construction items 2010-07-23 08:00 NEWS OF THE FEDERAL LEGISLATION In the Ministry of Justice, it has been registered the Order of the Federal Service on Ecological, Technological Supervision, which approves the form of the Certificate on access to works having effect to safety of capit...
There have been established the grounds to carry the consent of a state customer for transfer of the right on united technology of civil purposes for use at territories of foreign states
There have been established the grounds to carry the consent of a state customer for transfer of the right on united technology of civil purposes for use at territories of foreign states 2010-07-22 08:00 NEWS OF THE FEDERAL LEGISLATION There have been established the grounds to carry the consent of a state customer for transfer of the right on united technology of civil purposes for use at territories of foreign states By the Decree of the RF Government N 515 of July 14, 2010 (document is in Russian, there...
The amendments have been putted to the procedure for informing in the electronic form of a tax authority by a bank about opening or closure of account, on changing of requisites of account
The amendments have been putted to the procedure for submission to the Bank of Russia of information at reorganization of credit institutions in the form of amalgamation or integration...
There has been explained the procedure for granting and control of accountability about use and emplacement of wastes
There has been explained the procedure for granting and control of accountability about use and emplacement of wastes 2010-07-20 08:00 NEWS OF THE FEDERAL LEGISLATION There has been explained the procedure for granting and control of accountability about use and emplacement of wastes In the Letter of the Federal Service on Ecological, Technological and Nuclear Supervision N 00-07-12/3116 of June 22, 2010 (document is in Russian, it is directed the explanations on questions of receipt and submission by enti...