The amendments has been putted to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation on issues pertaining to support of socially orientated non-commercial institutions
The amendments has been putted to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation on issues pertaining to support of socially orientated non-commercial institutions
the Federal Act N 40-FZ of April 5, 2010 (document is in
Russian), in particular, the amendments have been made to
the Federal Act N 7-FZ "On non-commercial institutions"
of January 12, 1996 (document is in Russian). In accordance
with the amendments, as socially orientated non-commercial institutions,
there shall be considered non-commercial institutions created
in the forms provided by the
Federal Act N 7-FZ of January 12, 1996 (except state corporations,
state companies, public associations being political parties)
and making activities directed to solution of social problems,
development of civil society in the Russian Federation, as well
as kinds of activities provided by article 31_1 of the Act.
the Federal Act "On non-commercial institutions"
is added with new article 31_1 "Support of socially orientated
non-commercial institutions by bodies of state power and bodies
of local self-government", article 31_2 "Registers
of socially orientated non-commercial institutions - receivers
of the support", as well as article 31_3 "Authorities
of bodies of the state power of the Russian Federation, bodies
of state power of subjects of the Russian Federation, bodies
of local self-government on solution of questions on support
of socially orientated non-commercial institutions".
There has been specified the list of works (services) on transportation of exporting goods liable on zero rate of the value-added tax made by Russian carriers on railroad transport
the Federal Act N 50-FZ of April 5, 2010 (document is in
Russian), there is given in the new wording
subclause 9 of clause 1 of article 164 of second part of the
RF Tax Code (document is in Russian), which establishes
the list of works (services) made by Russian carriers on railroad
transport, in respect of which zero rate of the value-added
tax is applied. Now, they are works (services) on transportation
of goods exporting outside the boarders of the Russian Federation
and export of products processed on the customs territory of
the Russian Federation from the customs territory of the Russian
Federation, as well as works (services) concerning to aforesaid
transportation, cost of which is specified in carrying documents
on transportation of exporting goods (exporting processing products).
This provisions shall be applied under condition, that carrying
documents are labeled with special labels of customs bodies
certifying about transportation of goods placed under according
customs regime.