the Federal Act N 116-FZ of 22 June 2007 (document is in
Russian) amendments have been made to
the RF Code of Administrative Offenses in the part of the
change of the terms of pecuniary penalty imposed for an administrative
offense. In the whole text of
the RF Code of Administrative Offenses the sizes of the
fines in terms of the minimum size of remuneration of labour
(MROT) shall be replaced with rubles. It is determined that
an administrative fine shall be a pecuniary penalty in terms
of rubles and shall be established for citizens at the amount
not exceeding five thousand rubles; for executive officers -
fifty thousand rubles; for legal entities - one million rubles,
or may represent a multiple of the cost of the subject of the
administrative offense or the sum of unpaid taxes, payments
or customs duties or those liable to payment, or the sum of
the gain of the offender from sale of goods (works, services)
for the calendar year. The size of the administrative fine may
not be less than one hundred rubles.
Temporary rates of import customs duties for certain types of crop harvesters approved Утввременные ставки ввозных таможенных пошлин в отношении отдельных видов комбайнов