Знакомая ситуация: только приехали в США и от переизбытка впечатлений и эмоций вы забыли все, что вам рассказывали на pre-departure orientation. Не беда! Мы вам напомним.
1.По приезду позвоните в свою спонсорскую организацию для регистрации в SEVIS, используя toll free number (бесплатный телефон) 1-800-...... Не помните какой у вас спонсор? - возможно номер указан в handbook, которую вам вручило агентство. Нет такой? Тогда
проверьте секцию 2 в DS-2019 и найдите сайт спонсора через google.com. Вы также можете зарегистрироваться на сайте спонсора в разделе SEVIS registration - примерно так он называется у всех спонсоров.
2.Убедитесь в том, что вы прошли регистрацию и ваш статус is Validated in SEVIS. Только после этого обращайтесь за social security card. Это очень важно. Для того, чтоб это сделать нужно позвонить по тому же номеруспонсору на следующий день. Обработка информации SEVIS
занимает 24 часа.
3.Обратитесь в ближайший Social Security Office. Найти ближайший офис можно по zip code (вашему индексу) вот по этой ссылке https://secure.ssa.gov/apps6z/FOLO/fo001.jsp
Обязательно возьмите письмо о том, что вы сдали документы на social security. Помните, что оно пригодится при поиске второго работодателя пока у вас нет карточки социального страхования (о поиске второй работы читайте в следующем выпуске)
4.Ожидайте social security
card через 2 недели после посещения Social Security Office. Не забывайте, что карта придет на тот адрес, который вы указали в social security application. Поэтому при заполнении анкеты, указывайте тот адрес, по которому вы будет проживать или работать в течение 3 недель с момента обращения в Social Security Office.
5.Если вдруг прошло уже 3 недели, а карты нет, то нужно позвонить в Social Security Office (телефон можно найти опять вот по этой ссылке https://secure.ssa.gov/apps6z/FOLO/fo001.jsp)
там не могут разъяснить ситуацию, звоните спонсорам. Зачастую спонсор помогает в решении данной проблемы. Когда будете звонить, при себе нужно иметь
- письмо из Social Security office, которое дали при заполнении документов. Вас спросят reference number этого письма, дату подачи документов в Social Security Office и адрес офиса.
- номер I-94
- номер DS-2019
При решении каких либо проблем, всегда будьте вежливы, улыбчивы и ничего не требуйте, а просите помощи. Сделайте так, чтоб вам захотелось помочь.
Анна Корбут,
Компания Travel Guru/ Трэвел Гуру Челябинск
Блок 2) Social Security Card
Foreign Workers And Social Security Numbers
Social Security numbers
are used to report an individual’s wages to the government and to determine a person’s eligibility for Social Security benefits. You need a Social Security number to get a job, collect Social Security benefits and receive some other government services.
If you are temporarily in the United States to work, your employer will ask for your Social Security number. In general, only noncitizens authorized by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) to work in
the United States can get a Social Security number.
Although many other businesses, such as banks and credit companies, also ask for your number, you are not required to provide it. You can get many services without a Social Security number, including a driver’s license.
What do I have to do to work in the United States?
First, you must have documents showing your U.S.
immigration status and authorization to work in the United States. Then, you should apply for a Social Security number and card from the Social Security Administration. We do, however, recommend you wait 10 days after arriving in the United States to apply for a Social Security number. This will ensure Social Security can verify your documents.
How do I apply for a Social Security number
and card?
Applying for a Social Security number and card is free. To apply:
∙Complete an Application for a Social Security Card (Form SS-5); and
∙Show us original documents proving your:
∙Work-authorized immigration status; and
∙Take your completed application and original documents to your local Social
Security office.
All documents must be either originals or copies certified by the issuing agency. We cannot accept photocopies or notarized copies of documents. We also cannot accept a receipt showing you applied for the document.
We may use one document for two purposes. For example, we may use your DHS work permit as proof of both your identity and work-authorized immigration status. Your birth certificate or passport may
serve as proof of age. You must provide at least two separate documents.
Identity and work-authorized immigration status
To prove your identity and work-authorized immigration status, show us your current U.S. immigration documents and your unexpired foreign passport. Acceptable immigration documents include your:
∙Form I-551;
∙Form I-94 (Arrival/Departure Record) showing DHS work authorization; or
∙Forms I-766 or I-688B (work permit card).
Exchange visitors: A J-1 visitor also must show us
a DS-2019, Certificate of Eligibility for Exchange Visitor Status. Additionally, J-1 students, student interns and international visitors must show a sponsor letter to prove employment.
International students: An F-1 or M-1 student also must show us a Form I-20, Certificate of Eligibility for Nonimmigrant Student Status. Additional documentation proving work eligibility may be required. For more information, ask for International Students And Social Security Numbers
(Publication No. 05-10181).
To prove your age, present your birth certificate if you have it or can easily obtain it. If not, we can consider other documents, such as your passport or a document issued by DHS.
Social Security will ask to see your current
U.S. immigration documents. Acceptable immigration documents include your:
∙Form I-551 (includes machine-readable immigrant visa with your unexpired
foreign passport);
∙I-94 with your unexpired foreign passport; or
∙Work permit card from DHS (I-766 or I-688B).
All documents must be either originals or copies certified by the issuing agency. We cannot accept photocopies or notarized copies of documents. We also cannot accept a receipt showing you applied for the document. We may use one document for two purposes. For example, we may use your DHS work permit as proof of both
work eligibility and identity. However, you must provide at least two separate documents.
How long will it take to get a Social Security number?
We must verify your documents with DHS before we assign you a Social Security number. After receiving verification from DHS, we will mail your Social Security card. Most of the time, we can verify your documents quickly with DHS online. If your documents cannot be verified
online, it may take DHS several weeks to respond to our request. We are working closely with DHS to reduce these delays.
Do I need to have my number before I start working?
We do not require you to have a Social Security number before you start work. However, the Internal Revenue Service requires employers to use your Social Security number to report your wages.
While you wait for your Social Security number, your employer can use a letter from us stating you applied for a number, and your immigration documents can prove your authorization to work in the United States.
Employers can find more information on the Internet at www.socialsecurity.gov/employer/hiring.htm.
Contacting Social Security
Our website is a valuable resource for information about all of Social Security’s programs. There are a number of things you can do online.
In addition to using our website, you can call us toll-free at 1-800-772-1213. We treat all calls confidentially. We can answer specific questions from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m., Monday through Friday. We can provide information by automated phone service 24 hours a day. (You can use our automated response
system to tell us a new address or request a replacement Medicare card.) If you are deaf or hard of hearing, you may call our TTY number, 1-800-325-0778.
We also want to make sure you receive accurate and courteous service. That is why we have a second Social Security representative monitor some telephone calls.
по программе "Work & Travel"
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