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Shalnoff School - английский самостоятельно!

Shalnoff School

Пишет Илья Шальнов

Английский Клуб на Арбате

В эту пятницу, 9 апреля, как обычно, в семь часов вечера мы встречаемся в нашем Английском Клубе на Арбате. Почитать о клубе можно тут: http://shalnov.ru/school/club-topics.html или на сайте самого клуба http://englishclub.org.ru/ Приходите в Клуб, если вы уже умеете говорить на английском. Если еще не умеете, быстрейший способ выучить английский язык - Школа Шальнова http://shalnov.ru/school/ и ее обучающие программы.

В группе, которую веду я, будут обсуждаться две темы:

Why do we do? Why do we avoid doing?

We have two teams. The teams try to find motives by turns. The team that could not find one more motive loses the game. If some motive seems to be strange or too original, we discuss it.

1) Why do people marry?
2) Why do people avoid marriage?
3) Why do people start their own business?
4) Why do people avoid starting their new business?
5) Why do people want to have sex?
6) Why do people avoid having sex?
7) Why do people try to understand the reality?
8) Why do people avoid understanding?
9) Why do people take drugs?
10) Why do people avoid taking drugs?
11) Why do people do *****? (Your question)
12) Why do people avoid doing ******?
13) Do there exist some universal motives?


1) Russian public prosecution has closed TorrentsRu? Why was it done?
2) Torrents revived in a very short time. Is it practically possible to close services like TorrentsRu?
3) What do you think about their idea to imprison users of Torrents?
4) Should copyright be protected, or do attempts to defend copyright only hamper the progress?
5) What will happen if copyright is suddenly abolished?
6) What would Russia have been like is Russians should not have stolen computer programs?
7) Should we protect rights of Americans?
8) Should we pay to Americans? Should we pay to our authors? Have you ever paid for computer programs?
9) What should we do, if the computer program is too expensive?
10) Do people have a right to sing songs? Do people have a right to lend books? Do libraries have any rights to exist?
11) Is the activity of Microsoft completely legitimate?
12) Why do Americans support their developers of free software while Russians almost never do it?


Помните, что чтение об эффективных способах освоения английского языка
не может заменить общения на языке.

Шальнов Илья Вячеславович

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