В эту пятницу, как обычно, в семь часов вечера мы встречаемся в нашем Английском Клубе на Арбате http://englishclub.org.ru/ Приходите в Клуб, если вы уже умеете говорить на английском. Если еще не умеете, быстрейший способ выучить английский язык - Школа Шальнова http://shalnov.ru/school/ и ее обучающие программы.
В группе, которую веду я, будет обсуждаться тема:
1) Mothers love unconditionally. It is “pure” love. Fathers love “conditionally”. What love is the “highest” love?
2) Should we love ourselves unconditionally or conditionally?
3) Does “to love” mean to want to get something from the one you love? For example, Mermaid wanted to get immortal spirit from her Prince. Was her love selfish (griping, sordid)?
4) Does “to love” mean to want to give? Why should we give somebody something, if we don’t expect to be paid?
5) Is love altruism or egoism?
6) What is the difference between love and friendship?
7) Can there be love without sex? Can there be sex without love?
8) Can we live without any need of love?
9) Who needs love more, men or women?
10) How does love affect us? How does it affect you?
11) Can we love many people at the same time?
12) Where and how can we find somebody for friendship or love?
13) What shout we do in case of undivided (unanswered) love?
14) We are responsible for those who we tamed. N'est-ce pas? 15) Is it worth to be jealous?
16) Is it worth to try to stop someone who wants to leave?
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