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Образовательные материалы и услуги,
основанные на работах Л. Рона Хаббарда

Выпуск № 1 (240) от 2014-04-10  
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Сегодня мы продолжаем разбирать рассказ Роальда Даля. «Чарли и шоколадная фабрика» (“Charlie and the Chocolate Factory” By Roald Dahl)

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
By Roald Dahl

1. Mr. Bucket was the only person in the family with a job.
Единственным в семье, кто имел работу, был мистер Бакет.

2. He worked in a toothpaste factory, where he sat all day long at a bench and screwed the little caps onto the tops of the tubes of toothpaste after the tubes had been filled.
Он работал на фабрике зубной пасты, где он целый день сидел за столом и завинчивал уже наполненные пастой тюбики.

3. But a toothpaste cap-screwer is never paid very much money, and poor Mr. Bucket, however hard he worked, and however fast he screwed on the caps, was never able to make enough to buy one-half of the things that so large a family needed. There wasn't even enough money to buy proper food for them all.
Но платили за это очень мало. И как мистер Бакет ни старался, как ни спешил, заработанных денег не хватало, чтобы купить хотя бы половину самого необходимого для такой большой семьи. Не хватало даже на еду.

4. The only meals they could afford were bread and margarine for breakfast, boiled potatoes and cabbage for lunch, and cabbage soup for supper.
Бакеты могли позволить себе только хлеб с маргарином на завтрак, вареную картошку и капусту на обед да капустный суп на ужин.

5. Sundays were a bit better.
В воскресенье дела обстояли немного лучше.

6. They all looked forward to Sundays because then, although they had exactly the same, everyone was allowed a second helping.
И вся семья с нетерпением ждала воскресенья, не потому, что еда была другая, нет, просто каждый мог получить добавку.

7. The Buckets, of course, didn't starve, but every one of them-the two old grandfathers, the two old grandmothers, Charlie's father, Charlie's mother, and especially little Charlie himself-went about from morning till night with a horrible empty feeling in their tummies.
Бакеты, конечно, не голодали, но всех их (двух дедушек, двух бабушек, родителей Чарли и особенно самого малыша Чарли) с утра до вечера донимало ужасное чувство пустоты в желудке.

8. Charlie felt it worst of all. And although his father and mother often went without their own share of lunch or supper so that they could give it to him, it still wasn't nearly enough for a growing boy. He desperately wanted something more filling and satisfying than cabbage and cabbage soup. The one thing he longed for more than anything else was ... CHOCOLATE.
Хуже всех приходилось Чарли. И хотя мистер и миссис Бакет частенько отдавали ему свои порции, для растущего организма этого было недостаточно, и Чарли очень хотелось чего-нибудь более сытного и вкусного, чем капуста и капустный суп. Но больше всего на свете ему хотелось... шоколада.

9. Walking to school in the mornings, Charlie could see great slabs of chocolate piled up high in the shop windows, and he would stop and stare and press his nose against the glass, his mouth watering like mad. Many times a day, he would see other children taking creamy candy bars out of their pockets and munching them greedily, and that, of course, was pure torture.
Каждое утро по дороге в школу Чарли останавливался у витрин и, прижавшись носом к стеклу, смотрел на горы шоколада, а у самого слюнки текли. Много раз он видел, как другие дети достают из карманов плитки сливочного шоколада и жадно жуют его. Смотреть на это было настоящей пыткой.


Toothpaste – зубная паста
Bench – скамья
To screw – завинчивать
Proper – надлежащий
Meal- еда
To afford – позволить
Cabbage – кочанная капуста
Lunch – обед
Supper – ужин
To look forward – ждать
Although – несмотря на то
Second helping – добавка
To starve - голодать
Tummy – животик, боль в области живота
Share – порция
Desperately – очень сильно, страшно, не заботясь о последствиях
Piled up – нагромождение
Slab – плитка
To stare – пристально глядеть
Munching – чавкать
Greedily – жадно, с жадностью
Torture – пытка


Mr. Bucket was the only person in the family with a job. He worked in a toothpaste factory, where he sat all day long at a bench and screwed the little caps onto the tops of the tubes of toothpaste after the tubes had been filled. But a toothpaste cap-screwer is never paid very much money, and poor Mr. Bucket, however hard he worked, and however fast he screwed on the caps, was never able to make enough to buy one-half of the things that so large a family needed. There wasn't even enough money to buy proper food for them all. The only meals they could afford were bread and margarine for breakfast, boiled potatoes and cabbage for lunch, and cabbage soup for supper. Sundays were a bit better. They all looked forward to Sundays because then, although they had exactly the same, everyone was allowed a second helping. The Buckets, of course, didn't starve, but every one of them-the two old grandfathers, the two old grandmothers, Charlie's father, Charlie's mother, and especially little Charlie himself-went about from morning till night with a horrible empty feeling in their tummies. Charlie felt it worst of all. And although his father and mother often went without their own share of lunch or supper so that they could give it to him, it still wasn't nearly enough for a growing boy. He desperately wanted something more filling and satisfying than cabbage and cabbage soup. The one thing he longed for more than anything else was ... CHOCOLATE. Walking to school in the mornings, Charlie could see great slabs of chocolate piled up high in the shop windows, and he would stop and stare and press his nose against the glass, his mouth watering like mad. Many times a day, he would see other children taking creamy candy bars out of their pockets and munching them greedily, and that, of course, was pure torture.

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