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Английский от Смирнова

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Английский от Сергея Смирнова (курс YES)

рассылка "Английский от Сергея Смирнова" # 551

'Спасибо 2012'

мы хотим говорить

поступить учиться на ДТ
  something wrong = shit happens (no more)
  > Села в лифт, он дернулся и остановился, свет погас... и тут запахло перфектом... Куда ж мы без него...:) А еще хочу говорить по английски со скоростью осла из Шрека!!! (урок 76)
  ...what I was doing seemed to make sense to some people.
- It was like an alarm went off, man, you know! I said here's the guy, who's got his act together...!

There's somebody who's got it all figured out...! There's somebody who has the answer... I'll follow you anywhere, Mr.Gump.

- So I got company. And after that I got more company. And then even more people joined in. Somebody later told me it gave people hope.

Now I don't know anything about that, but some of those people asked me if I could help them.
- Hey man, hey, listen. I was wondering if you might help me.

I'm in the bumper sticker business and I've been trying to come up with a good slogan... And since you have been the biggest inspiration of the people around you, ...

...I want you might really help me, Jupiter! Wow, me, you just ran to a big pile of dog shit!

- It happens.
- What, shit?
- Sometimes.
(из фильма ‘Форрест Гамп’)
IN CASE, если что-то пойдет WRONG, у каждой сильной и INDEPENDENT женщины есть гениальный EMERGENCY PLAN: сесть на ASS и BURST INTO TEARS.
  IN CASE keIs На случай кэйс
  WRONG rON не так роН
  INDEPENDENT `IndI'pendqnt независимой инди'пэндэнт
  EMERGENCY PLAN I'mWGqnsI запасной план и'мё:джэнси
  BURST INTO TEARS bWst зарыдать бё:ст
  Сергей Смирнов

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