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G. K. Chesterton The Wisdom of Father Brown. The Absence of Mr Glass. Part 5.

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Выпуск 25


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С уважением, Анна Фарг


G. K. Chesterton
The Wisdom of Father Brown
The Absence of Mr Glass
Part 5.

Г. К. Честертон
Мудрость отца Брауна
Отсутствие мистера Кана
Часть 5.


"Dr Hood," he cried enthusiastically, "you are a great poet! You have called an uncreated being out of the void. How much more godlike that is than if you had only ferreted out the mere facts! Indeed, the mere facts are rather commonplace and comic by comparison."

- Доктор! - восторженно вскричал он. - Вы - великий поэт! Вы, словно Бог, вызвали тварь из небытия. Насколько это чудесней, чем верность фактам! Да факты просто смешны, просто глупы перед этим!

"I have no notion what you are talking about," said Dr Hood rather haughtily; "my facts are all inevitable, though necessarily incomplete. A place may be permitted to intuition, perhaps (or poetry if you prefer the term), but only because the corresponding details cannot as yet be ascertained. In the absence of Mr Glass - "

- Не понимаю, - высокомерно сказал Гуд. - Факты мои неоспоримы, хотя и недостаточны. Я отдаю должное интуиции (или, если вам угодно, поэзии) только потому, что собраны еще не все детали. Мистера Кана нет...

"That's it, that's it," said the little priest, nodding quite eagerly, "that's the first idea to get fixed; the absence of Mr Glass. He is so extremely absent. I suppose," he added reflectively, "that there was never anybody so absent as Mr Glass."

- Вот-вот! - весело закивал священник. - В том-то и дело - его нет. Его совсем нет, - прибавил он задумчиво, - совсем; совершенно.

"Do you mean he is absent from the town?" demanded the doctor.

- Вы хотите сказать, его нет в городе? - спросил Гуд.

"I mean he is absent from everywhere," answered Father Brown; "he is absent from the Nature of Things, so to speak."

- Его нигде нет, - ответил Браун. - Он отсутствует по сути своей, как говорится.

"Do you seriously mean," said the specialist with a smile, "that there is no such person?"

- Вы действительно полагаете, - улыбнулся ученый, - что такого человека нет вообще?

The priest made a sign of assent. "It does seem a pity," he said.

Священник кивнул.

Orion Hood broke into a contemptuous laugh.

Орион Гуд презрительно хмыкнул.

"Well," he said, "before we go on to the hundred and one other evidences, let us take the first proof we found; the first fact we fell over when we fell into this room. If there is no Mr Glass, whose hat is this?"

- Что ж, - сказал он, - прежде чем перейти к сотне с лишним других доказательств, возьмем первое - то, с чем мы сразу столкнулись. Если его нет, кому тогда принадлежит эта шляпа?

"It is Mr Todhunter's," replied Father Brown.

- Тодхантеру, - ответил Браун.

"But it doesn't fit him," cried Hood impatiently. "He couldn't possibly wear it!"

- Она ему велика! - нетерпеливо крикнул Гуд. - Он не мог бы носить ее.

Father Brown shook his head with ineffable mildness.

Священник с бесконечной кротостью покачал головой.

"I never said he could wear it," he answered. "I said it was his hat. Or, if you insist on a shade of difference, a hat that is his."

- Я не говорю, что он ее носит, - ответил он. - Я сказал, что это его шляпа. Небольшая, но все же разница.

"And what is the shade of difference?" asked the criminologist with a slight sneer.

- Что такое? - переспросил криминолог.

"My good sir," cried the mild little man, with his first movement akin to impatience, "if you will walk down the street to the nearest hatter's shop, you will see that there is, in common speech, a difference between a man's hat and the hats that are his."

- Нет, подумайте сами! - воскликнул кроткий священник, впервые поддавшись нетерпению. - Зайдите в ближайшую лавку - и вы увидите, что шляпник вовсе не носит своих шляп.

"But a hatter," protested Hood, "can get money out of his stock of new hats. What could Todhunter get out of this one old hat?"

- Он извлекает из них выгоду, - возразил Гуд. - А что извлекает из шляпы Тодхантер?

"Rabbits," replied Father Brown promptly.

- Кроликов, - ответил Браун.

"What?" cried Dr Hood.

- Что? - закричал Гуд.

"Rabbits, ribbons, sweetmeats, goldfish, rolls of coloured paper," said the reverend gentleman with rapidity. "Didn't you see it all when you found out the faked ropes? It's just the same with the sword. Mr Todhunter hasn't got a scratch on him, as you say; but he's got a scratch in him, if you follow me."

- Кроликов, ленты, сласти, рыбок, серпантин, - быстро перечислил священник, - Как же вы не поняли, когда догадались про узлы? И со шпагой то же самое. Вы сказали, что на нем нет раны. И правда - рана в нем.

"Do you mean inside Mr Todhunter's clothes?" inquired Mrs MacNab sternly.

- Под рубашкой? - серьезно спросила хозяйка.

"I do not mean inside Mr Todhunter's clothes," said Father Brown. "I mean inside Mr Todhunter."

- Нет, в нем самом, внутри, - ответил священник.

"Well, what in the name of Bedlam do you mean?"

- А, черт, что вы хотите сказать?

"Mr Todhunter," explained Father Brown placidly, "is learning to be a professional conjurer, as well as juggler, ventriloquist, and expert in the rope trick. The conjuring explains the hat. It is without traces of hair, not because it is worn by the prematurely bald Mr Glass, but because it has never been worn by anybody. The juggling explains the three glasses, which Todhunter was teaching himself to throw up and catch in rotation. But, being only at the stage of practice, he smashed one glass against the ceiling. And the juggling also explains the sword, which it was Mr Todhunter's professional pride and duty to swallow. But, again, being at the stage of practice, he very slightly grazed the inside of his throat with the weapon. Hence he has a wound inside him, which I am sure (from the expression on his face) is not a serious one. He was also practising the trick of a release from ropes, like the Davenport Brothers, and he was just about to free himself when we all burst into the room. The cards, of course, are for card tricks, and they are scattered on the floor because he had just been practising one of those dodges of sending them flying through the air. He merely kept his trade secret, because he had to keep his tricks secret, like any other conjurer. But the mere fact of an idler in a top hat having once looked in at his back window, and been driven away by him with great indignation, was enough to set us all on a wrong track of romance, and make us imagine his whole life overshadowed by the silk-hatted spectre of Mr Glass."

- Мистер Тодхантер учится, - мягко пояснил Браун. - Он хочет стать фокусником, жонглером и чревовещателем. Шляпа - для фокусов. На ней нет волос не потому, что ее носил лысый Кан, а потому, что ее никто не носил. Стаканы - для жонглирования. Тодхантер бросал их и ловил, но еще не наловчился как следует и разбил один об потолок. И шпагой он жонглировал, а кроме того, учился ее глотать. Глотанье шпаг - почетное и трудное дело, но тут он тоже еще не наловчился и поцарапал горло. Там - ранка, довольно легкая, а то бы он был печальней. Еще он учился освобождаться от пут и как раз собирался высвободиться, когда мы ворвались. Карты, конечно, для фокусов, а на пол они упали, когда он упражнялся в их метании. Понимаете, он хранил тайну, фокусникам нельзя иначе. Когда прохожий в цилиндре заглянул в окно, он его прогнал, а люди наговорили таинственного вздора, и мы поверили, что его мучает щеголеватый призрак.

"But What about the two voices?" asked Maggie, staring.

- А как же два голоса? - удивленно спросила Мэгги.

"Have you never heard a ventriloquist?" asked Father Brown. "Don't you know they speak first in their natural voice, and then answer themselves in just that shrill, squeaky, unnatural voice that you heard?"

- Разве вы никогда не видели чревовещателя? - спросил Браун. - Разве вы не знаете, что он говорит нормально, а отвечает тем тонким, скрипучим, странным голосом, который вы слышали?

There was a long silence, and Dr Hood regarded the little man who had spoken with a dark and attentive smile.

Все долго молчали. Доктор Гуд внимательно смотрел на священника, странно улыбаясь.

"You are certainly a very ingenious person," he said; "it could not have been done better in a book. But there is just one part of Mr Glass you have not succeeded in explaining away, and that is his name. Miss MacNab distinctly heard him so addressed by Mr Todhunter."

- Да, вы умны, - сказал он. - Лучше и в книге не напишешь. Только одного вы не объяснили: имени. Мисс Макнэб ясно слышала: 'Мистер Кан'.

The Mr Brown broke into a rather childish giggle.

Священник по-детски захихикал.

"Well, that," he said, "that's the silliest part of the whole silly story. When our juggling friend here threw up the three glasses in turn, he counted them aloud as he caught them, and also commented aloud when he failed to catch them. What he really said was: `One, two and three - missed a glass one, two - missed a glass.' And so on."

- А, - сказал он, - это глупее всего. Наш друг бросал стаканы и считал, сколько словил, а сколько упало. Он говорил: 'Раз-два-три - мимо стакан, раз-два-три - мимо стакан...'

There was a second of stillness in the room, and then everyone with one accord burst out laughing. As they did so the figure in the corner complacently uncoiled all the ropes and let them fall with a flourish. Then, advancing into the middle of the room with a bow, he produced from his pocket a big bill printed in blue and red, which announced that ZALADIN, the World's Greatest Conjurer, Contortionist, Ventriloquist and Human Kangaroo would be ready with an entirely new series of Tricks at the Empire Pavilion, Scarborough, on Monday next at eight o'clock precisely.

Секунду стояла тишина, потом все засмеялись. Тогда лежащий в углу с удовольствием сбросил веревки, встал, поклонился и вынул из кармана красно-синюю афишу, сообщавшую, что Саладин, первый в мире фокусник, жонглер, чревовещатель и прыгун, выступит с новой программой в городе Скарборо в понедельник, в восемь часов.

The end
Источник текста - http://www.gutenberg.org/
Конец рассказа
Источник текста - http://www.chelny.ru/city/books/

В рассказе 5 762 слова, в том числе уникальных - 1595. В этом отрывке дополнительно использовано всего 156 слов.
25 слов употребленных более 1 раза
also (3)
conjurer (3)
difference (3)
juggling (3)
mere (3)
tricks (3)
ventriloquist (3)
aloud (2)
anybody (2)
catch (2)
fell (2)
got (2)
hats (2)
hatter (2)
mild (2)
missed (2)
practice (2)
practising (2)
professional (2)
rabbits (2)
scratch (2)
shade (2)
speak (2)
stage (2)
wear (2)
accord (1)
added (1)
addressed (1)
advancing (1)
akin (1)
announced (1)
ascertained (1)
assent (1)
attentive (1)
bill (1)
cannot (1)
card (1)
ceiling (1)
childish (1)
coloured (1)
commented (1)
commonplace (1)
comparison (1)
complacently (1)
conjuring (1)
contemptuous (1)
contortionist (1)
corresponding (1)
counted (1)
course (1)
dark (1)
demanded (1)
Didn't (1)
distinctly (1)
dodges (1)
done (1)
driven (1)
duty (1)
empire (1)
enough (1)
enthusiastically (1)
everyone (1)
everywhere (1)
evidences (1)
extremely (1)
failed (1)
faked (1)
fall (1)
ferreted (1)
fit (1)
fixed (1)
flourish (1)
flying (1)
giggle (1)
godlike (1)
goldfish (1)
grazed (1)
hatted (1)
haughtily (1)
hence (1)
hundred (1)
idler (1)
imagine (1)
impatiently (1)
incomplete (1)
indignation (1)
ineffable (1)
inevitable (1)
ingenious (1)
insist (1)
intuition (1)
juggler (1)
learning (1)
merely (1)
middle (1)
Monday (1)
movement (1)
natural (1)
necessarily (1)
next (1)
nodding (1)
notion (1)
o'clock (1)
overshadowed (1)
paper (1)
pavilion (1)
permitted (1)
pity (1)
placidly (1)
poet (1)
precisely (1)
prefer (1)
prematurely (1)
pride (1)
printed (1)
promptly (1)
proof (1)
protested (1)
rapidity (1)
reflectively (1)
release (1)
ribbons (1)
rolls (1)
romance (1)
rope (1)
rotation (1)
sending (1)
shook (1)
shop (1)
sign (1)
silliest (1)
silly (1)
sneer (1)
spectre (1)
speech (1)
spoken (1)
squeaky (1)
staring (1)
sternly (1)
stillness (1)
succeeded (1)
swallow (1)
sweetmeats (1)
teaching (1)
term (1)
throat (1)
throw (1)
traces (1)
track (1)
turn (1)
uncoiled (1)
uncreated (1)
unnatural (1)
void (1)
walk (1)
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