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G. K. Chesterton The Wisdom of Father Brown. The Absence of Mr Glass. Part 4.

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Жду Ваших писем, Анна Фарг


G. K. Chesterton
The Wisdom of Father Brown
The Absence of Mr Glass
Part 4.

Г. К. Честертон
Мудрость отца Брауна
Отсутствие мистера Кана
Часть 4.


"I should not advise you, Miss MacNab," said Dr Hood gravely, "to be in any hurry to fetch the police. Father Brown, I seriously ask you to compose your flock, for their sakes, not for mine. Well, we have seen something of the figure and quality of Mr Glass; what are the chief facts known of Mr Todhunter? They are substantially three: that he is economical, that he is more or less wealthy, and that he has a secret. Now, surely it is obvious that there are the three chief marks of the kind of man who is blackmailed. And surely it is equally obvious that the faded finery, the profligate habits, and the shrill irritation of Mr Glass are the unmistakable marks of the kind of man who blackmails him. We have the two typical figures of a tragedy of hush money: on the one hand, the respectable man with a mystery; on the other, the West-end vulture with a scent for a mystery. These two men have met here today and have quarrelled, using blows and a bare weapon."

- Не советовал бы вам, мисс Макнэб, - серьезно сказал Гуд, - спешить за полицией. Мистер Браун, прошу вас, успокойте своих подопечных - ради них, не ради меня. Итак, мы знаем главное о мистере Кане. Что же мы знаем о Тодхантере? Три вещи: он скуповат, он довольно состоятелен, у него есть тайна. Всякому ясно, что именно это - характеристика жертвы шантажа. Не менее ясно, что поблекший лоск, дурные привычки и озлобленность - неоспоримые черты шантажиста. Перед вами типичные персонажи трагедии этого типа: с одной стороны, приличный человек, скрывающий что-то, с другой - стареющий стервятник, чующий добычу. Сегодня они встретились, столкнулись, и дело дошло до драки, верней, до кровопролития.

"Are you going to take those ropes off?" asked the girl stubbornly.

- Вы развяжете веревки? - упрямо спросила девушка.

Dr Hood replaced the silk hat carefully on the side table, and went across to the captive. He studied him intently, even moving him a little and half-turning him round by the shoulders, but he only answered:

Доктор Гуд бережно поставил цилиндр на столик и направился к пленнику. Он осмотрел его, даже подвинул и повернул немного, но ответил только:

"No; I think these ropes will do very well till your friends the police bring the handcuffs."

- Нет. Я не развяжу их, пока полицейские не принесут наручников.

Father Brown, who had been looking dully at the carpet, lifted his round face and said: "What do you mean?"

Священник, тупо глядевший на ковер, обратил к нему круглое лицо. - Что вы хотите сказать? - спросил он.

The man of science had picked up the peculiar dagger-sword from the carpet and was examining it intently as he answered:

Ученый поднял с ковра странную шпагу и, отвечая, внимательно разглядывал ее.

"Because you find Mr Todhunter tied up," he said, "you all jump to the conclusion that Mr Glass had tied him up; and then, I suppose, escaped. There are four objections to this: First, why should a gentleman so dressy as our friend Glass leave his hat behind him, if he left of his own free will? Second," he continued, moving towards the window, "this is the only exit, and it is locked on the inside. Third, this blade here has a tiny touch of blood at the point, but there is no wound on Mr Todhunter. Mr Glass took that wound away with him, dead or alive. Add to all this primary probability. It is much more likely that the blackmailed person would try to kill his incubus, rather than that the blackmailer would try to kill the goose that lays his golden egg. There, I think, we have a pretty complete story."

- Ваш друг связан, - начал он, - и вы решаете, что его связал Кан. Связал и сбежал. У меня же - четыре возражения. Во-первых, с чего бы такому щеголю оставлять по своей воле цилиндр? Во-вторых, - он подошел к окну, - это единственный выход, а он заперт изнутри. В-третьих, на клинке капля крови, а на Тодхантере нет ран. Противник, живой или мертвый, унес эту рану на себе. И наконец, вспомним то, с чего мы начали. Скорей жертва шантажа прикончит своего мучителя, чем шантажист зарежет курицу, несущую золотые яйца. Кажется, довольно логично.

"But the ropes?" inquired the priest, whose eyes had remained open with a rather vacant admiration.

- А веревки? - спросил священник, восхищенно и растерянно глазевший на него.

"Ah, the ropes," said the expert with a singular intonation. "Miss MacNab very much wanted to know why I did not set Mr Todhunter free from his ropes. Well, I will tell her. I did not do it because Mr Todhunter can set himself free from them at any minute he chooses."

- Ах, веревки... - протянул ученый. - Мисс Макнэб очень хотела узнать, почему я не развязываю ее друга. Что ж, отвечу. Потому что он и сам может высвободиться когда угодно.

"What?" cried the audience on quite different notes of astonishment.

- Что? - воскликнули все, удивляясь каждый по-своему.

"I have looked at all the knots on Mr Todhunter," reiterated Hood quietly. "I happen to know something about knots; they are quite a branch of criminal science. Every one of those knots he has made himself and could loosen himself; not one of them would have been made by an enemy really trying to pinion him. The whole of this affair of the ropes is a clever fake, to make us think him the victim of the struggle instead of the wretched Glass, whose corpse may be hidden in the garden or stuffed up the chimney."

- Я осмотрел узлы, - спокойно пояснил эксперт. - К счастью, я в них немного разбираюсь, криминологам это нужно. Каждый узел завязал он сам, ни одного не мог сделать посторонний. Уловка умная. Тодхантер притворился, что жертва - он, а не злосчастный Кан, чье тело зарыто в саду или скрыто в камине.

There was a rather depressed silence; the room was darkening, the sea-blighted boughs of the garden trees looked leaner and blacker than ever, yet they seemed to have come nearer to the window. One could almost fancy they were sea-monsters like krakens or cuttlefish, writhing polypi who had crawled up from the sea to see the end of this tragedy, even as he, the villain and victim of it, the terrible man in the tall hat, had once crawled up from the sea. For the whole air was dense with the morbidity of blackmail, which is the most morbid of human things, because it is a crime concealing a crime; a black plaster on a blacker wound.

Все уныло молчали; становилось темнее; искривленные морем ветви казались чернее, суше и ближе, словно морские чудища выползли из пучины к последнему акту трагедии, как некогда выполз оттуда загадочный Кан, злодей или жертва, чудище в цилиндре. Смеркалось, словно сумерки - темное зло шантажа, гнуснейшего из преступлений, где подлость покрывает подлость черным пластырем на черной ране.

The face of the little Catholic priest, which was commonly complacent and even comic, had suddenly become knotted with a curious frown. It was not the blank curiosity of his first innocence. It was rather that creative curiosity which comes when a man has the beginnings of an idea.

Приветливое и даже смешное лицо коротышки-священника вдруг изменилось. Его искривила гримаса любопытства - не прежнего, детского, а того, с какого начинаются открытия.

"Say it again, please," he said in a simple, bothered manner; "do you mean that Todhunter can tie himself up all alone and untie himself all alone?"

- Повторите, пожалуйста, - смущенно сказал он. - Вы считаете, что мистер Тодхантер сам себя связал и сам развяжет?

"That is what I mean," said the doctor.

- Вот именно, - ответил ученый.

"Jerusalem!" ejaculated Brown suddenly, "I wonder if it could possibly be that!"

- О Господи! - воскликнул священник. - Неужели правда?

He scuttled across the room rather like a rabbit, and peered with quite a new impulsiveness into the partially-covered face of the captive. Then he turned his own rather fatuous face to the company.

Он засеменил по комнате как кролик и с новым пристальным вниманием воззрился на полузакрытое цилиндром лицо. Затем обернул к собравшимся свое лицо, довольно простоватое.

"Yes, that's it!" he cried in a certain excitement. "Can't you see it in the man's face? Why, look at his eyes!"

- Ну конечно! - взволнованно вскричал он. - Разве вы не видите? Да посмотрите на его глаза!

Both the Professor and the girl followed the direction of his glance. And though the broad black scarf completely masked the lower half of Todhunter's visage, they did grow conscious of something struggling and intense about the upper part of it.

И ученый и девушка посмотрели и увидели, что верхняя часть лица, не закрытая шарфом, как-то странно кривится.

"His eyes do look queer," cried the young woman, strongly moved. "You brutes; I believe it's hurting him!"

- Да, глаза странные, - заволновалась Мэгги. - Звери! Ему больно!

"Not that, I think," said Dr Hood; "the eyes have certainly a singular expression. But I should interpret those transverse wrinkles as expressing rather such slight psychological abnormality - "

- Нет, не то, - возразил ученый. - Выражение действительно особенное... Я бы сказал, что эти поперечные морщины свидетельствуют о небольшом психологическом сдвиге...

"Oh, bosh!" cried Father Brown: "can't you see he's laughing?"

- Боже милостивый! - закричал Браун. - Вы что, не видите? Он смеется!

"Laughing!" repeated the doctor, with a start; "but what on earth can he be laughing at?"

- Смеется? - повторил доктор. - С чего бы ему смеяться?

"Well," replied the Reverend Brown apologetically, "not to put too fine a point on it, I think he is laughing at you. And indeed, I'm a little inclined to laugh at myself, now I know about it."

- Как вам сказать... - виновато начал Браун. - Не хочется вас обидеть, но смеется он над вами. Я бы и сам посмеялся, раз уж все знаю.

"Now you know about what?" asked Hood, in some exasperation.

- Что вы знаете? - не выдержал Гуд.

"Now I know," replied the priest, "the profession of Mr Todhunter."

- Чем он занимается, - ответил священник.

He shuffled about the room, looking at one object after another with what seemed to be a vacant stare, and then invariably bursting into an equally vacant laugh, a highly irritating process for those who had to watch it. He laughed very much over the hat, still more uproariously over the broken glass, but the blood on the sword point sent him into mortal convulsions of amusement. Then he turned to the fuming specialist.

Он семенил по комнате, как-то бессмысленно глядя на вещи и бессмысленно хихикая над каждой, что, естественно, всех раздражало. Сильно смеялся он над черным цилиндром, еще сильней - над осколками, а капля крови чуть не довела его до судорог. Наконец он обернулся к угрюмому Гуду.

to be continue...
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В рассказе 5 762 слова, в том числе уникальных - 1595. В этом отрывке дополнительно использовано всего 223 слова.
15 слов, встречающихся в тексте чаще двух раз:
mean (10)
laugh (9)
because (8)
blackmail (5)
did (4)
facts (4)
free (4)
us (4)
wound (4)
away (3)
knots (3)
person (3)
secret (3)
vacant (3)
whose (3)
Остальные (если слово не нашли, посмотрите в предыдущих частях):
abnormality (1)
add (1)
admiration (1)
advise (1)
affair (1)
air (2)
apologetically (1)
ask (1)
audience (1)
bare (1)
become (1)
beginnings (1)
believe (1)
blacker (2)
blank (1)
blighted (1)
blows (1)
bosh (1)
bothered (1)
boughs (1)
branch (1)
bring (1)
brutes (1)
bursting (1)
captive (2)
carefully (1)
chief (2)
chimney (1)
chooses (1)
clever (1)
comes (1)
comic (2)
company (1)
complacent (1)
completely (1)
compose (1)
concealing (1)
conclusion (1)
conscious (1)
convulsions (1)
corpse (1)
covered (1)
creative (1)
crime (2)
criminal (1)
curiosity (2)
curious (1)
cuttlefish (1)
dagger (1)
darkening (1)
dense (1)
depressed (1)
different (1)
direction (1)
dressy (1)
dully (1)
earth (1)
economical (1)
egg (1)
ejaculated (1)
enemy (1)
escaped (1)
ever (1)
examining (1)
exasperation (1)
excitement (1)
exit (1)
expert (2)
expressing (1)
expression (2)
faded (1)
fake (1)
fancy (1)
fatuous (1)
fetch (1)
figures (1)
fine (1)
finery (1)
followed (1)
frown (1)
fuming (1)
glance (1)
golden (1)
goose (1)
habits (1)
handcuffs (1)
happen (1)
hidden (1)
highly (1)
hurry (1)
hurting (1)
hush (1)
idea (2)
impulsiveness (1)
inclined (1)
incubus (1)
innocence (1)
inquired (2)
instead (1)
intense (1)
intently (2)
interpret (1)
intonation (1)
invariably (1)
irritating (1)
irritation (1)
jump (1)
kill (2)
known (1)
krakens (1)
lays (1)
leaner (1)
leave (1)
lifted (1)
likely (1)
loosen (1)
lower (1)
marks (2)
masked (1)
men (1)
met (1)
mine (1)
monsters (1)
morbid (1)
mortal (1)
moved (1)
moving (2)
myself (1)
mystery (2)
nearer (1)
notes (1)
object (1)
objections (1)
obvious (2)
partially (1)
peered (1)
pinion (1)
plaster (1)
please (1)
polypi (1)
possibly (2)
pretty (1)
primary (1)
probability (1)
process (1)
profession (1)
professor (1)
profligate (1)
psychological (1)
quality (1)
quarrelled (1)
quietly (1)
rabbit (1)
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replaced (1)
reverend (2)
sakes (1)
scent (1)
science (2)
scuttled (1)
second (2)
sent (1)
seriously (2)
shuffled (1)
silence (2)
simple (1)
singular (2)
slight (2)
stare (1)
start (1)
strongly (1)
struggle (2)
stubbornly (1)
studied (1)
stuffed (1)
substantially (1)
suddenly (2)
suppose (2)
surely (2)
tie (1)
tied (2)
today (1)
touch (1)
tragedy (2)
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try (2)
trying (1)
turned (2)
turning (1)
typical (1)
unmistakable (1)
upper (1)
uproariously (1)
using (1)
victim (2)
villain (1)
visage (1)
vulture (1)
wanted (1)
watch (1)
wealthy (1)
weapon (2)
went (1)
wonder (1)
wretched (1)
wrinkles (1)
writhing (1)
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