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Совершенствуй свой Английский Todd's Party

Курс английского языка “English as a Second Language"              

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Todd's Party

Todd: What are you doing on Saturday because a friend of mine is having a big dinner, like a big party that a lot of my colleagues are going to go to, it's like a big holiday dinner.
Katia: Really, is it this Saturday?
Todd: It's this Saturday yes, it's on the eleventh.
Katia: Actually I don't believe I have any plans. Where is it going to be?

Todd: It's in a town called Usa, it's not that far from here. I'm going to take the train because I want to drink because we'll have wine and beer at the party so I won't drive. But I think the train will take about an hour and a half which is kind of too bad because it's only a forty minute drive.
Katia: It might be worth it (стоит того). Who is going to be there?
Todd: Mainly it's going to be English teachers, people that I work with but they are going to be bringing their wives and husbands and children and friends. There's actually going to be a few students like yourself, a couple of graduate students, so it should be fun. Then we're going to have turkey (индейка) and ham (ветчина) and desserts.

Katia: It sounds like the food is going to be quite good. And why is this exactly? Are you celebrating something in particular or is it somebody else's birthday?
Todd: Well no actually it's going to be the Thanksgiving dinner (обед в честь Дня благодарения) but we missed Thanksgiving because we all live overseas (заграница), we all teach obviously away from our countries so we do this every year but it's not an American thing or a Canadian thing, it's everybody. So there's going to be British people and Australians and people from India, so it's kind of a big international party.
Katia: It sounds quite exciting but do you think it would all right if I can bring somebody else along?

Todd: Oh yeah, you can bring as many guests as you like. Well let me take that back. You can bring a couple of guests, I think. I'm sure that it would be OK. But I think it's a pot luck (пища различного сорта и.т.д., приносимый гостями или приглашёнными на вечеринку), you're supposed to bring some food.
Katia: OK, OK. Let me think because I will need to take the train. It takes about one hour, I'm not too sure. At what time did you say it's going to be?
Todd: Actually it starts in the afternoon at about two o'clock and it should end by maybe seven or eight.
Katia: OK. Let me think about it.


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       Расписание English Speaking Club

Суббота:    18.00-19.30

  В нашем центре мы обучаем разговорному английскому языку всех, кто хочет научиться говорить по-английски.

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