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Совершенствуй свой Английский Transport idioms: Wheels

Курс английского языка “English as a Second Language"              

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        Мы предлагаем вам рассылку, где публикуются практические материалы для увеличения словарного запаса и для усвоения грамматики. В данном уроке рассматриваeтся лексика на тему Transport idioms: Wheels.

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 Transport idioms: Wheels

In this episode The Teacher introduces you to three idioms connected with wheels: 

1. Reinventing the wheel. 
2. Asleep at the wheel. 
3. The wheels have come off. 

Hello, I’m a very interesting and intelligent man. And today, this wheel (колесо) and I will be teaching you some English idioms. I bet (спорим) you’ve never been taught by a wheel before. The wheel is a very… old invention (изобретение). And it’s also a very, very, very good design. So, there’s no point in reinventing the wheel (изобретать велосипед, делать ненужные, лишние приготовления)

In English, if someone wastes time (тратить время) trying to create (создавать) something that has already been made, we 
say they’re ‘reinventing the wheel’. Reinventing the wheelLike my colleague (коллега). He said was going to give some of these lessons but really, what's the point? (есть ли смысл) It would just be reinventing the wheel. (Get off!) (уходить, убираться) really!?

Would you like to come for a drive with me? I do like to drive. It’s been a bit of a long day actually. I didn’t get to bed (ложиться спать) last night until… oh, thinking about it I didn’t get to bed last night at all… or the night before that. Oh dear, I was asleep at the wheel (уснуть за рулем, невнимательный, пассивный)

In English, if someone is not doing their job, or not taking their responsibilities (ответственность; обязанность) seriously, we say they're asleep at the wheel. Asleep at the wheelRight, now, who would like a lift home (подбросить до дома)? Really? No-one? Well, how about a nice bike ride? (прогулка на велосипеде) Ah, nothing better than a nice bike ride. Getting a bit hungry though. I think I’ll stop at this shop and buy a snack (лёгкая закуска)Mmm, right, let’s go. Oh no! The wheels have come off (колеса отвалились, пропали)

In English, if something goes wrong (что-то не получается, срываться) or fails we can say ‘the wheels have come off’. The wheels have come offRight… where am I? I’ll ask at the shop. Hello. Anybody? Is anybody there? I've had a bit of trouble you see, with my bike. Hello. Can anybody help me? I'm cold and tired and very hungry… 


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