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Совершенствуй свой Английский Warning Labels

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Warning Labels
Kat and Matthew discuss the use (использование) of warning labels (предупредительная этикетка) on consumer products

Matthew: So these days there are warning labels on everything from CDs to cigarettes to fast food, everything. What do you think about that? Should people be warned all the time about everything or do they need to not really have that warning(предупреждение) on it?

Kat: I think nowadays (в наше время; в наши дни) they are really overdoing (переборщить; перестараться) it. People are not little children and you don't need to warn them of everything. An intelligent person should be aware (сознающий; знающий)that fast food isn't healthy.

Matthew: But even though fast food isn't healthy so many peopleconsume (потреблять) it and they know that it's unhealthy, putting a warning on it might change their minds at least a little bit (немного).

Kat: I don't think that's going to work. Just putting a warning label on it didn't work out (определять; разрабатывать; решать) too well with cigarettes did it?

Matthew: I think it has. I think that there's many countries where they have increased the warning labels, the size of it, the degree of it, with some countries they even have pictures of horrible looking teeth and nasty (отвратительный) lungs(легкие) cut open and deformities (порок развития; уродство) on babies, I think those sorts of things actually do help. But I don't like those. Those are a little bit over the edge (слишком; чересчур), a little bit too far (чересчур). But I don't know, for example, when you go to McDonalds or you go to a fast food restaurant and you order a hamburger, wouldn't you like to know how much, how many calories you're ordering at one time rather than getting two or three hamburgers and then it turns out ooops (ой!) there's two thousand calories right there?

Kat: I think the calorie information is important and should be printed on things, but a warning label like this burger might kill you I think that's a bit over the top (за рамками).

Matthew: What about things other than calories? There are certain nutritional (диетный; диетологический) information that could be very damaging to you such as cholesterol levels (уровень холестерина) or too much sodium (натрий), too much salt but do you think that should at least be on there?

Kat: I think there should be a differentiation between warning labels and nutritional information. I think there is a difference.

Matthew: Then which one are you for? Do you think that, I can understand you saying warning labels are taking it too far and I can understand you eat this burger and you're going to die is a little bit too far but do you think having the nutritional information on it is a good solution (решение)?

Kat: I think having the nutritional information on it is a very good idea. People should be better informed about this. 


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