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Совершенствуй свой Английский Dreamhouse

Языковой центр LingvoStudio           

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        Мы предлагаем вам рассылку, где публикуются практические материалы для увеличения словарного запаса и для усвоения грамматики. В данном уроке рассматриваeтся лексика на тему Dreamhouse.

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Various (разный) people describe what their dream house would be like, what it would have and where it would be

Samir, Sweden

Oh, my dream house? It is on the beach (пляж). You have a great view (вид) of the ocean and the beach, and it should be really big - a big house - with maybe an elevator (лифт), and maybe at least three cars and a cinema in the house as well. That would be cool.


Cheryl, Guam

If I had a dream house, I think that would first of all be next to the ocean. I love the ocean. Secondly, it would probably have really high ceilings (потолки) because I like places that are very airy (просторный) and big and spacious (просторный, вместительный). Thirdly, my dream house would definitely have a jacuzzi, a hot tub (ванна): something like that, and a very big, big bathroom and a big balcony.

Jonathan, Canada

To describe my dream house: it would actually be very simple. It would probably be as small an apartment in a large city that was very strong on points of culture - maybe in Barcelona or some city like that. It would probably be a simple apartment in an entertainment (развлечение), nightlife district with lots of culture around and a very lively (яркий, живой) scene.


Emily, Djibouti

My dream house? I don't want a big, big house, just as long as it's surrounded (окруженный) my nature. I don't wanna live in a modern country or a big cities like New York or Tokyo. I prefer (предпочитать) quite places where you can really meditate and live your life fully.


Demelza, Australia

My dream house would be two stories high. It would be made of wooden floor boards (доски) and plane (плоский, ровный) white walls, and I think it would have a Thai style decor (отделка интерьера, внутреннее убранство).


Hoa, Vietnam

My dream house? I would like to have my house near the beach because I like swimming, I like going to the beach, and I then a lot of windows, so my house should have a lot of windows, so that I can see. I can have a view to the ocean, and it should be far away from the city because I want to enjoy myself and stay away from the noise (шум).



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Среда: 19:30 - 21:00 

Суббота: 13.00 - 14.30


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