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Совершенствуй свой Английский The Annapurna Trail

Курс английского языка “English as a Second Language"              

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The Annapurna Trail

Todd: So Jonathan, every time I see you, you are coming and going on a new trip (путешествие), a new adventure (приключение). What's your next trip?
Jonathan: I'm about to fly to Nepal to go trekking (горный туризм, пойти в поход). I head out (направляться) to stay at the airport tonight and I'm flying tomorrow morning.
Todd: So, what are you going to do in Nepal? Are you going to go to Katmandu?
Jonathan: I'll be flying into Katmandu and then traveling to a smaller town to begin a trek (пеший поход) around the Annapurna Himalayas
Todd: The Annapurna? You're gonna climb the Himalaya's?
Jonathan: Well, it's not climbing (восхождение) in the sense of needing mountaineering experience or special equipment (снаряжение). It's like a very vigorous (энергично, активно) hike (путешествовать пешком), but it does take an average (в среднем) of 22 or 23 days.

Todd: You're going to go camping (жить в палатках) for 23 days?
Jonathan: No, you don't need to camp. There are small teahouses (чайная), and simple backpacker-type accommodation (размещение для пешего туриста) all along the way. So you can stay there. You don't need to bring a lot of equipment with you.
Todd: That's great. You just walk from teahouse to teahouse?
Jonathan: Yes. There's always people along the paths (тропинка), so you don't really need a guide (гид) or anything. You can't really get lost. You're always meeting other people. And if you decide you get tired a little bit earlier, there are lots of places along the way that you can stay.

Todd: What exactly is a teahouse like?
Jonathan: A teahouse is a very simple accommodation. Maybe the room's have wooden walls (деревянные стены) that are very thin. Maybe the beds are not very comfortable, but people stop and drink tea along the way. It's just very simple accommodation.
Todd: So, if you want to sleep, it's just just like a little bunk bed (койка)?
Jonathan: Usually, you can have a private room which would be vey small. Perhaps the size of your closet (уборная) or a little larger with a bed and it may only cost about a dollar a night.

Todd: That's pretty cheap.
Jonathan: Yes, it's very cheap to trek in a country like Nepal.
Todd: Well, like how much does it cost to go trekking for 23 days?
Jonathan: I think it will probably cost me a total of about 300 dollars US equivalent. The most expensive thing is the flight to get there in the first place.
Todd: That sound fantastic.


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Суббота:    18.00-19.30

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