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Совершенствуй свой Английский Technology and Kids

Курс английского языка “English as a Second Language"              

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(495) 585-37-05

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Technology and Kids

Rebecca: So Gareth we've been talking about kids and technology. So is there a time when you think maybe kids should have access (доступ) to a cellphone (мобильный телефон)?

Gareth: Well, there are many benefits (преимущества) to having a cellphone at an early age, like nowadays (в наши дни), you can get those cellphones that can call only a few people, like they can call your parents, and the police and that's it so they're really good and as a parent you feel more secure (не тревожиться) if you're child is going to school with their cellphone, that they can use it to call in case of an emergency (экстренный случай), but then I often hear stories about kids ringing up, racking up (увеличивать, наращивать) a massive, great, big telephone bill (телефонный счет), because they're texting their friends and e-mailing and they're calling and sometimes I see kids on the train. They're just glued (приклеены) to their cellphone, and they're sitting next to one another, like they're sitting next to their friends and they're glued to their cellphone to someone on the other end of their cellphone, and it just seems so anti-social to me, like it seems that they don't have any time or they're not feeling -- they're not really considerate (внимательный; тактичный) about the other person that they're sitting next to and they're more concerned (беспокоящийся) and thinking about someone else.

So, yeah, I don't know. I'm gonna ask him if he wants one and discuss with my wife and see how it goes, and see how it changes him. If it does change him, and if he does become anti-social then I'll take it away (избавляться).
Rebecca: Take it away.
Gareth: Take it away I was gonna say. That sounds easy now 


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