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Совершенствуй свой Английский Au Pair

Курс английского языка “English as a Second Language"              

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(495) 585-37-05

        Мы предлагаем вам рассылку, где публикуются практические материалы для увеличения словарного запаса и для усвоения грамматики. В данном уроке рассматриваeтся лексика на тему Au Pair.

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 Au Pair

Todd: So, Layla, we're talking about being an au pair (нянечка, девушка-иностранка, живущая в семье с целью изучения языка). What is the daily routine (распорядок дня) of an au pair? Like, what do you do everyday?
Layla: So, every day I wake in the morning at seven and I take care of (заботиться, присматривать) the kids, and get them dressed. I drop them at school (подбрасывать до школы). After that I go to my class. I take a class, and English class, and then I pick them (забирать со школы) at 12:30 at school. And he come back at home, the kid, and he take his nap (дремать, вздремнуть). After that we go to the park by car, go to the library or until the parents come back from their work.
Todd: That's a pretty full-day (полный рабочий день). So what's the best thing about being an au pair?

Layla: The best think for me I think is to meet new people and new culture, new lifestyle (образ жизни), and I think for me it's a very good experience (опыт).
Todd: Is there anything difficult about being an au pair?
Layla: The most difficult I think it to be far from our family because for me it's the first time so it's a little bit hard, but just one year, it's gonna be OK.
Todd: So, for an au pair is it your job to like cook and clean and things like that?

Layla: Most of the au pairs cooks for the kids and do the laundry (стирать бельё). I don't. But, yeah, usually the au pairs have to clean up after the kids. Do their laundry. Clean up their bedroom, and yeah, taking care of the kids. Yeah.


  Хотите посвятить несколько часов английскому языку? Приходите в наш English Speaking Club!

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       Расписание English Speaking Club

Суббота:    18.00-19.30

  В нашем центре мы обучаем разговорному английскому языку всех, кто хочет научиться говорить по-английски.

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